
Incredibly beautiful unisex headdress of the Gorgon goddess. This crown will make your look majestic, luxurious and unforgettable. Ideal for Halloween, festival, party or photo shoot. The size of this headdress is universal for adult person. It sits soft and comfortable on the head and you can dance and move a long time. 100% designed and handmade by our designers ( SETA Design studio in Kyiv). It will be securely packed in a box. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We accept return. Contact us within 3 days of delivery. Delivery of goods is returned within 7 days from the date of delivery. We do not accept cancellations. But please contact us if you have any problems with your order. A refund will be issued as soon as we receive the goods. Buyer is responsible for return shipping cost. Please ensure that the item is in the same condition in which it was received. This includes using a safe delivery method to ensure that the item will not be damaged upon return. We will not accept returns of used and / or broken goods. Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply, we are not responsible for delays due to customs. Please note that standard delivery in the UK and most EU orders due to the current world situation and quarantines takes longer than usual. We see longer delivery times for most orders to the UK and some EU countries, and national post offices cannot guarantee delivery times. Please place your order if you allow delivery delays. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. At the same time, most orders from the USA arrive within 2 weeks after dispatch, but, unfortunately, we can not guarantee the conditions here. 21-611BLK-GL 21-607BLK-GL 22-337GL 26-26-18
Beautiful black crown for girl
Дана модель твердопаливного пальника спеціально створена для тривалої експлуатації в складних умовах навколишнього середовища та універсальна у виборі живлення блоку примусового нагнітання повітря!                                                                                                                                                                Твердопаливний туристичний пальник  “Airwood  Heavy Duty UP-h  BM”  стане надійним супутником для мандрівників, які полюбляють тривалі походи (місяць і більше) в морському, тропічному кліматі або в інших агресивних для виробів з металу умовах. Всі з’єднання деталей підставки для посуду та камери згоряння виконані елементами кріплення з нержавіючої сталі. Всі найбільш вразливі вузли пальника виготовлені з нержавіючої сталі підвищеної корозостійкості! Блок примусового нагнітання повітря пальника  “Airwood  Heavy Duty UP-h  BM”  може живитися як від батарейок так і від Power Bank, сонячної панелі з вбудованим акумулятором або смартфону, підключеного через кабель OTG.      Завдяки блоку нагнітання повітря - пальник дає потужний нагрів навіть при використанні сирих дров і дуже швидко доводить до кипіння ємність з водою. Час закипання 1го літра води становить від 5-ти хвилин, в залежності від якості палива та умов навколишнього середовища.              Пальник має ККД згоряння палива до 80% на відміну від 5-7% ККД звичайного багаття. Це пов'язано з тим, що в диму від дров перебуває близько 90% частинок, що не згоріли від нестачі кисню. При нагнітанні свіжого повітря в певні місця камери згорання пальника, - ці дрібні частинки згорають. На такому принципі і побудовано даний пальник: холодне повітря з блоку нагнітання потрапляє в боковий отвір нижньої частини зовнішньої стінки корпусу пальника. Під дією вентилятора одна частина повітря нагнітається в отвори дна та нижньої частині камери згоряння, а інша спрямовується вгору, - між стінками камери згоряння і корпусу, де прогріваючись виходить через спеціальні отвори і потрапляє у верхню частину камери згоряння забезпечуючи займання деревного газу.    Там де виходить повітря утворюються язики інтенсивного полум'я, внаслідок збагачення киснем.       На пальнику без зусиль можна приготувати їжу (суп, каша, чай і тп.) об'ємом до 3х-4х літрів.     В якості палива використовуються гілки, тріски, хмиз та будь-яке інше підручне тверде паливо.        Блок нагнітання повітря  (піддув) в камеру згоряння обладнаний трипозиційним перемикачем з наступними режимами: 1) Середнє положення - "Виключено" (пічка працює в режимі природної тяги з від'єднаним блоком нагнітання повітря), 2) Верхнє положення - "Високі оберти" (~ 3000 об. / Хв.) - для моментального розпалу й кип'ятіння води, 3) Нижнє положення - "Малі оберти" (~ 2000 об. / Хв.) - для підтримки високотемпературного полум'я.      Блок нагнітання повітря , яким комплектується дана модель пальника,  є універсальним у виборі джерела живлення : це можуть бути дві батарейки розміру АА або дві батарейки розміру ААА (підключення через перехідники для батарейок c розміру AAA на АА, перехідники замовляються окремо), або будь-яке інше джерело живлення з напругою 5 Вольт постійного струму, що має на вихіді роз’єм (гніздо) USB або штекер DC розміру 5.5mm x 2.1mm. Наприклад, це може бути Power Bank, сонячна панель з вбудованим акумулятором або смартфон, підключений через кабель OTG. При підключенні зовнішнього джерела живлення в роз'єм (гніздо) DC блоку нагнітання (через кабель "USB-DC" що входить в комплект поставки), відсік з батареями в блоку нагнітання відключається автоматично. Час безперервної роботи блоку від батарей AA "GP Super": • в режимі "Високі оберти": ~ 30 годин; • в режимі "Малі оберти": ~ 50 годин; Струм, що споживається блоком нагнітання (в залежності від джерела живлення): • в режимі "Високі оберти": 70-100мА; • в режимі "Малі оберти": 30-50мА;         У блок нагнітання повітря встановлений  двигун з екрануванням від теплового випромінювання і пило-вологоізоляцією на рівні класу захисту IP55 . Дане вдосконалення дозволяє власнику пальника користуватися ним в умовах підвищеної вологості або запиленості (тропіки, дощ, пустеля, пляж тощо) без побоювань, що двигун заклинить в самий невідповідний момент.      Пальник комплектується оновленою версією розкладної підставки для посуду. Даний аксесуар має підвищенну жаростійкость і спеціально розроблений для більш стійкого розміщення на пальнику круглих казанків (каструль) з широким дном. Підставка сподобається і любителям ранкової кави на природі, приготованої в турці (посуд з дном маленького діаметру).    Завдяки відкидним лапкам, на розкладний підставці буде "зручно", як посуді з діаметром дна 5 см, так і посуді з діаметром дна 25 см! Після розкривання лапки фіксуються під певним кутом до горизонту забезпечуючи цим надійне захоплення дна посуду, а при збільшенні навантаження лапки приймають горизонтальне положення, при цьому верхня частина полотна підставки по всьому колу трохи розходиться назовні, збільшуючи жорсткість підставки і стійкість посуду.    Нова підставка відрізняється від попередньої версії ще й наявністю вентиляційних отворів у вигляді назви бренду виробника. Ця зміна зменшила сумарну площу вентиляційних отворів на полотні підставки, що дозволило поліпшити вітрозахисні характеристики підставки та збільшити потужність пальника. Крім того напис на підставці дозволяє відразу відрізнити оригінальний продукт від копії. Також була зменшена висота полотна підставки, це збільшило жорсткість конструкції та покращило нагрів дна посуду.      Нова камера згорання, що встановлена у пальнику, суттєво відрізняється від старої версії: змінені кількість, діаметр та конфігурація отворів вприску повітря. Ці зміни були внесені для підвищення якості горіння дров в нижній частині камери. Вдалося усунути забивання (засмічення) камери тліючим вугіллям, а також поліпшити горіння сирих дров і таким чином максимально адаптувати пальник до реальних похідних умов, де сухі дрова - рідкість. Крім того в новій версії камери відбувається стабільне горіння палива в режимі природної тяги (з від’єднаним від пальника блоком нагнітання) – ця можливість дуже важлива для приготування страв, які не потребують інтенсивного полум'я.       В даній моделі  пальника  камера згоряння має товстіші стінки та збільшений об’єм  порівняно з камерою класичних турбо-пальників серії "Airwood BM".  Всі елементи камери виготовлені з нержавіючої сталі підвищеної корозостійкості . Камера згоряння виконана в жорсткому зборі (гвинтове з'єднання) з корпусом, котрий має стандартні для турбо-пальників серії "Airwood BM" розміри.   Зовнішній кожух (корпус) пальника "Airwood  Heavy Duty UP-h  BM" має закрите днище, завдяки якому утворюється замкнений простір між двома стінками пальника (між камерою згоряння і корпусом), тобто все повітря з блоку нагнітання (піддуву) гарантовано подається в камеру згоряння. Таким чином, немає необхідності в пошуку плоского майданчика для розміщення пальника, бо в такому варіанті виконання пальник можна використовувати навіть в підвішеному стані! Ще одним плюсом пальника з закритим днищем корпуса є те, що після його використання на землі не залишаються опіки, як після багаття. Днище в даній моделі виготовлене з нержавіючої сталі підвищеної корозостійкості.    В даній моделі пальника  корпус оснащений знімною ручкою-тримачем , що дозволяє змінити положення (поправити) чи перенести пальник під час його роботи (горіння). Така можливість стане в нагоді у випадку раптової зміни погоди — можна швидко та безпечно перенести пальник в більш захищене місце у випадку раптового дощу чи поривів вітру.   Характеристики: Матеріал металу: нержавіюча сталь різних марок та товщини (0,3 мм-0,8 мм); Камера згоряння: ресурс: від 800 годин роботи пальника в залежності від умов зберігання і експлуатації; об'єм 830мл; Габаритні розміри: в упакованому стані: висота 13,5см, діаметр 12см; під час використання: висота 17,5см, діаметр від 12см до 16см; Сумарна вага пальника разом з чохлом, ручкою-тримачем, батарейками та кабелем USB-DC - 620 грам.     Комплектація: корпус пальника в зборі з днищем та з камерою згоряння підвищеної корозостійкості; посилена жаростійка розкладна підставка для посуду; блок нагнітання повітря під дві батарейки розміру АА та роз'ємом DC (5,5мм*2,1мм); знімна ручка-тримач пальника; два перехідники для батарейки з розміру AAA (мініпальчик) на АА (пальчик); кабель USB-DC; чохол з міцної водонепроникної тканини "Оксфорд"; рекомендації по використанню пальника.
Vendor: BM Easy hike
• 100% chino cotton twill • Green Camo color is 35% chino cotton twill, 65% polyester • Unstructured, 6-panel, low-profile • 6 embroidered eyelets • 3 ⅛” (7.6 cm) crown • Adjustable strap with antique buckle • Blank product sourced from Vietnam or Bangladesh
This bucket hat is a combination of timeless practicality and vintage style. Perfect for fishing, hiking, and 80s-90s nostalgia. • 98% cotton, 2% spandex • Mid-profile hat with a high-profile embroidery area • 3″ crown • Matching undervisor • Premium Flexfit sweatband • One size fits most • Head circumference: 21 ⅝″–23 ⅛″ (55 cm–58.7 cm) • Blank product sourced from Vietnam
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New leotard for rhythmic and acrobatics gymnastics In Stock! (#1345) An individual order of this model may differ in price, check with our manager !!! Sizes of leotard: Chest: 83-88 cm. Waist: 69-74 cm. Hip: 90-95 cm. Torso: 130-140cm. Crystal: small - 3500 pcs. big - 100 pcs. ⠀ This magnificent leotard will complement your performance program with bright colors and make your image bright and memorable. High quality materials and their environmental friendliness will give lightness and comfort while using the leotard. This leotard is completely handmade, made by our highly professional specialists, each of whom has a specialized university education and very extensive experience in this field. If the size of this leotard does not suit you, then we will be happy to make this model for you according to your individual sizes. Our Atelier offers its clients a full range of services for the creation of leotards. You can choose any model you like in our store, or send us a photo of any model you like. But if you want something special and unique, then our designers will be happy to analyze all your wishes and create a sketch of a completely new and unique model. A very important step in our work is the fact that we never use standard patterns for the production of leotards. For each leotard, our designers create new patterns that will suit you as much as possible, which guarantees comfort and long-term use of the leotard. How to place an order for the production of leotard by individual measurements: 1. Send us a photo of the model you like 2. Send us your main measurements - bust, waist and torso 3. We will calculate the cost based on your data and send it to you with all the parameters of the order (production time, number of crystals, etc.) 4. You make payment 5. We get to work 6. We will send you a photo of your patterns 7. We send you a photo of the materials that will be used in the production of your new leo 6. We send you a photo of the new leotard before we start decorating it with crystals 7. Final photos and videos of your new leotard Sports for which we make leotards: - gymnastics - acrobatic gymnastics - figure skating - gymnastics - synchronized swimming Order production time: - standard 2-3 weeks - express 7 days Delivery: ! all parcels with your orders are fully insured and in case of non-receipt of the parcel, you are guaranteed to receive a refund of your funds - UPS Express - 12-16 days - DHL express - 9-12 days Payment: - Paypal - your payments are fully insured by PayPal, which guarantees that you will receive your order or receive a refund. Our managers will answer any of your questions about leotards in any way convenient for you at the addresses below: We look forward to seeing you in our Atelier: Our store at Etsy - Our store at Lavky - E-mail: alexa.atelier.rgl [!at] Facebook: @alexa.atelier Instagram: atelier_alexa YouTube: Alexa Atelier Pinterest: AlexaAtelier TikTok: @alexaatelier_leotards
$420.00 $336.00
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Set Ukrainian Cufflinks with Tie Clip Tryzub Trident gold color. Trident are gilded. Excellent quality. Metal: Brass (Gold plated) Tie Clip size: 2 1/2" (6,5 cm) long. Cufflinks size: 3/4" (2 cm). Price for set. The set does not include a gift box. ???????????????????????????????? Shipping. ????Ships to Worldwide.???? If you are shopping shortly before certain an event or date, we recommend using one of two fast deliveries: UPS (more than 100 countries) or USPS (USA only). There are three types of delivery: 1. UPS Express 3-8 business days. UPS Express. Delivery time 3-8 business days. (tracking number is provided). 2. USPS Express 7-12 business days (USA only). Express to USA only. Delivery time 7-12 business days. (tracking number is provided) 3. UkrPoshta Standard 12-35 business days. UkrPoshta International shipping normally takes 12-35 business days (not calendar days) for delivery, tracking number is provided. Delivery to Canada can take much longer than that. !!! We do not recommend using this type of delivery before Christmas, New Year, and Easter. Delivery times may be much longer. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Please, click here to see all of my listings! My ShopUA1000???????????????????????? Pins & Ukrainian pins ❤️Thank you that you with us. Good day to you.???????????? ????
Vendor: ShopUA1000
Save 10%
Cute amigurumi duck with cowboy hat car accessory. Cowboy and Cowgirl with mini cowboy hat crochet handmade. Use as car mirror hanging, bag charm, backpack buddies. He is the perfect car accessory gift for Birhday, Valentines day, Easter, Christmas or any occations. This item consists of small duck, cowboy hat, rope. Hat can be removed. Duck size approx. 2 1/3" (6 cm.) Duck is made with cotton yarn and stuffed with hypoallergenic fiberfill. When folded, the length of the loop is about 6 1/2" (17 cm.) Hand made with love.
Vendor: tappleta
$11.00 $9.90
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летняя вязаная шапка для женщин. связанный из рафии (натуральное волокно пальмовых листьев). ковбойская модель (федора).  модно, стильно, удобно. Отличный вариант на лето - не жарко и комфортно. цвет светло-серый. подходит на размер головы 55 см. из-за различных настроек экрана цвета телефона не может быть на 100% правильно.
$150.00 $135.00
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Crochet Watermelon Heart, Crochet Pattern PDF. Amigurumi Watermelon heart keychain, Watermelon heart ornament, bag charm. A cute gift for someone you love do it yourself. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Also description and photo of invisible join and invisible decrease. Size approximately 2" (5,5 cm.) You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) or any 4 ply - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - metal key chain - needle, scissors You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.70 $2.43
**Unique and Warm:** Our Custom "Colorful Houses" are designed to keep you warm in the coldest of winters while making a bold fashion statement. The snow intarsia design adds a touch of whimsy and charm, making these hats truly one-of-a-kind. Winter hats Intarsia Cats are created using a variety of techniques, including intarsia, felting, and hand-stitching. Our intarsia pieces are carefully knitted using this intricate technique to create beautiful and intricate designs. Each piece is created with a high level of attention to detail, ensuring that it is not only visually stunning but also durable and long-lasting. In addition to intarsia, we also use felting to create our wool hats. Each step in the process requires a specific amount of time and attention to ensure the highest quality end result. The intarsia technique that we use requires careful planning and execution of each color change and pattern, which can be time-consuming, but the end result is worth the effort. Similarly, our felting process involves hot water, soap, and agitation to shrink and compress wool fibers, which also takes time and careful monitoring to achieve the desired density and texture. Finally, our hand-stitching process involves intricate detailing and requires a steady hand and a keen eye for detail. This process can be time-consuming, but it results in beautiful and unique designs that cannot be replicated by a machine. **Versatile Elegance:** The combination of different colors and shapes in the intarsia design makes these hats incredibly versatile, complementing any outfit effortlessly. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or going for a casual, everyday look, our Custom Hat "Colorful Houses" is the perfect accessory to let your imagination run wild. **Handmade Artistry:** Each piece is meticulously handmade by me, ensuring that no two hats are exactly alike. This level of craftsmanship makes these hats truly unique and impossible to replicate. You're not just buying a hat; you're investing in a work of art. **Muted Subtlety:** The colors of our Custom Beanie "Colorful Houses" are carefully chosen to be muted and subtle, adding an air of sophistication to your attire. The soft hues make these hats suitable for a wide range of occasions, from outdoor adventures to formal gatherings. ???? **The Gift of Exclusivity:** Looking for a gift that will leave a lasting impression? Look no further. Our Custom Hat "Colorful Houses" are perfect for those who appreciate beauty and exclusivity. Even the person who seems to have everything will be impressed by the artistry and attention to detail in every hat. **Materials:** We use the finest quality wool to craft our hats, ensuring both warmth and durability. The natural fibers of wool provide comfort and insulation, making these hats ideal for cold winter days. **Pompon or No Pomon:** You have the option to choose whether you'd like your Custom Bubble Hat "House with or without a pompon, allowing you to personalize your hat even further to suit your style. In summary, our bestselling Custom Hat "Colorful Houses" are more than just hats; they are wearable works of art that combine warmth, style, and exclusivity. With their versatile design, handmade craftsmanship, and muted elegance, they are the perfect accessory to elevate any outfit and make a truly unforgettable gift. Make a statement with your headwear, and let your imagination run wild with our Custom Hat "Colorful Houses". You can order a unique hat of your own draft or colors. ???? MORE INTARSIA HATS AND OTHER ITEMS AVAILABLE - PLEASE GO HERE Follow us on Instagram to see the best offers - @Ossakniting Be cheerful and have fun whatever the weather ;) Wishing You Deep Peace, Love, Happiness, and Joy ????‍????‍????‍????????????❤️ Oksana Salamatina _____________________________________________________________ ❤️ CARE INTARSIA HATS: *Hand Washing: Wool is a delicate fiber, so it's best to hand wash your beanie hat in cold water using a mild wool detergent. Avoid hot water, as it can cause wool to shrink. *Gently Clean: Gently agitate the water to clean the crochet beanie. Do not rub or scrub vigorously, as this can cause felting or damage to the fibers. *Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the hat with cold water until all detergent is removed. Press, Don't Wring: After washing, gently press the water out of the hat by rolling it in a clean, dry towel. Avoid wringing or twisting, as it can misshape the hat. *Lay Flat to Dry: Lay the original hat flat on a clean, dry towel to air dry. Reshape it to its original form and allow it to dry away from direct sunlight or heat sources. *Storage: Store your winter wool hat in a cool, dry place. Avoid hanging it by the brim, as this can cause it to lose its shape. Instead, store it flat or gently stuff it to help it keep its form. *Brush Care: Use a soft-bristle brush to remove dust and lint from your handmade crochet hat. Brush in the direction of the fibers to avoid damaging them. *Pilling: Wool can develop small pills over time. You can remove them with a fabric shaver or a handheld lint remover. *Protection: Consider using a fabric spray designed for wool to protect your hat from moths and other pests. *Professional Cleaning: For stubborn stains or when your hat needs a deep clean, it's best to take it to a professional cleaner experienced with wool garments.
Vendor: OssaKnitting
Save 10%
Cute project for Valentine's Day - 5 hearts in the shape of fruits and berries keychains. Crochet Pattern PDF. Amigurumi hearts Strawberry, Watermelon, Orange, Lemon and Kiwi it will be amazing gift for someone you love do it yourself. These cute hearts can be used as a keychain, backpack charm, a bag accessory or Valentines party decor, kids birthday favors. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, Increase, Decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description and pictures on 5 pages. Also description of techniques Invisible decrease, Invisible join. Size approximately 2" (5,5 cm.) Skill level - Intermediate. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans, Alize Cotton Gold) or any 4 ply - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - metal keychain - needle, scissors You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY! You are not allowed to reproduce, resell, publish, share or translate and alter the pattern in whole or part! All rights reserved! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$5.70 $5.13
Celtic hair stick for thick hair carved deer antler. This hairpin is perfect for Viking hair jewelry , Fantasy hair accessory or Larp, Elven, Norse pagan, Gothic, historical costume. Antler hair stick is a hair friendly item that won't snap your hair. It's carefully finished by sanding and coating. This hairpin greatly fixes a hair bun. If you have shorter or thinner hair, use an elastic underneath and place a antler hairpin on top for decoration functional lengths prongs 4.3/4 in ( 12 cм) total length is 7,7/8 in (20 см) width 1,1/16 in ( 4 см) Deer and elk shed their antlers antlers every year in late winter or early spring and begin to grow a new set of antlers in spring. No animals were harmed. More products can be seen here
Vendor: TheYurich
Celtic hair stick for thick hair carved deer antler. This hairpin is perfect for Viking hair jewelry , Fantasy hair accessory or Larp, Elven, Norse pagan, Gothic, historical costume. Antler hair stick is a hair friendly item that won't snap your hair. It's carefully finished by sanding and coating. This hairpin greatly fixes a hair bun. If you have shorter or thinner hair, use an elastic underneath and place a antler hairpin on top for decoration functional lengths prongs 5 in (12.7 cm) total length is 7,7/8 in ( 20 cm) width 1 in ( 2,5 см) It has been sealed, hand rubbed with natural wax to add water repellent qualities and luster though, antler is organic and like wood should not be in a wet environment. Do not wash, a periodic waxing with a soft cloth or mineral oil wipe down will keep it fresh and ready to impress. Deer and elk shed their antlers antlers every year in late winter or early spring and begin to grow a new set of antlers in spring. No animals were harmed. More products can be seen here
Vendor: TheYurich
This carved deer antler hairpin is perfect for Viking hair jewelry , Fantasy hair accessory or Larp, Elven, Norse pagan, Gothic, historical costume. Antler hair stick is a hair friendly item that won't snap your hair. It's carefully finished by sanding and coating. This hairpin greatly fixes a hair bun. If you have shorter or thinner hair, use an elastic underneath and place a antler hairpin on top for decoration functional lengths prongs 5.3 in ( 13.5 cм) total length is 9 in (23 см) width 2.3 in ( 6 см) It has been sealed, hand rubbed with natural wax to add water repellent qualities and luster though, antler is organic and like wood should not be in a wet environment. Do not wash, a periodic waxing with a soft cloth or mineral oil wipe down will keep it fresh and ready to impress. Deer and elk shed their antlers antlers every year in late winter or early spring and begin to grow a new set of antlers in spring. No animals were harmed. More products can be seen here
Vendor: TheYurich
The hair stick has been of deer antler hand- carved . Organic deer antler is incredibly strong material. This is a hair friendly item that won't snap your hair. It's carefully finished by sanding and coating. If you have shorter or thinner hair, use an elastic underneath and place a antler hairpin on top for decoration. total length is 8.5 in ( 21 cm) functional length prong is 5 in ( 12.8 cm) width 2 in (5 cm ) Deer and elk shed their antlers antlers every year in late winter or early spring and begin to grow a new set of antlers in spring. No animals were harmed. It has been sealed, hand rubbed with natural wax to add water repellent qualities and luster though, antler is organic and like wood should not be in a wet environment. Do not wash, a periodic waxing with a soft cloth or mineral oil wipe down will keep it fresh and ready to impress. More my products is here
Vendor: TheYurich
Celtic hair stick for thick hair carved deer antler. This hairpin is perfect for Viking hair jewelry , Fantasy hair accessory or Larp, Elven, Norse pagan, Gothic, historical costume. Antler hair stick is a hair friendly item that won't snap your hair. It's carefully finished by sanding and coating. This hairpin greatly fixes a hair bun. If you have shorter or thinner hair, use an elastic underneath and place a antler hairpin on top for decoration functional lengths prongs 4.3/4 in ( 12 cм) total length is 7,1/4 in (18,5 см) width 2,3/8 in ( 6 см) Deer and elk shed their antlers antlers every year in late winter or early spring and begin to grow a new set of antlers in spring. No animals were harmed. More products can be seen here
Vendor: TheYurich
Leather cap hat. Material: genuine calfskin. Color: black with brown rubbing. At the back of the cap there is a size adjustment for the exact fit of the cap on the head. Made in Europe. How to make sure that the cap is really made of genuine leather? 1. On a cut of a product made of genuine leather, you can see many interwoven fibers. If there are no such fibers, or instead of them a fabric base, knitwear or non-woven material, then this is a leather substitute. 2. Genuine leather is not afraid of short-term contact with open fire, leatherette will immediately begin to melt or frowns. Contact must be not more 2 seconds, because the paint may begin to fade! Be careful! 3. Artificial leather, unlike genuine leather, does not absorb moisture. Apply moisture to the point without paint: scuffs, skin cut.
Vendor: Onlinemag
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Men's Handmade Leather Bag skull-embossed thigh Unisex All our products are made entirely by hand. From cutting to sewing. !!! We remind you that this is completely handmade, so some of the nuances, such as the tone of the color scheme, the minimum details, may differ. !!! Leather hip biker bag transformer. This is the kind of bag that perfectly holds all the necessary things. Good on the road on the bike, great for hiking, but if you want to change the style then you can simply re-strap it and hang it over your shoulder. The bag is made of genuine Italian leather CrazyHorse, leather thickness 2 mm. The leather is double waxed, the first processing takes place in the factory, the second in our workshop, this increases the performance of the bag. The design on the flap is made using cold embossing technique. This helps us create truly unique items of the highest quality. The stitching is done by hand, waxed thread, saddle stitch. This bag is just made for an active life! It can be worn either on a belt, with an attachment on the leg, or over the shoulder. Three pockets allow you to distribute what you want, but refuse the secondary. The overall size of the bag is 22 x 16 x 8 cm. Such a bag perfectly fits a wallet, documents, a phone, and also there is still space for the necessary little things. Consists of three sections. Two of them are on a snake, the third is under the valve. The bag is ergonomic in use. Suitable for those who love comfort and hands-free. When riding a motorcycle, in order to keep your tank safe and sound, we have hidden all the metal strap attachments. The bag is fixed with two fasteners. One on the leg, the other on the waist. The length is adjustable with a buckle. In our work, we use only the best materials, this also applies to zippers, we preferred professional fittings from Ykk. When making bags to order, we can offer a different color range of the product and a different overall size, We use in our work only high quality materials and a professional line of paints such as Fiebings and Eco-Flo. We are constantly learning to improve our skills and make leather goods better and better. Our products are bright and soulful leather goods. These are things that give joy. Each piece is packed in our branded craft bag with a logo. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
All season Thick clear 28 ml - 1 pcs
Vendor: Glifada
The romantic collar necklace - new fashion trend and the perfect accessory for the holidays. ♥♥♥ Your piece will be boxed, lightly wrapped and sent to you with tracking number♥♥♥ The detachable collar necklace round shape, made with pastel colors wool with fibers viscose and pure silk decorated with a felt brooch rose and gold ribbons on the back will decorate your daily outfit or evening dress. You can wear it any way you like and combine with everything in any style for every occasion. A detachable collar is an easy way to transform any outfit into something spectacular. MATERIAL: pure wool, silk, fiber viscose GREAT QUALITY: Wet Felting! This collar is Handmade using wool fiber and hot water. No two collar are alike! Each one is unique and created with lots attention to details and color scheme! More collars please see here Only dry clean Smoke-Free Art Design Studio. Please like my FB page and let's stay in touch!
The detachable collar. The removable collar necklace round shape, made with pink wool with fibers viscose and pure silk - new fashion trend and the perfect accessory for the holidays. Wear your detachable collar as an accessory (instead of a necklace) with a simple short dress combined with a plain white blouse and slim fit jeans. You can wear it any way you like and combine with everything in any style for every occasion. A detachable collar is an easy way to transform any outfit into something spectacular. ♥♥♥ Your piece will be boxed, lightly wrapped and sent to you with tracking number♥♥♥ THE FELTED CLUTCH IS SOLD SEPARATELY - YOU CAN BUY IT HERE SET OF ACCESSORIES HERE Ideal as a gift. MATERIAL: pure wool, silk, fiber viscose GREAT QUALITY: Wet Felting! This collar is Handmade using wool fiber and hot water. No two items are alike! Each one is unique and created with lots attention to details and color scheme! Smoke-Free Art Design Studio. Please like my FB page and let's stay in touch!
Floral Necktie, Floral cufflinks and h
Tropical handkerchief
Marble bow tie white
Including: - white gloves with red bows The costume can be made just for you based on your body measurements. I will provide you list of all necessary measurements I need. It takes about 2-4 weeks to make the costume ready to ship.
2 tropical bow tie with flo
white 4D gel nail art
Vendor: Glifada
Food Jewelry, Miniature Food, Raspberry, Cupcake, Keychain, Polymer Clay, handmade , Fruit , Charm ,key ring, Key chain, key pendant, keychain. This cute cupcake charm is entirely handmade. No moulds. Made from polymer clay. Charm is made to order so you can choose size and colour. This cupcake is a perfect charm for your pearce and bag. Size: 3.5 cm (1.3 inch) + keychain
Your personal print on sticks
Vendor: StarSticks
Silver Flakes gel polish
Vendor: Glifada
Description Stylish Man's Belt. Personalize it and make the especial gift.
Vendor: BGDStudio
Handmade star hair accessory Made in silver or gold color with clear rhinestones
Vendor: LovelyBride
Handmade hair accessory in gold tone
Vendor: LovelyBride
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Material Stainles steel Pendant 1,18x2,36in Ring 1,18in Chain 0,79in S uspension material Food-grade aluminum, hypoallergenic mirror polish, does not darken, does not climb More ideas: Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. Have a great shopping and a nice day! Contact us:
Are you dreaming about the drum stick with your name, your group’s or your store’s logo? If you are still selecting a gift for your family or friends, it is time to look at our musical souvenir. We are excited to receive an individual order from you and make it real. Hundreds of completed requests have shown us the best way to satisfy the customer’s slightest demands.
Vendor: StarSticks
Save 21%
Men's Keychain, Custom two-sides, Hand Stamped Custom Metal Keychain, handmade keychain, personal keychain, The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! Gift boxes. Kind of gift boxes, may be slightly modified and different from that in the photo. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted ! Alloyed medical stainless steel (eco friendly). Do not corrode, does not rust resistant to external influences. Not stain the body and does not emit harmful oxidations, unlike aluminum and copper. It is not possible to bend. The engraving is made by laser, custom design and sketches. The inscription is deepening. It is not possible to wipe or delete. Mirror surface of the product. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Size 3.4cm(1.4 inch) ________ You get 1 Keychain 1 Key ring 1 Little ring 1Gift box ________ Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Phone number 2) Dog name 3) Select the font (the last two pictures). 4) It can be made any inscription of your choice! Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. We ship within 1-3 business days after cleared payment. We will post you tracking number once the item is shipped. Please contact us with any questions or requests. Combined shipping discounts available. Any import charges or fees are the buyer's responsibility. Usually it takes about 8 - 18 working day for delivery, for America. For Europe 6 - 12 working day. Canada: 12-26 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-34 days. Rarely longer. For other countries specified. №1
$24.00 $19.00
Save 13%
Custom gift, Personalized name gift, Create Your Own Message For someone very special. Message card, Metal Wallet Insert Card, Black, Сustom wallet insert, Personalized Wallet Card, metal wallet card, metal Engraved Wallet Insert Card, Engraved Wallet Insert, metal wallet card, Men Jewelry !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 135 Dad
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Custom gift, Personalized name gift, Create Your Own Message For someone very special. Message card, Metal Wallet Insert Card, Black, Сustom wallet insert, Personalized Wallet Card, metal wallet card, metal Engraved Wallet Insert Card, Engraved Wallet Insert, metal wallet card, Men Jewelry !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 34 mom
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Custom gift, Personalized name gift, Create Your Own Message For someone very special. Message card, Metal Wallet Insert Card, Black, Сustom wallet insert, Personalized Wallet Card, metal wallet card, metal Engraved Wallet Insert Card, Engraved Wallet Insert, metal wallet card, Men Jewelry !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 days business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 26
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Custom gift, Personalized name gift, Create Your Own Message For someone very special. Message card, Metal Wallet Insert Card, Black, Сustom wallet insert, Personalized Wallet Card, metal wallet card, metal Engraved Wallet Insert Card, Engraved Wallet Insert, metal wallet card, Men Jewelry !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 135 mom
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Custom gift, Personalized name gift, Create Your Own Message For someone very special. Message card, Metal Wallet Insert Card, Black, Сustom wallet insert, Personalized Wallet Card, metal wallet card, metal Engraved Wallet Insert Card, Engraved Wallet Insert, metal wallet card, Men Jewelry !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 34 mum
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Custom gift, Personalized name gift, Create Your Own Message For someone very special. Message card, Metal Wallet Insert Card, Black, Сustom wallet insert, Personalized Wallet Card, metal wallet card, metal Engraved Wallet Insert Card, Engraved Wallet Insert, metal wallet card, Men Jewelry !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 28 mom
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Aluminum wallet insert card !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 days business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 90 dad
$24.00 $21.00
Mens - womens High Quality no peel coating stainless steel keychain. It is possible to make it like a dog tag. Write in a note. Wooden box from the Carpathian Ash. It has no harmful and toxic impurities and paint. Absolutely 100% Eco friendly. With engraving on the box. Any message, poem or any other text. !!! Available engraving any text, signatures, or may be a drawings, as desired. !!!! Leave your text in notes or a personal message. ----- If you would you like "engraved handwriting" option: 1. Write your message on unlined, white paper that is approximately 3.8" x 2.3" inches for box, 1.2" x 2" inches for dog tag 2. Use a pen with dark ink. 3. Scan or take a photo of the writing. Be sure that the image is both sharp and bright. 4. Submit the image of your handwriting by sending it to us via Etsy message. ------ Dog tag Alloyed medical stainless steel (eco friendly). Do not corrode, does not rust resistant to external influences. Not stain the body and does not emit harmful oxidations, unlike aluminum and copper. It is not possible to bend. The engraving is made by laser, custom design and sketches. The inscription is deepening. It is not possible to wipe or delete. Mirror surface of the product. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted ! *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. __ If you want engraved on both sides, choose in the options. Default one side!_____ !!!!!!! You can select any other inscriptions engraved on any item in my store. ________ You get 1 keychain - 30x50 mm 1 Gift box ________ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. Br№3 - №6 - (pic 206 ) Grandma
Save 13%
Mans Womens personalized aluminum wallet insert card. Excellent and memorable gift for any holiday. !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 205 grandma
$24.00 $21.00
Save 13%
Mans Womens personalized aluminum wallet insert card. Excellent and memorable gift for any holiday. !!!!Available apply any your text, signatures, as desired.!!!! Any of your text. 300 - 450 letters. The number of words is dependent on font size. Leave your text in notes or a personal message. The perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding day, birthday Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Christmas ! **Gift boxes. The product is packed in gift boxes and ready as a gift. All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted Wallet insert is the same size as a standard credit card. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. ********* Products Features ****** Material: anodized aluminum Ultra thin metal, strong but will not bulk up the wallet Size: 85 x 54mm (• Credit card sized (just under 3.5" x 2") ) Produce time: 1 - 3days *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. • Select the desired font. The font can be seen at the last photo. • Choose from single or double sided engraving • Color options: metallic gold, metallic silver. Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Name(s) At will 2) Date 3) you text, message ____ You can add a signature to your discretion. Name, date, etc.____ _Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo!_ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № 208 gram
$24.00 $21.00
To my son dog tag, Handmade necklace, Mens Gift, Personalized gift, Love metal necklace, Men Personalized, Metal necklace, Pendant necklace for men and women, Man Necklace , Hand Stamped Necklace, personal, individual. Gift Hand Stamped. jewelry alloyed steel necklace !!! Available engraving any text, signatures, or may be a drawings, as desired. !!!! Leave your text in notes or a personal message. Alloyed medical stainless steel (eco friendly). Do not corrode, does not rust resistant to external influences. Not stain the body and does not emit harmful oxidations, unlike aluminum and copper. It is not possible to bend. The engraving is made by laser, custom design and sketches. The inscription is deepening. It is not possible to wipe or delete. Mirror surface of the product. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted ! *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. __ If you want engraved on both sides, choose in the options. Default one side!_____ !!!!!!! You can select any other inscriptions engraved on any item in my store. ________ You get 1 Dog Tagt - 46.5x26 millimeters 1 Carbine 1 Ring 1 Gift box ________ Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Your info Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. №6 (pik189)
Mens - womens High Quality no peel coating stainless steel keychain. It is possible to make it like a dog tag. Write in a note. Wooden box from the Carpathian Ash. It has no harmful and toxic impurities and paint. Absolutely 100% Eco friendly. With engraving on the box. Any message, poem or any other text. !!! Available engraving any text, signatures, or may be a drawings, as desired. !!!! Leave your text in notes or a personal message. ----- If you would you like "engraved handwriting" option: 1. Write your message on unlined, white paper that is approximately 3.8" x 2.3" inches for box, 1.2" x 2" inches for dog tag 2. Use a pen with dark ink. 3. Scan or take a photo of the writing. Be sure that the image is both sharp and bright. 4. Submit the image of your handwriting by sending it to us via Etsy message. ------ Dog tag Alloyed medical stainless steel (eco friendly). Do not corrode, does not rust resistant to external influences. Not stain the body and does not emit harmful oxidations, unlike aluminum and copper. It is not possible to bend. The engraving is made by laser, custom design and sketches. The inscription is deepening. It is not possible to wipe or delete. Mirror surface of the product. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted ! *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. __ If you want engraved on both sides, choose in the options. Default one side!_____ !!!!!!! You can select any other inscriptions engraved on any item in my store. ________ You get 1 keychain - 30x50 mm 1 Gift box ________ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. Br№3 - №6 - (pic 203 ) mom dad
Mens - womens High Quality no peel coating stainless steel keychain. It is possible to make it like a dog tag. Write in a note. Wooden box from the Carpathian Ash. It has no harmful and toxic impurities and paint. Absolutely 100% Eco friendly. With engraving on the box. Any message, poem or any other text. !!! Available engraving any text, signatures, or may be a drawings, as desired. !!!! Leave your text in notes or a personal message. ----- If you would you like "engraved handwriting" option: 1. Write your message on unlined, white paper that is approximately 3.8" x 2.3" inches for box, 1.2" x 2" inches for dog tag 2. Use a pen with dark ink. 3. Scan or take a photo of the writing. Be sure that the image is both sharp and bright. 4. Submit the image of your handwriting by sending it to us via Etsy message. ------ Dog tag Alloyed medical stainless steel (eco friendly). Do not corrode, does not rust resistant to external influences. Not stain the body and does not emit harmful oxidations, unlike aluminum and copper. It is not possible to bend. The engraving is made by laser, custom design and sketches. The inscription is deepening. It is not possible to wipe or delete. Mirror surface of the product. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted ! *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. __ If you want engraved on both sides, choose in the options. Default one side!_____ !!!!!!! You can select any other inscriptions engraved on any item in my store. ________ You get 1 keychain - 30x50 mm 1 Gift box ________ Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. Br№3 - №6 - (pic 203 ) mom dad
To my son dog tag, Handmade necklace, Mens Gift, Personalized gift, Love metal necklace, Men Personalized, Metal necklace, Pendant necklace for men and women, Man Necklace , Hand Stamped Necklace, personal, individual. Gift Hand Stamped. jewelry alloyed steel necklace !!! Available engraving any text, signatures, or may be a drawings, as desired. !!!! Leave your text in notes or a personal message. Alloyed medical stainless steel (eco friendly). Do not corrode, does not rust resistant to external influences. Not stain the body and does not emit harmful oxidations, unlike aluminum and copper. It is not possible to bend. The engraving is made by laser, custom design and sketches. The inscription is deepening. It is not possible to wipe or delete. Mirror surface of the product. In life looks more beautiful than the photos. The photo can not fully convey all the beauty products, and quality of writing. Caption color, may differ slightly from the colors in the photo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All images and sketches made ​​in my personal design ! Copying commercial purpose is not permitted ! *********ORDERING****** • Give your engraving instructions in the "Notes" section during the checkout process. __ If you want engraved on both sides, choose in the options. Default one side!_____ !!!!!!! You can select any other inscriptions engraved on any item in my store. ________ You get 1 Dog Tagt 1 Carbine 1 Ring 1 Gift box ________ Enter the following in the note to seller 1) Your info Made with love for you. I believe that you will have only the most positive experiences and emotions. Look in my shop, other variants products. __________ Shipping______________________ Usually Delivery in the **** -- USA: Expedited Shipping 6-9 business days **** - United Kingdom 11-16 days Rarely longer - EU: 8-14 days Rarely longer Canada: 25-40 days Rarely longer. Australia & New Zealand: 18-45 days Rarely longer. !!!!! Some do not depend on me the circumstances, the period of delivery of parcels may be longer. It depends on the speed of the postal service of your country. During holidays such as New Year and Valentine's Day, and in the winter, parcels can be delivered any longer. Because of the heavy load on postal service and a large number of parcels or bad weather conditions. → Shipping address: • We send order to Etsy shipping address and not the PayPal one. Please, make sure it's correct! All items are shipped within 1-3 business days after the payment clears You'll receive the note from Etsy once your order has been shipped. All the info about your package and order status can be found in the invoice here on Etsy: → Shipping method: • All packages are sent international registered mail. • Tracking number, delivery confirmation. purchasing to their respective countries. № ann 6
Save 29%
Mens toiletry bag, groomsmen gift, leather toiletry bag, dopp kit for men, leather dopp kit, valentines day, Boyfriend Gifts
Vendor: Rachiba
$35.00 $25.00
Save 80%
Beautifully hand crafted of natural, leather toiletry bag beautifully The leather is soft and slightly distressed and all stitching is done by hand using wax linen thread for extra durability.
Vendor: Rachiba
$10.00 $2.00
Save 14%
Beautiful genuine leather Totes Bag with laser engraving.Leather Tote bag
Vendor: Rachiba
$35.00 $30.00
Save 31%
Beautiful genuine leather Totes Bag with laser engraving.
Vendor: Rachiba
$35.00 $24.00
Leather Shoulders with fringe - made from black real leather or faux leather on your choice - silver metal fittings
Vendor: fetiSHop
Secret - white stocking belt, nylons suspenders with back bows - two clips to hold nylons from back - made from faux leather or real leather (your choice) - dark silver metal fittings Available colours of leather: black, white, red, burgundy, green, chocolate, pink *the bows will stay black, or if you need other color of garters and bowls also - please, write us ???? Handmade specially for you ???? All world delivery We are working for your satisfaction… Our standard size for hips harness Waist girth 60-85 cm/ 23,6-33,4 inch Hips girth 90-110 cm/ 35,4-43,3 inch ???? if you see that our standard size product won’t suit you please 1. Buy additionally this listing of individual size 2. Write us a note (during the order proceeding) with your measurements of hips and waist girth in inch or cm With ❤️, fetiSHop Return policy Option 1. You can return the product within 3 days from the date you received it and get a refund. The product should be return to our warehouse in Miami. Please note that the refund includes only the cost of the item(s). Shipping costs (10$) and platform commission (5%) and PayPal commission (3%) which is included in your original order will be deducted from the refund. The cost of sending the goods to our warehouse in Miami falls on the buyer. Option 2. You can write us a letter explaining why the product did not fit and get a personal 50% discount on the purchase of an identical product, taking into account your subsequent wishes. Option 3. If you want to keep the product but it did not suit you (the reason must be significant), you can also receive a partial refund for your order Please note that the return of the product must be reasonable and pay attention to the size you order. Cancelation policy You can cancel your order within 1 day of purchase and receive refund. PayPal commission (3%) which is included in your original order will be deducted from the refund.
Vendor: fetiSHop
Leather body harness for woman Made of faux leather or real leather (on your choice) Width of leather band - 0,5 inch (1,3 cm) Size adjustable Hand made Stainless hardware We are working for your satisfaction… Our standard size for harness Waist girth 60-85 cm/ 23,6-33,4 inch Chest girth 85-105 cm/ 33,4-41,3 inch
Vendor: fetiSHop
Leather Harness with Skirt The sword belt consists of two lines on chest and back which are connected to the skirt with open front - can be made of faux leather or real leather on your choice - silver color metal fittings - size adjustable
Vendor: fetiSHop
Classy gladiators - lega garters Suits to wear with sandals, sneakers and shoes! - made from black real leather or faux leather (on your choice) - size universal / adjustable - leather width - 1.7 cm/0,66 inch
Vendor: fetiSHop
Comtesse - chest harness The sword belt consists of several lines that are connected on the chest and fastened with clamps. It can be worn as an object of lingerie or you can also wear it on the top of a dress or shirt. - faux leather or real leather (your choice) - silver color metal fittings - size adjustable ???? Handmade specially for you ???? All world delivery Available colours of leather: black, white, red, burgundy, green, chocolate, pink We are working for your satisfaction… Our standard size for harness Waist girth 60-85 cm/ 23,6-33,4 inch Chest girth 85-105 cm/ 33,4-41,3 inch ???? if you see that our standard size product won’t suit you please 1. Buy additionally this listing of individual size 2. Write us a note (during the order proceeding) with your measurements of chest, waist, hips girth in inch or cm With ❤️, fetiSHop Return policy Option 1. You can return the product within 3 days from the date you received it and get a refund. The product should be return to our warehouse in Miami. Please note that the refund includes only the cost of the item(s). Shipping costs (10$) and platform commission (5%) and PayPal commission (3%) which is included in your original order will be deducted from the refund. The cost of sending the goods to our warehouse in Miami falls on the buyer. Option 2. You can write us a letter explaining why the product did not fit and get a personal 50% discount on the purchase of an identical product, taking into account your subsequent wishes. Option 3. If you want to keep the product but it did not suit you (the reason must be significant), you can also receive a partial refund for your order Please note that the return of the product must be reasonable and pay attention to the size you order. Cancelation policy You can cancel your order within 1 day of purchase and receive refund. PayPal commission (3%) which is included in your original order will be deducted from the refund.
Vendor: fetiSHop
Horizon - leather body harness with bindings Emphasizes breasts - faux leather or real leather (your choice) - silver color metal fittings - size adjustable ???? Handmade specially for you ???? All world delivery Available colours of leather: black, white, red, burgundy, green, chocolate, pink We are working for your satisfaction… Our standard size for harness Waist girth 60-85 cm/ 23,6-33,4 inch Chest girth 85-105 cm/ 33,4-41,3 inch ???? if you see that our standard size product won’t suit you please 1. Buy additionally this listing of individual size 2. Write us a note (during the order proceeding) with your measurements of chest, waist, hips girth in inch or cm With ❤️, fetiSHop Return policy Option 1. You can return the product within 3 days from the date you received it and get a refund. The product should be return to our warehouse in Miami. Please note that the refund includes only the cost of the item(s). Shipping costs (10$) and platform commission (5%) and PayPal commission (3%) which is included in your original order will be deducted from the refund. The cost of sending the goods to our warehouse in Miami falls on the buyer. Option 2. You can write us a letter explaining why the product did not fit and get a personal 50% discount on the purchase of an identical product, taking into account your subsequent wishes. Option 3. If you want to keep the product but it did not suit you (the reason must be significant), you can also receive a partial refund for your order Please note that the return of the product must be reasonable and pay attention to the size you order. Cancelation policy You can cancel your order within 1 day of purchase and receive refund. PayPal commission (3%) which is included in your original order will be deducted from the refund.
Vendor: fetiSHop
self bow tie and regular bow ti tropical style
Save 65%
Handmade from 100% genuine leather, this personalized luggage tag is thick and durable with a reinforced and extendible strap.
Vendor: Rachiba
$1.00 $0.35
 Ukrainian Embroidered Shirt for men  Cross stitch XS-3XL Material cotton, embroidery cross Perfectly complements your wardrobe. Beautiful and original gifts. Main characteristics: Fabric  - cotton Technique - cross-stitch Embroidery machine stitch! You can order any size XS - 3XL! When ordering please tell me the volume of the chest and thighs. We will choose the right size for you! Made in Ukraine! Finishing and decoration embroidery condition New Embroidery Machinery - Ukrainian cross, embroidery, Ukrainian, embroidered shirts, embroidered Ukrainian
Vendor: ArtFetr
Very beautiful white embroidered shirt with long sleeves for men.  Shirt white color. Embroidery - blue, black, yellow and orange threads. Material cotton, embroidery cross. Handmade embroidery. Perfectly complements your wardrobe. Beautiful and original gifts. Main characteristics: Cloth - 100% cotton Technique - cross-stitch Shirt size is measured by volume of the neck. Direct style free. Size from 36 to 46cm by volume of the neck. You can order any size XS - 3XL! breast volume of 60 cm = 23.6 "(boy)  to 120cm = 47.2" (men) on the body Made in Ukraine! Finishing and decoration embroidery condition New Embroidery Machinery - Ukrainian cross, embroidery, Ukrainian, embroidered shirts, embroidered Ukrainian
Vendor: ArtFetr
Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse for women (vyshyvanka) with traditional embroidery. Color blue. Embroidery thread orange. Very beautiful embroidered shirt with long sleeves for women.  Material 100% cotton.  Beautiful and original gifts. Range of sizes - from 42 to 58 (XS-XXXL) When ordering please tell me the volume of the chest and thighs. We will choose the right size for you! CHARACTERISTICS Made in Ukraine! Finishing and decoration Embroidery Embroidery, Machine For women condition New Embroidery technique -  stich Ukrainian embroidery Ukrainian embroidered shirt Ukrainian embroidered blouse  machine embroidery
Vendor: ArtFetr
Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse for women red Sorochka Vyshyvanka Tradition Size XS-XXXL Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse for women (vyshyvanka) with embroidery red color.  Very beautiful embroidered blouse with long sleeves for women.  Material: linen, beautiful natural fabric. Beautiful and original gifts. Size  XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL  When ordering please tell me the circumference of the chest, waist and hips.  We will choose the right size for you! If you want a blouse or embroidery of a different color, write to me. We will gladly do it for you. CHARACTERISTICS Made in Ukraine! Finishing and decoration Embroidery Embroidery, Machine For women condition New
Vendor: ArtFetr
Small handmade wallet for men and women. Deep color shades give the wallet a unique seasoned look. - 3 pockets for cards - lasts a lifetime and over time becomes more beautiful - 100% handmade in Ukraine ______________________________________________________________ Color: -Brown - red - green - black
Cotton pads set, 2 layers, breathable, washable
Vendor: BeeBrightly
Ebroidered souvenir Red cat
This unique art brooch is made of polymer clay. It consists of different parts, which are complemented by a metal wire. I used hand stamped for the textured piece, acrylic paint, and pin for hitching. Inspired by modern design, this artisan brooch has all the elements of contemporary elegance. Wear this colorful handmade pin on a jacket, lapel sweater, or just about any kind of top to add a bit of modern style to your attire. Brooch is very lightweight Height brooch about 80 mm (3.14 inches) Width about 55 mm (2.16 inches) -Brooch one of a kind - Each purchase comes carefully packaged in a gift box I am striving to present the colors of my items as accurately as possible, but all monitors are different and the item may appear slightly different on your screen. *Cleaning The polymer clay jewelry can be cleaned by using soapy water on a soft brush over the surface. ♥ Thanks for stopping by! ♥
embroidered souvenir "Flowers"
This fountain ink pen is the best gift for an amateur steampunk style, it will become a pleasant memory of the original gift. Ink pen in the style of steampunk, the embodiment of the idea of stationery from the world of steam technology. The handle contains at one end the built-in gasoline mini lighter. Feather - stainless steel. It is possible to use both an ink converter and disposable cartridges. Soldering with silver solder and PIC. Writing element - ink. Regards, Igor
Vendor: SteampunkPen
flowers umbrellas 33 * 29 = 957 lavender 20 * 6 = 120 cornflowers 10 * 6 = 60 delivery 68 total amount 1205
Genuine leather baseball cap Happiness. Material: genuine leather. At the back of the cap there is a size adjustment for the exact fit of the cap on the head. Color: black with gray rubbing. Made in Europe. How to make sure that the cap is really made of genuine leather? 1. On a cut of a product made of genuine leather, you can see many interwoven fibers. If there are no such fibers, or instead of them a fabric base, knitwear or non-woven material, then this is a leather substitute. 2. Genuine leather is not afraid of short-term contact with open fire, leatherette will immediately begin to melt or frowns. Contact must be not more 2 seconds, because the paint may begin to fade! Be careful! 3. Artificial leather, unlike genuine leather, does not absorb moisture. Apply moisture to the point without paint: scuffs, skin cut.
Vendor: Onlinemag
Leather cap Choppers. Material: genuine calfskin. Color: black with brown rubbing. At the back of the cap there is a size adjustment for the exact fit of the cap on the head. Made in Europe. How to make sure that the cap is really made of genuine leather? 1. On a cut of a product made of genuine leather, you can see many interwoven fibers. If there are no such fibers, or instead of them a fabric base, knitwear or non-woven material, then this is a leather substitute. 2. Genuine leather is not afraid of short-term contact with open fire, leatherette will immediately begin to melt or frowns. Contact must be not more 2 seconds, because the paint may begin to fade! Be careful! 3. Artificial leather, unlike genuine leather, does not absorb moisture. Apply moisture to the point without paint: scuffs, skin cut.
Vendor: Onlinemag
Leather baseball cap. Material: genuine leather. Color: gray and black. At the back of the cap there is a size adjustment for the exact fit of the cap on the head. Made in Europe. How to make sure that the cap is really made of genuine leather? 1. On a cut of a product made of genuine leather, you can see many interwoven fibers. If there are no such fibers, or instead of them a fabric base, knitwear or non-woven material, then this is a leather substitute. 2. Genuine leather is not afraid of short-term contact with open fire, leatherette will immediately begin to melt or frowns. Contact must be not more 2 seconds, because the paint may begin to fade! Be careful! 3. Artificial leather, unlike genuine leather, does not absorb moisture. Apply moisture to the point without paint: scuffs, skin cut.
Vendor: Onlinemag
Beautiful wedding handmade crown with red wine color stones and crystals. Unique design. High of the center of crown: 4,5 sm Size: universal 
4 bow tie and 4 handkerchief
Vintage Tie Mens
Vendor: winnerplus1
Vintage Hunter Olive Green Wool Felt Hat. A great gift for him, for hunting and fishing lovers! Made in Ukraine at the factory "Khust-Filz", city Khust (Хуст). The beginning of formation and development of Khust felt-filts factory - today "Khust-Filz" Ltd. - 1947, when a gradual and continuous process of transformation of a small semi-complex workshop into a modern production of felt hats from rabbit down, which is now one of the largest enterprises in Europe in this area. Khust hat was a worthy representative of Ukrainian industry at international exhibitions in Paris, Plovdiv, Zagreb, Montreal and Leipzig. In 1984 the construction of a new factory in the industrial zone of the city was completed. The new factory has earned, capacity has grown considerably and the hat has got to Europe, to Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Austria. New! Has never been in use. Look at the photo for details. The photographs are part of the description so please look at them all and see details below. You receive exactly what you see. Specific feature: Limited Edition, very high quality, 100% Wool Felt (100% rabbit down). You will not find the second like this on Etsy! Condition - New with a price tag! Has never been in use. Material: 100% Wool Felt (100% rabbit down), natural pen, emblem: deer and rifle, oak leaves and acorns. Color: Olive Green Size: 59 (cm) Model number: 496 Don't hesitate to contact me in case of questions. I will be happy to answer you. Attention: I can combine lots in one package, so you can save on shipping. Delivery is realized through AIR MAIL. Usually it takes within 15-25 business days for AIR MAIL arriving to your destination. All directions - free. I send each item with tracking number. Please, note that I'm in Ukraine, Europe and airmail delivery for countries outside Europe can take between 1 to 3 weeks, even longer at busier times. Due to the Covid -19 pandemic, delivery times may change. All things will be safely packed! Returns and exchanges accepted. Exceptions may apply. If you need more photosor video, email me before you place a buy. Thanks for looking and for your interest in this vintage item. Please look at my other lots !
Custom leather belt for you with secret message!!! Personalized gift for your loved ones♡♡♡ 100% unique product YourBelt are natural and original Materials: - genuine leather - natural wood Wooden rectangular buckle - the color of the dark wood The leather belt may be black / brown of your choice Size for him - Width: 3,8 cm, (1,5 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt Size for her - Width: 3 cm,(1,2 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt YOU LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL GIFT??? >>>YOU CAN FIND IT HERE<<< Customize your own buckle These beautiful Belts can be personalized with names, initials, dates, phrases, roman numerals or coordinates and foto and image. FREE PERSONALIZATION YOU will be pleasantly surprised by YOUR BELT EXCELLENT LEATHER and WOOD QUALITY YOUR BELT – ECO PRODUCT They are reliable and stylish. They are universal and they will match any look – whatever you wear they will perfectly complement your image. You just need your belt and you can buy it here.
Custom leather belt for you! Personalized gift for your loved ones♡♡♡ 100% unique product YourBelt are natural and original Materials: - genuine leather - natural wood Wooden rectangular buckle - the color of the dark wood The leather belt may be black / brown of your choice Size for him - Width: 3,8 cm, (1,5 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt Size for her - Width: 3 cm,(1,2 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt YOU LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL GIFT??? >>>YOU CAN FIND IT HERE<<< Customize your own buckle These beautiful Belts can be personalized with names, initials, dates, phrases, roman numerals or coordinates and foto and image. FREE PERSONALIZATION YOU will be pleasantly surprised by YOUR BELT EXCELLENT LEATHER and WOOD QUALITY YOUR BELT – ECO PRODUCT They are reliable and stylish. They are universal and they will match any look – whatever you wear they will perfectly complement your image. You just need your belt and you can buy it here.
Custom leather belt for you! Personalized gift for your loved ones♡♡♡ 100% unique product YourBelt are natural and original Materials: - genuine leather - natural wood Wooden rectangular buckle - the color of the dark wood The leather belt may be black / brown of your choice Size for him - Width: 3,8 cm, (1,5 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt Size for her - Width: 3 cm,(1,2 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt YOU LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL GIFT??? >>>YOU CAN FIND IT HERE<<< Customize your own buckle These beautiful Belts can be personalized with names, initials, dates, phrases, roman numerals or coordinates and foto and image. FREE PERSONALIZATION YOU will be pleasantly surprised by YOUR BELT EXCELLENT LEATHER and WOOD QUALITY YOUR BELT – ECO PRODUCT They are reliable and stylish. They are universal and they will match any look – whatever you wear they will perfectly complement your image. You just need your belt and you can buy it here.
Personalized leather belt with custom wooden buckle it is a perfect Personalized Anniversary Gift with foto. 100% unique product YourBelt are natural and original Materials: - genuine leather (belt leather) - natural wood Wooden oval buckle - the color of the light wood The leather belt may be black / brown of your choice Size for him - Width: 3,8 cm, (1,5 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt Size for her - Width: 3 cm,(1,2 in) length: 100 cm.(39,4 in)- 120 cm(47,2in) maybe make a longer belt You Looking for a special gift??? >>>You can find it here<<< Customize your own buckle. These beautiful Belts can be personalized with names, initials, dates, phrases, roman numerals or coordinates and foto and image. FREE PERSONALIZATION YOU will be pleasantly surprised by YOUR BELT EXCELLENT LEATHER and WOOD QUALITY YOUR BELT – ECO PRODUCT They are reliable and stylish.
Save 13%
The business card holder in a minimalist style is made of solid walnut. A beautiful walnut of rich brown color, reinforced with twisted grains and knots. Front panel in red veneer. Kangaroo leather strap. Processed with carnauba wax, which gives a silky smoothness without making it ductile. Made for business cards measuring 85.6 mm x 53.98 mm (3.37 "X 2.125") According to the international standard ISO 7810 ID-1 Internal dimensions - 9 mm x 53.98 mm x 85.7 mm. External dimensions - 13 mm x 59 mm x 95 mm A business card holder can hold about 12-15 business cards or credit cards, depending on the thickness of the cards. The set includes 5 wood business cards. Write your information for engraving business cards in a letter!
$40.00 $35.00
Mens Shirt Vintage
Vendor: winnerplus1
Mens  Sweatshirt Mens  Sweatshirt
Vendor: winnerplus1
Express delivery Worldwide 3-4 days!!! You will receive your order On Time!!! Beaded Car Seat Cover for car with headrest, wood Massager, Car Accessories, wooden beads, front truck Cover , universal, Beautiful gift for father, husband, wife, mother, son, brother, boyfriend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1). You can buy a beaded car cover with or without a headrest (please see the photo in the listing how they look). 2). All colors are in the "Pattern / Color" line. 3). We accept personal orders: --- Any size of bead cover --- Any design --- Any colour --- Any changes in the beaded massage case at your request. ***The price is indicated for ONE cover.*** Characteristics: 1). Standart size (universal) Total Length 49.2 inches , width seat 19 inches, backrest 14,3 inches. length 125 cm., width Seat 49 cm-, and 36 cm-Backrest. Beaded cover with headrest: total length 53.2 inches (135cm) + fasteners (beaded and elastic bands). 2). Big size ( for big, large car seat) Total length 49.2", Seat : length 21.25", width 21", Backrest- 18.5" , headrest width -11.8" total length 125 cm., Seat : length 54cm, width 53,5 cm, Backrest- 47 cm, headrest width - 30cm Beaded cover with headrest: total length 53.2 inch (135cm) + fasteners (beaded and elastic bands) MORE colors and patterns of car seat covers are shown in this link§ion_id=20955607 Cover made from round wooden beads which are clamped between a solid scaffold. Fastened firmly to the front seat of the car under the headrest. It is very convenient to use in summer weather. It relieves fatigue while doing light massage. A particular advantage is the fact that between the cover and the seat and back ventilation is the driver and passengers do not sweat. All is included, and the fishing line that holds the beads on is real strong. It`s very beautiful gift for him, for her :) Made in Ukraine, handmade. -------MORE CAR SEAT COVERS-------§ion_id=20955607 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping I ship worldwide using Express Shipping. Delivery time 3-4 days!!! All my packages are sent by airmail and have a tracking number. ++ Your package will be insured for 100% of the cost of goods ++ Parcel delivery to the doors of your home. // On holidays, delivery time may be increased due to mail load (+ 1 dаy for large packages) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment I accept payments made via PayPal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before YOU PAY for an item, please contact me! Shipping cost may be different, depending on your place of residence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please, do not hesitate ask me all your questions, it helps me to improve my shop. Thank you very much for visiting my shop and for positive feedbacks. Good luck on Etsy:)
This item is shipped Express Shipping Worldwide 3-4 days!!! You will receive your order On Time!!! Wooden chess Exclusive handmade, chess board big, large, unique gift for husband father friend. Carved wood chess board set rare! +++ The size of the chessboard of your choice: 1). 40 / 40 cm - 15.75 /1 5.75 Inches The size of the playing square is 4 / 4cm - 1.57 /1.57 inches -------------------------------------------- 2). 55 / 55 cm - 21.65 / 21.65 Inches The size of the playing square is 5,2 /5.2 cm - 2,047 / 2,047 inches -------------------------------------------- 3). Chess Board VERY Large (VERY L) 60 / 60 cm - 23.65 / 23.65 Inches The size of the playing square is 5.7 /5.7 cm - 2,25/ 2,25 inches Pleаse, make your choice in the "Size" line when placing an order. **********Custom Engraving********** We can make you an engraving (burning out the wood) on the back of the board or an inscription anywhere on the chessboard: any wish for your loved one, date, names, initials, everything according to your desire :) Please make your choice when placing an order in line "Custom Engraving" -----------------MORE WONDERFUL CHESS SETS here:----------------- It`s very beautifu gift for friends, for mother, father, husband, wife. Made in Ukraine, handmade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping Please, when placing an order, select the delivery option that suits you. Please note the delivery time indicated. Delivery Options: 1) . I ship worldwide. Package will be sent by Ukrainian state post. Delivery time is 7-16 days. All my packages are sent by airmail and have a tracking number. 2). I ship worldwide using Express Shipping. Delivery time 3-5 days! All my packages are sent by airmail and have a tracking number. ++ Your package will be insured for 100% of the cost of goods ++ Parcel delivery to the doors of your home. // On holidays, delivery time may be increased due to mail load.// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment I accept payments made via PayPal, money transfers, Credit card. Credit card payments are processed through PayPal, however no PayPal account is required. To pay by credit card, please follow the steps below: 1. Click "Pay with PayPal" at the end of the checkout process. 2. Now you are at PayPal. Click "Continue" to pay with a credit card if you don't have a PayPal account. 3. Enter your credit card and personal info. Click "Review Order and Continue." 4. Review your order. If everything is correct, Click "Pay (dollar amount) Now." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please, do not hesitate ask me all your questions, it helps me to improve my shop. Thank you very much for visiting my shop and for positive feedbacks. Good luck on Etsy:)
This item can be shipped by Express Worldwide Shipping (3-4 days), please choose this shipping option when you place an order. Car seat covers, back massage chair, car seat protector, car covers, beaded seat covers, massage chair pad, massage chair, wood bead seat cover, seat covers, truck seat covers, seat covers for cars, wooden case, wood cover. Beaded Car Seat Cover. Massager Seat Cover. Car Accessories. Cover for car seat, universal. Characteristics Length 49,2 inches, seat 18,9 inches, backrest 14,6 inches. length 127cm., width 48 cm-Seats, and 37 cm-Backrest. Possible colors of covers are shown in this link:§ion_id=20955607 The beaded cover is made of wooden beads, they are painted, then painted with varnish in three layers. Thanks to this beaded bag does not lose its paint and looks beautiful, has a beautiful shine and retains it for a very long time. Such a beaded cover will give you a lot of comfort and make you a wonderful massage. The beaded cover made of wooden beads is universal, it can be used for car seating, for office chair, for a home chair, in the kitchen, in the living room sitting at the computer, etc. ***This is a wonderful gift for your friends and relatives!*** -------MORE CAR SEAT COVERS-------§ion_id=20955607 The price is for one cover. It`s very beautiful gift for him, for her :) Made in Ukraine, handmade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping Please, when placing an order, select the delivery option that suits you. Please note the delivery time indicated. Delivery Options: 1) . I ship worldwide. Package will be sent by Ukrainian state post. Delivery time is 7-16 days. All my packages are sent by airmail and have a tracking number. 2). I ship worldwide using Express Shipping. Delivery time 3-5 days! All my packages are sent by airmail and have a tracking number. ++ Your package will be insured for 100% of the cost of goods ++ Parcel delivery to the doors of your home. // On holidays, delivery time may be increased due to mail load.// ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment I accept payments made via PayPal, SWIFT, or-money transfer (in any bank, or online). Thank you very much for visiting my shop and for positive feedbacks. Good luck :) Elena.
wedding crown with blue Swarovski crystals
The mobile is hand-sewn from the highest quality felt, and inside each figure there is a soft hypoallergenic filler. The mobile also includes beads made of Australian merino wool, hand-rolled. The mobile can be made in any color combination. The palette has more than 50 color options. Write what colors you are interested in, attach photos of your nursery or just the pictures you like, and I will select color options for you and together we will create the mobile of your dreams!
Vendor: ChilDreams
We produce gloves over 30 years. Long fur-lined gloves. Soft genuine sheep fur-lined leather gloves. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: sheep fur Size: 6 - 8,5 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 2-3 business days Measuring: size 6 - middle finger length 7.6 mm 6.5 - 7.8 mm 7 - 8.0 mm 7.5 - 8.2 mm 8 - 8.4 mm 8.5 - 8.6 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves over 30 years. Soft genuie unlined leather gloves. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift for drivers. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: unlined Size: 6 - 11 Manufacturing: 1-2 business days Measuring: size 6 - middle finger length 7.5 mm 6.5 - 7.7 mm 7 - 7.8 mm 7.5 - 7.9 mm 8 - 8.0 mm 8.5 - 8.3 mm 9 - 8.5 mm 9.5 - 8.7 mm 10 - 8.9 mm 10.5 - 9.3 mm 11 - 9.6 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves over 30 years. Soft genuine cashmere lined leather gloves. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: cashmere lined Size: 8 - 11 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 1-2 business days Decor: by default with decoration. Measuring: size 8 - middle finger length 8.2 mm 8.5 - 8.4 mm 9 - 8.6 mm 9.5 - 8.8 mm 10 - 9.3 mm 10.5 - 9.8 mm 11 - 10 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves over 30 years. Soft genuine cashmere lined leather gloves with outer seam. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: cashmere lined Size: 8 - 11 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 1-2 business days Decor: by default with decoration. Measuring: size 8 - middle finger length 8.2 mm 8.5 - 8.4 mm 9 - 8.6 mm 9.5 - 8.8 mm 10 - 9.3 mm 10.5 - 9.8 mm 11 - 10 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves over 30 years. Hand-sewed soft genuine cashmere lined leather gloves with outer seam. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift. Hand-sewed man gloves. It is take additional time to produce (3-5 days). Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: cashmere lined Size: 8 - 11 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 1-2 business days Decor: by default with decoration. Measuring: size 8 - middle finger length 8.1 mm 8.5 - 8.3 mm 9 - 8.5 mm 9.5 - 8.7 mm 10 - 9.1 mm 10.5 - 9.4 mm 11 - 9.8 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves and mittens over 30 years. Fur-lined mittens. Soft genuine sheep fur-lined leather mittens. Stylish and fashionable mittens is the best gift. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: sheep fur Size: 8 - 11 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 2-3 business days Decor: elastic. 3 strips by default (without decorative stripes on request) Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves over 30 years. Soft genuine cashmere lined leather gloves. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: cashmere or silk lined Size: 6 - 8,5 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 1-2 business days Measuring: size 6 - middle finger length 7.8 mm 6.5 - 7.9 mm 7 - 8.1 mm 7.5 - 8.5 mm 8 - 8.8 mm 8.5 - 8.9 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
We produce gloves over 30 years. Soft genuine cashmere lined leather gloves. Stylish and fashionable gloves is the best gift. Decor: By default 3 finger colors red, yellow, olive. You can choose any combination. Materials: Premium genuine leather Lining: cashmere or silk lined Size: 6 - 8,5 Color: any from palette Manufacturing: 1-2 business days Measuring: size 6 - middle finger length 7.8 mm 6.5 - 7.9 mm 7 - 8.1 mm 7.5 - 8.5 mm 8 - 8.8 mm 8.5 - 8.9 mm If your middle finger shorter or longer more than 2 mm, please inform us. We will produce gloves by your measuring. Estimated shipping time: Australia: 20-26 business days Canada: 14-18 business days (UPS) USA: 12-18 business days (UPS) Europe: 12-20 business days IMPORTANT: All Import Charges in your country you pay by yourself. IMPORTANT: For color gloves, it's necessary to exclude contact with water, snow and fat-containing substances (concealer, lipstick, etc), since it may change their color. Additionally you can buy color palette
◉ SALE DETAILS: ❤ Free standard shipping details: On any group of goods! ❤ Estimated creation time for all mobiles is 1-2 weeks. ❤ !!! If you want the mobile to be ready to ship in a 5 days - write me a message ◉ MOBILE INCLUDES: ● Circle radius - 8.6 inch / 22 cm ● Stars, height about 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm ● Elephant, height about 4.7 inch / 12 cm ● Cloud, length about 4.3 inch / 11 cm ● Moon, height about 4.10 inch / 10.5 cm Wooden crib mobile arm: ◉ MATERIALS: ● Mobile created from eco-friendly polyester felt of the highest quality, lightly filled with hypoallergenic holofayber stuffing and entirely hand sewn ● All my craft works come from pet and smoke free environment.
Vendor: ChilDreams
Warm autumn and winter hat with ears.  In the shape of a cat.  Pulled from sheep's wool.  Decorated with New Zealand sheep fibers.   will not get wet in the rain or snow.  wash in warm water to 27 degrees Celsius.   dry outdoors (not on heaters).   The size is 54-55 cm.
Custom payment 
Custom Misfits JFK Headshot Patch ???????? Heat Transfered onto Calico Fabric and cut to size. Perfect for sewing onto jeans/vests/canvases. DM for any custom printed patches and I can make them for you ???? ---------- Tags citymorgue suicideboys y2k custom denim goth punk 1of1 1to1 slayer slayerlongsleeve metal ftp zillakami mst missingsincethursday problemboy skoot gnarcotic fuct half evil half-evil funeral service funeral servce supreme Louis Vuitton womans jumper mens jumper size m size l size xl size xxxl size xxl sadboys sadboys gear sbe Gucci custom paint crust punk problemboy skoot dollskill hand painted zaraoxo sick2death funeral service plagueworld plagueroundworld patches junji ito uzumaki crust patches puppet master patch hellraisers patch hell raiser german dogs german dog patch drain gang patch love pill patch dead Kennedys misfits the misfits jfk Akira Akira patch sex pistols sex pistols patch punk patches
Drain Gang Trash Island Patch. ???? Heat Transfered onto Calico Fabric and cut to size. Perfect for sewing onto jeans/vests/canvases. DM for any custom printed patches and I can make them for you ???? ---------- Tags citymorgue suicideboys y2k custom denim goth punk 1of1 1to1 slayer slayerlongsleeve metal ftp zillakami mst missingsincethursday problemboy skoot gnarcotic fuct half evil half-evil funeral service funeral servce supreme Louis Vuitton womans jumper mens jumper size m size l size xl size xxxl size xxl sadboys sadboys gear sbe Gucci custom paint crust punk problemboy skoot dollskill hand painted zaraoxo sick2death funeral service plagueworld plagueroundworld patches junji ito uzumaki crust patches puppet master patch hellraisers patch hell raiser german dogs german dog patch drain gang patch love pill patch dead Kennedys misfits the misfits jfk Akira Akira patch sex pistols sex pistols patch punk patches
Drain Gang Love Pill Patch. ???????????? Heat Transfered onto Calico Fabric and cut to size. Perfect for sewing onto jeans/vests/canvases. DM for any custom printed patches and I can make them for you ???? ---------- Tags citymorgue suicideboys y2k custom denim goth punk 1of1 1to1 slayer slayerlongsleeve metal ftp zillakami mst missingsincethursday problemboy skoot gnarcotic fuct half evil half-evil funeral service funeral servce supreme Louis Vuitton womans jumper mens jumper size m size l size xl size xxxl size xxl sadboys sadboys gear sbe Gucci custom paint crust punk problemboy skoot dollskill hand painted zaraoxo sick2death funeral service plagueworld plagueroundworld patches junji ito uzumaki crust patches puppet master patch hellraisers patch hell raiser german dogs german dog patch drain gang patch love pill patch dead Kennedys misfits the misfits jfk Akira Akira patch sex pistols sex pistols patch punk patches
Price for one patch. Easy to sew on. --------------------------------------------------- High quality material and print. --------------------------------------------------- No fading or cracking after washing. --------------------------------------------------- Perfect size for patching jeans, shorts and bags. --------------------------------------------------- You can choose patches from the numbers we provided on the second picture on this listing or you can send your own images to be made into patches. 
Price for one patch. Easy to sew on. --------------------------------------------------- High quality material and print. --------------------------------------------------- No fading or cracking after washing. --------------------------------------------------- Perfect size for patching jeans, shorts and bags. --------------------------------------------------- You can choose patches from the numbers we provided on the second picture on this listing or you can send your own images to be made into patches. 
Price for one patch. Easy to sew on. --------------------------------------------------- High quality material and print. --------------------------------------------------- No fading or cracking after washing. --------------------------------------------------- Perfect size for patching jeans, shorts and bags. --------------------------------------------------- You can choose patches from the numbers we provided on the second picture on this listing or you can send your own images to be made into patches. 
Save 21%
We are sure that your little girl will fall in love with this dress at first sight. The top is made of smooth silk, the skirt is bouffant, multi-layered and very light. The dress is complemented by bows on shoulders that will not leave your little girl indifferent. Your girl will love to jump and spin in this dress. The skirt is like a flower that blooming in motion. Each  dress is made by hand, especially for you.♥ when ordering in the notes please write the age of the princess. Dresses up to 1 year, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years, 9 years, 10 years, 11 years, 12 years are available to order. Please carefully read the measurement information! Colors: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ ♥♥♥ Ivory ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ White ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Light Ivory ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Black ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ White ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Pink ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Rose♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Nude ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Lavande ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Blue ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Marsala ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Powder ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Yellow ♥♥♥ MATERIAL: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Satin, Tulle  CLOSURE ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Closure with Zipper. Dear Сustomers! If you have a custom size please write me your measurements : ❋Chest (around  at the widest point) ❋Waist (around the waist at the smallest point) : ❋Hips (around the hips and rear at the widest point) : ❋Biceps : ❋Neck ❋Length of sleeve : ❋Shoulder to shoulder : ❋Height  : ❋From shoulder to waist Please write me your measurements on the figure in the notes to your order. Produce time : ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Production usually takes about 2-3 weeks . If you need some rush, please contact me. Cleaning instructions ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Hand wash /Professional dry cleaning Shipping information: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ North America: 2-5 weeks Europe: 2-4 weeks Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 3-6 weeks Asia Pacific: 3-6 weeks Latin America and the Caribbean: 2-5 weeks PACKING : ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ The parcels are qualitatively packed with an individual track number. If you have any questions please contact me With love , ♥ Valentyna.
$100.00 $79.00
Save 19%
A dress in which your little girl will feel like princess. Every detail is luxurious in it. Starting from an incredibly delicate lace top. Layered skirt with gathering on the waist line. It's so beautiful. The addition is a belt at waist decorated with stones. The back is on buttons from the beginning to the end and is decorated with lace. Beautiful lush bow is tied from behind. We are sure that this dress will be favorite in the wardrobe of your princess. Each  dress is made by hand, especially for you.♥ Please carefully read the measurement information! when ordering in the notes please write the age of the princess. Dresses up to 1 year, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years, 9 years, 10 years, 11 years, 12 years are available to order. Colors: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ ♥♥♥ Ivory ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ White ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Light Ivory ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Black ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ White ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Pink ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Rose♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Nude ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Lavande ♥♥♥ MATERIAL: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Satin, Tulle , Lace CLOSURE ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Closure with Zipper. Dear Сustomers! If you have a custom size please write me your measurements : ❋Chest (around  at the widest point) ❋Waist (around the waist at the smallest point) : ❋Hips (around the hips and rear at the widest point) : ❋Biceps : ❋Neck ❋Length of sleeve : ❋Shoulder to shoulder : ❋Height  : ❋From shoulder to waist Please write me your measurements on the figure in the notes to your order. Produce time : ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Production usually takes about 2-3 weeks . If you need some rush, please contact me. Cleaning instructions ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Hand wash /Professional dry cleaning Shipping information: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ North America: 2-5 weeks Europe: 2-4 weeks Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 3-6 weeks Asia Pacific: 3-6 weeks Latin America and the Caribbean: 2-5 weeks PACKING : ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ The parcels are qualitatively packed with an individual track number. If you have any questions please contact me With love , ♥ Valentyna.
$110.00 $88.99
belt, reenactment Europe 14th-15th century, great decoration for your Medieval costume
Vendor: Lemberg
Mobile holder/arm made from eco-friendly wood. This baby mobile holder is appropriate for any baby's room. Surface is polished natural wood, unfinished. If you need it in white color – we will use eco friendly dyes, suitable for baby. ----- ◉ This listing is for additional Baby mobile arm attachment for crib. ◉ Total height ~70 cm / 27.5 inches ◉ The maximum distance of the rods on the crib 9 cm / 3 .5 in ◉The minimum thickness of the rods in the crib 2 cm / 0,8 in  ◉ SHIPPING: ● Delivery time is 2-8 weeks depending on your location. !!! In some rare cases, shipping can take up to 40 days, so please keep this in mind.  Unfortunately, we can't do anything to speed up the shipping. ● You can track the parcel here: ◉ EXPRESS SHIPPING: ● Delivery time is 4-6 business days depending on your location. ● Delivery to countries: 1) USA, Canada, Australia +25$ 2) European Union, England, Switzerland +22$ ● You can track the parcel here: ❤ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us :)
Vendor: ChilDreams
Autentic KUBANKA Natural Astrakhan Fur Karakul Hat Cap Army Fur - Natural Astrakhan Karakul Height-11cm. / 4.3 inch Dimensions: Size Guide (see foto 8) Сolors: Red. Blue. Black. Gray. Green Lining 100% cotton Never worn. New Natural Astrakhan Fur Karakul Handmade High quality
Vendor: Kiosk69
???? The fairy can slightly differs from the toy on the photo. I make the fairy from natural wool by myself without using any pattern. ◉ SALE DETAILS: ❤ Free standard shipping details: On any group of goods! ❤ Estimated creation time for all mobiles is 1-2 weeks. ❤ !!! If you want the mobile to be ready to ship in a 5 days - write me a message ◉ MOBILE INCLUDES: ● Circle radius - 8.6 inch / 22 cm ● Stars, height about 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm ● Fairy, height about 4.3 inch / 11 cm ● Cloud, length about 4.3 inch / 11 cm ● Moon, height about 4.10 inch / 10.5 cm Wooden crib mobile arm: ◉ MATERIALS: ● Mobile created from eco-friendly polyester felt of the highest quality, lightly filled with hypoallergenic holofayber stuffing and entirely hand sewn ● Natural wool ● All my craft works come from pet and smoke free environment. ◉ SHIPPING: ● Delivery time is 2-8 weeks depending on your location. !!! In some rare cases, shipping can take up to 40 days, so please keep this in mind. Unfortunately, we can't do anything to speed up the shipping. ● You can track the parcel here:
Vendor: ChilDreams
Boho brown faux leather belt Wicker Gold metal buckle belt Wide belt Metal rivets belt Steampunk Belt hip Ethnic Festival Belt tribal belt Weist 85 - 99 cm/ 33.5 - 39 in Width - 6.5 cm - 2.5 in More belts See here§ion_id=22529733 Bags -§ion_id=17408953 Other items, accessories and handbags, hats, see the link Please remember. All vintage items are at least 20 years old, many much older. The piece will not be perfect. I do my best to try to accurately describe the item and accurately measure. Please do not expect perfection in these pre owned and loved items. Ask those questions, I will answer all of them. Thank you for seeing an item. Be sure to read the policy store Successful purchases
Memo mask is made in the best traditions of samurai armor and proportions are taken into account to approve wearing on the face. material is plastic. 2 point mount with fastex rubber bands. Color is possible any- just when ordering, write me what color you want
Half Face the black Assassin Ronin Samurai Mask, Cool Baddass Demon Oni Menpo Japanese The memo mask is made in the best traditions of samurai armor and takes into account proportions to approve of wearing on the face. The material is plastic. 2-point fastening with elastic from FASTEX Color -Black. in the mouth hole inside is inserted a special dense tissue covering the mouth and giving comfortable breathing. Due to the epidemic, delivery times may be increased .. but this does not depend on me)
Jacquard ribbon trim roll 25m ,  Ukrainian ethnic ribbon, width 1,2"
Let me introduce your attention the incredible WW1 Original Helmet M16 in native state, Military, Army, museum relic, battle damaged, armor, cap, hat #3. This is a World War I Buttlefield relic. Helmet was dug in the territory of Ukraine. The History of M16 The Stahlhelm = "Steel helmet" is a specific type of German WWI military headgear made of steel, which is primarily intended to provide protection against shrapnel and fragments of grenades. The armies of major European powers introduced helmets of this type during World War I. The design of the Stahlhelm was carried out by Dr. Friedrich Schwerd of the Technical Institute of Hanover. In early 1915, Schwerd had carried out a study of head wounds suffered during trench warfare and submitted a recommendation for steel helmets, shortly after which he was ordered to Berlin. Schwerd then undertook the task of designing and producing a suitable helmet, broadly based on the 15th-century sallet, which provided good protection for the head and neck. After lengthy development work, the first stahlhelm were tested in November 1915 at the Kummersdorf Proving Ground and then field tested by the 1st Assault Battalion. Thirty thousand examples were ordered, but it was not approved for general issue until New Year of 1916, hence it is most usually referred to as the "Model 1916". In February 1916 it was distributed to troops at Verdun, following which the incidence of serious head injuries fell dramatically. The first German troops to use this helmet were the stormtroopers of the Sturm-Bataillon Nr. (Rohr), which was commanded by captain Willy Rohr. The shape of the helmet was predetermined by a combination of the volumes of a cylindrical body, covering the head, and a tapered head, covering the ears from the impact of a sound wave and fragments. The helmet was made of nickel steel. The inner side of the helmet consisted of three pieces of upholstered leather, which were adjusted to fit the head; helmets were also available in different sizes. The chin strap was attached to the metal shell of the stallhelm. Two protruding bushings - "horns" served not only for ventilation, a special forehead armor plate was attached to them, which, according to its inventors, was supposed to strengthen the protection of the frontal part, intended for sentries and machine gunners, but due to its weight it was used quite rarely, and in winter the soldiers sealed them. In contrast to the Hadfield steel used in the British Brodie helmet, the Germans used a harder martensitic silicon/nickel steel. As a result, and also due to the helmet's form, the Stahlhelm had to be formed in heated dies at a greater unit cost than the British helmet, which could be formed in one piece (
Let me introduce your attention the incredible WW1 Original Helmet M16 in native state, Military, Army, museum relic, battle damaged, armor, cap, hat #2. This is a World War I Buttlefield relic. Helmet was dug in the territory of Ukraine. The History of M16 The Stahlhelm = "Steel helmet" is a specific type of German WWI military headgear made of steel, which is primarily intended to provide protection against shrapnel and fragments of grenades. The armies of major European powers introduced helmets of this type during World War I. The design of the Stahlhelm was carried out by Dr. Friedrich Schwerd of the Technical Institute of Hanover. In early 1915, Schwerd had carried out a study of head wounds suffered during trench warfare and submitted a recommendation for steel helmets, shortly after which he was ordered to Berlin. Schwerd then undertook the task of designing and producing a suitable helmet, broadly based on the 15th-century sallet, which provided good protection for the head and neck. After lengthy development work, the first stahlhelm were tested in November 1915 at the Kummersdorf Proving Ground and then field tested by the 1st Assault Battalion. Thirty thousand examples were ordered, but it was not approved for general issue until New Year of 1916, hence it is most usually referred to as the "Model 1916". In February 1916 it was distributed to troops at Verdun, following which the incidence of serious head injuries fell dramatically. The first German troops to use this helmet were the stormtroopers of the Sturm-Bataillon Nr. (Rohr), which was commanded by captain Willy Rohr. The shape of the helmet was predetermined by a combination of the volumes of a cylindrical body, covering the head, and a tapered head, covering the ears from the impact of a sound wave and fragments. The helmet was made of nickel steel. The inner side of the helmet consisted of three pieces of upholstered leather, which were adjusted to fit the head; helmets were also available in different sizes. The chin strap was attached to the metal shell of the stallhelm. Two protruding bushings - "horns" served not only for ventilation, a special forehead armor plate was attached to them, which, according to its inventors, was supposed to strengthen the protection of the frontal part, intended for sentries and machine gunners, but due to its weight it was used quite rarely, and in winter the soldiers sealed them. In contrast to the Hadfield steel used in the British Brodie helmet, the Germans used a harder martensitic silicon/nickel steel. As a result, and also due to the helmet's form, the Stahlhelm had to be formed in heated dies at a greater unit cost than the British helmet, which could be formed in one piece (
Black genuine leather ostrich print men wallet from ukrainian designer Katerina Fox. A stylish accessory - a necessary purchase for many men. Wallet KF like women who value practicality and beauty. Inside two large compartments for notes, six pockets for business cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can watch video of our bags. or you can search on Katerina Fox. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brand : Katerina Fox ID: KF-3310 Volume weight (DHL Express) - 1,1kg Made in Ukraine (Kiev) Product type : wallet Color : black Material: genuine leather crocodile print Lining: black genuine leather Size: Small Parameters : length 11.5cm, height 9.5cm, width 1.5cm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Please note that real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. • By purchasing this item you confirm that you have read and accept entire item description and shop policies • All items will shipped by registered airmail USEP “Ukrposhta”. Have questions? Contact us: With best wishes, Katerina Fox
Vendor: Katerina Fox