Soviet Union Collectibles

Fascinating manga. Artificial Intelligence       Author: Sakamoto Maki ·       Language: Russian ·        Number of pages: 188 ·        Format: 160x220 mm ·         Year of publication: 2022 All about "Fun Manga. Artificial Intelligence." From the publisher A simple, consistent, visual, and unencumbered way to learn artificial intelligence!  Maki Sakamoto, an instructor of a university course on artificial intelligence (AI), welcomes a new student: a highly functional robot who wants to figure out how it works. Together with him, the reader will learn when artificial intelligence emerged and how it learns, what neural networks are, how deep learning works, and what fields AI is used in today - from games and medicine to automated conversational systems, music and painting. For a wide range of readers interested in modern technology. Все о “Занимательная манга. Искусственный интеллект” От издателя Простой, последовательный, наглядный и необременительный путь изучения искусственного интеллекта!  Маки Сакамото, преподавательница университетского курса по искусственному интеллекту (ИИ), приветствует нового студента: это высокофункциональный робот, который хочет разобраться, как он устроен. Вместе с ним читатель узнает, когда появился искусственный интеллект и как он обучается, что такое нейронные сети, как работает глубокое обучение и в каких областях на сегодняшний день применяется ИИ - от игр и медицины до автоматизированных разговорных систем, музыки и живописи. Для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся современными технологиями.
Dear buyers, I want to offer for you Soviet military load bearing vest BVD that was used by Soviet Army VDV unit in 1980s during Afghan War and in 1990s during 1 st Chechen War. The vest made from canvas it has plastic buttons and factory stamps. The condition is very good, has some small stains, spots, scratches, small fabric damages. It is without smoking smell.  Condition: used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Weight about 1 kg For more detailed measurements please ask!!!
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer an original Soviet army’s case of the ballistic vest 6B5-15. It was made in 1992 in Ukraine, it is in berezka camouflage. This vest was used, the condition is good. It has in complete original aramid layers and holders for plates. The vest has some scratches, small fabric damages, small dirty stains. Some Velcro on the holders are absent. Some buttons on the aramids layers are absent or broken. It is selling only for collection. Without of any protective ability. Condition: used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Material: fabric (cotton) Weight: about 4.2 kg. Size 2
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer an military combat tactical load bearing vest 6SH117 type “shooter” “Ratnik”. The vest has molly system and some pouches ( 2 grenades, 1 magazine, 1 shovel on the back). The condition is average, has some scratches and fabric damages. All fastex are working.It has original military label. Selling like souvenir. Not intended for use in military and combat operations. Not manufactured at factories producing military equipment. Condition:used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Material:syntactic. For more info please ask!!!
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer autumn/winter jacket in camouflage digital flora EMR. This jacket has one patch and one shoulder strap.  The condition is good. The zipper is working. The jacket is dirty. Condition: used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Selling like souvenir. Not intended for use in military and combat operations. Not manufactured at factories producing military equipment Size 46-5 Measurements Armpit to armpit: 58 cm. Sleeve length to armpit: 58 cm Length: 83 cm.
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer for your helmet 6B-47 “Ratnik” .The helmet is totally damaged Condition: used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Selling like souvenir. Not intended for use in military and combat operations. Not manufactured at factories producing military equipment. Weight is about 1 kg
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer for your the first aid kit in camouflage EMR that used in system Ratnik. The first aid is individual system for the soldier and consist of tourniquet and bandage and instruction. Selling like souvenir. Not intended for use in military and combat operations. Not manufactured at factories producing military equipment. Condition: like new. All details (pros and cons) on the photos.
Vendor: deliveryboy
Чуб Наталия Чудесная сказка о Ване и доброй Фее. Литературно-художественное издание для чтения взрослыми детям. Серия: Веселая страна. Серія: Весела країна. Аргумент Принт, 2013 г. 16 с. Код Д156
Фиона Макдональд, Ричард Тэймс. Люди и города. Энциклопедия. Серия: Развитие цивилизации. Научно-познавательная литература для среднего школьного возраста. М. Росмэн. 1999 г. 156 с., илл. Из энциклопедий серии `Развитие цивилизации` вы узнаете о том, как развивалось человечество на протяжении нескольких тысячелетий, как изменялась его материальная и духовная культура. В этом томе вы прочитаете о: древних городах ацтеков и майя; средневековых замках и жилищах кочевников; восточных дворцах и частных домиках Японии; современных небоскребах и городах будущего; национальной кухне разных народов и рецептах блюд; древних виноделах и застольных обычаях.  Код Д139
Сьюзен Уеллс. Жизнь океана. Научно-познавательная литература. Для младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Консультант кандидат биологических наук А. Соков. Перевод с англ. У.В. Сапциной. М. Росмэн, 1999 г. 64 с., илл. Землю по праву называют голубой планетой: океаны и моря покрывают две трети ее поверхности. В книге `Жизнь океана` рассказано об этих загадочных регионах планеты - о том, как они развивались, какая жизнь существует в воде и на берегах, как были исследованы океаны и моря и какую пользу они приносят. Благодаря живым описаниям, красочным иллюстрациям и понятным схемам книга `Жизнь океана` представляет богатый источник информации, доступной юным читателям. Автор книги, Сьюзен Уэллс, - независимый консультантпо охране морей. Она сотрудничала с такими организациями, как `Гринпис`, Всемирный фонд охраны природы и Европейский союз. В настоящее время она живет в Белизе, участвуя в создании морских заповедников.  Код Д141
Сребродольский Б. И. Янтарь. Серия: Человек и окружающая среда. М. Наука. 1984 г. 112 с., с илл. Эта книга о янтаре - удивительном самоцвете, интерес к которому зародился многие тысячелетия назад. В ней рассказывается о том, какими свойствами обладает янтарь, как он образуется, добывается, обрабатывается и используется в народном хозяйстве. Подчеркнуты роль и значение янтаря в истории культуры народов с древнейших времен до наших дней. Ч/б фотографии на отдельных листах. Код Д175
В книге много справочной информации, различных таблиц. Для специалистов. Удовлетворительное состояние. В книге порисованы несколько первых и последних страниц. Книга подклеивалась. Старая. Оглавление в конце плоховато читается. Все видно на фото. Но книга информативная.
Vendor: dtmbua
Сказки старой Англии.  Серия Венок сказок. Пер.с англ. Составитель Т.Васильева М. Аргус-Мастер 1992г. 400 с., ил.  Содержание: 1. Р. Киплинг. Сказки Пака. Перевод А. Слобожана, стихи в переводе Г. Гуковой. 2. К. С. Льюис. Племянник чародея. Перевод Н. Трауберг. 3. Дж. Р. Р. Толкин. Фермер Джайлз из Хэма (перевод Г. Усовой). Лист кисти ниггля (перевод М. Каменкович). Черно-белые иллюстрации к Киплингу Г. Миллара и Ч. Брока. Код Д176
Сказки далеких островов. Литературно-художественное издание. Сост. Л.Власов. Киев МП Пикуль 1991г. 416 с. Суданские, иранские, о. Борнео, о. Св. Маврикия, Явы, тибетские, марокканские, камерунские, тунисские, полинезийские, индонезийские, тунисские, Мальты, Целебес, Суматры, ливанские, индийские, сирийские, турецкие, египетские, ираккские, конголезские, лаосские, Гаити, кубинские, тайские, бирманские, вьетнамские, кхмерские, корейские... Код Д002
Russian book folk Russian fairy tales 1982. New condition. Read once.
Vendor: Liberta
Родари Джанни. Приключения Чиполлино. Художник Борис Митин. Перевод З. Потаповой под ред. С. Маршака. М. АСТ. 1993 г. 224 с., илл. Повесть-сказка известного итальянского писателя о приключениях веселого и задорного человечка-луковки - Чиполлино. Код Д129
Книга на русском языке. Хорошая печать. Состояние обложки на тройку. Внутри на четверку. -- Check out my other books, I combine shipping. Посмотрите мои другие книги, я комбинирую доставку.
Vendor: dtmbua
Soviet book about the nature of the Arctic. This is an illustrated book - a photo album. The condition is assessed as normal, used. Large format, heavy book. The weight is shown in the photo. Советская книга о природе Арктики.  Это иллюстрированная книга - фотоальбом.  Состояние оцениваю как нормальное, б/у. Книга большого формата, тяжелая. Вес указан на фото.
Vendor: dtmbua
Полупуднев Виталий. У Понта Эвксинского. В 2-х томах. Том 1. Великая Скифия. Том 2. Восстание на Боспоре. Цена за 2 тома. М. Рипол. 1994г. 680с.+720с. Том 1 - Великая Скифия. Том 2 - Восстание на Боспоре: в романе изображается эпоха античного Причерноморья в один из самых драматических ее периодов (конец II века до н.э.). В центре романа восстание рабов, во главе которых становится раб Савмак. После победы восставших его избирают царем. Это интересная страница из истории нашей многонациональной родины, в частности древнего Крыма. Код Д123
Первая часть оплаты .Остаток при получение готового результата . Чтобы оплатить с карты выбирайте "STRIP"
Первая часть оплаты .Остаток при получение готового результата . Чтобы оплатить с карты выбирайте "STRIP"
Малофеєва Н. М. Принцеси. Серія: Дитяча енциклопедія ПЕРО. К.: ТОВ Перо, 2012 р. 96 с. Ця чудово ілюстрована та інформативно насичена книга познайомить дитину з найвідомішими та найцікавішими європейськими і російськими принцесами, розповість про їх побут, навчання, розваги, одяг тощо та придворне життя у цілому. Наприкінці книги подано зручний покажчик основних імен та понять.  Код Д142
Малая энциклопедия старинного поваренного искусства. К. Триада. 1991 г. 607 с.   Эта книга станет добрым другом и советчиком для тех, кто любит заниматься стряпней. Она познакомит с рецептами и и способами приготовления большого количества кушаний - холодных и горячих закусок, первых и вторых блюд, изделий из теста, десертов. Большая часть рецептов - блюда старинной русской и украинской кухни. В книге также представлены оригинальные рецепты национального кулинарного искусства - отизысканной французской кухни до экзотической китайской. Код Д169
Лесли Колвин, Спиэр Эмма. Живой мир. Энциклопедия. М. Росмэн 2000г. 128с., илл. Энциклопедия `Живой мир` полна интересных фактов о жизни растений и животных. Она составлена по принципу единства природы, окружающей среды и среды обитания. В ней особое внимание уделяется взаимодействию живых существ друг с другом и с бесконечно меняющимся миром природы. В книге содержится несколько сотен превосходных иллюстраций и подробных схем. Все это вместе с многочисленными познавательными таблицами, словарем и полным указателем делает ее незаменимой справочной книгой для детей.   Код Д138
Космос. Звезды и планеты. Космические полеты. Реактивные самолеты. Телевидение. Серия: Энциклопедия юного ученого. Научно-познавательная литература для младшего и среднего школьного возраста. М. Росмэн, 1999 г. 136 с. илл. Эта книга позволяет начинающему астроному получить исчерпывающие сведения о нашей Вселенной. Простой язык повествования и детальные рисунки помогут читателю совершить увлекательное путешествие по знакомому с детства звездному небу вплоть до неведомых глубин космического пространства. Вы найдете популярное изложение научных концепций, касающихся возникновения Вселенной и того места, которое занимает в ней крохотная космическая песчинка - Земля. Посетить еще дымящийся кратер, оставленный гигантским метеоритом, увидеть вблизи все планеты Солнечной системы и узнать, каким образом черные дыры засасывают материю и энергию, можно прочитав эту книгу. Описание несложных и безопасных экспериментов, которые можно проводить в домашних условиях при помощи обычных хозяйственных принадлежностей привлекут читателей всех возрастов. Код Д160
Magazine 2007 on computer topics.  В журнале 68 страниц. Текст в основном чёрно-белый. Бумага газетная. Published in Ukraine.
Vendor: dtmbua
Save 33%
Коккарда СССР, новая, отличное состояние.
Vendor: Orehoff
$15.00 $10.00
Save 29%
Коккарда СССР, новая, отличное состояние.
Vendor: Orehoff
$14.00 $10.00
В книге поэта Александра Силаева (сетевой никнейм - silaev_a) представлены два жанра современной поэзии - пирожки и порошки, отличающиеся ироничностью, лаконичностью формы, злободневной тематикой и авторским остроумием. Книга выполнена в подарочном формате (твёрдый переплёт, мелованная бумага), иллюстрации - Юрия Косилова. Тираж - 550 экз. По вопросам, связанным с книгой, обращайтесь по адресу:
Vendor: Silaev Made
Киевленко Е.Я., Чупров В.И., Драмшева Е.Е. Декоративные коллекционные минералы. М. Недра 1987 г. 223с. Рассмотрены главные виды декоративных минералов и минеральных агрегатов - кристаллов, друз, жеод, вкрапление в породах, представляющих интерес как коллекционный материал, не требующий промышленной обработки. Показаны особенности коллекционных минералов как нового полезного ископаемого, охарактеризованы главные их разновидности, условия образования и генетические типы месторождений. Даны рекомендации по применению методов и рациональной последовательности поисковых и оценочных работ, а также практические советы по отбору коллекционных образцов, их облагораживанию и сохранению. В книге много цветных иллюстраций. Код Д173
M 40 /64 Size  Winter Camo The helmet is strong, without holes. A lot of paint from winter camouflage. Washed with water.
Vendor: CoinSeller
Ирина Солнышко. Малыши. Во дворе. Для ребенка 1-4 года. Художник-иллюстратор О. Денисенко. Ранок Дитяча література. 2019 г. 12 с., илл. Все дети любят пушистых малышей – котят, зайчат, утят… И поэтому книжки серии «Малыши» – это лучший способ начать знакомство ребенка с животными. На страницах книжек маленькие зверята расскажут о себе короткие простые стишки, которые Вашему малышу будет легко запомнить.   Код Д130
хороший журнал интересные статьи состояние не очень
Vendor: Aquatoria
Советский фотоальбом фотокнига о животных дальних стран Иллюстрированная книга Это иллюстрированная книга - фотоальбом.  Что продается на фото.  Состояние оцениваю как нормальное, б/у. Книга большого формата, тяжелая.  Внимание - лист 9 частично порван, смотрите это на фото! Вес указан на фото
Vendor: dtmbua
ЖЗЛ. Каталог 1933-1973 Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей. Выпуск 8 (546). Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М. Молодая гвардия 1976г. 288 с., ил. В связи с 40-летием серии «ЖЗЛ» редакция выпускает дополненное и исправленное издание каталога книг серии. В каталоге приведены краткие сведения о героях книг серии (первый раздел), вышедшие за 40 лет книги и отзывы на них (второй раздел), краткие биографические справки об авторах книг (третий раздел). Четвертый раздел посвящен кратким сведениям об альманахе «Прометей». В заключении даны алфавитные указатели авторов рецензий и авторов альманаха «прометей». Код Д180
Путолова Л.С., Менчинская Т.И., Баранова Т.Л. И др. Декоративные разновидности цветного камня СССР. Справочное пособие. Под редакцией профессора Е. Я. Киевленко. М. Недра. 1989г. 272с., с илл. Рассмотрены структурно-текстурные особенности ювелирно-поделочных и поделочных камней, влияющие на их художественно-декоративные и технологические свойства. Приведена классификация цветных камней. Подробно охарактеризованы и проиллюстрированы типичные декоративные разновидности цветных камней из месторождений и проявлений СССР. Для геологов, занимающихся поисками и изучением камнесамоцветного сырья. Может быть полезна художникам и технологам камнеобрабатывающей промышленности и всем любителям камня.  Код Д171
Гауф Вильгельм. Сказки. Для мл. школьного возраста. Худ. Попов Е.В. Симферополь Таврия 1988г. 184 с., илл. В книгу включены сказки Калиф-аист, Маленький Мук, Карлик Нос, Холодное Сердце, Приключения Саида, Спасение Фатимы, Царевич-самозванец. Код Д170
Вторая часть оплаты 
Волшебный сундучок сказок. Сборник сказок для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Х. Пегас, 2016 г. 64 с., ил. В этом сборнике ваш ребенок с большим удовольствием встретится с любимыми героями сказок, о которых вы уже рассказывали или читали. А если вы еще не успели познакомить с ними своего маленького читателя, тогда скорее вместе открывайте первую страницу книги!  Код Д145
Первая часть оплаты .Остаток при получение готового результата . Чтобы оплатить с карты выбирайте "STRIP"
Братья Гримм Сказки. Сборник. Х.: Издательский дом Пегас, 2017 г. 64 с. илл. В сборник вошли лучшие сказки известных немецких писателей - братьев Якоба и Вильгельма Гримм. На страницах этой книги дети встретятся с красавицами Рапунцель и Белоснежкой, бременскими музыкантами и другими сказочными персонажами, которых читатели разных стран знают и любят на протяжении уже двух столетий. Код Д157
Андерсен Г. К. Сказки. Серия Радуга. Сборник сказок для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Х.: Издательский дом Пегас, 2017 г. 64 с. илл. Наиболее известные сказки выдающегося датского сказочника Г.К. Андерсена вызывают самые светлые чувства. Не удивительно, что на них уже выросло не одно поколение: истории о новом наряде короля и принце-свинопасе учат юных читателей жизненной мудрости, а поступки Герды, русалочки и других героев писателя стали настоящим примером доброты и любви к ближнему. Код Д158
Yuri Gagarin Vostok spacecraft Vintage Space  Soviet USSR Vintage Pin Badge Size: 26 x 26 mm
Soviet vintage aluminium pin. Original period item. Not a copy or reproduction. Made in 1970's. Condition: Very Good.
CHOOSE your insert color of paper, please) Our custom stationery book with canary shade blank pages may become your faithful companion in your daily routine and adventures. This minimalist in design and flashy in color notebook comes in a genuine leather cover of a lemon shade with a rubber band closure and an 160-page removable eco-craft recycled paper block that has a calmer yellow color that the cover. The size of the sketchbook will be convenient for a bag or a small backpack, it is just smaller than A5. Unisex diary and mindfulness journal with essential design holds the potential to be transformed into personalized stationery with a laser engraved business logo, a cute graduation gift for a mori kei girl or your favourite recipe book. Due to material reliability, it also may make a long-lasting traveler’s book with your custom branding. Size: 5.9” x 7.48” /15 х 19 cm (small allowance is possible due to the material natural constriction) Material: genuine leather, paper, elastic band, metal fittings You can choose color of blocks (80 pages): craft, white, ruled white, black or any color you want - just let us know Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: - The price for personalization is discussed individually and starts from $ 2; - Please note, that the implementation of a custom order will require more time than the standard one; - Be sure to check the accuracy of the personalization image or logo and spelling, as your engraving would appear exactly as you have written it out for us. - The product is not a toy. It contains small parts. Not suitable or intended for young children or babies. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
WW2 rare historical book Vintage Album Collection of 32 maps- schemes of fighting 1939- 1945 russian edition 1958 vintage condition ( see pics ) measurements 15 cm / 6 in x 23 cm /9 in 32 schemes PAYMENT I accept payment on PayPal account. Returns & exchanges no returns If there is a problem with your order, please contact me before leaving negative feedback so we can resolve the issue SHIPPING Sending the order is carried out within 1-2 days except weekends. Orders are sent by air mail. Ships with tracking number. After the shipment I will provide you the tracking number to your package, so you can see where it is and when you will receive it.
Vendor: Atlantic
Wooden Whistle Bird, Vintage Whistle, Handmade Wood Whistle, Wood Whistle Material: wood Condition and defects: minor scuffs, scratches Height 6.5 cm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Complete set of goods as in the photo, you buy what you see in the photo. Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]
This wooden Diffuser is made of wood of such species ash, oak and maple, cut into pieces upside down. Has dimensions 19.7x19.7x2.5 inch. It is a perfect combination of diffuser and loft-style wood wall panel! Acoustic diffusers (diffusers) are designed to scatter sound waves in all directions. Due to the diffusers a uniform sound field is achieved. When it hits the diffuser, the sound wave breaks into many small reflections, losing its energy. Wooden diffusers are perfect for use in those rooms where you need to achieve the highest possible acoustics in the shortest possible time. For example, in professional recording studios, for home recording, as well as in home theaters 5.1 and 7.1, and will undoubtedly be useful for audiophiles. In the process of making musical instruments, pieces of wood remain that are no longer suitable for production. But throwing them away or burning them is extremely wrong! This produces felling of new trees. And saving as many green brothers as possible on our planet is one of the most urgent tasks for today. That's why we decided to take the path of non-waste production! From wood scraps we make such wonderful diffusers for your music studio. Also, these panels are perfect for decorating your interior of an office, cafe, pub or apartment. Take care of yourself and the world around you! Good to all! Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! An integral part of any office, home, pub or restaurant where people work, relax or just spend time! This loft style decor will complement your interior with warm tones. A great gift for a friend and relatives!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Save 30%
Wooden playing cards box. Jewelry box Eco friendly product. Box for playing cards U***, Poker, Bridge. Skip-** storage box. MTG box Are you tired of losing your playing cards? Does the cardboard box break constantly? Playing card storage box to keep your deck safe and sound. Surprise other players with your uniqueness. The size corresponds to the classic size of playing cards. A unique, stylish gift for game lovers. The box will fit 2 decks of cards. Outside box size: 17.5 cm long x 12.5 cm wide x 7 cm tall (6.88 x 4.92 x 2.75 inches) The box is divided into two equal size pieces, two parts for:10.3 cm long x 7.3 cm wide x 6 cm tall (4.05 x 2.87 x 2.36 inches) The lid is stitched by hand with waxed thread This is a handmade wooden product. The best quality will surprise you! The box contains no cards. Choose a font to personalize
$50.00 $35.00
This Wooden Pan Pipe Wind Flute Musical Instrument for meditation relaxation is made from a selected array of maple, covered with natural flax oil. Configured on F major pentatonic. Dimensions 5,3x2,8x0,55 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is an example of the sound of this beautiful instrument We can apply a black print according to your wishes! It can be an inscription, a person’s name, the name of your group, or a small picture. Important: The image must be completely black, no shades of gray. We do not apply photos. This musical instrument is very easy to learn to play! And its sound will give you and the surrounding world positive vibrations that relax the mind and body, put your mood and thoughts in order, plunging you into the world of pure nature, where a mountain river runs and nice birds sing) Comfortable and compact flute with a gentle and pleasant sound. It is always and everywhere convenient to carry. Small size, placed in a small pocket!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This Wooden Pan Pipe Wind Flute Musical Instrument for meditation relaxation is made from a selected array of maple, covered with natural flax oil. Configured on F major pentatonic. Dimensions 5,3x2,8x0,55 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a link to the sound of this beautiful instrument: We can apply a black print according to your wishes! It can be an inscription, a person’s name, the name of your group, or a small picture. Important: The image must be completely black, no shades of gray. We do not apply photos. This musical instrument is very easy to learn to play! And its sound will give you and the surrounding world positive vibrations that relax the mind and body, put your mood and thoughts in order, plunging you into the world of pure nature, where a mountain river runs and nice birds sing) Comfortable and compact flute with a gentle and pleasant sound. It is always and everywhere convenient to carry. Small size, placed in a small pocket!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This is a completely new model of a wooden musical quad shaker made of selected solid ash, filled with beads and coated with professional polyurethane varnish. It measures 4x4x4.3. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a video of this wonderful instrument Caution! Having picked up this thing, you will not become the same! It lies so nicely in the hand and sounds that it will cure any stress and depression, destroying internal conflicts! Friends! A new shaker model has been developed! QuadroShaker by Noisy Wood! It consists of four separate modules and has a very bright and relaxing sand sound! The functional turned out to be interesting: it is convenient to lie between your fingers, it is firmly fixed, thereby not only allowing you to shake the shaker, but also spin it to and fro!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This wooden musical instrument kazoo combines the energy of oak, acacia and ash wood! This wind instrument is covered with eco-friendly natural flax oil. Tool sizes – 3.7x2.8x0.6 in. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! On the back of the logo, if necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! On the round plate, as shown in the last photo of this list. A prerequisite - the inscription or image must be completely black without shades of gray. For people who appreciate the combination of selected noble wood with first-class sound and design! The tool is interesting because it has two membranes that work simultaneously. As a result, the sound of the instrument is more saturated and very loud. Here is a link to an example of the sound of this beautiful instrument: In combination with other musical instruments The membranes are made of stretch polyethylene. This material sounds best. If necessary, they are easily replaced by others. Just cut a piece of material and pressed the slats!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
✅The jewelry box is handcrafted by the Royal Tabula team without any cutting equipment. The box is made of linden wood, cut out, primed and opened with water-based varnish. Lid opening and closing system - hidden brass cylindrical hinges. The cover is securely fixed with neodymium magnets. The jewelry storage box is completely made of environmentally friendly materials. Attention! This is handmade and each product individually may slightly differ in shade, which does not affect its graceful appearance. Outside size: 24×14×14cm (240 millimeters × 140 millimeters × 140 millimeters); Inside size: length 7.8 inc, width 4 inc, height 2.7 inc - (20×10×7cm) - (200 millimeters × 100 millimeters × 70 millimeters); Shipping policy: Ready to ship; Delivery from Ukraine; ✈️ Delivery International Standard 9-21days; UPS Express 4-9days; FedEx Express 5-10days around the world (delivery time is calculated for the United States, for other countries, see when placing an order in the basket; Maintenance of your order 24/7; Return policy: We will gladly accept the return of the product if it is damaged or you do not like it. If you would like to return this product please contact me within 7 days of receiving this product. Personalization: If you want to personalize this product, please note that for this our craftsmen will make a personal order for you, which will require additional time of 7-14 business days. After production you will receive your order in 4-21 business days. You can also see other products in our store: We hope that you enjoyed our shop. With love, Royal Tabula...
Vendor: RoyalTabula
Almost every musician, while playing an instrument, be it a guitar, a ukulele or a banjo, beats the rhythm with his foot across the floor. Why do it at idle? You can become a human orchestra with an interesting and simple percussion for the feet from Workshop Noisy Wood, which is called the foot stomp box. Also known as mississippi drum machine. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! The body is made of solid ash. Has dimensions: 4x3.5x1 inch. A piezo pickup is installed inside, which allows you to connect the instrument to the amplifier and adjust the sound as you like. The output is a standard guitar jack and volume control on the side of the instrument. If necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! As shown in the last photo of this listing. A prerequisite - the inscription or image should be completely black without shades of gray. Beat the rhythm, sing and acomponge at the same time!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Wooden Darbuka - Cajon Drum is made of high quality natural pine wood. Tapa is made of high-quality birch plywood. Has dimensions 17,7x9.4 inch. Сovered with professional polyurethane varnish. Guitar strings installed under the instrument tapa provide a sandy sound of a cajon. They are configured using pegs located on the side. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Playing this wonderful musical instrument, you will feel the pleasant vibrations that it emits! Its sound is wonderful! This provides a hexagonal shape of instrument. Here is a video with the sound of this beautiful musical instrument On tapa, drum surface, we can apply a black print according to your wishes! It can be an inscription, a person’s name, the name of your group, or a picture. Important: The image must be completely black, no shades of gray. We do not apply photos. Examples of pictures, see the photo listing. Before ordering, send us a completely finished image that you want to see on your instrument. And we will apply it! Thanks to the Flower of Life print, the drum is a high-energy tool. “Flower of Life” is the only image that contains every single aspect of creation, all mathematical formulas, every law of physics, every harmony in music and every biological life form, writes Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”. Suitable not only for professional musicians, but also for beginners! It is very easy to play. You can use it also for meditation and singing mantras! The tool is very convenient when playing. It has strap mounts. A strap as a gift! You can play while sitting, holding the drum between your legs, you can and standing.
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Wooden oak beer mug, handmade
· Wooden Advent Calendar · It's time to bring the Christmas mood to your home! Create a sweet Christmas fairy tale for the whole family with our Wooden Advent Calendar. The Nativity Scene Advent Calendar will create a Christmas anticipation for your loved ones. Fill your calendar with envelopes with tasks, small gifts, and special messages to surprise your kids every day as they open it! It is a unique bonding opportunity, as there are so many fun family advent tasks ideas. Moreover, it is a cozy Christmas decoration idea for your shelf or fireplace. · Dimensions · 18.5х0.7х1.1 inch (47х2х3 cm)
Vendor: BusyPuzzle
Wooden female angel is cute gift for the winter holidays that everyone will definitely like! Give yourself and everyone around unrepeatable and magical atmosphere with decorating your home, office, car or Christmas tree. Amazing and beautiful design with a huge variety of colours will touch everyone and give truly holiday mood. ⭐ ITEM DETAILS ⭐ • Method of producing: wooden foundation made with laser wood carving, decoration in a form of a snowflake with beads is handmade. • Material: natural wood, glass beads. • Embroidery: one-sided, another side is covered by white felt. • Size: 3,9" x 3,1" x 0,12". You can easily use wooden Christmas ornaments to decorate your home, office, or a car, Christmas tree, stocking, table. Use it as a handmade, original present or as a part of the decoration of the gift box. Add some festive atmosphere during the winter season! Please note that colors on your monitor screen may differ slightly from the actual product due to the color rendering of your device.
This percussion musical instrument is made of solid ash, covered with polyurethane varnish. Has dimensions 2.36x1.6x0.8 inch. Very funny and handy thing! Easy to stick on cajon or guitar. You get an interesting sound! Here is a link to the video, see for yourself all the advantages of this device: Easy to attach to the instrument with adhesive tape. With such a seemingly small castanet, your playing on the cajon or guitar takes on new colors! Expand the functionality and sound of your instruments to the maximum! Many colors available! See our other listings. Have a good mood and stay healthy!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Witch Journal leather notebook, minimalist travelers goth diary, book for spells eco-friendly personalized unisex stationery, burgundy blackleather notebook laser engraved logo design CHOOSE your insert color of paper, please: craft, ruled craft, white, ruled white, black or any color you want - just let me know. Two removable pendant keychains: skull and raven. You can complete the composition to your liking. Let all your common objects show your style and vision. My custom blank book stationary may become your faithful companion in your daily routine and adventures. This minimalist notebook comes in a leather cover of an burgundy shade with a black leather skull and raven silhouettes pendant on the rubber band closure and a 200-page removable eco-craft recycled paper block. Silvery tone fittings are to enhance the natural setting of colors. The size of this eco-friendly notebook will be convenient for a bag or a small backpack. Unisex diary with essential design holds the potential to be transformed into personalized stationery with a laser engraved business logo, a cute Valentines day gift for a goth girl or your favourite recipe book. Due to material reliability, it also may make a long-lasting traveler’s book with your custom branding. Size: A5 5.9” x 8,26” /15,5 х 21 cm 100 sheets (200 pages). Material: genuine leather, paper, elastic band, metal fittings Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ; - Please note, that the implementation of a custom order will require more time than the standard one; - Be sure to check the accuracy of the personalization image or logo and spelling, as your engraving would appear exactly as you have written it out for us. - The product is not a toy. It contains small parts. Not suitable or intended for young children or babies. For more leather notebooks from my shop, please, follow the link: Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
Winter trousers of the Soviet Army the 1978s.Russian size 60/4.Material 100% cotton .Designed to be worn for all occasions.Detailed information in the photo. This product, depending on the batch and year of manufacture, may differ from the indicated photos, which does not affect the quality of use
Vendor: ArmyShop
White Genuine leather A5 notebook custom travelbook or sketchbook white stationery personalized laser engraved logo leather refill insert CHOOSE your insert color of paper, please) You can even choose color of elastic band - just let me know what color do you want)) My custom blank book stationary may become your faithful companion in your daily routine and adventures. This minimalist notebook comes in a genuine leather cover of white color and a 200-page removable white recycled paper block. Antique tone fittings are to enhance the natural setting of colors. The size of this notebook will be convenient for a bag or a small backpack. Refill diary with essential design holds the potential to be transformed into personalized stationery with a laser engraved business logo, a cute Valentines day gift for a mori kei girl or your favourite recipe book. Due to material reliability, it also may make a long-lasting traveler’s book with your custom branding. Size: A5 5.9” x 8,26” /15,5 х 21 cm 100 sheets (200 pages). You can choose color of blocks: craft, white, ruled white, black or any color you want - just let me know. Material: genuine leather, paper, elastic band, metal fittings If you are interested in more leather products from my shop, please, follow the links. Items on sale: Notebooks and Insert Refills: Leather Bags: Accessories: Leather Jewelry: My shop: Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: - Please note, that the implementation of a custom order will require more time than the standard one; - Be sure to check the accuracy of the personalization image or logo and spelling, as your engraving would appear exactly as you have written it out for us. - The product is not a toy. It contains small parts. Not suitable or intended for young children or babies. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop

Top Vintage Soviet Union Collectibles That Are Priceless

The Soviet Union, as an era, is famous not only for its traditional items, such as matryoshkas and gzhel ceramics but also for the items of the Soviet era among collectors from all over the world. If you want to experience the Soviet atmosphere or possess an item that reflects traditional Russian crafts, make sure to check out our offers. While you’re at it, let’s take a look at the top Russian collectibles that would satisfy any soul.

#1. Medals, Pins, And Ribbons

Even though these items may not be your first pick when browsing through our Soviet Union collectibles, they are definitely worth your attention, especially if you are particularly interested in Soviet-era items. The pins reflect the key accents that were present in Soviet society: the Olympic Games, the space race, and worshipping Vladimir Lenin. The ribbons can strike you with the wide range of them available at our Russian collectibles store – each color scheme has its own meaning in terms of military medals received.

#2. Nesting Dolls

Also known as matryoshka dolls (‘matryoshka’ literally means little matron), these items have proven to be the most popular traditional gifts from the Soviet Union. A set of matryoshka dolls includes a big wooden doll that separates horizontally to reveal a smaller doll of a similar appearance inside, which has another smaller doll inside, and so on.

#3. Military Items

Besides medals and ribbons, there is a wide range of other priceless military items to choose from. If you are interested in vintage military uniforms, Soviet ones will not leave you disappointed. There are both whole uniforms and their separate ammunition available for purchase. Apart from that, you can choose from a spectrum of army items, such as belts, flasks, etc.

#4. Gzhel Ceramics

Another famous kind of Soviet Union-era gift and collectible is often purchased as a souvenir. Gzhel’s geographic origins lie in a small village of the same name that started producing such ceramics in 1802. There is a wide range of Gzhel ceramics available, from clocks to plates and statuettes.

Yet, these 4 picks are only a glimpse into the variety of items we have available, so make sure you won’t miss rare offers of Russian uniforms and badges, lacquer boxes, tableware and kitchenware, prints and photos, books, music and movies, and holiday ornaments.