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This adapter uses for connect of any electrodes  of OLD DENAS and TENS for NEW DENAS DIADENS. Free shipping (2-4 weeks delivery time, standard airmail) The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
  BRAND NEW ELECTROSTIMULATOR "DiaDENS COSMO"   XXI  centure medicine and BEAUTY   XXI century medicine   D e s c r i p t i o n It is no secret that facial skin loses its attractiveness with age. This process is aggravated by adverse environmental conditions, which directly or indirectly effect open skin areas, drying them, causing pigment spot formation, exfoliation, wrinkle formation and poor elasticity of skin. And if it is impossible to stop time, protection of the skin and reduction of the effects of constant environmental exposure to the skin is within the power of modern cosmetology.   The DiaDENS-Cosmo effects are based on weak current (microcurrents) exposure to the skin, which results in restoration of muscle and vessel tone, improvement of microcirculation processes, normalization of skin nutrition and, as a consequence, activation of all metabolic processes, which, in its turn, causes skin rejuvenation whereby the skin looks fresh and attractive again. DiaDENS-Cosmo microcurrents effect the facial skin through an electrode mask with a current conductive coating. To ensure steady and quality exposure of microcurrents and to improve cosmetic effect, one of the specially formulated beauty masks should be applied to the skin under the electrode mask.   The following four types of beauty masks are formulated for application with the DiaDENS-Cosmo: — Nutritional mask with oceanic fish roe extract – for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Promotes moisturizing and nutrition of the skin, prevents its premature aging. — Nutritional mask with swallow’s nest extract - for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Shows whitening, nutritional and rejuvenating effect in the skin. Enzymes of this mask softly peel cellular debris off the skin surface, smoothing it out. — Moisturizing and purifying mask - for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Softens the skin epilayer, promotes pore contraction and prevents inflammation through its antibacterial properties. — Napkin mask – for application in the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode. Before application the mask is to be dampened with a saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution) or 1% solution of Carlsbad salt. The DiaDENS-Cosmo should be fastened to the hand and connected by a cable to the electrode mask. DiaDENS-Cosmo has two modes of exposure – ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Lymphodrainage’. The use of the ‘Nutrition’ mode: - activates the skin’s metabolic processes; - stimulates production of collagen and elastin by cells; - enhances the effect of the active ingredients of a beauty mask; and - makes the skin look fresh and healthy. The ‘Nutrition’ mode can be used both for prompt achievement of cosmetic effect and for a continual preventive skin treatment. The use of the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode: - alleviates puffiness and pastosity of the facial skin; - enhances microcirculation processes; - lifts the facial contours through enhancement of skin elasticity and strengthening of face muscles. Specifications of the DiaDENS-Cosmo: Power supply - LR6/AA battery – 2 pcs. Pulse repetition frequency: – in the ‘Nutrition’ mode – 100Hz; – in the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode – 50 & 100Hz. Weight of the device—less than 0.3 kg. Dimensions: 300x100x35 mm.    Integration: DiaDENS device with a cuff electrode 1 pcs Electrode mask* 1 pcs Cable * 1 pcs ‘Nutritional and purifying’ ‘DiaDENS-Cosmo beauty mask 6 pcs Cuff extension 1 pcs Operating Manual 1 pcs Battery 2 pcs * you can order many additional masks and accessories from us for this device WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Thanks  and good luck!   ATTENTION FOR VERO AGENTS  ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "DENAS MC" CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY   CERTIFICATIONS: DENAS is certified by the Russian Ministry of Health both for home application by non-specialists, and for clinical application by specialists with special medical training (Certificate of Registration of the Ministry of Health #29/23 020 701/2051/ 01 dated December 6, 2001). "DENAS" is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)   ARTG Number:   169570    The apparatus also has international certificates:   mdc medical device certification GmbH Kriegerstraße 6 70191 Stuttgart, Germany for DENAS and DiaDENS devices   Copyright © 2003-2004  "DENAS MC" Corporation  Distributor  # 225314 We are an  official distributor of Denas MS Corporation with own ID  225314 We  guarantee full customer support and best prices  for all production by DenasMS Corp®.    HERE is FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in english? Yes all manuals videos and BOOKS in english 2) What type of product support do you offer? We offer 1 year full manufacturer warranty.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
Новая страница 1 Apparatus of magnetoimpulse therapy AMIT with: diseases of the joints and spine diseases of the cardiovascular system fractures of the bones of joint injuries 1. Treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases. The device has a therapeutic and recovery effect when: Diseases of the joints and spine Diseases of the cardiovascular system Bone fractures Injuries of the joints Damage to muscles and ligaments Dermatological diseases Chronic nonspecific lung diseases Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Diseases of female genital organs Diseases of the venous system, varicose veins. 2. The use of the device can significantly reduce or completely abandon the use of medicines. What is very important in the treatment of chronic diseases and for people who have allergic reactions. 3. Designed specifically for home use. Eliminates the need to visit medical institutions in order to obtain physical procedures. That is especially important for children and weakened patients, as well as in the period of epidemics. The use of a low-frequency magnetic field contributes to: The intensification of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, and the removal of irritability. Improvement of general condition, sleep; Improvement of blood circulation in tissues; Acceleration of tissue regeneration and wound healing; Treatment of edema and resorption of hematomas; Elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. Indications for use: Diseases of the joints and spine 1.1. Deforming arthrosis of the hip joint 1.2. Periarthrosis of the shoulder joint 1.3. Osteocondritis of the spine Diseases of the cardiovascular system 2.1. Hypertensive disease of I-II degree 2.2. Vegetosovascular dystonia in hypertensive type 2.3. Ischemic heart disease with stable angina pectoris 2.4. Endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities Dermatological diseases 4.1. Itching dermatoses 4.2. Conditions after skin plastic surgery Chronic nonspecific lung diseases 5.1. Chronical bronchitis 5.2. Chronic pneumonia 5.3 Bronchial asthma Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 6.1. Pancreatitis in subacute and chronic stage 6.2. Biliary dyskinesia 6.3. Chronic gastritis 6.4. Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer Diseases of female genital organs 7.1. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages during the acute process 7.2. Diseases due to ovarian hypofunction 7.3. Cesarean condition Diseases of the venous system of the upper and lower extremities 8.1. Thigh-deep vein thrombosis 8.2. Chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders 8.3. Varicose disease Traumatology 9.1. Fractures of bones 9.2. Injuries to the joints Section 9.3. Damage to muscles and ligaments Principle of influence: The device of magnetic pulse therapy creates on each of its remote inductors a pulsed magnetic field with an amplitude value of at least 20 mT. Under its influence microcirculation of blood and lymph is improved. This leads to the activation of local blood flow and increased blood circulation, which causes the restoration of damaged tissues, an anesthetic effect, inflammation subsides, edema decreases, metabolism becomes active, and recovery occurs. Аппарат магнитоимпульсной терапии АМИТ 1. Лечение широкого спектра хронических заболеваний. Прибор оказывает лечебно- восстановительный эффект при: заболеваниях суставов и позвоночника заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы переломах костей травмах суставов повреждениях мышц и связок дерматологических заболеваниях хронических неспецифических заболеваниях легких заболеваниях желудочно-кишечного тракта заболеваниях женских половых органов заболеваниях венозной системы, варикозном расширении вен. 2. Применение прибора позволяет существенно сократить или полностью отказаться от применения лекарственных средств. Что очень актуально при лечении хронических заболеваний и для лиц, имеющих аллергические реакции. 3. Разработан специально для домашнего применения. Избавляет от необходимости посещения лечебных учреждений с целью получения физиопроцедур. Что особенно актуально для детей и ослабленных больных, а также в период эпидемий. Применение низкочастотного магнитного поля способствует: усилению тормозных процессов в центральной нервной системе, снятию раздражительности. улучшению общего состояния, сна; улучшению кровообращения в тканях; ускорению регенерации тканей и заживления ран; лечению отеков и рассасыванию гематом; выведению токсинов и шлаков из организма. . Показания к применению: Заболевания суставов и позвоночника 1.1. Деформирующий артроз тазобедренного сустава 1.2. Периартроз плечевого сустава 1.3. Остеохондроз позвоночника Заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы 2.1. Гипертоническая болезнь I-II степени 2.2. Вегетососудистая дистония по гипертоническому типу 2.3. Ишемическая болезнь сердца со стабильной стенокардией напряжения 2.4. Эндартериит сосудов нижних конечностей Дерматологические заболевания 4.1. Зудящие дерматозы 4.2. Состояния после кожных пластических операций Хронические неспецифические заболевания лёгких 5.1. Хронический бронхит 5.2. Хроническая пневмония 5.3 Бронхиальная астма Заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта 6.1. Панкреатит в подострой и хронической стадии 6.2. Дискинезия желчевыводящих путей 6.3. Хронический гастрит 6.4. Язвенная болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки Заболевания женских половых органов 7.1. Воспалительные заболевания матки и придатков в период стихания острого процесса 7.2. Заболевания, обусловленные гипофункцией яичников 7.3. Состояние после кесарева сечения Заболевания венозной системы верхних и нижних конечностей 8.1. Тромбоз глубоких вен голени 8.2. Хронический тромбофлебит в стадии трофических расстройств 8.3. Варикозная болезнь Травматология 9.1. Переломы костей 9.2. Травмы суставов 9.3. Повреждения мышц и связок Принцип воздействия: Аппарат магнитноимпульсной терапии создает на каждом своём выносном индукторе импульсное магнитное поле с амплитудным значением не менее 20 мТл. Под его воздействием улучшается микроциркуляция крови и лимфы. Это приводит к активации локального кровотока и усилению кровообращения, за счет чего происходит восстановление поврежденных тканей, развивается обезболивающий эффект, стихают воспалительные процессы, уменьшаются отёки, активизируется обмен веществ и наступает выздоровление.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
Products section
This adapter uses for connect of any electrodes  of OLD DENAS and TENS for NEW DENAS DIADENS. Free shipping (2-4 weeks delivery time, standard airmail) The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
  BRAND NEW ELECTROSTIMULATOR "DiaDENS COSMO"   XXI  centure medicine and BEAUTY   XXI century medicine   D e s c r i p t i o n It is no secret that facial skin loses its attractiveness with age. This process is aggravated by adverse environmental conditions, which directly or indirectly effect open skin areas, drying them, causing pigment spot formation, exfoliation, wrinkle formation and poor elasticity of skin. And if it is impossible to stop time, protection of the skin and reduction of the effects of constant environmental exposure to the skin is within the power of modern cosmetology.   The DiaDENS-Cosmo effects are based on weak current (microcurrents) exposure to the skin, which results in restoration of muscle and vessel tone, improvement of microcirculation processes, normalization of skin nutrition and, as a consequence, activation of all metabolic processes, which, in its turn, causes skin rejuvenation whereby the skin looks fresh and attractive again. DiaDENS-Cosmo microcurrents effect the facial skin through an electrode mask with a current conductive coating. To ensure steady and quality exposure of microcurrents and to improve cosmetic effect, one of the specially formulated beauty masks should be applied to the skin under the electrode mask.   The following four types of beauty masks are formulated for application with the DiaDENS-Cosmo: — Nutritional mask with oceanic fish roe extract – for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Promotes moisturizing and nutrition of the skin, prevents its premature aging. — Nutritional mask with swallow’s nest extract - for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Shows whitening, nutritional and rejuvenating effect in the skin. Enzymes of this mask softly peel cellular debris off the skin surface, smoothing it out. — Moisturizing and purifying mask - for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Softens the skin epilayer, promotes pore contraction and prevents inflammation through its antibacterial properties. — Napkin mask – for application in the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode. Before application the mask is to be dampened with a saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution) or 1% solution of Carlsbad salt. The DiaDENS-Cosmo should be fastened to the hand and connected by a cable to the electrode mask. DiaDENS-Cosmo has two modes of exposure – ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Lymphodrainage’. The use of the ‘Nutrition’ mode: - activates the skin’s metabolic processes; - stimulates production of collagen and elastin by cells; - enhances the effect of the active ingredients of a beauty mask; and - makes the skin look fresh and healthy. The ‘Nutrition’ mode can be used both for prompt achievement of cosmetic effect and for a continual preventive skin treatment. The use of the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode: - alleviates puffiness and pastosity of the facial skin; - enhances microcirculation processes; - lifts the facial contours through enhancement of skin elasticity and strengthening of face muscles. Specifications of the DiaDENS-Cosmo: Power supply - LR6/AA battery – 2 pcs. Pulse repetition frequency: – in the ‘Nutrition’ mode – 100Hz; – in the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode – 50 & 100Hz. Weight of the device—less than 0.3 kg. Dimensions: 300x100x35 mm.    Integration: DiaDENS device with a cuff electrode 1 pcs Electrode mask* 1 pcs Cable * 1 pcs ‘Nutritional and purifying’ ‘DiaDENS-Cosmo beauty mask 6 pcs Cuff extension 1 pcs Operating Manual 1 pcs Battery 2 pcs * you can order many additional masks and accessories from us for this device WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Thanks  and good luck!   ATTENTION FOR VERO AGENTS  ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "DENAS MC" CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY   CERTIFICATIONS: DENAS is certified by the Russian Ministry of Health both for home application by non-specialists, and for clinical application by specialists with special medical training (Certificate of Registration of the Ministry of Health #29/23 020 701/2051/ 01 dated December 6, 2001). "DENAS" is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)   ARTG Number:   169570    The apparatus also has international certificates:   mdc medical device certification GmbH Kriegerstraße 6 70191 Stuttgart, Germany for DENAS and DiaDENS devices   Copyright © 2003-2004  "DENAS MC" Corporation  Distributor  # 225314 We are an  official distributor of Denas MS Corporation with own ID  225314 We  guarantee full customer support and best prices  for all production by DenasMS Corp®.    HERE is FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in english? Yes all manuals videos and BOOKS in english 2) What type of product support do you offer? We offer 1 year full manufacturer warranty.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
Новая страница 1 Apparatus of magnetoimpulse therapy AMIT with: diseases of the joints and spine diseases of the cardiovascular system fractures of the bones of joint injuries 1. Treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases. The device has a therapeutic and recovery effect when: Diseases of the joints and spine Diseases of the cardiovascular system Bone fractures Injuries of the joints Damage to muscles and ligaments Dermatological diseases Chronic nonspecific lung diseases Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Diseases of female genital organs Diseases of the venous system, varicose veins. 2. The use of the device can significantly reduce or completely abandon the use of medicines. What is very important in the treatment of chronic diseases and for people who have allergic reactions. 3. Designed specifically for home use. Eliminates the need to visit medical institutions in order to obtain physical procedures. That is especially important for children and weakened patients, as well as in the period of epidemics. The use of a low-frequency magnetic field contributes to: The intensification of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, and the removal of irritability. Improvement of general condition, sleep; Improvement of blood circulation in tissues; Acceleration of tissue regeneration and wound healing; Treatment of edema and resorption of hematomas; Elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. Indications for use: Diseases of the joints and spine 1.1. Deforming arthrosis of the hip joint 1.2. Periarthrosis of the shoulder joint 1.3. Osteocondritis of the spine Diseases of the cardiovascular system 2.1. Hypertensive disease of I-II degree 2.2. Vegetosovascular dystonia in hypertensive type 2.3. Ischemic heart disease with stable angina pectoris 2.4. Endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities Dermatological diseases 4.1. Itching dermatoses 4.2. Conditions after skin plastic surgery Chronic nonspecific lung diseases 5.1. Chronical bronchitis 5.2. Chronic pneumonia 5.3 Bronchial asthma Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 6.1. Pancreatitis in subacute and chronic stage 6.2. Biliary dyskinesia 6.3. Chronic gastritis 6.4. Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer Diseases of female genital organs 7.1. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages during the acute process 7.2. Diseases due to ovarian hypofunction 7.3. Cesarean condition Diseases of the venous system of the upper and lower extremities 8.1. Thigh-deep vein thrombosis 8.2. Chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders 8.3. Varicose disease Traumatology 9.1. Fractures of bones 9.2. Injuries to the joints Section 9.3. Damage to muscles and ligaments Principle of influence: The device of magnetic pulse therapy creates on each of its remote inductors a pulsed magnetic field with an amplitude value of at least 20 mT. Under its influence microcirculation of blood and lymph is improved. This leads to the activation of local blood flow and increased blood circulation, which causes the restoration of damaged tissues, an anesthetic effect, inflammation subsides, edema decreases, metabolism becomes active, and recovery occurs. Аппарат магнитоимпульсной терапии АМИТ 1. Лечение широкого спектра хронических заболеваний. Прибор оказывает лечебно- восстановительный эффект при: заболеваниях суставов и позвоночника заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы переломах костей травмах суставов повреждениях мышц и связок дерматологических заболеваниях хронических неспецифических заболеваниях легких заболеваниях желудочно-кишечного тракта заболеваниях женских половых органов заболеваниях венозной системы, варикозном расширении вен. 2. Применение прибора позволяет существенно сократить или полностью отказаться от применения лекарственных средств. Что очень актуально при лечении хронических заболеваний и для лиц, имеющих аллергические реакции. 3. Разработан специально для домашнего применения. Избавляет от необходимости посещения лечебных учреждений с целью получения физиопроцедур. Что особенно актуально для детей и ослабленных больных, а также в период эпидемий. Применение низкочастотного магнитного поля способствует: усилению тормозных процессов в центральной нервной системе, снятию раздражительности. улучшению общего состояния, сна; улучшению кровообращения в тканях; ускорению регенерации тканей и заживления ран; лечению отеков и рассасыванию гематом; выведению токсинов и шлаков из организма. . Показания к применению: Заболевания суставов и позвоночника 1.1. Деформирующий артроз тазобедренного сустава 1.2. Периартроз плечевого сустава 1.3. Остеохондроз позвоночника Заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы 2.1. Гипертоническая болезнь I-II степени 2.2. Вегетососудистая дистония по гипертоническому типу 2.3. Ишемическая болезнь сердца со стабильной стенокардией напряжения 2.4. Эндартериит сосудов нижних конечностей Дерматологические заболевания 4.1. Зудящие дерматозы 4.2. Состояния после кожных пластических операций Хронические неспецифические заболевания лёгких 5.1. Хронический бронхит 5.2. Хроническая пневмония 5.3 Бронхиальная астма Заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта 6.1. Панкреатит в подострой и хронической стадии 6.2. Дискинезия желчевыводящих путей 6.3. Хронический гастрит 6.4. Язвенная болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки Заболевания женских половых органов 7.1. Воспалительные заболевания матки и придатков в период стихания острого процесса 7.2. Заболевания, обусловленные гипофункцией яичников 7.3. Состояние после кесарева сечения Заболевания венозной системы верхних и нижних конечностей 8.1. Тромбоз глубоких вен голени 8.2. Хронический тромбофлебит в стадии трофических расстройств 8.3. Варикозная болезнь Травматология 9.1. Переломы костей 9.2. Травмы суставов 9.3. Повреждения мышц и связок Принцип воздействия: Аппарат магнитноимпульсной терапии создает на каждом своём выносном индукторе импульсное магнитное поле с амплитудным значением не менее 20 мТл. Под его воздействием улучшается микроциркуляция крови и лимфы. Это приводит к активации локального кровотока и усилению кровообращения, за счет чего происходит восстановление поврежденных тканей, развивается обезболивающий эффект, стихают воспалительные процессы, уменьшаются отёки, активизируется обмен веществ и наступает выздоровление.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
This adapter uses for connect of any electrodes NEW SCENAR ®  of RITM ®  and NEW port of DENAS DIADENS. Free shipping (2-4 weeks delivery time, standard airmail) The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
DEAR VERO AGENTS  This DENAS device is FDA APPROVED AS HOME DEVICE UPC# 4607050640888 which NO NEED the prescription DENAS-PCM 6 ENGLISH VERSION KNEE THERAPY SET + VIDEO THERAPY Guide +ONLINE THERAPY CONSULTING + Widest range Remote Probes with 20% discount   The kit includes:   •  DENAS-PCM 6 with English paper manual ; •  Knee electrode ; • GIFT  Sticking pads for healing internal knee part •   English Practical Guide to DENS-therapy  ( PDF file  will be sent to email ) ; •   English  book "DiaDENS Therapy manual", ( PDF file  will be sent to email )  •   Video DVD Manual  English for DENS-therapy. •   FREE ONLINE Therapy consultations (by WhatsApp) •   Discount 20% for Remote probes for DENAS in our store -  we have the broadest range of remote probes on the world market  -   see them here  What is Denas PCM 6?  DENS (Dynamic electrical nerve stimulation) - is one the most advanced drug-free solution for pain relief, health recovery and chronic condition treatment. Few of many curative effects can be quickly achieved: Pain relief Decrease of inflammatory reactions,  Improvement of local blood flow  Metabolic processes normalization.  Headaches  Muscle recovery  Joint Pain  Multipurpose device with a wide range of treatment programs. The device can be used long-term without habituation when having pain, motor disturbances, during rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries. Menu of DENAS PCM is multilanguage. ( English, Russian, German, French and Italian).  Affected areas visualization in the "Programs" menu simplifies learning and usage of the device. • Treatment programs: 24 express therapy programs for treatment of the most widespread illnesses and conditions. • Therapy 1 to 9.9 Hz: infralow frequencies are used to work out an individual treatment procedure according to the diagnosis. • Therapy 10, 20 Hz: modes for correcting psychic and emotional state and hormonal disorders. • Therapy 60, 77.125, 140 Hz: special modes for pains, swellings and inflammations. • Therapy 200 Hz: quick pain relief mode. • MED program: rehabilitation after physical and mental stress, illnesses prevention. •  Therapy 7710, 77AM, 7720: special modes for relaxing, tonic, and anti-swelling effect. • Screening: mode for selecting the optimal treatment zones. • Children's doctor allows to choose the optimum capacity when conducting procedures for small children.   When you buy with Buy It Now you will obtain :  1.English  book "DENAS therapy Manual", 240-page with many color  image. (In  PDF format on CD)  2.English  book "DiaDENS Therapy manual", 138-page with many color  image. (In  PDF format on CD)  2.Video DVD Manual  English for DENS-therapy. 3.FREE ONLINE Therapy consultations (by WhatsApp) 4.   Discount 20% for Remote probes for DENAS in our store -  we have the broadest range of remote probes on the world market  -  see them here  DENAS will help with: • Nervous system disorders   • Endocrine diseases, more nutritious and metabolic disorders Hypothyroidism   • Mental and behavioral disorders   • circulatory diseases   • respiratory system DISEASES   • digestive organs DISEASES   • Skin and subcutaneous fat DISEASES   • diseases of the bones, muscles and CONNECUTIVE TISSUE   • diseases of the eye and adnexa   • diseases of the ear and mastoid   • Urogenital DISEASES   • pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum   • CERTAIN CONDITIONS Published in perinatal   • Symptoms and ADAPTATION FROM NORM during clinical and laboratory tests FOUND  OUT   • Injury, poisoning, effects of foreign body penetration, thermal and chemical  burns, frostbite, complications of surgical and therapeutic interventions   • oncological diseases (symptomatic aid)   • Diseases of infantile AGE   • Cosmetic PROBLEMS   • Sports medicine      This  is how you have at home own doctor!         You can find widest range of DENAS remote probes in our store REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn DENAS treatment from work to rest.      Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you Thank you and good luck!          Attention  Vero AGENTS   Owned All texts in this listing only "FABERLIC - DENAS MC" CORPORATION   AND NO OTHER sellers on eBay CERTIFICATION: MTM is certified by the Russian Ministry of Health both for home application by  non-specialists, and for clinical application by specialists with special  medical training (Certificate of Registration of the Ministry of Health # 020  29/23 701/2051/01 of 6 December 2001). "MTM" is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)   ARTG Number:   169570     The unit also has international certificates: mdc medical device certification GmbH   Kriegerstraße 6   70191 Stuttgart, Germany   for DENAS and DiaDENS devices Copyright © 2003-2019 "DENAS MC" Corporation Distributor # 225314 We are official distributor of FABERLIC - Denas MS Corporation's own ID 225314   We guarantee full customer care and best price for all production by DenasMS  Corp®. HERE is FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in German?   Yes all manuals Videos and books are in English and German   2) What kind of product support do you offer?   We provide 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects ..   
Vendor: a-store
The device of complex therapy EL The device of complex therapy ELITON Description ELITON has a tremendous treatment potential. We present to your attention an effective remedy to combat a wide range of  diseases, modern physiotherapy device ELITON, designed specifically for self-use  in the home. Due to its device, the medical device ELITON has the widest  treatment possibilities, since it is able to exert a complex effect on the human  body. Our online store presents you with robust, comfortable and compact ELITON  devices, whose spectrum of action includes the generation of several types of  radiation at once, which have a diverse effect on the state of organs and  tissues of the human body, including: Low frequency pulse current Pulsed electromagnetic oscillations of low intensity Infrared radiation Ultraviolet radiation Mechanical sound wave oscillations All this provides ample opportunities for the treatment of  various diseases, while the control of the ELITON device allows ordinary users,  without special medical education, to customize the device independently. In  addition to alleviating the condition in various diseases, the ELITON device can  be used as a prophylactic agent for improving body resistance, as well as for  acupressure on biologically active points - electroacupuncture reflexotherapy,  using special electrodes that are included in the product package. In our store  you can at an affordable price buy original ELITON devices with the capabilities  of quantum, vibro-acoustic, electro-puncture, electromagnetic effects on the  body, the use of which will allow you to cure the widest range of diseases at  home, as well as provide invaluable support to your immunity.   ** Effective in treatment: ** - hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure. - chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma. - obesity, headache, neurosis, encephalopathy, Raynaud's syndrome. - gastritis, ulcers, intestinal dyskinesia. - cystitis, pyelonephritis. - dermatitis, urticaria. - osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis. - post-traumatic syndromes, after fractures, complex operations related to  trauma. How to treat? Affects the skin with light and vibrational vibrations. The treatment involves low-frequency currents (as in the offices of  electrotherapy clinics), thermal effects, electromagnetic oscillations. The impact of the device on the nerve endings of skin cells and acupuncture  points. According to eastern medicine, each acupuncture point has its own organ. What result? Among 147 patients who used the device, 85% had a cardiac spasm and a heaviness  in the heart. With daily use, 71% of patients got rid of insomnia, 78% had a general  irritability. The device increases the body's defenses, is relevant during recovery and during  off-season periods. With daily use, relieves pain in muscles and joints, eliminates hemorrhage,  swelling. Restores the lumen of blood vessels in otosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Regulates and normalizes metabolic processes in the body, eliminates the effects  of obesity, which leads to natural healing. Relieves spasms of different origin: intestinal colic, recurrent pain in women,  headache and toothache, thereby reducing the negative impact on the body of  traditional medicines ... Relieves spasms during an attack of bronchial asthma. Stimulates cleansing of the skin, liver and bile ducts. Regulates the liver and  biliary tract. Normalizes blood pressure. "Eliton" is used to enhance the effect in the treatment of traditional methods. Contraindications - Oncological diseases - Pulmonary tuberculosis (active form) - Myocardial infarction (acute period) - Cyst (to affect the area of ​​cyst formation) - Pregnancy - The presence of an implanted pacemaker - Severe renal failure FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good  luck!
Vendor: a-store
Gloves + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.    The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
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Denas Cardio-3 generation SPECIA Denas   Cardio-3 generation SPECIALIZED UNIT FOR CORRECTION OF BLOOD PRESSURE DENAS SCENAR technology   The device DENAS-Cardio is  designed for therapeutic non-invasive (without breaking the skin) exchange rate  effects on biologically active zones - dynamic electric in order to correct the  blood pressure (BP) and the normalization of the general state of the organism.  The device is shown to persons older than 14 years with a labile form of  arterial hypertension and patients with persistent high blood pressure (hypertension)  as an additional impact on the background of drugs taken. Electrical apparatus  DENAS Cardio helps to normalize the tone of the vascular wall, the expansion of  capillaries, improve hemodynamics in the microcirculation system. In this way: -  stabilizes blood pressure to an acceptable level for the patient; - Improves  overall health; - Improve the psycho-emotional state; - Increased efficiency; -  Reduced risk of developing complications of hypertensive disease; - Improving  the quality of life of the patient. Denas Cardio device is designed for a course  of treatment of patients with hypertension as a complementary treatment to the  background of the basic drug therapy. In exchange application Denas Cardio  device stabilizes blood pressure, improves overall health, which leads to lower  drug load. In addition, regular use of the machine - is prevention of  hypertensive crises, life-threatening complications and the possibility of  extending the lives of patients. The device is very easy to use, it is equipped  with an informative display with large icons, a wide and soft collar for fixing  the wrist and shin, a case for storage and transportation. application Denas Cardio has two automated treatment programs that are intended to affect  the area of ​​biologically active points on the forearm (program number 1) and  the tibia (program number 2). According to the program number 1 is carried out on the impact of biologically  active point-guan it on the inner surface of the wrist (3 cm from the  radiocarpal fold). Stimulation of her weak-guan pulse current, which produces  Denas Cardio, has sedative, anti-stress effect, by which normal blood pressure.  Before a session in the program number 2 device DENAS-Cardio is put on the foot.  On the inside of the lower leg is biologically active point-san yin jiao, which  adjusts the stimulation of blood pressure due to the normalization of renal  blood flow. One program perfectly complements the other, so to obtain a greater  effect on the session, it is recommended to treat first the program number 1,  then - in the program number 2. To conduct this session you need to change the  location of the unit (with wrist shin) and manually change the treatment program  - with first to second - via the front panel buttons. Programs Denas Cardio can  be used not only together, but separately. Recommendations for use in the course  of exposure: spend 1-2 sessions a day for 10-15 days regardless of blood  pressure before treatment indicators. When a stable form of hypertension repeat  courses monthly. There are contraindications. For proper devices DENS procedures,  as well as to determine the optimum combination with other treatments is  required to read the instructions for use and consult with a specialist. DENAS-Cardio. application   Characteristics The kit includes: - Apparatus DENAS-Cardio, - manual, - Plastic case, - Elements LR6 / AA batteries. Specifications: Power supply: 1.5 V LR6 / AA (2 pcs.) Weight: 0.35 kg Dimensions: 120 × 110 × 110 mm The programs Denas Cardio device used frequency of 9.2; 8.1; 3.3; 77; 20; 10 Hz,  which is traditionally recommended for the treatment of hypertension, blood  pressure correction and obtain general sedative, calming effect.    
Vendor: a-store
UHF-60R device for UHF-therapy   UHF-therapy - a method of electrotherapy, which is carried out when the impact  of a high electric field (27.12 MHz) and ultra high frequency (40.68 MHz) supplied  to the tissues via the capacitor plates (applicators) on the human body. In structures having relatively high conductivity (blood, lymph,  urine and tissue having good blood supply), the charged particles oscillate  with the oscillation frequency of the field.  At the same time in these structures the conduction current is generated.  The fluctuation of the particles takes place in a viscous medium, so there is  energy absorption associated with overcoming the resistance of the medium. UHF-therapy has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing properties,  stimulates the immune response, improves trophic tissues and their regeneration. UHF anti-inflammatory effect by improving blood and lymph circulation, tissue dehydration  and reduce exudation, activates the function of the connective tissue, stimulates cell proliferation processes,  which makes it possible to limit the inflammatory focus of dense connective tissue capsule. UHF has antispastic effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder , accelerates the regeneration of nerve tissue, enhances conduction of impulses along the nerve fiber,  decreases the sensitivity of the nerve terminal receptors, ie, It promotes pain relief,  reduces the tone of capillaries, arterioles, lowers blood pressure, causes bradycardia. During UHF-therapy with physiotherapy unit produces an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency.  Therefore, the patient feels warm and the energy absorbed by body tissues, improves microcirculation in the place of impact. This method of treatment has anti-inflammatory and analgesic influence, eliminates hypersensitivity,  whereby: It improves the condition of the nervous system and the endocrine glands; It stimulates blood and lymph circulation; accelerates metabolism; reduced vital functions of pathogenic bacteria; It slows down the absorption of toxic substances from the source of the inflammation. The mechanism of action of UHF The positive effect of the UHF unit on the human body is explained as follows:  the electric field of ultra-high frequency creates a thermal effect in tissues, bones, tendons.  Due to such effects occur in them chemical and biochemical changes. Thus, UHF affects the biophysical and biochemical processes in the body.  Under understood biophysical processes increase the permeability of the vessel walls,  thereby reducing swelling. Microbes and toxins with vessels do not pass,  which promotes detoxification. Under the biochemical processes meant acidification pH of the medium, which helps  to increase the number of white blood cells and strengthen the body's defenses. Due to the impact of local inflammation around UHF formed a kind of barrier,  allowing the disease process to separate from the healthy cells.  This is particularly important when the barrier suppurative inflammatory process. Action UHF during physiotherapy: regenerating; anti-inflammatory; antispasmodic; anesthetic. Indications: inflammation, including acute processes of different localization  (furuncle, carbuncle, abscess, phlegmon, panaritiums et al.), acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of various internal organs  (lung, stomach, liver, urogenital organs) injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system, frostbite, phantom pain, causalgia and other peripheral vascular diseases of the extremities, diseases that occur with severe allergic component  (asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis) vegetovascular dysfunction hypertension stage I-II. Contraindications: aortic aneurysm, hypotension, cardiac ischemia, exertional angina FC III, the presence of an artificial pacemaker in the field of impact decorated festering hotbed of inflammation, purulent sinusitis, vascular lesions of the brain, pregnant with the 3rd month. The device is intended to treat a variety of acute and chronic inflammation of internal organs,  musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract, peripheral nervous system,  female genital system, degenerative processes and acute suppurations by local therapeutic effects of the electric field frequency of 27.12 MHz. The device is recommended for use in clinics, therapeutic,  neurological, surgical, psychiatric, obstetric and gynecological,  children, sanatorium and other medical institutions. Distinctive features: continuous and pulsed modes of operation; adjustable duration and pulse repetition frequency; automatic adjustment in response; smooth speed and power adjustment before and during the procedure; flexible fixed by holders applicators; easy intuitive menu; ergonomic design; option - Set the menu language - Russian / Ukrainian. Contents of delivery: electronic unit - 1 pcs .; flexible applicators holders - 2 pcs .; applicators Ø 110 mm - 2 pcs .; applicators Ø 80 mm - 2 pcs .; applicators Ø 45 mm - 2 pcs .; availability indicator fields UHF - 1 pc. The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Vendor: a-store
   Hardened wood splitter! THE LOG  SPLITTER KIT FOR ELECTRIC MOTOR   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. This product is one of our wood splitter screws, which we make during a four  years. We use a good 45c steel and make a right thickness of tip. Standard offer is lefthand thread. We can make a right thread, but it cost +10$.   Kit includes: - Cone for splitting wood - Two Bearings - Shaft - 100mm small pulley - Large 200mm Pulley - Two grooves - Two screws Diameter 80 [mm] Overall length 250 [mm] Working length 180 [mm] Pulleys   - Large 200mm 2x17HB or any yours dimentions               -  Small 100mm 2x17HB or any yours dimentions Steel grade Improved heat-C45   can be performed any under the  contract. Mounting Type - Counterpressure screw (2 pieces) After purchase, please let us know the hole diameter in  millimeters, and depth in millimeters. We make a screws with different diametres and length. Be free to ask.          Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Items comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!  The payment for shipment is flat for all world: WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical stainless steel   It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size of rings can be adjusted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis  to treat problems with urination for the treatment of urinary tract problems  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
Device galvano therapeutic porta Device galvano therapeutic  portable ELFOR Description If back and joint pains do not allow you to enjoy life, your movements are  limited and even a walk becomes an overwhelming task, do not despair! We know  how to resist such ailments. Device ELFOR home appliance for physiotherapy: quickly and effectively help you and your loved ones available at any place and at any time compact and light easy to use, reliable in operation ELFOR device Home doctor for the whole family! If back and joint pains do not allow you to enjoy life, your movements are  limited and even a walk becomes an overwhelming task, do not despair! We know  how to resist such ailments. Medicine has long developed effective physiotherapeutic methods for treating  diseases of the spine, joints and the musculoskeletal system, but not everyone  has the opportunity to undergo appropriate procedures in a medical institution.  An effective home medical device ELFOR, developed by the Russian company Nevoton,  will be a real find for fighting diseases. ELFOR is a multifunctional device, an analogue of a professional physiotherapy  apparatus that is convenient to use at home. By acquiring it, you get an  indispensable assistant, with whom you are not afraid of illness, bruises,  stretching. It will not only relieve you from pain, but also reduce  inflammation. ELFOR can use people of any age. It is irreplaceable when the patient is  prescribed bed rest or physical activity is limited (elderly people). This  device will be especially useful for people who lead an active lifestyle, as  well as for athletes, coaches and sports doctors, as it will help to quickly  remove the effects of injuries, bruises, etc. At the same time, it is  lightweight, compact, you can always take it with you to the cottage, on a  business trip to the competition. Using traditional physiotherapy treatment methods -  electroplating and electrophoresis ELFOR quickly and efficiently: relieves pain; eliminates swelling and inflammation; improves blood circulation and normalizes the work of diseased organs; enhances the effect of drugs; delivers drugs directly to the diseased organ, bypassing the gastrointestinal  tract; avoids the side effects of medication; reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions. The device  for home physiotherapy ELFOR helps to effectively treat various diseases: deforming arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, bursitis, heel spurs, bruises,  sprains, sprains, broken bones, joint contractures; disorders of the peripheral nervous system, namely, osteochondrosis, neuralgia,  sciatica, lumbago; cardiovascular system and peripheral vessels: hypertension 1 and 2 stages,  vegetative dystonia, varicose veins, obliterating diseases of the vessels of the  extremities; digestive organs: chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer; respiratory organs: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. The principle of therapeutic effects The device ELFOR can work in two modes: galvanization and electrophoresis. Galvanization is the action of a continuous constant current of low power (up to  50 mA) and low voltage (up to 25 V), applied to the body by contact, by means of  electrodes. Galvanic current itself has an independent therapeutic effect. Galvanic current enhances the synthesis of biologically active substances,  changes the conductivity of nerve trunks, improves blood circulation in tissues.  The reactions arising under the action of current are accompanied by  anti-inflammatory, analgesic, metabolic effects. Electrophoresis is a complex method of treatment, combining exposure to  medicinal substances and galvanic current. Medicinal substances are used mainly  in the form of aqueous and salt solutions. By electrophoresis, you can enter  drugs such as analgin, papaverine, caripazim, fermencol, Sivash therapeutic mud  and much more. The drugs administered by electrophoresis go directly to the  center of pain, a considerably smaller dose is required to achieve a therapeutic  effect. The advantages of using the apparatus for electrophoresis ELFOR The procedures are well tolerated by people of any age. Compact and lightweight device does not require an electrical connection. The device is easy to use, an elderly person can easily figure it out. Procedures can be carried out at home, in comfortable conditions, without queues  and visits to the clinic. Medicinal substances enter the body in a super-pure ionic form, in small doses. The likelihood of allergic and adverse reactions is minimal, since medications  go directly to the center of pain, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Indications for use Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (deforming arthrosis,  arthritis, heel spurs, bone fractures, bruises, dislocations, sprains); Peripheral nervous system diseases (neuralgia, spinal osteochondrosis,  radiculitis); Diseases of the cardiovascular system and peripheral vessels (hypertension of I  - II stage, vascular dystonia, varicose veins); Diseases of the digestive system (chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal  ulcers); Respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis). Contraindications Acute infectious diseases and feverish states of unknown etiology. The period of exacerbation of cardiovascular and other serious somatic diseases. Malignant neoplasms. The presence of an implant pacemaker. Individual intolerance of current. Systemic blood diseases. Hemorrhagic syndromes. Bleeding and bleeding tendency. Metal implants. FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good  luck!    
Vendor: a-store
Nevoton Ak 201 beauty device pigment stains bleach Dry and oily skin care NEW   Nevoton Ak 201 beauty device pigment stains bleach Dry and oily skin care NEW Indications for use: Galvanic Facial Cleansing Iontophoresis, improves skin elasticity Removal of rosacea (spider veins capillary) Softening and scar removal Removal of small and large significant smoothing wrinkles Bleaching of pigment spots for dry and oily skin care rosacea Treatment Contraindications: - Acute infectious diseases and fevers of unknown etiology; - Decompensation of cardiovascular disease and other serious physical illness; - Malignant neoplasms; - The presence of an implanted pacemaker; - Individual intolerance of the current; - Systemic blood diseases; - Bleeding and a tendency to bleeding; - Skin rashes, eczema; - Sensitivity of teeth, chronic periodontitis, cysts, granulomas teeth; - Diseases of the thyroid gland; - Cysts and neoplastic breast disease; - The presence of gold thread; Specifications: Supply voltage 9 V; exposure modes: Iontophoresis (constant galvanic current) Lifting (low-frequency pulse current) The voltage at the electrode in the dc mode - no more than 42; The voltage on the electrode in a pulse mode, no more - (+50/50) B; pulse type - Bipolar; Pulse duration - 1000 ms; Pulse repetition rate - from 10 to 50 Hz; Operating mode intermittent - 25 min. work / 5 min. break Overall dimensions - 87x118x30 mm; vehicle weight without battery, not more - 160 g Supply Voltage: 220 volt European standard electric plug.  In the USA, Japan, UK should be used with adapter. 
Vendor: a-store
One or more 6N1P-EV, close analogue ECC88, 6DJ8, 6922.  NEW! NOS! NIB! VINTAGE RUSSIAN Tube  MILITARY  Lot of 1 FREE SHIPPING   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. D e s c r i p t i o n One or more 6N1P-EV, close analogue ECC88, 6DJ8, 6922. Gold Grid! Gold logo with rocket! NOS! Gilded grid. The tube contains 1.38 milligram of gold on the grids of both triodes High quality, "OTK" stamped on body, tested with my tester L3-3, 100% OK! New, unused, from old stock, in original box Fast shipping Worldwide by airmail! box with datasheet! Actual photos   This never been used, from the old stock.     Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.    
Vendor: a-store
2020 MAGNETIC  SHUNGITE  BALLS 2pcs  x ELECTRODE FOR DOVE DENAS COSMODIC BEST FOR: Joints Pain elimination Limphatic improvement; Working on acupuncture points Ear-Brain Balancing Protocol. detachable design will allow you to change wires easiliy and use this electrode with different devices without additional adapters  They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices. You Can choose a port in menu.    REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn treatment from work to rest.      Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Here is feedbacks for shungite electrodes They are the most powerful thing I have experienced  since buying the scenar. They seem to run circuits of energy through the body and around the body in a powerful way. Energy goes everywhere,and they work very deeply! Awesome! Thanks again.. /Alex/   I use since May 2015, before tried almost all  electrodes DENAS and COSMODIC better-nothing. Conductivity, despite the large  size of most paradoxical. Feelings have heard at work SCENAR 5 units / screen /.  Thank you very much for your creative work! /Irina/   An important feature of shungit. Shungit conducts current. As a result, many studies have established that the  stone structures the molecules of water environment. For this reason, DENAS signal when exposed to the human body is much softer and the "depth" and  "wider". Electrodes Shungite allow to reach very soft deep impact. They are very  convenient for processing large surfaces (back, legs) and surfaces with a  complex "relief" (face, neck, joints, fingers). Given that the   Karelian   healing stone   shungite   is   conductive   electrodes   of it   can be used   effectively   with a variety of   physical therapy ,  cosmetology   and massage   appliances.   Need   them   only   connect the appropriate   connector for   interfacing   with your machine . Shungit   - a unique   natural mineral , environmentally friendly,  containing more than 20   beneficial   to the human body   trace elements , including  silicon and   carbon   in the active   globular   form   with a   sorption ,  catalytic and   antibacterial properties,   anti-inflammatory,   analgesic effect ,  treats skin   and joint   disease. We have a new exciting addition to  our array of remote DENAS and COSMODIC attachments – remote electrodes made out  of SHUNGITE, a Russian miracle stone. Shungite is a natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, an ancient  rock formation that is said to be 2 billion years old. It is extracted only in  Russian region of Karelia and has unique healing and purifying properties. “Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and  even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that  harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is  good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a  miracle!” From the book by A. Doronina “Shungite – the stone-savior” Shungite receives its healing power  from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of  several dozens of carbon atoms. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the  most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant. When fullerenes were discovered  in shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware  only of three modifications of carbon – diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new  molecule shows amazing healing properties. It slows down the growth of cancer  cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS  virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology  and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made  it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. Shungite is: shungite spheres on the facea natural  antioxidant that can increase human immunity many folds and suppress the  development of many allergic diseases; a sorbent, purifying air and water from  many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals; a catalyst, which ensures decomposition  of organic substances and restoration of the sorption properties; a carrier of wide range of microelements  and biologically active substances; a material actively interacting with  electromagnetic fields of harmful nature (anthropogenic high-frequency,  solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact; and on top of that, despite the fact that  it is a stone, shungite is extremely electro-conductive! Remote shungite electrodes  specifically designed for DENAS and COSMODIC devices are now being manufactured  in Europe with patented proprietary technology. Unfortunately, shungite is a really difficult stone to work with, due to its  fragility. The manufacturing process results in a lot of wasted material (see  the picture on the left). As a result of that (and of the uniqueness of the  stone as such), the electrodes turn out pretty pricy – but  THEY ARE WORTH IT! Why are the shungite electrodes so  expensive? There are several reasons. First of all, because shungite is a rare mineral.  Second of all, because it is very fragile and a lot of material is wasted before  one electrode is made. And third, only the quality shungite is high-priced. Let me explain the last sentence. The unique qualities of shungite depend on the  concentration of fullerines in it, and this varies quite a bit. The higher the  concentration the more “healing” is shungite, the more fragile, and the more  expensive. The highest quality shungite is called “elite”, and it is very rare,  because the natural resources of it are practically depleted. Keep the above in mind when you are weighing pros and cons of buying cheaper vs  more expensive shungite electrodes. The good deal here may not be the cheap one.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use FAST SHIPPING - Please choose UPS express in shipping options . ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
IVLM1-1/7 / IV-25 Russian VFD Matrix Tubes nixie New  Lot of 12 Russian VFD matrix tubes IVLM1-1/7  / IV-25 These tubes have never been used, they are from the old stock.   Indicator displays 7 green segments.  All segments are separated.  Size - 7.2mm x 78mm.  Color - green. border="0" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; font-weight: normal;"> Parameter   IVLM1-1/7 number of segments in sign 7 rated (nominal) voltage of filament, U 2.04-2,76 constant (fixed) voltage anodes-segments, U 10-20 pulse voltage anodes-segments, U up to 70 filament, consumption of current (nominal), mA 30-40 Constancy summary current anodes-segments, mA 10
Vendor: a-store
STIMULATOR DUNE NEW  PHOTO REJUV           MIT-MT resonance magnet quantum therapy DEVICE REJUVENATION  THERAPY BRAND NEW IN ORIGINAL BOX   XXI centure  medicine     Payment Details:   We accept  PayPal D e s c r i p t  i o n     The apparatus for resonance magnet quantum therapy "MIT-MT" is applied to treatment by low intensive magnetic field and-or zonal magnet quantum effect on resonance frequencies of organs or systems.   The apparatus for resonance magnet quantum therapy "MIT-MT" is applied to treatment by low intensive magnetic field and-or zonal  magnet quantum effect on resonance frequencies of organs or systems.  The apparatus is applied to treatment of various diseases in which fundamentals violation of immune and endocrine systems of a local circulation lays, edemas, painful syndromes, inflammatory processes and of some psychosomatic diseases, mainly neurosises and the reactive conditions especially complicated by violation of a dream. Application of low intensive magnetic field on resonance frequencies of operation of organs of the person renders magnet resonance modulating operation on operation of immune and endocrine systems and possesses nervously-reflex and local operation. Strengthens processes of protective inhibition in a brain cortex, renders sedative and giposensibilitic influence. Promotes restoration of nervous regulation of breath, a circulation and a metabolism. Medical effects of a magnetotherapy: vasoactive, antiinflammatory (antiedematous),  trophic, hypocoagulating,  local analgetic,  protection. The apparatus is recommended to be applied in medical, sanatorium, rehabilitational establishments and houses under the reference of the doctor. Specifications: • the Maximum value of a magnetic induction on an inductor-solenoid working surface - 15 mTL. • the Maximum value of a magnetic induction on a mattress surface - 1 mTL. • the Wavelength of optical radiation: - Red - 0,67 microns; - Infra-red - 0,78 microns. • Power of an optical stream: a red spectrum - 25 mW, an infra-red spectrum-100 mW • the Range of installed resonance frequencies of modulation of a magnetic field and an optical stream - 0,1-99 Hz. The apparatus ensures the fixed change of a magnetic induction on a surface of an inductor 2; 8; 12; 15 mTL and powers of the optical stream, peer 25, 50, 75 and 100 % from the maximum power. • the Apparatus ensures the equipment of frequencies of modulation of an optical stream and a magnetic field from 0,1 to 9,9 through 0,1 Hz and from 10 to 99 through 1 Hz. • the Apparatus ensures a condition «FLOW» frequencies from 1 to 10 Hz and from 10 to 100 Hz in a current 10 with.  • Mass of the apparatus no more than 6 kg.     This is like you have  own doctor at home  !     Suppl y voltage or Europe Australia and other countries  A С 220 V 50 Hz.+- 15% for USA Canada e.t.c  AC   110V 60Hz +- 15%   Integration: 1.Device. 2.Original factory box. 3.Solenoids stationary (mattress) -8 pcs. 4.The solenoid magnet laser portable-2 pcs 5.English instruction manual. 6.110V to 220V adapter (for USA Canada and other country  customers with 110V ) Special offers for winner! If you purschase this  item using Buy It Now, You will obtain discount 5% for any  therapy devices in our store   WHOLESALE  buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you    FOR MORE MEDICAL  DEVICES VISIT  OUR STORE ! Thanks and good luck!             HERE IS FAQ:             1) Q: Can this be used with United States and Canada electric outlets 1 1 0 V-120V ? A: Yes. you will need an adapter  we will provide all our devices with this adapters for free.           ATTENTION FOR  VERO AGENTS  ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "DUNE-ECO"  CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY Copyright © 2003-2004  "MEDIC" Corporation   Distributor # 222356 Shipping Details:   Item   will be carefully packed  (box package). The items will  be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered  priority air mail.  Delivery typically takes10 to 14 days (about  a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of  shipment email to us . ALL  international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: US $48 .00 WE WILL  COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING   Guarantee  of qualitative packing 1 year full guarantee:   We  guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an  item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received  damaged or defective, we will  refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with  identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing,  otherwise it won't be accepted.     Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Vendor: a-store
laser therapeutic device Laser therapeutic device Lika-therapist M (Аппарат лазерный терапевтический ЛИКА-терапевт М) Laser therapeutic apparatus "Lika-therapist M" has found wide application in traumatology, cardiology, gastroenterology, dentistry, gynecology, urology and proctology, dermatology, physiotherapy, otorhinolaryngology, medical rehabilitation, and cosmetology. The laser device "Lika-therapist M" allows you to use for the treatment of laser radiation of the visible and infrared spectrum. This allows you to accurately influence the pathological process, depending on its type and depth of damage. The therapeutic device "Lika-therapist M" is designed in such a way that it allows to carry out interventions with practically any known methods of influence during laser treatment: remote handles of laser emitters are detachably attached to the electronic unit. This unique design of the device allows you to attach to the main unit various types of handles that generate radiation of the visible and infrared spectrum. All this allows the doctor to choose exactly the type of radiation that is needed in a particular case. "Lika-therapist" is used to treat a variety of diseases and pathologies due to the presence of peripheral attachments that are purchased separately from the apparatus. Thanks to its easy transport and design, the Lika-therapist M laser device is suitable for use in ambulatory and private offices. F eatures of the laser apparatus "Lika-therapist M": - the ability to carry out interventions in the spectrum of visible and infrared radiation; - possibility of step power control; - the ability to set and monitor the time of the procedure; - the possibility of modulating radiation; - the ability to control the dose of radiation. Rate is for a laser control unit device "internist Lika M" to the cost of external handles of red laser light (visible) light output of 50 mW. AREAS OF USE ·         Diseases of the musculoskeletal system ·         CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ·         GASTROENTEROLOGY ·         Otorhinolaryngology ·         СТОМАТОЛОГИЯ ·         GYNECOLOGY ·         Urology and Andrology ·         PROCTOLOGY ·         DERMATOLOGY ·         COSMETOLOGY   Specifications The length of the red laser wavelength - 658 nm The output power of red radiation - 0-50 mW Length violet laser wavelength - 405 nm Output power violet radiation - 0-50 mW The length of the infrared laser wavelength - 810 nm The output power of the infrared radiation - 0-100 mW Output power laser-pilot infrared radiation, - no more than 1 MW ± 20% laser modulation frequency - 0.1-99.9 Hz ± 10% radiation time (treatment time) - from 1 sec to 99 min 59 sec The radiation dose - 0.01-99.99 J ± 20% Power - 220 V / 50 Hz Power consumption - no more than 10 W Dimensions of electronic unit, not more than - 245 × 140 × 75 mm vehicle weight (gross) - no more than 2.5 kg   Country of origin: Ukraine Condition: New Output Power: 50; 100 mW Laser Type: Diode Laser FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
DENAS devices  (not to be confused with TENS and EMS)  is designed for both professional and home use.  No prescription required . DENAS-PCM 6 ENGLISH VERSION KNEE SHOULDER THERAPY SET + VIDEO THERAPY Guide +ONLINE THERAPY CONSULTING + Widest range Remote Probes with 20% discount BUY THIS SET WIT H  DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING IN OUR EBAY STORE HERE      The kit includes:     •  DENAS-PCM 6 with English paper manual   •  Knee electrode  •  SHOULDER electrode  •  LEGS electrodes •  Knee SILVER electrodes    • GIFT  Sticking pads for healing internal knee part •   English Practical Guide to DENS-therapy  ( PDF file  will be sent to email ) ; •   English  book "DiaDENS Therapy manual", ( PDF file  will be sent to email )  •   Video DVD Manual  English for DENS-therapy. •   FREE ONLINE Therapy consultations (by WhatsApp) •   Discount 20% for Remote probes for DENAS in our store -  we have widest range of remote probes on the market BUY THIS SET WIT H  DISCOUNT AND FREE SHIPPING IN OUR EBAY STORE HERE    What is Denas PCM 6?  DENS (Dynamic electrical nerve stimulation) - is one the most advanced drug-free solution for pain relief, health recovery and chronic condition treatment. Few of many curative effects can be quickly achieved: Pain relief Decrease of inflammatory reactions,  Improvement of local blood flow  Metabolic processes normalization.  Headaches  Muscle recovery  Joint Pain  Multipurpose device with a wide range of treatment programs. The device can be used long-term without habituation when having pain, motor disturbances, during rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries. Menu of DENAS PCM is multilanguage. ( English, Russian, German, French and Italian).  Affected areas visualization in the "Programs" menu simplifies learning and usage of the device. • Treatment programs: 24 express therapy programs for treatment of the most widespread illnesses and conditions. • Therapy 1 to 9.9 Hz: infralow frequencies are used to work out an individual treatment procedure according to the diagnosis. • Therapy 10, 20 Hz: modes for correcting psychic and emotional state and hormonal disorders. • Therapy 60, 77.125, 140 Hz: special modes for pains, swellings and inflammations. • Therapy 200 Hz: quick pain relief mode. • MED program: rehabilitation after physical and mental stress, illnesses prevention. •  Therapy 7710, 77AM, 7720: special modes for relaxing, tonic, and anti-swelling effect. • Screening: mode for selecting the optimal treatment zones. • Children's doctor allows to choose the optimum capacity when conducting procedures for small children.   When you buy with Buy It Now you will obtain :  1.English  book "DENAS therapy Manual", 240-page with many color  image. (In  PDF format on CD)  2.English  book "DiaDENS Therapy manual", 138-page with many color  image. (In  PDF format on CD)  2.Video DVD Manual  English for DENS-therapy. 3.FREE ONLINE Therapy consultations (by WhatsApp) 4.   Discount 20% for Remote probes for DENAS in our store -  we have the broadest range of remote probes on the world market  -  see them here  DENAS will help with: • Nervous system disorders   • Endocrine diseases, more nutritious and metabolic disorders Hypothyroidism   • Mental and behavioral disorders   • circulatory diseases   • respiratory system DISEASES   • digestive organs DISEASES   • Skin and subcutaneous fat DISEASES   • diseases of the bones, muscles and CONNECUTIVE TISSUE   • diseases of the eye and adnexa   • diseases of the ear and mastoid   • Urogenital DISEASES   • pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum   • CERTAIN CONDITIONS Published in perinatal   • Symptoms and ADAPTATION FROM NORM during clinical and laboratory tests FOUND  OUT   • Injury, poisoning, effects of foreign body penetration, thermal and chemical  burns, frostbite, complications of surgical and therapeutic interventions   • oncological diseases (symptomatic aid)   • Diseases of infantile AGE   • Cosmetic PROBLEMS   • Sports medicine      This  is how you have at home own doctor!         You can find widest range of DENAS remote probes in our store REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn DENAS treatment from work to rest.      Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you Thank you and good luck!          Attention  Vero AGENTS   Owned All texts in this listing only "FABERLIC - DENAS MC" CORPORATION   AND NO OTHER sellers on eBay CERTIFICATION: MTM is certified by the Russian Ministry of Health both for home application by  non-specialists, and for clinical application by specialists with special  medical training (Certificate of Registration of the Ministry of Health # 020  29/23 701/2051/01 of 6 December 2001). "MTM" is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)   ARTG Number:   169570     The unit also has international certificates: mdc medical device certification GmbH   Kriegerstraße 6   70191 Stuttgart, Germany   for DENAS and DiaDENS devices Copyright © 2003-2019 "DENAS MC" Corporation Distributor # 225314 We are official distributor of FABERLIC - Denas MS Corporation's own ID 225314   We guarantee full customer care and best price for all production by DenasMS  Corp®. HERE is FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in German?   Yes all manuals Videos and books are in English and German   2) What kind of product support do you offer?   We provide 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects ..   
Vendor: a-store
DENAS devices  (not to be confused with TENS and EMS)  is designed for both professional and home use.  No prescription required . DENAS-PCM 6 ENGLISH VERSION KNEE SHOULDER THERAPY SET + VIDEO THERAPY Guide +ONLINE THERAPY CONSULTING + Widest range Remote Probes with 20% discount   The kit includes:     •  DENAS-PCM 6 with English paper manual   •  Knee electrode  •  SHOULDER electrode  •  LEGS electrodes •  Knee SILVER electrodes    • GIFT  Sticking pads for healing internal knee part •   English Practical Guide to DENS-therapy  ( PDF file  will be sent to email ) ; •   English  book "DiaDENS Therapy manual", ( PDF file  will be sent to email )  •   Video DVD Manual  English for DENS-therapy. •   FREE ONLINE Therapy consultations (by WhatsApp) •   Discount 20% for Remote probes for DENAS in our store -  we have widest range of remote probes on the market What is Denas PCM 6?  DENS (Dynamic electrical nerve stimulation) - is one the most advanced drug-free solution for pain relief, health recovery and chronic condition treatment. Few of many curative effects can be quickly achieved: Pain relief Decrease of inflammatory reactions,  Improvement of local blood flow  Metabolic processes normalization.  Headaches  Muscle recovery  Joint Pain  Multipurpose device with a wide range of treatment programs. The device can be used long-term without habituation when having pain, motor disturbances, during rehabilitation after injuries or surgeries. Menu of DENAS PCM is multilanguage. ( English, Russian, German, French and Italian).  Affected areas visualization in the "Programs" menu simplifies learning and usage of the device. • Treatment programs: 24 express therapy programs for treatment of the most widespread illnesses and conditions. • Therapy 1 to 9.9 Hz: infralow frequencies are used to work out an individual treatment procedure according to the diagnosis. • Therapy 10, 20 Hz: modes for correcting psychic and emotional state and hormonal disorders. • Therapy 60, 77.125, 140 Hz: special modes for pains, swellings and inflammations. • Therapy 200 Hz: quick pain relief mode. • MED program: rehabilitation after physical and mental stress, illnesses prevention. •  Therapy 7710, 77AM, 7720: special modes for relaxing, tonic, and anti-swelling effect. • Screening: mode for selecting the optimal treatment zones. • Children's doctor allows to choose the optimum capacity when conducting procedures for small children.   When you buy with Buy It Now you will obtain :  1.English  book "DENAS therapy Manual", 240-page with many color  image. (In  PDF format on CD)  2.English  book "DiaDENS Therapy manual", 138-page with many color  image. (In  PDF format on CD)  2.Video DVD Manual  English for DENS-therapy. 3.FREE ONLINE Therapy consultations (by WhatsApp) 4.   Discount 20% for Remote probes for DENAS in our store -  we have the broadest range of remote probes on the world market  -  see them here  DENAS will help with: • Nervous system disorders   • Endocrine diseases, more nutritious and metabolic disorders Hypothyroidism   • Mental and behavioral disorders   • circulatory diseases   • respiratory system DISEASES   • digestive organs DISEASES   • Skin and subcutaneous fat DISEASES   • diseases of the bones, muscles and CONNECUTIVE TISSUE   • diseases of the eye and adnexa   • diseases of the ear and mastoid   • Urogenital DISEASES   • pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum   • CERTAIN CONDITIONS Published in perinatal   • Symptoms and ADAPTATION FROM NORM during clinical and laboratory tests FOUND  OUT   • Injury, poisoning, effects of foreign body penetration, thermal and chemical  burns, frostbite, complications of surgical and therapeutic interventions   • oncological diseases (symptomatic aid)   • Diseases of infantile AGE   • Cosmetic PROBLEMS   • Sports medicine      This  is how you have at home own doctor!         You can find widest range of DENAS remote probes in our store REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn DENAS treatment from work to rest.      Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you Thank you and good luck!          Attention  Vero AGENTS   Owned All texts in this listing only "FABERLIC - DENAS MC" CORPORATION   AND NO OTHER sellers on eBay CERTIFICATION: MTM is certified by the Russian Ministry of Health both for home application by  non-specialists, and for clinical application by specialists with special  medical training (Certificate of Registration of the Ministry of Health # 020  29/23 701/2051/01 of 6 December 2001). "MTM" is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)   ARTG Number:   169570     The unit also has international certificates: mdc medical device certification GmbH   Kriegerstraße 6   70191 Stuttgart, Germany   for DENAS and DiaDENS devices Copyright © 2003-2019 "DENAS MC" Corporation Distributor # 225314 We are official distributor of FABERLIC - Denas MS Corporation's own ID 225314   We guarantee full customer care and best price for all production by DenasMS  Corp®. HERE is FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in German?   Yes all manuals Videos and books are in English and German   2) What kind of product support do you offer?   We provide 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects ..   
Vendor: a-store
Acupressure AMBER INSOLES   Acupressure  INSOLES ''ROSA''   The composition of insoles "Rosa" includes the  following components: myrrh, alfalfa extract, oak leaf, clover, rose essential oil. Healing properties: Insoles have a common  harmonizing preventive and therapeutic effects on the body. Rose essential oil enhances alertness, relieves  spasms of cerebral vessels, relieves migraine headache, weakness, dizziness. Indications: *adaptation to climatic conditions; *depression, neuroses; *bronchial asthma; *insomnia, menopause; *atherosclerosis; *cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gall and  kidney stones disease; * osteochondrosis. INSOLES in sneakers - it's a miracle! Useful - one))) In summer, when the foot sweats - just a nice coffee and herbal flavor. The fact that the extracts from the meadow grass merged with a transparent  polymer and insoles brown - the color of the extracts. Insoles of bioplastics has antibacterial properties - bacteria emits a foul odor,  killed. Let stop sweating, but it does not stink))) If I'm tired of the foot massage, I flip smooth side and get the same benefit to  the body in a softer impact ... Econika   insoles are made of bioplastics, which includes aromatic resins - frankincense,  myrrh; extracts of meadow grass - alfalfa, chamomile, oak leaves, yarrow,  melilot, clover; essential oils of rose, sage, etc. Insoles Econika lead to the harmonization of all organs and body systems:  improve immune protection, regulate energy balance. To live in harmony with nature - the best protection against disease! Remember how good you felt after walking barefoot on the meadow. Contact with  the ground is always a beneficial effect on human health. The structure of the insoles and the Earth's surface has a similar lyotropic  inclusion plant (Gr. 1uo- dissolve; trope - turn, turn), lyotropic state has  always existed in nature, and it is actively used for self improvement. Putting insoles in shoes, you have to constantly walk "across the meadow" or "fallen  leaves" in the forest and at the same time feel the healing aromas of plants. For the first time succeeded in combining artificial materials with natural  vegetable raw materials. In such a combination of medicinal plants began to  operate a totally different way. They not only neutralize the negative  properties of synthetic polymers, but also give them a recreational and  therapeutic activities. Insoles Econika embodied the achievements of Chinese and Tibetan medicine, as  well as knowledge of ancient healers, so they were showed the best properties of  massage and energy insoles. Thus, they can be worn upper (massage) and the lower  side. Power action with the same. Extracts of medicinal herbs meadow - a biologically active part of insoles. Use  the insoles, the healing power of plants affects the active area of ​​the  internal organs through the energy meridians that govern the body's vital energy,  which focus on the feet. This herbal compound suppresses alien microbes, fungi and microbes. Medicinal  herbs have anti-inflammatory, healing, resolve, cough and stimulating, antitoxic  properties. For us it is very valuable that the healing properties are beginning to manifest  itself in the first days of use of insoles. Of course, different people -  different, but in all cases there is improvement due to activation of metabolic  processes in the body and cleansing of toxins, toxins and excess salt, and this  results in an adjustment of the biofield, improve immune protection and energy  balance. How to use: Cut the insoles to your size and Insert them  into shoes, slippers or simply use them without shoes. It is recommended to  periodically wash the insoles with a soap solution. Insoles can be worn upper  (massage) and the lower side. This is  like you have  own doctor at home  !   WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you      
Vendor: a-store
Dolphin No Dolphin No. 10 nose wash device 240 ml (Долфин для промывания носа) Description The Dolphin device is intended for the prevention and treatment of ENT diseases for adults and children over 12 years old by means of washing and irrigation with a solution made using a washing agent. The device makes it easy and painless to carry out the procedure of washing the nose, including children and pregnant women. Using the device, you can smoothly adjust the strength and speed of the solution in the nasal cavity, eliminating the discomfort during the procedure. Full nasal washing takes no more than 3 minutes.   Recommendations for use: Rhinitis with ARI and ARVI. Allergic rhinitis. Rhinitis pregnant. Atrophic rhinitis. Hypertrophic rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis. Sinusitis Frontline Etmoiditis. Rhinosinusitis. Adenoiditis Preparing for operations. Rehabilitation after operations in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Mode of application: Dissolve in the bottle the contents of 1 sachet in 240 ml of boiled drinking water with a temperature of 34-36 ° C. Attach the device to the nostril and gently squeeze the solution. Blow your nose to remove residual solution from the nasal cavity.   Contraindications: Complete obstruction of the nasal passages (polyps of the nose). Frequent bleeding from the nose. Benign and malignant neoplasms in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Acute otitis and exacerbation of chronic otitis. Individual intolerance to the components of the mixture. Terms and conditions of storage: Store in a dry place at a temperature from 0 ° С to + 25 ° С and humidity not more than 75%.   Release form: Rinsing device 240 ml Means for washing - 10 bags on 2 g Instruction FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
IN-19A IN-19A NEW NIXIE TUBES Lot of 2. BRAND NEW! CHEAP! BEST   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. IN-19 A D e s c r i p t i o n Nixies is made in USSR. New, old stock. Rare, not produce now IN-19 is cold cathode neon gas discharge indicator intended to display symbols This listing is for 2 Nixie tube: IN-19A - 2 pcs, Tube size: 19mm x 55mm (0.76” x 2.2”) Symbol height: 18mm (0.72”) Supply voltage: 170V Working current: 2.5mA Electrical parameters Brightness >=100cd/m^2 Angle of visibility >= 90 deg Power supply voltage >= 200 V Discharge appearance voltage Discharge voltage: Display current Operations current: Running from DC 4 - 7 mA Running from AC with 50 Hz (average value) 2 - 4 mA Life time >= 5000 hours      Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.  
Vendor: a-store
D e s c r i p t i o n     The "VITAFON - IR" device is a popular physiotherapeutic device possessing unique therapeutic properties. The "VITAFON's" therapeutic effect is based on increasing the capillary blood flow and lymph flow through microvibration.   T he vibroacoustic device "Vitafon " is intended for the treatment of a wide range of inflammatory and post-traumatic diseases. It has a wide range of indications. A high efficacy of the treatment is attained on account of a many-fold enhancement of the micro capillary blood flow and lymph flow in the treated area.    T he device induces microvibration of tissues through contact and by means of a constantly changing sonic frequency. The change of frequency within the ordered range and transition from one range to another occurs automatically according to a program.    T he I Range Frequency constantly changes from 20 Hz to 4.5 kHz and is optimized for the maximum effect of the hydrodynamic pump in the veins.    T he II Range Frequency constantly changes from 200 Hz to 18 kHz and is directed towards enhancement of the effect of decreasing hydrodynamic resistance in the capillaries.   Indications   Adenoma of the prostate gland  Alcohol Abstinence Syndrome  Arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis    Blackheads  Bronchitis  Burns    Corns, calluses  Carbuncle  Cerebral paralysis, flaccid paralysis  Contusion  Constipation  Cosmetic purposes  Cystitis    Dislocations and strains  Dental diseases, periodontitis, paradontitis, stomatitis    Encopresis (faeces incontinence)  Enuresis (urine incontinence)  Essential hypertension    Fractures  Furunculosis, carbunculosis, acne  Frostbites and supercooling    Haematoma, oedema, bruises  Hemmorhoid    Infantile cerebral paralysis (consequences), flaccid paralysis  Inflammation of middle ear, Sensorineural hearing disorders(otitis)  Impotence  Insomnia  Gastritis  Glaucoma    Lactostasis phenomena    Maxillary sinusitis    Neurosensory deafness    Oedema  Osteochondrosis, radiculitis    Periodontitis, stomatitis, and parodontosis  Prophylactics of cold ailments  Prostatitis  Pyelonephritis    Radiculitis  Relieving fatigue  Restoration and development of voice  Running nose (rhinitis)    Scoliosis (complications)  Serous mastitis, lactostasis  Spine traumas VITAFON FOR YOU For Men  The "Vitafon" is an ideal means of treating impotence: its has no undesirable side effects, provides a stable positive result, and favourably affects all the pelvic organs. The statistics are indisputable: 25 to 40% of men, and robust men at that, suffer from inflammation of the prostate gland: prostatitis. That is right: they do suffer because, apart from the pain syndrome, sexual disorders appear in these men often leading to impotence and  read more . . . For Women Every woman wishes to be beautiful and healthy. "Vitafon" will help you attain both of these goals. An efficient means for improving the circulation, "Vitafon" can be quite successfully used not only for therapeutic-prophylactic purposes, but also for cosmetic ones. The device should be used with preliminarily selected therapeutic preparations: creams, ointments, gels, balsams, lotions. In this case  read more . . . For Elderly People Hypertension is a common fellow-companion of elderly people: increase in atrerial pressure. Hypertension is a treacherous disease. The increased arterial pressure may lead not only to stress on the heart and to cardiac pain, but also to infarction. The stress is increased  read more . . . For Children Any mother (or father as well, incidentally) knows how difficult it is to bring up a terror-son: constant distresses, innumerable bruises and scratches! Everyone knows that after a hard injury, dislocation or sprain it is necessary to  read more . . . For Young Mothers In the operating instructions for the device, pregnancy is included in the list of contraindications. Some users think therefore that one can get rid of a pregnancy with the aid of the "Vitafon". But this is incorrect. The vibroacoustic effect cannot possibly interrupt pregnancy. Microvibration will improve  read more . . . For Sportsmen  "Vitafon" is an irreplaceable aide in sports. Sportsmen during contests and training often become traumatised. And there is simply no time for recuperation. Accelerating fracture consolidation, healing of injuries and wounds 1.5-2.0-fold, "Vitafon" is a true companion of many sportsmen.   But "Vitafon" is suitable not only for sports traumas healing. Prophylactic procedures on cervical and lumbar-sacral portions of the spine enable one to improve co-ordination of  read more . . . For Summer Residents  In summer, at the dacha, small problems often occur. Have you caught cold, gotten a sore throat, rhinitis, headache? "Vitafon" will help you get rid of all these illnesses quickly.   Did you injure yourself, dislocate a foot, burn yourself at a fire or simply have a callosity? With your "Vitafon" the healing will proceed quickly.  Did you overestimated your  read more . . . Sedentary Life?  Osteochondrosis is one of the most widely spread diseases of the 20th century, appearing only less frequent than, perhaps, acute respiratory diseases during the Spring-Autumn period. Everyone at least once has experienced those unpleasant painful sensations in one's back. Constraint, pain, "burning sensations", lumbago: these are signs of this ailment. The human spine is the basis of  read more . . . Shipping Details:   Device will be carefully packed  (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). For ITALY UP TO 30 DAYS  If you want to use other methods of shipment email to us . ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: USD $25 .00 WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING   Guarantee of qualitative packing 1 year  full guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all  our  products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective,  we  will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.     Role of the Spine in the Origin of Diseases It seems that not a single system of the human organism plays such an important role in the condition of our health as the spine. In ancient times every musical instrument would be made strictly individually for each and every musician: before beginning to work, the master would take measurements of the future owner of the instrument just to find out his or her spine length. This parameter: the mensura, was then laid in the base of interrelations among the parts of a future violin, cello, guitar. The unsurpassable master of flamenco, Paco de Lucia, plays a guitar made specifically for him by his grandfather, a musical instrument master. "Of course I can play any other guitar too, - says de Lucia, - but then it will not be a real flamenco…". The spine is a kind of axis for the human body. Its upper end it connects with the skull, with the lower one - with the pelvis bones. The spine includes 33 or 34 vertebrae, each of them consisting of a body, arch, and processes.         The "Vitafon" application in treatment of the spine strives for: Enhancement of the blood supply to muscles in order to relieve stress and improve the spine balance Relieving muscular pain occurring after stress Restoration and maintenance of the blood supply to neural fibres that are compressed Enhancement of elasticity of the intervertebral discs by improving their blood supply Elimination of oedema Resolution of the salt deposits This is like you have  own doctor at home  !   Construction    T he "Vitafon-2" device consists of the control block and attached interchangeable transformers of the vibraphones and IR-radiator. A membrane manufactured of a special alloy and decoratively covered is the operative surface of the vibraphone. A metal chrome-plated plate with orifices evenly distributed over the surface is the operative surface of the IR-radiator. In the orifices, optical elements are built-in. The optical elements consist of semiconductor radiators of the infrared range light (invisible). One of them is located centrally and the three others are equally distanced on the margins. All of them are equipped with auxiliary indicator red light-emitting diodes. The main control organs are situated on the faceplate of the control block.    T he device's vibraphones through the contact mode of the membrane induce microvibration of the organism's tissues. The IR-radiator acts with its infrared radiation upon the tissues. The rate of microvibration and infrared radiation pulses constantly changes automatically according to an enabled cyclic program within the sonic frequency range.        Specification:    Mains voltage for USA Canada e.t.c  AC  110V-120V 60Hz +- 15% 220±22 120±22 V V Mains frequency 50 Hz Power consumption, not greater than 20 VA Time of uninterrupted operation of the device, not less than 8 Hrs The time of establishing the operative regimen as of the moment of the device connection to the main power source, not over 3 s Average term of the device's service, not less than 5 years Net mass of the device, not over 3,25 kg Size of the device, not over 185x195x85 mm Operational parameters   Dependence of duration of a single cycle of the microvibration frequency change sequence and of the IR-radiation mean capacity on the enabled type of the sequence "regimen", is shown in Table 1.  Table 1. The type of cyclic sequence Duration Тc of the frequency change cycle, c Duration Тc of the mean capacity change cycle, c "regimen" 1 150 + 15 300 + 30 "regimen" 2 150 + 15 150 + 15 "regimen" 3 300 + 30 150 + 15 "regimen" 4 150 + 15 150 + 15 "regimen" 5 740 + 60 740 + 60 "regimen" 6 150 + 15 300 + 30 "regimen" 7 108 + 10 216 + 10 "regimen" 8 67 + 6 -   Note: "regimen" 8 is only maintained in the point vibraphone connection   Lower frequency Fl1: within the range of 38±5 Hz Higher frequency Fh 20000 Hz Duration of the frequency impulse modulation period (Тim) in the "regimen" 3 and "regimen" 4 sequences: within the range 0,8-1,2 s The microvibration amplitude created by each vibroacoustic transformer at the lowest frequency depending on the transformer's type Amax vibraphone single 16-28 mcm Amax vibraphone duplex 10-22 mcm Amax vibraphone of the "mattress" type 2-6 mcm Amax point vibraphone 10-30 mcm Minimal value of Amin 0,2Amax mcm   Dependence of the intermediate values of microvibration amplitude of the vibraphones single, duplex, "mattress" type, on established numerical values "energy", "weight", is shown in Table 2.    Table 2. Weight Energy 4 Energy 3 Energy 2 Energy 1 >85 Amax (0,6-0,9)Amax (0,3-0,6)Amax (0,5-0,8)Amax (0,3-0,6)Amax (0,2-0,4)Amax   Capacity of infrared radiation created by an infrared transformer's radiation:    Minimal not over 3,0 mW    Maximal within 20-40 mW Mean wavelength of the IR-radiation within 0,95±0,04 mcm       "VITAFON" Features: Remote power supply unit working from alternating current network of 220/110V. Thanks to its construction, the apparatus works as an easy-applicable, convenient and small remote-control station, working without any extension cords. Easy and convenient push-button control. Intuitively obvious programming allows quick and accurate entry of prescribed parameters of the treatment procedure and provides the maximum convenience in application. Indication of chosen treatment mode and procedure duration. Due to these functions, the patient is always sure in accurate entry of the parameters, prescribed by the treatment scheme, feels psychological comfort and makes no effort to trace how much time is left before the completion of the treatment procedure. Visible display indication of the treatment time left and automatic switching-off of the apparatus when the treatment session is over. Working from outer source of continuous current of 12 V. Using this power source, a patient feels free in applying the apparatus during a trip, even in a tourist camp. It is possible now to do housework or perform any other activities during the treatment session - a patient needn't connect the apparatus to the socket and is absolutely free in movements. It is better for such "mobile" patients to use special accessories, delivered on order*.        Integration: 1.APPLICATOR "VITAFON 2". 2.Original factory box. 3.English instruction manual. 4. External therapeutic electrodes 6 pcs 5.External therapeutic belt electrodes 2 pcs 5.Electric power source  for USA Canada e.t.c  AC  110V-120V 60Hz +- 15%  for Europe Australia and other countries  A С  220 V 50 Hz.+- 15% Special offers for winner! If you purschase this item using Buy It Now, we include for you: 1.English book ""The VITAFON" Treatment and Prevention of Diseases ",  140 pages. ( in PDF format on CD ) 2.Video DVD Manual (English, German) for DENS (XXI centure therapy.)   The vibroacoustic device "VITAFON" has already found its millionth user! 
Vendor: a-store

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