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   BRAND NEW  vorbestellt  MODELL

NEUESTE am weitesten fortgeschrittene Modell

  XXI Jahrhunderts Medizin

B e z e i c  h n u n g

DENAS Komplex - eine neue Stufe der Entwicklung der physikalischen Therapie, die  den maximalen Grad an Komfort zu erreichen und einfache Bedienung wird.
Die Maschine ist mit 16 Betriebsarten, 53 automatisierten Behandlungsprogramme  sowie das Programm "Screening" ausgestattet. Es implementiert alle Regime, die  jemals in der Vorrichtung DENAS verwendet wurden, und beinhalten alle Frequenzen.

Erbaut Regime und Behandlungsprogramme können voll auf die Behandlung, die auf  langfris Abstimmen der Maschine ausgerichtet ist.
Menu "Screening" ermöglicht mehrere Varianten der Erhebung und bestimmen die  Position der latenten Triggerzonen. Jetzt können Sie effizienter arbeiten, mehr  Aufmerksamkeit auf sich selbst oder an den Patienten.

16 neue Behandlung MODI

53 NEU automatisiertes Programm


  DENAS COMPLEX - ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der DENS-Therapie.  Universalmaschine ist mit einer Reihe von Therapieprogrammen für  Erste-Hilfe-Behandlung und Verlauf der häufigsten Krankheiten und Symptome  ausgestattet. Das Gerät für eine lange Zeit ohne Sucht und  Aufprallreduzierung bei der Behandlung von Schmerzen, Bewegungsstörungen,  Erholung von Verletzungen, Operationen verwendet werden. Durch die  Möglichkeit der Erstellung von individuellen Behandlungsschemata aus.


DiaDENS Devices  repräsentieren die neueste Entwicklung in nicht-invasive,  hochleistungsfähige Medizintechnik für die Implementierung eines kutanen  Verfahren in Elektron Therapie. Sie verbinden die diagnostischen  Möglichkeiten des DENAS-Gerät mit Volle-Methode. Die Grundlage dieser  Therapie eine neuro-like, dynamisch geändert Impuls, einzigartig für den  bestimmten Zustand eines Organismus


16 Regimen
1,0 ... 9,9 MHz in Schritten von 0,1 Hz, 200 Hz, 140 Hz, 77 Hz, 60 Hz, 20 Hz, 10  Hz, Straffung, Entspannung, Universal Anästhesie, rasche Schmerzlinderung, die  Ermüdung der Augen, die Behandlung von Vision, laufende Nase, Allergien,  Myostimulation.

53 automatisierten Behandlungsprogramme
- Muskel-Skelett: Gelenkschmerzen; Gelenksteife; Verletzung der Körperhaltung,  Skoliose; Flache Füße;
- Nervensystem: Kopfschmerz; Schwindel; Nervensäge; Rückenschmerzen;  Trigeminusneuralgie; Neuropathie des N. facialis; Bewegungsstörungen;  Sensibilitätsstörungen; Beckenerkrankungen; meteozavisimost; Schlaflosigkeit;  Defekt; Sprachstörungen;
- Verdauungs: Bauchschmerzen und Verdauungsstörungen; Verstopfung, Blähungen;  Durchfall;
- Gesundheit: Schmerz; Prostatitis; Entzündungserkrankungen; Potenzstörungen;
- Die Gesundheit von Frauen: Schmerz; Entzündungserkrankungen; Dysmenorrhoe,  Unfruchtbarkeit; Menopause;
- Der Regierung Zirkulation: arterielle Hypertonie; Hypotonie; Venenerkrankungen;  Herzkrankheit;
- Harnorgane: Entzündungserkrankungen; Verletzung der Wasserlassen;
- Die Vision: visuelle Müdigkeit; Kurzsichtigkeit, Weitsichtigkeit,  Netzhautschäden, Sehnerv; Katarakt, Glaukom;
- Atem: Husten, Würgen, Atemnot;
- ENT: laufende Nase, verstopfte Nase; Schmerz; Mittelohrentzündung,  Nebenhöhlenentzündung; Hörverlust, Klingeln in den Ohren;
- Haut: Allergien; Hauterkrankungen;
- Endokrine: Hypothyreose, Hyperthyreose; Diabetes;
- Zahnschmerzen; Parodontitis, Parodontitis;
- Verletzungen: Weichgewebe; Knochenbruch; Verbrennungen, Erfrierungen ;..

Zum ersten Mal - alle Informationen auf einem großen Farbbildschirm präsentiert!
Für jedes Programm, und der empfohlene Modus Zone und empfohlenen  Stimulationselektroden Therapiesitzung Dauer und Intensität des elektrischen  Impulses. Einstellung und Auswahl der Parameter mit dem Drehknopf oder den  Tasten.
Vorrichtung DENAS hat keinen eingebauten Elektroden komplex, aber das Kit  beinhaltet alle bekannten Ausleger elektrodes. für die ordnungsgemäße  Durchführung von Verfahren auf dem Gerät DENAS-Komplexes, sowie um die optimale  Kombination mit anderen Behandlungen zu bestimmen, müssen Sie die  Gebrauchsanleitung zu lesen und sich mit einem Spezialisten.

Wir haben alles, was vorgesehen ist, um die Arbeit eines Physiotherapeuten so  komfortabel wie möglich zu tun!
Das Kit enthält:
Vorrichtung DENAS Complex
Stellen Sie Fern Elektroden Massage "DENAS-Massage" (2 Stk. Kamm und FACE)
Elektrode entfernten therapeutische Punkt
Fern therapeutische Elektrode DENAS GLASES
Therapeutische entfernten Elektrode für DENAS-FEET-Reflex
Stellen Sie Fernzonenelektroden DENAS Applikatoren (3 Stk.)

Tragevorrichtung DENAS-Komplexes und die Arbeit außerhalb des Hauses oder Klinik-Kit  enthält eine praktische Tragetasche.


  Die Zwei-Bereich Elektro neuroadaptive Stimulator   (DENAS-PCM) wurde als Ergebnis der klinischen Studien und Pilottests in  Kliniken von Moskau und Ekaterinburg entwickelt. Modifizierten Daten der  Vorrichtung zu ermöglichen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz des Ergebnisses  und Dehnung der Nachwirkung der Behandlung

Die Vorrichtung kann zu beiden Zonen und Punkte Akupressur mit Hilfe eines  tragbaren koaxialen Elektrode, die Potenzierung der selbstregulierenden  Reaktionen des menschlichen Körpers führt angewendet werden. Der neue  technologische Entwicklung des Unternehmens unterscheidet sich vorteilhaft  von seinem Prototyp nicht nur durch das Design und die ergonomischen  Eigenschaften, aber seine Hauptunterschied liegt in der verbesserten  Parameter des elektrischen Signals, das Kopien der maximalen die endogene  nerven-ähnlichen Impuls mit Dominanz der Informationskomponente, ermöglicht  eine Erhöhung der Wirkung von Antistressreaktionen von Ausbildung und  Aktivierung. Vorrichtung Prinzip von Operationen ermöglicht, dass die  Diagnose der effizienteste Behandlungszonen, in der Lage zu helfen jeden  Patienten bei jeder Krankheit, in jedem bestimmten Zeitintervall (Dauer der  Behandlung reguliert wird, wie durch den menschlichen Körper erforderlich)  ist die Vorrichtung.
Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass jeder nachfolgende Puls eine andere Wirkung im  Vergleich zu dem vorherigen, wird der nicht-Abhängigkeit der Körper auf dem  Betrieb der Vorrichtung praktisch sichergestellt. Die Vorrichtung Einflüsse  positiv auf alle Mechanismen der Entstehung von Ängsten, sorgt für positive  Ergebnisse bei der Behandlung von zahlreichen Erkrankungen und Syndrome ohne  Drogen oder deutlich zu reduzieren ihre Höhe. Der direkte Einfluss der  physikalischen und mechanischen Faktoren, die eine große Reserve der  kinetischen Energie der Wärme (Verbrennungen), chemische (Verbrennungen) und  allergischer Natur die Haut zu beschädigen besitzen eliminiert wird.
Die allgemeine sanogenetic Reaktion des Körpers in drei miteinander  verbundenen und voneinander abhängigen Regulationssysteme des menschlichen  Körpers - Nerven, endokrinen und Immun -Verantwortlich für die Homöostase  und Anpassung moduliert wird. Während der Anwendung der Kurzpuls hoher  Amplitude nicht-invasive Stimulation der Haut exteroreceptors eine lokale  Reaktion durch somatische und vegetative Afferenzen (aufsteigend  Nervenbahnen) geht an Rückenmark Segmente (Segment-Reaktion) und zu den  Segmenten erfolgt, den Fluss von Impulsen des zentralen Nervensystems (Stamm,  limbischen Gitternetzstrukturen, Hypothalamus, Hirnrinde des Hirn)..


 Beschilderung DENAS-THERAPIE     

Indikationen sind in strikter Übereinstimmung  mit den Internationalen statistischen Klassifikation der Krankheiten und  Gesundheitsprobleme des 10. Überprüfung durch die 43.  Weltgesundheitsversammlung angenommen gegeben

     • Erkrankungen des Nervensystems

  • Endokrine Krankheiten, nahrhafter und metabolischen Erkrankungen  Hypothyreose
  • Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen
  • Kreislauferkrankungen
  • Atmungsorgane KRANKHEITEN
  • Verdauungsorgane KRANKHEITEN
  • Haut und des subkutanen Fettgewebes KRANKHEITEN
  • Erkrankungen der Knochen, Muskeln und CONNECUTIVE TISSUE
  • Krankheiten des Auges und seiner Adnexe
  • Erkrankungen des Ohres und des Warzenfortsatzes
  • Urogenitalsystem KRANKHEITEN
  • Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett
  • BESTIMMTEN VORAUSSETZUNGEN Erscheint in Perinatalperiode
  • Symptome und ABWEICHUNGEN VON NORM während der klinischen und  Laboruntersuchungen FOUND OUT
  • Verletzungen, Vergiftungen, Folgen von Fremdkörper-penetration,  Verbrennungen und Verätzungen, Erfrierungen, Komplikationen bei  chirurgischen Eingriffen und therapeutische Interventionen
  • onkologischen Erkrankungen (symptomatische Hilfe)
  • Erkrankungen der infantilen AGE
  • kosmetologische PROBLEME
  • Sportmedizin


     Dies ist, wie Sie zu Hause haben eigenen Arzt!



Technische Daten:
Gewicht: 0,8 kg
Abmessungen: 300 x 200 x 170 mm
Fähigkeit, Frequenzen einzustellen:
- Von 1,0 bis 9,9 Hz (aus Schritt 0,1 ± 0,05 Hz);
- 10 ± 2 Hz;
- 20 ± 2 Hz;
- 60 ± 2 Hz;
- 77 ± 3 Hz;
- 77 ± 3 bzw. 10 ± 2 die modulierte Frequenz von 2 ± 0.1;
- In der Amplitude 77 ± 3 moduliert;
- 140 ± 5 Hz;
- 200 ± 5 Hz.
Maximale Stromaufnahme (bei einer Versorgungsspannung 6) nicht mehr als 1500 mA.
Menü auf einen Blick und der Maschine vor, die Behandlung so angenehm und  effektiv für eine Person jeden Alters.

   Spezielle Angebote für Gewinner!
 Wenn Sie diesen Artikel mit Buy Es purschase Nun haben wir für Sie:
1.English (oder Deutsch) Buch "DENAS Therapie Manual", 240-Seite mit vielen  Farbbild. (Im PDF-Format auf CD)
2.English (oder Deutsch) Buch "DiaDENS Therapy Handbuch", 138-Seite mit vielen  Farbbild. (Im PDF-Format auf CD)
2.Video DVD-Handbuch (Deutsch, Englisch) für DENS-Therapie.




Sie können viele  DENS-Applikatoren mit DENAS-COMPLEX  Verwendung
DENS-Anwendung hat viele Vorteile. Sie können sie auf Bedrohung bestimmte Zonen  oder Punkt des Körpers zu verwenden.
Sie können sie in praktisch komfortable Freisprecheinrichtung Heilung zu  verwenden. Sie dreht sich DENS-Behandlung von der Arbeit zur Ruhe.



 Großhandelskunden sind willkommen!

Wir haben Großhandelsquantität dieses Einzelteile für Sie


 Vielen Dank  und viel Glück!

Alle Texte in diese Auflistung haben gehör nur "DENAS MC" CORPORATION
UND KEINE ANDERE Verkäufer auf eBay 


DENAS wird vom russischen Gesundheitsministerium sowohl für Heimanwendung  durch Nicht-Spezialisten zertifiziert und für die klinische Anwendung von  Spezialisten mit besonderen medizinischen Ausbildung (Certificate of  Registration von dem Ministerium für Gesundheit # 29/23 020 701/2051/01 vom  6. Dezember 2001).

"DENAS" wird  in der australischen Register der therapeutischen Waren (ARTG) enthalten

ARTG Number: 169570

 Das Gerät hat auch  internationale Zertifikate:  

mdc medical device  certification GmbH
Kriegerstraße 6
70191 Stuttgart, Germany
for DENAS and DiaDENS devices


 Copyright © 2003-2004  "DENAS MC" Corporation  Distributor   # 225314

Wir sind offizieller Distributor von  Denas MS Corporation eigene ID 225314
Wir garantieren volle Kundenbetreuung und beste Preise für alle Produktions  durch DenasMS Corp®.



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      Payment Details:    We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.     Shipping Details: Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome! The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FAST SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON Guarantee of qualitative packing     IV-21 VFD NIXIE TUBE MULTISEGMENT NEW NOS  NUMITRON VFD TUBE DIGIT DISPLAY RARE TUBE made in USSR. FREE SHIPPING New, old stock.  Lot of 1 NOS NEW D e s c r i p t i o n Nixies is made in USSR. New, old stock. Rare, not produce now IV21 Russian Nixie VFD Tube. Lot of 2 (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) Use it to make your own clock, timer, counter or whatever requires digit indicators This tube has 8 seven segment numericals with decimal point. It displays numbers from 0 to 9. The very first segment has a thick dot on top of the '-' sign. Tube size: 15 x 60 mm (0.6”x 2.4”) Digit height: 5.5 mm (0.22”) Brightness: 600 kd/ m2 Main electrical parameters: Supply Voltage 9-12V Total current consumption: (30–40) mA Rated voltage glow: 2.4 V Rated current glow: 35 mA Grid Current (for one digit): (1.7-3.5) mA Anode segment current (for one digit): 0.7 mA     Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
DEAR VERO AGENTS  This remote probe is for use only with home devices like DENAS not to be confused with TENS and EMS (APPROVED AS HOME DEVICE UPC# 4607050640888)  LINK to product description:   which NO NEED the prescription All SCENAR® and other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.   Clip electrodes   PLUG FOR NEW/OLD SCENAR, DENAS, COSMODIC MiHEALTH (for nose, nostril, lips teeth, ears)        Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
Vest made of genuine sheepskin wool! We meet autumn and winter cold in the warmth! Bologna sheepskin vests An elegant vest with a top made of Bologna waterproof fabric and an interior made of natural sheep’s wool warms in cool weather and protects from wind, snow, rain. The vest is fastened with a zipper, has two patchpockets, roomy pockets. It is convenient and comfortable to spend time in the fresh air, it does not constrain movements, reliably retains heat. Advantages of a bologna sheepskin vest:     aesthetic;     light     warm     universal;     wearproof; Warm sheepskin vests The sheepskin vest keeps heat well and becomes indispensable not only at home, but also on the street. Before ordering a product and choosing a size, please take measurements of your chest and hips! Thank.
Vendor: a-store
P-406 VFD DIGIT russian USSR BIG DISPLAY NIXIE Tube New    Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.   D e s c r i p t i o n Nixies is made in USSR. New, old stock. Rare, not produce now VFD Digit Display tube  This never been used, from the old stock. Indicator displays digit sign.  Color green. + redYellow   Electrical parameters Parameter   rated (nominal) voltage of filament, U 4.5-5,5 pulse (max) voltage anodes-segments, U 36 rated current of grid one sign, mA 10-16 filament, consumption of current (nominal), mA 90-110         Constancy summary current anodes-segments one sign, mA 6-10 Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.    
Vendor: a-store
  BRAND NEW ELECTROSTIMULATOR "DiaDENS COSMO"   XXI  centure medicine and BEAUTY   XXI century medicine   D e s c r i p t i o n It is no secret that facial skin loses its attractiveness with age. This process is aggravated by adverse environmental conditions, which directly or indirectly effect open skin areas, drying them, causing pigment spot formation, exfoliation, wrinkle formation and poor elasticity of skin. And if it is impossible to stop time, protection of the skin and reduction of the effects of constant environmental exposure to the skin is within the power of modern cosmetology.   The DiaDENS-Cosmo effects are based on weak current (microcurrents) exposure to the skin, which results in restoration of muscle and vessel tone, improvement of microcirculation processes, normalization of skin nutrition and, as a consequence, activation of all metabolic processes, which, in its turn, causes skin rejuvenation whereby the skin looks fresh and attractive again. DiaDENS-Cosmo microcurrents effect the facial skin through an electrode mask with a current conductive coating. To ensure steady and quality exposure of microcurrents and to improve cosmetic effect, one of the specially formulated beauty masks should be applied to the skin under the electrode mask.   The following four types of beauty masks are formulated for application with the DiaDENS-Cosmo: — Nutritional mask with oceanic fish roe extract – for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Promotes moisturizing and nutrition of the skin, prevents its premature aging. — Nutritional mask with swallow’s nest extract - for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Shows whitening, nutritional and rejuvenating effect in the skin. Enzymes of this mask softly peel cellular debris off the skin surface, smoothing it out. — Moisturizing and purifying mask - for application in the ‘Nutrition’ mode of the device. Softens the skin epilayer, promotes pore contraction and prevents inflammation through its antibacterial properties. — Napkin mask – for application in the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode. Before application the mask is to be dampened with a saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution) or 1% solution of Carlsbad salt. The DiaDENS-Cosmo should be fastened to the hand and connected by a cable to the electrode mask. DiaDENS-Cosmo has two modes of exposure – ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Lymphodrainage’. The use of the ‘Nutrition’ mode: - activates the skin’s metabolic processes; - stimulates production of collagen and elastin by cells; - enhances the effect of the active ingredients of a beauty mask; and - makes the skin look fresh and healthy. The ‘Nutrition’ mode can be used both for prompt achievement of cosmetic effect and for a continual preventive skin treatment. The use of the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode: - alleviates puffiness and pastosity of the facial skin; - enhances microcirculation processes; - lifts the facial contours through enhancement of skin elasticity and strengthening of face muscles. Specifications of the DiaDENS-Cosmo: Power supply - LR6/AA battery – 2 pcs. Pulse repetition frequency: – in the ‘Nutrition’ mode – 100Hz; – in the ‘Lymphodrainage’ mode – 50 & 100Hz. Weight of the device—less than 0.3 kg. Dimensions: 300x100x35 mm.    Integration: DiaDENS device with a cuff electrode 1 pcs Electrode mask* 1 pcs Cable * 1 pcs ‘Nutritional and purifying’ ‘DiaDENS-Cosmo beauty mask 6 pcs Cuff extension 1 pcs Operating Manual 1 pcs Battery 2 pcs * you can order many additional masks and accessories from us for this device WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Thanks  and good luck!   ATTENTION FOR VERO AGENTS  ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "DENAS MC" CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY   CERTIFICATIONS: DENAS is certified by the Russian Ministry of Health both for home application by non-specialists, and for clinical application by specialists with special medical training (Certificate of Registration of the Ministry of Health #29/23 020 701/2051/ 01 dated December 6, 2001). "DENAS" is included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)   ARTG Number:   169570    The apparatus also has international certificates:   mdc medical device certification GmbH Kriegerstraße 6 70191 Stuttgart, Germany for DENAS and DiaDENS devices   Copyright © 2003-2004  "DENAS MC" Corporation  Distributor  # 225314 We are an  official distributor of Denas MS Corporation with own ID  225314 We  guarantee full customer support and best prices  for all production by DenasMS Corp®.    HERE is FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in english? Yes all manuals videos and BOOKS in english 2) What type of product support do you offer? We offer 1 year full manufacturer warranty.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
The device of complex therapy EL The device of complex therapy ELITON Description ELITON has a tremendous treatment potential. We present to your attention an effective remedy to combat a wide range of  diseases, modern physiotherapy device ELITON, designed specifically for self-use  in the home. Due to its device, the medical device ELITON has the widest  treatment possibilities, since it is able to exert a complex effect on the human  body. Our online store presents you with robust, comfortable and compact ELITON  devices, whose spectrum of action includes the generation of several types of  radiation at once, which have a diverse effect on the state of organs and  tissues of the human body, including: Low frequency pulse current Pulsed electromagnetic oscillations of low intensity Infrared radiation Ultraviolet radiation Mechanical sound wave oscillations All this provides ample opportunities for the treatment of  various diseases, while the control of the ELITON device allows ordinary users,  without special medical education, to customize the device independently. In  addition to alleviating the condition in various diseases, the ELITON device can  be used as a prophylactic agent for improving body resistance, as well as for  acupressure on biologically active points - electroacupuncture reflexotherapy,  using special electrodes that are included in the product package. In our store  you can at an affordable price buy original ELITON devices with the capabilities  of quantum, vibro-acoustic, electro-puncture, electromagnetic effects on the  body, the use of which will allow you to cure the widest range of diseases at  home, as well as provide invaluable support to your immunity.   ** Effective in treatment: ** - hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure. - chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma. - obesity, headache, neurosis, encephalopathy, Raynaud's syndrome. - gastritis, ulcers, intestinal dyskinesia. - cystitis, pyelonephritis. - dermatitis, urticaria. - osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis. - post-traumatic syndromes, after fractures, complex operations related to  trauma. How to treat? Affects the skin with light and vibrational vibrations. The treatment involves low-frequency currents (as in the offices of  electrotherapy clinics), thermal effects, electromagnetic oscillations. The impact of the device on the nerve endings of skin cells and acupuncture  points. According to eastern medicine, each acupuncture point has its own organ. What result? Among 147 patients who used the device, 85% had a cardiac spasm and a heaviness  in the heart. With daily use, 71% of patients got rid of insomnia, 78% had a general  irritability. The device increases the body's defenses, is relevant during recovery and during  off-season periods. With daily use, relieves pain in muscles and joints, eliminates hemorrhage,  swelling. Restores the lumen of blood vessels in otosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Regulates and normalizes metabolic processes in the body, eliminates the effects  of obesity, which leads to natural healing. Relieves spasms of different origin: intestinal colic, recurrent pain in women,  headache and toothache, thereby reducing the negative impact on the body of  traditional medicines ... Relieves spasms during an attack of bronchial asthma. Stimulates cleansing of the skin, liver and bile ducts. Regulates the liver and  biliary tract. Normalizes blood pressure. "Eliton" is used to enhance the effect in the treatment of traditional methods. Contraindications - Oncological diseases - Pulmonary tuberculosis (active form) - Myocardial infarction (acute period) - Cyst (to affect the area of ​​cyst formation) - Pregnancy - The presence of an implanted pacemaker - Severe renal failure FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good  luck!
Vendor: a-store


I am very satisfied with this seller. He had patience with me and patiently answered all my questions. Everything was done to the max and the delivery to Europe was very fast.
Excellent product, good communications, fast shipment! thank you, will buy again
Order was in good shape when it came in. Included paper manual is in Russian but electronic version is in English and unit was programmed to English. Attachments were as ordered and were in good shape. It took just over 5 weeks from ordering to arrival, but given the significant challenges the country is in, this is realistic. Seller was responsive to questions. Had to pay extra shipping here given the current challengs.
The Seller was friendly and cooperative and my order eventually made it through. Shipping for the order leaving the Ukraine was substantially delayed, probably due to the war. Ordered 22 Apr; shipped Apr 26, processed April 29, finally processed by mail destination in Kiev May 27, finally received June 9. The order was as expected other than the add saying it would include an English manual and Practical Guide and that was not what arrived, and I was not notified of the change. Hence the 4 star rather than 5 star rating. The manual that was received is in Russian not English, and no practical guide was included. I suspect that the seller is doing his best under extremely challenging circumstances and shipping delays due to the postal service are outside his control.
pretty good and excellent considering the circumstances.
may we all live in uninteresting times

go well
Great fast service!
Everything was OK, thank you!
great service, they went out of their way to expedite shipping to me. Highly recommended group of people to deal with. A++

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• If you don't have Paypal account and would like to pay with your Credit Card, check this step-by-step tutorial on PayPal:

Your order will be shipped only after the payment is cleared. This means if you pay via Paypal e-checks there could be delay in 3-5 business days. You can check the status of your payment in your Paypal account or in the correspond invoice here on Lavky.


All the items in the order will be securely packed and shipped within 1-3 working days of payment.
Some items may take longer. If the processing time is more than 7 days, it is clearly stated in the product description.

Delivery Address:

• Please make sure your shipping address is correct at the checkout. 

We will ship your order to the address specified on checkout, and not to the address specified on Paypal.

Terms of Delivery

We always ship parcels with a tracking number. We will update you on the tracking number once your order has been prepared and shipped.

Usually delivery takes between one a half and four weeks.

Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and customs clearance, so we cannot guarantee the exact time of arrival.

Here are the approximate delivery times:

- USA: 1.5 - 2.5 weeks

- Canada: 2-3 weeks

- Europe: 1-2 weeks

- Australia: 2-3 weeks (sometimes longer, depending on Australian customs)

- The rest of the world: 2-3 weeks

Delivery method

We ship all the parcels from Ukraine (from our logistics centers in Kyiv and Chernivtsi) via international services (FedEx, UPS) in two stages. 

First a parcel is sent by express delivery service to Europe, and then, it is shipped by air mail to the United States, Canada or Europe. 

You can see the movement of the parcel by a tracking number only in the second stage - 4-6 days after sending your order from our center. We estimate the delivery time to 12-18 days.

Express delivery is available only on individual request. Please contact us if you need Express delivery before placing an order so we can update shipping options.

Customs duties and taxes

Customers are responsible for any fees, taxes and duties related to delivery and ordering products to their country of destination.


Your order will arrive in a safe cardboard box, with due packaging and protection from damage.

Refunds and Exchanges

I want my clients to be happy, so let me know if you have any problems.

If you are not satisfied with your items / service for any reason, please contact me with the problem before leaving a feedback.