Personal Care

  BRAND NEW ELECTROACTIVATOR ALKALINE ALIVE AND DEAD WATER  "AP 01" ,   HOME THERAPY RUSSIA    XXI  centure medicine The household activator waters ( electroactivator ) AP1 - easy to use compact apparatus allowing everyone in house conditions of all for 20 minutes to receive about 1,4 litres activated ("alive" and "dead") waters.   For this purpose it is enough to fill a vessel with water, to switch on and through 20-30 minutes to merge already activated water in different vessels. The device is safe , certificated, and consumes electricity 40 watt. The activated water quickly and effectively treats many diseases at that without any "chemistry". It apply in a facilities in a life, in a garden and in a kitchen garden, in the hygienic purposes, in animal industries and poultry farming, etc. Efficiency of action of the activated water is enlarged and consequently, that during an electrolysis "dead" water gets positive, and "alive" - negative electric potential. It becomes as though weak electrolyte which quickly cooperate with liquids of an organism (a gastric juice, a blood, a lymph, an intercellular liquid, etc.). The organism of the person is a power system. The long practice of application of the activated water has confirmed conclusions of scientists to what positive and negative charges of this water rather promote maintenance of power balance of cells.   PROPERTIES OF THE ACTIVATED WATER. "DEAD" WATER (Anolite, acid water, bactericide)  - a colorless liquid with a smell of an acid, acidic, knitting. Its рН = 2,5-3,5. The properties are kept with 1-2 weeks at storage in the closed vessels. "Dead" water - fine bactericide, desinfector. It is possible to gargle a nose, a mouth, a throat at catarrhal diseases, during flu epidemics, after visiting infectious patients, out-patient departments, places of a clump of people. it is possible to disinfect bandage, linen, various container, furniture, even rooms and a ground. This water takes out a blood pressure, abirritates nerves, improves a dream, reduces a joint pain of arms and legs, possesses dissolving action, destroys a fungus, very quickly treats a rhinitis and other. It is useful to gargle a mouth after meal - will not bleed a gum, stones will gradually be dissolved. "ALIVE" WATER (Katolite, alkaline water, a biostimulator)  - very soft, colorless liquid with alkaline taste, рН = 8,5-10,5. After reaction in it deposits - all impurity of water drop out, including both radionuclides and water is cleared. The properties keeps week, at storage in the closed vessel. This water - an excellent stimulator, restores immune system of an organism, provides antioxidatic protection of an organism, especially in a combination to application of vitamins, an energy source. Not vainly it have named "alive" water. It activates bioprocesses of an organism, increases a blood pressure, improves appetite, a metabolism, passage of peep, the general state of health. It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach ulcers and intestines, decubituses, trophic ulcers, combustions. This water softens a skin, gradually smoothes folds, destroys a dandruff, does{makes} hair silky, etc. In "alive" water quickly come to life old flowers and green vegetables and are longly kept, and seeds after soaking in this water sprout more quickly, more amicably, at use - grow is better and give a greater crop.        Specification: Force of a current of an electrolysis, And - 0,2-0,7  Time of activation, mines, no more - 40  Volume of the activated water:  * ANOLITE, liter - 0,3  * KATHOLITE, liter - 0,9  Power consumption, VA, no more - 70  Mass (without activated water), kg, no more - 2,0  Power supply: 220V  with United States and Canada electric outlets110V-120V you will need to converting US voltage 110V AC to 220-240V AC  (you can choose an adaptor HERE).     Integration: 1.Electroactivator "AP1". 2.English instruction manual. 7.Electric power source  8.Original factory factory bag. Special offers for winner! If you purschase this item using Buy It Now, we include for you: 1.English (or German) book "DENAS Therapy Manual", 240 page with many color picture. ( in PDF format on CD ) 2.English (or German) book "DiaDENS Therapy Manual", 138 page with many color picture.( in PDF format on CD ) 2.Video DVD Manual (English, German) for DENS Therapy.   WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you Check out our  other items! Thanks and good luck!   Copyright © 2000-2008  "RITM" Corporation  HERE DiaDENS-PCM FAQ: 1) Are all manuals and videos in english?  Yes all manuals videos and BOOKS in english 2) What type of product support do you offer?  We offer 1 year full manufacturer warranty. 3)Q: Can this be used with United States  and Canada electric outlets 1 1 0 V-120V ? A: you will need to converting US voltage 110V AC to 220-240V AC  (you can choose an adaptor HERE).
Vendor: a-store
D e s c r i p t i o n   The BRAIN & EYES  STIMULATOR   INFRARED VIBRO MAGNET SOUND MASSAGER HI TOP NEW  device is  device possessing unique therapeutic properties.   The   STIMULATOR   therapeutic effect is based on increasing the capillary blood flow and lymph flow through vibration, magnetic stimulation HEAD relaxation . This device is modern working out and is intended for removal of pressure by means of complex influence on a head. Carries out complex interaction operated a computer microchip: infra-red warming up, air pressing , a magnetic field and musical therapy. Mentioning important accupuncture points, improves blood circulation and increases oxygen delivery to cells  of eyes and a brain, makes active exchange processes, reduces Hipertention pressure, improves passableness of vessels of a brain, quickly removes a nervous tension, improves a sleep. Indications Hypertention Improvement of memory, taking out a headache Decrease of folds and signs of stress and weariness Asthenopy Accommodation spasm Far-sightedness) A squint visual exhaustion a computer visual syndrome to schoolboys and students of all educational institutions whose work is connected by that with pressure of sight and a brain whose work connected with work behind the computer, including operators of designers, teachers, Drivers to people with hypostases under the eyes caused by bad blood circulation to people suffering sleeplessness and headaches      Integration: 1. Stimulator  "Breeze BREO 1180"  . 2. Original factory box. 3. English instruction manual. 4. Remote control 5. Electric power source 4pcs AA batteries  6.Electric power source from 110-240V       WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   FOR MORE MEDICAL DEVICES  VISIT OUR STORE ! Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
MIT-C SINGLET-OXYGEN FOAM THERAPY DEVICE REJUVENATION  THERAPY BRAND NEW IN ORIGINAL BOX  XXI centure medicine D e s c r i p t i o n   Apparatus MIT-C is intended for preparation of singlet-oxygen foam by the activation of steams of distilled water by the hard ultraviolet radiation.   Indications for application of singlet-oxygen foam: the apparatus is recommended for treatment, prophylaxis and an after treatment of: Bronchial-pulmonary system (a bronchial asthma, bronchitis); Cardiovascular system (rheumatic disease, an idiopathic hypertension, IBS, a heart failure and a circulatory inefficiency, etc.); Neurological sicknesses (a pathology of a brain vessels, a diencephalic syndrome, a vegeto-vascular dystonia, neurosis, asthenia states); Diabetes; Diseases of kolagenesis (rheumatic disease, etc.); Immune diseases; Infringement of an aerobic exchange. What is Oxygen Therapy? Oxygen therapy is a form of treatment based upon the premise that all harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi (e.g. flu, colds, AIDs, candida albicans and cancerous cells) are anaerobic - they can only thrive in low oxygen environments. Conversely, to maintain good health, the human body requires a rich supply of oxygen. Dr Otto Warburg, twice Nobel laureate was able to prove that cancer cannot grow in an high oxygen environment. He states: ‘Cancer, above all diseases, has countless secondary causes, but there is only one prime cause: the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by anaerobic respiration’. In other words, lack of oxygen. His research revealed that when a cell is denied 60% of its normal requirement of oxygen, it switches to a fermentation mechanism and grows out of control. Researchers have since shown that cancerous growths contract and even disappear when oxygen saturation is sufficiently raised in the fluids surrounding them.  How does it work? According to Dr Warburg, both normal cells and cancer cells derive energy from glucose, but normal cells require oxygen to combine with the glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without oxygen, yielding only 1/15 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell produces. (This explains why people who consume excessive quantities of sugar may be more at risk from cancer). The anaerobic breakdown of glucose by cancer cells forms large amounts of lactic acid. Some of this is converted back into glucose by the liver which in so doing uses one fifth of the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell can, but that still leaves three times more available energy for cancer cells. This wasteful metabolism becomes self-sustaining and dominant unless (a) the cancer’s energy supply is eliminated or (b) oxygen or energy levels to normal cells are significantly increased. In essence, therefore, advocates of oxygen therapy claim that it is the lack of oxygen on a cellular level that is responsible for disease. The greater oxygen levels in our bodies, the more resistant we become to viruses and harmful bacteria. This is the principle upon which oxygen therapy is based.   Causes of oxygen depletion There are a number of reasons why oxygen levels are restricted to human tissue. Environmental: At sea level, approximately 20 per cent of the atmosphere is supposed to be oxygen, but due to the high levels of smog and low numbers of trees in cities, the available amount of oxygen can reduced to 10 per cent. Carbon monoxide fumes from cars strip oxygen molecules from the blood. Tap water is very low in oxygen because its journey through lead pipes and the addition of chlorine and other chemical contaminants prevent it from being aerated. Dietary: Cooking or heating food reduces the oxygen content in vegetables and fruits, and processed foods have little or no oxygen content. In 1961, Dr R.A. Holman M.D., senior lecturer in Bacteriology, School of Medicine at the University of Wales stated that the answer to cancer lies in ‘the fundamental catalase-peroxide mechanism of our own cells’... ‘to this end, it is urgently required that a concerted effort be made at an international level to curtail the intake of catalase-inhibiting agents, whether in the air, food, drink, drugs or radiation to which we are exposed.’ He went on to suggest that ‘this plan should be coupled with a campaign to increase the intake of catalase by the consumption of fresh, living foodstuffs together with a re-education of man to use his animal body in the way for which it was designed’.(1) This, of course, supports the current day notion that a diet high in fibre made up largely from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables together with moderate aerobic exercise and adequate rest and relaxation is the best prescription for health. However, once the body’s natural defence systems have been broken down through an unhealthy lifestyle, there comes a point when patients are unable to obtain sufficient oxygen through diet and lifestyle to regain health. And, perhaps this is where oxygen therapy offers potential help.   What is involved in Oxygen therapy? There are two main methods of Oxygen therapy is through Hydogen Peroxide and Ozone treatment. Ozone treatment Ozone treatment involves forcing oxygen through a metal tube carrying a 300 volt charge. A pint of blood is then drawn from the patient and placed into an infusion bottle. Ozone is then forced int the bottle and mixed so that the ozone molecues dissolve into the blood and, in so doing, destroy all lipid-envelope virus and many disease organisms, but leave the blood unharmed. The treated blood is then returned to the patient. It is claimed that the treated blood transfers its virucidal properties to the rest of the patient’s blood as it disperses. Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide, when exposed to your blood or other body fluids containing the enzyme ‘catalase’ is chemically split into oxygen and water. Many people have experienced the foaming effect produced by putting hydrogen peroxide on a wound; the foam is oxygen being produced by the action of catalase on the hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide may be injected directly into the bloodstream or taken orally. In the USA, licenced physicians administer injections. However, a much simpler method of oxygen therapy is oral administration, the only drawback being the somewhat bleachy, unpleasant taste. Did you know... that, in Nature, rain, snow and droplets on plants have all been shown to contain small concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide. The rishest natural source of peroxidase in plants are horseradish, potatoes and chestnuts.   Glossary of terms used  in Oxygen therapy Many people are confused over the meanings of very similar sounding terms relating to Oxygen Therapy so we have listed below a brief glossary: Oxygen: A colourless, odourless gas, forming about 20% of the atmosphere. It supports combustion and is indispensable to life. Inhalations are given in cases of cyanosis and shock. Applied also in the form of hydrogen peroxide to ulcers and septic wounds. Ozone: O3. An oxidizing agent sometimes used as a disinfectant. Oxidant: An oxidising agent. Antioxidant: A Chemical which neutralise an oxidising agent. Oxidize: Cause to combine with oxygen. Oxidation, Oxidisation:The chemical combination of oxygen with a substance producing oxides, etc. Can also denote a reduction in the hydrogen content of a molecule, or a loss of electrons from an atom or molecule resulting in an increased ability to take up oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide: A valuable non-irritating and non-poisonous antiseptic. It effervesces in the presence of pus due to the liberation of oxygen. Usual strength 10 volumes, i.e. it contains ten times its volume of available oxygen. Important Notice: Just as vitamin A is essential for our health and well-being but in too high amounts can be toxic to the liver and, in extreme cases, life-threatening, high doses of Hydrogen Peroxide can also be extremely dangerous - it comes in a number of different grades containing various stabilizing agents. It is therefore extremely important not to self administer Hydrogen Peroxide without seeking professional advice.   Foam Therapy Renaissance for Varicose Veins By Jessica Ross for Veins1 Dr. Charles McCollum and colleagues at Wynthenshawe Hospital of Manchester, UK, represent a growing trend in varicose vein research: the revitalization of foam therapy. A variation on the more traditional [chemical] sclerotherapy, the use of foam injections to alleviate varicose veins was actually introduced decades ago in Europe, during the early 1940s. This avenue for research stayed relatively dormant until recent years, when foam therapy reemerged as an area for scientific research. These clinical studies have resulted in a refinement of technique that could ultimately drive foam therapy to the forefront of varicose vein treatment methods. Often hereditary, varicose veins occur in 20% of the adult population and are most prevalent in older women. In general, veins function to return blood to the heart. Systemic veins, such as the ones in our legs, return deoxygenated blood to the heart. Deoxygenated blood appears blue. The pressure of blood in veins is usually low but must be sufficient to overcome the influence of gravity on blood. Veins have valves that normally prevent the back flow of blood. Over time, veins can distend or widen and the valves may become incompetent. Pregnancy, obesity and blood clots are examples of conditions that increase venous pressure and promote the development of varicose veins. Incompetent valves result in the backward flow of blood and pooling of blood in segments of veins. With time, these veins enlarge, become tortuous or twisted and become more visible under the skin. Because leg veins carry deoxygenated blood, they appear blue. For some, varicose veins merely constitute a cosmetic problem. However, many people experience symptoms due to varicose veins. Varicosities may become clotted, inflamed, and/or lead to chronic skin inflammation (stasis dermatitis) and leg ulcers. The traditional treatments for varicose veins include elevating the legs and using compression stockings to more invasive procedures such as traditional (chemical) sclerotherapy or vein stripping. In chemical sclerotherapy, small or medium varicose veins are injected with a solution that scars and obstructs the "problem" vein(s), forcing the blood to develop new, better functioning pathways. Vein stripping removes long, problematic veins through a series of small incisions, creating similar circulatory detours. These treatments can be effective but are also associated with adverse events. Sclerotherapy may cause skin and tissue death, nerve injury, allergic reactions, infection, and blood clots, among other complications. Potential complications of vein stripping include nerve injury, infection, and the risks associated with anesthesia. Laser therapy is available to treat some abnormalities of very superficial veins. However, this approach is not usually beneficial in the treatment of large varicose veins of the legs. Traditional sclerotherapy utilizes a liquid agent to treat the veins. Once injected, some of the solution may be transported via blood away from the varicosity. Foam injection is an approach that overcomes this problem. After local anesthesia is administered to the patient, the vein is visualized with an ultrasound device. Foam containing the traditional chemical sclerotherapy agents (such as sodium tetradecylsulfate) with a significant portion of oxygen, is injected into the vein. Unlike sclerotherapy solutions, foam tends to remain at the injection site. The foam contains pockets of oxygen. As the foam forces blood out of the problem vein, the oxygen pockets simultaneously dissolve into the bloodstream, causing the vein to deflate and lie flat. The results of several recent clinical studies have further reinvigorated this foam therapy renaissance. In one such study, an Italian team conducted a 3-year study of 453 patients, who all received sclerosing foam for large, medium or small varicose veins (Frullini A, and Cavezzi A, 2002). The authors found success rates of 88.1% and 93.3% for two variations of foam employed, and even more significantly, observed very low incidence of major complications. Similarly, an early 2004 New Zealand study reported that, “foam sclerotherapy is effective in treating varicose veins with high patient satisfaction with results and improvement in quality of life.” (Barrett JM, et al., 2004). In turn, the McCollum group at Wynthenshawe Hospital plans to further verify the safety of the foam method and will employ ultrasound technology to ascertain the biological fate of these critical, numerous oxygen pockets. Short-term complications of foam therapy are similar to those of traditional sclerotherapy. Studies evaluating the long term effectiveness and safety of foam therapy are in progress. Ultimately, this revitalization in foam sclerotherapy research represents a new direction in varicose vein therapy that will hopefully result in a low risk, yet highly effective, treatment option.   Specifications: Total power of an optical stream of the activator - 4 W; Two channels; Continuous operating mode; Volume of a created mixture per 1 minute - 2 l; Volume of singlet-oxygen foam that the apparatus can create from 1 l of a solution - 10-17 l; Volume of filled distilled water - 2x35 ml; Volume of a liquid that is filled in a tank for preparations of foam - 800 ml; A supply voltage - 220 VAC, 50 Hz; A power consumption no more - 150 W; Mass  - 15 kg; Dimensions - 500х 300х430mm. This is like you have  own doctor at home  !     Supply voltage or Europe Australia and other countries  AС 220 V 50 Hz.+- 15% for USA Canada e.t.c  AC  110V 60Hz +- 15%   Integration: 1.Device. 2.Original factory box. 3.English instruction manual. 4.110V to 220V adapter (for USA Canada and other country customers with 110V ) Special offers for winner! If you purschase this item using Buy It Now, You will obtain discount 5% for any therapy devices in our store   WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   FOR MORE MEDICAL DEVICES VISIT OUR STORE ! Thanks and good luck! HERE IS FAQ: 1) Q: Can this be used with United States and Canada electric outlets110V-120V ? A: Yes. you will need an adapter  we will provide all our devices with this adapters for free.     ATTENTION FOR VERO AGENTS  ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "DUNE-ECO" CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY Copyright © 2003-2004  "DUNE-ECO" Corporation  Distributor # 222356
Vendor: a-store
STIMULATOR DUNE NEW  PHOTO REJUV           MIT-C 2 singlet-oxygen foam therapy DE VICE REJUVENATION  THERAPY BRAND NEW IN ORIGINAL BOX   XXI centure  medicine       D e s c r i p t  i o n     Apparatus “MIT-C2" is intended for preparation of singlet-oxygen foam by the activation of steams of distilled water by the hard ultraviolet radiation.   Indications for application of singlet-oxygen foam: the  apparatus is recommended for treatment, prophylaxis and an  after treatment of: Bronchial-pulmonary  system (a bronchial asthma, bronchitis); Cardiovascular system  (rheumatic disease, an idiopathic hypertension, IBS, a  heart failure and a circulatory inefficiency, etc.); Neurological sicknesses  (a pathology of a brain vessels, a diencephalic  syndrome, a vegeto-vascular dystonia, neurosis, asthenia  states); Diabetes; Diseases of kolagenesis  (rheumatic disease, etc.); Immune diseases; Infringement of an  aerobic exchange. What is Oxygen  Therapy? Oxygen therapy is a form of treatment based upon the premise  that all harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi (e.g. flu,  colds, AIDs, candida albicans and cancerous cells) are  anaerobic - they can only thrive in low oxygen environments.  Conversely, to maintain good health, the human body requires  a rich supply of oxygen. Dr Otto Warburg, twice  Nobel laureate was able to prove that cancer cannot grow in  an high oxygen environment. He states: ‘Cancer, above all  diseases, has countless secondary causes, but there is only  one prime cause: the prime cause of cancer is the  replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by  anaerobic respiration’. In other words, lack of oxygen. His  research revealed that when a cell is denied 60% of its  normal requirement of oxygen, it switches to a fermentation  mechanism and grows out of control. Researchers have since  shown that cancerous growths contract and even disappear  when oxygen saturation is sufficiently raised in the fluids  surrounding them.   How  does it work? According to Dr Warburg,  both normal cells and cancer cells derive energy from  glucose, but normal cells require oxygen to combine with the  glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without  oxygen, yielding only 1/15 the energy per glucose molecule  that a normal cell produces. (This explains why people who  consume excessive quantities of sugar may be more at risk  from cancer). The anaerobic  breakdown of glucose by cancer cells forms large amounts of  lactic acid. Some of this is converted back into glucose by  the liver which in so doing uses one fifth of the energy per  glucose molecule that a normal cell can, but that still  leaves three times more available energy for cancer cells.  This wasteful metabolism becomes self-sustaining and  dominant unless (a) the cancer’s energy supply is eliminated  or (b) oxygen or energy levels to normal cells are  significantly increased. In essence, therefore,  advocates of oxygen therapy claim that it is the lack of  oxygen on a cellular level that is responsible for disease.  The greater oxygen levels in our bodies, the more resistant  we become to viruses and harmful bacteria. This is the  principle upon which oxygen therapy is based.   Causes of oxygen depletion There are a number of reasons why oxygen levels are  restricted to human tissue. Environmental: At sea level, approximately 20 per cent of the atmosphere is  supposed to be oxygen, but due to the high levels of smog  and low numbers of trees in cities, the available amount of  oxygen can reduced to 10 per cent. Carbon monoxide fumes  from cars strip oxygen molecules from the blood. Tap water is very low  in oxygen because its journey through lead pipes and the  addition of chlorine and other chemical contaminants prevent  it from being aerated. Dietary: Cooking or heating food  reduces the oxygen content in vegetables and fruits, and  processed foods have little or no oxygen content. In 1961,  Dr R.A. Holman M.D., senior lecturer in Bacteriology, School  of Medicine at the University of Wales stated that the  answer to cancer lies in ‘the fundamental catalase-peroxide  mechanism of our own cells’... ‘to this end, it is urgently  required that a concerted effort be made at an international  level to curtail the intake of catalase-inhibiting agents,  whether in the air, food, drink, drugs or radiation to which  we are exposed.’ He went on to suggest that ‘this plan  should be coupled with a campaign to increase the intake of  catalase by the consumption of fresh, living foodstuffs  together with a re-education of man to use his animal body  in the way for which it was designed’.(1) This, of course,  supports the current day notion that a diet high in fibre  made up largely from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables  together with moderate aerobic exercise and adequate rest  and relaxation is the best prescription for health. However,  once the body’s natural defence systems have been broken  down through an unhealthy lifestyle, there comes a point  when patients are unable to obtain sufficient oxygen through  diet and lifestyle to regain health. And, perhaps this is  where oxygen therapy offers potential help.   What is involved in Oxygen  therapy? There are two main methods of Oxygen therapy is through  Hydogen Peroxide and Ozone treatment. Ozone  treatment Ozone treatment involves forcing oxygen through a metal tube  carrying a 300 volt charge. A pint of blood is then drawn  from the patient and placed into an infusion bottle. Ozone  is then forced int the bottle and mixed so that the ozone  molecues dissolve into the blood and, in so doing, destroy  all lipid-envelope virus and many disease organisms, but  leave the blood unharmed. The treated blood is then returned  to the patient. It is claimed that the treated blood  transfers its virucidal properties to the rest of the  patient’s blood as it disperses. Hydrogen  peroxide Hydrogen peroxide, when  exposed to your blood or other body fluids containing the  enzyme ‘catalase’ is chemically split into oxygen and water.  Many people have experienced the foaming effect produced by  putting hydrogen peroxide on a wound; the foam is oxygen  being produced by the action of catalase on the hydrogen  peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide may  be injected directly into the bloodstream or taken orally.  In the USA, licenced physicians administer injections.  However, a much simpler method of oxygen therapy is oral  administration, the only drawback being the somewhat bleachy,  unpleasant taste. Did you know... that, in Nature,  rain, snow and droplets on plants have all been shown to  contain small concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide. The  rishest natural source of peroxidase in plants are  horseradish, potatoes and chestnuts.   Glossary of terms used  in  Oxygen therapy Many people are confused over the meanings of very  similar sounding terms relating to Oxygen Therapy so we have  listed below a brief glossary: Oxygen: A colourless,  odourless gas, forming about 20% of the atmosphere. It  supports combustion and is indispensable to life.  Inhalations are given in cases of cyanosis and shock.  Applied also in the form of hydrogen peroxide to ulcers and  septic wounds. Ozone: O3. An oxidizing agent sometimes used as a  disinfectant. Oxidant: An oxidising agent. Antioxidant: A Chemical which neutralise an oxidising  agent. Oxidize: Cause to combine with oxygen. Oxidation, Oxidisation: The chemical combination of  oxygen with a substance producing oxides, etc. Can also  denote a reduction in the hydrogen content of a molecule, or  a loss of electrons from an atom or molecule resulting in an  increased ability to take up oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide: A valuable non-irritating and  non-poisonous antiseptic. It effervesces in the presence of  pus due to the liberation of oxygen. Usual strength 10  volumes, i.e. it contains ten times its volume of available  oxygen. Important Notice: Just as vitamin  A is essential for our health and well-being but in too high  amounts can be toxic to the liver and, in extreme cases,  life-threatening, high doses of Hydrogen Peroxide can also  be extremely dangerous - it comes in a number of different  grades containing various stabilizing agents. It is  therefore extremely important not to self administer  Hydrogen Peroxide without seeking professional advice.   Foam Therapy Renaissance  for Varicose Veins By Jessica Ross for Veins1 Dr. Charles McCollum and colleagues at Wynthenshawe Hospital  of Manchester, UK, represent a growing trend in varicose  vein research: the revitalization of foam therapy. A  variation on the more traditional [chemical] sclerotherapy , the use of foam injections to alleviate  varicose veins was actually introduced decades ago in  Europe, during the early 1940s. This avenue for research  stayed relatively dormant until recent years, when foam  therapy reemerged as an area for scientific research. These  clinical studies have resulted in a refinement of technique  that could ultimately drive foam therapy to the forefront of  varicose vein treatment methods. Often hereditary, varicose veins occur in 20% of the adult population and  are most prevalent in older women. In general, veins  function to return blood to the heart. Systemic veins, such  as the ones in our legs, return deoxygenated blood to the  heart. Deoxygenated blood appears blue. The pressure of  blood in veins is usually low but must be sufficient to  overcome the influence of gravity on blood. Veins have  valves that normally prevent the back flow of blood. Over  time, veins can distend or widen and the valves may become  incompetent. Pregnancy, obesity and blood clots are examples  of conditions that increase venous pressure and promote the  development of varicose veins. Incompetent valves result in  the backward flow of blood and pooling of blood in segments  of veins. With time, these veins enlarge, become tortuous or  twisted and become more visible under the skin. Because leg  veins carry deoxygenated blood, they appear blue. For some,  varicose veins merely constitute a cosmetic problem.  However, many people experience symptoms due to varicose  veins. Varicosities may become clotted, inflamed, and/or  lead to chronic skin inflammation (stasis dermatitis) and  leg ulcers. The traditional treatments for varicose  veins include elevating the legs and using compression  stockings to more invasive procedures such as traditional  (chemical) sclerotherapy or vein stripping. In chemical  sclerotherapy, small or medium varicose veins are injected  with a solution that scars and obstructs the "problem"  vein(s), forcing the blood to develop new, better  functioning pathways. Vein stripping removes long,  problematic veins through a series of small incisions,  creating similar circulatory detours. These treatments can  be effective but are also associated with adverse events.  Sclerotherapy may cause skin and tissue death, nerve injury,  allergic reactions, infection, and blood clots, among other  complications. Potential complications of vein stripping  include nerve injury, infection, and the risks associated  with anesthesia. Laser therapy is available to treat some  abnormalities of very superficial veins. However, this  approach is not usually beneficial in the treatment of large  varicose veins of the legs. Traditional sclerotherapy utilizes a  liquid agent to treat the veins. Once injected, some of the  solution may be transported via blood away from the  varicosity. Foam injection is an approach that overcomes  this problem. After local anesthesia is administered to the  patient, the vein is visualized with an ultrasound device.  Foam containing the traditional chemical sclerotherapy  agents (such as sodium tetradecylsulfate) with a significant  portion of oxygen, is injected into the vein. Unlike  sclerotherapy solutions, foam tends to remain at the  injection site. The foam contains pockets of oxygen. As the  foam forces blood out of the problem vein, the oxygen  pockets simultaneously dissolve into the bloodstream,  causing the vein to deflate and lie flat. The results of several recent clinical  studies have further reinvigorated this foam therapy  renaissance. In one such study, an Italian team conducted a  3-year study of 453 patients, who all received sclerosing  foam for large, medium or small varicose veins (Frullini A,  and Cavezzi A, 2002). The authors found success rates of  88.1% and 93.3% for two variations of foam employed, and  even more significantly, observed very low incidence of  major complications. Similarly, an early 2004 New Zealand  study reported that, “foam sclerotherapy is effective in  treating varicose veins with high patient satisfaction with  results and improvement in quality of life.” (Barrett JM, et  al., 2004). In turn, the McCollum group at Wynthenshawe  Hospital plans to further verify the safety of the foam  method and will employ ultrasound technology to ascertain  the biological fate of these critical, numerous oxygen  pockets. Short-term complications of foam therapy  are similar to those of traditional sclerotherapy. Studies  evaluating the long term effectiveness and safety of foam  therapy are in progress. Ultimately, this revitalization in foam  sclerotherapy research represents a new direction in  varicose vein therapy that will hopefully result in a low  risk, yet highly effective, treatment option.   Specifications: Total power of an optical  stream of the activator - 4 W; Continuous operating  mode; Volume of a created  mixture per 1 minute - 7 l; Volume of singlet-oxygen  foam that the apparatus can create from 1 l of a  solution - 10-17 l; Volume of filled  distilled water - 1x25 ml; Volume of a liquid that  is filled in a tank for preparations of foam - 1000 ml; A supply voltage - 220  VAC, 50 Hz; A power consumption no  more - 45 W; Mass no more - 5 kg; Dimensions - 25х 35х  35 cm. This is like you have  own doctor at home  !     Suppl y voltage or Europe Australia and other countries  A С 220 V 50 Hz.+- 15% for USA Canada e.t.c  AC   110V 60Hz +- 15%   Integration: 1.Device. 2.Original factory box. 3.English instruction manual. 4.110V to 220V adapter (for USA Canada and other country  customers with 110V ) Special offers for winner! If you purschase this  item using Buy It Now, You will obtain discount 5% for any  therapy devices in our store   WHOLESALE  buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you    FOR MORE MEDICAL  DEVICES VISIT  OUR STORE ! Thanks and good luck!             HERE IS FAQ:             1) Q: Can this be used with United States and Canada electric outlets 1 1 0 V-120V ? A: Yes. you will need an CONVERTER FROM 110v to 220V           ATTENTION FOR  VERO AGENTS  ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "DUNE-ECO"  CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY Copyright © 2003-2004  "DUNE-ECO" Corporation   Distributor # 222356 Shipping Details:    Item   will be carefully packed  (box package). The items will  be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered  priority airmail Delivery typically takes 5 to 10 days (about  a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of  shipment email to us . ALL  international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: US $59 .00 WE WILL  COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING   Guarantee  of qualitative packing 1 year full guarantee:   We  guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an  item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received  damaged or defective, we will  refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with  identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing,  otherwise it won't be accepted.    
Vendor: a-store
ALKALIZER ALKALINE WATER IONIZER Household Activator (electrical activator) of water AP-1   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.   The household activator waters (electroactivator) AP1 - easy to use compact apparatus allowing everyone in house conditions of all for 20 minutes to receive about 1,4 litres activated ("alive" and "dead") waters. For this purpose it is enough to fill a vessel with water, to switch on and through 20-30 minutes to merge already activated water in different vessels. The device is safe , certificated, and consumes electricity 40 watt. The activated water quickly and effectively treats many diseases at that without any "chemistry". It apply in a facilities in a life, in a garden and in a kitchen garden, in the hygienic purposes, in animal industries and poultry farming, etc. Efficiency of action of the activated water is enlarged and consequently, that during an electrolysis "dead" water gets positive, and "alive" - negative electric potential. It becomes as though weak electrolyte which quickly cooperate with liquids of an organism (a gastric juice, a blood, a lymph, an intercellular liquid, etc.). The organism of the person is a power system. The long practice of application of the activated water has confirmed conclusions of scientists to what positive and negative charges of this water rather promote maintenance of power balance of cells. SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. Power supply voltage , In/Hz - 220/50 2.2. Current intensity of electrolysis, А- 0,2-0,7 2.3. Activation time, min, not more than - 40 2.4. Dimension of activated water: * anolyte, л- 0,3 * catholyte, л- 0,9 2.5. Input power, volt-ampere, not more than - 70 2.6. Weight (without water for activation), kg, not more than - 2,0   3. COMPLETENESS. 3.1. Activator (electrical activator) AP-1 amendment 01, piece 1 3.2. Operating Manual, piece - 1 3.3. Packing, piece - 1 3.4. Fusing plug VP1-1 А, piece - 1 3.5. Measurement of 1 gramm of sodium salt, pieces – 1 4. SYSTEM AND OPERATING PRINCIPLE. 4.1. Activator (electrical activator)consists from four main parts (fig. 1): - power adapter (position. 1); - main capacity (position.2); - Ceramic glass (position 3),inserting in the main capacity: - dis mountable upper cap (position.4) with electrolysis. 4.2. Power adapter (pos.1) represent by itself transformer source of direct current with a defense fromoverloading on the primary and secondary objectives. 4.3. The main capacity (pos. 2) ismade from edible plastic. Catholyte – “water of life” is forming during the process of electrolysis. 4.4. The Ceramic glass (pos.3) executes the function of the diaphragm between cathode and anode. Anolyte - "dead" water is forming in it. 4.5. In lower part of lid (pos.4) on the mount from insulating material are installed electrodes - two anodes with special chemical steadfast covering (black) and two cathodes from edible stainless steel (light). The electrodes in process of the usage, due to use of special materials, are not subjected to the electrochemical destruction.   PROPERTIES OF THE ACTIVATED WATER. "DEAD" WATER (Anolite, acid water, bactericide) - a colorless liquid with a smell of an acid, acidic, knitting. Its рН = 2,5-3,5. The properties are kept with 1-2 weeks at storage in the closed vessels. "Dead" water - fine bactericide, desinfector. It is possible to gargle a nose, a mouth, a throat at catarrhal diseases, during flu epidemics, after visiting infectious patients, out-patient departments, places of a clump of people. it is possible to disinfect bandage, linen, various container, furniture, even rooms and a ground. This water takes out a blood pressure, abirritates nerves, improves a dream, reduces a joint pain of arms and legs, possesses dissolving action, destroys a fungus, very quickly treats a rhinitis and other. It is useful to gargle a mouth after meal - will not bleed a gum, stones will gradually be dissolved. "ALIVE" WATER (Katolite, alkaline water, a biostimulator) - very soft, colorless liquid with alkaline taste, рН = 8,5-10,5. After reaction in it deposits - all impurity of water drop out, including both radionuclides and water is cleared. The properties keeps week, at storage in the closed vessel. This water - an excellent stimulator, restores immune system of an organism, provides antioxidatic protection of an organism, especially in a combination to application of vitamins, an energy source. Not vainly it have named "alive" water. It activates bioprocesses of an organism, increases a blood pressure, improves appetite, a metabolism, passage of peep, the general state of health. It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach ulcers and intestines, decubituses, trophic ulcers, combustions. This water softens a skin, gradually smoothes folds, destroys a dandruff, does{makes} hair silky, etc. In "alive" water quickly come to life old flowers and green vegetables and are longly kept, and seeds after soaking in this water sprout more quickly, more amicably, at use - grow is better and give a greater crop.   # Area of use Method of treatment Medical effect 1. Adenoma of prostate gland The whole course of the treatment - 8 days. To drink 1/2 glasses of water of life 1 hour before meal, 4 times per day, (fourth time - at night). If blood pressure is normal then to the end of the course of the treatment possible to drink one glass. The sexual relations should not be stopped. Sometimes necessary repeat course of the treatment. It should be conducted one month after the first course, but better continue the treatment without break. In process of the treatment useful to do the tripsis of perineum, on night to put on perineum the compress   from water of life, beforehand having moistened that place by the "dead" water. Also desirable are enemas from warm water of life. As well useful is the the bicycle riding, also candles from bandage, moistened by water of life. The pains pass after 4-5 days, decrease the tumor and urges to urinate. Together with urine can come out small red particles. Improves the digestion, appetite. 2. Allergy Three days through, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by the "dead" water. After each gargling, through 10 minutes to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. Enanthsis (if there is) moisten by "dead" water. The disease usually disappears after 2-3 days Procedure is recommended to repeat for preventive treatment. 3. Strep throat and catarrh of upper air passages; ARD During three days, 6-7 times per day, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by warmed "dead" water. Through 10 minutes after each gargling to drink 1/4 glasses of water of life. The temperature decreases at the first day. Disease Itself passes during 3 days or earlier. 4. Pain in hands and legs joints. Tophus Two-three day 3 times per day 1/2 hours before meal to drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water, do compresses with it on sore spots. Water for compresses to heat to 40-45 degrees С. Usually, the pain passes during the first two days. Reduces the pressure, improves the sleep, normalizes condition of the nervous system. 5. Spasmodic asthma; English disease During three days, 4-5 times per day, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by warmed "dead" water. After 10 minutes. after each gargling to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. If no noticeable improvement appears - do inhalation with "dead" water: 1 l of water to heat to 70-80   С and breathe its steam during 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times per day. The last inhalation can be done by water of life with soda. Decrease the urges to coughing, improves the general state. If required, course of the treatment to repeat. 6. Hepatitis The course of the treatment - 4 days. At the first day 4 times before meal to drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water. At the last days in similar mode to drink water of life. Pain passes, the inflammatory process stops. 7. Amyctic of large intestine (colitis) In the first day better eat nothing. During the day 3-4 times drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water concentration in 2,0 pH. The disease passes during 2 days. 8. Gastritis During three days, 3 times per day, 1/2 hours before meal to drink water of life. At the first day 1/4 glasses, in rest 1/2 glasses. If required possible drink another 3-4 days. The pains in belly pass, decreases acidity, improves the appetite and general state. 9. Hemorrhoid, rifts of the anus Before beginning of the treatment, visit the toilet, carefully wash anus, breakups, nodes by warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. After 7-8 minutes to apply the lotions by quilted-gauzed tampon, moistened by water of life. This procedure, changing tampons, repeat during the day 6-8 times. At night to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. At the period of the treatment to avoid eating hot and roasted food, advisable eat easy assimilated food, for example, porridges and boiled potatoes. Stops the bleeding, ulcers heal during 3-4 day. 10. Herpes ( Cold ) Before treatment carefully gargle the mouth cavity and nose by "dead" water and drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water. Tear off the bleb with the content of herpes by the cotton wool, moistened by the heated "dead" water. Furthermore, during the day 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes to put the tampon, moistened by "dead" water to affected place. On the second day to drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water, repeat the gargling. The tampon moistened in "dead" water to put to the appeared crust 3-4 times per day. You should be a little bit patient, when tear off the bleb. Burning pain and itch stop during 2-3 hours. H erpes passes during 2-3 days. 11. Worms ( helminthosis ) Do the cleansing enemas, first - by "dead" water and after an hour - by water of life. During the day drink every hour two third glasses of "dead" water. The following day for restoring of health drink 0,5 glasses of water of life half-hour before meal. The general state can be not very well. If after 2 days recovery has not approached, then repeat procedure. 12. Septic wounds, deep-rooted fistulas, post-operation wounds, bed sores, trophic ulcers, abscessus T o wash the affected areas by warmed "dead" water and give to dry out, not wiping . Then, after 5-6 minutes to moisten wounds by warm water of life . Repeat this procedure now only with water of life during the day not less than 5-6 times . If pu rulence again continues to effuse , tha n necessary again to process wounds by the "dead" water, and then, before healing, put the tampons with water of life . At the process of bed sores treatment is recommended to put sick on linen sheet. Wounds are cleaned, dry, begins their quick healing, usually during 4-5 days they are completely skined over . Tro phic ulcers heal long er . 13. Cephalagia If head ache from bruise, concussions, then moisten it  by water of life. In case of usual headache moisten the aching part of head and drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water. For the majority of the people headache stops during 40-50 minutes. 14. Fungus The affected by the fungus areas first carefully wash by hot water with laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. During the day moisten by "dead" water 5-6 times and give to dry not wiping . Socks and towel s launder and soak in "dead" water. Similarly (possible once) disinfect the footwear - suffuse in it " dead " water and hold 20 minutes. The fungus disappears during 4-5 days. Sometimes procedure is necessary to repeat. 15. Influenza Gargle the nose, throat, mouth cavity by heat ed "dead" water 6-8 times per day. At night to drink 1/2 glass of water of life . In the first day of the treatment is recommended to eat nothing . Usually, influenza passes during the day, sometimes two. I ts consequences are r elieved . 16. Diathesis All eruptions, bulges moisten by "dead" water and give to dry out. Then do the compresses with water of life for 10-5 minutes. To repeat t he p rocedure 3-4 times per day. The affected areas heal during 2-3 days. 17. Dysentery In this day better to eat nothing. During the day 3-4 times drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water " kick "  2,0 pH. Dysentery passes during the day. 18. Biliousness ( Hepatitis ) 3-4 days on 4-5 times per day 1/2 hours before meal to drink 1/2 glass of water of life . After 5-6 days visit a doctor . In case of necessity to continue treatment. Improves the general state, appears the appetite, restore s natural color of the face . 19. Foots odor Wash foots by warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. Give to dry out, not wiping. After 8-10 minutes to moisten the foots by water of life and, not wiping, give to dry. To repeat the procedure during 2-3 days. In addition possible cure the socks and footwear by "dead" water. The unpleasant odor disappears. 20. Retention of feces Drink 0,5 glass of water of life. Possible do the enema from warm water of life. Retention of feces passes 21. Toothache . Periodontosis Gargle the teethes after meal by warmed "dead" water, during 15-20 minutes. In process of teeth cleaning to use instead of usual water - water of life . In case of   dental calculus , clean the teeth es by "dead" water and after 10 minutes to gargle the mouth by water of life . In case of periodontosis gargle t he mouth after meal by "dead" water several times. Then gargle the mouth by water of life . Clean t he teeth's only at night. The p rocedure to
Vendor: a-store
ALKALIZER ALKALINE WATER IONIZER WITH  INDICATOR Household Activator (electrical activator) of water AP-1   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.   The household activator waters (electroactivator) AP1 WITH  INDICATOR - easy to use compact apparatus allowing everyone in house conditions of all for 20 minutes to receive about 1,4 litres activated ("alive" and "dead") waters.   For this purpose it is enough to fill a vessel with water, to switch on and through 20-30 minutes to merge already activated water in different vessels. The device is safe , certificated, and consumes electricity 40 watt. The activated water quickly and effectively treats many diseases at that without any "chemistry". It apply in a facilities in a life, in a garden and in a kitchen garden, in the hygienic purposes, in animal industries and poultry farming, etc. Efficiency of action of the activated water is enlarged and consequently, that during an electrolysis "dead" water gets positive, and "alive" - negative electric potential. It becomes as though weak electrolyte which quickly cooperate with liquids of an organism (a gastric juice, a blood, a lymph, an intercellular liquid, etc.). The organism of the person is a power system. The long practice of application of the activated water has confirmed conclusions of scientists to what positive and negative charges of this water rather promote maintenance of power balance of cells. SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. Power supply voltage , In/Hz - 220/50 2.2. Current intensity of electrolysis, А- 0,2-0,7 2.3. Activation time, min, not more than - 40 2.4. Dimension of activated water: * anolyte, л- 0,3 * catholyte, л- 0,9 2.5. Input power, volt-ampere, not more than - 70 2.6. Weight (without water for activation), kg, not more than - 2,0   3. COMPLETENESS. 3.1. Activator (electrical activator) AP-1 amendment 01, piece 1 3.2. Operating Manual, piece - 1 3.3. Packing, piece - 1 3.4. Fusing plug VP1-1 А, piece - 1 3.5. Measurement of 1 gramm of sodium salt, pieces – 1 4. SYSTEM AND OPERATING PRINCIPLE. 4.1. Activator (electrical activator)consists from four main parts (fig. 1): - power adapter (position. 1); - main capacity (position.2); - Ceramic glass (position 3),inserting in the main capacity: - dis mountable upper cap (position.4) with electrolysis. 4.2. Power adapter (pos.1) represent by itself transformer source of direct current with a defense fromoverloading on the primary and secondary objectives. 4.3. The main capacity (pos. 2) ismade from edible plastic. Catholyte – “water of life” is forming during the process of electrolysis. 4.4. The Ceramic glass (pos.3) executes the function of the diaphragm between cathode and anode. Anolyte - "dead" water is forming in it. 4.5. In lower part of lid (pos.4) on the mount from insulating material are installed electrodes - two anodes with special chemical steadfast covering (black) and two cathodes from edible stainless steel (light). The electrodes in process of the usage, due to use of special materials, are not subjected to the electrochemical destruction. А- anolyte - «dead» water; К- catholyte - «water of life»  General drawing of activator (electrical activator). 4.6. On the lateral surface of the removable top cover activator set dial gauge current electroactivation (position 7 ), and on the upper surface - LED (item 6 ), a voltage applied to the electrodes. 4.7. Principle of operation of water electroactivator AP - 1 is based on a membrane electrolysis. As the membrane structure is used as a porous ceramic cup . Electrolysis of water - a chemical reaction of water decomposition into positive and negative ions by passing current through it from the DC voltage source . Nature abnormal reactivity of water is associated with a unique set of high-level produced by the electrolysis of metastable particles , and with special physical conditions encountered in the electrochemical reactor. This changes the whole system of intermolecular interactions , including physical structure and water. 4.9. During electrolysis around the anode water becomes acidic properties , while alkali cathode . Since 1985, the activated water became known more formally : acidic "dead" - anolyte ( from the word " anode ") A drug that has antibacterial properties ; alkaline "live" - catholyte ( from the word " cathode" ) drug K with stimulating properties PROPERTIES OF THE ACTIVATED WATER. "DEAD" WATER (Anolite, acid water, bactericide) - a colorless liquid with a smell of an acid, acidic, knitting. Its рН = 2,5-3,5. The properties are kept with 1-2 weeks at storage in the closed vessels. "Dead" water - fine bactericide, desinfector. It is possible to gargle a nose, a mouth, a throat at catarrhal diseases, during flu epidemics, after visiting infectious patients, out-patient departments, places of a clump of people. it is possible to disinfect bandage, linen, various container, furniture, even rooms and a ground. This water takes out a blood pressure, abirritates nerves, improves a dream, reduces a joint pain of arms and legs, possesses dissolving action, destroys a fungus, very quickly treats a rhinitis and other. It is useful to gargle a mouth after meal - will not bleed a gum, stones will gradually be dissolved. "ALIVE" WATER (Katolite, alkaline water, a biostimulator) - very soft, colorless liquid with alkaline taste, рН = 8,5-10,5. After reaction in it deposits - all impurity of water drop out, including both radionuclides and water is cleared. The properties keeps week, at storage in the closed vessel. This water - an excellent stimulator, restores immune system of an organism, provides antioxidatic protection of an organism, especially in a combination to application of vitamins, an energy source. Not vainly it have named "alive" water. It activates bioprocesses of an organism, increases a blood pressure, improves appetite, a metabolism, passage of peep, the general state of health. It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach ulcers and intestines, decubituses, trophic ulcers, combustions. This water softens a skin, gradually smoothes folds, destroys a dandruff, does{makes} hair silky, etc. In "alive" water quickly come to life old flowers and green vegetables and are longly kept, and seeds after soaking in this water sprout more quickly, more amicably, at use - grow is better and give a greater crop.   # Area of use Method of treatment Medical effect 1. Adenoma of prostate gland The whole course of the treatment - 8 days. To drink 1/2 glasses of water of life 1 hour before meal, 4 times per day, (fourth time - at night). If blood pressure is normal then to the end of the course of the treatment possible to drink one glass. The sexual relations should not be stopped. Sometimes necessary repeat course of the treatment. It should be conducted one month after the first course, but better continue the treatment without break. In process of the treatment useful to do the tripsis of perineum, on night to put on perineum the compress   from water of life, beforehand having moistened that place by the "dead" water. Also desirable are enemas from warm water of life. As well useful is the the bicycle riding, also candles from bandage, moistened by water of life. The pains pass after 4-5 days, decrease the tumor and urges to urinate. Together with urine can come out small red particles. Improves the digestion, appetite. 2. Allergy Three days through, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by the "dead" water. After each gargling, through 10 minutes to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. Enanthsis (if there is) moisten by "dead" water. The disease usually disappears after 2-3 days Procedure is recommended to repeat for preventive treatment. 3. Strep throat and catarrh of upper air passages; ARD During three days, 6-7 times per day, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by warmed "dead" water. Through 10 minutes after each gargling to drink 1/4 glasses of water of life. The temperature decreases at the first day. Disease Itself passes during 3 days or earlier. 4. Pain in hands and legs joints. Tophus Two-three day 3 times per day 1/2 hours before meal to drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water, do compresses with it on sore spots. Water for compresses to heat to 40-45 degrees С. Usually, the pain passes during the first two days. Reduces the pressure, improves the sleep, normalizes condition of the nervous system. 5. Spasmodic asthma; English disease During three days, 4-5 times per day, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by warmed "dead" water. After 10 minutes. after each gargling to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. If no noticeable improvement appears - do inhalation with "dead" water: 1 l of water to heat to 70-80   С and breathe its steam during 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times per day. The last inhalation can be done by water of life with soda. Decrease the urges to coughing, improves the general state. If required, course of the treatment to repeat. 6. Hepatitis The course of the treatment - 4 days. At the first day 4 times before meal to drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water. At the last days in similar mode to drink water of life. Pain passes, the inflammatory process stops. 7. Amyctic of large intestine (colitis) In the first day better eat nothing. During the day 3-4 times drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water concentration in 2,0 pH. The disease passes during 2 days. 8. Gastritis During three days, 3 times per day, 1/2 hours before meal to drink water of life. At the first day 1/4 glasses, in rest 1/2 glasses. If required possible drink another 3-4 days. The pains in belly pass, decreases acidity, improves the appetite and general state. 9. Hemorrhoid, rifts of the anus Before beginning of the treatment, visit the toilet, carefully wash anus, breakups, nodes by warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. After 7-8 minutes to apply the lotions by quilted-gauzed tampon, moistened by water of life. This procedure, changing tampons, repeat during the day 6-8 times. At night to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. At the period of the treatment to avoid eating hot and roasted food, advisable eat easy assimilated food, for example, porridges and boiled potatoes. Stops the bleeding, ulcers heal during 3-4 day. 10. Herpes ( Cold ) Before treatment carefully gargle the mouth cavity and nose by "dead" water and drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water. Tear off the bleb with the content of herpes by the cotton wool, moistened by the heated "dead" water. Furthermore, during the day 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes to put the tampon, moistened by "dead" water to affected place. On the second day to drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water, repeat the gargling. The tampon moistened in "dead" water to put to the appeared crust 3-4 times per day. You should be a little bit patient, when tear off the bleb. Burning pain and itch stop during 2-3 hours. H erpes passes during 2-3 days. 11. Worms ( helminthosis ) Do the cleansing enemas, first - by "dead" water and after an hour - by water of life. During the day drink every hour two third glasses of "dead" water. The following day for restoring of health drink 0,5 glasses of water of life half-hour before meal. The general state can be not very well. If after 2 days recovery has not approached, then repeat procedure. 12. Septic wounds, deep-rooted fistulas, post-operation wounds, bed sores, trophic ulcers, abscessus T o wash the affected areas by warmed "dead" water and give to dry out, not wiping . Then, after 5-6 minutes to moisten wounds by warm water of life . Repeat this procedure now only with water of life during the day not less than 5-6 times . If pu rulence again continues to effuse , tha n necessary again to process wounds by the "dead" water, and then, before healing, put the tampons with water of life . At the process of bed sores treatment is recommended to put sick on linen sheet. Wounds are cleaned, dry, begins their quick healing, usually during 4-5 days they are completely skined over . Tro phic ulcers heal long er . 13. Cephalagia If head ache from bruise, concussions, then moisten it  by water of life. In case of usual headache moisten the aching part of head and drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water. For the majority of the people headache stops during 40-50 minutes. 14. Fungus The affected by the fungus areas first carefully wash by hot water with laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. During the day moisten by "dead" water 5-6 times and give to dry not wiping . Socks and towel s launder and soak in "dead" water. Similarly (possible once) disinfect the footwear - suffuse in it " dead " water and hold 20 minutes. The fungus disappears during 4-5 days. Sometimes procedure is necessary to repeat. 15. Influenza Gargle the nose, throat, mouth cavity by heat ed "dead" water 6-8 times per day. At night to drink 1/2 glass of water of life . In the first day of the treatment is recommended to eat nothing . Usually, influenza passes during the day, sometimes two. I ts consequences are r elieved . 16. Diathesis All eruptions, bulges moisten by "dead" water and give to dry out. Then do the compresses with water of life for 10-5 minutes. To repeat t he p rocedure 3-4 times per day. The affected areas heal during 2-3 days. 17. Dysentery In this day better to eat nothing. During the day 3-4 times drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water " kick "  2,0 pH. Dysentery passes during the day. 18. Biliousness ( Hepatitis ) 3-4 days on 4-5 times per day 1/2 hours before meal to drink 1/2 glass of water of life . After 5-6 days visit a doctor . In case of necessity to continue treatment. Improves the general state, appears the appetite, restore s natural color of the face . 19. Foots odor Wash foots by warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. Give to dry out, not wiping. After 8-10 minutes to moisten the foots by water of life and, not wiping, give to dry. To repeat the procedure during 2-3 days. In addition possible cure the socks and footwear by "dead" water. The unpleasant odor disappears. 20. Retention of feces Drink 0,5 glass of water of life. Possible do the enema from warm water of life. Retention of feces passes 21.
Vendor: a-store
ECO Orthopedic massage mat made of natural wood Hedgehog 90x40cm  feet, relax, anti-stress The massage mat “Hedgehog” is made of dense linen hypoallergenic “breathing” fabric, on which are placed small wooden rollers of beech with cloves, so-called “hedgehogs”. The structure of the tree has a significant advantage over the needle massagers, since the tree, even in the form of sharp teeth, never hurt the skin, gently massages the body and absorbs sweat.   The advantages of the wooden massage track "Hedgehog":     The massage mat made of wood is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, flat-footedness and foot deformities, varicose veins and relieving fatigue and tension after long-term psychological, emotional and physical stress;     Using a wooden rug with a wooden “hedgehogs” allows you to get rid of the constant fatigue syndrome, relieves stress and reduces pain in the back and joints;     Massage mat "Hedgehog" is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system in children;     Constant work with the spring and reflex functions of the foot allows you to completely correct the deformation and flatfoot;     The use of a rug is an additional tool in the fight against varicose veins;     Daily exercise allows you to improve blood circulation from the legs to the heart, corrects the depreciation and balancing function of the foot, relieves tension, heaviness in the legs, avoids swelling of the legs and exacerbation of varicose veins. Action orthopedic mat: Treatment and prevention of diseases and deformities of the foot; prevention of varicose veins. Indications: - deformation of the feet (flat feet, valgus stop, varus stop, etc.) - violations of the musculoskeletal functions of the foot - jog, spring (depreciation), balancing; - vicious load on the plantar surface of the foot; - arrhythmic and asymmetrical walking; others Contraindications: wounds of the plantar surface of the foot; in case of fungal lesions, use of the track by patients is strictly individual. Orthopedic massage mat wooden Hedgehog 90x40cm. The massage mat Hedgehog is made of dense linen hypoallergenic "breathing" fabric, on which are placed small wooden rollers of beech with teeth, the so-called "hedgehogs". The structure of the tree has a significant advantage over the needle massagers, since the tree, even in the form of sharp teeth, never hurt the skin, gently massages the body and absorbs sweat. Indications for use of the massage mat Hedgehog:     Prevention and treatment of foot deformities;     Prevention and treatment of the initial stages of varicose veins;     Prevention and treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system in children;     A relaxing foot massage that favorably affects the condition of the whole body. Action and benefits of the Hedgehog massage mat:     Using a massage pad allows you to get rid of the syndrome of constant fatigue, relieves stress and reduces pain in the back and joints;     Constant work with the spring and reflex functions of the foot allows you to completely correct the deformation and flatfoot;     The use of a rug is an additional tool in the fight against varicose veins;     Daily exercise allows you to improve blood circulation from the legs to the heart, corrects the depreciation and balancing function of the foot, relieves tension, heaviness in the legs, avoids swelling of the legs and exacerbation of varicose veins. Options:     Material: base - flax, rollers - beech.     Age category: for children and adults.     Size: 90 x 40 cm.
Vendor: a-store
Kuznetsov Applicator Active on fabric  No. 63 Therapeutic and prophylactic agent for massage - Kuznetsov's needle applicator “Active on fabric No. 63” from the Ukrainian manufacturer Mirta effectively acts on the human body, improves general well-being, stimulates the functioning of internal organs. Regular massage with needle applicators enhances immunity. It is possible to carry out a massage procedure with the help of a needle hypator 1. Pressing the product against the skin with the help of hands. For greater convenience, the hipplikator can be fixed with a medical bandage. 2. With the help of body weight. The applicator is placed on a hard surface and lay on top. Diseases in which the Kuznetsov hipplikator is used "Active on fabric number 63" (Mirtha): • Nervousness, stress, strain. • Sexual dysfunction and sexual disorders. • Osteochondrosis, pain in the lumbar region. •    Sleep disturbance. • Migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia. •    Hypertonic disease. • Obesity. • Cellulite • Diseases of the intestines and stomach. • Flatfoot. • Arthrosis, polyarthritis. • Muscular tension. The impact of needle ipplicator Kuznetsov "Active on fabric number 63" on the human body: - relaxes muscles and relieves spasm; - reduces tissue swelling and pain; - improves blood circulation and lymph flow; - stimulates the breakdown of body fat; - increases the tone and elasticity of the skin; - stimulates the immune system. The time of the massage procedure depends on the disease and the individual sensitivity of the patient. The first procedures should not exceed 10-15 minutes. During the massage, the patient feels a slight tingling, turning into a sensation of body heat. In case of any discomfort, the procedure should be terminated. Technical characteristics of a needle-type hipplikator for reflexotherapy. Active on fabric No. 63 Quantity: 63 needle elements, color: beige. Material: cotton, PVC needles Size: 250x200 mm Manufacturer: Mirta (Ukraine)
Vendor: a-store
Apparatus for treatment of prost Apparatus   for treatment of prostatitis Prostam Apparatus for treatment of  prostatitis Prostam - designed to treat inflammatory  diseases of the prostate gland under stihaniya inflammation and in remission.  The treatment device can simply be integrated with the use of anti-bacterial,  anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, adaptogens or as monotherapy. The device of prostatitis Prostam   constructively consists of power supply and the working body, the cable  connection. The device is Prostam treatment of prostatitis   provides light signal included in the network by means of an indicator on the  body of the power supply: - Green light - operating mode; - Red light - the device is defective; - Yellow signal - exiting. When you turn the device into the network is simple testing (red signal  indicator), after which the indicator on the housing power supply must be  lighted in green. After work (30 min), the LED is yellow. In case of failure (breakage, short circuit), the indicator lights in red. Indications for use of the apparatus Prostam treatment  of prostatitis: chronic prostatitis; prostatovezikulit; uretroprostatit; erectile dysfunction; benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) on the background of chronic prostatitis. Treatment is carried out comprehensively with the use of medications prescribed  by your doctor. Contraindications to the use of a device for treatment  of prostatitis is Prostam: acute prostatitis; chronic prostatitis in the acute phase; malignant neoplasm of the prostate; active tuberculosis or suspected tuberculosis, prostate; acute inflammatory diseases of the rectum; malignant neoplasm of rectum Designed for the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis unit from  prostatitis simply allows to implement a combination of local effects on the  prostate transrectal access the most popular methods used to improve the  effectiveness of medical treatment - hyperthermia, pulsed electromagnetic fields,  mechanical microvibration. Thermal effects effectively influence the microcirculation (improvement of blood  circulation), and stimulation of immunity in the surrounding tissues. Local magnetic field exposure has anti-inflammatory, decongestants, painkillers  and trofikoregenerativnym action. Mechanical micro vibration stimulates the contractile ability of muscle elements  of the prostate, pelvic floor muscles and leads to the restoration of their tone  and contributes to an adequate evacuation of the secret, it is important to  address the stagnation in the prostate and reduce symptoms of irritation of the  lower urinary tract. Therapeutic effect of local physical impacts apparatus for treatment of  prostatitis Prostam, is associated with: improvement of tissue microcirculation in the prostate gland and surrounding  tissue; analgesic effect of vibration factor and a pulsed magnetic field; decrease in spastic and edematous components that accompany the inflammatory  process. These effects are realized by complex simultaneous action of hyperthermia,  vibration and pulse magnetic field on the prostate tissue and neural structures  that are part of the pelvic nerve plexus, namely, the prostatic plexus. Impact  on the listed structures involved in the formation of disease symptoms in the  lower urinary tract, prostate, reduces inflammation and helps restore the  functions of the male reproductive system. Local physical therapy effects on the prostate gland, the device Prostam and its  surrounding tissue amplify the effects of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory  treatment for chronic prostatitis, including against the background of benign  prostatic hyperplasia. The consequence of such exposure is to improve the  microcirculation in prostate tissue, decrease swelling, increase in the  concentration of antibiotics for their combined use. Procedures performed 1 time per day. Duration - 20-30 minutes. The course of  treatment 9.7 procedures. Repeated courses are held not earlier than 2 months. Specifications: Voltage, V 220 Establishing the operating mode, no more, with 30 The amplitude of vibration of the working body at a frequency of 20Hz, up to 0,1  mm The duration of the cycle shifts the frequency from 16 The frequency of vibration of the working body, Hz. 18-90 Duration of working cycle of procedure, min 30 ± 10% Operating temperature of the working body, 30-43 ° C MTBF, at least, 3,000 hours   Integration: 1. PROSTAN device. 2.Original factory case. 3.English operating manual. Production: Ukraine   WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you Thanks  and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
VIOLET RAY WAND + 3 ELECTRODES in BOX !! NEW!!SPA SKIN CARE THERAPY DEVICE  APPLICATOR-OSCILLATOR BRAND NEW   XXI   centure  medicine device D e s c r i p t i o n     The Violet Ray High Frequency Device      FIELDS  of therapy influence Electromagnetic stimulation in a wide frequency band ( up to  a ultra-violet spectrum inclusive); the high-frequency current proceeding in depths of a tissue; the thermal stimulation arising in tissues of an organism  and in the field of crown discharge; The ultrasonic oscillations of weak intensity arising  directly in tissues (oscilator effect); chemically active materials (ozone and in small amounts  oxides of nitrogen). The Violet Ray High Frequency Unit ONE of the most remarkable developments of the  wonderful science of electricity is that of the Violet Ray machine or high  frequency generator. The Violet Ray may be said to be a diffusion of an  electrical current of tremendous power and resistance, into millions of tiny  harmless units which can be applied to the tenderest and most delicate parts of  the body without the slightest harm. As applied to the human body, its results  have been found to be of enormous benefit in innumerable instances. Causes of Human Ailments All human ailments, with the exception of certain  highly contagious and infectious diseases, can be traced to faulty circulation  and impure blood. When exercise is taken as a matter of course and sound sleep  and appetite are natural, weakness and disease seldom develop for the reason  that the blood is adequately supplied in its richest state to every part of the  body, thereby nourishing every organ and muscle and providing adequate  protection against any tendency to weakness. As persons grow older, however,  there is a tendency to forsake physical exercise and to retire to a quieter and  more secluded mode of living. The circulation suffers accordingly, and instead  of being driven to every part of the body in its richest state, a portion  collects in the internal areas and becomes stagnant because of the impurities  thrown off by the body. These impurities are absorbed by the tissues and a  condition of self poison results, as a consequence of which the body begins to  deteriorate, the digestive organs fail to function properly, the internal organs  become sluggish and weak, and weaknesses develop which are peculiar to men or  women. This weakened condition of the blood and vital organs leaves the human  body easily susceptible to any disease to which it may become exposed. Counteracting These Causes by the Use of the Violet Ray The Violet Ray has provided the means of bringing to  every home, at a reasonable price, a method whereby every vital process can be  quickened and the blood made to course through the body with renewed vigor. If  necessary, the treatment can be concentrated on any organ, muscle or nerve,  however delicate or tender, and the same results secured. By this treatment the  impurities are washed from the affected organs by a rich, warm flow of blood  which nourishes and stimulates the tissues and which is generated by the  penetrating current of the Violet Ray, reaching the cells which supply life to  the tissue, and causing them to vibrate. The stagnant pools of blood are thus  set in motion and the poisons contained therein are relieved of by the purifying  processes of nature. The blood thus being freed of poisons is able to take up  oxygen from the lungs and nutrition from the digestive organs and returns Iaden  with tissue building material to every part of the body. In this way new tissue  is formed to replace that destroyed by disease and carried away in the blood  stream. This process of stimulation is called a "cellular massage" because of  the fact that the vibration or contractile effect is expanded upon the  individual cells making up the tissue, rather than on individual muscles. This  is an important reason why the high frequency current produces such marked  effect on nutrition and general health. Cellular massage is much more  penetrating and beneficial than muscular massage as produced by mechanical  vibration. Application of the Ray The Master Violet Ray is applied through vacuum  applicators or electrodes made of annealed glass. The electrodes diffuse the  current in sprays of a beautiful, deep violet color. These sprays vibrate to and  fro thousands of times per second. This rapid vibration is what produces the  pleasing, invigorating and corrective effect derived from Violet Ray treatments  and described as cellular massage. A few minutes application' each day, simply  holding the applicator in the hand, furnishes a tonic to the system which does  much to fight disease and keep the body in a healthy state. Inasmuch as  prevention is to be desired a thousandfold rather than a cure, this point alone  makes the Master Violet Ray indispensable in your home. The Violet Ray, while introducing all of the  tremendous power of electrical energy Its the body, does so without the  slightest pain, shock or contraction of muscles. Its application, on the  contrary, produces a pleasing sensation, and the amazing results of the Violet  Ray treatment have caused it to be accepted by physicians throughout the country  as part of their equipment. The machine is ready for use by simply connecting it  to any convenient light socket. The Master Violet Ray is the essence of  simplicity and can be operated by a child with the utmost safety. Methods of Applying the Violet Ray Three distinct methods of application are in general  use, according to the conditions present and the results desired border="0" height="75" width="270" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: medium; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; line-height: normal;">                                                                                      Indications Dermal diseases (an eczema, deprive, youthful acnes, a  neurodermite, a psoriasis, red flat deprive, a focal and systemic  scleroderma, abaissement of hair, a seborrhea, a dandruff, etc.); Purulent and inflammatory processes (furuncles, combustions,  a frost of skin, bruises, hematomas, postoperative wounds, trophic ulcers,  etc.); Diseases of respiratory system (tracheites, bronchites, a  bronchial asthma, etc.); Diseases of a nose (allergic Rhinitis, a genyantritis,  etc.); Disease of muscles, tendons, articulate bags and neurosises  (a myositis, etc.); Disease of joints (a polyarthritis, an arthritis, an  arthrosis, etc.); Disease of arteries and veins (obliterating endoartenit, a  Raynaud's disease, a varicose phlebectasia, thrombophlebites, trophic  ulcers); Neurologic diseases (neuritises, functional vegeto-vascular  diseases).         Specification:   Value of induction density on a working surface of the device makes (30±9) mTl.   The power consumed by the device, no more than 30 VA. Weight of the device no more than 0,6 kg.   Overall dimensions of the device 115х80х47 mm. The device is intended for work in a short-time duty during 6 hrs: 20 mines work  - 10 mines break. External surfaces of the device are resistant to against disinfection by a  chemical method: 3 %-s' solution of hydrogen superoxide An average time between failures - 1000 hrs.   Limiting value of induction density on distance from a working surface of the  apparatus does not exceed of 0,5 m 0,5 mTl.   Power supplies of device is carried out from   for Europe Australia and other countries AС 220 V 50 Hz.+- 15%     A NOTE for US  customers: you will need to convert US voltage from 110V AC to 220-240V  AC   (you  can choose an adaptor for example HERE).    Integration: 1.Oscillator "VIOLET RAY". 2.Original factory box. 3.English (German) instruction manual. 4.110V to 220V adapter (for USA Canada and other country customers with  110V-120V ) 5. External  therapeutic electrode for skin   (additional availiable in our store) 6.External therapeutic electrode for hair 7.External therapeutic electrode for cavities (additional availiable in our  store)   Thanks and good luck!     HERE FAQ: 1) Q: Can  this be used with United States   and Canada electric outlets 1 1 0 V-120V  ? A: you will need to converting US voltage 110V AC to 220-240V AC   (you  can choose an adaptor HERE).   ATTENTION FOR VERO AGENTS    ALL TEXTS IN THIS LISTING HAVE BELONG ONLY "NOVA" CORPORATION AND NO ANY OTHER SELLERs ON EBAY   Copyright © 2003-2004  "NOVA" Corporation 
Vendor: a-store
Apparatus for treatment of prost Apparatus   for treatment of prostatitis Prostam Apparatus for treatment of  prostatitis Prostam - designed to treat inflammatory  diseases of the prostate gland under stihaniya inflammation and in remission.  The treatment device can simply be integrated with the use of anti-bacterial,  anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, adaptogens or as monotherapy. The device of prostatitis Prostam   constructively consists of power supply and the working body, the cable  connection. The device is Prostam treatment of prostatitis   provides light signal included in the network by means of an indicator on the  body of the power supply: - Green light - operating mode; - Red light - the device is defective; - Yellow signal - exiting. When you turn the device into the network is simple testing (red signal  indicator), after which the indicator on the housing power supply must be  lighted in green. After work (30 min), the LED is yellow. In case of failure (breakage, short circuit), the indicator lights in red. Indications for use of the apparatus Prostam treatment  of prostatitis: chronic prostatitis; prostatovezikulit; uretroprostatit; erectile dysfunction; benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) on the background of chronic prostatitis. Treatment is carried out comprehensively with the use of medications prescribed  by your doctor. Contraindications to the use of a device for treatment  of prostatitis is Prostam: acute prostatitis; chronic prostatitis in the acute phase; malignant neoplasm of the prostate; active tuberculosis or suspected tuberculosis, prostate; acute inflammatory diseases of the rectum; malignant neoplasm of rectum Designed for the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis unit from  prostatitis simply allows to implement a combination of local effects on the  prostate transrectal access the most popular methods used to improve the  effectiveness of medical treatment - hyperthermia, pulsed electromagnetic fields,  mechanical microvibration. Thermal effects effectively influence the microcirculation (improvement of blood  circulation), and stimulation of immunity in the surrounding tissues. Local magnetic field exposure has anti-inflammatory, decongestants, painkillers  and trofikoregenerativnym action. Mechanical micro vibration stimulates the contractile ability of muscle elements  of the prostate, pelvic floor muscles and leads to the restoration of their tone  and contributes to an adequate evacuation of the secret, it is important to  address the stagnation in the prostate and reduce symptoms of irritation of the  lower urinary tract. Therapeutic effect of local physical impacts apparatus for treatment of  prostatitis Prostam, is associated with: improvement of tissue microcirculation in the prostate gland and surrounding  tissue; analgesic effect of vibration factor and a pulsed magnetic field; decrease in spastic and edematous components that accompany the inflammatory  process. These effects are realized by complex simultaneous action of hyperthermia,  vibration and pulse magnetic field on the prostate tissue and neural structures  that are part of the pelvic nerve plexus, namely, the prostatic plexus. Impact  on the listed structures involved in the formation of disease symptoms in the  lower urinary tract, prostate, reduces inflammation and helps restore the  functions of the male reproductive system. Local physical therapy effects on the prostate gland, the device Prostam and its  surrounding tissue amplify the effects of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory  treatment for chronic prostatitis, including against the background of benign  prostatic hyperplasia. The consequence of such exposure is to improve the  microcirculation in prostate tissue, decrease swelling, increase in the  concentration of antibiotics for their combined use. Procedures performed 1 time per day. Duration - 20-30 minutes. The course of  treatment 9.7 procedures. Repeated courses are held not earlier than 2 months. Specifications: Voltage, V 220 Establishing the operating mode, no more, with 30 The amplitude of vibration of the working body at a frequency of 20Hz, up to 0,1  mm The duration of the cycle shifts the frequency from 16 The frequency of vibration of the working body, Hz. 18-90 Duration of working cycle of procedure, min 30 ± 10% Operating temperature of the working body, 30-43 ° C MTBF, at least, 3,000 hours   Integration: 1. PROSTAN device. 2.Original factory case. 3.English operating manual. Production: Ukraine   WHOLESALE buyers are Welcome! We have wholesale quantity of this items for you Thanks  and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
 ELBOW ELECTRODES + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  Functions 1.Ideal for treatment of sports injury or post-operative swelling. 2.It can relief pain and helps reduce swelling of the elbow. 3.It is new invention and patent,unite the SPA mud with electricity to be good for the health .      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
NEW STICKING PADS 4pcs ELECTRODES + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC TENS  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.    4 sticking pads comes in this lot   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   
Vendor: a-store
New UNICUE RINGS Electrodes + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  Use this electrode  to treat Fingers and whole body through active points on fingers SPRING RING fits any size material of the ring is Steel, electroplating with gold and silver   You can also use a separate ring !!! ACUPRESSURE PAIN RELIEF! Now you don’t need to see an acupressure specialist to experience this ancient Oriental wonder of fast, safe, natural pain relief – throughout your entire body! Wear the Miracle Acupressure Ring on any finger. Gently twist and roll up and down to stimulate acupressure points that help circulation, restore health, relieve pain, boost your metabolism and target parts of your body. A-Thumb: Fatigue, Insomnia, Respiratory B-Index: Shoulder/Arm, Chest/Liver C-Middle: Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, Head/Eye/Nose D-Ring: Kidney, Arthritis, Foot/Leg, Intestine E-Pinky: Heart, Swelling, Rheumatism   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
NEW HAIR BRUSH ELECTRODE + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FLAT SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
2020 UROLOGICAL RECTAL ANAL REMOTE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens rectal probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode rectal probe with stainless steel Product features:  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Material:  Medical plastics Application:  Body weight: 90g probe material: medical ABS metal electrodes: stainless steel probe total length: 14cm probe available length:  10cm   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
KNEE ELECTRODES + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  Functions 1.Ideal for treatment of sports injury or post-operative swelling. 2.It can relief pain and helps reduce swelling of the knees. 3.It is new invention and patent,unite the SPA mud with electricity to be good for the health .      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port for your device in the menu.  tens penis probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode probe with stainless steel Product features:  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Material:  Medical silicone Application:  Body weight: 90g probe material: medical silicone metal electrodes: stainless steel probe total length: 14cm probe available length:  10cm   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
2020 POINT BODY PROBE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
BODY  ELECTRODES  + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC MiHEALTH  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
New Remote KNEE  PROBE Electrode + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen    
Vendor: a-store
2020 NEW GLOVES ELECTRODES + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   detachable design will allow you to change wires easiliy and use this electrode with different devices without additional adapters  They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices. You Can choose a port in menu.  REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn treatment from work to rest.      Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you     The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical stainless steel   It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size of rings can be adjusted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis  to treat problems with urination for the treatment of urinary tract problems  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
New FOOT PAIN ELIMINATE PROBE REMOTE Electrode + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
FACE  ELECTRODES  with plug for DENAS, COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
PROBES ELECTRODES CABLE WIRE for  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH  They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose your device in the menu.  You can use them for acupuncture on the active point of the body. The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use FAST SHIPPING - Please choose UPS express in shipping options . ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.
Vendor: a-store
NEW FACE ELECTRODE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
  NEW BELT ELECTRODE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port for your device in the menu.  Electric belt electrode for exposure to the abdomen, waist, chest, thighs, upper arms Electrode belt is made of a special fabric, it does not accumulate static electricity in the form of a belt with Velcro. On average the surface of the electrode layer is conductively coated silicone. The belt further comprises a zone made of cotton coated with a silicone droplets containing carbon fibers and nano tourmaline crystals which emit weak infrared rays when subjected to electric current, which has the additional effect of heating tissue. It is used to eliminate excess body fat, increase muscle and strength in these areas, the removal of sagging skin. In addition, it can be used in the treatment of recovery of motor function in patients with stroke, traumatic brain and spinal cord injury to restore muscle in patients for a long time were in the cast. This electrode can also be used to treat the spine, positioning it lengthwise along the spinous processes of the spine. It is also recommended to use when exposed to the area of ​​chronic inflammation at sites of tissue compression in the treatment of chronic pain in the skin and muscle dystrophy. ADVANTAGES 1. The ability to use multiple electrodes 2. High performance applications due to a combination of therapeutic effects of the pulses generated by devices and a weak infrared radiation and deep warming. 3. Simplicity and ease of use MODE OF APPLICATION • If necessary, apply on the skin under the electrode is a remedy: Aloe vera gel, cream, aromabalzam, medical ointment on the testimony, and so on. N. • electrode belt installed in the selected area and fix its position with the help of Velcro. If the length is insufficient to lengthen the belt-electrode via any tissue; • Connect the electrode to the instrument, select the comfort mode and carry out exposure session for 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the force of impact to the maximum tolerated.     The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
NEW EAR ELECTRODE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen You Can choose a port for your device in the menu.   Electrodes headphones with tourmaline, and magnets • Silicone pad for attaching an electrode • Textile lining with tourmaline beads • Cavernous silicon electrode (pin) Headphones with built-in them permanent magnets • earphone housing for fixing the electrodes in the working area ADVANTAGES 1. High efficiency is achieved through the combined use of:    • elekropunktury, improving power organ of hearing due to the influence of biologically active zones of the ear. As a result of the normalization of energy processes in the tissues of the ear, as well as in the auditory analyzer: a hearing aid ear, auditory nerve, the central system narvnaya    • therapy carried out thanks to the special effects of tourmaline beads which activating generate heat in physiological parameters, eliminating the risk of overheating tissues. As a result, improvement of microcirculation of blood and lymph in the affected area, eliminating the "cold hearth": chronic inflammation, tissue degeneration, scarring, sclerotic changes, and so on. N.    • magneto conducive to improving the performance of nerve receptors, optimize metabolism, activation of the immune system, the elimination of pain, inflammation, and other hotbeds. 2. The ability to use multiple electrodes 3. Simplicity and ease of use of specialized electrodes headphones     The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE Gynecological RECTAL ANAL  VAGINAL + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC TENS  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens vaginal probe  High quality pelvic floor exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode vaginal probe with stainless steel Product features:  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Application:  Body weight: 90g probe material: medical  stainless steel probe available length:  5,5cm probe diameter:  2.5cm   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical conductive silicon material. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size rings can be cutted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis   no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen    
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical conductive silicon material. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The inside electrode has hole allowing use at urinals. The different size rings can be cutted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis   no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE Gynecological RECTAL ANAL  VAGINAL + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.  tens vaginal probe  High quality pelvic floor exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode vaginal probe with stainless steel Product features:  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Material:  Medical plastics Application:  Body weight: 90g probe material: medical ABS metal electrodes: stainless steel probe total length: 14cm probe available length:  10cm probe diameter:  2.5cm   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
NEW BACK ELECTRODE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port for your device in the menu.    Specialized magnetic copper for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the spine in the presence of intervertebral hernia, protrusions, pain. It may be used alone or connected to the instrument It has the impact of copper ions, magnetic field and electro. ADVANTAGES 1. the combined effect due to the impact of the system on the deep muscles, blood and lymph vessels, nerve structures, as well as osteochondral structure of the spine due to the combined use of magnetic therapy techniques, copper therapy, electro and exposure apparatus 2. High efficiency is achieved through the combined effect of all structures that form the pathogenesis of intervertebral hernia towards normalization of their condition, which contributes to the elimination of the complex symptoms of intervertebral hernia 3. reusability 4. The simplicity and ease of use MODE OF APPLICATION • connect the electrode with the device by means of connecting wires • moisturize the skin in the problem area and place it on the electrode so that the painful area fell into the target area of ​​the device • switch on the unit, select the comfort mode and the force of impact and conduct a health session 20- 30 minutes SOME METHODS OF USE 1. Study the problem area in the location of intervertebral hernia • moisturize the skin in the problem area with water or applied to the skin therapeutic agent (ointment, gel, essential oil, etc.) and to carry out a light massage the problem area • Connect a specialized magnetic copper electrode to the device and set it to the problem area in such a way that the affected spine was in the zone of influence of the electrode. To ensure good contact with the electrode body to hold a session lying or fix the position elekroda via clothing or other means • switch on the unit and carry out corrective session in the comfort mode with comfort and power to influence for 30 minutes. Conduct correcting session 1 - 3 times a day for 14 days, after which a break is recommended for 3 - 5 days of exposure and the repetition rate to achieve the desired result. 2. Study of the problem areas of the body in the presence of chronic pain (joint pain, intercostal neuralgia, shoulder-scapular periarthritis, and so on. N.) • Apply to the skin in the problem area or a remedy to moisturize skin with water and carry out a light massage area until the effects of warming; • Connect a specialized magnetic copper electrode to the device and set it up so that the most problematic areas of the body in the affected area fell into the range of the electrode. To ensure good contact with the electrode body to hold a session in the supine position and fix the position of the electrode by means of clothing or other means; • switch on the unit and carry out a session of 30-40 minutes in the comfort mode with comfort and power to influence. Correction sessions carry 1 - 3 times a day, reducing their frequency as elimination of pain and recovery of the normal state of the affected area. The total exposure time of 14 days, after which we recommend a break for 1-7 days and the repetition rate exposure, if necessary Textile web for fastening the contact of copper plates (electrodes) for fixing to the body. Copper-plate electrodes for skin contact Permanent magnets north and south polarity attached to a copper plate to increase the therapeutic effect     The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
New UNIQUE L-63 COPPER AGAINST HEADACHE Electrodes  + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.  Use this electrode  to treat HEADACHE  and whole body through active points on head It helps with migraine and psychical disorders  fits any size   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
New Hair brush Electrode  + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!  The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
New  Russian DENAS Snail Probe FLEXIBLE PROBE REMOTE Electrode for  ENART DOVE MiHEALTH DENAS, COSMODIC  New 2020 Russian DENAS Snail Probe has many useful applications and is probably the most versatile tool for both practitioner and personal use. This ergonomically designed probe has 2 heavy insulated wires that are flexible and adjustable allowing you work on about any health issue. Work on trigeminal neuralgia, sinus inflammation, facial wrinkles, dental inflammation, joint pain, inflammation and many other health issues. Some of the most promising applications come through the PONS application explained below and Vagus nerve therapy. The Pons serves as a message station between several areas of the brain. The Pons is like the main switchboard. It helps relay messages from the cortex and the cerebellum. Without the pons, the brain would not be able to function because messages would not be able to be  transmitted , or passed along.  There are many important nerves that originate in the pons. The trigeminal nerve is responsible for feeling in the face. I also controls the muscles that are responsible for biting, chewing, and swallowing.  The Russian DENAS Snail Probe can also be used for autonomic nervous system therapy of the Vagus Nerve.  The sympathetic nervous system is the part of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body to react to stresses such as threat or injury. It causes muscles to contract and heart rate to increase. The parasympathetic nervous system is the part of the autonomic nervous system that controls functions of the body at rest. It helps maintain homeostasis in the body. It causes muscles to relax and heart rate to decrease. While there is little that people can do to consciously control their parasympathetic nervous system, there are frequencies that can help people exert a level of control over the sympathetic responses. Because of our modern lifestyle and daily stress many people are locked in the sympathetic mode. This can cause other health issues if not addressed. Through Vagus Nerve Therapy one can address this weekly to help relax and reset your ( ANS ) to the parasympathetic mode. In return this will remove stress from the many organs that the Vagus Nerve connects to. The two generally do not function well at the same time. That is, when faced with imminent danger, the body will divert blood flow from parasympathetic nerve functions (such as digestion) to sympathetic nerve functions (such as muscle contraction and heavy breathing to run away). They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   
Vendor: a-store
Remote  electrodes clothespins with shungite  hemisphere for Cosmodic, Denas detachable design will allow you to change wires easiliy and use this electrode with different devices without additional adapters  They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device.   You Can choose your device in the menu.      REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn treatment from work to rest.        Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Here is feedbacks for shungite electrodes They are the most powerful thing I have experienced  since buying the denas. They seem to run circuits of energy through the body and around the body in a powerful way. Energy goes everywhere,and they work very deeply! Awesome! Thanks again.. /Alex/   I use since May 2015, before tried almost all  electrodes DENAS and COSMODIC better-nothing. Conductivity, despite the large  size of most paradoxical. Feelings have heard at work denas units / screen /.  Thank you very much for your creative work! /Irina/   An important feature of shungit. Shungit conducts current. As a result, many studies have established that the  stone structures the molecules of water environment. For this reason, DENAS signal when exposed to the human body is much softer and the "depth" and  "wider".   Electrodes Shungite allow to reach very soft deep impact. They are very  convenient for processing large surfaces (back, legs) and surfaces with a  complex "relief" (face, neck, joints, fingers).   Given that the   Karelian   healing stone   shungite   is   conductive   electrodes   of it   can be used   effectively   with a variety of   physical therapy ,  cosmetology   and massage   appliances.   Need   them   only   connect the appropriate   connector for   interfacing   with your machine . Shungit   - a unique   natural mineral , environmentally friendly,  containing more than 20   beneficial   to the human body   trace elements , including  silicon and   carbon   in the active   globular   form   with a   sorption ,  catalytic and   antibacterial properties,   anti-inflammatory,   analgesic effect ,  treats skin   and joint   disease. We have a new exciting addition to  our array of remote DENAS and COSMODIC attachments – remote electrodes made out  of SHUNGITE, a Russian miracle stone. Shungite is a natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, an ancient  rock formation that is said to be 2 billion years old. It is extracted only in  Russian region of Karelia and has unique healing and purifying properties. “Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and  even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that  harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is  good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a  miracle!” From the book by A. Doronina “Shungite – the stone-savior” Shungite receives its healing power  from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of  several dozens of carbon atoms. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the  most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant. When fullerenes were discovered  in shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware  only of three modifications of carbon – diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new  molecule shows amazing healing properties. It slows down the growth of cancer  cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS  virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology  and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made  it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. Shungite is: shungite spheres on the facea natural  antioxidant that can increase human immunity many folds and suppress the  development of many allergic diseases; a sorbent, purifying air and water from  many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals; a catalyst, which ensures decomposition  of organic substances and restoration of the sorption properties; a carrier of wide range of microelements  and biologically active substances; a material actively interacting with  electromagnetic fields of harmful nature (anthropogenic high-frequency,  solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact; and on top of that, despite the fact that  it is a stone, shungite is extremely electro-conductive! Remote shungite electrodes  specifically designed for DENAS and COSMODIC devices are now being manufactured  in Europe with patented proprietary technology. Unfortunately, shungite is a really difficult stone to work with, due to its  fragility. The manufacturing process results in a lot of wasted material (see  the picture on the left). As a result of that (and of the uniqueness of the  stone as such), the electrodes turn out pretty pricy – but  THEY ARE WORTH IT! Why are the shungite electrodes so  expensive? There are several reasons. First of all, because shungite is a rare mineral.  Second of all, because it is very fragile and a lot of material is wasted before  one electrode is made. And third, only the quality shungite is high-priced. Let me explain the last sentence. The unique qualities of shungite depend on the  concentration of fullerines in it, and this varies quite a bit. The higher the  concentration the more “healing” is shungite, the more fragile, and the more  expensive. The highest quality shungite is called “elite”, and it is very rare,  because the natural resources of it are practically depleted.   Keep the above in mind when you are weighing pros and cons of buying cheaper vs  more expensive shungite electrodes. The good deal here may not be the cheap one.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use FAST SHIPPING - Please choose UPS express in shipping options . ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE    Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.     Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
Socks + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC  and other devices.  You Can choose a cable for your device in our lots.      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
Socks + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC  and other devices.  You Can choose a cable for your device in our lots.      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
Socks + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC  and other devices.  You Can choose a cable for your device in our lots.      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
2020 PROSTATE MASSAGE CONTROLLER RECTAL REMOTE ELECTRODE + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.    The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FLAT SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
 ELBOW ELECTRODES + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  Functions 1.Ideal for treatment of sports injury or post-operative swelling. 2.It can relief pain and helps reduce swelling of the elbow. 3.It is new invention and patent,unite the SPA mud with electricity to be good for the health .      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
 ELBOW ELECTRODES + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  Functions 1.Ideal for treatment of sports injury or post-operative swelling. 2.It can relief pain and helps reduce swelling of the elbow. 3.It is new invention and patent,unite the SPA mud with electricity to be good for the health .      The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
NEW STICKING PADS 4pcs ELECTRODES + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC TENS  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.    4 sticking pads comes in this lot   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE Gynecological RECTAL ANAL  VAGINAL + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC TENS  and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens vaginal probe  High quality pelvic floor exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode vaginal probe with stainless steel Product features:  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Material:  Medical plastics Application:  Body weight: 90g probe material: medical ABS metal electrodes: stainless steel probe total length: 14cm probe available length:  10cm probe diameter:  2.5cm   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical conductive silicon material. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size rings can be cutted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis   no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE FOR DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical conductive silicon material. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size rings can be cutted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis   no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with  for  DENAS, COSMODIC TENS and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical conductive silicon material. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size rings  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis   no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
New Remote KNEE  PROBE Electrode + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen    
Vendor: a-store
New Remote KNEE  PROBE Electrode + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.        The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen    
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE UROLOGICAL PENIS URETRA + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens PENIS probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode penis probe  made of medical stainless steel   It is lightweight, hypoallergenic and durable. The different size of rings can be adjusted and  allow you to customize your fit to your individual needs. Product features: for the treatment of urinary tract problems treatment of sexual disorders prevention and treatment of prostatitis  to treat problems with urination for the treatment of urinary tract problems  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Materials: Rings: medical conductive silicone   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
NEW BACK ELECTRODE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port for your device in the menu.   Specialized magnetic copper for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the spine in the presence of intervertebral hernia, protrusions, pain. It may be used alone or connected to the instrument It has the impact of copper ions, magnetic field and electro. ADVANTAGES 1. the combined effect due to the impact of the system on the deep muscles, blood and lymph vessels, nerve structures, as well as osteochondral structure of the spine due to the combined use of magnetic therapy techniques, copper therapy, electro and exposure apparatus 2. High efficiency is achieved through the combined effect of all structures that form the pathogenesis of intervertebral hernia towards normalization of their condition, which contributes to the elimination of the complex symptoms of intervertebral hernia 3. reusability 4. The simplicity and ease of use MODE OF APPLICATION • connect the electrode with the device by means of connecting wires • moisturize the skin in the problem area and place it on the electrode so that the painful area fell into the target area of ​​the device • switch on the unit, select the comfort mode and the force of impact and conduct a health session 20- 30 minutes SOME METHODS OF USE 1. Study the problem area in the location of intervertebral hernia • moisturize the skin in the problem area with water or applied to the skin therapeutic agent (ointment, gel, essential oil, etc.) and to carry out a light massage the problem area • Connect a specialized magnetic copper electrode to the device and set it to the problem area in such a way that the affected spine was in the zone of influence of the electrode. To ensure good contact with the electrode body to hold a session lying or fix the position elekroda via clothing or other means • switch on the unit and carry out corrective session in the comfort mode with comfort and power to influence for 30 minutes. Conduct correcting session 1 - 3 times a day for 14 days, after which a break is recommended for 3 - 5 days of exposure and the repetition rate to achieve the desired result. 2. Study of the problem areas of the body in the presence of chronic pain (joint pain, intercostal neuralgia, shoulder-scapular periarthritis, and so on. N.) • Apply to the skin in the problem area or a remedy to moisturize skin with water and carry out a light massage area until the effects of warming; • Connect a specialized magnetic copper electrode to the device and set it up so that the most problematic areas of the body in the affected area fell into the range of the electrode. To ensure good contact with the electrode body to hold a session in the supine position and fix the position of the electrode by means of clothing or other means; • switch on the unit and carry out a session of 30-40 minutes in the comfort mode with comfort and power to influence. Correction sessions carry 1 - 3 times a day, reducing their frequency as elimination of pain and recovery of the normal state of the affected area. The total exposure time of 14 days, after which we recommend a break for 1-7 days and the repetition rate exposure, if necessary Textile web for fastening the contact of copper plates (electrodes) for fixing to the body. Copper-plate electrodes for skin contact Permanent magnets north and south polarity attached to a copper plate to increase the therapeutic effect     The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
NEW BACK ELECTRODE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port for your device in the menu.   Specialized magnetic copper for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the spine in the presence of intervertebral hernia, protrusions, pain. It may be used alone or connected to the instrument It has the impact of copper ions, magnetic field and electro. ADVANTAGES 1. the combined effect due to the impact of the system on the deep muscles, blood and lymph vessels, nerve structures, as well as osteochondral structure of the spine due to the combined use of magnetic therapy techniques, copper therapy, electro and exposure apparatus 2. High efficiency is achieved through the combined effect of all structures that form the pathogenesis of intervertebral hernia towards normalization of their condition, which contributes to the elimination of the complex symptoms of intervertebral hernia 3. reusability 4. The simplicity and ease of use MODE OF APPLICATION • connect the electrode with the device by means of connecting wires • moisturize the skin in the problem area and place it on the electrode so that the painful area fell into the target area of ​​the device • switch on the unit, select the comfort mode and the force of impact and conduct a health session 20- 30 minutes SOME METHODS OF USE 1. Study the problem area in the location of intervertebral hernia • moisturize the skin in the problem area with water or applied to the skin therapeutic agent (ointment, gel, essential oil, etc.) and to carry out a light massage the problem area • Connect a specialized magnetic copper electrode to the device and set it to the problem area in such a way that the affected spine was in the zone of influence of the electrode. To ensure good contact with the electrode body to hold a session lying or fix the position elekroda via clothing or other means • switch on the unit and carry out corrective session in the comfort mode with comfort and power to influence for 30 minutes. Conduct correcting session 1 - 3 times a day for 14 days, after which a break is recommended for 3 - 5 days of exposure and the repetition rate to achieve the desired result. 2. Study of the problem areas of the body in the presence of chronic pain (joint pain, intercostal neuralgia, shoulder-scapular periarthritis, and so on. N.) • Apply to the skin in the problem area or a remedy to moisturize skin with water and carry out a light massage area until the effects of warming; • Connect a specialized magnetic copper electrode to the device and set it up so that the most problematic areas of the body in the affected area fell into the range of the electrode. To ensure good contact with the electrode body to hold a session in the supine position and fix the position of the electrode by means of clothing or other means; • switch on the unit and carry out a session of 30-40 minutes in the comfort mode with comfort and power to influence. Correction sessions carry 1 - 3 times a day, reducing their frequency as elimination of pain and recovery of the normal state of the affected area. The total exposure time of 14 days, after which we recommend a break for 1-7 days and the repetition rate exposure, if necessary Textile web for fastening the contact of copper plates (electrodes) for fixing to the body. Copper-plate electrodes for skin contact Permanent magnets north and south polarity attached to a copper plate to increase the therapeutic effect     The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
  2020 REMOTE EAR SHUNGITE PROBES REMOTE ELECTRODES  FOR DOVE My HEALTH ENART  DENAS, COSMODIC They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  Devices on the photo is not included- they just to show how to use electrodes  You can use them for acupuncture on the active point of the body. earphone housing for fixing the electrodes in the working area ADVANTAGES 1. High efficiency is achieved through the combined use of:    • elekropunktury, improving power organ of hearing due to the influence of biologically active zones of the ear. As a result of the normalization of energy processes in the tissues of the ear, as well as in the auditory analyzer: a hearing aid ear, auditory nerve, the central system narvnaya    • therapy carried out thanks to the special effects of tourmaline beads which activating generate heat in physiological parameters, eliminating the risk of overheating tissues. As a result, improvement of microcirculation of blood and lymph in the affected area, eliminating the "cold hearth": chronic inflammation, tissue degeneration, scarring, sclerotic changes, and so on. N.    • magneto conducive to improving the performance of nerve receptors, optimize metabolism, activation of the immune system, the elimination of pain, inflammation, and other hotbeds. 2. The ability to use multiple electrodes 3. Simplicity and ease of use of specialized electrodes headphones Here is feedbacks for shungite electrodes They are the most powerful thing I have experienced  since buying the denas. They seem to run circuits of energy through the body and around the body in a powerful way. Energy goes everywhere,and they work very deeply! Awesome! Thanks again.. /Alex/   I use since May 2015, before tried almost all  electrodes denas and COSMODIC better-nothing. Conductivity, despite the large  size of most paradoxical. Feelings have heard at work denas units / screen /.  Thank you very much for your creative work! /Irina/ detachable design will allow you to change wires easiliy and use this electrode with different devices without additional adapters  They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices.       You Can choose your device in the menu.      REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn treatment from work to rest.        Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Here is feedbacks for shungite electrodes They are the most powerful thing I have experienced  since buying the denas. They seem to run circuits of energy through the body and around the body in a powerful way. Energy goes everywhere,and they work very deeply! Awesome! Thanks again.. /Alex/   I use since May 2015, before tried almost all  electrodes DENAS and COSMODIC better-nothing. Conductivity, despite the large  size of most paradoxical. Feelings have heard at work denas units / screen /.  Thank you very much for your creative work! /Irina/   An important feature of shungit. Shungit conducts current. As a result, many studies have established that the  stone structures the molecules of water environment. For this reason, DENAS signal when exposed to the human body is much softer and the "depth" and  "wider".   Electrodes Shungite allow to reach very soft deep impact. They are very  convenient for processing large surfaces (back, legs) and surfaces with a  complex "relief" (face, neck, joints, fingers).   Given that the   Karelian   healing stone   shungite   is   conductive   electrodes   of it   can be used   effectively   with a variety of   physical therapy ,  cosmetology   and massage   appliances.   Need   them   only   connect the appropriate   connector for   interfacing   with your machine . Shungit   - a unique   natural mineral , environmentally friendly,  containing more than 20   beneficial   to the human body   trace elements , including  silicon and   carbon   in the active   globular   form   with a   sorption ,  catalytic and   antibacterial properties,   anti-inflammatory,   analgesic effect ,  treats skin   and joint   disease. We have a new exciting addition to  our array of remote DENAS and COSMODIC attachments – remote electrodes made out  of SHUNGITE, a Russian miracle stone. Shungite is a natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, an ancient  rock formation that is said to be 2 billion years old. It is extracted only in  Russian region of Karelia and has unique healing and purifying properties. “Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and  even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that  harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is  good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a  miracle!” From the book by A. Doronina “Shungite – the stone-savior” Shungite receives its healing power  from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of  several dozens of carbon atoms. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the  most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant. When fullerenes were discovered  in shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware  only of three modifications of carbon – diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new  molecule shows amazing healing properties. It slows down the growth of cancer  cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS  virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology  and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made  it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. Shungite is: shungite spheres on the facea natural  antioxidant that can increase human immunity many folds and suppress the  development of many allergic diseases; a sorbent, purifying air and water from  many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals; a catalyst, which ensures decomposition  of organic substances and restoration of the sorption properties; a carrier of wide range of microelements  and biologically active substances; a material actively interacting with  electromagnetic fields of harmful nature (anthropogenic high-frequency,  solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact; and on top of that, despite the fact that  it is a stone, shungite is extremely electro-conductive! Remote shungite electrodes  specifically designed for DENAS and COSMODIC devices are now being manufactured  in Europe with patented proprietary technology. Unfortunately, shungite is a really difficult stone to work with, due to its  fragility. The manufacturing process results in a lot of wasted material (see  the picture on the left). As a result of that (and of the uniqueness of the  stone as such), the electrodes turn out pretty pricy – but  THEY ARE WORTH IT! Why are the shungite electrodes so  expensive? There are several reasons. First of all, because shungite is a rare mineral.  Second of all, because it is very fragile and a lot of material is wasted before  one electrode is made. And third, only the quality shungite is high-priced. Let me explain the last sentence. The unique qualities of shungite depend on the  concentration of fullerines in it, and this varies quite a bit. The higher the  concentration the more “healing” is shungite, the more fragile, and the more  expensive. The highest quality shungite is called “elite”, and it is very rare,  because the natural resources of it are practically depleted.   Keep the above in mind when you are weighing pros and cons of buying cheaper vs  more expensive shungite electrodes. The good deal here may not be the cheap one.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use FAST SHIPPING - Please choose UPS express in shipping options . ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE    Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.     Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
  NEW DOUBLE COMB ELECTRODES +WIRE with plug for  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH DOVE   detachable design will allow you to change wires easiliy and use this electrode with different devices without additional adapters  They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device.   You Can choose your device in the menu.      REMOTE PROBES has many advantages.   You  can use them to threat certain zones or points of the body.   You can use healing in practically convenient way.   They turn treatment from work to rest.        Wholesale customers are welcome!   We have wholesale quantity of this items for you   Here is feedbacks for shungite electrodes They are the most powerful thing I have experienced  since buying the denas. They seem to run circuits of energy through the body and around the body in a powerful way. Energy goes everywhere,and they work very deeply! Awesome! Thanks again.. /Alex/   I use since May 2015, before tried almost all  electrodes DENAS and COSMODIC better-nothing. Conductivity, despite the large  size of most paradoxical. Feelings have heard at work denas units / screen /.  Thank you very much for your creative work! /Irina/   An important feature of shungit. Shungit conducts current. As a result, many studies have established that the  stone structures the molecules of water environment. For this reason, DENAS signal when exposed to the human body is much softer and the "depth" and  "wider".   Electrodes Shungite allow to reach very soft deep impact. They are very  convenient for processing large surfaces (back, legs) and surfaces with a  complex "relief" (face, neck, joints, fingers).   Given that the   Karelian   healing stone   shungite   is   conductive   electrodes   of it   can be used   effectively   with a variety of   physical therapy ,  cosmetology   and massage   appliances.   Need   them   only   connect the appropriate   connector for   interfacing   with your machine . Shungit   - a unique   natural mineral , environmentally friendly,  containing more than 20   beneficial   to the human body   trace elements , including  silicon and   carbon   in the active   globular   form   with a   sorption ,  catalytic and   antibacterial properties,   anti-inflammatory,   analgesic effect ,  treats skin   and joint   disease. We have a new exciting addition to  our array of remote DENAS and COSMODIC attachments – remote electrodes made out  of SHUNGITE, a Russian miracle stone. Shungite is a natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, an ancient  rock formation that is said to be 2 billion years old. It is extracted only in  Russian region of Karelia and has unique healing and purifying properties. “Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and  even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that  harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is  good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a  miracle!” From the book by A. Doronina “Shungite – the stone-savior” Shungite receives its healing power  from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of  several dozens of carbon atoms. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the  most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant. When fullerenes were discovered  in shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware  only of three modifications of carbon – diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new  molecule shows amazing healing properties. It slows down the growth of cancer  cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS  virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology  and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made  it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. Shungite is: shungite spheres on the facea natural  antioxidant that can increase human immunity many folds and suppress the  development of many allergic diseases; a sorbent, purifying air and water from  many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals; a catalyst, which ensures decomposition  of organic substances and restoration of the sorption properties; a carrier of wide range of microelements  and biologically active substances; a material actively interacting with  electromagnetic fields of harmful nature (anthropogenic high-frequency,  solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact; and on top of that, despite the fact that  it is a stone, shungite is extremely electro-conductive! Remote shungite electrodes  specifically designed for DENAS and COSMODIC devices are now being manufactured  in Europe with patented proprietary technology. Unfortunately, shungite is a really difficult stone to work with, due to its  fragility. The manufacturing process results in a lot of wasted material (see  the picture on the left). As a result of that (and of the uniqueness of the  stone as such), the electrodes turn out pretty pricy – but  THEY ARE WORTH IT! Why are the shungite electrodes so  expensive? There are several reasons. First of all, because shungite is a rare mineral.  Second of all, because it is very fragile and a lot of material is wasted before  one electrode is made. And third, only the quality shungite is high-priced. Let me explain the last sentence. The unique qualities of shungite depend on the  concentration of fullerines in it, and this varies quite a bit. The higher the  concentration the more “healing” is shungite, the more fragile, and the more  expensive. The highest quality shungite is called “elite”, and it is very rare,  because the natural resources of it are practically depleted.   Keep the above in mind when you are weighing pros and cons of buying cheaper vs  more expensive shungite electrodes. The good deal here may not be the cheap one.   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use FAST SHIPPING - Please choose UPS express in shipping options . ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE    Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all our products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.     Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
New UNIQUE L-63 COPPER AGAINST HEADACHE Electrodes  + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen   They can be used with  DENAS, COSMODIC, MiHEALTH, DOVE  and other devices  if not find your device just let us know and we will send you right wires for your device. You Can choose a port in menu.  Use this electrode  to treat HEADACHE  and whole body through active points on head It helps with migraine and psychical disorders  fits any size   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck!   Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
Flower embroidered souvenir bag
Cotton embroidered napkin
Wooden pill box with honeycomb ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, maple wood •   Lid design: without edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 7, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 2.80cm / 1.10in •   Width: 19.60cm / 7.71in •   Depth: 6.50сm / 2.56in •   Weight: 225g / 0.49lb Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. pill boxes pill containers pill boxes 7 day pill box 7 day 7 days wooden pill box decorative pillboxes wooden pill boxes small pill boxes travel pill boxes pill case 7 days wooden pill case pill cases Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
2020 UROLOGICAL RECTAL ANAL REMOTE + WIRE  FOR  DENAS COSMODIC DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen ENART   They can be used with DENAS, COSMODIC   and other devices.  You Can choose a port in menu.  tens rectal probe  High quality  exercise tens muscle stimulator electrode rectal probe with stainless steel Product features:  no medication, safe without side effects. simple, easy to operate, convenient to carry. suitable for home, office and go out. physical therapists and doctors are widely recommended.     has a unique rectangular section that resists lateral movement     An External flange to assist retention     Softly curving form assists insertion and comfort in use     The contoured electrodes provide comfortable stimulus     Its narrow neck allows surrounding tissue to take on its natural form     Soft, flexible leads provide remote and hygienic connection to equipment Material:  Medical plastics Application:  Body weight: 90g probe material: medical ABS metal electrodes: medical silicone probe total length: 14cm probe available length:  10cm   The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!  The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Tags: beauty treatment with shungite electrodes, cosmetology with shungite  electrodes, cosmodic attachments, cosmodic electrodes, cosmodic remote  attachments, cosmodic remote electrodes, facelift with shungite electrodes,   attachments,  electrodes,  remote attachments,  remote  electrodes, shungite, shungite cosmodic electrodes, shungite electrodes,  shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for , shungite  electrodes, denas, diadens-dt, diadens-PCM, denas applicators, denas  electrodes, denas attachments, denas remote attachments, shungite electrodes for  denas, shungite electrodes for cosmodic, shungite electrodes for diadens,  shungite electrodes for diadens-pcm, shungite electrodes for tens DOVE MiHEALTH Myoscen  
Vendor: a-store
Wooden pill box with honeycomb ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, maple wood •   Lid design: with edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 7, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 2.80cm / 1.10in •   Width: 19.60cm / 7.71in •   Depth: 6.50сm / 2.56in •   Weight: 225g / 0.49lb Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Wooden pill box with Honecomb Day & Nigh ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, maple wood •   Lid design: without edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 14, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 2.80cm / 1.10in •   Width: 19.60cm / 7.71in •   Depth: 12сm / 4.72in •   Weight: 300g / 0.66b Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Wooden pill box with honeycomb ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, maple wood •   Lid design: without edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 7, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 2.80cm / 1.10in •   Width: 19.60cm / 7.71in •   Depth: 6.50сm / 2.56in •   Weight: 225g / 0.49lb Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Wooden pill box with mountain ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, maple wood •   Lid design: with edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 7, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 2.80cm / 1.10in •   Width: 19.60cm / 7.71in •   Depth: 6.50сm / 2.56in •   Weight: 225g / 0.49lb Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Wooden pill box with honeycomb & bees ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, maple wood •   Lid design: without edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 7, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 3.20cm / 1.18in •   Diameter: 13cm / 5.12in •   Weight: 250g / 0.52lb Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Wooden pill box with bird ornament will help you to keep track of your medications. A caring gift for those, who are always busy or like to keep things in order. Stay healthy! Features & specifications: •   Wood types: ash wood, dried ash wood, walnut wood, oak wood, cherry wood, maple wood •   Lid design: without edges, with magnets •   Cell shape: rounded corners, with slate on the front •   Cell count: 7, with weekday marks starting from Sunday •   Cell width: 2.10cm / 0.82in •   Cell height: 4cm / 1.57in •   Cell depth: 2.10cm / 0.82in Dimensions: •   Height: 2.80cm / 1.10in •   Width: 19.60cm / 7.71in •   Depth: 6.50сm / 2.56in •   Weight: 225g / 0.49lb Package contents: •   Pill Box Our team makes your life more eco-friendly by replacing plastic housings of everyday gadgets for wooden ones. We only use solid wood and oil/wax (odorless, colorless or without traces on your hands) to protect matrial for prolonged use. Also note, that each product is handmade, and may slightly vary in color, finish, and size. pill boxes pill containers pill boxes 7 day pill box 7 day 7 days wooden pill box decorative pillboxes wooden pill boxes small pill boxes travel pill boxes pill case 7 days wooden pill case pill cases Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Shibari jute rope, ideal for beginners and professionals. The bondage rope is made from quality raw materials and will help you discover the beautiful world of shibari art. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" KIT CONTENTS → 8m (26 feet each) → jute rope → 6 mm jute ropes (0,23 inches) → 2 pieces (Write me a color in the comments) → Colo (the color may vary depending on the settings of your screen) SPECIFICATIONS → 100% jute → 3-strand rope, s twisted → Overhand knotted ends → Premium 100% natural jute ADVANTAGE → Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. → Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. → Completely ready to use!
bdsm set rope for Shibari (kinbaku) designed for bdsm bondage. The rope is made of 100% natural jute, 6 mm thick. Recommended for beginners and professionals alike - especially for those who are looking for a reliable natural rope with excellent load bearing capabilities to be used for suspension. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" KIT CONTENTS → 12x8m (26 feet each) → color, write in the comments. → 6mm jute ropes (0,23 inches) SPECIFICATIONS - 100% jute - 3-strand rope, s twisted - Overhand knotted ends - Premium 100% natural jute MAIN ADVANTAGE Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. Completely ready to use! Thank you for visiting my store!
Bdsm for thigh cuff, leather restraint / bondage. BDSM toy / set / kit which will make your game with your submissive unforgettable. A good gift for special people We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" CONTENTS OF THE KIT → Double Set - Hips + handcuffs + 2 Double fixation → Four point Sets - Hips + handcuffs+ Four-point fixation → Thigh Cuffs → Double fixation → Four-point fixation Thigh Cuffs: → Pair of thigh cuffs 5.5 cm (2.16 inches) → Colored black Four-point Fixation: - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 3,5 cm (13,77 inches) Double fixation: - Restraints in the amount of 2 piece - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 17 cm (6.69 inches) Leather Handcuffs: → A pair of bracers width 5 cm (1.96 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Thank you for visiting my store!
Own your magic and beauty of resinart in your bag. 100% Handmade from highquality jewelry resin) I am happy to offer you 2 forms of elegant pocket mirrors: - Flower pocket mirror - Shell pocket mirror You can choose variation of different colors or just message me for any custom color by your wish! Nice shade, very comfortable and usefull, size is optimal, tender colors. It can become cute present for your friend/sister/mom/wife/daugther or just for yourself. Unique and elegant, it can fit women or girl in any status or age. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Production time: If you want any other color, I will be happy to product it for you as soon aspossible. The production time of it is about 2-3 days. Gift: Each item is wrapped in special bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) You can choose the color of bag silver or gold) Care: Do not drop the product. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. When it is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it than with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Made by MelodyLoveArtShop
Own your magic and beauty of resinart in your bag. You can choose tender variation of colors: pink pocket mirror with rose gold foil inside and lilac/tender purple with rose glitter inside inside. 100% Handmade from jewelry resin) Also available in any other colors which I can make to order for you. Nice shade, very comfortable and usefull, size is optimal, can be made in any colors. It can become cute present for your friend/sister/mom/wife/daugther or just for yourself. Unique and elegant, it can fit women or girl in any status or age. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. For these items I use natural flowers Production time: If you want any other color, I will be happy to product it for you as soon aspossible. The production time of it is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods 6 days a week by standart air Ukrposhta or UPS shipping Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 7 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in special bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Care: Do not drop the product. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. When it is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it than with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Made by AuroraArtStory
Own your magic and beauty of resinart in your bag. You can choose rose gold mirror with real dry rose inside and purple with other natural dry flowers inside. 100% Handmade from jewelry resin. Flowers were collected by my hands too) Also available in other colors. Nice shade, very comfortable and usefull, size is optimal. It can become cute present for your friend/sister/mom/wife/daugther or just for yourself. Unique and elegant, it can fit women or girl in any status or age. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. For these items I use natural flowers Production time: If you want any other color, I will be happy to product it for you as soon aspossible. The production time of it is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods 6 days a week by standart air Ukrposhta or UPS shipping Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in special bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Care: Do not drop the product. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. When it is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it than with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Made by AuroraArtStory
Own your magic and beauty of resinart in your bag. You can choose rose mirror with real dry rose inside and pink with other natural dry flowers inside. 100% Handmade from jewelry resin. Flowers were collected by me hands too) Also available in other colors. Nice shade, very comfortable and usefull, size is optimal. It can become cute present for your friend/sister/mom/wife/daugther or just for yourself. Unique and elegant, it can fit women or girl in any status or age. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Production time: If you want any other color, I will be happy to product it for you as soon aspossible. The production time of this item is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in special bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Care: Do not drop the product. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. When it is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it than with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Made by AuroraArtStory
Ultra lightweight, compact, durable, functional titanium mini beard, moustache, and hair comb. A functional and practical accessory for everyday use. Includes a quality leather storage case with a secure button. A great gift for a friend. LENGTH: 2.4 inch WIDTH: 1.6 inch THICK: 2mm WEIGHT: 10g
Single copy . The comb is cut with water from a thick 10mm stainless steel plate. Sculpted with a diamond tool in different directions for a sparkling effect. Applied jewel polish. The cover is neatly sewn to the size of the comb with a decorative seam by hand with a waxed cord. The button is protected from the inside with velor to avoid scratches on the comb. The comb has a hole for attaching a lanyard with a bead.)) All the little things are thought out, made with love and fine jewelry. Size Lenth: 82 mm Heigth: 50 mm Thickness: 8.8 mm Weigth: 113g
Stylish men's accessories made of natural titanium 2mm, polished and very pleasant to the touch. Very durable. Do not rust. Do not lose the aesthetic vision. for true connoisseurs of quality things. You can order combs in any version. Oxidized (colored), polished and stone wash. Each crest includes a designer case made of genuine leather (2mm).
Handmade titanium comb. Matte structure - Stone Wash technology. Titanium is a metal that is unique in its properties. It is lightweight, durable, does not rust even in salt water and is very pleasant to the touch. For true connoisseurs of exclusive things. Includes a handmade genuine leather cover (2 mm). Packed in a box Dimensions 138x38x2 mm. The weight of the comb without a case is only 20g.
❤️Love your toys? Then this box is for you. Store your adult toys in the luxury wooden sex toy storage box. Your toys will be close enough to enjoy whenever you want. The box is made of quality wood, so it will look luxurious in your bedroom, unlike traditional plastic boxes. ✅This wooden carved box is made of solid Linden wood. Inside the box there is a department with velor cloth. We use bronze parts for the lid opening and closing system. Instead of a padlock, we use neodymium magnets, which make the product solid and do not spoil the look of the hanging fittings. Box has a handy hole in the back wall to charge toys discreetly. Our products are qualitatively different from similar products. See for yourself by purchasing one of them. Shipping policy: Delivery from Ukraine. Delivery speed at the request of the client. ✅International Standard Shipping: 10 - 21 days. ✅Express delivery: 5 - 10 days. Return policy: We will gladly accept the return of the product if it is damaged or you do not like it. If you would like to return this product please contact me within 7 days of receiving this product. You can also see other products in our store click: ✅ Thank you for visiting our store, regards Olena.
Vendor: RoyalTabula
Leather Bondage For Thigh Cuff, Leather Anchor / Bondage. BDSM toy / set / set that will make your play with your submissive unforgettable. A good gift for special people CONTENTS OF THE KIT → Thigh Cuffs: + Handcuffs + 2 Double fixation Thigh Cuffs: → Pair of thigh cuffs 5.5 cm (2.16 inches) → Colored black Leather handcuffs: → A pair of bracers width 5 cm (1.96 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Double fixation: - Restraints in the amount of 2 piece - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 17 cm (6.69 inches) We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in unmarked boxes. Product description is neutral. Thank you for visiting my store!
BDSM Leather bondage, for bdsm games, is designed so that you can fully enjoy your partner. Leather harness, has a carbine for better fixation. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" SPECIFICATIONS - Four-point Fixation - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 3,5 cm (13,77 inches) Leather Handcuffs: → A pair of bracers width 5 cm (1.96 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Cuffs for legs: → Pair on feet wide 5.5 cm (2.16 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups This item works perfectly with Thank you for visiting my store!
BDSM little leather riding crop, leather snake whip Sex toy, bdsm paddle is a wonderful gift for your slave. leather whip will bring a lot of joy and pleasure. Made spanking paddle from high-quality Italian leather, the edges are treated with a special tool. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. BDSM riding mini crop → Overall length 45 cm (17 inches) → Cracker length 5 cm (1.9 inches) → Handles 15 cm ( 5,90 inches ) (Each device is made by hand, so the parameters may differ slightly) Storage bag → length 55 cm - width 8 cm (21.65х3.14 inches) My team has the best masters. Each product is made with love. My team has the best masters. Each product is made with love. Thank you for putting my store.
BDSM submissive gag. The open mouth gag is made of bamboo. During BDSM games, you can use a gag, this is an excellent bondage for the mouth of a subordinate. SPECIFICATIONS: → mouth gag bamboo → strap genuine leather → Average diameter 2.3 centimeters → on the buckle → All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks, discreet packaging Please contact me for more information if you have any questions. Thank you for visiting my store
BDSM Bondage rope of cotton/shibari rope. This soft bondage is good for your slave / submissive. Cotton rope is a safe way to please your partner. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. KIT CONTENTS → 26 feet\8 meters → 6 mm thickness. SPECIFICATIONS → 100% cotton → braided rope → The tied ends of the knot → Premium 100% natural cotton Thank you for visiting my store.
BDSM set of leather handcuffs and leg cuffs Leather Handcuffs: → A pair of bracers width 5 cm (1.96 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Cuffs for legs: → Pair on feet wide 5.5 cm (2.16 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Double fixation: - Restraints in the amount of 2 piece - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 17 cm (6.69 inches) We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in unmarked boxes. Product description is neutral. Thank you for visiting my store!
BDSM kit rope for Shibari (kinbaku) designed for bdsm bondage. The rope is made of 100% natural jute, 6 mm thick. Recommended for beginners and professionals alike - especially for those who are looking for a reliable natural rope with excellent load bearing capabilities to be used for suspension. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" KIT CONTENTS → 4x8m (26 feet each) → 6mm jute ropes (0,23 inches) → Color black, blue, green (the color may vary depending on the settings of your screen) Storage bag rope → length 35 cm - width 30 cm (13.77х11,8 inches) → The bag is made of thick cotton linen (the color of the bag may differ from the color shown in the photo) SPECIFICATIONS → 100% jute → 3-strand rope, s twisted → Overhand knotted ends → Premium 100% natural jute MAIN ADVANTAGE → Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. → Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. → Completely ready to use! Thank you for visiting my store!
BDSM kit rope for Shibari (kinbaku) designed for bdsm bondage. The rope is made of 100% natural jute, 6 mm thick. Recommended for beginners and professionals alike - especially for those who are looking for a reliable natural rope with excellent load bearing capabilities to be used for suspension. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" KIT CONTENTS → 4x8m (26 feet each) → 6mm jute ropes (0,23 inches) → Color green (the color may vary depending on the settings of your screen) Storage bag rope → length 35 cm - width 30 cm (13.77х11,8 inches) → The bag is made of thick cotton linen (the color of the bag may differ from the color shown in the photo) SPECIFICATIONS → 100% jute → 3-strand rope, s twisted → Overhand knotted ends → Premium 100% natural jute MAIN ADVANTAGE → Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. → Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. → Completely ready to use! Thank you for visiting my store!
BDSM Leather riding crop, sex toy for spanking paddle/ → Overall length 75 cm (29.52 inches) → Cracker length 5 cm (1.9 inches) → Handles 20 cm (7,87 inches ) (Each device is made by hand, so the parameters may differ slightly) Storage bag → length 80 cm - width 10 cm - (31.4 x3.95 inches) bdsm toy - leather riding crop, good present for your slave, spanking paddle, will make him happy. Leather stack is ideal for those who are not afraid of experiments. A crop, this device, consists of a body - a flexible base, braided leather, and a handle, with a loop for putting it on. My team has the best masters. Each product is made with love. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. Ideally works together: Thank you for putting my store.
BDSM cane, made of natural bamboo and woven leather handle. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. Spanking cane, hard bdsm toy is a wonderful gift for your slave. Bamboo cane: → Overall length 70 cm (27.55 inches) → Handles 20 cm (7,87 inches ) Storage bag → length 80 cm - width 10 cm - (31.4 x3.95 inches) My team has the best masters. Each product is made with love. Ideally works together: Thank you for putting my store.
Many-tailed wicker whip Cat. Consists of a rigid handle and tails 9 pieces. Tails have a circular structure. Round-braided tails are smooth but stiffer. They can also inflict the majority of blows, albeit with less effort, since we should not forget that such a device, as a rule, is also somewhat heavier than the usual Flegar (which is used for heating). Classic flogger lash. (9 braided tails) → The length of the handle - 20 cm → The standard tail length is 50 cm. → Number of tails 9 pieces Storage bag → length 80 cm - width 10 cm - (31.4 x3.95 inches) My team has the best masters. Each product is made with love. A multi-tailed device can cover large surfaces, but at the same time, unlike floger, the surface of which is also quite large, the effect of braided polytails is much greater with the same thickness of material used for them. Due to this, multi-tails are good for impacts on an already heated body. Their impact is strong, but not harsh, therefore, probably, they are so loved by many lower ones
Bdsm leather flogger. Soft spanking bdsm toy for beginners The Bdsm leather flogger serves for accurate work Small flogger designed to work on small areas of the body SPECIFICATIONS → length of the handle is 15 cm, → length of the tails is 35 cm. → Number of tails - 35 pieces BDSM bag → length 55 cm - width 8 cm (21.65х3.14 inches) My items are safe! I am responsible for your safety in connection with the COVID-19 virus. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. works perfectly: Thank you for visiting my shop!
Bdsm leather flogger. Acts as soft or hard spanking bdsm toy for beginners also for professionals We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. The large flogger is designed to warm up the back and buttocks. Bdsm toy is used for intense exposure, as well as for soft. SPECIFICATIONS → length of the handle is 20 cm, → length of the tails is 50 cm. → Number of tails - 50 pieces Storage bag → length 80 cm - width 10 cm - (31.4 x3.95 inches) My team has the best masters. Each product is made with love. addition: Thank you for visiting my shop!
Leather set of cuffs and used in slavery to limit the physical activity of a subordinate partner. They can also play the role of a fetish. The basis is the thick skin of cattle. The most important thing - handcuffs - is a powerful psychological attribute of submission. The person who wears these devices experiences a feeling of complete dependence and obedience. He falls into the sexual slavery of the Teacher, he brings bright unforgettable sensations for both partners. Can be used for fixing in a wide variety of positions. Very convenient device for safe and quick fixation. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. Ankle Cuffs → Pair on feet wide 5.5 cm (2.16 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Double fixation: - Restraints in the amount of 1 piece - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 17 cm (6.69 inches) Thank you for visiting my store!
BDSM leather leash. Christmas present for good girls. The leash is made in such a way that it can be used as a shock device. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS → Genuine leather 1.9 mm → The leash is conveniently in the hand. → Total length 1 meter → Carabiner Collar: → Width 3.5 cm (1.37 inches) → D ring → Collar on the buckle Thank you for visiting my store
Bondage cuffs are used to hold a subordinate partner. Leather handcuffs, can be used as Leather cuffs / bracelets and worn in everyday life. Most importantly, handcuffs are a powerful psychological attribute of submission. A person who wears leather restrictions has a feeling of complete dependence and obedience. He falls into the Master's sexual slavery, BDSM handcuffs brings a vivid unforgettable experience to both partners. It can be used for fixing in the most different positions. Very comfortable bdsm toys for safe and quick fixation. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. Leather Handcuffs: → A pair of bracers width 5 cm (1.96 inches) → Colored black → Note: Not suitable for hangers and strong pull-ups Double fixation: - Restraints in the amount of 1 piece - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 17 cm (6.69 inches) Thank you for visiting my store!
Bdsm bondage set, which consists of a face mask (bondage blindfold) and silk bondage ribbons. The ribbons have a good length, a width that allows you to use as bdsm cuffs, bdsm bondage for legs We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS MASK → a mask that is specially sewn along the contour of the face TAPES → Quantity - 2 pieces → Color - red / black → Length - 1 meter (3,2 foot ) → Width - 5 cm (1,9 in) On all matters of order, I will advise you and help you choose exactly what you need. Let me make your bondage session perfect. Thank you for visiting my shop!
The leather double clip has two carbines Leather bondage, for bdsm games, is designed so that you can fully enjoy your partner. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" Double fixation: - Restraints in the amount of 1 piece - leather has a thickness of 1.9 mm - strong carbines - Total length 17 cm (6.69 inches) This item works perfectly with Thank you for visiting my store!
Silk fixing tapes with a weighting filler at one end and smooth metal rings on the other. Turn your surroundings into the most sensual backdrop for pleasure. Looping the ties through the rings, a partner can be held by either ankles or wrists in the ways that excite them most. We keep your secrets! All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. In the product description we use the pointer "souvenir" Product description: Silk ribbons → 2 pieces Tape length → 100 cm (3,2 ft) Tape width → 5 cm (1,9 inches) Ring diameter → 5 cm (1,9 inches) Materials: satin, weighting filler, metal fittings. Soft bondage serve another purpose as well: when draped over a door that is then closed behind, they are large enough to stop the ties from being pulled through, ensuring the most passionate possibilities in bedroom play. Ideally works together: Thank you for visiting my shop!
Shibari rope / BDSM Bondage Rope 8m (26ft) 6mm Jute - is designed for BDSM slavery. The rope is made of 100% natural jute. Long ends at the end node. All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS - rope length 8m (26ft) - 6mm - 100% jute - 3-strand cable - the ends on top are tied - 100% natural premium jute Color may vary (some examples are presented) MAIN ADVANTAGE Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. Completely ready to use! Maybe you need more ropes: Thank you for visiting my store!
Shibari rope / BDSM Bondage Rope 8m (26ft) 6mm Jute - is designed for BDSM slavery. The rope is made of 100% natural jute. Long ends at the end node. All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS - rope length 8m (26ft) - 6mm - 100% jute - 3-strand cable - the ends on top are tied - 100% natural premium jute Color may vary (some examples are presented) MAIN ADVANTAGE Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. Completely ready to use! Maybe you need more ropes: Thank you for visiting my store!
Shibari rope / BDSM Bondage Rope 8m (26ft) 6mm Jute - is designed for BDSM slavery. The rope is made of 100% natural jute. Long ends at the end node. All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS - rope length 8m (26ft) - 6mm - 100% jute - 3-strand cable - the ends on top are tied - 100% natural premium jute Color may vary (some examples are presented) MAIN ADVANTAGE Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. Completely ready to use! Maybe you need more ropes: Thank you for visiting my store!
Shibari rope / BDSM Bondage Rope 8m (26ft) 6mm Jute - is designed for BDSM slavery. The rope is made of 100% natural jute. Long ends at the end node. All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS - rope length 8m (26ft) - 6mm - 100% jute - 3-strand cable - the ends on top are tied - 100% natural premium jute Color may vary (some examples are presented) MAIN ADVANTAGE Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. Completely ready to use! Maybe you need more ropes: Thank you for visiting my store!
Shibari rope / BDSM Bondage Rope 8m (26ft) 6mm Jute - is designed for BDSM slavery. The rope is made of 100% natural jute. Long ends at the end node. All our products are packed in boxes without identification marks. SPECIFICATIONS - rope length 8m (26ft) - 6mm - 100% jute - 3-strand cable - the ends on top are tied - 100% natural premium jute Color may vary (some examples are presented) MAIN ADVANTAGE Flexibility and the ability to turn into fairly rigid knots without causing too much damage to the skin. Wet treated rope is the best that gives the softest and smoothest finish. Completely ready to use! Maybe you need more ropes: Thank you for visiting my store!
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Electric Sonic Toothbrush Buy Sonic Toothbrush now and get a GIFT - 4 additional toothbruh neads for FREE! Keep your teeth always clean and your breath always fresh with our smart electric toothbrush that is safe, waterproof and reliable. High frequency vibration  can effectively remove dental tartar, calculus, plaque, tea stains and keep fresh breath. Easy to operate design with  5 adjustable working modes , quick to switch by one button control, fully meet different dental care demands Cleaning Mode: Remove Tartar, Suitable for Daily Use Polishing Mode: Polish Tooth Surface, Make Teeth Bright and Clean Whitening Mode: Improve All Kinds of Stubborn Stains, Make Teeth Healthy and Bright Gum Care Mode: Gum Massage, Enjoy Oral SPA Sensitive Mode: Gentle Care to Relieve Bleeding Teeth Waterproof design -  clean and maintain WITH EASE, you can wash the toothbrush body directly under running water, no fear of getting wet Auto shutoff function, it will automatically power off after 2 minutes operation, energy saving and eco-friendly. If you prefer it longer, simply one click the start button and continue your dental care routine. Ergonomic streamline body will deliver  comfortable grips and palm size fit, lightweight  and portable for carrying convenience, suitable for both home and travel use. Comes with a USB charging port on the bottom, the soft cover will protect the port from dust and spills for enhanced using safety. Specifications   Material: ABS  Color: White/Pink/Blue  Voltage: 1.5V  Power: 2W  Battery Capacity: 500mAh  Waterproof: YES  Charging Way: USB Charging  Brushing Mode: 5 Adjustable Modes  Total Length of Electric Toothbrush (With Brush Head): 23cm  Handle Size: 2.8*2.1*16.5cm  Charging Base Size: 5.8cm  Charging Cable Length: 42cm Package Includes:   1* Smart Electric Toothbrush  2* Brush Heads  1* Brush Head Protection Cap  1* Charging Base  1* USB Cable
$40.00 $29.99
~ Ukrainian Souvenir ~ VINTAGE Soviet electric razor shaver KHARKIV-100 in souvenir case 1960s Produced in USSR, Ukraine, Kharkov The legendary Soviet electric razor in a chic wooden souvenir case and original packaging. A beautiful lacquered case, inlaid with inscriptions and photographs of tourist places in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. In the photo is the Rosa Luxemburg Square in Kharkov and the building of the Central Department Store. Specification: - Case 8.0x5.0x2.5 inch / 20.0x12.5x6.0 cm - Electric Razor ~127-220 V or -/-- 110-220 V, 50-60 Hz Vintage condition, there are minor scratches! The shaver is fully functional, there are traces of use and time on the body and boxes. The wooden case shows signs of wear, there are shallow cracks. See real photos! Video - If you have any questions or doubts about this electric razor shaver, or you have additional information - feel free to send me message! Wonderful exhibit in the collection! From Ukraine with love!
Vendor: Mumisma
~ Ukrainian Souvenir ~ VINTAGE Soviet electric razor shaver KHARKIV-101 in souvenir case 1970s Produced in USSR, Ukraine, Kharkov The legendary Soviet electric razor in a chic wooden souvenir case and original packaging. A beautiful lacquered case, inlaid with inscriptions and photographs of tourist places in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. On the photo there is a monument to Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko in Kharkov Specification: Case 8.0x5.0x2.5 inch / 20.0x12.5x6.0 cm Electric Razor ~127-220 V or -/-- 110-220 V, 50-60 Hz Vintage condition, has small scratches! The electric shaver is fully functional, there are traces of use and time on the case and boxes. The souvenir box is slightly torn, the wooden case shows signs of wear, there is a slight crack. The opening button is stuck, making it a little difficult to open and close the case. See real photos! VIDEO - If you have any questions or doubts about this electric razor shaver, or you have additional information - feel free to send me message! Wonderful exhibit in the collection! From Ukraine with love!
Vendor: Mumisma
~ Ukrainian Souvenir ~ VINTAGE Soviet electric razor shaver KHARKIV-102 in souvenir case 1970s Produced in USSR, Ukraine, Kharkov The legendary Soviet electric razor in a chic wooden souvenir case and original packaging. A beautiful lacquered case, inlaid with inscriptions and photographs of tourist places in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. On the photo there is a monument to Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko in Kharkov Specification: Case 8.0x5.0x2.5 inch / 20.0x12.5x6.0 cm Electric Razor ~127-220 V or -/-- 110-220 V, 50-60 Hz Vintage condition, has small scratches! The electric shaver is fully functional, there are traces of use and time on the case. The wooden case shows signs of wear. See real photos! VIDEO - If you have any questions or doubts about this electric razor shaver, or you have additional information - feel free to send me message! Wonderful exhibit in the collection! From Ukraine with love!
Vendor: Mumisma
This is a new version of the BDSM Bench (v5) based on customers’ reviews and desires. The BDSM Bench is convenient for numerous poses. It's easy to use for beginners and professionals as well. The upgrades: + A new pad for neck and arms Now the clamps are made of durable hypoallergenic plastic (PET) and fixed with aluminum clips. The use of the clamps got safer and more convenient. + Widened holes for removable parts The widened holes of the mainframe allow changing the position of the removable parts easier and faster. +The kit now includes a spanner for butterfly nuts and stick-on floor protectors for comfortable use on any type of flooring. + New materials of cushion and steps I refused of using natural leather. Now it is a high-quality material used in cars and premium-furniture production. Durable and hypoallergenic. This BDSM Bench deserves attention for several advantages: — Easy assembly The kit includes the Bench details and assembly tools. My video tutorial explains how to make the Bench assembly easier and faster. It takes just 15-20 minutes! Mainframe bolts and holes are color-coded for the easiest and fastest assembly! — Strong and lightweight construction The construction tested on strength withstands weight up to 130 kg (~ 286 lb.). — Maximum functionality The construction of the Bench allows place on and fixes a person in more than 30 different positions. Functionality only depends on your imagination. — Premium-quality materials The Bench is made of natural pinewood stained with tinting oil (Varathane, USA). Two layers of matte furniture varnish provide material protection and easy care. Hypoallergenic. — Convenient storage All the Bench parts are bolted and nutted. The Bench is easy to disassemble and put in a storeroom or under a bed. The Bench consists of a power (main) frame and removable parts. The power frame is tightly bolted making the Bench very stable. Removable parts are easy to rearrange during the «action» without any tools. The Bench kit includes: — All the wooden parts shown in the photos — Metal clamps for the neck, arms, and legs — Six bandage cables — Ten shroud rings for ropes and cables — Six iron carbines for quick fixation — Assembly tools Would you like to make your Bench more individual? Well, you have several options! — Wood color. Choose any color from the large palette. — Cushion color. Choose one of the standard colors. — Any text or drawing on the Bench.  Bench dimensions: Height: 148 cm (~ 58") Length: 140 cm (~ 55") Width: 120 cm (~ 47") Weight: 70 kg (~ 155 lb.) Disassembled Bench dimensions: 147 x 34 x 34 cm (~ 58" x 14" х 14") The Bench is delivered in 2 or 3 packages (depends on region). Risk-free guarantee! All parcels are insured. Order now and join my happy customers from 20+ countries of the world! Still, have questions? We'll be glad to answer you!
Vendor: rope8rose
Oxygen bleach is an ideal tool for removing and whitening persistent and old stains (coffee, tea, fat, fruit, berries, chocolate, wine, ketchup, cosmetics and other impurities). It does not damage the fibers of the fabric, does not leave odors and stains after use. When in contact with hot water, oxygen powder decomposes into soda and hydrogen peroxide. This powder makes it possible to get rid of stains, yellowness and unpleasant smell. The main thing is that the powder is hypoallergenic and has an antibacterial effect. It can be used for washing clothes. OXYGEN BLEACH IS USED FOR: Washing in a washing machine. Bleaching, including delicate items. Disinfection and washing of shoes. Washing dishes in a dishwasher. Cleaning ovens and gas stoves. Washing and disinfection of refrigerators, microwaves. Washing and disinfection of the floor. Removing burnt food from ovens and baking forms. Disinfection and washing of ceramics (toilet, bathtub, washbasin). Washing machine cleaning. (200 grams + program 90 degrees.) Removing grease and soot from kitchen tiles. Cleaning from burnt plaque on the sole of the iron. Washing filters from kitchen hoods. Washing and removing stains from paths and carpets. Removing stains from sofa upholstery. Safe: when washing children's clothes and when washing children's dishes.
Vendor: BioHimia
Kodi Animal Print - 3 pcs Oxxi Rainbow gel polish - 1pcs
Vendor: Glifada
An elegant Vintage small round Powder puff box of clear Plexiglass. Rose Inlay Jewelry box 50s Powder puff box made of Plexiglass is made in the intaglio technique. The roses on the lid are voluminous and look very beautiful. It can be used as a jewelry box. The powder box is very old, the inner layer looks a little burnt out, but there are no chips. Good vintage condition. Diameter : 2.75 in/ 7cm, depth- 0.78 in/ 2cm ★ Standard international shipping takes up to 20 business days. Normal delivery time out from Ukraine takes about: U.S. - 10-30 days U.K. - 7-20 days Canada - 14-40 days European Union countries - 9-20 days ( excluding Italy - 20-25 days ) Australia - 15-30 days New Zealand - 13-25 days South Africa - 20 days Israel - 10-18 days Japan - 7-12 days Other countries - to 25 days. ATTENTION! Before Christmas the delivery time growing up +10-15 days for all countries, because the post offices are very busy. After December 3 I can not guarantee, that your purchase will be delivered earlier than Christmas. ★ Refunds and Exchanges Item must be returned within 14 DAYS after the buyer receives the item If you are not satisfied with your purchase. All items must be return in original conditions without any physical changes with all of its components. I do not refund payment for delivery, only the cost of the product. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, contact me as soon as possible and we will resolve any problem.
Vendor: Sumkins
Straight Razor Rocket Space COSMOS Made in the USSR Rare Vintage Soviet Union Material: metal plastic Condition and defects:there is a crack on the handle, stains, signs of age, the box is badly torn, small rust Length 23 cm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Complete set of goods as in the photo, you buy what you see in the photo. Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]
Soviet Mechanical Razor Satellite 2 SPUTNIK 2 Vintage Made in USSR Collectible Material: plastic metal Condition and defects: abrasions, stains, some parts are missing from the box, the razor is in working condition, the work has not been checked for accuracy and correctness For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Complete set of goods as in the photo, you buy what you see in the photo. Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]
Electric Razor Berdsk, Electric Razor, BERDSK 2M, SOVIET Razor Vintage Rare Material: plastic metal etc.. Condition and defects: abrasions, scratches, stains, signs of age, not tested for functionality, sold as not working Sale in one lot For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Complete set of goods as in the photo, you buy what you see in the photo. Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]