Spirituality & Religion

Церковная служба Неусыпаемая Псалтирь будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре. Стоимость указана за одно имя. Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм. Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области. Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской. На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Неусыпаемая Псалтирь - это особая молитва. Молитва, которая имеет выдающуюся чудотворную силу. Такое название эта молитва получила потому что, чтение неусыпаемой псалтыри длится круглосуточно и без какого-либо перерыва. Многие, к сожалению, прибывают в неведении, и задают вопросы священнослужителям - можно ли неусыпаемую псалтирь о здравии заказать. Очень хорошо заказывать неусыпаемую псалтирь за близких и за самого себя. Заказав неусыпаемую псалтирь за свое здравие, вы сразу почувствуете помощь высших сил. Хотя неусыпаемая псалтирь считается самою дорогой церковной требой, но поверьте, потраченные деньги воздадутся вам сторицей. Поминовение совершается братией Лавры во время чтения Неусыпаемой Псалтири. Не читается Псалтирь только во время совершения богослужения или монашеского правила. Это сугубо монастырская молитва. Сменяя друг друга, братия Лавры круглосуточно читают эту священную книгу. Псалтирь, состоящий из 150 псалмов, разбивается на двадцать отделений – кафизм. Каждая кафизма в свою очередь делится на три «славы». Связано это с тем, что по прочтению каждой «славы» читается обычная молитва – славословие Господу: «Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу…». Таким образом, о человеке, имя которого указано в записке на Неусыпаемую Псалтирь, в монастыре идет молитва днем и ночью. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
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Learn, if there is something deeper between you, and how your friendship will end, but also what you can do to improve yourself and foster a deeper, more meaningful connection with the other person through this divination. In addition, divination can shed light on how you and your partner can strengthen your bond through the choices you make and the paths you take. If you want your relationships to be even more fruitful and successful in the future, you can use this divination to see what challenges lie ahead and how to surmount them. Whether it's the individual you're currently with or the man you hope to spend the rest of your life with, this is a tried-and-true method for assessing compatibility. And you can do this divination on the relationship as a whole, not just the guy, to see what needs to be altered to make it stronger and last longer. Do you fit each other? Divination can assistance you and your partner or potential partner learn more about each other and grow closer together. How do you match each other? How much do you burden your loved one with your problems, thoughts, actions ... How does he really feel about your family and friends? What is your relationship with his relatives? Who will be the leader in your relationship? Are you able to take leadership into your own hands? How much does your partner show love for children? What is the likely future of your relationship? Experience the power of Tarot card reading as it delves into the realm of love. Discover the Emotional Connection and insights you seek through a personalized love reading tarot session. Our skilled psychic reader will guide you on a journey of understanding, providing an easy love reading experience. Explore the depths of your heart with a love psychic reading that focuses on your Ex-Lover Tarot, uncovering hidden truths and offering guidance for your future. With same hour tarot love sessions, our psychic love reading will provide clarity and answers to your burning questions. Unlock the secrets of love with our wide range of tarot spreads designed to illuminate your path.
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You can learn about how your partner feels about you using various methods of predicting the future. As a result, you will learn how your partner perceives you, what she or she thinks of you, how he or she feels about you, and how he or she sees your future life together. In addition, you will be given the opportunity to learn about what actions and behavior on the part of your partner may indicate his or her attitude towards you. This will assistance you better understand your partner and build relationships. By ordering this product, you will receive professional assistance in love affairs, which will assistance you understand the situation and make the right decision. Get the answers you need with our fast and accurate psychic readings, including same day readings options. Love readings can provide clarity and guidance. How does he feel about me? How does she feel about me? His feelings for me? Her feelings for me? I specialize in thoughts revealed and feelings from your person, using telepathy psychic techniques to tune into their energy and understand their perspective. Don't wait - unlock the secrets of your heart and your relationships with our powerful psychic readings today.
$90.20 $28.88
Prayer ropes
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Четки (греческий: κομποσκοίνι, русский: вервица, четки, румынский: mătănii, сербский: бројаница, болгарский: броеница) Эти четки – дело рук монахинь православного женского монастыря. Сама четка является для нас напоминанием о молитве, соединяясь в кольцо, — о непрерывной молитве. Плетение четок в нашем монастыре совершается как послушание, по благословению настоятеля. Наши монахини делают их с Иисусовой молитвой. (То есть молятся Иисусовой молитвой по мере работы.) Каждый узел на четках состоит из 6 крестиков. Ношение с собой или ношение четок защищает вас силою Святого и Животворящего Креста, по вере вашей в Господа нашего Иисуса Христа. Молитва с четками – это помощь, помогающая умиротворению ума и очищению сердца от страстей. В христианстве четки, или четки, появляются не позднее IV века. Считается, что первоначальная форма четок представляла собой веревку с завязанными на ней узлами, которая тогда называлась «вервицей». В разных источниках указываются разные личности, которые ввели четки в христианскую практику. Чаще всего упоминается святой Пахомий Великий. Это прекрасный подарок для любого из ваших друзей, ведущих христианскую духовную жизнь. Молитвенная четка на 30 узлов, изготовленная вручную из атласной нити с завязанным крестом. Каждый из 10 узлов разделен металлическими бусинками. Цвет: Бордо Размеры: Размер узла около 6 мм в диаметре (1\4 дюйма)
$8.00 $5.00
Komboskini Monastic Handmade 50 knots prayer rope Russian chotki Traditional brojanica with knotted cross and prayer bracelet. Orthodox rosary beads. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. Specifications A handmade 50 knot prayer rope of satin cord with a knotted cross. Each of the 10 knots are divided by metallic spacers. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Overall size 9 inches (19 cm) Bracelet size: 7 1/2 inch (18 cm) wrist circumference Color midnight blue. Available different colors. Please contact me to order_ The hue of the tread may differ slightly from the photo. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Knotted Rosary prayer beads Christian Monastic Handmade 50 knots prayer rope Russian chotki Traditional brojanica with knotted cross and prayer bracelet. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. Specifications A handmade 50 knot prayer rope of polyester cord with a knotted cross. Each of the 10 knots are divided by wooden beads and metallic spacers. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 5 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Overall size 9 inches (18 cm) Bracelet size: 7 inch (17 cm) wrist circumference Color brown. Available different colors. Please contact me to order_ The hue of the tread may differ slightly from the photo. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Hand painted Russian Orthodox icon, Jesus Christ scanned icon Digital download. Russian paiting Gilding weAncient technique, egg tempera on wood, natural pigments, original artwork, scanned icon, digital download, Traditional christian art.  Jesus Christ Pantocrator Icon is usually is the main in the home iconostas. The Savior Icon is excellent gift for our wedding, Christmas, elatives and friends on birthday, and other cases. Digital download of a JPG file for printing on paper or canvas. This file you can use for art prints, posters, wall decor, art cards, altered art, collage, decoupage, framed art prints, scrapbooking, iron fabric transfers, tiles or home decoration. You can print it any time, anywhere, and as many times as you want! We don’t sell the actual icon painting, but the DIGITAL FILE of the original! However, if you would like to order an original icon on wood, please write to us. This icon is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The iconpaiting in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns paint icons with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Our monastic iconpaiting studio is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. Print size: 28,7 cm x 36,3cm [11x14 inch] Please feel free to crop or resize as needed. This is a large 300 dpi printable jpeg file. 1JPG file HOW TO PURCHASE: 1) Add this listing to your cart 2) Once your payment is confirmed, the file will be automatically sent to the email listed on your Etsy account. Please allow 5-10 minutes to receive the email. IMPORTANT - USAGE TERMS: With a digital download, you get to print it yourself, onto your choice of paper or to have it professionally printed. This is not a physical item! The price does not include a frame or matte. You may not resell or reuse the image for commercial use or for profit without our permission. The artist retains all the reproduction rights and copyrights. This Jpg file does not entitle the buyer to reproduce the images as their own, for resale. The digital download that you purchase will not have a watermark on it. For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy. You can write the name of your saint to order and download a file with the icon of this saint. Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Knoted faight bracelet. A wonderful gift for your friends. Christian Monastic Handcrafth blessed 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord, komboskini with metallic cross and metallic spacers. This komboskini is of medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. I offer you a unique opportunity customise your own prayer bracelet. You can chooce your color and cross type. Colour: black, Bordeaux, light blue, electric, blue, brown, red, gold, green, white, peach, mint Cross type: 1 equalateral, 2 Sideway 3 Ornament The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: aproximate 7 2\4 inch (18 cm) wrist circumference. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number Please give me a few days to make your order. For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Orthodox prayer rope monastery handmade rosaries komboskini tradinional chotki. A prayer rope made out of a satine cord. A handmade 50 knots prayer rope with a knotted cross and tassel. Each of the 10 knots are divided by a metalic bead. Color: black The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 6 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Blessing Christian Monastic Handcrafth Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Christian Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord komboskini with knotted cross and metallic spaser. Colour: black, bourdou, light blue The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: aproximate 7 3\4 inch (19 cm) wrist circumference Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which is useful for pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Lestovka is a traditional Russian prayer rope made of genuine leather. It’s wonderful to pray on this Lestovka. Such a Lestovka is the best gift for any Christian. +++ The Lestovka is one of the oldest prayer rosary which was in general use in old Russia and is still used today by many Orthodox Christians. The lestovka has deep theological symbolic meanings. Thus, because of its ancient history, it deserves recognition. Lestovka - from the Russian word "ladder", in Russian – "lestnitsa" (Russian: "лестница"), these two words are interconnected. It symbolizes a lestovka, and each step in the prayer beads is the step of the stairs along which we ascend from earth to heaven with every prayer. This a lestovka is classica and made of genuine leather. This Lestovka is very convenient and practical. It suits both Orthodox and Old Believers. Lestovka is very comfortable to touch, light in weight, soft, durable, and you are very pleased to hold it in your hands. And even if your hands are tired, this Lestovka will help your hands to rest and will make your prayer even better. +++ Lestovka made of genuine leather of the highest quality, and inside each prayer step is a scroll of Jesus prayer in the Old Orthodox spelling. Calvary Cross is embroidered on the Lapastki (triangles). Rosary Lestovka is made using a well-defined technique that has been developed over the centuries and has its own characteristics. 1. Two neatly cut leather strips 0,6 inch - 0.8 inch wide are intertwined with each other, forming steps that are tightened and fixed on on a small wooden base on which a prayer scroll is wound. These are called steps. 2. For the manufacture of triangles (lapostki), leather is taken. Triangles (lapostki) are decorated at the choice of the master. They can also be left unadorned. The entire process of manufacturing one Rosary Lestovka takes from three or more days - depending on the complexity of the external finish. When making Lestovka, we carefully preserve all ancient traditions and carefully monitor the quality our working. We write the prayer of Jesus on the prayer scrolls that are at the base of each step. +++ We seal the sides of the prayer scrolls with a special compound. This makes our Lestovka more beautiful and durable, because the prayer scrolls are inside and cannot fall out. +++On triangles (Lapostki), the ligatures of the names of the Holy Apostles of the Evangelists are embroidered exactly as they are written in the Ostrog Bible of 1581. +++ Such a lestovka is perfect for everyday use, it is soft, very pleasant to the touch, flexible, compact, easy to fold and fits in your pocket. This is a great gift for all Christians, especially for any Christian holiday. Lestovkas are available in two versions - Orthodox and Old Believers Orthodox Rosary 100 steps With dividers (larger step) every 10 steps Old Believers Rosary 109 steps Dimensions: track width - 0.6 inch, length Lestovka 20 inch. Lapastki (triangles) - height 4.3 inch lower part triangles 2.5 inch, This size information is just for reference only,and allow +/- 1/2 inh differences due to Handmade. +++Shipping : +++ Important: Please confirm your shipping address! If you wish to ship the item to a different address, please send me a message immediately after purchase so that I can change it. If the order has been shipped, we will not be able to change the shipping address, we do not accept any responsibility, thank you for your understanding. +It is very important to leave your phone number for shipping! +Free Shipping: Worldwide shipping, It takes about 10 business days to most of countries normally. I will ship the package by UPS. For the sake of secure delivery, leave your phone number is very very important !!! . Require a physical address,not recommended mailbox !!! . For European countries - please note that the shipping cost does NOT include customs charges and fees. You will have to pay them WHEN YOU RECEIVE THE PARCEL For US residents, there is NO need to pay customs duties and fees for Lestovka. We strive to make our colors as accurate as possible; however, due to individual monitor settings and different batches of material, we cannot guarantee that the color you see on your screen is the 100% exact color of the product. If you have any questions, write to us and we will be happy to answer them! Thank you for visiting our store. We will gladly send you this Lestovka! May God's blessing, happiness and God's grace of holy Russia come to your home with this Lestovka!
Vendor: LestovkaShop
Lestovka is a traditional Russian prayer rope made of genuine leather. It’s wonderful to pray on this Lestovka. Such a Lestovka is the best gift for any Christian. +++ The Lestovka is one of the oldest prayer rosary which was in general use in old Russia and is still used today by many Orthodox Christians. The lestovka has deep theological symbolic meanings. Thus, because of its ancient history, it deserves recognition. Lestovka - from the Russian word "ladder", in Russian – "lestnitsa" (Russian: "лестница"), these two words are interconnected. It symbolizes a lestovka, and each step in the prayer beads is the step of the stairs along which we ascend from earth to heaven with every prayer. This a lestovka is classica and made of genuine leather. This Lestovka is very convenient and practical. It suits both Orthodox and Old Believers. Lestovka is very comfortable to touch, light in weight, soft, durable, and you are very pleased to hold it in your hands. And even if your hands are tired, this Lestovka will help your hands to rest and will make your prayer even better. +++ Lestovka made of genuine leather of the highest quality, and inside each prayer step is a scroll of Jesus prayer in the Old Orthodox spelling. Calvary Cross is embroidered on the Lapastki (triangles). Rosary Lestovka is made using a well-defined technique that has been developed over the centuries and has its own characteristics. 1. Two neatly cut leather strips 0,6 inch - 0.8 inch wide are intertwined with each other, forming steps that are tightened and fixed on on a small wooden base on which a prayer scroll is wound. These are called steps. 2. For the manufacture of triangles (lapostki), leather is taken. Triangles (lapostki) are decorated at the choice of the master. They can also be left unadorned. The entire process of manufacturing one Rosary Lestovka takes from three or more days - depending on the complexity of the external finish. When making Lestovka, we carefully preserve all ancient traditions and carefully monitor the quality our working. We write the prayer of Jesus on the prayer scrolls that are at the base of each step. +++ We seal the sides of the prayer scrolls with a special compound. This makes our Lestovka more beautiful and durable, because the prayer scrolls are inside and cannot fall out. +++On triangles (Lapostki) embroidered Calvary cross. +++ Such a lestovka is perfect for everyday use, it is soft, very pleasant to the touch, flexible, compact, easy to fold and fits in your pocket. This is a great gift for all Christians, especially for any Christian holiday. Lestovkas are available in two versions - Orthodox and Old Believers Orthodox Rosary 100 steps With dividers (larger step) every 10 steps Old Believers Rosary 109 steps Dimensions: track width - 0.6 inch, Lapastki (triangles) - height 3.54 inch lower part triangles 2,35 inch length Lestovka 19 inch. This size information is just for reference only,and allow +/- 1/2 inh differences due to Handmade. +++Shipping : +++ Important: Please confirm your shipping address! If you wish to ship the item to a different address, please send me a message immediately after purchase so that I can change it. If the order has been shipped, we will not be able to change the shipping address, we do not accept any responsibility, thank you for your understanding. +It is very important to leave your phone number for shipping! +Free Shipping: Worldwide shipping, It takes about 10 business days to most of countries normally. I will ship the package by UPS. For the sake of secure delivery, leave your phone number is very very important !!! . Require a physical address,not recommended mailbox !!! . For European countries - please note that the shipping cost does NOT include customs charges and fees. You will have to pay them WHEN YOU RECEIVE THE PARCEL For US residents, there is NO need to pay customs duties and fees for Lestovka. We strive to make our colors as accurate as possible; however, due to individual monitor settings and different batches of material, we cannot guarantee that the color you see on your screen is the 100% exact color of the product. If you have any questions, write to us and we will be happy to answer them! Thank you for visiting our store. We will gladly send you this Lestovka! May God's blessing, happiness and God's grace of holy Russia come to your home with this Lestovka!
Vendor: LestovkaShop
Lestovka is a traditional Russian prayer rope made of genuine leather. It’s wonderful to pray on this Lestovka. Such a Lestovka is the best gift for any Christian. +++ The Lestovka is one of the oldest prayer rosary which was in general use in old Russia and is still used today by many Orthodox Christians. The lestovka has deep theological symbolic meanings. Thus, because of its ancient history, it deserves recognition. Lestovka - from the Russian word "ladder", in Russian – "lestnitsa" (Russian: "лестница"), these two words are interconnected. It symbolizes a lestovka, and each step in the prayer beads is the step of the stairs along which we ascend from earth to heaven with every prayer. This a lestovka is classica and made of genuine leather. This Lestovka is very convenient and practical. It suits both Orthodox and Old Believers. Lestovka is very comfortable to touch, light in weight, soft, durable, and you are very pleased to hold it in your hands. And even if your hands are tired, this Lestovka will help your hands to rest and will make your prayer even better. +++ Lestovka made of genuine leather of the highest quality, and inside each prayer step is a scroll of Jesus prayer in the Old Orthodox spelling. Calvary Cross is embroidered on the Lapastki (triangles). Rosary Lestovka is made using a well-defined technique that has been developed over the centuries and has its own characteristics. 1. Two neatly cut leather strips 0,6 inch - 0.8 inch wide are intertwined with each other, forming steps that are tightened and fixed on on a small wooden base on which a prayer scroll is wound. These are called steps. 2. For the manufacture of triangles (lapostki), leather is taken. Triangles (lapostki) are decorated at the choice of the master. They can also be left unadorned. The entire process of manufacturing one Rosary Lestovka takes from three or more days - depending on the complexity of the external finish. When making Lestovka, we carefully preserve all ancient traditions and carefully monitor the quality our working. We write the prayer of Jesus on the prayer scrolls that are at the base of each step. +++ We seal the sides of the prayer scrolls with a special compound. This makes our Lestovka more beautiful and durable, because the prayer scrolls are inside and cannot fall out. +++On triangles (Lapostki), the ligatures of the names of the Holy Apostles of the Evangelists are embroidered exactly as they are written in the Ostrog Bible of 1581. +++ Such a lestovka is perfect for everyday use, it is soft, very pleasant to the touch, flexible, compact, easy to fold and fits in your pocket. This is a great gift for all Christians, especially for any Christian holiday. Lestovkas are available in two versions - Orthodox and Old Believers Orthodox Rosary 100 steps With dividers (larger step) every 10 steps Old Believers Rosary 109 steps Dimensions: track width - 0.6 inch, length Lestovka 20 inch. Lapastki (triangles) - height 4.3 inch lower part triangles 2.5 inch, This size information is just for reference only,and allow +/- 1/2 inh differences due to Handmade. +++Shipping : +++ Important: Please confirm your shipping address! If you wish to ship the item to a different address, please send me a message immediately after purchase so that I can change it. If the order has been shipped, we will not be able to change the shipping address, we do not accept any responsibility, thank you for your understanding. +It is very important to leave your phone number for shipping! +Free Shipping: Worldwide shipping, It takes about 10 business days to most of countries normally. I will ship the package by UPS. For the sake of secure delivery, leave your phone number is very very important !!! . Require a physical address,not recommended mailbox !!! . For European countries - please note that the shipping cost does NOT include customs charges and fees. You will have to pay them WHEN YOU RECEIVE THE PARCEL For US residents, there is NO need to pay customs duties and fees for Lestovka. We strive to make our colors as accurate as possible; however, due to individual monitor settings and different batches of material, we cannot guarantee that the color you see on your screen is the 100% exact color of the product. If you have any questions, write to us and we will be happy to answer them! Thank you for visiting our store. We will gladly send you this Lestovka! May God's blessing, happiness and God's grace of holy Russia come to your home with this Lestovka!
Vendor: LestovkaShop
Lestovka is a traditional Orthodox prayer rope made of genuine leather. It’s wonderful to pray on this Lestovka. Such a Lestovka is the best gift for any Christian. +++ The Lestovka is one of the oldest prayer rosaries which was in general use in old Orthodox Christians and is still used today by many Orthodox Christians. The lestovka has deep theological symbolic meanings. Thus, because of its ancient history, it deserves recognition. Lestovka - from the Old Slavonic word "ladder", in Old Slavonic – "lestnitsa" (Old Slavonic: "лестница"), these two words are interconnected. It symbolizes a lestovka, and each step in the prayer beads is the step of the stairs along which we ascend from earth to heaven with every prayer. This a lestovka is classic and made of genuine leather. +++Lestovka made of genuine leather of the highest quality. This Lestovka is very convenient and practical. It suits both Orthodox and Old Believers. +++ Lestovka is very comfortable to touch, light in weight, soft, durable, and you are very pleased to hold it in your hands. And even if your hands are tired, this Lestovka will help your hands to rest and will make your prayer even better. +++ Such a Lestovka is perfect for everyday use, it is soft, very pleasant to the touch, flexible, compact, easy to fold, and fits in your pocket. This is a great gift for all Christians, especially for any Christian holiday. +++ Calvary Cross is embroidered on the Lapastki (triangles). Lestovki are available in three versions - Orthodox, Old Believers, 150 steps: Orthodox Rosary 100 steps - with dividers (larger step) every 10 steps Old Believers Rosary 109 steps 150 steps Lestovka - with dividers (larger step) every 10 steps Dimensions Orthodox Rosary 100 steps: track width - 0.6 inch (1,55 cm), Lapastki (triangles) - height 3.55 inch (9cm) lower part triangles 2,35 inch (6 cm) length Lestovka 18 inch (45.5cm). This size information is just for reference only, and allow +/- 1/2 inh differences due to Handmade. Dimensions Old Believers Rosary 109 steps : track width - 0.6 inch (1,55 cm), Lapastki (triangles) - height 3.55 inch (9cm) lower part triangles 2,35 inch (6 cm) length Lestovka 17 1/2 inch (44.5cm). This size information is just for reference only, and allow +/- 1/2 inch differences due to Handmade. +++ Important: Please confirm your shipping address! If you wish to ship the item to a different address, please send me a message immediately after purchase so that I can change it. If the order has been shipped, we will not be able to change the shipping address, we do not accept any responsibility, thank you for your understanding. +++ Shipping: +Express shipping takes about 7-10 business days to most of the countries normally. Worldwide shipping. + I will send your orders from a warehouse in Poland. I will ship the package by UPS or USPS. +++ Important: Require a physical address, not recommended mailbox !!! We strive to make our colors as accurate as possible; however, due to individual monitor settings and different batches of material, we cannot guarantee that the color you see on your screen is the 100% exact color of the product. If you have any questions, write to us and we will be happy to answer them! More Lestovka in my store: Thank you for visiting our store. We will gladly send you this Lestovka! May God's blessing, happiness, and God's grace come to your home with this Lestovka!
Vendor: LestovkaShop
Tarot card deck storage with box, Witchcraft box - For 4 Tarot decks Hi, are you looking for the perfect tarot card box or altar box? BabylonMagicHouse will help you! We can make a dream box for you and your loved ones so that you can save your magic tarot cards! Altar box for magic and ritual things. Material: -Plywood -Engraving on wood -Hand-painted -Energy Love -Dimensions: 14x6x3" inches (36x15x7cm) -Size of each section:5.11x3.11" inches/13 x 7.9 cm -Height: 3" -Width: 6" -length: 14" -Weight: 950g. Ready to ship in 1-3 business days The average international Delivery time is 7 Business days! If you have any questions, please ask me. Thank you for visiting my woodcraft shop! I also invite you to my Instagram: @babylon_magic_house reddit: #BabylonMagic
Height: 5,11" inch - 13 cm Diameter:3" inch - 7,3 cm Weight: 100 g (+/- 5 g) Burning time: 30- 30 min Customers attention - the candle is not the size of a human hand! Ready to ship 1-3 days Time of international delivery 1-2 weeks If you have any questions, please ask me. Thank you for visiting BabylonMagicHouse! I also invite you to my Instagram: @babylon_magic_house reddit: #BabylonMagic
Hi, are you looking for the perfect tarot card box? BabylonMagicHouse will help you! We can make a dream box for you so that you can save your magic tarot cards! Tarot box - " Gold Moon" for Tarot cards. -Materials: Plywood and engraving on wood. -Color: Wenge. -Dimensions: 1. 7.2x5.2x3" inches ( 18x13x7cm) - 1 one tarot deck 2. 8x6x3" inches (20x15x7cm) - for 2 tarot deck 3. 14x6x3 " inches ( 36x15x7cm) - for 4 tarot deck Ready to ship in 1-3 business days The average international Delivery time is 1-2 weeks! If you have any questions, please ask me. Thank you for visiting my woodcraft shop!
NEW Never Worn SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Ring Band US size 6.0 Three 3 Purple Violet Pink Rose Stones Gems Cubic Zirconia CZ Princess Cut Cyrillic Inscription Blessing Text Prayer God Lord Save Protect Oxidized Christian Church Faith Jewelry Fine Jewellery 886 The inscription says "God, save and protect me". Weight - 1.65 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring size - 6.0. Ukrainian / Russian ring size - 16.5. Item code - Ko-886. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURE Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. The delivery terms depend on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Ring Band US size 8.25 Cyrillic Inscription Blessing Text Prayer God Lord Save Protect Guardian Patron Protector Old Believers Cross Oxidized Christian Church Fine and Faith Jewelry 967 The inscription says "Господи, спаси и сохрани меня" that stands for "God, save and protect me". Weight - 1.20 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring sizes - 8.25. Ukrainian / Russian ring size - 18.5. Item code - Ko-967. Face ring width - 3.3 mm. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURE Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. The delivery terms depend on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Cross Pendant Necklace Russian Inscription Prayer Text Blessing Small Little Oxidized Pattern Old Believers Christian Church  Fine and Faith Jewelry 600 The abbreviations on the front side stand for King of Glory and Jesus Christ. The inscription on the back side is the first line of the prayer to the Venerable Cross and it says "Let God arise". Weight - 2.55 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). Item code - Kp-600. Dimensions: height (with bail) - 22 mm or 0.86" inches, width - 13 mm or 0.51" inch. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - THAT MEANS THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURES Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. The delivery terms depend on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
You no longer need to worry about having nothing to close your leftover wine bottle with. We have found a great solution for you. Thanks to our wine corks, you can enjoy open wine the next day. All wine stoppers are completely hand made from natural cork and bronze materials. This wine stopper would make a perfect gift for wine lovers for birthday, Christmas, as a Secret Santa gift, wedding gift, anniversary, gift to yourself. All corks are new and will fit any regular size wine or liquor bottle. Hight: with cork - 2.55 inch (6.5 cm), figurine - 1.2 inch (3 cm) diameter cork at the bottom - 0.5 inch (1.6 cm) Materials: natural cork, bronze If you have any questions, please contact me. IMPORTANT! Placing an order in this store, you accept its policies.
Vendor: Metal Story
Icon of Jesus Christ the Savior Icon of the Savior of Byzantine writing, work in marquetry technique. The size with the frame is 22x17 in (56x42 cm). When creating the work, wenge veneer, koto, American walnut, limba, sycamore maple, gabon, macore, anegri, sapele, and changjeira were used. In the manufacture of used more than 400 veneer fragments of different textures and colors. The surface of picture is covered with eco friendly linseed oil and shellac. The finished product required more than 30 hours of artist work. Frame – the colored pine with patina gold. The frame is equipped with suspensions. Customization is possible in the desired sizes. It’s a wonderful and unforgettable gift for beloved people. Such decor does not age and always looks worthy. We have not yet met people indifferent to such a gift. We revive the ancient art of Marquetry and give it a new modern look. Marquetry is an art set of thin wooden plates (veneers) of various colors and textures. Pieces of wood, docking along the edges between each other, form an integral picture, which is then glued to the base. The role of paints in marquetry is played by the texture and shade of the tree, so the most important task is to determine the composition and artistic skill of the master to choose and combine the right veneer fragments. The high cost of the finished product is due primarily to the laborious manufacturing process, requiring up to 90% of manual labor. The process of performing work is quite complicated and involves many related operations. At the same time, assembling the mosaic set itself is only no more than a third of the whole process. The rest is the preparation of the image, refinement and correction of the set, gluing, grinding, finishing with oils and varnish, etc. Many stages are repeated many times to achieve a better result. Only an oil finish followed by a primer and a final shellac finish takes up to 7 days.
Vendor: Woodins
Sunlight series Lenormand Cards deck (bridge size). Lenormand Cards help you to understand the past or predict the future. Each card has its own mood for intuitive reading. You do not have to remember every card meaning, just trust your senses when you take some card. The cards also have the key meanings for easier reading. The cards are printed in typography so the images are bright and colorful with high quality print. Each card is laminated to ensure a long term use and protect it against splashes, dirt, abrasions. What's Included? • 36 cards 6x9 cm - 2.4x3.5 inches • a bag • a box
Vendor: Denise
Digital files only! The template is designed both for studying the spread and for memorizing your fortune-telling information. So you will be able to revise your notes in the future to improve your divination skills. You will get 2 PDF files for download: - A4 format - US letter format
Vendor: Denise