Art & Collectibles

Polish Hussar - Towarzysz ("Companion"), XVII century. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Drum-major of the 9th line regiment, France 1809 Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Napoleon I - emperor of France (1804-1814, 1815). Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Voltigeur, corsican tirailleurs, France 1809. Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Louis IX - king of France, 1226-1270. Louis IX (25 April 1214 – 25 August 1270), commonly known as Saint Louis, was King of France from 1226 until his death. According to his vow made after a serious illness, and confirmed after a miraculous cure, Louis IX took an active part in the Seventh and Eighth Crusade in which he died from dysentery. He was succeeded by his son Philip III. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Napoleon I - emperor of France (1804-1814, 1815). White metal, 54 mm.
Oliver Ingham (or De Ingham, d’Ingham) (1287–1344) was an English commander and administrator in Aquitaine during the War of Saint-Sardos and early Hundred Years War. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Edward III of Bar (late June 1377 - 25 October 1415, Agincourt) was made marquis of Pont-a-Mousson by his father Robert I of Bar in 1399 (his mother was Marie Valois, daughter of John II of France) and held it until his death He then became heir to the duchy of Bar following the death of his elder brothers Henry and Philippe at or soon after the battle of Nicopolis in 1396. In 1405, Charles VI of France charged him with defending the Boulonnais, then threatened by the English. At the end of 1406 he participated in the Guyenne campaign under the orders of Louis of Orleans, but dysentry decimated the French forces. After Louis's assassination in 1407, Edward joined John the Fearless and rallied the Burgundians. Succeeding his father on 12 April 1411, Edward was killed at the battle of Agincourt and succeeded by his brother (he never married, though he left several illegitimate children). Edouard III de Bar, ne fin juin 1377, mort le 25 octobre 1415 a Azincourt, fut marquis de Pont-a-Mousson de 1399 a 1415 et duc de Bar de 1411 a 1415. Il etait fils de Robert Ier, comte puis duc de Bar, et de Marie de France. Il devint l'heritier du duche de Bar a la mort de ses freres Henri et Philippe, tues a Nicopolis en 1396. Son pere le fait marquis de Pont-a-Mousson en 1399. En 1405, il est charge par Charles VI de defendre le Boulonnais menace par les Anglais. Fin 1406, il participe a la campagne de Guyenne sous les ordres de Louis d'Orleans, mais la dysenterie decime l'armee francaise. Apres l'assassinat de Louis d'Orleans, en 1407, il se rapproche de Jean sans Peur et se rallie aux Bourguignons. Il succede a son pere le 12 avril 1411. Il est tue a la bataille d'Azincourt et son frere lui succeda. Il ne s'est pas marie, mais a laisse plusieurs enfants naturels. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Сrusader XII century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Roman legionary I B.C. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Roman legate I-II A.D. A legatus was a general in the Roman army, equivalent to a modern general officer. Being of senatorial rank, his immediate superior was the dux (provincial governor), and he outranked all military tribunes. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Greek hoplite V B.C. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
French drummer grenadier of the 27th line regiment, France 1809 Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Officer of engineers of the Guard, France 1811 Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Prussian officer of the 1st life hussars regiment, 1812. Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Napoleon I - emperor of France (1804-1814, 1815). Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Marshal General Jean-de-Dieu Soult, 1st Duke of Dalmatia, (29 March 1769 – 26 November 1851) was a French general and statesman, named Marshal of the Empire in 1804 and often called Marshal Soult. Soult was one of only six officers in French history to receive the distinction of Marshal General of France. The Duke also served three times as President of the Council of Ministers, or Prime Minister of France. Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Grenadier of 3rd swiss regiment, 1810. Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Napoleon I - emperor of France (1804-1814, 1815). Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Russian Staff-trumpeter of the Sumsky hussar regiment, 1812. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Trumpeter of the Guard Marines. France, 1809. Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Hussar 7th regiment. France 1798.. Hussard du 7ème rgt. France 1798. Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Polish Winged Hussar, XVII century. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.