Ukraine, Kyiv

Hello! My name is Melody. I am resin artist, master of original handmade decor, jewelry,...

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Own your magic and get ispired with beautiful resin items by AuroraArtStory We offer you unique keychains "Feathers". It is 100% handmade from resin. It is a nice gift for anyone for any reason) Available in black, white&gold champagne, white&rose gold colors. Also can be made to order in any other colors by your choice. The lead time for a new product and shipping is about 2 days. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. You have good possibility to create the best mood with this cute and original thing! Show your original style with art jewelry. It will highlight your beauty and individuality. Keychain Feathers can be used also as accessory for a bag or you can ask me to make a brooch feather Made by AuroraArtStory. Create your story with us! P.S. Interesting facts about feathers and birds Some 400 billion birds share the planet with us, each with its own abundant coat of feathers. Far, far too many to count. Perhaps even harder to fathom is the wealth of plumage colors, patterns and shapes that spring from Mother Nature’s artistry. Check out this mind-boggling variety of feathers. Equally impressive is the story of how feathers evolved, how they grow on a bird’s body and the multitudinous functions they serve. They truly are marvels of engineering. Prepare to be wowed by the following 20 fascinating feather facts. Birds Are the Only Animals With Feathers Other creatures may fly (bats), lay eggs (lizards) and build nests (squirrels) like birds, but none are feathered. In that way, birds are unique. Plumage Didn’t Start With Birds Scientists now believe that most dinosaurs also had feathers (or at least feathery fluff) including, if you can picture it, Tyrannosaurus rex. That means birds are actually modern-day dinosaurs. In the beginning, feathers were probably more for insulation or ornamentation than for flight. But as dinosaurs evolved into today’s birds, the role of feathers also evolved to help them soar. Feathers Do Much More Than Help Birds Fly Think of plumage as a multifunctional suit — a sort of rain coat, sunscreen, winter jacket, armor and fashion statement all in Tone. Feathers not only protect birds from the elements, thorns and insects, but they also repel water, provide camouflage and help birds attract mates with sexy, showy plume displays. The Number of Feathers Varies Dramatically by Bird Species In general, small songbirds sport between 1,500 and 3,000 feathers, eagles and birds of prey have 5,000 to 8,000 and swans wear as many as 25,000. Hummingbirds have the fewest feathers at 1,000 while penguins have perhaps the densest(warmest)feather coat with about 100 feathers per squareinch Hummingbird Hummingbirds, like this green violet-ear (or Mexican violetear), have the fewest number of feathers in the avian world. Mdf, Edited by Laitche/Wikimedia Commons Hummingbirds, like this green violet-ear (or Mexican violetear), have the fewest number of feathers in the avian world. (Photo: Mdf, Edited by Laitche/Wikimedia Commons) Feathers Can Weigh More Than a Bird’s Skeleton That’s particularly true for flying birds, which have the lightest (mostly hollow) bones to keep them airborne. In some species, a bird’s skeleton represents only 5 percent of its total body weight, meaning their feathers account for a substantial portion of the rest. Feathers Share Similarities With Human Hair They’re constructed from the same fibrous protein called keratin (also the main component of nails, horns and claws), which pushes out of follicles in the skin. However, feathers are also clearly different. Unlike hair, they branch out into complex tree-like structures. The most intricate feathers have a central hollow shaft called the rachis, which sprouts branches called barbs, which further subdivide into smaller branching barbules. These interlock with other barbules to create a sleek, aerodynamic, form-fitting coat. Birds Maneuver Feathers via Tiny Muscles in Their Follicles These muscles form a network throughout a bird’s skin, allowing it to spread its feathers for a mating display, pull them closer together to form a tight seal against freezing temperatures, and fan its wing feathers to boost the surface area for better flight. Wild turkey mating display Tiny muscles in their skin follicles allow birds, like this wild male turkey, to puff out their feathers in magnificent mating displays. Mark Gunn/Flickr Tiny muscles in their skin follicles allow birds, like this wild male turkey, to puff out their feathers in magnificent mating displays. (Photo: Mark Gunn/Flickr) Plumage Comes in Seven Diverse Varieties Feather categories include wing feathers, tail feathers, contour feathers that cover a bird’s body and define its shape, filoplume (sensory) feathers, semiplume feathers that lie underneath contour feathers to provide some insulation, down feathers that offer even more insulation, and bristle feathers on the head that protect a bird’s eyes and face. Feathers Foster Flight Most of us take that for granted, but wing feathers truly are aerodynamic wonders. They’re perfectly designed — lightweight and flexible yet also rigid enough — to help birds lift off the earth, glide through the skies, dive at death-defying speeds, land expertly on flimsy tree branches, and pump continuously for thousands of miles during migrations. Each bird species has just the right feather array and wing shape for its particular flight needs. One Bird Species Uses Feathers to Carry Water The male sandgrouse, a denizen of desert areas in southwest Africa, fills its specialized belly feathers with water from watering holes and transports it back to the nest for its chicks to drink. Down Feathers Offer Unparalleled Insulation These specialized feathers lie between a bird’s protective outer feathers and its skin to insulate against the cold. Down is constructed with flexible barbs that have long crisscrossing barbules. This creates a tight thermal layer that traps air molecules next to the bird’s warm body and retains heat while also being extremely lightweight. In fact, down is so efficient, ounce per ounce, that humans have yet to create anything better. Longest Tail Feathers Belong to Onagadori Cocks These domestic chickens bred in Japan can sport tails up to 10 meters long (32 feet). Feathers Get Their Colors in Multi-Faceted Ways One way is via pigments, three to be exact. One pigment — called melanin — produces black or dark brown feathers. Interestingly, feathers that contain melanin are stronger and more resistant to wear and bacterial degradation. Another pigment group called porphyrins (modified amino acids) produce red, brown, pink and green colors. A third group of plant-based pigments — called carotenoids — provide red, orange and yellow hues. In this case, color is added to feathers when birds ingest either carotenoid-containing plants or animals that have eaten them. Flamingos, for instance, get their pink color from eating algae and crustaceans that contain carotenoids. Pigments Aren’t the Only Color Source for Feathers Some, like the iridescent throat feathers of a hummingbird, result from intricate patterns in the keratin of the barbules that refract light. Blue shades are produced by small air pockets in the keratin. The resulting patterns cancel out red and yellow wavelengths, allowing blue wavelengths to dominate. Peacock feathers A peacock’s blue and iridescent feathers don’t come from pigments but are produced by microstructures in the keratin that play light tricks. Noel Reynolds/Wikimedia Commons A peacock’s blue and iridescent feathers don’t come from pigments but are produced by microstructures in the keratin that play light tricks. (Photo: Noel Reynolds/Wikimedia Commons) The Better the Color and Feather Display, the Better the Chances for Mating It’s a hard-and-fast rule in the avian world. Studies show, for instance, that male house finches with the reddest feathers get more females. It’s hypothesized that bright colors may be nature’s way of indicating vitality and good health. Same for tail length. Research shows that female barn swallows (as well as many other bird species) find males with the longest tail streamers to be the most attractive. In the case of peacocks, male attractiveness is determined by a combination of iridescent colors, tail length and how enticingly they shake their display feathers. At Least One Bird Species Sings With Its Wings Male club-winged manakins rub specialized wing feathers together at super-high speeds like crickets. The vibration produces a violin-like sound called a stridulation. Its purpose? To woo the ladies, of course. Preening Isn’t Just About Looks Regular feather grooming actually serves many crucial functions. Preening keeps parasites in check, removes dirt, keeps feathers supple and allows birds to properly arrange their plumage for the most effective insulation, waterproofing and flight. The secret ingredient is a special protective oil produced in the preen gland near the base of a bird’s tail used to coat feathers. Some species like owls and pigeons don’t have this gland but rely instead on specialized feathers that disintegrate into a powder down that’s used to coat feathers in the same way. Pied shag preening A pied shag (native to New Zealand) preens its feathers to keep them clean, parasite-free, supple and waterproof A pied shag (native to New Zealand) preens its feathers to keep them clean, parasite-free, supple and waterproof Flamingos Use Preen Oil as Makeup Turns out the oil from their preen glands also pick up carotenoids like their feathers. Researchers have observed flamingos rubbing reddish-orange preen oil for extra dazzle on their already pinkish breast, neck and back feathers. Birds Replace Their Feathers Regularly It’s called molting, and it’s how birds deal with the normal wear and tear that gradually degrades hardworking feathers (even carefully preened ones). Depending on the species, birds may shed all their worn or damaged feathers or just some in a staggered fashion to make way for fresh new plumage. Molts typically occur once a year, but some species molt more often. Birds Aren’t the Only Ones That Can Replace Feathers So can humans, using an ancient technique called imping (short for “implanting”). This is particularly important for birds that break wing feathers in between molts. Not being able to fly for even a short period of time can be deadly. Imping allows damaged feathers to be snipped and replaced with similar ones from a previous molt or from a donor bird. The procedure involves inserting a thin piece of metal or bamboo (an imping splint) into the shaft of a broken feather still on the wing. Then a replacement feather is slipped onto the other end of the splint, and everything is secured with adhesive. Enjoy the beauty of nature and be happy!
Amazing pendant "Dream catcher Butterfly" will highlight the natural beauty of the body and soul. Original cabochone is in sharm rose gold color, beautiful handmade decoration. The dream catcher began it's existence in North America, but it has become a very popular amulet among whole world. A dream catcher is a symbol of magical energy and protective talisman. Butterfly is a symbol of the soul and rebirth. I am happy to offer you this unique necklace - the best gift for you or your soulmate This pedant will show your good taste and warm care. Good vibes as a best bonus) Length of chain is 45 cm. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. Sharming jewelry from MelodyArtLoveStore. With all my heart to you...
Autumn inpiration with crystal resin items, made from high-quality jewelry epoxy. Such amazing set for someone you love - A6 journal+pen+coaster. 2 sides notebook with 2 differrent colors - orange and grey, matching cute pen for writing and original coaster with natural feather inside 100% Handmade set has unique design and journal has repleaceable white lined sheets, you can change paper and use it again and again. It’s refillable and reorganizable, you can shift the contents around however and whenever you please. This set can be true friend in daily life and increase the loving/positive energy and good vibes. The mid-size is very compact (A6 size), which makes it great as a field notebook. You can throw it in your bag and take with you anywhere. Own your magic and get inspiration with beauty of resinart! We trust that this set will bring success and good ideas. FEATURES: - A6 size 148.5mm x 105mm (4-1/8 x 5-7/8 inches) - 80 white lined pages - Hard waterproof cover - 6 metal rings - Weight 150 gm - Resin Pen - Resin Coaster 8 interesting facts about autumn: 1. Autumn begins There are two different dates when autumn could be said to begin. Autumn, as defined by the Earth's orbit around the Sun, begins on the equinox which falls on 22 or 23 September. However, to record climate data, it is important to have set dates that can be compared, so meteorological autumn always begins on 1 September. 2. Trees prepare for winter One of the most stunning signs of autumn is the turning of the leaves. The shorter days are a sign to trees to begin to prepare for winter. During winter there is not enough light for photosynthesis to occur, so as the days shorten throughout autumn, the trees begin to close down their food production systems and reduce the amount of chlorophyll in their leaves. 3. The chemistry of colour Chlorophyll is the chemical which makes tree leaves green and as it declines other chemicals become more prominent in the leaves. These are responsible for the vibrant ambers, reds and yellows of autumn. The chemicals responsible are types of flavonoids, carotenoids and anthocyanins. Did you know some of these chemicals are the same ones that give carrots (beta-carotenes) and egg yolks (luteins) their colours? 4. People born in Autumn live longer A study in the Journal of Aging Research found that babies born during the autumn months are more likely to live to 100 than those born during the rest of the year. Their study found that 30 % of US centenarians born during 1880-1895 were born in the autumn months. 5. The days get shorter The word equinox comes from the Latin equi (meaning equal) and nox (meaning night) accounting for the equinox marking the time when day and night are of equal length. We often notice the nights begin to draw in from this point as after the autumn equinox, the nights are longer than the days, until this is reversed at the spring equinox. 6. A date for your diary - 24 September 2303 Generally speaking, the autumn equinox always falls on either 22 or 23 September, but not quite always. Because the Gregorian calendar is not quite in perfect symmetry with the Earth's orbit, the autumn equinox will very occasionally fall on September 24. This last happened in 1931 and will next happen in 2303. 7. Persephone's return In Greek mythology, autumn began when Persephone was abducted by Hades to be the Queen of the Underworld. In distress Persephone's mother, Demeter (the goddess of the harvest), caused all the crops on Earth to die until her daughter was allowed to return, marking spring. 8. Autumn and Fall We typically think of 'fall' as the North American version of the word 'autumn', but it was in fact in widespread usage in England until relatively recently. Originally a shortening of the phrase fall of the leaf, the phrase was common in England in the 17th century. The word autumn entered English from the French automne and didn't become common usage until the 18th century. Enjoy your set and be happy! Made by AuroraArtStory Create your story with us!
Products section
Find your Inspiration with Compass Notebook. You can use it as a diary or office notebook, for work or leisure, for travelling or home. Compass will show you the right way in your daily tasks) 100% handmade from high-quality jewelry resin. It has 2 sides image, unique design and repleaceable white and black sheets. Comfortable, practical and longterm, you can change paper and use it again and again. Journals offer a special and unique connection between your mind and your written words. This beautiful journal will become your constant companion and a prized possession that enriches your life, sparks your creativity, and lets you express your thoughts. It can become special gift for your wife/friend/sibling/mom for any holiday and reason. For sure the owner of this set will stand out with creative style of it. FEATURES: - A5 size 148 x 210 mm (5,70 x 8,26 inches) - 45 white lined sheets 5 black sheets - Total 50 sheets (100 pages) - Hard waterproof cover - 6 metal rings - Replaceable sheets - Weight 250 gm Please try it and tell us your meaning to make our best for you! Made by AuroraArtStory Create your story with us!
"Because it's everyone's favorite pretty pink bird" I am happy to offer you cute necklace: "Rose flamingos" from my new summer collection. Nice art decoration and original rose gold color of pendant will highlight your beauty and original taste. Let's create summer mood with original handmade things. It will complete your look and make it perfect! Length of chain is 45 cm, color of chain is gold. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. This unique necklace - the best gift for yourself or your soulmate, daughter, friend. Make them happier now! Under the description of my product you will find some intersting facts about these unique birds! The nature really inspires) Do you want as example small spoiler? A flamingo typically weighs 4 to 8 pounds – that’s only around 1 kg to 3 kg. What? My cat's weigh is 5 kg! P.S. As additional or main item I can create Specially For You a ring or earrings with picture of flamingo(s) Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. The metal of pendant doesn't contain nickel. Production time: If you want something similar or even totally different you can contact me and we will find the best solution for you case! I take care about each customer and order. I will be happy to realize your wishes. I am making jewelry 7 days a week, so I can product it for you as soon as possible. Languages: My mother's language is Ukrainian and Russian. Also I can talk English, German and I learn Spanish) The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. If you need urgent deivery with additional payment it can be possible too. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Take off before going to bed, showering and washing your hands if you have a ring. Don't wear it during practising sport or doing activities requiring the use of corrosive products (gardening, cleaning, dishwashing…) Avoid any contact with chemicals. When your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. The transparent resin can become yellow and colorful item can lose the bright shade. Take care about yourself and your piece of my art. As I promised here are some interesing facts about rose flamingos: Beta-carotene makes them pink. Flamingo diet largely consists of crustaceans and algae, which are rich in carotenoids. This pigment gives flamingos the hot pink or reddish coloration they are known for. Flamingo egg yolks are pink, sometimes. Contrary to what you might think, flamingo eggs are similar to chickens eggs: white on the outside and yellowish or reddish on the inside. In some cases, however, flamingo egg yolks may have a pinkish hue. They eat upside-down. The flamingos’ curved bill is specially designed to filter food from mud and water. Flamingos feed by combing through the mud with their feet and catching it in their beaks while their heads are upside-down. Flamingos don’t have teeth. Flamingo beaks and tongues are lined with lamellae, a hair-like structure that filters out mud and silt from their food. Flamingos can fly 10,000-15,000 feet. Flamingos’ proportions and light body density allows them to fly at a speed of 50-60 kph and distances up to 600 km. Flamingos are usually found in swamps and mudflats. Fully-grown flamingos stand at 4 ft to 5 ft tall. A flamingo typically weighs 4 to 8 pounds – that’s only around 1 kg to 3 kg. Baby flamingos aren’t born with curved beaks. Their beaks become curved after a few months. No one knows why flamingos stand on one foot. Flamingos usually pose with one foot tucked under their bodies. A theory suggests that they do it to conserve body heat in the cold water of their feeding areas, but it has not been confirmed. Astonishingly, a study showed that this behavior does not cause muscle strain in their legs, which means they can do it without physical effort. Sharming jewelry from MelodyArtLoveStore. Melody of my soul for you...
Cute necklace: "Tender beauty" with dry flowers inside. Peace of nature will be always with you) Original color of pendant and nice art decoration will complete your image and make it perfect! Length of chain is 45 cm, color of ribbon from organza is purple. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. This unique necklace - the best gift for any reason. But actually no need reason to make happy yourself someone you love. True) Find love and keep it forever) Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. The metal of pendant doesn't contain nickel. Length of ribbon is 45 cm, color is purple. Production time: I am making jewelry without special holidays now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Take off before going to bed, showering and washing your hands. Don't wear it during practising sport or doing activities requiring the use of corrosive products (gardening, cleaning, dishwashing…) Avoid any contact with chemicals. When your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. The transparent resin can become yellow and colorful item can lose the bright shade. Take care about yourself and your piece of my art. Sharming jewelry from MelodyArtLoveStore. With all my heart to you...
Jewelry set: "Purple rose". This amazing floral set will highlight the natural beauty of the body and soul. Delicate shade of flowers will complete your image and make it perfect! Length of chain is 45 cm, ring size easy to adjust by yourself. In stock now I have 2 colors: lilac with silver chain and purple with gold chain. I make also jewelry to order. Can be made for example in pink, red or any other color. The lead time for a new product and shipping is about 2-3 days. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. This unique set - the best gift for any reason. But actually no need any reason to make happy yourself or someone you love. Find love and keep it forever) Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Production time: I am making jewelry without special holidays now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Take off before going to bed, showering and washing your hands. Don't wear it during practising sport or doing activities requiring the use of corrosive products (gardening, cleaning, dishwashing…) Avoid any contact with chemicals. When your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. The transparent resin can become yellow and colorful item can lose the bright shade. Take care about yourself and your piece of my art. There are few interesting facts about these beatiful flowers: Rose is queen of flowers and a symbol of the USA and England. Not all knows, that Columbus was able to discover America thanks in part to the rose. During the voyage, ship fell into a storm. The team was desperate and suddenly the sailor pulled out a rose branch from the water, that was a right sign, that the earth was close. The team gained hope and was able to hold out until the mainland. In mythology, red roses arose thanks to the goddess Aphrodite. She plucked a white flower and injured her finger on the spikes. Drops of blood fell on the petals and stained them. Roses are symbol of love and an object of inspiration for painters and poets such as Shakespeare and others. It's also very popular women's name in the world. This set will reveal your femininity, individuality and gives confidence and good vibes. Sharming jewelry from MelodyArtLoveStore. With all my heart to you...
Ever wondered if Unicorns are real? Is this mighty beast just a myth? How do you catch a unicorn? We try to answer this and more on article right under the description of this magical product. We are happy to offer you original brooch "Unique Unicorn". It is 100% handmade from resin. It can be used also as accessory for a bag. By your choice I can add the keychain ring or brooch pin. Also I can make a statuette. In any case it can become amulet for sucсess, wealth and protection. Nice combination of color: purple and gold. This unique acc - the best gift for any holiday for men or women. Show your original taste and style with art jewelry. Own your magic and get insired with us! I make also keychains and jewelry to order. Unicors can be made in any color/mix of shades. The lead time for a new product and shipping is about 3-4 days. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Color is purple-gold or you can contact me and order any other color by your choice. Production time: I am making jewelry without 6 days per week now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Take off before going to bed, showering and washing your hands. Don't wear it during practising sport or doing activities requiring the use of corrosive products (gardening, cleaning, dishwashing…) Avoid any contact with chemicals. When your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. The transparent resin can become yellow and colorful item can lose the bright shade. Take care about yourself and your art gift. 40 Interesting Unicorn Facts: 1. A Unicorn is a mythical and legendary animal depicted as a beautiful horse with a single horn. 2. Unicorns are earthbound and do not have wings. 3. If a Unicorn and a Pegasus mate, the babies may become flying Unicorns. 4. Unicorn horns were used in pharmacies in the 1700’s. 5. An underwater creature called a Narwhal, looks like a Unicorn horn. 6. Unicorn horns are called Alicorns. 7. When two unicorn families meet, they express great joy and travel together for weeks. 8. Unicorns live in groups of four or five. 9. A Unicorn is mentioned in many of the Asian and European myths. 10. The head of the family is an elder Unicorn who is hundreds of years old. 11. Unicorn families spend their lives alone, living in peace deep in the forest. 12. The Unicorn’s eyes are Sky Blue or Purple. 13. The Unicorn eats grass and hay. 14. Unicorn absorbs its energy through their horn. 15. Unicorns can be of any color, from Jet-Black, Brown to a dazzling Gold. 16. According to mythology, whoever touches a pure White Unicorn, will find happiness and joy in his entire life. 17. According to the Jewish legend, the Unicorn can easily kill an elephant. 18. The Unicorn is thought to hold the power to divine truth and will pierce the heart of a liar with its horn. 19. Muffinhumps is the world’s oldest Unicorn. 20. A baby unicorn is called a sparkle. 21. The ancient Greeks wrote about Unicorns, not as part of their mythology, but in accounts of natural history. 22. The Indus Valley civilization sealed clay tablets with a Unicorn emblem. 23. There are six references to Unicorns in the King James Bible. 24. In the middle ages, a Unicorn became seen as a symbol of purity and grace. 25. A US patent was granted for a surgical procedure to create Unicorns in 1980. 26. Unicorns are born with both male and female genitalia. 27. There are a total of nine unicorns in King James’s version of the Old Testament. 28. German dealers even sold a Unicorn ‘horn’ to the pope for a huge amount of money in 1560. 29. There were pharmacies in London selling powdered Unicorn horn in 1741. 30. Chinese believed a Chi-Lin had a very long life and lived up to 1000 years. 31. Some Unicorns are depicted with large wings and were able to fly. 32. The Flying Unicorn species is called the Pegasi. 33. Some believe that by seeing a Unicorn will bring them good luck. 34. Pegasus is a mythical winged divine stallion, and one of the most recognised unicorn in Greek mythology. 35. There is also a myth, if the horn of a Unicorn was placed on a wound, it would heal. 36. Queen Elizabeth was presented with a Narwhal Tusk in 1577. 37. A “Unicorn Horn” was auctioned at Christie’s in London for half million pounds. 38. In France, it was a tradition to carry a cup made from Unicorn horn to test whether the food and drinks were poisoned or not. 39. Unicorns are mentioned in the folklore of the medieval period. 40. In Chinese mythology, a Unicorn is known as a Ki-Lin or Chi-Lin. Once upon a time, unicorns lived among people, but now they hide in the most inaccessible places on the planet, which are reached only by the bravest. You can not meet them in noisy cities; they cannot stand the atmosphere of anger and hatred; the only thing they want it is to live in peace and tranquility. They live in the woods. Free. Without those who crave to get a miraculous horn at any cost or indiscriminately destroy animals. They live in the mountains, in the meadows, on the deserted seashore, from where only occasionally can you see the ship in the distance. Those who are pure in soul and just want to see a unicorn will definitely see it. After all, this miracle exists. Made by LovelyArtGift. The happiness is right HERE!
Ever wondered if Unicorns are real? Is this mighty beast just a myth? How do you catch a unicorn? We try to answer this and more on article right under the description of this magical product. We are happy to offer you original brooch "Unique Unicorn". It is 100% handmade from resin. It can be used also as accessory for a bag. By your choice I can add the keychain ring or brooch pin. Also I can make a statuette. In any case it can become amulet for sucсess, wealth and protection. Nice combination of color: purple and gold. This unique acc - the best gift for any holiday for men or women. Show your original taste and style with art jewelry. Own your magic and get insired with us! I make also keychains and jewelry to order. Unicors can be made in any color/mix of shades. The lead time for a new product and shipping is about 3-4 days. Beautiful gift wrapping for each item. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Color is purple-gold or you can contact me and order any other color by your choice. Production time: I am making jewelry without 6 days per week now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Take off before going to bed, showering and washing your hands. Don't wear it during practising sport or doing activities requiring the use of corrosive products (gardening, cleaning, dishwashing…) Avoid any contact with chemicals. When your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. The transparent resin can become yellow and colorful item can lose the bright shade. Take care about yourself and your art gift. 40 Interesting Unicorn Facts: 1. A Unicorn is a mythical and legendary animal depicted as a beautiful horse with a single horn. 2. Unicorns are earthbound and do not have wings. 3. If a Unicorn and a Pegasus mate, the babies may become flying Unicorns. 4. Unicorn horns were used in pharmacies in the 1700’s. 5. An underwater creature called a Narwhal, looks like a Unicorn horn. 6. Unicorn horns are called Alicorns. 7. When two unicorn families meet, they express great joy and travel together for weeks. 8. Unicorns live in groups of four or five. 9. A Unicorn is mentioned in many of the Asian and European myths. 10. The head of the family is an elder Unicorn who is hundreds of years old. 11. Unicorn families spend their lives alone, living in peace deep in the forest. 12. The Unicorn’s eyes are Sky Blue or Purple. 13. The Unicorn eats grass and hay. 14. Unicorn absorbs its energy through their horn. 15. Unicorns can be of any color, from Jet-Black, Brown to a dazzling Gold. 16. According to mythology, whoever touches a pure White Unicorn, will find happiness and joy in his entire life. 17. According to the Jewish legend, the Unicorn can easily kill an elephant. 18. The Unicorn is thought to hold the power to divine truth and will pierce the heart of a liar with its horn. 19. Muffinhumps is the world’s oldest Unicorn. 20. A baby unicorn is called a sparkle. 21. The ancient Greeks wrote about Unicorns, not as part of their mythology, but in accounts of natural history. 22. The Indus Valley civilization sealed clay tablets with a Unicorn emblem. 23. There are six references to Unicorns in the King James Bible. 24. In the middle ages, a Unicorn became seen as a symbol of purity and grace. 25. A US patent was granted for a surgical procedure to create Unicorns in 1980. 26. Unicorns are born with both male and female genitalia. 27. There are a total of nine unicorns in King James’s version of the Old Testament. 28. German dealers even sold a Unicorn ‘horn’ to the pope for a huge amount of money in 1560. 29. There were pharmacies in London selling powdered Unicorn horn in 1741. 30. Chinese believed a Chi-Lin had a very long life and lived up to 1000 years. 31. Some Unicorns are depicted with large wings and were able to fly. 32. The Flying Unicorn species is called the Pegasi. 33. Some believe that by seeing a Unicorn will bring them good luck. 34. Pegasus is a mythical winged divine stallion, and one of the most recognised unicorn in Greek mythology. 35. There is also a myth, if the horn of a Unicorn was placed on a wound, it would heal. 36. Queen Elizabeth was presented with a Narwhal Tusk in 1577. 37. A “Unicorn Horn” was auctioned at Christie’s in London for half million pounds. 38. In France, it was a tradition to carry a cup made from Unicorn horn to test whether the food and drinks were poisoned or not. 39. Unicorns are mentioned in the folklore of the medieval period. 40. In Chinese mythology, a Unicorn is known as a Ki-Lin or Chi-Lin. Once upon a time, unicorns lived among people, but now they hide in the most inaccessible places on the planet, which are reached only by the bravest. You can not meet them in noisy cities; they cannot stand the atmosphere of anger and hatred; the only thing they want it is to live in peace and tranquility. They live in the woods. Free. Without those who crave to get a miraculous horn at any cost or indiscriminately destroy animals. They live in the mountains, in the meadows, on the deserted seashore, from where only occasionally can you see the ship in the distance. Those who are pure in soul and just want to see a unicorn will definitely see it. After all, this miracle exists. Made by LovelyArtGift. The happiness is right HERE!
"He needs only heaven and wind" But don't worry, it will not fly away, because it has brooch pin and will stay very close to you) Own your magic and get ispired with beautiful item by LovelyArtGift We offer you totally unique brooch "Pegasus". It is 100% handmade from resin. It's unisex item for any age/taste as a nice gift or just for yourself. It will become nice accessoire and amulet for sucсess, happiness and protection. I make also accessories and jewelry to order. Pegasus can be made in any color/mix of shades. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Color is purple/white or you can contact me and order any other color by your choice. Production time: I am making jewelry 6 days per week now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. If your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Some facts about Pegasus: Pegasus is a white-colored winged horse in Greek mythology. Also it is the seventh largest constellation of the 88 known constellations. It takes up about 1200 square degrees in the sky. Closely associated with the Perseus constellation, the Pegasus constellation is quite easy to spot in the night sky due to its symbolic, “the great square”, which is made up of bright stars. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. By other legend it was born from mix of Medusa's blood and Poseidon's sea ​​foam. Athena gave Pegasus to Perseus so that he could free Andromeda from Cetus Another story associated with Pegasus is of Prince Bellerophon (51 Pegasi), who was fascinated by the winged horse, Pegasus. On the advice of a fortune-teller, Bellerophon approached Pegasus at its favorite grazing place and was able to tame it. Bellerophon became very proud on seemingly able to fly like the gods. Bellerophon force him to climb to Olympus, Pegasus did not want to get close to the gods because Zeus could punish him because of Bellerophon, so he let him fall, and thereafter, Bellerophon wandered aimlessly through the world, unable to talk to anyone, rejected by the gods. Since then, Pegasus stayed in the stables of Olympus. It was also said that he was the father of the Centaurs, who were born of a slave, with whom Pegasus and Ixion were related the same night. Then it became the constellation that bears his name with the four bright stars that make up the Pegasus Square. Made by LovelyArtGift. The happiness is right HERE!
"He needs only heaven and wind" But don't worry, it will not fly away, because it has brooch pin and will stay very close to you) Own your magic and get ispired with beautiful item by LovelyArtGift We offer you totally unique brooch "Pegasus". It is 100% handmade from resin. It's unisex item for any age/taste as a nice gift or just for yourself. It will become nice accessoire and amulet for sucсess, happiness and protection. I make also accessories and jewelry to order. Pegasus can be made in any color/mix of shades. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Color is blue/white or you can contact me and order any other color by your choice. Production time: I am making jewelry 6 days per week now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 6 days a week from 08.00-20.00) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. If your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Some facts about Pegasus: Pegasus is a white-colored winged horse in Greek mythology. Also it is the seventh largest constellation of the 88 known constellations. It takes up about 1200 square degrees in the sky. Closely associated with the Perseus constellation, the Pegasus constellation is quite easy to spot in the night sky due to its symbolic, “the great square”, which is made up of bright stars. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. By other legend it was born from mix of Medusa's blood and Poseidon's sea ​​foam. Athena gave Pegasus to Perseus so that he could free Andromeda from Cetus Another story associated with Pegasus is of Prince Bellerophon (51 Pegasi), who was fascinated by the winged horse, Pegasus. On the advice of a fortune-teller, Bellerophon approached Pegasus at its favorite grazing place and was able to tame it. Bellerophon became very proud on seemingly able to fly like the gods. Bellerophon force him to climb to Olympus, Pegasus did not want to get close to the gods because Zeus could punish him because of Bellerophon, so he let him fall, and thereafter, Bellerophon wandered aimlessly through the world, unable to talk to anyone, rejected by the gods. Since then, Pegasus stayed in the stables of Olympus. It was also said that he was the father of the Centaurs, who were born of a slave, with whom Pegasus and Ixion were related the same night. Then it became the constellation that bears his name with the four bright stars that make up the Pegasus Square. Made by LovelyArtGift. The happiness is right HERE!
Gorgeous handmade tray dressed in beautiful rose&gold colors This Elegant super shiny tray set can be a stunning addition to your home decor. Beautiful resin 2 tier dessert/appetizers stand will add a special look to your dessert table. Appetizer stand, with that wow factor will amaze your guests. This beautiful handmade serving piece will catch everyone's eye. Graduated tiers with a subtle shimmer/sparkle and gold hardware will highlight all decor. Perfect for wedding table, party, holidays gatherings or just on the counter because you love beautiful handmade functional art! It is very comfortable and usefull for any kind of food, jewelry or other things Can be made to order in any other color by your wish to match your homedecor! Also we have 3 tier trays in different colors as white&gold, black&gold, purple, white pearl and others Perfect piece for Valentine's day for your love ones. Can be a housewarming, mother’s day, birhday, hostess, showers or any other occasions gift. This will be definitely an conversation piece. Totally unique. Handmade, one of a kind. Very versatile. This beautiful 2 Tier tray will add style to any food presentation! Serve your favorite pastries, cookies, fruits or the alike on this one of a kind server. You сan order also 3 tier tray I will make it for you ) Luxury and unique, this product is also durable, easy to clean(handwash only) Wipe able with a damp cloth|microfiber cloth Made with food safe epoxy resin, pearl powder, gold leaf flakes and gold hardware. Resin feather tray you can use also for kitchen or bathroom/bedroom These unique piece is handmade in Ukraine and ready for shipping. Enjoy the life together with MelodyLoveArtShop
"He needs only heaven and wind"... But don't worry, it will not fly away, because it has brooch pin and will stay close to you) Own your magic and get ispired with beautiful item from MelodyLoveArt We offer you totally unique brooch "Pegasus". It is 100% handmade from resin. It's unisex item for any age/taste as a nice gift or just for yourself. It will become nice accessorie and amulet for sucсess and protection. Show your original style with resinart jewelry. Please contact me to create the product according to your wish! Pegasus can be made in any color/mix of shades. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. The metal of chain/keychain ring/brooch pin doesn't contain nickel. Production time: If you want something similar or even totally different you can contact me and we will find the best solution for you! I take care about each customer and order. I will be happy to realize your wishes. I am making jewelry 6 days a week, so I can product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods 6 days a week If you need urgent deivery with additional payment it can be possible too. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Take off before going to bed. Don't wear it during practising sport or doing activities requiring the use of corrosive products (gardening, cleaning, dishwashing…) Avoid any contact with chemicals. If your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Some facts about Pegasus: Pegasus is a winged horse in Greek mythology. Also it is the seventh largest constellation of the 88 known constellations. It takes up about 1200 square degrees in the sky. Closely associated with the Perseus constellation, the Pegasus constellation is quite easy to spot in the night sky due to its symbolic, “the great square”, which is made up of bright stars. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. By other legend it was born from mix of Medusa's blood and Poseidon's sea ​​foam. Athena gave Pegasus to Perseus so that he could free Andromeda from Cetus Another story associated with Pegasus is of Prince Bellerophon (51 Pegasi), who was fascinated by the winged horse, Pegasus. On the advice of a fortune-teller, Bellerophon approached Pegasus at its favorite grazing place and was able to tame it. Bellerophon became very proud on seemingly able to fly like the gods. Bellerophon force him to climb to Olympus, Pegasus did not want to get close to the gods because Zeus could punish him because of Bellerophon, so he let him fall, and thereafter, Bellerophon wandered aimlessly through the world, unable to talk to anyone, rejected by the gods. Since then, Pegasus stayed in the stables of Olympus. It was also said that he was the father of the Centaurs, who were born of a slave, with whom Pegasus and Ixion were related the same night. Then it became the constellation that bears his name with the four bright stars that make up the Pegasus Square. Sharming jewelry from MelodyArtLoveStore. Melody of my soul for you...
"He needs only heaven and wind" But don't worry, it will not fly away far from you) According to mythology, whoever touches a Pure White Unicorn, will find happiness and joy in whole his life.It's exactly same with white Pegasus, especially so beautiful and shining) I am happy to offer you this amazing pearl white statue "Pegasus". It is 100% handmade from resin I will become amulet for sucсess, happiness and protection. It's perfect present for any age/taste or just for yourself. Also you can chose other colors by your taste) Show your original taste with art decor. It will highlight individuality and bring good vibes to home. Materials : All my products made from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Production time: If you want something similar or even totally different you can contact me and we will find the best solution for you case! I take care about each customer and order. I will be happy to realize your wishes. I am making 6 days a week, so I can product it for you as soon as possible. Production time of this item is about 3 days. Languages: My mother's language is Ukrainian and Russian. Also I can talk English, German and I learn Spanish) Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Care: Do not drop it. It can break or may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. If your statue is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun because it can become a bit soft for a short time.nTake care about yourself and your piece of art. Some facts about Pegasus: Pegasus is a white-colored winged horse in Greek mythology. Also it is the seventh largest constellation of the 88 known constellations. It takes up about 1200 square degrees in the sky. Closely associated with the Perseus constellation, the Pegasus constellation is quite easy to spot in the night sky due to its symbolic, “the great square”, which is made up of bright stars. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. By other legend it was born from mix of Medusa's blood and Poseidon's sea ​​foam. Athena gave Pegasus to Perseus so that he could free Andromeda from Cetus Another story associated with Pegasus is of Prince Bellerophon (51 Pegasi), who was fascinated by the winged horse, Pegasus. On the advice of a fortune-teller, Bellerophon approached Pegasus at its favorite grazing place and was able to tame it. Bellerophon became very proud on seemingly able to fly like the gods. Bellerophon force him to climb to Olympus, Pegasus did not want to get close to the gods because Zeus could punish him because of Bellerophon, so he let him fall, and thereafter, Bellerophon wandered aimlessly through the world, unable to talk to anyone, rejected by the gods. Since then, Pegasus stayed in the stables of Olympus. It was also said that he was the father of the Centaurs, who were born of a slave, with whom Pegasus and Ixion were related the same night. Then it became the constellation that bears his name with the four bright stars that make up the Pegasus Square. Sharming resin art from MelodyArtLoveStore. Melody of my soul for you...
Gorgeous handmade 3 tier tray with real natural feathers inside! It is absolutely unique own design, just one in stock! Materials: This elegant tray made from highquality resin which is totally safe in contact with food. It has slight shining because of gold leaf and a bit of glitter inside. Feather are colored in light pastel colors: pink, purple, peach, blue,mint and simple white. Also there are mix of transparent colors in resin: blue, purple, pink. Inside the tray colors became very delicate and it combines well with silver hardware It can fit any style of space or home. Party time: It is perfect gift for any sex/age/taste and will become great thing for whole family members This beautiful handmade serving piece will catch everyone's eye! Serve your favorite pastries, cookies, fruits, cheese, nuts or the alike on this one of a kind server. Perfect for all holidays, wedding table, parties, birthday, Christmas, Mother's day, Easter, gatherings or just on the counter as beautiful functional art! ***Also you can use it for presentation of goods, fotoshooting, decor, pefumes, jewelry or any other reason*** Other colors: We have in our shop also 3 tier mint&gold tray, 2 tier black&gold tray and marble 3 tier white&gold tray. Also you can find beautiful 2 tier trays, which are perfect for fruits/sweets and other. It can be a stunning addition to your home decor. Custom order: All trays can be made to order in any color by your wish! Just message me) Choose your favorite color to match style of your space or home of your friends/relatives. If you will order 2 trays you will have a discount! Care: This product is also durable, easy to clean (handwash only) Wipe able with a damp cloth/microfiber cloth More goods you can find in my second shop: Melody of my heart for you! Made by MelodyLoveArtShop
Own your magic and get inspiration with beauty of resinart! Perfect unisex gift set for anyone! All items 100% handmade from high-quality jewelry resin, dressed in emerald&gold colors with gold foil inside. Elegant matching gift set: - Journal A5 size 148 x 210 mm (5,70 x 8,26 inches) - 100 white,peach,purple,grey pages/(50 Sheets) - Hard waterproof cover - 6 metal rings - Pen - Optional personalization - Custom ideas By your wish I can change style/color/size of journal. I can add additional things as coaster, keychain,bookmark. Just message me! This set can become the best gift fo Birthday, Valentine's day or any other reason for someone you love or just for yourself. Such amazing set can be true friend in daily life, it will bring success, and highlight individuality Journal is very longterm, you can change paper and use it again and again. It is also refillable and reorganizable, you can shift the contents around however and whenever you please. Delivery: We offer free standart air shipping to all countries. To USA and Canada we use UPS delivery. Also we provide express shipping to all countries in case if you need items immediately. Please message us we will count time/price of your delivery. Made by AuroraArtStory Create your story with us!
Amazing handmade resin perfume/jewelry/trinkey tray. It dressed in 2 different pastel colors from each side. One is pink marble, another one is mint. You can enjoy to change the side depends on your mood or even if you will change the color of walls) It can be used as a fine makeup organizer, home decor, gifting, hot stand, cake plate, cheese board or anything in your own way how you want to use it! It can fit perfect your bathroom or living room or even kitchen) Each item is totally handmade and one of a kind, nonreplicable, giving you satisfaction in knowing this item is uniquely yours. Each item uniquely designed, handcrafted tray is made using premium quality jewelry epoxy resin combined with numerous other artistic materials. ITEM DETAILS: - diameter 20cm/7,8 inc - hand wash only - 2 sides colored - can be used as serving plate - can be used as hot stand MATERIALS jewelry resin, art board, colors, metal gold color, love, inpiration READY TO SHIP! If you need more trays or in another colors please write me a message and I will make it for you! NOTIFICATION: If you need a personalized gift please write me your wish text and I will add it to a free gift card. Made by AuroraArtStory Create your own lifestory with us!
Gorgeous handmade tray dressed in beautiful emerald&gold colors This Elegant super shiny tray set can be a stunning addition to your home decor. Beautiful resin 2 tier dessert/appetizers stand will add a special look to your dessert table. Appetizer stand, with that wow factor will amaze your guests. This beautiful handmade serving piece will catch everyone's eye. Graduated tiers with a subtle shimmer/sparkle and gold hardware will highlight all decor. Perfect for wedding table, party, holidays gatherings or just on the counter because you love beautiful handmade functional art! It is very comfortable and usefull for any kind of food, jewelry or other things Can be made to order in any other color by your wish to match your homedecor! Also we have 3 tier trays in different colors as white&gold, black&gold, purple, white pearl and others Perfect piece for Christmas, New Year, Wedding, party decorations, Valentine's day for your love ones. Can be a housewarming, mother’s day, hostess, showers or any other occasions gift. This will be definitely an conversation piece. Totally unique. Handmade, one of a kind. Very versatile. This beautiful 2 Tier tray will add style to any food presentation! Serve your favorite pastries, cookies, fruits or the alike on this one of a kind server. You сan order also 3 tier tray I will make it for you ) Luxury and unique, this product is also durable, easy to clean(handwash only) Wipe able with a damp cloth|microfiber cloth Made with food safe epoxy resin, pearl powder, gold leaf flakes and gold hardware. Resin feather tray you can use also for kitchen or bathroom/bedroom These unique piece is handmade in Ukraine and ready for shipping. Enjoy the life together with AuroraArtStory
Own your magic and get inspiration with beauty of resinart! Perfect gift set for anyone! All items 100% handmade from high-quality jewelry resin, dressed in blue&gold colors. Sparkle elegant matching gift set: - Journal A5 size 148 x 210 mm (5,70 x 8,26 inches) - 100 white,black,craft pages/(50 Sheets) - Hard waterproof cover - 6 metal rings - Light weight of journal 250 gm - Pen - Bookmark - Keychain - Optional personalization - Custom ideas By your wish I can change style/color/size of journal. Just message me! This set can become the best gift fo Christmas, New Year, Birthday, Valentine's day or any other reason for someone you love or just for yourself. Such amazing set can be true friend in daily life, it will bring success, and highlight individuality Journal is very longterm, you can change paper and use it again and again. It is also refillable and reorganizable, you can shift the contents around however and whenever you please. Beautiful resin pen, cute feather bookmark and creative keychain. Delivery: We offer free standart air shipping shipping to all countries. Delivery time 7-20 days. Also we provide express shipping to all countries. Delivery time takes 2-5 days. In pandemia time it can be some delay till 7-10 days Made by AuroraArtStory The item made from amazing resin which you can buy in our shop! Create your story with us!
100% Handmade Notebook Peach&Mint&Gold. New Generation Notebook, made from high-quality jewelry resin in beautiful color combination. Unique design and repleaceable rose sheets. Comfortable, practical and longterm, you can change paper and use it again and again. You can use it as a diary or office notebook, for work or leisure, for travelling or home. It can become special gift for your wife/friend/sibling/daughter/ mom for any holiday and reason. The notebook can be also personalized, what will make it more individual. For sure the owner of this journal will stand out with creative style of journal. It will be made to order specially for you! FEATURES: - A5 size 148 x 210 mm (5,70 x 8,26 inches) - Rose paper (3 colors: light pink, pink, bright pink) - 50 sheets (100 pages) - Hard waterproof cover - 6 metal rings - Replaceable sheets - Weight 200-250gm - Optional personalisation Please try it and tell us your meaning to make our best for you! Create your story with us! By AuroraArtStory
Hello friends! We made new resin items For You: cute and original water drop ring dish! It is very comfortable jewelry holder. Rings can be on water drops and other jewelry you can put inside. I am also wondering small size but very optimal and usefull. Purple set with other items is available too. Resin feather tray, resin geometry plate, resin bookmark, shell pocket mirror, resin brooch feather. You can find ll items together and separately in our shop. Never misplace your rings and small jewelry again with this handmade ring dish in different colors! Also we can make to order any color by your wish with gold foil inside, decorative stones or rose petals. Jewelry not included with purchase but you can shoose some jewelry in our shop AuroraArtStory and second shop Also we have pearl earrings and pendants with rose/white/black natural pearls from Island Lombok in Indonesia. Not all items are in listings right now so you can ask in private message. Make your day perfect and create your own lifestory with AuroraArtStory! Silicone Mold-Small Bowl Mold-Creative Dish Mold-Handmade Bead Jewelry Storage box Mold-Epoxy Resin Mold for Jewelry
"He needs only heaven and wind" But don't worry, it will not fly away and will stay very close to you) Own your magic and get ispired with beautiful item by AuroraArtStory We offer you totally unique brooches "Pegasus" and "Unicorn". It is 100% handmade from resin. It's unisex item for any age/taste as a nice gift or just for yourself. It will become nice accessoire and amulet for sucсess, happiness and protection. I make also accessories and jewelry to order. Pegasus and unicorns can be made in any color/mix of shades. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. You can contact me and order any color by your choice. Production time: I am making jewelry 6 days per week now, so I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods 6 days a week Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in beautiful organza bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Jewelry care: Do not drop the jewelry. It may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. If your jewelry is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Some facts about Pegasus: Pegasus is a white-colored winged horse in Greek mythology. Also it is the seventh largest constellation of the 88 known constellations. It takes up about 1200 square degrees in the sky. Closely associated with the Perseus constellation, the Pegasus constellation is quite easy to spot in the night sky due to its symbolic, “the great square”, which is made up of bright stars. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. By other legend it was born from mix of Medusa's blood and Poseidon's sea ​​foam. Athena gave Pegasus to Perseus so that he could free Andromeda from Cetus Another story associated with Pegasus is of Prince Bellerophon (51 Pegasi), who was fascinated by the winged horse, Pegasus. On the advice of a fortune-teller, Bellerophon approached Pegasus at its favorite grazing place and was able to tame it. Bellerophon became very proud on seemingly able to fly like the gods. Bellerophon force him to climb to Olympus, Pegasus did not want to get close to the gods because Zeus could punish him because of Bellerophon, so he let him fall, and thereafter, Bellerophon wandered aimlessly through the world, unable to talk to anyone, rejected by the gods. Since then, Pegasus stayed in the stables of Olympus. It was also said that he was the father of the Centaurs, who were born of a slave, with whom Pegasus and Ixion were related the same night. Then it became the constellation that bears his name with the four bright stars that make up the Pegasus Square. Made by AuroraArtStory. The item made from amazing resin which you can buy in our shop! Create your story with us!
Own your magic and beauty of resinart in your bag. You can choose rose gold mirror with real dry rose inside and purple with other natural dry flowers inside. 100% Handmade from jewelry resin. Flowers were collected by my hands too) Also available in other colors. Nice shade, very comfortable and usefull, size is optimal. It can become cute present for your friend/sister/mom/wife/daugther or just for yourself. Unique and elegant, it can fit women or girl in any status or age. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. For these items I use natural flowers Production time: If you want any other color, I will be happy to product it for you as soon aspossible. The production time of it is about 2-3 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods 6 days a week by standart air Ukrposhta or UPS shipping Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in special bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Care: Do not drop the product. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. When it is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it than with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Take care about yourself and your piece of art. Made by AuroraArtStory
100% Handmade coasters from jewelry resin. 4 types - purple&white - coral&gold - mint&gold - light green with real feathers Enjoy your coffee in the morning and glass of wine in the evening and share with your family/friends nice time together. Own the magic and beauty of resinart in your home and daily life. Inspiration in color combination and shining will increase the loving energy and positive vibes. Materials : All my products are from high quality epoxy resin. It is made specifically for jewelry and doesn't contain toxic substances. Production time: I am making jewelry almost every day now, so If you want any other color, I will be happy to product it for you as soon as possible. The production time is about 3-4 days. Shipping and delivery time: I send my goods according to work hours of my post (It is open 5 days a week) Delivery time depends on country/region it can take from 3 days till 1 month from Kyiv, Ukraine. When you will place the order I can tell you the delivery time according to your adress. Gift: Each item is wrapped in special bag with a small additional gift from me for each order) Care: Do not drop the product. It will not break but may be scratched or cracked. Avoid any contact with chemicals. When it is dirty, you can wash it with water and wipe it than with a soft cloth. It is also best to avoid to leave it for long time under the bright sun. Made by AuroraArtStory. Create your lifestory with us! Please try it and tell us your meaning to make our best for you!
I am are happy to offer you my best 100% Handmade Matching gift set "Feathers" from jewelry resin! It included beautiful bookmark, pen and keychain dressed in beautiful blue&gold&white colors It is a perfect gift for any sex/status/age for any reason or even a treat for yourself! Find your inspiration with unique accessories for office and home. You can order this set in any other color you like, just message me! This set is only one in stock and ready for shipping now. All orders included price for air shipping. All items are unique and never can be the same! It will be only one in whole world for you! Gift packing can be provided free for each order which is marked as gift. Also we have beautiful resin journals in our shop, also in blue&gold colors, you can choose it for making perfect gift set! Create your own story with AuroraArtStory!

Hello! My name is Melody. I am resin artist, master of original handmade decor, jewelry, notebooks and more. I have my own vision of this instrument for create whole new world of magic art. I have things for any age/taste and I am happy to offer my best ideas to you! Each peace is always unique and made with love and little bit of magic. I love art and music, and I like to make my products when I am listening my favorite melodies or singing. Therefore my products have special positive energy. Like the sound of the sea in a shell, you can hear the melody of my soul.... Choose your future favorite thing here! With all my heart to you)