Art & Collectibles

Roman gladiator amazon with long sword. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm. Specify in order what option of a painting more preferably.
Roman gladiator. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Medieval knight, XIII century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Bertrand du Guesclin (c. 1320 – 13 July 1380), known as the Eagle of Brittany or the Black Dog of Brocéliande, was a Breton knight and French military commander during the Hundred Years' War. He was Constable of France from 1370 to his death. Well known for his Fabian strategy, he took part in six pitched battles and won the four in which he held command. Bertrand du Guesclin, comte de Longueville, (né en 1320 au château de la Motte-Broons, près de Dinan, mort le 13 juillet 1380 devant Châteauneuf-de-Randon) est un noble breton, connétable de France et de Castille. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
German Knight Minnesinger - Konrad Schenke von Limpurg (1249-1286). Minnesang was the tradition of lyric and song writing in Germany which flourished in the 12th century and continued into the 14th century. People who wrote and performed Minnesang are known as Minnesingers (German: Minnesänger). The name derives from the word minne, Middle High German for love which was their main subject, and an individual song was a minnelied. The Minnesänger were similar to the Provençal troubadours and northern French trouvères; they wrote love poetry in the courtly love tradition in Middle High German in the High Middle Ages. Chevalier Allemand Minnesinger - Konrad Schenke von Limpurg (1249-1286) Minnesang (« chant d'amour ») est la tradition du lyrique et de l'écriture de chanson dans les pays de langue allemande qui s'est épanouie du xiie siècle jusqu'au xive siècle. Les gens qui ont écrit et qui ont exécuté le Minnesang sont connus comme chanteurs de Minne (« Minnesänger »). Le Minnesang a beaucoup en commun avec la tradition des troubadours et les trouvères en France. Il provient probablement de cette tradition, bien qu'il ait développé ses propres formes. Comme eux, les Minnesänger chantaient principalement la « Minne » (l'amour courtois). Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
French (Breton) warrior XIV century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Knight Hospitalier XII century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Medieval Knight XIV century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
European knight XIII century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Teutonic knight XIII century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Medieval european warrior XIV century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
German Knight XIV century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Italian knight XIII century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Swiss Halberdier, XV century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Swiss Captain, XV century Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Peter I the Great, Tsar and Emperor of Russia in 1682-1725. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Officier of the life-guard Semyonovsky regiment, Russia 1817-1820 Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
French Marsouin - Marin infantryman, 1890 Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Colonel of the lifeguard Uhlan His Majesty regiment, Russia 1913 Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Russian gunner, 1812 Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
Sapper, dutch Guard grenadiers, France 1812 Painted figure, made of white metal. Scale 1/32 (54 mm).
King Arthur V-VI century. King Arthur is a legendary British leader of the late 5th and early 6th centuries, who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the early 6th century. The details of Arthur's story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention, and his historical existence is debated and disputed by modern historians Painted tin figure, 54 mm.
Polish Armored Cossack, XVII century. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.
Polish hussars rotmistrz, XVII century. Painted figure made of white metal, 54 mm.