Russian Books, Music & Movies

This shaker percussion made of an ash-tree array, filled with fine beads, covered with glossy polyurethane varnish and size is 3.8 inch х 1.7 inch and х 1.7 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! On the reverse side of the logo, if necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! As shown in the last photo of this listing. A prerequisite - the inscription or image should be completely black without shades of gray. The shaker has an excellent sound with a relaxing shade, like sand, which warms the bare feet of beauties on the beaches of Jamaica! Very bright embellish your sound. With it, you can play music everywhere and always, great for traveling. When you hold maracas in your hand, then all problems fade and the world becomes beautiful! In the process of creating this musical instrument, we conducted a series of experiments with dimensions, filler and materials. This option is the best of all prototypes! It is just made for your hand!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Almost every musician, while playing an instrument, be it a guitar, a ukulele or a banjo, beats the rhythm with his foot across the floor. Why do it at idle? You can become a human orchestra with an interesting and simple percussion for the feet from Workshop Noisy Wood, which is called the foot stomp box. Also known as mississippi drum machine. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! The body is made of solid ash. Has dimensions: 4x3.5x1 inch. A piezo pickup is installed inside, which allows you to connect the instrument to the amplifier and adjust the sound as you like. The output is a standard guitar jack and volume control on the side of the instrument. If necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! As shown in the last photo of this listing. A prerequisite - the inscription or image should be completely black without shades of gray. Beat the rhythm, sing and acomponge at the same time!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This is a completely new model of a wooden musical quad shaker made of selected solid ash, filled with beads and coated with professional polyurethane varnish. It measures 4x4x4.3. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a video of this wonderful instrument Caution! Having picked up this thing, you will not become the same! It lies so nicely in the hand and sounds that it will cure any stress and depression, destroying internal conflicts! Friends! A new shaker model has been developed! QuadroShaker by Noisy Wood! It consists of four separate modules and has a very bright and relaxing sand sound! The functional turned out to be interesting: it is convenient to lie between your fingers, it is firmly fixed, thereby not only allowing you to shake the shaker, but also spin it to and fro!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This wooden musical instrument kazoo combines the energy of oak, acacia and ash wood! This wind instrument is covered with eco-friendly natural flax oil. Tool sizes – 3.7x2.8x0.6 in. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! On the back of the logo, if necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! On the round plate, as shown in the last photo of this list. A prerequisite - the inscription or image must be completely black without shades of gray. For people who appreciate the combination of selected noble wood with first-class sound and design! The tool is interesting because it has two membranes that work simultaneously. As a result, the sound of the instrument is more saturated and very loud. Here is a link to an example of the sound of this beautiful instrument: In combination with other musical instruments The membranes are made of stretch polyethylene. This material sounds best. If necessary, they are easily replaced by others. Just cut a piece of material and pressed the slats!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This Wooden Pan Pipe Wind Flute Musical Instrument for meditation relaxation is made from a selected array of maple, covered with natural flax oil. Configured on F major pentatonic. Dimensions 5,3x2,8x0,55 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is an example of the sound of this beautiful instrument We can apply a black print according to your wishes! It can be an inscription, a person’s name, the name of your group, or a small picture. Important: The image must be completely black, no shades of gray. We do not apply photos. This musical instrument is very easy to learn to play! And its sound will give you and the surrounding world positive vibrations that relax the mind and body, put your mood and thoughts in order, plunging you into the world of pure nature, where a mountain river runs and nice birds sing) Comfortable and compact flute with a gentle and pleasant sound. It is always and everywhere convenient to carry. Small size, placed in a small pocket!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This musical finger shaker is made from high-quality solid ash, covered with professional polyurethane varnish and filled with fine beads. Dimensions 2х1,5х1,3 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a link to the sound of this beautiful instrument: The shaker is equipped with a very comfortable elastic for attaching to your fingers! With its not large size, the instrument sounds loud enough. The compact and practical shaker will perfectly complement and diversify your sound with a soft sandy sound, while playing the guitar, cajon, ukulele, banjo, vargan and many other instruments!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This Wooden Pan Pipe Wind Flute Musical Instrument for meditation relaxation is made from a selected array of maple, covered with natural flax oil. Configured on F major pentatonic. Dimensions 5,3x2,8x0,55 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a link to the sound of this beautiful instrument: We can apply a black print according to your wishes! It can be an inscription, a person’s name, the name of your group, or a small picture. Important: The image must be completely black, no shades of gray. We do not apply photos. This musical instrument is very easy to learn to play! And its sound will give you and the surrounding world positive vibrations that relax the mind and body, put your mood and thoughts in order, plunging you into the world of pure nature, where a mountain river runs and nice birds sing) Comfortable and compact flute with a gentle and pleasant sound. It is always and everywhere convenient to carry. Small size, placed in a small pocket!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This foot percussion tambourine is made from first-class natural ash wood! Jingles made of brass. Dimensions 5,5х2,8х1,8 in. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Very convenient and functional instrument, make your sound even brighter and more diverse! Playing the guitar, cajon, ukulele or banjo you will easily beat the tambourine put on your leg! On the back of the logo, if necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! On the round plate, as shown in the last photo of this list. A prerequisite - the inscription or image must be completely black without shades of gray. Thanks to the hardness of the wood and the brass jingles made by our own hands too, the sound is very bright, rolling and sonorous! Due to the natural texture of the wood, this percussion instrument has a very pleasant and fascinating appearance. Taking it in hand, you no longer want to let it out) Unforgettable and very useful gift for your friend musician!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This foot shaker percussion made of an ash-tree array, filled with fine beads, covered with glossy polyurethane varnish and size is 3.8 inch х 1.7 inch and х 1.7 inch. Sound: Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Very convenient and functional instrument, make your sound even brighter and more diverse! Playing the guitar, cajon, ukulele or banjo you will easily beat the shaker put on your leg! On the reverse side of the logo, if necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! As shown in the last photo of this listing. A prerequisite - the inscription or image should be completely black without shades of gray. The shaker has an excellent sound with a relaxing shade, like sand, which warms the bare feet of beauties on the beaches of Jamaica! Very bright embellish your sound. With it, you can play music everywhere and always, great for traveling. We pack the shaker in fragrant wood shavings! We put a branded keychain and a business card in a box! In the process of creating this musical instrument, we conducted a series of experiments with dimensions, filler and materials. This option is the best of all prototypes! It is just
Vendor: Noisy Wood
1924 Very Rare Unique Soviet Russian Book Rynin Aerostat Rocketry Interplanetary 222 pages Size approx: 130x190 mm Language: Russian ONLY 10000 copies! Профессор Н.А. Рынин "Аэростат", 1924 год, СССР, Издательство "Молодая Гвардия", при Ц.К.Р.К.С.М., Москва-Ленинград 128 страниц Размеры: 145x212 мм Язык: Русский Тираж 10000 копий Содержание: Введение Глава 1. Воздухоплавательные аппараты легче воздуха Глава 2. Свободный аэростат или воздушный шар Глава 3. Привязной аэростат Глава 4. Дирижабль и его устройство а) общее описание и классификация b) мягкие дирижабли с) полумягкие дирижабли d) полужесткие дирижабли Глава 5. Жесткие дирижабли Глава 6. Полеты на дирижаблях a) полет на дирижабле "Астра" b) полет на Цеппелине c) перелет английского дирижабля "R 34" из Англии в Америку и обратно 1) введение 2) подготовительные работы 3) перелет из Шотландии в Америку 4) пребывание в Америке и обратный путь Заключение Указатель рекомендуемых книг
Vendor: Maxim2003
1934 Unique Perelman Basics Of Flying Rocket Travel Interplanetary Communication, USSR 222 pages Size approx: 130x190 mm Language: Russian ONLY 25000 copies! Я.И. Перельман Межпланетные путешествия "Основы ракетного летания", СССР, Ленинград-Москва, 1934 год 222 страницы Размеры: 130x190 мм Язык: Русский Тираж 25000 копий Содержание: Предисловие автора Предисловие К.Э. Циолковского к 6 изд. 1. Величайшая греза человечества 2. Всемирное тяготение и земная тяжесть 3. Можно ли укрыться от силы тяжести? 4. Можно ли ослабить земную тяжесть? 5. Вопреки тяжести - на волнах света 6. Из пушки на Луну. Теория 7. Из пушки на Луну. Практика 8. К звездам на ракете 9. Устройство пороховой ракеты 10. История пороховой ракеты 11. Летательная машина Кибальчича 12. Источник энергии ракеты 13. Механика полета ракеты 14. Звездная навигация. Скорости, пути, сроки 15. Проекты К. Э. Циолковского 16. Искуственная Луна. Внеземная станция. 17. Опыты с новыми ракетами 18. Два несбыточных проекта 19. Жизнь на корабле вселенной 20. Опасности звездоплавания 21. Заключение Приложения 1. Сила тяготения 2. Падение в мировом пространстве 3. Динамика ракеты 4. Начальная скорость и продолжительность перелетов 5. Внеземная станция 6. Давление внутри пушечного ядра 7. Невесомость свободно падающих тел 8. Через океан на ракете 9. В ракете на Луну 10. Стратосфера 11. Межпланетная сигнализация 12. Люди и книги 13. События и годы
Vendor: Maxim2003
Vintage Soviet Russia Legendary Cookery Book for Cookers "Kulinariya", 1303 Recipes, USSR, 1960 year Published by "GosTorgIzdat", Moscow, 1960 404 pages Size approx: 210x265 mm Language: Russian Легендарная книга рецептов "Кулинария", 1303 рецепта, СССР Издательство "ГосТоргИздат", Москва, 1960 год 404 страницы Размер: 210x265 мм Язык: Русский Описание : В книге «Кулинария» помещены рецептуры блюд и кулинарных изделий, которые можно приготовить не только в предприятиях общественного питания, но и в домашних условиях. Рецептуры блюд сгруппированы в отдельные разделы: холодные блюда, супы, вторые блюда, сладкие блюда и изделия из теста. Внутри каждого раздела блюда даются по виду продуктов и способу их обработки. Например, во вторых мясных блюдах отдельно приводятся рецептуры блюд из говядины, телятины, баранины, свинины, кроликов, мяса диких животных. Для каждого вида продуктов даны наиболее рациональные способы их приготовления: в отварном, жареном, тушеном или запеченном виде. Набор и количество продуктов на порцию приводятся в граммах весом нетто или в килограммах, либо в штуках. При приготовлении блюд и кулинарных изделий надо проявлять и свой вкус, свое мастерство, так как механическое выполнение той или иной рецептуры не может дать должного эффекта. Качество многих блюд можно значительно улучшить, если при их изготовлении использовать ароматические и вкусовые вещества (специи). В рецептурах блюд настоящей книги предусмотрены специи, но это не значит, что их сочетание и дозировку нельзя изменять. Наоборот, приготовление пищи - творческий процесс, и каждый может внести в него что-то новое, в соответствии со своим вкусом и знаниями. Пища должна быть не только вкусной и питательной, но и красиво оформленной. При оформлении блюд и кулинарных изделий многое также зависит от художественного вкуса мастера, от его изобретательности, умения использовать особенности сырья, ясного понимания значения красивого оформления блюд.
Vendor: Maxim2003