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ALKALIZER ALKALINE WATER IONIZER Household Activator (electrical activator) of water AP-1   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.   The household activator waters (electroactivator) AP1 - easy to use compact apparatus allowing everyone in house conditions of all for 20 minutes to receive about 1,4 litres activated ("alive" and "dead") waters. For this purpose it is enough to fill a vessel with water, to switch on and through 20-30 minutes to merge already activated water in different vessels. The device is safe , certificated, and consumes electricity 40 watt. The activated water quickly and effectively treats many diseases at that without any "chemistry". It apply in a facilities in a life, in a garden and in a kitchen garden, in the hygienic purposes, in animal industries and poultry farming, etc. Efficiency of action of the activated water is enlarged and consequently, that during an electrolysis "dead" water gets positive, and "alive" - negative electric potential. It becomes as though weak electrolyte which quickly cooperate with liquids of an organism (a gastric juice, a blood, a lymph, an intercellular liquid, etc.). The organism of the person is a power system. The long practice of application of the activated water has confirmed conclusions of scientists to what positive and negative charges of this water rather promote maintenance of power balance of cells. SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. Power supply voltage , In/Hz - 220/50 2.2. Current intensity of electrolysis, А- 0,2-0,7 2.3. Activation time, min, not more than - 40 2.4. Dimension of activated water: * anolyte, л- 0,3 * catholyte, л- 0,9 2.5. Input power, volt-ampere, not more than - 70 2.6. Weight (without water for activation), kg, not more than - 2,0   3. COMPLETENESS. 3.1. Activator (electrical activator) AP-1 amendment 01, piece 1 3.2. Operating Manual, piece - 1 3.3. Packing, piece - 1 3.4. Fusing plug VP1-1 А, piece - 1 3.5. Measurement of 1 gramm of sodium salt, pieces – 1 4. SYSTEM AND OPERATING PRINCIPLE. 4.1. Activator (electrical activator)consists from four main parts (fig. 1): - power adapter (position. 1); - main capacity (position.2); - Ceramic glass (position 3),inserting in the main capacity: - dis mountable upper cap (position.4) with electrolysis. 4.2. Power adapter (pos.1) represent by itself transformer source of direct current with a defense fromoverloading on the primary and secondary objectives. 4.3. The main capacity (pos. 2) ismade from edible plastic. Catholyte – “water of life” is forming during the process of electrolysis. 4.4. The Ceramic glass (pos.3) executes the function of the diaphragm between cathode and anode. Anolyte - "dead" water is forming in it. 4.5. In lower part of lid (pos.4) on the mount from insulating material are installed electrodes - two anodes with special chemical steadfast covering (black) and two cathodes from edible stainless steel (light). The electrodes in process of the usage, due to use of special materials, are not subjected to the electrochemical destruction.   PROPERTIES OF THE ACTIVATED WATER. "DEAD" WATER (Anolite, acid water, bactericide) - a colorless liquid with a smell of an acid, acidic, knitting. Its рН = 2,5-3,5. The properties are kept with 1-2 weeks at storage in the closed vessels. "Dead" water - fine bactericide, desinfector. It is possible to gargle a nose, a mouth, a throat at catarrhal diseases, during flu epidemics, after visiting infectious patients, out-patient departments, places of a clump of people. it is possible to disinfect bandage, linen, various container, furniture, even rooms and a ground. This water takes out a blood pressure, abirritates nerves, improves a dream, reduces a joint pain of arms and legs, possesses dissolving action, destroys a fungus, very quickly treats a rhinitis and other. It is useful to gargle a mouth after meal - will not bleed a gum, stones will gradually be dissolved. "ALIVE" WATER (Katolite, alkaline water, a biostimulator) - very soft, colorless liquid with alkaline taste, рН = 8,5-10,5. After reaction in it deposits - all impurity of water drop out, including both radionuclides and water is cleared. The properties keeps week, at storage in the closed vessel. This water - an excellent stimulator, restores immune system of an organism, provides antioxidatic protection of an organism, especially in a combination to application of vitamins, an energy source. Not vainly it have named "alive" water. It activates bioprocesses of an organism, increases a blood pressure, improves appetite, a metabolism, passage of peep, the general state of health. It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach ulcers and intestines, decubituses, trophic ulcers, combustions. This water softens a skin, gradually smoothes folds, destroys a dandruff, does{makes} hair silky, etc. In "alive" water quickly come to life old flowers and green vegetables and are longly kept, and seeds after soaking in this water sprout more quickly, more amicably, at use - grow is better and give a greater crop.   # Area of use Method of treatment Medical effect 1. Adenoma of prostate gland The whole course of the treatment - 8 days. To drink 1/2 glasses of water of life 1 hour before meal, 4 times per day, (fourth time - at night). If blood pressure is normal then to the end of the course of the treatment possible to drink one glass. The sexual relations should not be stopped. Sometimes necessary repeat course of the treatment. It should be conducted one month after the first course, but better continue the treatment without break. In process of the treatment useful to do the tripsis of perineum, on night to put on perineum the compress   from water of life, beforehand having moistened that place by the "dead" water. Also desirable are enemas from warm water of life. As well useful is the the bicycle riding, also candles from bandage, moistened by water of life. The pains pass after 4-5 days, decrease the tumor and urges to urinate. Together with urine can come out small red particles. Improves the digestion, appetite. 2. Allergy Three days through, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by the "dead" water. After each gargling, through 10 minutes to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. Enanthsis (if there is) moisten by "dead" water. The disease usually disappears after 2-3 days Procedure is recommended to repeat for preventive treatment. 3. Strep throat and catarrh of upper air passages; ARD During three days, 6-7 times per day, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by warmed "dead" water. Through 10 minutes after each gargling to drink 1/4 glasses of water of life. The temperature decreases at the first day. Disease Itself passes during 3 days or earlier. 4. Pain in hands and legs joints. Tophus Two-three day 3 times per day 1/2 hours before meal to drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water, do compresses with it on sore spots. Water for compresses to heat to 40-45 degrees С. Usually, the pain passes during the first two days. Reduces the pressure, improves the sleep, normalizes condition of the nervous system. 5. Spasmodic asthma; English disease During three days, 4-5 times per day, after meal to gargle the mouth, throat and nose by warmed "dead" water. After 10 minutes. after each gargling to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. If no noticeable improvement appears - do inhalation with "dead" water: 1 l of water to heat to 70-80   С and breathe its steam during 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times per day. The last inhalation can be done by water of life with soda. Decrease the urges to coughing, improves the general state. If required, course of the treatment to repeat. 6. Hepatitis The course of the treatment - 4 days. At the first day 4 times before meal to drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water. At the last days in similar mode to drink water of life. Pain passes, the inflammatory process stops. 7. Amyctic of large intestine (colitis) In the first day better eat nothing. During the day 3-4 times drink 1/2 glasses of "dead" water concentration in 2,0 pH. The disease passes during 2 days. 8. Gastritis During three days, 3 times per day, 1/2 hours before meal to drink water of life. At the first day 1/4 glasses, in rest 1/2 glasses. If required possible drink another 3-4 days. The pains in belly pass, decreases acidity, improves the appetite and general state. 9. Hemorrhoid, rifts of the anus Before beginning of the treatment, visit the toilet, carefully wash anus, breakups, nodes by warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. After 7-8 minutes to apply the lotions by quilted-gauzed tampon, moistened by water of life. This procedure, changing tampons, repeat during the day 6-8 times. At night to drink 1/2 glasses of water of life. At the period of the treatment to avoid eating hot and roasted food, advisable eat easy assimilated food, for example, porridges and boiled potatoes. Stops the bleeding, ulcers heal during 3-4 day. 10. Herpes ( Cold ) Before treatment carefully gargle the mouth cavity and nose by "dead" water and drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water. Tear off the bleb with the content of herpes by the cotton wool, moistened by the heated "dead" water. Furthermore, during the day 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes to put the tampon, moistened by "dead" water to affected place. On the second day to drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water, repeat the gargling. The tampon moistened in "dead" water to put to the appeared crust 3-4 times per day. You should be a little bit patient, when tear off the bleb. Burning pain and itch stop during 2-3 hours. H erpes passes during 2-3 days. 11. Worms ( helminthosis ) Do the cleansing enemas, first - by "dead" water and after an hour - by water of life. During the day drink every hour two third glasses of "dead" water. The following day for restoring of health drink 0,5 glasses of water of life half-hour before meal. The general state can be not very well. If after 2 days recovery has not approached, then repeat procedure. 12. Septic wounds, deep-rooted fistulas, post-operation wounds, bed sores, trophic ulcers, abscessus T o wash the affected areas by warmed "dead" water and give to dry out, not wiping . Then, after 5-6 minutes to moisten wounds by warm water of life . Repeat this procedure now only with water of life during the day not less than 5-6 times . If pu rulence again continues to effuse , tha n necessary again to process wounds by the "dead" water, and then, before healing, put the tampons with water of life . At the process of bed sores treatment is recommended to put sick on linen sheet. Wounds are cleaned, dry, begins their quick healing, usually during 4-5 days they are completely skined over . Tro phic ulcers heal long er . 13. Cephalagia If head ache from bruise, concussions, then moisten it  by water of life. In case of usual headache moisten the aching part of head and drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water. For the majority of the people headache stops during 40-50 minutes. 14. Fungus The affected by the fungus areas first carefully wash by hot water with laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. During the day moisten by "dead" water 5-6 times and give to dry not wiping . Socks and towel s launder and soak in "dead" water. Similarly (possible once) disinfect the footwear - suffuse in it " dead " water and hold 20 minutes. The fungus disappears during 4-5 days. Sometimes procedure is necessary to repeat. 15. Influenza Gargle the nose, throat, mouth cavity by heat ed "dead" water 6-8 times per day. At night to drink 1/2 glass of water of life . In the first day of the treatment is recommended to eat nothing . Usually, influenza passes during the day, sometimes two. I ts consequences are r elieved . 16. Diathesis All eruptions, bulges moisten by "dead" water and give to dry out. Then do the compresses with water of life for 10-5 minutes. To repeat t he p rocedure 3-4 times per day. The affected areas heal during 2-3 days. 17. Dysentery In this day better to eat nothing. During the day 3-4 times drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water " kick "  2,0 pH. Dysentery passes during the day. 18. Biliousness ( Hepatitis ) 3-4 days on 4-5 times per day 1/2 hours before meal to drink 1/2 glass of water of life . After 5-6 days visit a doctor . In case of necessity to continue treatment. Improves the general state, appears the appetite, restore s natural color of the face . 19. Foots odor Wash foots by warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten by "dead" water. Give to dry out, not wiping. After 8-10 minutes to moisten the foots by water of life and, not wiping, give to dry. To repeat the procedure during 2-3 days. In addition possible cure the socks and footwear by "dead" water. The unpleasant odor disappears. 20. Retention of feces Drink 0,5 glass of water of life. Possible do the enema from warm water of life. Retention of feces passes 21. Toothache . Periodontosis Gargle the teethes after meal by warmed "dead" water, during 15-20 minutes. In process of teeth cleaning to use instead of usual water - water of life . In case of   dental calculus , clean the teeth es by "dead" water and after 10 minutes to gargle the mouth by water of life . In case of periodontosis gargle t he mouth after meal by "dead" water several times. Then gargle the mouth by water of life . Clean t he teeth's only at night. The p rocedure to
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