Outdoor & Gardening

Самый легкий среди турбо-горелок серии "Airwood...BM" с блоком принудительной подачи воздуха, который питается от любого внешнего источника напряжения 3-6 В, имеющего выход USB или DC.                                                                                                                                                             Горелка предназначена для приготовления пищи (супа, каши, чая и т.д.) объемом до 3-4 литров. В качестве топлива используются ветки, щепки, опилки и любое другое подручное твердое топливо.      Благодаря блоку принудительной подачи воздуха горелка обеспечивает мощный нагрев даже при использовании сырых дров и очень быстро доводит объем с водой до кипения.     Время закипания 1 литра воды составляет от 5 минут, в зависимости от качества топлива и условий окружающей среды.     Горелка имеет КПД сгорания топлива до 80%, в отличие от 5-7% КПД обычного костра. Это связано с тем, что в дыму от дров находится около 90% частиц, которые не сгорели из-за нехватки кислорода. При подаче свежего воздуха в определенные места камеры сгорания горелки, эти мелкие частицы сгорают. Именно на таком принципе и построена данная горелка: холодный воздух из блока нагнетания поступает в боковое отверстие нижней части внешней стенки корпуса горелки. Под действием вентилятора одна часть воздуха нагнетается в отверстия дна и нижней части камеры сгорания, а другая направляется вверх - между стенками камеры сгорания и корпуса, где, прогреваясь, выходит через специальные отверстия и поступает в верхнюю часть камеры сгорания, обеспечивая зажигание древесного газа.      Блок поддува камеры сгорания оборудован входным разъемом (гнездом) DC (5,5 мм * 2,1 мм)  с откидным ковриком-заглушкой для защиты разъема от загрязнения и переключателем со следующими режимами: 1) Верхнее положение - "Высокие обороты" - для моментального разжигания и кипячения воды, 2) Нижнее положение - "Малые обороты" - для поддержания высокотемпературного пламени.   Ток, потребляемый блоком нагнетания воздуха (в зависимости от напряжения источника питания): • в режиме "Высокие обороты": 70-100мА; • в режиме "Малые обороты": 20-50мА;             В блоке подачи воздуха установлен двигатель с экранированием от теплового излучения и пылевлагозащитой на уровне класса защиты IP55.  Это усовершенствование позволяет владельцу горелки использовать ее в условиях повышенной влажности или пыли (тропики, дождь, пустыня, пляж и т.д.) без опасений, что двигатель заклинет в самый неподходящий момент.           Горелка также работает и в режиме естественной тяги , для этого достаточно отсоединить блок поддува воздуха от корпуса горелки. Этот режим пригодится для приготовления блюд, которые не требуют сильного пламени, например - каши.          Горелка комплектуется складной подставкой для посуды. Этот узел горелки имеет повышенную огнестойкость и специально разработан для более надежного размещения на горелке круглых казанков (кастрюль) с широким дном. Но подставка понравится и любителям утреннего кофе на природе, приготовленного в турке (посуд с дном маленького диаметра), потому что благодаря откидным ножкам, на складной подставке будет "удобно", как посуде с диаметром дна 5 см, так и посуде с диаметром дна 25 см!         После раскрытия лапки фиксируются под небольшим углом до горизонта, обеспечивая надежное захватывание дна посуда, а при увеличении нагрузки лапки принимают горизонтальное положение, при этом верхняя часть полотна подставки по всему кругу слегка расходится наружу, увеличивая жесткость подставки и устойчивость посуды на ней.            Новая камера сгорания , установленная в горелке, значительно отличается от старой версии: изменены количество, диаметр и конфигурация отверстий впрыска воздуха. Эти изменения были внесены для повышения качества горения дров в нижней части камеры. Удалось устранить забивание (засорение) камеры тлеющим углем, а также улучшить горение сырых дров и таким образом максимально адаптировать палец к реальным походным условиям, где сухие дрова - редкость. Кроме того, в новой версии камеры  происходит стабильное горение топлива также и в режиме естественной тяги  (с отсоединенным от горелки блоком нагнетания) - эта возможность очень важна для приготовления блюд, которые не требуют интенсивного пламени.         Внешняя оболочка (корпус) горелки "Airwood USB-h BM" имеет закрытое днище , благодаря которому образуется закрытое пространство между двумя стенками горелки (между камерой сгорания и корпусом), то есть весь воздух из блока нагнетания (поддува) гарантированно поступает в камеру сгорания. Таким образом, нет необходимости искать плоскую поверхность для размещения горелки, потому что в таком варианте выполнения горелку можно использовать даже в подвешенном состоянии! Еще одним плюсом горелки с закрытым днищем корпуса является то, что  после ее использования на земле не остаются ожоги, как  после костра.         Для удаления пепла после использования (и остывания) горелки достаточно снять с горелки подставку для посуды и блок подачи воздуха, а затем высыпать пепел из камеры сгорания, перевернув горелку дном вверх. Остатки пепла, которые остались между камерой сгорания и корпусом, легко вытрясти через большое отверстие сбоку корпуса, к которому во время работы горелки подключается блок подачи воздуха.    В данной модели горелки корпус оснащен съемной ручкой-держателем , что позволяет изменить положение (исправить) или переместить горелку во время ее работы (горения). Такая возможность пригодится в случае резкого изменения погоды - можно быстро и безопасно переместить горелку в более защищенное место в случае резкого дождя или порывов ветра.    Характеристики: Материал металла: нержавеющая сталь разных марок и толщины (0,3 мм-0,8 мм); Камера сгорания: ресурс: от 300 до 800 и более часов работы горелки в зависимости от условий хранения и эксплуатации; объем 690 мл; Габаритные размеры: в упакованном состоянии: высота 12 см, диаметр 12 см; во время использования: высота 16 см, диаметр от 12 см до 16 см; Общий вес горелки вместе с чехлом, ручкой-держателем и кабелем USB-DC - 420 грамм.      Комплектация: корпус горелки в сборе с днищем и с камерой сгорания; усиленная жаростойкая складная подставка для посуды; блок нагнетания воздуха с переключателем скорости и разъемом (гнездом) DC (5,5 мм * 2,1 мм) с откидной крышкой-заглушкой для защиты разъема от засорения; съемная ручка-держатель горелки; кабель USB-DC; чехол из прочной водонепроницаемой ткани "Оксфорд"; рекомендации по использованию горелки.
Vendor: BM Easy hike
Crochet Rainbow Heart, Crochet Pattern PDF. Amigurumi Rainbow heart keychain, Rainbow heart ornament, Pride month crochet heart. A cute gift for someone you love do it yourself. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, Increase, Decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Also description and photo of invisible join and invisible decrease. Size approximately 2" (5,5 cm.) You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) or any 4 ply - hook B(2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - metal key chain - needle, scissors You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
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Crochet mini Chef hat and knife pattern. Crochet Pattern PDF. Crochet mini hat for dolls, amigurumis, aplique, scrapbooking etc Size approx. Hat 1 ½” (4 cm.) tall and 2” (5 cm.) in diametr, Knife 1 ½”(4 cm.) This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. This PDF file has 3 pages with with descriptions and pictures of a chef hat and two knives (one color and two colors). It also has Crochet Techniques of Triple invisible decrease and Invisible join. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), any yarn 4ply - hook B (2 mm.) - scissors, needle Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a cowboy hat. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! Kind regards, @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.10 $1.89
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Skull Trio crochet pattern PDF. 3 in 1 Amigurumi Skull keychins Halloween pattern. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! An exciting spooky project for Halloween! These skull keychains will be a cute Halloween small gift for kids, adults. It can be used as hanging decor, as a garland on the wall, as outside decoration in the garden for Halloween party. Size – Approximately 2” (5cm.). This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for intermediate and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description and pictures. Pattern consists of 4 pages, each skull on a separate page. So this will be handy if you need to do only one design. You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans) or any yarn 4 ply. - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - needle, scissors - metal keychain You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$3.70 $3.33
Half a century of excellence! For over 50 years Barenthal has been designating and handcrafting fine cutlery and tableware to the highest standard of quality. Here you have very elegant beaker that is allowing you to brew fresh tea or coffee. It can be used to brew fresh medium to coarse ground coffee. Hot, but not boiling, water could be poured into the pot. With the spout turned away from you, slowly push the plunger down while holding the handle firmly. This glass beaker and filter assembly parts are dishwasher safe, however, its recommended to clean the assembly parts by hand in warm water and rinsed thoroughly.
Vendor: Ron Shop
Bedroom lamps for nightstands, Contemporary table lamps, Industrial style lamps, Light bulb vintage, Industrial retro lighting, Retro lamp Table lamp "Useful find" vendor code 01-12 Height: 36 cm (1ft 2.17in) Weight: 8.7 kg (19lb 2.88oz). Frame diameter: 22 cm (8.66in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. he lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. A lot of things are amazingly skillful. They are complete pieces of art combining a unique exterior as well as grand technique and artistry. Steampunk may be called “technoart” and it is another paradox. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Bedroom night table lamps, Bedside table lights, Edison industrial lighting, Lamps for living room, Designer table lamps online, Steampunk Table lamp "Coryphaeus of circus" vendor code 01-15 Height: 43 cm (1ft 4.93in) Weight: 9.5 kg (0lb 15.1oz). Frame diameter: 22 cm (8.66in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 7.50in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. The Victorian style of steampunk is very eclectic and has involved a lot of elements of historical styles as well as forms and materials which were state-of-the-art for that time. Interior history books call the late Victorian period “brown decades” while a peculiar atmosphere “like in Sherlock Holmes’ flat” has been associated with the English style in general. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Industrial lamps vintage, Retro edison lighting, Antique dining room lighting, Handmade table lamps, Retro vintage lighting, Rustic lamps Table lamp "Mustang pacer" vendor code 01-22 Height: 32 cm (1ft 0.598in) Weight: 9.4 kg (20lb 11.6oz). Frame diameter: 22 cm (8.66in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. Mind you, the unspoken symbol of the style is a gear-wheel. It is not at all meant to exist on its own, i.e. as a separate piece. If not connected with other elements, it becomes unstable in space. It is meant to be dynamic, to pick up chains and move hands of a clock, to spin and hook and to transfer impulses. It is a very philosophical thing in terms of arts. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Hapstone V7 + shipping
Vendor: Hapstone
Hapstone V7 boride set + shipping
Vendor: Hapstone
Set of 3. This bowls ideal for succulent planter, candle holder, air plant or simply as home decor from plaster. Size: 4,8cm х 4.8cm (1.9in х 1.9in) Hole: 3.3cm х 3.3cm(1.3in х 1.3in) Preserved Reindeer Moss. Reindeer Moss has a fresh, soft and spongy feel. This moss adapts to the surrounding humidity : like a sponge. Below a certain humidity level, the lichen becomes dry and brittle. As soon as the humidity level will rise, it will absorb some humidity and recover its flexibility. This doesn’t affect nor its shape nor its color nor its life expectancy. In the respect of the terms of use , the moss will retain its shape, texture and color indefinitely. All products are unique and handmade. Small varation in color and surface is a natural and unique characteristic of the object. Decoration is not included.
Set of 2 planter with moss. This bowls ideal for succulent planter, candle holder, air plant or simply as home decor from concrete. Size: W7.3cm х H4.3cm(W2.8in х H1.7in) Inner size: W4.7cm х H2.8cm(W1.9in х H1.1in) Preserved Reindeer Moss Reindeer Moss has a fresh, soft and spongy feel. This moss adapts to the surrounding humidity : like a sponge. Below a certain humidity level, the lichen becomes dry and brittle. As soon as the humidity level will rise, it will absorb some humidity and recover its flexibility. This doesn’t affect nor its shape nor its color nor its life expectancy. In the respect of the terms of use , the moss will retain its shape, texture and color indefinitely. All products are unique and handmade. Small varation in color and surface is a natural and unique characteristic of the object. Decoration is not included.
Вкладыш толщиной 2,7мм для ленточной пилы Makita LB1200F
The vintage mailbox was made of metal in the USSR in 1970s . The large mail box is in good condition. Vintage - outside and inside has some traces of time, there are scratches and rust. The mailbox is made of durable thick metal, so it will last for many years. Please note that this mailbox can only be opened from the back; there is a lock on the back of the box that can be opened from the back of the mailbox. See the latest photos. Therefore, if you want to use it, the mailbox must be attached to the fence to which you can come from behind. You can use the mailbox to make amazing decor in the house, in the garden, on the farm. Dimensions: - height 14.56 inches (37 cm), - width 9.84 inches (25.5 cm), - depth 2 inches (5 cm). - weight 2000 gr. Please note: -All photo are real. -Real colors may vary slightly from their appearance on the screen. All goods will be packed and shipped by international airmail with tracking number for 1 - 3 days. Delivery usually takes about 1-3 weeks. The buyer pays the customs duties and taxes associated with the delivery to his country. If you buy 2 or more items, this will allow you to save on shipping, but the exact price is unknown, so before buying 2 or more items, contact me. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for visiting my store, I wish you a pleasant day!
Vendor: EraUSSRUA
Vintage mailbox was made of metal in 1981 in the USSR. The large mail box is in good condition. Vintage - outside and inside has some traces of time. This mailbox has been repainted. It can be easily attached to the wall, to the fence or to the door, for this there are two holes in the back of the box. In this retro box there is no lock and key. In order to take out the mail from this mailbox, you will need to hang a small lock where they get the mail. The mailbox is strong and powerful, without dents. You can use the mailbox to make amazing decor in the house, in the garden, on the farm. Dimensions: - height 15.35 inches (39 cm), - width 9.84 inches (25 cm), - depth 3.14 inches (8 cm). - Weight 2200 gr. Please note: -All photo are real. -Real colors may vary slightly from their appearance on the screen. All goods will be packed and shipped by international airmail with tracking number for 1 - 3 days. Delivery usually takes about 1-3 weeks. The buyer pays the customs duties and taxes associated with the delivery to his country. If you buy 2 or more items, this will allow you to save on shipping, but the exact price is unknown, so before buying 2 or more items, contact me. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for visiting my store, I wish you a pleasant day!
Vendor: EraUSSRUA
Vintage hanging washstand made in the USSR in the 1970s. The washbasin is gray, aluminum, has a lid. In working order. Washbasin walls are made of durable metal, so it will serve you for many year. You can use the hanging washstand directly for its intended purpose. Also antique wash basin will be an interesting element in your decor on the kitchen, farm, garden, cafe or your home. Dimensions: - height 6,3 inches (16 cm), - diameter 6,88 inches (17,5 cm), - capacity 3 liters - weight 1500 grams. Please note: -All photo are real. -Real colors may vary slightly from their appearance on the screen. All goods will be packed and shipped by international airmail with tracking number for 1 - 3 days. Delivery usually takes about 1-3 weeks. The buyer pays the customs duties and taxes associated with the delivery to his country. If you buy 2 or more items, this will allow you to save on shipping, but the exact price is unknown, so before buying 2 or more items, contact me. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for visiting my store, I wish you a pleasant day!!!
Vendor: EraUSSRUA
   Hardened wood splitter! We make every  hole!  Screw Splitter !!!   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. We offer seasoned firewood for  domestic and industrial use We produce professional equipment  for processing wood for more than four years Lot includes one new wood splitter  hardened produced from high-quality steel divider is made of 45 steel with a thick tempered and correctly made the tip  which allows you to work for many years without breaking   Default splitter comes with a  left-hand thread if necessary can be supplied with right-hand thread +10$. Two bolts included. Diameter 100 [mm] Overall length 300 [mm] Working length 240 [mm] Diameter bore  28mm  32mm 38mm or yours can be performed any under the  contract. Mounting Type - Counterpressure screw (2 pieces) Steel grade standart-C45 After purchase, please let us know the hole diameter in  millimeters,   We make a screws with different diametres and length. Be free to ask.          Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Items comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.  
Vendor: a-store
   Hardened wood splitter! We make every  hole!  Screw Splitter !!!   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. We offer seasoned firewood for  domestic and industrial use We produce professional equipment  for processing wood for more than four years Lot includes one new wood splitter  hardened produced from high-quality steel divider is made of 45 steel with a thick tempered and correctly made the tip  which allows you to work for many years without breaking   Default splitter comes with a  left-hand thread if necessary can be supplied with right-hand thread +10$. Two bolts included. Diameter 80 [mm] Overall length 280 [mm] Working length 200 [mm] Diameter bore  28mm  32mm 38mm or yours can be performed any under the  contract. Mounting Type - Counterpressure screw (2 pieces) Steel grade standart-C45 After purchase, please let us know the hole diameter in  millimeters, and depth in millimeters. We make a screws with different diametres and length. Be free to ask.          Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Items comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.  
Vendor: a-store
Hardened wood splitter! We make every  hole!  Screw Splitter !!!   We offer seasoned firewood for  domestic and industrial use We produce professional equipment  for processing wood for more than four years Lot includes one new wood splitter  hardened produced from high-quality steel divider is made of 45 steel with a thick tempered and correctly made the tip  which allows you to work for many years without breaking   Default splitter comes with a  left-hand thread if necessary can be supplied with right-hand thread +10$. Two bolts included. Diameter 70 [mm] Overall length 250 [mm] Working length 180 [mm] Diameter bore  28mm  32mm 38mm or yours can be performed any under the  contract. Mounting Type - Counterpressure screw (2 pieces) Steel grade standart-C45 After purchase, please let us know the hole diameter in  millimeters, and depth in millimeters.  We make a screws with different diametres and length. Be free to ask.          Check out our  other items! Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
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Metal Backdrop for any weddings, birthdays, bridal showers, photo booth, cake smash decor, and much more. The arch is easy to collect within 5-10 minutes.This will be a great addition to your wedding. This arch is VERY stable and can hold a lot of decoration! It's not CHINA product. Metal frame measurements (diameter): 2,25 m/ 90" ( passable arch H~2.0 m/ 80", between legs ~ 1,55 m/ 61") Please check the size and color carefully before you buy it.Thank you. Due to manual measurement, there is a certain error ( about 1-3cm ). Different monitors or the intensity of the light, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Material: metal This lot included only metal arch without decorations. the photos shown are just examples. You can hang flowers, LED lights, sheer curtains, or greenery! The options are limitless. If you have any questions write me and i will answer quickly.
Vendor: SacuraShop
$400.00 $360.00
Cutter Head for Wood Jointer Planer . D=295mm B=80mm Made in Ukraine. It is a newer design that uses the concept of carbide insert tooling rather than traditional straight knives installed in the cutter head. Body material - aluminum alloy. Outer Diameter (Body Dia) - 295 mm Cutting Length - 80 mm Bore - 80 mm We can produce a shaper cutter head of any size and any diameter of the hole for your orders. Do not hesitate to ask questions and make requests..
Vendor: Lugmik
Beautiful flowers in the soil
Vendor: Ron Shop
Digital. Many beautiful flowers and trees.
Vendor: Ron Shop
Creative female head planter. Planter size: 16.5cm x 11.5cm x 16.5cm ( 6.5" x 4.5" х 6.5") He is very cool and handmade with love. Each planter is unique and has its own "flaws", which give it a real charm. The planter was cast using very hard, fine plaster. The planter is coated with a decorative velvet-like surface texture with an original metallic and pearlescent effect. Tile planter may have a hook for wall hanging or could be displayed on a table/shelf. It is coated on the inside with a waterproofing compound and therefore can be used as a vase. All my head planters can be seen here Made with love for you. It is ideal for a gift to loved ones.