Soviet Union Collectibles

Book In Russian.  Руны и астрология. Символы и связи Олег Синько- Oleg Sinko Runes And Astrology. Symbols And Connections  ·         The author has devoted several years to unraveling the mystery of the interpenetration of Runes and Astrology, searching for mutual meanings, creating a clear and provable system of connection between these disciplines. The result of many years of practical research and became this book, in which at the interdisciplinary level deeply and fascinatingly revealed unusual and clearly not visible levels of Runes and Astrology. Their connection from the point of view of mythology, psychology and - most importantly! - real practice of manifestation of Runes and Astrology in life. Reading the horoscope through the runes and understanding of rune magic formulas through astrology, universal rune staves based on astrological phenomena, methods of astrological rune layouts. От издателя: Автор посвятил несколько лет раскрытию тайны взаимопроникновения Рун и Астрологии, поиску взаимных смыслов, созданию наглядной и доказуемой системы связи этих дисциплин. Результатом многолетних практических исследований и стала эта книга, в которой на междисциплинарном уровне глубоко и увлекательно раскрываются непривычные и явно не видимые уровни работы Рун и Астрологии. Показана их связь с точки зрения мифологии, психологии и – главное! – реальной практики проявления Рун и Астрологии в жизни. Прочтение гороскопа через руны и понимание рунных магических формул через астрологию, универсальные рунные ставы, основанные на астрологических феноменах, методы астрологических рунных раскладов.   SPECIFICATIONS: Author:  Oleg Sinko/Олег Синько Series:  Esotericism and the Occult Publisher:  Ніка-Центр Language:  Russian/Русский Publication Date:  2013 Number of pages:  328 pst Format:  Paperback Width:  145 mm / 5,7" Height:  200 mm / 7,9" Weight:  340 g ISBN:  9789665216353

Top Vintage Soviet Union Collectibles That Are Priceless

The Soviet Union, as an era, is famous not only for its traditional items, such as matryoshkas and gzhel ceramics but also for the items of the Soviet era among collectors from all over the world. If you want to experience the Soviet atmosphere or possess an item that reflects traditional Russian crafts, make sure to check out our offers. While you’re at it, let’s take a look at the top Russian collectibles that would satisfy any soul.

#1. Medals, Pins, And Ribbons

Even though these items may not be your first pick when browsing through our Soviet Union collectibles, they are definitely worth your attention, especially if you are particularly interested in Soviet-era items. The pins reflect the key accents that were present in Soviet society: the Olympic Games, the space race, and worshipping Vladimir Lenin. The ribbons can strike you with the wide range of them available at our Russian collectibles store – each color scheme has its own meaning in terms of military medals received.

#2. Nesting Dolls

Also known as matryoshka dolls (‘matryoshka’ literally means little matron), these items have proven to be the most popular traditional gifts from the Soviet Union. A set of matryoshka dolls includes a big wooden doll that separates horizontally to reveal a smaller doll of a similar appearance inside, which has another smaller doll inside, and so on.

#3. Military Items

Besides medals and ribbons, there is a wide range of other priceless military items to choose from. If you are interested in vintage military uniforms, Soviet ones will not leave you disappointed. There are both whole uniforms and their separate ammunition available for purchase. Apart from that, you can choose from a spectrum of army items, such as belts, flasks, etc.

#4. Gzhel Ceramics

Another famous kind of Soviet Union-era gift and collectible is often purchased as a souvenir. Gzhel’s geographic origins lie in a small village of the same name that started producing such ceramics in 1802. There is a wide range of Gzhel ceramics available, from clocks to plates and statuettes.

Yet, these 4 picks are only a glimpse into the variety of items we have available, so make sure you won’t miss rare offers of Russian uniforms and badges, lacquer boxes, tableware and kitchenware, prints and photos, books, music and movies, and holiday ornaments.