Jewelry & Watches

SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Ring Band Russian Cyrillic Inscription Text Prayer God Save Protect me Openwork Church US size 6 Jewellery 702 The inscription says "Господи, спаси и сохрани меня" that means "God, save and protect me". Weight - 1.59 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring size - 6.0. Russian / Ukrainian ring size - 16.5. Item code - Ko-702. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - THAT MEANS THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURES Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. It usually takes 2-4 weeks for a package to arrive. But it depends on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush. Buyers from the USA may order Fast delivery (5-10 business days) in the basket. Buyers from the USA, Canada, Australia, European Community and some other countries may get Express delivery (2-5 business days) in the basket. Buyers are responsible for all possible VAT or sales tax. Dearest buyers, we do not provide returns because of the postal and tax difficulties. Thanks for understanding.
Кольцо изготовлено из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы с чернением. Кольцо украшено этническим армянским дизайном. Кольцо очень удобно носить, на самом деле это два кольца, скрепленные между собой цепочками. По вашему желанию хвостовики можно сделать как закрытыми, так и с щелью для регулировки. Двойные, складные и фаланговые кольца сейчас в тренде! Это также может быть отличным подарком. Кольцо можно заказать с родиевым покрытием и позолоченным покрытием за дополнительную плату. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы и индивидуальные пожелания, напишите мне. Ручной работы. Размер кольца по запросу с регулировкой Ширина главного кольца 30 мм. Ширина кольца фаланги 25 мм. Длина цепей составляет 35 мм. Вес 6.5 гр.
Сырой овал Огромный аметист Кристалл Драгоценный камень стерлингового серебра Кольцо ДОСТУПЕН ТОЛЬКО ОДИН!!!! Авторские !!! ручной работы В единственном экземпляре!!! Аметист – легендарный камень. Переплетение легенд в судьбе самоцвета плотное и причудливое. Древние греки говорили, что нимфа Аметиса, сияющая вечной молодостью и неизбываемой красотой, однажды отправилась в храм богини Артемиды. Увидев яркую девушку, Дионис, бог виноградной лозы, загорелся страстью. Однако Аметис, в девичьей простоте в любви к пастуху Сприкосу, отверг и высмеял претензии Диониса к бессмертному. Кольцо собрано непосредственно на камне. Ручная работа из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы и натурального сырого аметиста. Серебряное кольцо с сырым аметистом. Стерлинговое серебро. Ручной работы. Серебро выдержано. Размер камня 4*3 см. Вес 23 гр.
Стерлинговое серебро Слонов Подарки Уникальное кольцо Boho Болтание, 925 Серебряное заявление Арт-деко Подарки Армянские ювелирные изделия Уникальные и красивые кольца из серии «Армянский авангард». Каждое кольцо проработано до мелочей. Полированные и текстурированные, с камнями и без них. Эта серия исключительно примечательна тем, что является авторским произведением и мыслью талантливого мастера. Кольца в этой серии предназначены для людей, которые не терпят стереотипов. Вы не останетесь незамеченными с украшениями из этой серии. Здесь переплетаются этнический и современный стили. В результате родились эти шедевры. Кольца выглядят очень выразительно и поражают своим дизайном. Размер лицевой части 30*20 мм. Вес около 10 гр. (в зависимости от размера) Кольцо изготовлено вручную из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Ручная работа в Армении. ~ ~ ~ ~ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ Все ювелирные изделия, представленные в нашем магазине, изготовлены исключительно из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Камни в основном натуральные. Если используются искусственно выращенные камни, это необходимо указать в описании. Имейте в виду, что серебро может потускнеть, обесцвечиваться и превращать вашу кожу в серую или зеленую. Это совершенно нормальная реакция кожи на серебро. Если у вас такая реакция на серебро, можно заказать родиевые или позолоченные украшения. Многие ювелирные изделия не имеют штампа 925. Если это важно для вас, пожалуйста, напишите нам. Фотографии сделаны нашей командой из настоящих украшений. Вы получите именно то, что видите. Украшения с грубыми камнями не могут быть повторены. Они уникальны и единственны в своем роде. Вы можете сделать индивидуальный заказ. Для этого свяжитесь с нами.
стерлинговое серебро полный палец двойной тройня Boho броня кольцо, заявление Большой Бохо Подарок для ее армянских ювелирных изделий Ручная работа в Армении. Размер кольца - 5*2 см. Вес - 13 гр. ~ ~ ~ ~ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ Все ювелирные изделия, представленные в нашем магазине, изготовлены исключительно из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Камни в основном натуральные. Если используются искусственно выращенные камни, это необходимо указать в описании. Имейте в виду, что серебро может потускнеть, обесцвечиваться и превращать вашу кожу в серую или зеленую. Это совершенно нормальная реакция кожи на серебро. Если у вас такая реакция на серебро, можно заказать родиевые или позолоченные украшения. Многие ювелирные изделия не имеют штампа 925. Если это важно для вас, пожалуйста, напишите нам. Фотографии сделаны нашей командой из настоящих украшений. Вы получите именно то, что видите. Украшения с грубыми камнями не могут быть повторены. Они уникальны и единственны в своем роде. Вы можете сделать индивидуальный заказ. Для этого свяжитесь с нами.
стерлинговое серебро полный палец двойной большой брони кастеты кольцо, большое заявление Бохо подарок для ее армянского кольца Ручной работы. Размер кольца - 5,5*2,2 см. Вес - 12,5 гр. Размер регулируемый. ~ ~ ~ ~ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ Все ювелирные изделия, представленные в нашем магазине, изготовлены исключительно из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Камни в основном натуральные. Если используются искусственно выращенные камни, это необходимо указать в описании. Имейте в виду, что серебро может потускнеть, обесцвечиваться и превращать вашу кожу в серую или зеленую. Это совершенно нормальная реакция кожи на серебро. Если у вас такая реакция на серебро, можно заказать родиевые или позолоченные украшения. Многие ювелирные изделия не имеют штампа 925. Если это важно для вас, пожалуйста, напишите нам. Фотографии сделаны нашей командой из настоящих украшений. Вы получите именно то, что видите. Украшения с грубыми камнями не могут быть повторены. Они уникальны и единственны в своем роде. Вы можете сделать индивидуальный заказ. Для этого свяжитесь с нами.
Стерлинговое серебро Полный палец Армянский орнамент Кольцо, Двойное кольцо, Заявление кольцо, Большое кольцо, Кольцо кастетов, Персефона Серебряное кольцо Ручной работы. Размер кольца - 6*2 см. Вес - 9 гр. Размер регулируемый.
Стерлинговое серебро Полное кольцо для пальца, Двойное кольцо, Кольцо для заявления, Большое кольцо, Кольцо кастетов, Подарок для нее Ручная работа в Армении. Размер кольца - 4*1,8 см. Вес - 8 гр.
Стерлинговое серебро Загородный дом Заявление Бохо Кольцо Ювелирные изделия Кольцо по сказочным мотивам в виде домика с коноплей. Красивое и очень оригинальное кольцо с уникальным и нестандартным дизайном. Отличное дополнение к бохо-образу. Кольцо привлекает внимание и подчеркивает неординарный вкус своего владельца. Можно заказать родиевое или позолоченное. Ручной работы. Размер кольца - 10*20*10 мм. Вес - 17 гр.
Стерлинговое серебро Гранат Гранат Персефона Ожерелье Шарм Фрукты Ювелирные изделия, Армянское серебро Ювелирные изделия Серебряные ювелирные изделия из граната - Гранатовый кулон, Украшения Персефоны, Армянские ювелирные изделия стерлингового серебра 925 Кулон "Гранат" из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы с гранеными красными гранатами ручной работы. Идеально подходит для подарка. Все ювелирные изделия отправляются в подарочной коробке без каких-либо дополнительных сборов. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Все ювелирные изделия, представленные в нашем магазине, изготовлены исключительно из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Камни в основном натуральные. Если используются искусственно выращенные камни, это необходимо указать в описании. Имейте в виду, что серебро может потускнеть, обесцвечиваться и превращать вашу кожу в серую или зеленую. Это совершенно нормальная реакция кожи на серебро. Если у вас такая реакция на серебро, можно заказать родиевые или позолоченные украшения. Многие ювелирные изделия не имеют штампа 925. Если это важно для вас, пожалуйста, напишите нам. Фотографии сделаны нашей командой из настоящих украшений. Вы получите именно то, что видите. Украшения с грубыми камнями не могут быть повторены. Они уникальны и единственны в своем роде. Вы можете сделать индивидуальный заказ. Для этого свяжитесь с нами.
Серебро Сырое малахитовое кольцо Серьги Ящерица Ювелирный набор, стерлинговое серебро Зеленый камень Ювелирные изделия Авторский дизайн !!! Ручной работы!!! Текстура плиссе малахита напоминает переплетение заросших ветвей кустарника, а блеск полированной поверхности сродни тусклому мерцанию скрученного шелка. Такой камень можно использовать в отличие от бирюзового малахита – в основном в качестве слабовыразительного фона. Малахит – это камень, который прекрасно сочетается с любым ювелирным металлом. Безграничная фантазия художников подчеркивает выразительность природного материала как роскошь ажурных рамок, так и строгость выбранных форм. Пользовательский размер кольца. Размеры лицевой части составляют 45*25 мм. Вес 27.5 гр. Размеры сережек 35*25 мм. Вес 17.5 гр. Общий вес комплекта составляет 45 гр. Если вам тоже нужна цепочка, мольбы напишите мне. Ручная работа в Армении!
Айк Наапет Серебро Мужская Армянская монета Кулон Ожерелье Ювелирные изделия, Стерлинговое серебро Ожерелье для мужчин, Подарок для него, Армянское серебро Серебряный кулон – это всегда продуманный подарок! Изготовлен из цельного стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Красиво носится в одиночку, удивительно сочетается с другими ожерельями! СВЕДЕНИЯ О ПРОДУКТЕ Кулон 25*25 мм Вес 7.5 гр. Все изделия изготовлены из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы и имеют клеймо. Ожерелье упаковано в подарочную упаковку, готовое к тому, чтобы быть предложенным кому-то особенному. Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что цвета металлов могут немного отличаться из-за различий монитора. Благодарим Вас за посещение нашего магазина! Мы будем рады прочитать ваши отзывы и услышать от вас снова!
Minimalist Сottagecore earrings Terrarium earrings Pressed flower earrings lilac Sterling silver earrings for girl Jewelry is made of Sterling silver. *Size:0.39in x0.39in (1cmx1cm) *jewelry is ready to be shipped *All our jewelry is carefully packed into a gift box. Pay attention to a product there can be small bubbles. These are vials of air which are allocated at production, they give the charm to work and remind small dewdrops. Very beautiful minimalist earrings in terrarium jewelry. Very nice sterling silver delicate earrings with pressed flowers alyssum. This is earrings 1st birthday outfit children's gift and gift for kids ***See other:
Set of 4 bracelets on a stretch base. Can be worn together or separately
Choker with bow, lady bow tie Faux leather or real leather (on your choice) Silver fittings Adjustable size
Vendor: fetiSHop
Wooden earrings decorated with hand painted flowers. Their weight is only a few grams. This is original acrylic painting on wooden beads. I use high quality acrylic paints and varnish finish. Please choose silver earring hooks, if you need sensitive ears earrings. Hand painted bead size - 1.6 cm. Length of earrings: 4 Centimeters. Please note that the colors may look different depending on your screen lights. More hand painted wooden jewellery, beads and home decor here Unfortunately, I can't guarantee delivery time.
Vendor: LucyKozyra
Сhamomile earrings Fairycore earrings dangle with daisy Pressed flower earrings Terrarium earrings gift for girlfriend Jewelry is made of plated silver without the addition of nickel and zinc. Size Earrings: 0.59in x 0.59in (1.5cmx1.5cm) jewelry is ready to be shipped All our jewelry is carefully packed into a gift box. Pay attention that at a product there can be small bubbles. These are vials of air which are allocated at production, they give the charm to work and remind small dewdrops. A shop of handmade jewelry with pressed flowers, plants and natural stones The resin terrarium earrings will be a very good gift 30th birthday gift for women, 40th birthday gift for women This is a great addition to your handmade jewelry collection. See other:§ion_id=23341555
Rare Soviet mechanical watch with natural stones Elegant womens wrist watch Chajka (Seagull). Vintage original bracelet with natural stones Mechanical watch manual winding. Each watch has been totally serviced by professional watchmaker and keep good time More WATCH: Each Item will be very carefully protected , very carefully packed and shipped within 1-2 business days. If you have a question about this item, please contact me! PLEASE NOTE ♦ All our items are vintage and sold in their AS-IS condition! ♦ What you see in the photos is exactly what you get! ♦ The real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display! PAYMENT POLICY: 1.) PayPal is accepted ---------- SHIPPING POLICY: 1.) International Shipping 2.) We are shipping via REGISTERED airmail. 3.) Items will be shipped on the same or next business day of receiving full payment. 4.) Usually it takes about 10-21 days Thank you for visiting my shop!
Vendor: MyVintageBAG
Rare Soviet mechanical watch with natural stones AMBER Elegant womens wrist watch Chajka (Seagull). Vintage original bracelet with natural stones AMBER Mechanical watch manual winding. Each watch has been totally serviced by professional watchmaker and keep good time More WATCH: Each Item will be very carefully protected , very carefully packed and shipped within 1-2 business days. If you have a question about this item, please contact me! PLEASE NOTE ♦ All our items are vintage and sold in their AS-IS condition! ♦ What you see in the photos is exactly what you get! ♦ The real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display! PAYMENT POLICY: 1.) PayPal is accepted ---------- SHIPPING POLICY: 1.) International Shipping 2.) We are shipping via REGISTERED airmail. 3.) Items will be shipped on the same or next business day of receiving full payment. 4.) Usually it takes about 10-21 days Thank you for visiting my shop!
Vendor: MyVintageBAG
Браслет ручной работы "Армянский калейдоскоп" изготовлен из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Благодаря чернению, украшение имеет винтажный вид. Очень оригинальное и современное оформление в стиле этно.
Персефона Серебряный Кулон Ожерелье Дерево Жизни Гранат, Красный Циркон 925 Стерлинговое Серебро Гранат Армянские Украшения В Армении гранат является одним из самых узнаваемых символов страны. В армянской мифологии гранат символизирует плодородие и удачу. Гранат также является защитником от сглаза. На свадьбах в Западной Армении невеста бросает гранат и разбивает его на куски. Разбросанные семена граната обеспечили невесте детей. В Ване армянские женщины, которые хотели иметь сына, ели лепешку из теста, смешанного с семенами граната. Важность этого фрукта засвидетельствована в исторических армянских рукописях и в резьбе по камню, где он использовался в качестве популярного украшения. Одним из самых знаковых армянских художественных фильмов является фильм Сергея Параджанова «Цвет граната». Размер кулона - 4*2,5 см. Вес кулона - 7 г. ~ ~ ~ ~ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ Все ювелирные изделия, представленные в нашем магазине, изготовлены исключительно из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Камни в основном натуральные. Если используются искусственно выращенные камни, это необходимо указать в описании. Имейте в виду, что серебро может потускнеть, обесцвечиваться и превращать вашу кожу в серую или зеленую. Это совершенно нормальная реакция кожи на серебро. Если у вас такая реакция на серебро, можно заказать родиевые или позолоченные украшения. Многие ювелирные изделия не имеют штампа 925. Если это важно для вас, пожалуйста, напишите нам. Фотографии сделаны нашей командой из настоящих украшений. Вы получите именно то, что видите. Украшения с грубыми камнями не могут быть повторены. Они уникальны и единственны в своем роде. Вы можете сделать индивидуальный заказ. Для этого свяжитесь с нами.
Натуральные морганиты 6,69 карат/пара. Огранка кушон 9,3х9,3 мм
Набір прикрас з металу: 2 браслети і підвіс на шию.
Vendor: BemomBemom
Save 10%
Handmade elven brooch. Can be used as hair clips. Can be used as barrettes for clothes. Condition: very good. I carefully pack the goods, so you got it in in good condition. I ship every item with a tracking number! Each item will be very carefully protected and shipped within 1-2 business days from the date of payment. Please look my other Found Objects items: For me it is important that you are happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase or if there is a problem, please contact me. I will do my best to make you satisfied with the results. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks for visiting & for looking! Always glad to see you again in my shop. Good luck.
Vendor: GadgetplusUA
$30.00 $27.00
Медное солнце с красной перламутровой серединой
Vendor: Kolyada
We invite you to the store of exclusive jewelry handmade in the styles of gothic, steampunk, skull, viking, slavic, norse, amulets, scandinavian, masonic, muslim, engagement, wedding. Personalization possible Material: high quality solid 925 sterling silver Material to order: gold plated 14k of sterling silver 925, gold from 14K to 24K All our works are done personally for you by hand with love and care in our workshop. Products may differ slightly from the picture. Custom ring sizes from 4 to 15. Masonic ring Blue Lodge signet ring Master Mason Freemason jewelry gift The Masonic signet for men is used as an identification card of the owner. On the towering platform, the symbols of Masons are skillfully carved by craftsmen in most cases a Masonic compass, a hammer, a trowel, a square and the letter G in the center. Modern Masons proudly wear Masonic seals as a symbol of their loyalty to the brotherhood, as a symbol that indicates their belonging to one of the most ancient secret societies on the planet. We make all products in silver and gold, as well as with gilding, silvering and applying multi colored enamel, and stones can be ordered from standard to precious! Peculiarities Weight in silver about 8.5 g Weight in gold about 10 g Silver Kt: 925 Ready to Ship in 1 - 5 business days Handmade Jewelry is a way of expression. With decades of experience, our skilled craftsmen combine traditional and modern technology to provide you with superb jewellery. Special note All items are beautifully packaged in elegant jewelry boxes and are ready to be gifted. IMPORTANT! For all goods when sending in the documents we indicate - BIJOUTERIE! So that there are no problems during customs inspection ! The customs does not allow jewelry and precious stones to pass and returns the parcels back Our lead time is 1-5 business days. This may change during the high season. Before placing your order - contact us to see if we can meet your deadlines. We ship worldwide by priority airmail (with tracking), from Ukraine Delivery times - Standard from 5 to 30+ days, Express from 5 to 10+ days If you can't find the information you need or need some advice for your design? Feel free to contact us. We are fast to reply :) 30 DAY BACK GUARANTEE: To guarantee your complete and total satisfaction, we offer our customers a 30-Day return policy. Please feel free to contact our customer service anytime if you feel unsatisfied or confused. I cannot accept returns: --- if the product is personalized; --- if the product is made to order or with an individual design; --- if the seal on the product is broken. Custom design available Please feel free to contact me with custom design requests. I will gladly help design your perfect piece of jewelry! We invite you to visit our store-
Кулон метла из золота 585-й пробы с бриллиантами
Кольцо изготовлено из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы и натурального круглого ярко-красного граната. Это кольцо в стиле бохо имеет интересное дизайнерское решение. Это гранж-кольцо удобное, легкое со средним хвостовиком, регулируемым по размеру. Слон – символ силы, терпения, долголетия, мудрости и стабильности. Считается, что ношение украшений, изображающих слона, дает владельцу терпение и силу. Размер кольца - 30*20 мм. Вес кольца - 10 гр. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ВСЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ РЕШАЮТся !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Все ювелирные изделия, представленные в нашем магазине, изготовлены исключительно из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы. Камни в основном натуральные. Если используются искусственно выращенные камни, это необходимо указать в описании. Имейте в виду, что серебро может потускнеть, обесцвечиваться и превращать вашу кожу в серую или зеленую. Это совершенно нормальная реакция кожи на серебро. Если у вас такая реакция на серебро, можно заказать родиевые или позолоченные украшения. Многие ювелирные изделия не имеют штампа 925. Если это важно для вас, пожалуйста, напишите нам. Фотографии сделаны нашей командой из настоящих украшений. Вы получите именно то, что видите. Украшения с грубыми камнями не могут быть повторены. Они уникальны и единственны в своем роде. Вы можете сделать индивидуальный заказ. Для этого свяжитесь с нами.
Двойное кольцо в этническом стиле. Кольца украшены красивой резьбой по песку красных цирконов. Кольца соединены между собой тонкими цепочками. В Армении гранат является одним из самых узнаваемых символов страны. В армянской мифологии гранат символизирует плодородие и удачу. Гранат также является защитником от сглаза. На свадьбах в Западной Армении невеста бросает гранат и разбивает его на куски. Разбросанные семена граната обеспечили невесте детей. В Ване армянские женщины, которые хотели иметь сына, ели лепешку из теста, смешанного с семенами граната. Важность этого фрукта засвидетельствована в исторических армянских рукописях и в резьбе по камню, где он использовался в качестве популярного украшения. Одним из самых знаковых армянских художественных фильмов является фильм Сергея Параджанова «Цвет граната». Кольца не имеют определенного размера, так как они не полностью закрыты. Кольца ручной работы изготовлены из стерлингового серебра 925 пробы.
wreaths with flowers on the head
Save 42%
Now at the peak of popularity, jewelry in the form of insects, which we see in the collections of famous fashion trendsetters. Therefore, a beautiful accessory embroidered in 3D technique will become your favorite and will decorate both everyday and evening looks, and will also be a great gift for any occasion for beautiful women. It is simply impossible to look away from the Beetle brooch - it glitters and shimmers. Brooches of this type will look great on your favorite clothes, handbag or backpack. You can wear brooches with anything, add originality and exclusivity to your image, because you will not find another such brooch! Hand-embroidered jewelry is incredibly beautiful and very stylish. In the manufacture of the brooch, the following materials were used: • Czech beads Preciosa • Japanese beads and sequins • Glass rhinestones • Glass beads • Imitation pearl • Chenille • Truncal • Italian sequins • The legs are made of metal pins and Czech beads. • The back side of the brooch is processed with natural leather and has a Japanese clasp that will not ruin clothes • The wings are made from a wire frame, which allows the wings to take on a variety of shapes. • Tulle embroidered with metallic thread and Japanese beads was used for the wings. The product is made in a single copy. The weight of this wonderful decoration is only 10 grams!!! Size: 4.5 cm * 3.5 cm I draw your attention to the fact that each product is unique and it is impossible to repeat it exactly. If the product is sold, I will make the most similar option for you. Production of products by the individual order is possible. DELIVERY WORLDWIDE!!! Not a children's toy, lots of small parts. By purchasing this product, you are definitely buying the product that is shown in the photo and video. Requires careful storage in a separate box. The color may differ from the real one, as it depends on your screen settings.
Vendor: Shine Smile
$84.00 $49.00
Чоловічий  браслет. Розмір із регулюванням
Vendor: BemomBemom
Чоловічі браслети з гравіюванням
Vendor: BemomBemom
Украшения изготовлены с использованием армянских национальных узоров и символов. Эти паттерны все еще используются сегодня. Вы можете найти их на армянских коврах и хачкарах (хачкарах). Вы можете выбрать камни черного, красного, синего или зеленого цвета. Легкие, красивые и очень удобные украшения сделают ваш образ замечательным! Вы можете заказать эти украшения с красными или зелеными камнями. Для этого напишите мне. Размер кольца по запросу Размеры передней части кольца составляют 20*20 мм. Вес 5.5 гр. Размеры сережек 45*20 мм. Вес 8.5 гр. Общий вес набора составляет 14 г. Бохо Этнический Треугольник Черный Оникс Стерлинговое Серебро Кольцо Серьги, Серьги Болтание, Заявление Кольцо, Узор Ювелирные изделия, Изысканные армянские украшения
Натуральный аметист 8,42 карата огранки кушон sugarloaf 14x14 мм, месторождение: Руанда
ZULU leather strap for watch 18mm, ZULU leather band for watch Size: Long watch band: 290mm Thickness: 1.3-1.5mm
ZIPPO Chronograph Watch ZO45020-RG Men's Military Sports Large White Analog Dial Date Stainless Steel Band Japanese Movement NEW with Box ✅ OLD STOCK. New watches with original box. The dial, back cover and belt are sealed with a factory film. A new battery will be installed before shipment. Very cool and powerful high quality watches. Weight: 190 grams. This weight is pleasantly felt on the wrist. If you do not like to be in the center of enthusiastic attention, then do not risk to buy this watch! Brand: Zippo MPN: 45020-RG Movement: Quartz (Battery) Chronograph: Yes Day Indicator: Yes Original Box: Yes Display: Analog Age Group: Adult Style: Casual, Military, Sport Case Material: Stainless Steel Band Material: Stainless Steel Case Color: Silver/Chrome Band Color: Silver/Chrome Face Color: White Case Finish: Polished Case Size: 44 mm Band Type: Bracelet/Link Band Watch Shape: Square Lug Width: 26 mm Water Resistance: 50 m (5 ATM) Dial Style: 12-Hour Dial ❗️ PLEASE ASK ALL QUESTIONS BEFORE PURCHASE ====================================== ⚠️ NOTE: * All photos are real! You will receive the item that you see in the pictures; * Real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. ====================================== ✅ PAYMENT: * We accept PayPal payments and credit card; ====================================== ✅ SHIPPING: * Worldwide shipping. All items ship from Europe - Ukraine (Odessa); * We ship within 1-2 business days of receiving cleared payment; * All the orders are fulfilled and packed with care; * Please allow 1-4 weeks for delivery by airmail; * We ship all the item by registered airmail providing tracking number; * We combine shipping costs. ====================================== Other vintage items:
Vendor: AntiqueClub
Save 50%
zipper with personalization for toilet bag
Vendor: Rachiba
$10.00 $5.00
The patroness of all Zinaids is considered the martyr Zinaida of Tarsia, the sister of the Apostle Paul. Throughout her life, a woman healed the sick in the name of Christ, which converted many pagans to the Christian faith. For holy faith in Christ, idolaters stoned the preacher with stones to death. Nowadays, the icon of the holy martyress Zinaida of Taria pray for healing of mental and physical ailments. Zinaida celebrates the birthday once a year - October 24 (October 11 according to the church calendar, old style). The pendant is double-sided. The inscription on the reverse side: "Спаси и сохрани" (bless and save). Black string which is a thin waxed cord tied with a slip knot to enable you to adjust the necklace to practically any length. Dimensions : 1" x 3/4". Material: alloy metals, silver plated. Nickel and lead free. Box included. We have more devotional jewelry: You can visit our Etsy shop just click on
Vendor: Gift Shop
Rare VINTAGE SOVIET wristwatch. Masonic signs. Signs, grips and words Freemasons use  signs  (gestures),  grips  or  tokens  (handshakes) and  words  to gain admission to meetings and identify legitimate visitors.  From the early 18th century onwards, many exposés have been written claiming to reveal these signs, grips and passwords to the uninitiated. A classic response was deliberately to transpose certain words in the ritual, so as to catch out anyone relying on the exposé.  However, since each Grand Lodge is free to create its own rituals, the signs, grips and passwords can and do differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  Furthermore, Grand Lodges can and do change their rituals periodically, updating the language used, adding or omitting sections. Therefore, any exposé can only be valid for a particular jurisdiction at a particular time, and is always difficult for an outsider to verify.  Today, an unknown visitor may be required to produce a certificate, dues card or other documentation of membership in addition to demonstrating knowledge of the signs, grips and passwords.  The mechanism is ZIM.   Caliber 2602.    The Watch case is chromium-plated.   Back cover is made from steel . The glass is acrylic. The dial is metal. The size in the case without the crown -  33.8 mm.  The watch was been serviced by watchmaker before sale. Not radioactive. Watch  is   in a  working condition   and keeps   time well. I invite you to visit my shop. Have s uccessful transactions!   Please :     Ask   all your questions   before b uy ing!     Payment within  4  day s !
The magical New Year's sale has already begun! Enjoy huge discounts on our entire range of watches! Vintage military mens watch - ZiM Aviation I love vintage watches and things, they have a soul. I have been a watch repairer for a long time. And now I want to share it with you ???? Vintage watches accentuate any style. They also make great gifts for any occasion! Every watch in my store is professionally serviced and will give you many more years of enjoyment if used properly. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day. More of my work here - . Our watches are also delivered in a stylish package with soft padding to ensure an aesthetic appearance and protect the product. ???? *We include a small, unique gift with each order. In our workshop you can buy extraordinary handmade gifts for yourself, for your friends and relatives. Mechanism: - ZiM 2602 on 15 jewels - original - mechanical - Year of mechanism : 1990s Lifetime Warranty* We provide a lifetime warranty on all of our mechanisms, unless you get them wet or dropped. Glass and water ingress are not covered by the warranty. Case: - New - Black color - Stainless steel - Case diameter without crown: 40mm - Case thickness: 13mm Steel strap, width: 20mm Watch works without battery! The mechanism is professionally serviced by the master All my photos are real and made in my workshop. If you have any questions, you can always ask us and we will gladly help you.
Vendor: Efir999
Zarya Zaria Women's Wristwatch USSR 17 Jewels Original Vintage Soviet Rare Material: metal etc.. Condition and defects: scuffs, scratches, traces of time and use, stains, the bracelet is torn, they work, they were not checked for accuracy and correctness of work Size case 2.4x1.8 cm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. (O)
Vintage Soviet watch ZARJA Mechanical movement 17 jewels Manual winding. Gold plated case Case size 36mm Lugs 16mm Each watch has been totally serviced by professional watchmaker and keep good time More WATCH: Each Item will be very carefully protected , very carefully packed and shipped within 1-2 business days. If you have a question about this item, please contact me! PLEASE NOTE ♦ All our items are vintage and sold in their AS-IS condition! ♦ What you see in the photos is exactly what you get! ♦ The real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display! PAYMENT POLICY: 1.) PayPal is accepted ---------- SHIPPING POLICY: 1.) International Shipping 2.) We are shipping via REGISTERED airmail. 3.) Items will be shipped on the same or next business day of receiving full payment. 4.) Usually it takes about 10-21 days Thank you for visiting my shop!
Vendor: MyVintageBAG
Silver ring with Armenian ornament in the form of lilies, triangle. The ring is quite large with an interesting design. The ornament is copied from ancient Armenian national drawings. Author's handwork. Ring size - 3.5*3.5 cm. Ring weight - 9 g.
A classic set of a round shape with the image of the Yin Yang symbol in a very original design. Jewelry is complemented by white and black onyx. Large massive jewelry will add charm to your image. According to your wish, you can order a pendant. Ring dimensions 25*25 mm. Weight 11 gr. The sizes of earrings are 45*25*25 mm. Weight 17 gr. The total weight of the set is 28 gr. Yin Yang Symbol White Black Onyx Sterling Silver Ring Earrings Jewelry Set, Big Statement Everyday Streetwear Boho Circle Dangle Earrings, Armenian Jewelry
Yggdrassil Tree of life pendant Made to order. Design may be different
Price for one ring. The width of the ring is 5.5 cm. Write me the sizes for the pair wedding rings. *********************** Indicate your size in order to calculate the price in gold of 14 carats (yellow, white, pink). ***************** Personal engraving is negotiated. Engraving a longer text is possible after agreeing on its size.
The ring can be ordered in white or red gold, white or yellow brass. ***************** A pair of wedding rings may consist of one or two different patterns. Any of these options can be discussed in personal correspondence. ********************** Indicate your size. *******   Personal engraving is negotiated.
The ring can be ordered in white or red gold, white or yellow brass. ***************** A pair of wedding rings may consist of one or two different patterns. Any of these options can be discussed in personal correspondence. ********************** Indicate your size. *******   Personal engraving is negotiated.
Yerevan Sterling Silver Coin Pendant Necklace - Yerevan Medallion Necklace, Silver Pendant Necklace,Armenian Necklace, Armenian Silver A silver pendant is always a thoughtful gift! Made of solid sterling silver 925. Beautiful worn alone, amazing combined with other necklaces! PRODUCT DETAILS The coin is 20*20 mm + 10 mm bail Weight 2.5 gr. ~ ~ ~ ~ PLEASE READ !!! ~ ~ ~ ~ All jewelry presented in our store is made exclusively of 925 sterling silver. The stones are mostly natural. If artificially grown stones are used, this must be indicated in the description. Be aware that silver can tarnish, discolor, and turn your skin gray or green. This is a completely normal skin reaction to silver. If you have this reaction to silver, you can order rhodium-plated or gilded jewelry. Many jewelry does not have a 925 stamp. If this is important to you, please write to us. Photos are taken by our team from real jewelry. You will get exactly what you see. Jewelry with rough stones cannot be repeated. They are unique and one of a kind. You can make an individual order. To do this, contact us.
Wide ring in 925 sterling silver. The ring is made using images of the buildings of the capital of Armenia. These are the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the clock tower on Republic Square, the Museum of Armenia and the Palace of Youth. Ring width 17 mm. Weight 8 gr. Yerevan City Building Sterling Silver Wide Band Ring Armenia, Architecture Tower Boho Unique Handmade Statement Armenian Jewelry
Yellow pompon autumn colour style Earrings soft candy Dangling pom pom Sunny middle long earrings Multiple Colors fluffy sweet and soft I create this wanderful earrings by hand and with love)) Beautiful and trendy earrings made with pom pom any colors you want. Material: pom pom, metal nickel free All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). If you are interested in more pom pom products from my shop, please, follow the links§ion_id=28044777 Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Your order will be carefully packed in opaque box with neutral mark on the post envelope. It will be send with tracking number to check its way. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
We create this wanderful earrings by hand and with love)) Beautiful and trendy earrings made with pom pom any colors you want. Material: pom pom, metal nickel free Choose the color: yellow, purple, red, violet, cappuccino, turquoise, light pink All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Your order will be carefully packed in opaque box with neutral mark on the post envelope. It will be send with tracking number to check its way. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
I create this wanderful earrings by hand and with love)) Beautiful and trendy earrings made with pom pom any colors you want. Material: pom pom, metal nickel free Choose the color: yellow, light pink, multiple colors rainbow All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Your order will be carefully packed in opaque box with neutral mark on the post envelope. It will be send with tracking number to check its way. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop)
Yellow Leaf Earrings with flower Leather Leaf Earrings Dangle Earrings Bohemian Earrings Handmade Leaf Earrings Leather Jewelry Gift for her I create this wonderful earrings by hand and with love)) Beautiful and trendy earrings made with genuine leather any colors you want. Material: genuine leather, metal nickel free For the leather item’s long service as provided, please, do not allow contact with water. All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). If you are interested in more leather products from my shop, please, follow the links. Items on sale: Notebooks and Insert Refills: Leather Bags: Accessories: Leather Jewelry: My shop: Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Your order will be carefully packed in opaque box with neutral mark on the post envelope. It will be send with tracking number to check its way. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
Lightweight earrings, Boho jewelry, Gift for her, Nickel free, Handmade earrings, Leather Petal Earrings, Leather Leaf Earrings, Petal Earrings, Western Earrings, Large Leather Leaf Earrings. Leather Earrings, Boho Earrings, Rustic Leather Earrings, Bohemian Earrings, leather jewelry We create this wonderful earrings by hand and with love)) Beautiful and trendy earrings made with genuine leather any colors you want. Material: genuine leather, metal nickel free For the leather item’s long service as provided, please, do not allow contact with water. All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). If you are interested in more leather products from my shop, please, follow the links. Items on sale: Notebooks and Insert Refills: Leather Bags: Accessories: Leather Jewelry: My shop: Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Your order will be carefully packed in opaque box with neutral mark on the post envelope. It will be send with tracking number to check its way. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! Glory to nation! Death to the enemies! This necklace is beyond stunning and will be a conversational peice wherever you go. Bright yellow pendant in the shape of a heart, framed by bright blue crystals is a perfect for any fairy costume or bridal party. Go bold with this! Ready to ship. It will arrive in a complimentary Gift Box. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question. Possible express delivery within 4-10 days. Cost from 25 dollars. I accept custom orders for delecate beadwork. Thanks for visiting my shop on ETSY
Vendor: gorgeouslily
Yellow autumn color pom pom earrings Colourful dangling Autumn style middle Purple Red Violet Multiple Colors Sweet gift NY Christmas party Material: pom pom, metal nickel free Choose the color, please: yellow, purple, red, violet, cappuccino, turquoise, light pink All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Your order will be carefully packed in opaque box with neutral mark on the post envelope. It will be send with tracking number to check its way. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
Introducing our stunning Yellow Amber Stone Large Adjustable Ring crafted from gleaming sterling silver! This exquisite accessory showcases a vibrant, sun-kissed yellow amber stone that radiates warmth and positivity. The large size of the stone demands attention, making this ring a true statement piece that will turn heads wherever you go. With its adjustable design, it can be easily resized to fit comfortably on any finger. Whether you're looking to add a pop of color to your outfit or searching for a unique gift, this dazzling Yellow Amber Stone Large Adjustable Ring is sure to be a showstopper. Dimensions are shown in the photo. Ring weight 19 gr. Yellow Amber Stone Large Adjustable Ring Sterling Silver, Chunky Handmade Unique Boho Big Stone Armenian Jewelry
This is a talisman made of bronze, it is a sign discovered in old manuscripts symbolizing invisible, mental centre of the highest minds that rule the whole beings and the universe. The centre of the sign represents initiation: the hoop around the sign is a barrier against interference of intruders. Communication with Shambala is possible only through meditation, but that was achieved only by few outstanding minds throughout human history. Constant meditation with the symbol, avoiding blinking, opens gates to parallel worlds, other egos and thresholds of knowledge. This listing is for one necklace. The amulet is double-sided Pendant approximate size: 1" (24 mm) Nickel and lead free. Cord and keeping bag included. If you have time, check out other items in our shop
Vendor: Gift Shop
AliExpress 2 watches X 18.43 = 36.86 BigBen dial = 70 Swords dial = 160
Vendor: iwatchmaster
Wristwatch Seiko 5 3e28-2803 Automatic 23 jewels Made in Japan Vintage Watch Material: metal etc.. Condition and defects: scuffs, scratches, traces of time and use, stains, not working, sale for spare parts or restoration, mechanism inside the case dangles Size case 32x29 mm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]
Rare old mechanical watch VOSTOK Specifications: Mechanical movement; Manual winding; Rare original dial Gold plated case Case size (with crown): 36 mm Each watch has been totally serviced by professional watchmaker and a brand new quality genuine leather wristband included. More WATCH:§ion_id=18272191 Each Item will be very carefully protected , very carefully packed and shipped within 1-2 business days. If you have a question about this item, please contact me! PLEASE NOTE ♦ All our items are vintage and sold in their AS-IS condition! ♦ What you see in the photos is exactly what you get! ♦ The real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display! PAYMENT POLICY: 1.) PayPal is accepted ---------- SHIPPING POLICY: 1.) International Shipping 2.) We are shipping via REGISTERED airmail. 3.) Items will be shipped on the same or next business day of receiving full payment. 4.) Usually it takes about 10-21 days Thank you for visiting my shop!
Vendor: MyVintageBAG
Wrist watch VOSTOK roman numerals 18 jewels made in USSR/Collectible watch WOSTOK dustproof shockproof Chistopol made in Soviet Union/montre working serviced/smeared ROMAN NUMERALS new crystal installed new winding crown installed the case is pretty much worn out (shown on the photo) MANUAL WINDING 18 jewels made in USSR/made in Soviet Union case size approximately height 40.7 mm width 36 mm (with crown) thickness 8.4 mm lugs 18 mm SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch VOSTOK rare guilloche dial 18 jewels calendar made in Soviet Union/Collectible watch WOSTOK 2214 manual winding early USSR watch WORKING serviced/smeared mechanism crystal polished rare quilloche dial early model 18 JEWELS MANUAL WINDING 2214 Su mechanism calibre with calendar frame Chistopol watch factory made in USSR/made in Soviet Union case size approximately height 40.1 mm (1.58 inches) width 35.2 mm (1.39 inches) with winding crown thickness 10.2 mm (0.40 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link Taking orders for the model of the Soviet RARE WATCH AND ALL OTHER GRADES , Coins , insignia , busts , porcelain , religious attributes vintage.AND OTHER RULE ORDER able to accomplish in 1-2 weeks depending on the rarity.SEND ANYTIME in the message , I will be glad to help! You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch VOSTOK Olympic Games in Moscow 1980 in Ruhla chronograph case/Men's Wrist Watch WOSTOK Olympiad 80 17 jewels made in USSR/montre WORKING serviced/smeared mechanism new winding crown installed crystal polished interesting and rare plot of the dial with the Olympic Torch The 1980 Summer Olympic Games (the official name is Games of the XXII Olympiads) were held in Moscow, the capital of the USSR, from July 19 to August 3, 1980. These were the first ever Olympic Games in Eastern Europe, as well as the first Olympic Games held in a socialist country. the watch is executed in a non-original case - in the case of the Rukhla chronograph, it looks solid and beautiful sts beautiful back cover with diver MANUAL WINDING 2409a mechanism calibre Chistopol watch factory made in USSR/made in Soviet Union case size approximately height 41.5 mm (1.63 inches) width 38.8 mm (1.52 inches) with winding crown thickness 12.7 mm (0.50 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link Taking orders for the model of the Soviet RARE WATCH AND ALL OTHER GRADES , Coins , insignia , busts , porcelain , religious attributes vintage.AND OTHER RULE ORDER able to accomplish in 1-2 weeks depending on the rarity.SEND ANYTIME in the message , I will be glad to help! You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch VOSTOK komandirskie НКМЗ limited anniversary 60 years edition Chistopol/Collectible watch WOSTOK Novokramatorsk machine plant WORKING serviced/smeared komandirskie series limited edition -NKMZ(НКМЗ) 60 years anniversary Novokramatorsk machine building plant new crystal installed with calendar MANUAL WINDING Chistopol watch factory SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET case size approximately height 44.2 mm (1.74 inches) width 44 mm (1.73 inches) with winding crown thickness 11.7 mm (0.46 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) You can view a small video with this watch by following the link You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch VOSTOK komandirskie Armored Vehicles manual winding Chistopol/Men's watch WOSTOK Tank Red Star military dial with calendar/reloj WORKING serviced/smeared mechanism new crystal installed komandirskie military series dial with Tank/Panzer/Armored Vehicles MANUAL WINDING with calendar frame Chistopol watch factory case size approximately height 43.3 mm (1.70 inches) width 43 mm (1.69 inches) with winding crown thickness 11.2 mm 0.44 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link Taking orders for the model of the Soviet RARE WATCH AND ALL OTHER GRADES ,Coins, insignia,busts , porcelain , religious attributes vintage.AND OTHER RULE ORDER.SEND ANYTIME in the message , I will be glad to help! You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch SLAVA Vnukovo Airport Moscow limited edition with calendar 2 MChZ made in USSR/Collectible watch Слава Внуково manual winding SU WORKING serviced//smeared mechanism new winding crown installed new crystal installed please note - there is damage on the dial next to the brand sign "Слава" Vnukovo Airport Moscow - Vnukovo Airport named after A. N. Tupolev is an international airport of federal significance, one of the four main airports in Moscow and the Moscow region limited edition MANUAL WINDING 2 MChZ (2 Moscow watch factory) case size approximately height 41.2 mm (1.62 inches) width 37.4 mm (1.47 inches) with winding crown thickness 11.4 mm (0.44 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link Slava 2 MChZ watches hold a significant place in the history of Soviet watchmaking. The brand was established in 1924 and quickly gained recognition for its precision and quality. The name "Slava" translates to "glory" in Russian,and these watches truly lived up to their name. The 2nd Moscow Watch Factory (2 MChZ) was responsible for the production of Slava watches. The factory was known for its skilled craftsmen and innovative techniques, which allowed them to create timepieces of exceptional accuracy and reliability. Slava 2 MChZ watches became popular not only in USSR but also internationally. They were known for their elegant designs,durable construction,and affordability. These watches were often cherished as reliable daily timekeepers and were favored by many watch enthusiasts. Today,Slava 2 MChZ watches continue to be sought after by collectors and watch enthusiasts alike. They serve as a testament to the rich heritage of Russian watchmaking and the craftsmanship that goes into creating these timeless timepieces. Taking orders for the model of the Soviet RARE WATCH AND ALL OTHER GRADES , Coins , insignia , busts , porcelain , religious attributes vintage.AND OTHER RULE ORDER able to accomplish in 1-2 weeks depending on the rarity.SEND ANYTIME in the message , I will be glad to help! You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch SEKONDA 19 jewels with calendar 2614 PChZ made in USSR/Collectible watch Raketa Baker manual winding Petrodvorets/Seconda montre working serviced/smeared mechanism new crystal installed unusual rare case form "Baker/TV/Tank" MANUAL WINDING 19 JEWELS with calendar frame 2614 mechanism calibre PChZ (Petrodvorets watch factory) made in USSR/made in Soviet Union case size approximately height 42 mm (1.65 inches) width 37.7 mm (1.48 inches) thickness 10.5 mm (0.41 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Collectible watch RAKETA Marine Corps 1701 Petrodvorets r2609/Wrist watch ROCKET 19 jewels Russian Navy Coat of Arms/Russian watch/montre working serviced/smeared mechanism new crystal installed new winding crown installed please note - there are serious traces of time on the back of the case (I tried to show it in the photo) the plot of the dial is dedicated to the year of foundation of the Marine Corps of the Russian Fleet in 1701 MANUAL WINDING r2609 mechanism calibre 19 JEWELS Petrodvorets watch factory (PChZ) case size approximately height 40.5 mm (1.60 inches) width 40.5 mm (1.60 inches) (with winding crown) thickness 11.5 mm (0.45 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch POLJOT 17 jewels 1 MChZ named Kirova made in USSR/Men's watch POLET manual winding with calendar 2614.2h made in Soviet Union WORKING serviced/smeared mechanism crystal polished beautiful dial with roman numerals with calendar frame 17 JEWELS MANUAL WINDING 2614.2h mechanism calibre 1 MChZ (1 Moscow watch factory) named Kirova madein USSR/made in Soviet Union Poljot 1 MChZ watches are a significant part of the rich history of Soviet watchmaking. The brand "Poljot" was established in the 1960s by the First Moscow Watch Factory (1 MChZ), one of the oldest and most prestigious watch manufacturers in the Soviet Union. The name "Poljot" translates to "flight" in Russian,reflecting the brands close ties with the Soviet space program. In fact,Poljot watches have a proud history of space travel.The most notable example is the Poljot Sturmanskie watch that was worn by Yuri Gagarin,the first human to journey into outer space,during his historic flight in 1961. Poljot 1 MChZ watches were renowned for their precision,durability,and innovate design.They were often the timepieces of choice for Soviet pilots,astronauts,and military personnel,but they also gained popularity among the general public. Today,Poljot 1 MChZ watches are highly valued by collectors and watch enthusiasts around the world. case size approximately height 47.4 mm (1.86 inches) width 39.4 mm (1.55 inches) with winding crown thickness 11 mm (0.43 inches) lugs 19.6-20 mm (0.77 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch Pobeda The Crab Horoscope Sign made in Soviet Union/Collectible watch POBEDA Zodiac roman numerals Cancer made in USSR WORKING serviced/smeared mechanism crystal polished rare series Zodiac/Horoscope Signs Cancer (The Crab) - under this sign according to the zodiac calendar people were born from June 22 to July 22 roman numerals MANUAL WINDING made in USSR/made in Soviet Union The "Pobeda" watch hold a special place in the history of the Soviet Union.It was created by the order of Joseph Stalin himself in 1945,right after the end of World War II,and was named in honor of the USSR victory."Pobeda" translates to "victory" in Russian. These watches were the first mass-produced watches in the Soviet Union and became a symbol of a new beginning and hope for the Soviet people.These watches are renowned for their durability and timeless design.This particular model is a beautiful representation of the classic Pobeda watch case size approximately height 42 mm (1.65 inches) width 35.7 mm (with winding crown) thickness 11.1 mm (0.43 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link Taking orders for the model of the Soviet rare watch and all other grades Coins , insignia , busts , porcelain , religious attributes vintage. SEND ANYTIME offers in the message , I will be glad to help! You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch POBEDA Sturmanskie AirCraft 17 jewels made in USSR/Men's watch Pobeda Victory 1-1958 manual winding Aviation/Russian watch/reloj working serviced/smeared mechanism beautiful dial with the sign of the Sturmanskie series dedicated to aviation new crystal installed new winding crown installed please pay attention - there are traces of time on the case 17 JEWELS Manual winding 1st quarter 1958 mechanism Chistopol watch factory case size approximately height 42.1 mm width 36.4 mm (with crown) thickness 11.8 mm lugs 18 mm SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You can view a small video with this watch by following the link You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist watch Luch 15 jewels classic design manual winding/Men's watch Луч juniors case/Vintage watch Lych small case WORKING serviced/smeared mechanism new crystal installed a watch in a small case (slightly smaller than the usual men's) may also suit girls 15 JEWELS MANUAL WINDING Minsk watch factory case size approximately height 37.5 mm (1.47 inches) width 35.4 mm (1.39 inches) with winding crown thickness 7.9 mm (0.31 inches) lugs 18 mm (0.70 inches) SELL WITHOUT BAND/BRACELET You buy what's on the photo, as it is on the photo. Description will be fully consistent with the product, you will get what is pictured in the photos If for some reason you will not be satisfied, please do not leave a bad review Please take note that the goods can not be returned. Visit to my store you can follow the link
Wrist Watch Casio MTP 1142 Collectible Vintage Man Watch Water Resistant Rare Material: metal plastic etc.. Condition and defects:abrasions, scratches, signs of age, in working condition, not checked for accuracy and correctness of operation Size 4.2x3.8 cm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]
Soviet watch Wostok Mechanical watch manual winding. Black dial Date indicator Case Diameter (with crown): 35 mm Lug 18mm Each watch has been totally serviced by professional watchmaker and keep good time. More WATCH: Each Item will be very carefully protected , very carefully packed and shipped within 1-2 business days. If you have a question about this item, please contact me! PLEASE NOTE ♦ All our items are vintage and sold in their AS-IS condition! ♦ What you see in the photos is exactly what you get! ♦ The real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display! PAYMENT POLICY: 1.) PayPal is accepted ---------- SHIPPING POLICY: 1.) International Shipping 2.) We are shipping via REGISTERED airmail. 3.) Items will be shipped on the same or next business day of receiving full payment. 4.) Usually it takes about 10-21 days Thank you for visiting my shop!
Vendor: MyVintageBAG
Soviet watch Wostok "East". Mechanical movement hand winding Gold plated case Case diameter 37mm with crown Each watch has been totally serviced by professional watchmaker and keep good time More WATCH: Each Item will be very carefully protected , very carefully packed and shipped within 1-2 business days. If you have a question about this item, please contact me! PLEASE NOTE ♦ All our items are vintage and sold in their AS-IS condition! ♦ What you see in the photos is exactly what you get! ♦ The real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display! PAYMENT POLICY: 1.) PayPal is accepted ---------- SHIPPING POLICY: 1.) International Shipping 2.) We are shipping via REGISTERED airmail. 3.) Items will be shipped on the same or next business day of receiving full payment. 4.) Usually it takes about 10-21 days Thank you for visiting my shop!
Vendor: MyVintageBAG
watches made in the USSR commander good working condition see photo.
Woomen Jewelry, Woomen Necklace, Jewelry Necklace, Malachite Necklace, Malachite, Malachite Jewelry, Necklace Natural Stone, Malachite Beads Dimensions length with clasp-51 cm-20.4" NOT tinted, NOT pressed. The location of the stone is Africa, Zaire. It is believed that the energy of malachite restores harmony and love. Also, malachite is used as a children's talisman.
Woomen Jewelry, Woomen Necklace, Beaded Necklace, Jewelry Necklace, Necklace Silyanka, Woomen Jewerly, Woomen Collar, Bead Accessory, Gerdan Dimensions: Necklace length-47-48cm=18.5"-18.8" Width-5cm=1.9" This delicate necklace, is hand made of high quality Czech beads. Silyanka is an adornment similar to a collar, should fit snugly to the neck, tied at the back or fastened with a hook. The accessory will add luxury and sophistication to your look. It can also speak of your good taste.
Woomen Jewelry, Woomen Necklace, Beaded Necklace, Jewelry Necklace, Necklace Silyanka, Woomen Jewerly, Woomen Collar, Bead Accessory, Gerdan Dimensions: Necklace length-37cm=14.5" Width-5,7cm=2.2" This delicate necklace, is hand made of high quality Czech beads. Silyanka is an adornment similar to a collar, should fit snugly to the neck, tied at the back or fastened with a hook. The accessory will add luxury and sophistication to your look. It can also speak of your good taste.
Woomen Jewelry, Woomen Necklace, Beaded Necklace, Jewelry Necklace, Necklace Silyanka, Woomen Jewerly, Woomen Collar, Bead Accessory, Gerdan Dimensions: Necklace length-37cm=14.5" Width-5cm=1.9" This delicate necklace, is hand made of high quality Czech beads. Silyanka is an adornment similar to a collar, should fit snugly to the neck, tied at the back or fastened with a hook. The accessory will add luxury and sophistication to your look. It can also speak of your good taste.
Woomen Jewelry, Woomen Necklace, Beaded Necklace, Jewelry Necklace, Necklace Silyanka, Woomen Jewerly, Woomen Collar, Bead Accessory, Gerdan Dimensions: Necklace length-35-36cm=13.7"-14.1" Width-7,5cm=2.9" This delicate necklace, is hand made of high quality Czech beads. Silyanka is an adornment similar to a collar, should fit snugly to the neck, tied at the back or fastened with a hook. The accessory will add luxury and sophistication to your look. It can also speak of your good taste.
Woomen Jewelry, Woomen Necklace, Beaded Necklace, Jewelry Necklace, Necklace Silyanka, Woomen Jewerly, Woomen Collar, Bead Accessory, Gerdan Dimensions: Necklace length-37cm=14.5" Width-8.5cm=3.1" This delicate necklace, is hand made of high quality Czech beads. Silyanka is an adornment similar to a collar, should fit snugly to the neck, tied at the back or fastened with a hook. The accessory will add luxury and sophistication to your look. It can also speak of your good taste.
ITEM DESCRIPTION White teal hand painted wooden jewelry box ***** Ready to Ship!!!*********** Wooden hand painted box for jewelry or trinket . A beautiful gift! I've been using resistant acrylic for fabric and cover the product non-toxic water-based varnish. Size 1,6'x2,8'(4x7,3cm) ** Real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display, as it depends on your monitor settings. SHIPPING INFO __________________ The item can be shipped worldwide. After the confirmation of the payment, the item will be sent by registered airmail. Please make sure your address is correct. I will let you know when your package is on the way. Approximate delivery terms: - USA: 1,5 - 3,5 weeks - Europe: 1-3 weeks - Canada 3-5 weeks - Australia 3-5 weeks The delivery time may vary. The customer is responsible for any taxes, duties and fees that might occur during shipping to their countries.
Vendor: DotslandUA
Pendant - FLIGHT OF FANTASY. It is carved from mulberry wood and has a uniform yellow color. Made by hand and designed to give joy to those who will wear it. Size: 9x4,5 cm; 3,6x1,8 in. Oil of linen reliably protects the pendant from moisture and weather conditions. Brown cord is made of high quality, waxed cotton. You can regulate the length of your necklace with two knots.
Pendant with a flower. The pendant is carved by hand from mulberry wood. Beautiful solid wood, sunny color. Made in one copy. Designed to decorate and bring joy. Size: 7,5x4,9 cm; 3x1,9 in.
Rhomb pendant wooden carving Hand-carved pendant made of mulberry wood in one copy. Very durable wood has a yellow color and stores energy in the tree. This is a wonderful natural material. Oil of linen reliably protects the pendant from moisture and weather conditions. Brown cord is made of high quality, waxed cotton. You can regulate the length of your necklace with two knots. Size: 8x5 cm; 3,2x2 in;
This carved pendant is made of walnut wood, is an author's wood carving, made in one copy only. Beautiful natural wood fibers add a unique look to the product. The oil with wax reliably protects the pendant from the influence of the environment. Brown is made of high quality, waxed cotton. You can regulate the length of your necklace with two knots. Size: 8x5,2 cm; 3,2x2,1 in.
Thread length (50 cm) 20", height (4 cm) 1.6", width (2.5 cm) 1", depth (0.5 cm) 0.2" Free shipping worldwide. We guarantee the integrity of delivery. Our jewelry is carved from natural wood and covered with oil. On their surface you can see traces of cutters, because they are all made by hand. We recommend wiping them with a dry cloth. All our necklaces and pendants are unique, I carved them out of wood in my home workshop. I try to recreate the ancient history of carving to give my products a special look. This decoration is made in a modern style and can be a great gift for a loved one, or emphasize your natural beauty and character. Handmade wooden ornaments speak of individuality, success of the owner and his attitude to truly valuable unique things. To view all of my works that can be purchased, please follow the link:
Vendor: mikDyzayn
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
✅The jewelry box is handcrafted by the Royal Tabula team without any cutting equipment. The box is made of linden wood, cut out, primed and opened with water-based varnish. Lid opening and closing system - hidden brass cylindrical hinges. The cover is securely fixed with neodymium magnets. The jewelry storage box is completely made of environmentally friendly materials. Attention! This is handmade and each product individually may slightly differ in shade, which does not affect its graceful appearance. Outside size: 24×14×14cm (240 millimeters × 140 millimeters × 140 millimeters); Inside size: length 7.8 inc, width 4 inc, height 2.7 inc - (20×10×7cm) - (200 millimeters × 100 millimeters × 70 millimeters); Shipping policy: Ready to ship; Delivery from Ukraine; ✈️ Delivery International Standard 9-21days; UPS Express 4-9days; FedEx Express 5-10days around the world (delivery time is calculated for the United States, for other countries, see when placing an order in the basket; Maintenance of your order 24/7; Return policy: We will gladly accept the return of the product if it is damaged or you do not like it. If you would like to return this product please contact me within 7 days of receiving this product. Personalization: If you want to personalize this product, please note that for this our craftsmen will make a personal order for you, which will require additional time of 7-14 business days. After production you will receive your order in 4-21 business days. You can also see other products in our store: We hope that you enjoyed our shop. With love, Royal Tabula...
Vendor: RoyalTabula

Upcoming Winter is Not a Reason to Forget About Jewelry and Watches!

Are you already tired of gray days? We too! Still, we know how to overcome this bad mood and we are ready to share this secret with you. Well, in fact, it is not rather a secret and we would be grateful if you share the ideas with your friends, colleagues, and relatives. So, what we are talking about is jewelry. You may find tons of jewelry stores on the net. On our LAVKY you may find everything you need: from casual jewelry to luxurious items such as jewelry armours. Why we?

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Party Jewelry

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P.S. Seems like pandora jewelry, which is pretty expensive, is becoming out of trend day by day. Be unique and take some time to surf our catalog to buy a perfect thing instead of visiting a jewelry jared.

A cloudy day may make you feel cranky, but it should never destroy any chance of a rocking day. No matter what the weather is, you can still look shiny and brilliantly if you wear jewelry. Still do not know where to buy? Do not spend hundreds of dollars on pandora’s jewelry. Just visit our website and choose the best one for yourself!