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Full tulle skirt which is very light. The dress has an open back in the shape of a circle. Elegant accents on the back in the form of bows. Red tutu skirt. The dress is complemented by a belt made of satin ribbons at the waist. A very gentle and airy dress. All princesses want to be the most beautiful and vibrant at the holiday, this dress is made for real little stars. Each  dress is made by hand, especially for you.♥ Please carefully read the measurement information! Colors: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ ♥♥♥ Ivory ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ White ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Light Ivory ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Black ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ White ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Pink ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Rose♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Nude ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Lavande ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Red ♥♥♥ MATERIAL: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Satin, Tulle , Lace CLOSURE ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Closure with Zipper. Dear Сustomers! If you have a custom size please write me your measurements : ❋Chest (around  at the widest point) ❋Waist (around the waist at the smallest point) : ❋Hips (around the hips and rear at the widest point) : ❋Biceps : ❋Neck ❋Length of sleeve : ❋Shoulder to shoulder : ❋Height  : ❋From shoulder to waist Please write me your measurements on the figure in the notes to your order. Produce time : ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Production usually takes about 2-3 weeks . If you need some rush, please contact me. Cleaning instructions ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ Hand wash /Professional dry cleaning Shipping information: ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ North America: 2-5 weeks Europe: 2-4 weeks Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 3-6 weeks Asia Pacific: 3-6 weeks Latin America and the Caribbean: 2-5 weeks PACKING : ෴*°•.✿✿•°*෴ The parcels are qualitatively packed with an individual track number. If you have any questions please contact me
$100.00 $73.99
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 Проведи гарно час, складаючи моделі п’яти динозаврів, і дізнайся, у чому унікальність кожного з них! Страшний тиранозавр, швидкий велоцираптор, «броньований» трицератопс, великий стегозавр та гігантський диплодок – усі вони чекають, поки ти розгадаєш їхні таємниці та пограєшся з ними! Aвтор Маґрін Федеріка Видавництво Видавництво Старого Лева Обкладинка картон Кількість сторінок 12  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 3-6  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Картон  Рік видання 2021  Розмір товару 245 х 260 х 18 мм  Вага 620 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$28.00 $25.25
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Перший том книги  "Історія України від діда Свирида"  українського блогера, відомого в соціальній мережі Фейсбук під ім’ям "Свирид Опанасович". Книга написана у стилі, найбільшим наближенням за подібністю до якого є Всесвітня історія в обробці "Сатирикону". Однак, авторське викладення матеріалу відрізняється більш науковим ставленням до історичних деталей, глибиною аналізу причинно-наслідкових зв’язків, тому може використовуватися як достовірний варіант історичного матеріалу не тільки для всіх, хто просто цікавиться історією, а й для учнів та студентів. Особливістю авторського жанру є "оживлення" історичних героїв в форматі діалогів та залучення читачів до аналізу історичних подій. Том перший охоплює період від первісних людей і заселення території України до 1036 року. Aвтор Свирид Дід Видавництво Видавець Сілаєва Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 272  Мова Українська
Vendor: WB Books UA
$23.00 $20.50
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У кожної людини в серці є особливий будиночок пам’яті, де живе її рід. На порозі цього «дому» й Ба. Літня бабуся вже зовсім погано рухається, важко говорить, але це не заважає їй та її близьким бути люблячими, терпимими, радісними, цінувати кожну спільну мить, приймаючи одне одного такими, як вони є. Aвтор Стус Т. Видавництво Ранок Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 48  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 3-6  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Крейдований  Рік видання 2018  Розмір товару 230 х 285 мм  Вага 200 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$15.00 $13.00
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Історії про кицю Мону – це книги, які вже стали британською класикою. Всі українські любителі котиків також гарантовано будуть у захваті від емоційно яскравих та позитивних малюнків й простих оповідок. Читачі-початківці зможуть легко та із задоволенням читати веселі невеличкі тексти. «Забудькувата киця Мона» розповідає про те, як недуже добра звичка несподівано принесла користь цілій родині – врятувала від грабіжника. «Малюк і Мона» життєво описує ситуацію, коли у одному помешканні мусять співіснувати маленька дитина та тварина. Щирі емоції кожного персонажа роблять цю історію надзвичайно цікавою. Формат А4, крейдований цупкий папір. Aвтор Керр Дж. Видавництво Читаріум Обкладинка м'яка ISBN 978-617-7329-31-1 Кількість сторінок 40 Мова Українська Вік дитини 1+, 3-6, 6-10 Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик Ілюстрації Кольорові Папір Крейдований Рік видання 2018 Розмір товару 220 х 280 мм Вага 185 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$13.00 $11.00
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Люсі-Мод Монтгомері. Енн із Зелених Дахів Події цієї чудової книжки відбуваються в далекій Канаді, на острові Принца Едварда. На фермі Зелені Дахи живуть немолоді вже брат із сестрою, Метью й Марілла Катберти. Якось вони вирішили взяти із сирітського притулку хлопця, котрий міг би допомагати їм у господарстві. Проте їхньому здивуванню не було меж, коли виявилося, що замість хлопця до них прибула руденька худорлява дівчина, Енн Ширлі. І в цієї незвичайної істоти виявилася напрочуд химерна вдача! Книжки канадської письменниці  Люсі-Мод Монтгомері  (1874–1942) вже понад століття користуються величезним успіхом у всьому світі. Щороку вони видаються мільйонними накладами у США, Канаді, Австралії та країнах Європи, за ними знято популярні кінофільми, створено театральні постановки. «Енн із Зелених Дахів»  – початок циклу, що складається з восьми книжок. Aвтор Монтгомері Л. Видавництво Урбіно Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 320  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 10-14, 14 +, 16 +  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Немає ілюстрацій  Папір Офсетний  Рік видання 2020  Розмір товару 130 х 200 мм  Вага 340 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$15.50 $14.00
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Вивчати літери — це весело й цікаво, особливо коли в тебе є пухнасті друзі! Маєчка та інші герої допоможуть дитині вивчити абетку та поринути у світ пригод чотирилапої родини! Приготуйся до справжніх пригод: разом із кішкою Пепою побачиш морські хвилі, відсвяткуєш маскарад у смішному костюмі, а із собакою Каєм побуваєш на космічному кораблі… У цій книжці ти зустрінеш нових героїв, які зовсім нещодавно були безпритульними, а тепер знайшли домівку та люблячу родину! Aвтор Варіна Іла Видавництво Nebo Booklab Publishing Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 48  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 1+, 3-6  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Крейдований  Рік видання 2020  Розмір товару 245 х 280 мм  Вага 350 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$17.50 $16.00
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«У міста є я!»  – перше ілюстроване видання для дітей, що відкриває секрети про всі процеси в місті. У 13 розділах Ірина Озимок розповідає про те, як мешканці керують своїм містом, що таке міський бюджет і як він наповнюється, чому тепло треба економити, як не потонути у смітті і чому варто його сортувати, все про різновиди транспорту і коли та чому краще ходити пішки. Але найважливіше, ця книжка є своєрідною інструкцією, як діти вже сьогодні можуть впливати на місто – які дитячі організації та ініціативи працюють в Україні та світі, до яких можна долучитись чи якими можна надихнутись і зробити щось своє,щоб змінити життяв місті на краще. А ще у ній багато цікавих фактів про міста у різних куточках світу – де з’явилась перша пішохідна вулиця, в якому місті найстаріше метро, а де найвища будівля і хто подарував Статую Свободи Нью-Йорку та багато інших. Видання інтерактивне – до кожного розділу є особливе завдання, а ще кожен читач може взяти участь у конкурсі малюнків та есе. У книжці всі погані звички позначенні спеціальним значком,авторка закликає їх віднайти і ніколи не повторювати. Ірина Озимок також рекомендує читати цю книжку з дорослими, щоб розпитати більше деталей про рідне місто чи поділитись своїми спостереженнями. Проілюструвала видання Анна Іваненко. «У міста є я, тобто кожен його житель, і саме від нас залежить, яким воно буде: чистим, дружнім, безпечним, цікавим, зручним, інклюзивним. Ми також можемо обирати, чи будемо пасивними спостерігачами чи активними учасниками процесів у місті. Це більше, ніж книжка, адже вона сприяє пізнанню та спілкуванню дітей з дорослими, дає змогу написати лист меру та виграти призи в межах конкурсів малюнку та есе», – зазначає Ірина Озимок. Aвтор Озимок Ірина Видавництво #книголав Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 64  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 3-6, 6-10  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Крейдований  Рік видання 2021  Розмір товару 220 х 250 х 10 мм  Вага 470 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$16.00 $15.00
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Життя п’ятнадцятирічної студентки коледжу Діни вирує подіями. Якось до неї по допомогу звертається одногрупниця Валя, яка досі ніколи з Діною і не розмовляла. Валя має таємницю: викладач фізики з коледжу наполегливо вимагає її уваги.      «#ФІЗИК» — це психологічна пригодницька історія , яка написана, щоб допомогти тим, хто став жертвою харасменту і опинився сам на сам із цією проблемою. Aвтор Рубан Т. Видавництво Талант Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 112  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 10-14, 14 +  Стать дитини Дівчинка  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Офсетний  Рік видання 2021  Розмір товару 150 х 210 х 10 мм  Вага 250 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$14.00 $12.00
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Книжка має понад 50 віконечок, які на кожній сторінці видання матимуть цікавинки про природні дива планети. Разом із книжкою юні читачі вирушать у захопливі мандри різними порами року й куточками світу, дізнаються, які тварини мешкають у джунглях, як утворюється туман, де найспекотніше у світі та безліч іншого. Книжка стане продовженням улюбленої серії «Маленькі дослідники». «Погода і природа» – це восьма книжка із серії «Маленькі дослідники» у видавництві #книголав. Перше видання «Моє дивовижне тіло» стало абсолютним бестселером і поповнило домашні бібліотеки біля 30 000 українців, разом із ним до лідерів увійшли: «Світ тварин», «Динозаври», «Космічний світ», «Підводний світ» та «Транспорт". Aвтор Коровкіна А. Видавництво #книголав Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 18  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 3-6  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Картон  Рік видання 2019  Розмір товару 205 х 225 мм  Вага 475 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$20.50 $18.00
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The perfect wedding dress for a beach wedding. Thin shoulder straps, corset base of the top, and incredibly delicate lace. Lightweight and weightless skirt. Spectacular slit on the leg and train. and the back is open. dream dress. Fabric: Tulle , satin, lace  Color: Light Ivory, white, nude  Sizes from 32 to 46   It is possible to order and individual size. For an individual order, the following measurements are needed:   *chest volume  *Waist  *hips   *biceps   *height from head to floor   *head to floor height in wedding shoes. If you have any questions, write with pleasure we will answer.
Vendor: L-Bride
$400.00 $240.00
Save 37%
Spectacular wedding dress in Boho style. Unique corset design with 3D effect. Lightweight and flowy skirt. delicate lace. and a light long train. Nice open back. Fabric: Lace, Tulle, satin.  Color: Light Ivory, Nude, White  Sizes from 32 to 46  It is possible to order and individual size. For an individual order, the following measurements are needed:  *chest volume  *Waist   *hips  *biceps  *height from head to floor  *head to floor height in wedding shoes. If you have any questions, write with pleasure we will answer.
Vendor: L-Bride
$430.00 $270.00
Set of 4 quilted coasters with blue and yellow colors
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This set of 4 quilted coasters with cute rabbits is a perfect small present! SIZE ◽ Each heart coaster is 4.9*5.9 inches (12.5*15 cm). COLORS ◽ In the quilted mug rugs, you will find yellow and blue colors with rabbits, polka dot and zig zag prints. MATERIALS ◽ I used 100% US cotton Robert Kaufman. For batting, the filler was used, which is good with hot mugs. CARE ◽ Use delicate machine wash, t°=30-40 °C, spin at medium speed. You may also use hand wash at t°=30-40 °C. Dry it in straightened condition. If needed, iron them. If you want to make a custom order, please let me know. PLEASE NOTE that only cup coasters themselves are for sale. ❗ PLEASE NOTE: The product travels from Ukraine to the warehouse of your country and then directly to you. Sometimes, you can see the status of the package only when it starts going to you from the warehouse. If you have some questions, please contact me. ❗️ Colours may vary depending on your gadgets’ screen. ❗️ Smoke-free house.
Vendor: NovaQuilt
$19.99 $17.99
Save 29%
Plastic inserts in the thresholds of the car BMW INDIVIDUAL E38 740 iL 1994-2001 door sills.   Door sills with BMW E38 IL Indibidual lettering. Custom. Replica of the original.  Material: plastic.  Material: plastic. Custom. Includes 4 pads. Installation in regular plastic thresholds of the car.  Lettering: BMW INDIVIDUAL. Good quality. Fastening in place of regular inserts in the thresholds of the car. Auto accessory for cars. Unique design you can emphasize the individuality of your car. The legendary series of cars BMW E38 IL.  Fast parcel delivery. Delivery worldwide.
$280.00 $199.00
Save 15%
Автомобильные светодиодные накладки на пороги  Ford Fusion Energi 2015-2020 года надпись Energi,  логотип Energo. Стальные подножки RS Custom готовы к установке по электронике и индивидуально обновят внешний вид вашего интерьера. Эта лазерная резка на 100% точно подходит для вашего автомобиля и идеально подходит для вашего автомобиля. ▪ Адаптация всем: Ford Fusion Energi 2015-2020 гг., 4 шт.  ▪ 100% нержавеющая сталь (полированная).  ▪ Для установки продукта мы рекомендовали его установить специалисту. Подключение к электросети 12 Вт, к включению двери.  ▪ Точность измерения, конструкции лазерной резки RS Custom обеспечивает идеальную посадку. ▪ Превратите свой автомобиль в персонализированный и уникальный автомобиль. Надпись: Стандартная марка автомобиля или с индивидуальной надписью с доплатой 23$.  я и я   Поместите крышку RS Custom на поверхность перед ее прикреплением, чтобы получить представление о том, как она будет выглядеть после установки. Обязательно поместите кусочек малярной ленты (при необходимости).  Очистите поверхность, на которой будет установлен порог RS Custom, от пыли/грязи и воска. Дайте ему полностью высохнуть. Удалите клейкую ленту.  Продолжайте нажимать, особенно по краям, в течение 30 секунд. Подключитесь к мощности 12 Вт. к открытию двери. Мы надеемся, что наш продукт вам понравится! -Обязательно проверьте, соответствуют ли некоторые товары фотографиям цветов в интерьере/экстерьере вашего автомобиля. Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы сфотографировать различные условия освещения, чтобы дать вам представление о том, как будет выглядеть наш продукт. Ваш продукт RS Custom при солнечном свете будет выглядеть иначе, чем в помещении.  Именно это делает нашу продукцию такой красивой и уникальной!
$260.00 $220.00
Save 15%
Ilumination led door sills Jeep Gladiator 2020-2023 with stainless steel includes 4 pieces.  RS Custom Steel Running Boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom update your interior look. This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car. ▪ Suitable for everyone: Jeep Gladiator 2020-2023 with stainless steel includes 4 pieces. ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished). ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend installing it by a specialist. Connection to power supply 12 W., to the door lighting. ▪ Measuring accuracy, RS Custom laser cut design ensures perfect fit  ▪ Change your vehicle to a personalized luxury and unique vehicle. Inscription: Standard car brand or with an individual inscription with a surcharge of $ 30. ⚠ I n s t r u k c and I ① Place the RS Custom cover on the surface before permanently attaching to get an idea of how it will look after being installed. Mark the final location with a piece of masking tape (if necessary).  ② Clean the surface on which the RS Custom door sill will be installed to remove dust / dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove the adhesive tapes.  ③ Continue pressing, especially at the edges, for 30 seconds. Connect to 12W power. to the door lighting. We hope you enjoy our product! -Be sure to check if some of the items in the product photos exactly match the interior / exterior of your vehicle. - We do our best to photograph different lighting conditions to give you an idea of what our product will look like. Your RS Custom product will look different in sunlight than indoors. This is what makes our products so beautiful and unique!
$260.00 $220.00
Save 23%
Door sills for BMW E34 M5 Material: plastic. Caption:  M5 Installation in place of regular plastic thresholds of the car. Fastening on metal thresholds of a car. Possibility of ordering with your inscription under the order. Production of custom-made door sills with any inscriptions and logos for BMW cars. Fast shipping. Qualitative.
$260.00 $199.00
Save 12%
Classic wedding dress with sleeves. Lace corset dress. Hand embroidery on the corset. The cups are sewn in. A-line skirt. Fabric: Tulle , Satin, Lace.  Color: Light Ivory, White, Ivory, Blush, Red, Black  Sizes from 32 to 46   It is possible to order and individual size. For an individual order, the following measurements are needed:   *chest volume  *Waist  *hips   *biceps   *height from head to floor   *head to floor height in wedding shoes. If you have any questions, write with pleasure we will answer.
Vendor: L-Bride
$330.00 $290.00
Save 8%
Mermaid wedding dress with lace elements. The wedding dress captivates. Comfortable and effective wedding dress. Corset dress. Cups are sewn inside. Back with buttons. Elegant medium train. Fabric: Tulle , Satin, Lace  Color: Light Ivory. Ivory, White , Blush, Red , Black  Sizes from 32 to 46   It is possible to order and individual size. For an individual order, the following measurements are needed:   *chest volume  *Waist  *hips   *biceps   *height from head to floor   *head to floor height in wedding shoes. If you have any questions, write with pleasure we will answer.
Vendor: L-Bride
$400.00 $370.00
best bra for breastfeeding pink
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  Great choice for hot summer days , these cotton breastfeeding bras with unsnapable cups are comfortable to wear, soft to skin, and provide easy access for nursing. Wire free, and not padded, o ur customers say they can even be worn while sleep.    Adjustable elastic straps, no rims, breathable skin-friendly cotton blend, back closure type: three rows two buckles each.    All Breastfeeding Bras in this collection have one-size Cup. The Cup size is C. Which means they are great for when the  difference between your bust and underbust circumference is 6 inches / 15 cm . If this is your case, great, go ahead, choose your underbust size and Place Order. If the difference is smaller, tap  HERE. Best Bra For Breastfeeding Size Chart  Size Upper Bust up to Under Bust up to 34/75C 35.5 inches / 90cm 30 inches / 75 cm 36/80C 37.5 inches / 95 cm 31.5 inches / 80 cm 38/85C 39 inches / 100 cm 33.5 inches / 85 cm 40/90C 41 inch / 105 cm 35.5 inches / 90 cm 42/95C 43.5 inches / 110 cm 37.5inches / 95 cm What happens after you buy Best Bra For Breastfeeding online ORDER PROCESSING : We strive for same day shipping. Immediately after you place your order, we start processing it. We check your order for quality assurance, pack it, print the shipping labels and forward it to our shipping company for dispatch. Order processing time is between 1-7 business days, but normally it takes a business day or two. DELIVERY:  you can choose between 2 delivery options, Economy and USPS. USPS delivery is only $3.99 for the first item and only $2.99 for any additional item and normally takes 4-13 days within US. Economy delivery is FREE and normally takes 10-20 days. We also deliver to other countries. Check our  Shipping Policy  for international shipping. TRACKING:  All packages are delivered via a trackable method. Once our shipping company forwards the tracking number to us, we will in turn email and/or text it to you.  RETURNS: Here at the Smart Parents Store you can enjoy a happy and safe shopping. We accept returns within 30 days after you receive the item.  We love our customers and want them to rest assured we'll take care of everything from the moment you Add to Cart till the day you receive your item and tell us you are happy with it. Even after that you have 30 days return guarantee. So, why not go choose your Best Bra For Breastfeeding color and size and  Place Order now and expect to see your brand new and super comfy nursing essencial at your porch soon. How Many Nursing Bras Do I Need? How many bras you need for nursing pretty much depends on your life style, weather conditions, how much you sweat and how much you breastfeed, of course. To give you an idea, think of how many bras you normally use and multiply the ammount by 2. This might be the minimum ammount of nursing bras you will need.  Your bra needs start changing during pregnancy, as you need a more gentle bra to fit your beautiful growing baby bump and boobs. What if invest in comfy bras that can be used during pregnancy and later on while breastfeeding?
Vendor: Ann & Alex
$20.00 $14.99
Save 40%
Handmade cigar case of genuine leather Crazy Horse If you are looking for an excellent gift for cigar lovers, that will be remembered for a long time, pay attention to the handmade cigar case. Our production allows you to make a personal engraving of a cigar case for free. The color of the cigar case you can choose individually. A cigar case is a very stylish accessory that will emphasize your status and refined taste. Buy a stylish accessory convenient for storing cigars. Cigar case (Size) 17 x 24 x 7 cm / 6,7 x 9,4 x 2,7 inches Leather сolors: Brown, Cognac, Black, Bordo Please note: Cigar tubes are not included.
$165.00 $99.00
Save 15%
Car led door sills OPEL Astra H with logo ASTRA  Luminous Boards Custom Made Stainless Steel Car Step Protector Trim Accessories OPEL Astra H included 4 pieces.  Steel Running Boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom update your interior look. This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car. ▪ Suitable for everyone: OPEL Astra H included 4 pieces. ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished). ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend installing it by a specialist. Connection to power supply 12 W., to the door lighting. ▪ Measuring accuracy, laser cut design ensures perfect fit ▪ Change your vehicle to a personalized luxury and unique vehicle. Inscription: Standard car brand or with an individual inscription with a surcharge of $ 23. ⚠ I n s t r u k c and I ① Place the  cover on the surface before permanently attaching to get an idea of how it will look after being installed. Mark the final location with a piece of masking tape (if necessary). ② Clean the surface on which the door sill will be installed to remove dust / dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove the adhesive tapes.
$260.00 $220.00
Save 8%
Это кольцо изготовлено из чистого серебра с использованием лучших эмали в технике эмалирования Plique-a-jour. Это древняя и очень популярная техника. с горячей эмалью открываются широкие возможности обжига в муфельной печи, где эмаль плавает при высоких температурах и приобретает неповторимую красоту. Такой эмаль не тускнеет и не портится. Прозрачная эмаль, выполненная в технике Plique-a-jour, становится настоящим витражом. Что делает его таким особенным, так это светит эмали. Каждый раз, когда неодинаковый свет влияет на качество тысяч разноцветных блестящих лучей, выраженный гипнотизирующий эффект, добавляя красок и энергии в ваши повседневные ощущения. *Примечание: подвески не входят в комплект цепочки. Подвески можно носить на цепочке или на тонком кожаном шнурке. Вес: 8,2 г / 0,29 унции Размер: (высота - 47 мм; ширина - 37 мм) / (высота -1,85 дюйма; ширина - 1,46 дюйма) ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ: - серебро 925 пробы - искусно изготовленная плетенка -a-jour - прочная эмаль на протяжении веков сохраняет первоначальный цвет . По вашему заказу возможно изготовление необычного изделия в другом цвете. Пожалуйста, уточните цвет, который вы хотите, и другие детали вашего заказа, прежде чем совершить покупку. ЗАБОТА: Эмалированные изделия не требуют особого ухода. Как и со всеми хрупкими украшениями, контактируйте с ними с осторожностью.
$105.00 $97.00
Save 16%
Hanging felt decoration on the theme of Halloween. Halloween decoration. This garland of cute felt pumpkins, bats and rainbows is perfect for adding to spooky shelves and hooks, as a gift in a BOO basket, or to hang from branches, cobwebs. use as Halloween props for seasonal photo shoots. Great decor for garden and home. (Designed for decorative use, NOT a TOY. Please hang it out of the reach of small children.) The original decoration is made of felt, carefully hand-sewn and/or embroidered. Halloween props are 100% handmade. The garland includes: 2 pumpkins 2 bats 1 rainbow This item is not a toy, please keep it out of the reach of small children. To clean, simply wipe with a cloth and cold water. Not suitable for washing machine or dryer This item is handcrafted so color and finish may vary from images above. The products are manufactured in a smoke-free home. Items are subject to sentiment, please deal with me directly on all matters. Thank you for taking the time to visit my store.
$45.00 $37.99
Save 14%
✔️ Premium High-Quality Material. All of our stroller gloves are made of high quality waterproof and windproof(или Water-repellent)  fabrics which prevent rain and wind from penetrating in the wet winter season. The  hand muff  inner lining is made of a soft hypoallergenic material with a snug fitting elasticated neck and fluffy eco-fur detailing. ✔️ Warm & Comfortable We have used the best ultra-light insulation. With a density of 400 g/m² and a temperature rating of down to -4°F/ -20°C, your hands will be kept warm in all cold weather. Additionally our  winter hand warmer design removes the need for you to touch the cold stroller handle. ✔️ Universal Fit & Size Our stroller mitts are designed to be a universal fit. Sized at 11,9 in x 5,8 they are suitable for all styles of baby strollers , widely used for single handlebar prams, enfant car seat, high landscape strollers ,pushchairs, shopping carts, and more. Our stroller mitts fit over or into your coat sleeves, ensuring that your wrists and hands are kept warm and cozy. ✔️ Adjustable Design We included the option of fastening your mittens together. The warmmuffs have a secure double fastening that means they can easily attach to the handle bar of your pram. Simply slip your hands in when you want to keep warm and out every time you need to tend to your baby. It is way more convenient than pulling off conventional mittens. ✔️ Gift Packaging We want these to be a treat for you, or even a gift! If you are looking for mittens for a stroller look no further. Mummy mitts come packed in a handy, eco- friendly cotton bag which looks great as a gift but can also be used as a stylish accessory day to day. They are a perfect accessory gift idea for pregnant or new mums and dads.
$69.00 $59.00
Save 10%
Hair  Dyeing Boards.  Best friends of any professional colorist! ⠀ With different lengths and shapes of boards you can improve and master new techniques in your business. By purchasing such a set, you will get excellent assistarts who will significantly speed up the process of work and improve the quality of staining. With these boards your balayage, airtouch, shatush and other techniques will sparkle with new colors. ⠀ Form "A" - double-sided set; on one side with a semicircular cut under the client's head (for hair roots techniques), and on the other side with a straight edge for foil. This set is perfect for fans of experimental dyeing and professionals. ⠀ Form "B" - for lovers of classics, the form, proven over the years, optimal sizes for foil make this form super popular. Form "С"  - stylish and elegant, these boards are popular among hundreds of professionals, and the trapezoid shape makes the tablet lighter. They are also very comfortable in the hand.
Vendor: Farbetka
$58.00 $52.00
Save 15%
Светодиодные накладки на пороги Dodge Challenger 2008-2021 с логотипом Scat Pack Подсветка светодиодные накладки на пороги Dodge Challenger 2008-2021 гг. Светящиеся панели Dodge Challenger 2008-2021 гг., изготовленные на заказ аксессуары для защитной накладки на ступеньки автомобиля из нержавеющей стали Додж Челленджер 2008-2021 в комплекте 2 шт.  Стальные подножки готовы к установке специалистом по электронике и индивидуально обновят внешний вид вашего интерьера. Эта лазерная резка на 100% точно подходит для вашего автомобиля и идеально подходит для вашего автомобиля. ▪ Адаптация для всех: ▪ 100% нержавеющая сталь (полированная). ▪ Для установки продукта мы рекомендовали его установить специалисту. Подключение к электросети 12 Вт, к включению двери. ▪ Точность измерения, дизайна, вырезанного лазером, обеспечивает идеальную посадку. ▪ Превратите свой автомобиль в персонализированный и уникальный автомобиль. ⚠ Я инструкц и я ① Поместите крышку на поверхность, прежде чем закрепить ее на постоянное основание, чтобы получить представление о том, как она будет выглядеть после установки. Обязательно поместите кусочек малярной ленты (при необходимости). ② Очистите поверхность, на которой будет установлен дверной порог, от пыли/грязи и воска. Дайте ему полностью высохнуть. Удалите клейкую ленту. ③ Продолжайте нажимать, особенно по краям, в течение 30 секунд. Подключитесь к мощности 12 Вт. к открытию двери. Мы надеемся, что наш продукт вам понравится! Обязательно проверьте, точно ли некоторые позиции на фотографиях цветов соответствуют интерьеру/экстерьеру вашего автомобиля. Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы сфотографировать различные условия освещения, чтобы дать вам представление о том, как будет выглядеть наш продукт. На солнечном свете ваш продукт будет выглядеть иначе, чем в доме.  Именно это делает нашу продукцию такой красивой и уникальной!
$260.00 $220.00
Save 15%
Светодиодные накладки на пороги Land Rover Discovery III 2004-2009 (передние двери) с логотипом Land Rover Кастомная надпись Land Rover  Стальные подножки готовы к установке специалистом по электронике и индивидуально обновят внешний вид вашего интерьера.  Эта лазерная резка на 100% точна для вашего автомобиля и идеально подходит для вашего автомобиля.  ▪ Подходит для всех: в комплект Land Rover входят 4 предмета.  ▪ 100% нержавеющая сталь (полированная).  ▪ Для установки электронного продукта мы рекомендуем его установить специалисту. Подключение к электросети 12 Вт, к освещению двери.  ▪ Точность измерения, дизайн, выполненный лазерной резкой, обеспечивает идеальную посадку ▪  Превратите свой автомобиль в персонализированный роскошный и уникальный автомобиль.
$260.00 $220.00
Save 38%
✔️ Premium High-Quality Material.  All of our stroller gloves are made of high quality waterproof and windproof(или Water-repellent)  fabrics which prevent rain and wind from penetrating in the wet winter season. The  hand muff  inner lining is made of a soft hypoallergenic material with a snug fitting elasticated neck and fluffy eco-fur detailing. ✔️ Warm & Comfortable  We have used the best ultra-light insulation. With a density of 400 g/m² and a temperature rating of down to -4°F/ -20°C, your hands will be kept warm in all cold weather. Additionally our  winter hand warmer design removes the need for you to touch the cold stroller handle. ✔️ Universal Fit & Size  Our stroller mitts are designed to be a universal fit. Sized at 11,9 in x 5,8 they are suitable for all styles of baby strollers , widely used for single handlebar prams, enfant car seat, high landscape strollers ,pushchairs, shopping carts, and more. Our stroller mitts fit over or into your coat sleeves, ensuring that your wrists and hands are kept warm and cozy. ✔️ Adjustable Design  We included the option of fastening your mittens together. The warmmuffs have a secure double fastening that means they can easily attach to the handle bar of your pram. Simply slip your hands in when you want to keep warm and out every time you need to tend to your baby. It is way more convenient than pulling off conventional mittens. ✔️ Gift Packaging  We want these to be a treat for you, or even a gift! If you are looking for mittens for a stroller look no further. Mummy mitts come packed in a handy, eco- friendly cotton bag which looks great as a gift but can also be used as a stylish accessory day to day. They are a perfect accessory gift idea for pregnant or new mums and dads.
$79.00 $49.00
Save 41%
✔️ Premium High-Quality Material.  All of our stroller gloves are made of high quality waterproof and windproof(или Water-repellent)  fabrics which prevent rain and wind from penetrating in the wet winter season. The  hand muff  inner lining is made of a soft hypoallergenic material with a snug fitting elasticated neck and fluffy eco-fur detailing. ✔️ Warm & Comfortable  We have used the best ultra-light insulation. With a density of 400 g/m² and a temperature rating of down to -4°F/ -20°C, your hands will be kept warm in all cold weather. Additionally our  winter hand warmer design removes the need for you to touch the cold stroller handle. ✔️ Universal Fit & Size  Our stroller mitts are designed to be a universal fit. Sized at 11,9 in x 5,8 they are suitable for all styles of baby strollers , widely used for single handlebar prams, enfant car seat, high landscape strollers ,pushchairs, shopping carts, and more. Our stroller mitts fit over or into your coat sleeves, ensuring that your wrists and hands are kept warm and cozy. ✔️ Adjustable Design  We included the option of fastening your mittens together. The warmmuffs have a secure double fastening that means they can easily attach to the handle bar of your pram. Simply slip your hands in when you want to keep warm and out every time you need to tend to your baby. It is way more convenient than pulling off conventional mittens. ✔️ Gift Packaging  We want these to be a treat for you, or even a gift! If you are looking for mittens for a stroller look no further. Mummy mitts come packed in a handy, eco- friendly cotton bag which looks great as a gift but can also be used as a stylish accessory day to day. They are a perfect accessory gift idea for pregnant or new mums and dads.
$69.00 $41.00
Save 12%
Linen socks 6 PAIRS 100% Flax SIZE M-XL / US 9-11/ EU 37-44 Eco Friendly Socks are made of 100% flax natural material, which does not bring any irritation to your feet. It has antiseptic properties. Perfectly absorb and evaporate excess moisture, giving the feet a comfortable feeling.The yarn is quite durable and ensures long use of socks. In the case of using drugs for the treatment of the feet, promote rapid healing due to the natural flax component. Wear it in good health Style Casual Socks Brand NIK Composition Natural Pure Flax Color Natural Dimensions 25cm / M / US 9 / EU 39 - 40 27cm / L / US 10 / EU 41 - 42 29cm / XL / US 11 / EU 43 - 44 Packing 6 pairs Condition New: With Tags Made in the Ukraine, Europe. 100% linen (or as the Ukrainian label states: "Льон 100%") Care Instructions: Machine wash in a delicate/lingerie mesh bag using mild biodegradable detergent. Hang to dry or tumble dry on low / gentle cycle; remove before dry. Steam iron at highest linen setting, if desired. Linen is one of the oldest textiles sorts in the world which is produced from linen fiber. Even 5000 years B.C. linen garments were worn in Egypt. * Linen is much more stronger and glossy than cotton. It has antiallergic properties, good to absorb water, permeable for air and cool fabric. * Linen fibre goes damp and dry very soon, that is why the fabric warms during cold night and cools the body during hot midday. * Linen fabric is resistant to static electric load. Also linen fibre is used for protective garments of the spacemen and for protection of the spaceships outside. * Linen fabric makes the best microclimate for the skin, i.e. it is permeable to air, absorbs dampness and sweat very quickly. * Linen fabrics are three times stronger than cotton fabrics. * Linen fabrics are five times more resistant to rubbing than cotton fabrics. * Linen fabrics absorb dampness and sweat better than cotton fabrics. * Linen fabric is ecological. It is the producte which does not leave any waste and does not make any harm to nature and ecology. Welcome!! The item you see is the item you get!
Vendor: Ukrbay
$33.00 $29.00
Save 25%
Big Toy hand knit Soft Toy montessori Nursery decor Unique baby gift Photo prop Cat plushie Big Staffed animal Natural baby Toy sleeping Cat Big , soft , fluffy cat will warm you in the cold night , bring joy to you and your children .  Will decorate a child's room .  Is fluffy , soft yarn , stuffed with synthetic padding .  The   length  of 11.81 inches === 30 cm .  height  of  6,29 inches=== 16  cm Materials: For children from 2 years
$120.00 $90.00
Save 15%
Car door sills ler protector Volkswagen Touareg II 2010-2018 Custom. Door sills with illumination Volkswagen Touareg II 2010-2018 with stainless steel includes 4 pieces.  RS Custom Steel Running Boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom update your interior look.  This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car. ▪ Suitable for everyone:  Volkswagen Touareg II 2010-2018 with stainless steel includes 4 pieces.  ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished).  ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend installing it by a specialist. Connection to power supply 12 W., to the door lighting. ▪ Measuring accuracy, RS Custom laser cut design ensures perfect fit  ▪ Change your vehicle to a personalized luxury and unique vehicle
$260.00 $220.00
Save 15%
Автомобильные светодиодные накладки на пороги Toyota Rav4 V 2013-2018 г.в. надпись RAV 4 2 шт. Toyota Rav4 V 2019+ с нержавейкой в комплекте 2 шт. Стальные подножки RS Custom готовы к установке специалистом по электронике и индивидуально обновят внешний вид вашего интерьера. Эта лазерная резка на 100% точна для вашего автомобиля и идеально подходит для вашего автомобиля. ▪ Подходит для всех: Toyota Rav4 V 2013-2018 с нержавейкой в комплекте 2 шт. ▪ 100% нержавеющая сталь (полированная).  ▪ Для установки электронного продукта мы рекомендуем его установить специалисту. Подключение к электросети 12 Вт, к освещению двери. ▪ Точность измерения, конструкция лазерной резки RS Castom обеспечивает идеальную посадку.  ▪ Превратите свой автомобиль в персонализированный роскошный и уникальный автомобиль. Надпись: Стандартная марка автомобиля или с индивидуальной надписью с доплатой 30$. ⚠ Я нструкц и я ① Поместите крышку RSCastom на поверхность перед ее постоянным прикреплением, чтобы получить представление о том, как она будет выглядеть после установки. Отметьте конечное место кусочком малярной ленты (при необходимости). ② Очистите поверхность, на которой будет установлен порог RSCastom, от пыли/грязи и воска. Дайте ему полностью высохнуть. Удалите клейкие ленты. ③ Продолжайте нажимать, особенно по краям, в течение 30 секунд. Подключитесь к мощности 12 Вт. к освещению двери. Мы надеемся, что вам понравится наш продукт! -Обязательно проверьте, соответствуют ли некоторые товары на фотографиях товара интерьеру/экстерьеру вашего автомобиля. - Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы сфотографировать различные условия освещения, чтобы вы имели представление о том, как будет выглядеть наш продукт. - Ваш продукт RSCastom будет выглядеть по-другому при солнечном свете, чем в помещении. -Вот что делает нашу продукцию такой красивой и уникальной!  надпись RAV 4 2 шт. Toyota Rav4 V 2013-2018 с нержавейкой в комплекте 2 шт. Стальные подножки RSCastom готовы к установке специалистом по электронике и индивидуально обновят внешний вид вашего интерьера. Эта лазерная резка на 100% точна для вашего автомобиля и идеально подходит для вашего автомобиля. ▪ Подходит для всех: Toyota Rav4 V 2019+ с нержавейкой в комплекте 2 шт. ▪ 100% нержавеющая сталь (полированная).  ▪ Для установки электронного продукта мы рекомендуем его установить специалисту. Подключение к электросети 12 Вт, к освещению двери. ▪ Точность измерения, конструкция лазерной резки RS Castom обеспечивает идеальную посадку.  ▪ Превратите свой автомобиль в персонализированный роскошный и уникальный автомобиль. Надпись: Стандартная марка автомобиля или с индивидуальной надписью с доплатой 30$. ⚠ Я нструкц и я ① Поместите крышку RS Custom на поверхность, прежде чем закрепить ее на постоянной основе, чтобы получить представление о том, как она будет выглядеть после установки. Отметьте конечное место кусочком малярной ленты (при необходимости). ② Очистите поверхность, на которой будет установлен порог RS Custom, от пыли/грязи и воска. Дайте ему полностью высохнуть. Удалите клейкие ленты. ③ Продолжайте нажимать, особенно по краям, в течение 30 секунд. Подключитесь к мощности 12 Вт. к освещению двери. Мы надеемся, что вам понравится наш продукт! -Обязательно проверьте, соответствуют ли некоторые товары на фотографиях товара интерьеру/экстерьеру вашего автомобиля. - Мы делаем все возможное, чтобы сфотографировать различные условия освещения, чтобы вы имели представление о том, как будет выглядеть наш продукт. - Ваш продукт RS Custom при солнечном свете будет выглядеть иначе, чем в помещении.  - Именно это делает нашу продукцию такой красивой и уникальной!
$260.00 $220.00
Save 16%
Car led door sills Led door sills Dodge Durango III 2011+ inscription DURANGO R/T Led door sills Dodge Durango III 2011+ with logo RT included 4 pieces. RS Custom Steel Running Boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom update your interior look. This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car. ▪ Suitable for everyone: Led door sills Dodge Durango III 2011+ with logo RT included 4 pieces. ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished). ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend installing it by a specialist. Connection to power supply 12 W., to the door lighting. ▪ Measuring accuracy, RS Custom laser cut design ensures perfect fit ▪ Change your vehicle to a personalized luxury and unique vehicle. Inscription: Standard car brand or with an individual inscription with a surcharge of $ 30. ⚠ I n s t r u k c and I ① Place the RS Custom cover on the surface before permanently attaching to get an idea of how it will look after being installed. Mark the final location with a piece of masking tape (if necessary).  ② Clean the surface on which the RS Custom door sill will be installed to remove dust / dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove the adhesive tapes.  ③ Continue pressing, especially at the edges, for 30 seconds. Connect to 12W power. to the door lighting. We hope you enjoy our product -Be sure to check if some of the items in the product photos exactly match the interior / exterior of your vehicle. - We do our best to photograph different lighting conditions to give you an idea of what our product will look like. - Your RS Custom product will look different in sunlight than indoors.  - This is what makes our products so beautiful and unique!
$190.00 $160.00
Save 15%
Led door sills Volkswagen Touareg II 2010-2018 (front doors) with logo R-Line  Volkswagen Touareg II 2010-2018  with stainless steel includes 2 pieces.  RS Custom Steel Running Boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom update your interior look. This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car. ▪ Suitable for everyone: Touareg II 2010-2018 6 with stainless steel includes 4 pieces. ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished).  ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend installing it by a specialist. Connection to power supply 12 W., to the door lighting. ▪ Measuring accuracy, RS Custom laser cut design ensures perfect fit  ▪ Change your vehicle to a personalized luxury and unique vehicle. Inscription: Standard car brand or with an individual inscription with a surcharge of $ 30. I n s t r u k c and I Place the RS Custom cover on the surface before permanently attaching to get an idea of how it will look after being installed. Mark the final location with a piece of masking tape (if necessary).  Clean the surface on which the RS Custom door sill will be installed to remove dust / dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove the adhesive tapes.  Continue pressing, especially at the edges, for 30 seconds. Connect to 12W power. to the door lighting. We hope you enjoy our product! -Be sure to check if some of the items in the product photos exactly match the interior / exterior of your vehicle. - We do our best to photograph different lighting conditions to give you an idea of what our product will look like.  our RS Custom product will look different in sunlight than indoors.   This is what makes our products so beautiful and unique!
$260.00 $220.00
Save 15%
Led door sills Jeep Grand Cherokee IV 2010-2021 with logo JEEP RS Custom are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom upgrade your interior. This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car.  ▪ Suitable for everyone:  Door sills Jeep Grand Cherokee IV 2010-2021  ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished).  ▪ To install an electronic product, it is recommended to have it installed by a specialist. Electrical connection 12 W, for door lighting.  ▪ Measuring precision,  RS Custom laser cut for a perfect fit. Steel running boards Jeep Grand Cherokee IV 2010-2021 RS Custom are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom upgrade your interior. This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car.  ▪ Suitable for everyone: Jeep Grand Cherokee IV 2010-2021   ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished).  ▪ To install an electronic product, it is recommended to have it installed by a specialist. Electrical connection 12 W, for door lighting. ▪ Measuring precision, RS Custom laser cut for a perfect fit.  ▪ Transform your car into a custom luxury and unique vehicle. Lettering: Standard vehicle brand or custom lettering for a $30 surcharge.   ⚠ I am nstrukc and I  ① Place the RS Custom cover on the surface before permanent fixing to get an idea of how it will look after installation. Mark the final location with a piece of masking tape (if necessary).  ② Clean the surface where the RS Custom door sill will be installed from dust/dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove adhesive tapes.  ③ Keep pressing, especially around the edges, for 30 seconds. Connect to 12W power supply. for door lighting. We hope you enjoy our product! -Be sure to check if some of the items in the product photos match the interior/exterior of your car. - We try to take pictures in different lighting conditions to give you an idea of how our product will look like.  -Your RS Custom product will look different in the sun than it does indoors.  -That's what makes our products so beautiful and unique!
$260.00 $220.00
Save 13%
THWOMP Super Mario Face. Custom Plush Just Like Hammer Luigi's Mansion Ghost Inspired (funmade), Handmade to order from a drawing. Statuette. Statuette. Souvenir. Home decor. Room decor  collectible plush. Super Mario toy. Inspired by THWOMP Super Mario Face.. 30-40cm. The toy is made of plush material. Filler hollafayber and paralon. I want to draw your attention to the details. Most of the work is done by hand, for this reason the elements of the toy differ slightly from the original photo. Shades of fabric may also vary slightly if there are no materials on sale as on the sample. The price is given for the toy on the listing's picture. Each drawing is estimated and has a different price! I will turn your child's drawing (or any drawing) into a plushie. All our items are made to order and we don't have them ready to ship. Work execution: *** If you have an individual order, please send me a photo or drawing, as well as accurately describe all the wishes that you would like to be applied in the work. Then an individual listing will be created. *** All orders are executed only in order of priority after payment. *** The duration of the work on average varies from 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes it can take longer. It depends on the: 1. Queue of orders. 2. The availability of materials. 3. The complexity of the work. Write to me and we will know exactly how long it will take for the toy to be with you. VERY IMPORTANT! Delivery from Ukraine abroad is carried out within 3-6 weeks. We do not take orders to be delivered before a stated date. Please order, only if you are happy to receive the toy even if it arrives later. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not order. Taking care of a toy: * Suitable for dry cleaning only. * Wash the product can not, because it can be deformed.. November and December time, before Christmas time - shipping time is not guaranteed, timing is up to the international Delivery. No comments or refunds for late delivery. Please order in advance. Stay In Touch Instagram:
Vendor: ThePlushToy
$69.00 $60.00
Save 50%
Vintage collection doll in a good condition.
Vendor: BlackRoseUA
$200.00 $100.00
Save 10%
Crochet Cupcake with Bee wings and fruit, pattern PDF. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! A very quick and easy crochet project! These lovely Bee cupcake will be a cute Bee patty decor, Baby shower, Decor for your home, a great handmade gift for kids. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Size approx. 3 1/5" (8 cm.). You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), 4ply. - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - needle, scissors Happy crocheting! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$3.50 $3.15
Save 40%
Это ЦИФРОВОЙ файл - физический продукт не будет отправлен! Что вы получите: Вы получите электронный файл без водяного знака: 1. PNG - файл; 2. PNG — файл с прозрачным фоном. Примечания: Изображения для коммерческого использования - не нужно покупать коммерческую лицензию! Внимание! Файл не может быть передан другим пользователям и не может быть продан как собственный цифровой PNG-файл без значительных изменений.  
$5.00 $3.00
Save 40%
Это ЦИФРОВОЙ файл - физический продукт не будет отправлен! Что вы получите: Вы получите электронный файл без водяного знака: 1. PNG - файл; 2. PNG — файл с прозрачным фоном. Примечания: Изображения для коммерческого использования - не нужно покупать коммерческую лицензию! Внимание! Файл не может быть передан другим пользователям и не может быть продан как собственный цифровой PNG-файл без значительных изменений.
$5.00 $3.00
Save 40%
Это ЦИФРОВОЙ файл - физический продукт не будет отправлен! Что вы получите: Вы получите электронный файл без водяного знака: 1. PNG - файл; 2. PNG — файл с прозрачным фоном. Примечания: Изображения для коммерческого использования - не нужно покупать коммерческую лицензию! Внимание! Файл не может быть передан другим пользователям и не может быть продан как собственный цифровой PNG-файл без значительных изменений.
$5.00 $3.00
Save 33%
Коккарда СССР, новая, отличное состояние.
Vendor: Orehoff
$15.00 $10.00
Save 20%
New leotard for rhythmic and acrobatics gymnastics In Stock! (1465) An individual order of this model may differ in price, check with our manager !!! Sizes of leotard: Chest: 71-76 cm. Waist: 63-68 cm. Hip: 74-79 cm. Torso: 128-138cm. Crystal: small - 3500 pcs. big - 100 pcs. ⠀ This magnificent leotard will complement your performance program with bright colors and make your image bright and memorable. High quality materials and their environmental friendliness will give lightness and comfort while using the leotard. This leotard is completely handmade, made by our highly professional specialists, each of whom has a specialized university education and very extensive experience in this field. If the size of this leotard does not suit you, then we will be happy to make this model for you according to your individual sizes. Our Atelier offers its clients a full range of services for the creation of leotards. You can choose any model you like in our store, or send us a photo of any model you like. But if you want something special and unique, then our designers will be happy to analyze all your wishes and create a sketch of a completely new and unique model. A very important step in our work is the fact that we never use standard patterns for the production of leotards. For each leotard, our designers create new patterns that will suit you as much as possible, which guarantees comfort and long-term use of the leotard. How to place an order for the production of leotard by individual measurements: 1. Send us a photo of the model you like 2. Send us your main measurements - bust, waist and torso 3. We will calculate the cost based on your data and send it to you with all the parameters of the order (production time, number of crystals, etc.) 4. You make payment 5. We get to work 6. We will send you a photo of your patterns 7. We send you a photo of the materials that will be used in the production of your new leo 6. We send you a photo of the new leotard before we start decorating it with crystals 7. Final photos and videos of your new leotard Sports for which we make leotards: - gymnastics - acrobatic gymnastics - figure skating - gymnastics - synchronized swimming Order production time: - standard 2-3 weeks - express 7 days Delivery: ! all parcels with your orders are fully insured and in case of non-receipt of the parcel, you are guaranteed to receive a refund of your funds - UPS Express - 12-16 days - DHL express - 9-12 days Payment: - Paypal - your payments are fully insured by PayPal, which guarantees that you will receive your order or receive a refund. Our managers will answer any of your questions about leotards in any way convenient for you at the addresses below: We look forward to seeing you in our Atelier: Our store at Etsy - Our store at Lavky - E-mail: alexa.atelier.rgl [!at] Facebook: @alexa.atelier Instagram: atelier_alexa YouTube: Alexa Atelier Pinterest: AlexaAtelier TikTok: @alexaatelier_leotards
$430.00 $344.00
Save 14%
Boho nursery mobile, Baby crib mobile , Rainbow baby decor
Vendor: Peace4homes
$110.00 $95.00
Save 43%
Original Knitting Patterns -Knit a Chimmi toy, 10 inches tall based on BT21.Digital Offered knitting pattern for beginners in PDF format, which includes 6 pages and 10 photos. The knitting pattern in English is clear and easy to read. In any case, as a result of this knitted project, you will get a good result and pleasant emotions. This is my own pattern. It is copyrighted and intended for personal use only. Pattern will be posted immediately. I suggest you look at my other knitting patterns! Thank you for your interest in my toys and knitting patterns!
$5.00 $2.87
Save 53%
Digital file Ukraine I Stand with Ukraine Ukraine Kharkiv flag Solidarity with Ukraine Pray for Ukraine Ukrainian art blue and yellow
$19.00 $9.00
Save 40%
Это ЦИФРОВОЙ файл - физический продукт не будет отправлен! Что вы получите: Вы получите электронный файл без водяного знака: 1. PNG - файл; 2. PNG - файл с прозрачным фоном. Примечания: Изображения для коммерческого использования - не нужно покупать коммерческую лицензию! Внимание! Файл не может быть передан другим пользователям и не может быть продан как собственный цифровой PNG-файл без значительных изменений.  
$5.00 $3.00
Save 14%
Женский нежный и легкий кардиган,он теплый для летних вечеров и еще не холодной осени,на все сезоны просто менять любой образ. Выполнен спицами узором листики на ветке. Цвет мята. Использовала итальянскую ниточку кидмохер 40% акрил 10% 50%полиамид. Свободно идет на размер М-L Бо бокам для декора пуговицы
Vendor: Ilonaa
$140.00 $120.00
Save 12%
Unique and original asymmetric mismatched dangle earrings from ukrainian jewelry designer. These earrings I'd called "My heart is free". And this name shows the conсeption and the idea of these earrings - freedom in heart, freedom in mind, free person...  These cute earrings will be great gift idea for bright bold girl which like all unusual. ;-) These earrings are made of red crystal heart shaped pendants, crystal bead, small metal beads, metal pendants and silver color metal findings. These earrings are about 2.4 inches (6 cm) height (including hook height). The size of crystal heart pendants is 0.55 inches (1.4 cm). ***** Colors may vary based upon your screen resolution and other computer settings outside of our control. The photo may differ from the actual item due to limitations of viewing photos at different resolutions, hue, brightness, contrast, and other screen variations. Orders can be shipped in 2 to 3 days. ***** Did you ever have any questions about the product, please contact me and I'll get answer to you as soon as possible! Thank you for visiting my store!
$26.00 $23.00
Save 24%
Vintage 35mm film camera Olympus Trip AF 50 The camera is equipped with a 28mm F/5.6 wide-angle lens. ✅ Active autofocus system. Minimum focusing distance: 0.8m. ✅ There is a built-in flash on the front of the case. Flash modes: automatic, with red-eye reduction, fires in low light conditions. ✅ The camera independently determines the ISO sensitivity of the film 100-400 units according to the DX code, for films without a DX code, ISO 100 is set. ✅ Powered by two AA batteries (not included). #olympus   #olympustrip35   #olympustripaf50   #vintagefilmcamera   #35mmfilmcamera   #2o_old
Vendor: Too old
$99.00 $75.00
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Vintage film camera Tianma BF-303D The camera is equipped with a F/4.5, lens made in Japan - Free focus. - There is a built-in flash on the front of the case - Big view finder - Powered by two AA batteries (not included). #vintagefilmcamera #35mmfilmcamera #2o_old
Vendor: Too old
$50.00 $40.00
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????The camera is equipped with a glass lens made in Japan ✅ There is a built-in flash on the front of the case. ✅ The camera has an ISO film sensitivity adjustment of 100-400 ✅ Powered by two AA batteries (Not included) #nonamefilmcamera #vintagefilmcamera #35mmfilmcamera #2o_old
Vendor: Too old
$40.00 $25.00
Save 12%
Silk scrunchie, made of natural silk, very pleasant to the touch, does not harm the hair. Delicate and beautiful accessory for your hair.    The print on silk is made from a painting by Ukrainian artist Svitlana Snizhko. Feel how gentle silk takes care of your hair. The hair band comes in a branded envelope. There is a gift box when ordering from 3 pcs.   Material: 100% silk Print: High quality digital Manufacturer country: Ukraine Individual packaging   Care: Dry clean, hand wash; The temperature is not higher than 30 degrees.
Vendor: OBIIMY
$17.00 $15.00
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Это ЦИФРОВОЙ файл - физический продукт не будет отправлен! Что вы получите: Вы получите электронный файл без водяного знака: 1. PNG - файл; 2. PNG - файл с прозрачным фоном. Примечания: Изображения для коммерческого использования - не нужно покупать коммерческую лицензию! Внимание! Файл не может быть передан другим пользователям и не может быть продан как собственный цифровой PNG-файл без значительных изменений.
$5.00 $3.00
Save 29%
SVG Digital Files If you need files in other formats, write to me and we will do everything – Immediately after payment, the file will be sent to your email automatically. Instruction in file Material thickness 3 mm We'd love to hear from you. We guarantee high quality vector plans! Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed. I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. - For personal use only – there is no limit to use the design to manufacture a physical product - For commercial use - you can only sell a physical product made according to this design no more than 10 times. After that, you must buy this design again. - YOU CANNOT share this design, upload it to other websites, social networks and resell it. Any copyright infringement will be prosecuted.
$7.00 $5.00
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SVG Digital Files If you need files in other formats, write to me and we will do everything – Number of components - 89 Model size - 200 * 135 * 103mm Packing size - 370 * 185 * 35mm Plywood thickness - 3 mm Files - svg, cdr, dxf The kit includes a clear, simple and very detailed instructions with illustrations. It will allow you to assemble the most complex 3d construction set step by step. "Bicycle" will be a worthy addition to your collection, an exciting game for the whole family. Gathering the whole family together for a common exciting activity - what could be better! And this will be done by our wooden construction set. "Bicycle" is now not just a game, but also a development. Children will learn how to make things with their own hands, they will become better at understanding the technology around them. And what could be healthier than natural wooden toys? The "bike" will not emit any harmful substances. You can present it to the smallest members of your family. It will be great fun for everyone. We guarantee high quality vector plans! Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed. I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
$7.00 $5.00
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SVG Digital Files If you need files in other formats, email me and I will send them to you for free – Files – SVG Wedding cake toppers. Set of 20 toppers. Every wedding is decorated with a bride, and of course a wedding cake. But the cake is decorated with beautiful wedding toppers. A collection of 20 pcs wedding toppers for you friends. We guarantee high quality vector plans! After purchase you will receive a .zip archive. Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed. I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
$6.00 $4.00
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This digital picture is an unforgettable look at modern art. Using neon vectors, she embodies the magic of geometric shapes. The green and purple colors that predominate in the composition create a fascinating gradation of shades that attracts attention and evokes a feeling of energy and mystery. Each line and shape is precisely honed, executed with great skill, creating a sense of movement and dynamics. This digital image is the embodiment of a modern aesthetic style that impresses with its beauty and boldness. It is designed to ignite the fire in your imagination and inspire new ideas.  A collection of 23 different seamless patterns, digital paper, printable, web backgrounds, stickers and cards, textiles, wrapping paper, scrapbooking and more. The collection includes: * 23 high-quality seamless JPG, PNG files in a ZIP folder Size: 5000 x 5000 pixels Resolution: 300 dpi RGB * 23 high-quality seamless files !
$5.99 $1.99
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Это ЦИФРОВОЙ файл - физический продукт не будет отправлен! Что вы получите: Вы получите электронный файл без водяного знака: 1. PNG - файл; 2. PNG — файл с прозрачным фоном. Примечания: Изображения для коммерческого использования - не нужно покупать коммерческую лицензию! Внимание! Файл не может быть передан другим пользователям и не может быть продан как собственный цифровой PNG-файл без значительных изменений.  
$5.00 $3.00
Save 10%
Lilly of the valley car accessory. Crochet yellow lilly of the valley. Crochet plants, yellow flowers handmade decoration. Use as car mirror hanging, bag / backpack charm, home or outdoor decor. He is the perfect car accessory gift for Birhday, Valentines day, Easter, Christmas or any occations. Lilly of the valley charm size approx. 9 1/2" (24 cm.) Item made with cotton yarn. Hand made with love.
Vendor: tappleta
$7.00 $6.30
Save 20%
African Woman Painting Original Artwork African Queen Art Beautiful Girl Painting African American Woman Wall Art " African American Woman Painting " Oil painting on Canvas (piece of canvas). 100% original hand-painted fine art. Size:7.7 х 10 inches; depth 0.03" ( 252х195х1 mm ). The picture was created in 2023 . Materials: oil paints, Canvas (piece of canvas), brushes, palette knife. If you want this painting on canvas and in other sizes, please contact me. It is possible to perform this work in many sizes to order. Please note that the colors in the picture may vary depending on your monitor settings!!!!!!!!!! My picture is painted on canvas (piece of canvas). Brush strokes and textures are visible in close-ups. The painting is sold unframed. You can purchase a decorative frame of your choice from the store. Please note that this painting is painted on canvas (a piece of canvas), not stretched on a stretcher and REQUIRES MANDATORY DESIGN ! The dimensions of the entire canvas are indicated. Please note that when framing, for example, in a frame, some small part of the canvas will be closed in the frame. You will choose the design based on your interior and desires. Will it be an ordinary frame, or a frame with a passe-partout, or some kind of bulky and pompous frame. If necessary, you can reduce the picture with ordinary scissors. The decoration for your home. The picture fills the interior with new meaning. The painting makes the house an individual and cozy. This artwork is new and in excellent condition. Directly from my studio. I ship out your paintings within 2 business days after I receive your payment. Paintings will be sent International Mail Service, which you can expect delivery between 3-7 weeks in USA, 2-6 weeks to Europe. Please do not hesitate to ask me any question and I’ll answer to you at the earliest opportunity. See also my other works.
Vendor: SElenaV
$35.00 $28.00
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African Woman Painting Original Artwork African Queen Art Beautiful Girl Painting African American Woman Wall Art girl on the beach " African American Woman Painting " Oil painting on Canvas in a roll (piece of canvas). The painting will be delivered in a tube. 100% original hand-painted fine art. Size:19.2 х 24 inches; depth 0.03" ( 610х490х1 mm ). When stretched on a stretcher, the picture will be 22x18 or 20x16 or 18x14 inches depending on the width of the stretcher you choose or available in your local shop) The picture was created in 2023 . Materials: oil paints, Canvas in a roll (piece of canvas), brushes, palette knife. If you want this painting on canvas and in other sizes, please contact me. It is possible to perform this work in many sizes to order. Please note that the colors in the picture may vary depending on your monitor settings!!!!!!!!!! THE PICTURE IS NOT READY TO HANG ON THE WALL!! My painting is painted on canvas in a roll (a piece of canvas not stretched on a stretcher). Brush strokes and textures are visible in close-ups. Please note that this picture REQUIRES MANDATORY DESIGN! You may wish to research the services of your local frame shop before purchasing this painting. The dimensions of the entire canvas are indicated. When pulled on a stretcher, part of the picture will go to the ends of the stretcher. One of the photos shows the approximate borders of the painting after being stretched on a stretcher. They can be larger or smaller, depending on the width of the subframe. I recommend a subframe with the narrowest sides (0.6-1 inches), but the choice is yours. Another design without stretching the canvas is also possible. It's up to you. The decoration for your home. The picture fills the interior with new meaning. The painting makes the house an individual and cozy. This artwork is new and in excellent condition. Directly from my studio. I ship out your paintings within 2 business days after I receive your payment. Paintings will be sent by international postal service, which you can expect from 3-7 weeks to USA and Canada, 2-6 weeks to Europe, 4-8 weeks to Australia and Asia. Please do not hesitate to ask me any question and I’ll answer to you at the earliest opportunity. See also my other works.
Vendor: SElenaV
$125.00 $100.00
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A doll in a frame You can order colors you like Pls write me
Vendor: Peace4homes
$50.00 $40.00
Save 10%
Crochet Watermelon Heart, Crochet Pattern PDF. Amigurumi Watermelon heart keychain, Watermelon heart ornament, bag charm. A cute gift for someone you love do it yourself. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Also description and photo of invisible join and invisible decrease. Size approximately 2" (5,5 cm.) You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) or any 4 ply - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - metal key chain - needle, scissors You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.70 $2.43
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Crochet mini Cowboy / Cowgirl hat and boots pattern PDF. An interesting project for party decoration, earings, bag charm or keychain etc. Size approx. Hat 2” (5 cm.) in diametr, boots 1 1/2" (4 cm.) This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, hdc, dc, increase. Pattern is in standard American terms. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), any yarn 4ply - hook B (2 mm.) - scissors, needle You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.70 $2.43
Save 18%
Beware, this neon sign open draws too much attention to your store! All people will be delighted and will definitely pay attention to you! - Quality warranty. I give a two year guarantee, you don't have to worry about any damage! - Lots of positive reviews and 5+ years of experience! - When ordering from two pieces, an additional discount applies for your Business Open Sign! The use of this modern and stylish advertising method allows not only to interest buyers, but also helps to declare the status of the company ------------------------------------------------------ Materials from which I make neon signs: Acrylic, LED strip, silicone tube Package include: Full control - remote controller. Drill holes for installation and bolts for installation. Power supply and adapter. Your Led Neon Sign. Shipped within 2-4 business days after you place your order. Delivery time takes about 2-7 business days, thanks PVC packaging your led neon sign will be delivered to you safe and sound! * Don't forget that you will also have to pay custom duty. And if the neon sign is ready-made after you place an order, I can't refund you money. * Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs. * If the neon sign is damaged, then I will refund your money or make a new one. ------------------------------------------------------ Are you unsure about buying? - The service life of this neon signs is 5-20 years - Led Open Sign for indoor or outdoor use - Included is a LED dimmer that changes brightness, operating modes and sets a timer - The light is very bright, but does not hit the eyes - New and versatile flex neon I will solve your problems! - Fast and free shipping takes about 5-15 business days - Very high quality work, because we have 5+ years of experience - Everyone will be delighted with this store open sign - Consumes only 12V, can be used instead of the main light - Easy to hang yourself, as everything you need is included
$169.00 $139.00
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Real ukrainian Pysanka egg! Goose wax painted egg with girl-spring in ukrainian style. Pysanka egg will bring its owners beauty and well-being in the house, joy in the soul and good news. Materials - goose egg shell, color wax, varnish with UV protection. STAND AS GIFT! Each pysanka is packed in fine wooden boxes! There is broshoure with hystory of Pysanky, interpretation of symbols and short information about me. I can make LOOP FOR FREE, just write to me. Ukrainian souvenir Pysanka is the best present and amulet for everyone. Christmas gift, Mother`s day gift, Easter gift, Birthday and anniversary gift. Pysanka egg is original home decoration. There are strong protection symbols of the Sun and infinity of Nature on the egg. All my Pysanka eggs have unique original design by me. Making of every Pysanka egg takes many hours of scrupulous work. I love my job and put my whole soul into it.
Vendor: PysankaShop
$340.00 $300.00
Save 25%
Baby mobile with whales, clouds, waves, moon and shiny stars. This nursery mobile is gender neutral and fit for baby boy nursery decor and for baby girl nursery decor. Will look beautiful in ocean nursery, nautical nursery, neutral nursery. Great baby shower gift. ⏰ TIME FOR MAKING is 2 weeks. COLORS can be customized according to your wishes. You can see my palette of felt on the last photo. ✔ SIZE: - wooden ring diameter is about 10 inches (26cm). MATERIALS - wooden hanger - beech - wool blend felt 50% wool - hypoallergenic felt 100% polyester - hypoallergenic holofiber filler - strong nylon thread CARE Dry or steam cleaning. __________________________________________________ Each my mobile is 100% handmade. I do not use the sewing machine. All the ornaments I sew from scratch by hand. Wooden hanger is also handcrafted. I use eco-friendly polyester felt of the highest quality. The plushies delicately filled with polyester fiber filler. Baby mobile has a small ring on the top for hanging. - ATTENTION - Baby mobile should be used only as a decoration! This is not a toy. It must be securely fastened to a hook screwed into the ceiling and should be hang out of reach of children! - Colors may vary slightly from those shown on the monitor - This item is 100% handmade and made to order, it will be the most similar to the photo. But can be some very small difference, because every ornament is unique. © MyMagicFelt, 2023
Vendor: MyMagicFelt
$149.23 $111.92
Save 8%
The bag is made of genuine leather and is made in steampunk style. The bag has one compartment, three pockets, two removable length-adjustable straps. The bag is decorated with a Wolf applique, at the request of the customer. You can choose a different theme for the applique and I will make your bag in 3 days. Write, I answer quickly. Size: 20 cm * 17 cm * 5 cm Size: 8inch * 7 inch * 2 inch . 
Vendor: TalismanUA
$120.00 $110.00
Save 13%
Кожаная набедренная сумка Crazy Horse с гравировкой, одним отделением и тремя карманами. Съемные ремни, длина регулируется. Сделаю гравировку по вашему рисунку. Вы можете купить сумку без гравировки.Любые изменения под заказ, изготовлю новую сумку за 2 дня. Размер: 20см * 17см * 5см Размер: 8 дюймов * 6,5 дюймов * 2 дюйма
Vendor: TalismanUA
$80.00 $70.00
Save 35%
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.05
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Выкройка браслета своими руками RedStars Beaded Pattern Бисер: Miyuki Delica 11/0 / Stitch Loom / 31 столбец / 4 см / 1,65 дюйма, 70 рядов / 12,5 см / 4,82 дюйма. 4 цвета. Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно загрузить. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бисера (нумерация цветов, названия и необходимое количество) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цвета) - Таблица слов . Этот шаблон НЕ содержит инструкций. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения.
Vendor: OKomastra
$7.37 $4.79
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Are you looking for original and cute high quality clip art images to use in your projects? You’ve come to the right place!! You can use them for tshirts, mugs, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards and more!! INSTANT DOWNLOAD This is INSTANT DOWNLOAD FILE that includes SVG, DXF, EPS, AI, PNG, JPG, PDF formats. Available for instant download after confirmed payment. You will receive zipped, digital download files via email. - This is a digital product no physical product will be sent. - Downloaded products can't be returned or refunded. - There are no watermarks on your files.
$2.50 $1.99
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Варисцит темно-зелений натуральний, не стбілізований 17,172 кг 
Vendor: Firuzeh2015
$10,000.00 $8,500.00
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Variscite natural not stabilised 1 kg I have 500 kilograms available, you can choose, or I can choose variscite for you
Vendor: Firuzeh2015
$350.00 $250.00
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Gorka 4 is a suit designed for harsh mountain climate conditions. Rain, hot sun, gusty wind. In conditions of such variable weather, clothes that are too light will quickly get wet, and clothes that are too canvas will create discomfort. In the design of Gorki 4, the creators included an ideal compromise. Thick tent fabric (100% Cotton) not only breathes, but also does not get wet well, due to the special weaving of the fibers
$125.95 $115.95
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Gorka 4 black is a windproof mountain suit Tactical suit made of rip-stop fabric In places where the wear resistance of the suit is enhanced, a layer of main fabric has been added. The suit is designed to protect against precipitation, strong winds and temperature changes. The Gorka 3 uniform consists of a jacket with 6 pockets and trousers with 6 pockets, a loose-fitting suit. The anorak jacket is worn over the head. It is fastened with a windproof flap with buttons for complete protection from the product blowing. For a better fit and to avoid “sailing” in the wind, the suit has a system of ties based on rubber-fabric braid on the sides of the jacket, on the sleeves, and under the knees. At the bottom of the trousers there is a duster (rag) and a harness for fixing on the heel
$135.65 $115.95
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Maya and Aztecs - Gift set of rear view mirror ornament and pendant in the same design, Hanging car diffuser with Aztec style wood relief GIFT FOR DRIVER The original gift set for the car! Maya and Aztec style car mirror charm It consists of a wooden suspended diffuser and a stylish pendant The car pendant ornament consists of many small wooden parts, the pendant necklace is made of wood with inlaid ornamentation using metallized gold cardboard Materials: eco veneer, sapele veneer. The diffuser is hand stitched with waxed thread Gift for him - Gift for dad - Gift for husband - Handmade gift Auto diffuser size: Diameter 6cm(2.36inch) Pendant Size: 3.8cm(1.5inch) You can buy the pendant or diffuser separately. Or you can buy the whole set. ???? eco-friendly natural product! Original GIFT for your boyfriend / girlfriend in the car. Double-sided custom design !!!!!Stitched by hand with waxed thread, without the use of glue!!!!! ***AROMA OIL NOT INCLUDED!*** This aroma block is REUSABLE! You fill it with aromatic your favorite oil as the smell disappears (once every 1-2 weeks), 3-4 drops per felt Instagram
$27.00 $25.00
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Wooden bookmark with a quote about how beautiful life is! Its a wonderful life quote bookmark This wooden bookmark with an engraved quote "Life is beautiful. Enjoy the ride" serves a practical gift for a friend, bookworm gifts, loved one, or simply as a treat for yourself. Made of eco veneer and laser engraved, this handmade bookmark is available in red or teak wood finishes with a tassel included for easy page marking. The Letters are inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. Measuring at 5.7" x 1.4" (14.6 cm*3.5 cm) and with a thickness of 0.05 inch(1.5mm), this bookmark is just the right size and weight to keep your place in your favorite book without without deforming it Highlights: - Handmade item - Laser engraved for precision - Inlay gold metallized cardboard. - Comes with tassel for easy page marking - Perfect thickness of 0.05 inch Not only does this bookmark serve as a functional accessory for your reading pleasure, but Bookmark for for life-lovers. The eco-friendly materials used in creating these bookmarks make them an environmentally conscious choice for consumers. This bookmark can be used for personal or gift-giving purposes. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it's Christmas, a birthday, or just a small gesture to show that you care. It can also be used for promotional or corporate gifts, as a clever way to promote your business or event. Our bookmarks are made with great attention to detail and quality materials. We take pride in our handmade products and strive to ensure that each bookmark is made to the highest standards of quality. Add this wooden bookmark with an engraved quote about the beauty of life. Add to your collection or give it as a gift to someone special. Purchase it today and enhance your reading experience!
$17.00 $13.00
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Stamp for clay, pottery, polymer clay, metal clay, crafts. Set - 26 stamps 20mm Shipment with tracking number. Any questions are welcome. Thanks!
Vendor: myClayTools
$78.00 $48.00
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 Інтерактивна анімована математична digital презентація «Зима»     10 слайдів  із них 10 активностей ❄️Відтворення числового ряду від 1 до 10  ❄️Повторення сусідів чисел ❄️Знаходження та закріплення образу чисел ❄️Повторення складу чисел від 2 до 6 ❄️Розв’язування прикладів Активності можна редагувати в залежності від знань/умінь  учня Презентація відкривається в програмі PowerPoint Рекомендовано для дошкільнят та першого класу
Vendor: Klassiki
$5.00 $4.00
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Crochet mini Santa hat pattern. Easy crochet low sew amigurumi Santa hat. A very quick and easy project! Suitable for small pet or amigurumi toys. Cute Christmas tree ornaments, Santa miniature hats garland. Size approx. Hat 2” (5 cm.) in diameter and 2 ¾”(7 cm.) high. You can use the same pattern to make larger or smaller hats by using finer or bulkier yarn. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, double crochet, increase. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description and pictures on 2 pages. Also description and photo of invisible join and invisible color change. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), or another one that you have. - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - scissors, needle You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$1.90 $1.71
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Crochet mini Santa, Elf and Beanie hats pattern. Easy crochet amigurumi Santa hat, mini Elf hat, Beanie hat tiny. A very quick and easy project! Suitable for small pet or amigurumi toys. Cute Christmas tree ornaments, Santa miniature hats garland, Elf hat ornament. Size approx. Hat 2” (5 cm.) in diameter and 2 ¾”(7 cm.) high. You can use the same pattern to make larger or smaller hats by using finer or bulkier yarn. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, double crochet, increase. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description and pictures on 3 pages. Also description and photo of invisible join and invisible color change. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), or another one that you have. - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - scissors, needle You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.90 $2.61
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Crochet mini football keychain Crochet pattern. American football keychain. This cute red lip is the perfect small gift for Travis-Taylor fans, Birthday, Christmas, Valentines day or any occations. It can be used as a keychain, backpack charm, a bag accessory or a charm. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! Size Approximately 2 1/3”(6 cm.). This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) - hook B (2 mm.) - fiberfill - scissors, needle - metal keychain You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$1.90 $1.71
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Crochet red lips #13 keychain Crochet pattern. Swiftie keychain. This cute red lip is the perfect small gift for Taylor fans, Birthday, Christmas, Valentines day or any occations. It can be used as a keychain, backpack charm, a bag accessory or a charm. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! Size Approximately 3” x 2" (8 x 5 cm.). This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) - hook B (2 mm.) - fiberfill - scissors, needle - metal keychain You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.50 $2.25
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Red scarf keychain crochet pattern PDF. Mini red scarf TS style. A very quick and easy project! Add a Key chain to this cute miniature scarf to make it into a keychain, a easy Swiftie gift! Size Approximately 7” (17 cm) long or 3”(8 cm) folded. Skill Level - Easy – Beginner Friendly. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the single crochet. Pattern is in standard American terms. You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) - hook B (2 mm.) - fiberfill - scissors, needle - metal keychain You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$1.70 $1.53
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This adorable Valentine's Day Truck clipart set in PNG format with a transparent background, features cute vintage pickup trucks with pretty Valentine hearts, balloons, and flowers, all in a whimsical watercolor style. Ideal for sublimation or printables, this set is perfect for creating fun Valentine's Day cards, baby girl nursery decor, romantic decor, and other delightful creations. Get creative and spread some love with this cute and versatile clipart bundle! Commercial use rights included (see details below). YOU WILL RECEIVE: 12 high-resolution PNG Files at 300dpi (4096*4096 pixels) with a transparent background. After purchase, you will receive a pdf to download. The file will contain a link to our Google Drive, where you can download the high resolution PNGs. Due to the nature of digital downloads, all sales are final. - Please note that this is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY, NO PHYSICAL ITEM will be shipped. - Downloaded products can't be returned or refunded. - There are no watermarks on your files. WANT TO SEE MORE DESIGNS LIKE THIS ONE? There are plenty of cute designs in our page: ------------------------------------------------- Please keep in mind that colors on a monitor may vary slightly from how they appear when printed or how they display on another device due to the color calibration of your device or monitor. IMPORTANT LICENSING INFORMATION: The design files can be used for personal and small commercial business use. Do not share or redistribute the files. These files CANNOT be resold as is. Please note that this design was made in part with AI software and then edited to produce new images at 300dpi. Commercial License uses: You May Not: - Sell, share, or redistribute the graphics in their original format - Use the graphics to make clip art, digital paper, or any other digital design resource You May: - Use the graphics, without changes, for any printed or physical product - Use the graphics, without changes, for any print-on-demand product - Use the graphics for any digital finished end product that is your own design (that is, that has had creative changes made and additional elements added) If you have a question, please message me before purchasing. If you have any problems, please message me!
$2.50 $1.99
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The dense, wear-resistant model of the bag is made using the jacquard crochet technique; inside the bag there is a pocket made of plastic mesh for a phone or glasses.  Eco Shopper Tote Bag. Cotton Bag Linen tote bag Grocery bag Eco Tote Bag, Cotton Bag, Linen tote bag, Grocery bag, Eco Friendly Bag, Fashion Bag, shopper bag, eco bag In stock Highlights Handmade cotton,  Made of 100% natural cotton. Shopping bag is a great alternative to plastic bags. Do your little bit to save our planet !!! Size chart: Width: 41cm / 16.15" Height: 42cm / 16.53" Length of handles: 80cm / 31.5" composition: eco cotton cord The product is located in a warehouse in the USA, which facilitates fast delivery throughout America.
$90.00 $80.00
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Beautiful decor for your home and a great gift for your friends and family. The doll is made of wire, textile and cotton, glass eyes. Berries are made of polymer clay. The filling is hypoallergenic synthetic down. The height is 22 cm (8.6 inches) without berries. The toy can sit up. The clothes are not removable. This art doll is intended for interior design, decor, not for play with small children! The doll must not be machine washed!
Vendor: Yulias Toys
$80.00 $64.00
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"Watching cat" - it's machine embroidery design, executed in a realistic manner  made by Oksana Vushkan. This cute cat otlichnoe look great on your products. This design is embroidered on white and pastel shades materials. This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used. You must have an embroidery machine to use these designs. The design parameters (design in six sizes. Six sizes for the price of one):  1. OV_watching cat_160 Size: 160,0 x 94,8 mm (6,30 x 3,73") ( This is the smallest possible size for embroidery.  Reducing this size is not possible ) Stitches: 13064 Colors: 4 ------------------------------  2. OV_watching cat Sizes: 170,0 x 96,6 mm (6,69 x 3,80") Stitches: 13384 Colors: 4 ------------------------------- 3. OV_watching cat_220 Size: 220,0 x 125,0 mm (8,66 x 4,92") Stitches: 17677 Colors: 4 ------------------------------  At the request of customers added 3 sizes for large hoops:  4. OV_watching cat_275 Size: 156.2 x 275.0 mm (6.15 x 10.83") Stitches: 22851 Colors: 4 ------------------------------- 5. OV_watching cat_295 Size: 167.4 x 294.8 mm (6.59 x 11.61") Stitches: 24865 Colors: 4 --------------------------------- 6. OV_watching cat_335 Size: 190.0 x 334.6 mm (7.48 x 13.17") Stitches: 29202 Colors: 4  -You can download your zipped file containing following formats: DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP    You must be able to unpack the archive. - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need. - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter. - Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way. - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale. I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments. - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product.  Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties. I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs.  Thanks for visiting my shop.
$6.50 $5.85
Save 12%
"Openwork cross" - it's machine embroidery design made by Oksana Vushkan.  Please note: This is digital file for embroidery machine. You must have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used.  Embroidery design is available in two sizes: (two designs for the price of one): 1. OV_Cross_170 Sizes: 127,8 x 170,8 mm (5,03 x 6,72") Stitches:14107 Colors: 1 -------------------------------     2.OV_Cross_190 Sizes: 142,8 x 190,8 mm (5,62 x 7,51") Stitches:15689 Colors: 1  You can download your zipped file containing following formats: DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP You must be able to unpack the archive. - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need. - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter. - Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way. - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale. I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments. - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product.  Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties. I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs. Thanks for visiting my shop.
$6.00 $5.30
Save 15%
Car led door sills with Jeep Grand Cherokee Track Hawk Supercharged With stainless steel included 4 pcs. The RS Custom steel running boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and will customize the look of your interior. This laser cut is 100% accurate to your car and fits your car perfectly. ▪ Suitable for everyone: Jeep Grand Cherokee Track Hawk Supercharged logo stainless steel includes 4 pcs. ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished). ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend that it be installed by a professional. Connection to 12 W power supply, to door lighting. ▪ Measurement precision, RS Custom laser cut design ensures a perfect fit. ▪ Transform your car into a personalized luxury and unique car. Inscription: Standard car brand or with an individual inscription with a surcharge of $30. ① Place the RS Custom cover on a surface before attaching it to a permanent base to get an idea of how it will look once installed. Be sure to place a piece of masking tape (if necessary). ② Clean the surface on which the RS Custom threshold will be installed from dust/dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove the adhesive tape. ③ Continue pressing, especially around the edges, for 30 seconds. Connect to 12W power. to the door light. We hope you enjoy our product! -Be sure to check if some items in the product photos match your car's interior/exterior. - We do our best to photograph different lighting conditions to give you an idea of what our product will look like. Your RS Custom product will look different in sunlight than indoors. This is what makes our products so beautiful and unique!
$260.00 $220.00
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OV_Old Toy_020  - it's machine embroidery design  of series "Old Toy" made by Oksana Vushkan. This embroidery is well suited for children's products  Please note: This is digital file for embroidery machine. You must have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file.This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used. This design is not suitable for very stretch materials. The design contains a kind of backing (fixing layer). This design is multi-layered, the stitches have different directions and also stretch the material in different directions, so you need to fix the fabric well so that the embroidery outline is embroidered correctly.  Embroidery design is available in two sizes: (two sizes for the price of one)  1. OV_Old Toy_020_Sm Sizes: 84,5 x 98,0 mm (3,33 x 3,86") Stitches : 10878 Colors: 8\9 ------------------------------------------------ 2. OV_Old Toy_020_L Sizes: 112,2 x 130,3 mm (4,42 x 5,13") Stitches : 15721 Colors: 8\9  You can download your zipped file containing following formats: DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP.   You should be able to unpack the zip archive.   - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need.   - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter. Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way.   The collection "Old Toy" will grow! - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale. I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments. - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product. Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties. I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs. Thanks for visiting my shop
$5.70 $4.56
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Car led door sills Dodge Challenger 2015-2024with logo HEMI   stainless steel includes 2 pieces.  RS Custom Steel Running Boards are ready to be installed by an electronics specialist and custom update your interior look.  This laser cut is 100% accurate for your car, perfect for your car. ▪ Suitable for everyone: Dodge Challenger 2015-2024 with stainless steel includes 2 pieces. ▪ 100% stainless steel (polished). ▪ To install an electronic product, we recommend installing it by a specialist. Connection to power supply 12 W., to the door lighting. ▪ Measuring accuracy, RS Custom laser cut design ensures perfect fit ▪ Change your vehicle to a personalized luxury and unique vehicle. Inscription: Standard car brand or with an individual inscription with a surcharge of $ 30. ⚠ I n s t r u k c and I ① Place the RS Custom cover on the surface before permanently attaching to get an idea of how it will look after being installed. Mark the final location with a piece of masking tape (if necessary).  ② Clean the surface on which the RS Custom door sill will be installed to remove dust / dirt and wax. Let it dry completely. Remove the adhesive tapes.  ③ Continue pressing, especially at the edges, for 30 seconds. Connect to 12W power. to the door lighting. We hope you enjoy our product! -Be sure to check if some of the items in the product photos exactly match the interior / exterior of your vehicle. We do our best to photograph different lighting conditions to give you an idea of what our product will look like. Your RS Custom product will look different in sunlight than indoors. This is what makes our products so beautiful and unique!
$260.00 $220.00