
Bracelet Ukrainian "I love Ukraine" (blue and yellow). UKRAINE patriotic bracelet. Ukrainian Flag & Swedish flag New, Handmade. Україна Браслет український " Я люблю Україну"(браслет украинський)синьо-жовтий Length of weaving is 130-140 mm. total length is about 30-32 cm. price for 5 - 50 pc. If you select two or more sets shipping cost will be much lower. We can also make bracelets in the national colors of your country (your flag). Ships to Worldwide. International shipping normally takes 10-25 working days for delivery (tracking number is provided). Please, click here to see all of my listings! My ShopUA1000 Wristbands & Bracelets
Vendor: ShopUA1000
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Easy Pattern ЦИФРОВОЙ Выкройка колец Миюки Пейот для мгновенной загрузки, физический продукт не поставляется. Узор из бисера: Миюки Делика 11/0 / Стежок Пейот / 17 столбиков / 1,8 см / 0,9 дюйма, 49 рядов / 8,6 см / 3,41 дюйма. 5 цветов. Данная схема состоит из: 1)Изображения 2)Легенды из бисера с указанием цвета, количества и количества бисерин. 3) Словарный чат с указанием рядов и порядка работы с бисером. *Вы сможете скачать PDF-файл после подтверждения оплаты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.05
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Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.05
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Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.05
Wooden bangle unfinished hexahedral HX10 10 mm (0.40") high, 70 mm (2.75") inner diameter 85 x 85 mm (3.4") outer measurements. Perfect for decoupage or paint. It is made in Ukraine from the alder or linden tree. Please contact me if you would like a different quantity, I offer 10% discount if you buy 5 lots and more. I try to do my best to represent the item's true color in the pictures, but the colors may vary slightly due to differences in monitor calibrations. ***Shipping information*** Order will be shipped within 2 working days after payment is received. I'll provide the tracking number to you when the item is shipped. Please note that I ship from Ukraine and average time of delivery is 2 weeks but there can be delays while Custom process.
Save 29%
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.35
Save 29%
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.35
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
Save 35%
Схема «Исцеляющие руны» для браслета из бисера Miyuki Delica. Исцеляющие руны — это руны, которые используются для улучшения физического, эмоционального и духовного здоровья. Их можно использовать для лечения физических заболеваний, снятия стресса и беспокойства, а также для духовного исцеления.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Руны. Самый мощный магический талисман, привлекающий удачу и счастье. Привлечь удачу (везение) в определенном деле. Формула успеха. Схема браслета на ткацком станке
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Изготовление браслета из бисера Миюки Делика с изображением рунической формулы (Феху-Душа-Одал-Вуньо) Руническая формула для привлечения успеха и процветания.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Этот рунический узор для браслета из бисера символизирует обеспечение безопасного путешествия, счастливого пути.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.92
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Пивные руны обладают очень мощной защитной силой. Руны пива (или победы) — это рунический посох, который используется для двух целей. Первое – защитить себя от негативного магического воздействия (порчи, сглаза). Второе – одержать победу, одержать победу, получить превосходство над противником. Руна Пива представляет собой последовательность из трех: Уруз-Наутиз-Беркана. Наутиз – направляющая руна. Оно означает строгую дисциплину, необходимые действия в трудных обстоятельствах, нужде. Магическое использование – защита от хаоса. Уруз — это сила в чистом виде, без направления. Магическое применение – получение поддержки для реализации планов, защита. Беркана — женская руна, спокойная и уравновешенная. Магическое применение – защита при воплощении идей в реальность, направление силы хаоса в мирное русло. В Пивной Руне сочетание трех рун создает не только мощную и жесткую защиту, но и благоприятные обстоятельства для реализации задуманного. Руническая форма Пива взаимодействует с энергией Вселенной. Получая его из космоса, затем передает его человеку. Это создает защитный барьер: талисман с руническим рисунком круглосуточно защищает своего владельца от опасностей внешнего мира.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.92
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Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.92
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Это выкройка браслета из бисера ЦИФРОВОГО ткацкого станка Миюки, которую можно мгновенно загрузить. Физический продукт доставляться не будет. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ УЗОР БРАСЛЕТА LOOM Бисер: Miyuki Delica 11/0 Цвета: 6 Ширина: 21 столбец | 2,5 см | 1,12 дюйма. Длина: 85 рядов | 15 см | 5,85 дюйма ◆ ФАЙЛЫ PDF включают в себя: — Предварительный просмотр выкройки — Список бисера (нумерации цветов, названия и требуемое количество) — Большой график узоров (как с буквами, так и в цвете) — Словесную схему. Этот узор НЕ включает в себя инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с ткацкой техникой. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ. Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.92
Save 35%
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.92
Save 34%
Данные цифровые схемы помогут Вам изготовить разнообразные украшения из бисера .
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.99
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Схема браслета своими руками. Миюки Делика 11/0 / Стежок Пейот 17 столбиков / 2,28 см / 0,9 дюйма, 75 рядов / 13 см / 5,2 дюйма. 5 цветов. Эта схема. Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно загрузить. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бисера (нумерация цветов, названия и необходимое количество) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цвета) - Таблица слов . Этот шаблон НЕ содержит инструкций. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.99
Bracelet making kit, Adult craft kit, Crystal kit, Labradorite moonstone bracelet, Digital file Ukraine, Ukraine shops, December birthstone I have prepared for you a detailed master class on making this incredible bracelet from silver and natural stones???? Bracelet size 16cm (if your size is different just add stones or silver beads to reach the desired length). IMPORTANT INFORMATION☝???? Master class in PDF format. To download the file, go through the browser (not through the program).
Vendor: Vitaka
This personalized bracelet will be a great gift for the man from your life or for a couple. ► Personalized text can be anything from initials, names, special dates to your short wishes and coordinates. Also your text can be in any language. ✒️NOTE: we engrave only up to 14 characters including spaces (this is the limit for 1 line)! If no font is specified, Font #2 will be used. When ordering more than 30 bracelets, please use the delivery method "UPS Express".
Save 35%
Выкройка браслета своими руками RedStars Beaded Pattern Бисер: Miyuki Delica 11/0 / Stitch Loom / 31 столбец / 4 см / 1,65 дюйма, 70 рядов / 12,5 см / 4,82 дюйма. 4 цвета. Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно загрузить. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бисера (нумерация цветов, названия и необходимое количество) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цвета) - Таблица слов . Этот шаблон НЕ содержит инструкций. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения.
Vendor: OKomastra
$7.37 $4.79
Hi quality, 100% cotton Eco Friendly bracelet, Stand with Ukraine, Freedom for Ukraine, Blue and Yellow Ukrainian flag colors.  Adjustable bracelet depending on the size of the wrist; Its minimum diameter is about 6,5 inches and can be opened up to 9 inches (10-22 cm) Color yellow and blue.  The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo.  Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea.  In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home.  You  also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain  information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This bracelet is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The weaving of bracelet in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.)  SHIPPING:  -------------  Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Cristal beads braselet.  List of required material. 1. For such a bracelet, we need a gold-colored Memori wire 3 turns. 2. Crystal beads - peach color rondels, transparent, faceted with a rainbow finish 2×2 mm - 17 piecec.  3. Cristal beads beige color rondels opaque, faceted with a rainbow finish 2×3 mm -  26 pieces.  4. Cristal beads peach color transparent, faceted with a rainbow finish 4×5 mm - 16 pieces.  5.Cristal beads grey color opaque faceted 6-8 mm - 6 pieces.  6. Cristal beads peach color opaque faceted 6-8 mm -  35 pieces.  7. Cristal beads peach color transparent faceted with a rainbow finish 6-8 mm - 6 pieces.  8. Cristal bead peach pink light color transparent faceted 8-10 mm - 1 piece.  9. Charm pendant of any shape gold color - 1 piece.  10. Detachable ring gold color - 1piece. 11. Round nose pliers..  12. Organizer for beads. The file that you download after purchasing the tutorial contains a link to the video.   The goods are electronic.  This does not include materials or work kits. ELECTRONIC GOODS ARE NOT EXCHANGE OR REFUNDABLE.
Vendor: Rosabead
Wooden unfinished bracelet, can be used to make bangle 30 mm (1.18") wide, 68 mm (2.6") inner diameter 90 mm (3,54") outer measurements. PLEASE NOTE that this bracelet can NOT be used as finished piece, the wood wasn't treatened, just cut and polished. Perfect for decoupage or paint. It is made in Ukraine from alder. Please contact me if you would like a different quantity, I offer 10% discount if you buy 5 lots and more. I try to do my best to represent the item's true color in the pictures, but the colors may vary slightly due to differences in monitor calibrations. ***Shipping information*** Order will be shipped within 2 working days after payment is received. I'll provide the tracking number to you when the item is shipped.
Save 50%
Christian Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord adjustable, sliding knots, komboskini with metallic cross and metallic spaser. Colour: red, midnight blue or cherry The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a larger size, suitable for larger-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: You can choose different wrist circumference 61\2 inch \17 cm 7 inch \18cm 7 1\2 inch (19 cm) 8 inch \20 cm You will receive one bracelet, like shown in the pictures with a silver colored hematite cross. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
$10.00 $5.00
Hi quality, Silk adjustable bracelet Pray for Ukraine, Freedom for Ukraine, I stand with Ukraine. During this terrible time for Ukraine, no one can be aloof from events.  People all over the world want to stand on the side of the truth. If you love Ukraine and pray for peace in the world, this is item is just for you.  Monastery handmade bracelet is a wonderful gift for all occasions. You will be feeling blessed. Can be worn incessantly without taking off your hands. Such a bracelet will be a great joy to your child. Adjustable bracelet depending on the size of the wrist; Its minimum diameter is about 6,5 inches and can be opened up to 9 inches (15-22 cm) Color beige and blue.  The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. The real colors are more dark than the Ukrainian flag.  Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea.  In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. The weaving of bracelet in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Carrying with you or wearing a Faith bracelet protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING:  -------------  Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number.  For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LISTING IS FOR THE TUTORIAL ONLY!!! No beads, and no finished product are included in this sale.The instructions are in English only. This pattern is intended for users that have experience with the Peyote stitch technique.Skill Level: intermediate beaders. Contents 1 File PDF: List of materials; Step-by-step instructions with: - 28 color diagrams; - 19 photos. My butterfly is made of Czech Presiosa beads. But you can replace it with Japanese Toho or Miyuki beads of the corresponding color. Downloadable PDF file will be available once payment is confirmed. No refund will be issued after the tutorial has been downloaded. Please, just send me a message if you can't download your file. I will send you a the file by email. For any question, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for the attention!
Vendor: Rosabead
Christian Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord adjustable komboskini with metallic cross and metallic spaser. Colour: black The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a larger size, suitable for larger-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: You can choose different wrist circumference 61\2 inch \17 cm 7 inch \18cm 7 1\2 inch (19 cm) 8 inch \20 cm You will receive one bracelet, like shown in the pictures with a silver colored hematite cross. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Komboskini Christian cross braselet Religion gift Orthodox Prayer bracelet Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of high quality satine cord with metallic cross. Colour: gold The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) wrist circumference You will receive one bracelet, like shown in the pictures with a silver colored hematite cross. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
The price is for 1 bracelet. For babies, the bracelet is not adjustable in length. When ordering, please write in the note "for babies" The bracelet is made of high quality twisted silk cord. The thickness of the cord is 2 mm. Lobster clasp is made of high quality 925 sterling silver The bracelet is suitable for everyday wear. Bracelet waterproof, and ideal for all lifestyles. View more bracelets on our shop on: Quality: Each Silver jewelry bears the 925 stamp, which confirms the excellent quality of the silver. We use only handmade labor in the manufacture of bracelets. Nickel free. Length: The open bracelet laid straight & measured end to end. If you'd like a length other than what's offered in the drop-down menu, please leave us a note at checkout. Packaging: The price includes packing for the bracelet. This is a gift box. Delivery: If you need it sooner, please leave us a message stating the "need by date". If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.
Komboskini Christian cross braselet Religion gift Orthodox Prayer bracelet Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of high quality satine cord with metallic cross. Colour: midnight blue The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) wrist circumference You will receive one bracelet, like shown in the pictures with a silver colored hematite cross.  Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Hello, my friend!!! We are from Ukraine. This bracelet is made in the colors of our flag as a symbol of freedom. Bracelet size (circumference wrist) - 7.5-9.4 in (19-24cm). Bracelet size is adjustable. Materials: metal cross, satin cord, metal clasp. Thank you for supporting Ukraine! This is an original design, handmade with great care and love. Live colors may be different from the colors in the photo. Ready to Ship! It is possible to repeat in another color. Please contact me for details. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them. Customs and import taxes Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs. Thank you for visiting my shop!
Hello, my friend!!! We are from Ukraine. This bracelet is made in the colors of our flag as a symbol of freedom. Bracelet size (circumference wrist) - 7 in (18cm). Materials: metal cross, satin cord, metal clasp. Thank you for supporting Ukraine! This is an original design, handmade with great care and love. Live colors may be different from the colors in the photo. Ready to Ship! It is possible to repeat in another color. Please contact me for details. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them. Customs and import taxes Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs. Thank you for visiting my shop!
Overlay for a Digital bracelet under enamel Width - 2 cm Height - 1.5 mm length 3 cm For the manufacture of finished products - write in private messages
Simple and pretty bracelets set in ukrainian style for girl. This bracelets will be great as simple everyday accessory. *** Set contains of: 1) 1 beaded bracelet on stretch cord (*because of using stretch cord this braselet does need closure) The length of this bracelet is about 7.09 inches (18 cm). The diameter of two color glass crackle beads is 0.31 inches (0.8 cm). The colors of glass beads are blue and yellow. 2) 1 bracelet with braided eco leather cord and wing pendant. This bracelet was made with two lines of eco leather cord - black color and red color.  The length of this bracelet is about 6.9 inches (17.5 cm). The width of this beacelet is about 0.39 inches (1 cm) The length of wing pendant is about 1.18 inches (3 cm)  ***** Colors may vary based upon your screen resolution and other computer settings outside of our control. The photo may differ from the actual item due to limitations of viewing photos at different resolutions, hue, brightness, contrast, and other screen variations.   Orders can be shipped in 2 to 3 days. ***** Did you ever have any questions about the product, please contact me and I'll get answer to you as soon as possible!   Thank you for visiting Anne Sola's store!
Set of 6 Vintage Marble / Onyx wine goblets in display / storage case, Set in very good condition
Komboskini Christian cross braselet Religion gift Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of high quality satine cord with a silver colored metallic cross and spacers. Colour: black and red You can buy one of them or the both. The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is adjustable size Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 5 mm in diameter (1\5 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Komboskini Christian cross braselet Religion gift Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of high quality satine cord with a gold colored metallic spacers and acrylic beads. Colour: black and red You can buy one of them or the both. The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 5 mm in diameter (1\5 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Komboskini Christian cross braselet Religion gift Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of high quality woxed polyester cord with a silver or gold colored metallic spacers and acrylic beads. Colour: blue and Ochre Yuo can buy one of them or the both. The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 5 mm in diameter (1\5 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Christian cross braselet Religion gift Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord with a silver colored hematite cross. Colour: blue and electric. Yuo can buy one of them or the both. The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) wrist circumference.  Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy. Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Christian cross braselet Religion gift Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord with metallic cross and metallic spaser. Colour: black The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: 7 inch (18 cm) wrist circumference You will receive one bracelet, like shown in the pictures with a silver colored hematite cross. You can choose your own color and see different kind of bracelet here Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to help. Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
This personalized bracelet will be a great gift for the man from your life or for a couple. The perfect combination of Genuine leather and jewelry stainless steel in a minimalist style will suit any image. Your special bracelet will come in a gift wrapping. ► Personalized text can be anything from initials, names, special dates, roman numerals, symbols to your short wishes and coordinates. Also your text can be in any language. ✒️NOTE: we engrave only up to 16 characters (this is the limit for 1 line)! If necessary - we can engrave 2-3 lines around the beads - and this is free. Depending on your message, we use: ● Small bead - 12mm long, up to 3 characters (Initials, symbols) ● Middle bead - 22mm long, up to 8-10 characters (names, dates, short coordinates) ● Big bead - 32mm long, up to 16 characters (coordinates, short messages)
Komboskini Christian Monastic Handcrafth 30 knots prayer rope of satine cord with knotted cross, red acrylic btads and metallic spasers. Colour: white • This prayer rope is of a medium size, suitable for medium-sized wrists. Dimensions: The size of the knot is about 7 mm in diameter (1\4 inch) Bracelet size: 7 2\4 inch (19 cm) wrist circumference The hue of the thread may differ slightly from the photo. Our convent is located in Ukraine, near the city of Odessa by the Black Sea. In purchasing our handcrafts, you become the benefactors of our monastery, and bring a blessing to your home. You also receive the benefit of access to our contacts, and the pages of the social networks where you can learn more about our life and obtain information about Orthodox Christian spirituality. This prayer rope (Russian: chotki, Serbian: brojanica, Bulgarian: broenica) is the handiwork of nuns from an Orthodox Christian convent. The prayer rope itself, is a reminder for us of prayer, being united into a ring -- of continuous prayer. The weaving of prayer ropes in our monastery is done as an obedience, with a blessing from the Superior. Our nuns make them with the Jesus prayer.(That is, praying the Jesus prayer as they work.) Each knot on the prayer rope consists of 6 crosses. Carrying with you or wearing a prayer rope protects you through the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, according to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying with a prayer rope is an aid which helps to pacify the mind and to cleanse the heart of the passions. In Christianity, prayer ropes, or rosaries, appear no later than the IV century. Different sources indicate various personalities who have introduced the prayer rope into Christian practice. Most often, holy Pachomius the Great is mentioned. This makes a perfect gift for any of your friends who lead a Christian spiritual life. SHIPPING: ------------- Worldwide international shipping with a tracking number For any questions please feel free to contact me. I will be happy.  Thank you for visiting our site, all the best, and may God bless!
Add a pop of color to your look with this beautiful acrylic bead bracelet! Handmade with love by a child in Ukraine, this unique piece is sure to stand out. Each bead is carefully strung together to create a stunning and eye-catching design. Whether you're dressing up or down, this bracelet will add a touch of personality to any outfit. Plus, by purchasing this bracelet, you're supporting a young artist and their craft. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add this special piece to your collection!
Vendor: ukraine-shop
Add a pop of color to your look with this beautiful acrylic bead bracelet! Handmade with love by a child in Ukraine, this unique piece is sure to stand out. Each bead is carefully strung together to create a stunning and eye-catching design. Whether you're dressing up or down, this bracelet will add a touch of personality to any outfit. Plus, by purchasing this bracelet, you're supporting a young artist and their craft. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add this special piece to your collection!
Vendor: ukraine-shop
Silicone bracelet. Wristband Ukrainian. Ukrainian bracelet with flag. price for 1 piece. (Black) ????If you want to pay by debit or credit card, please choose a PayPal payment method.???? Ships to Worldwide. International shipping normally takes 10-25 working days for delivery (tracking number is provided). ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Please, click here to see all of my listings! My ShopUA1000???????????????????????????????????????? Pins & Ukrainian pins ❤️Thank you that you with us. Good day to you.???????????? ????
Vendor: ShopUA1000
Simple and pretty bracelets set in ukrainian style for girl. This bracelets will be great as simple everyday accessory. *** Set contains of 2 different type bracelets: 1) bracelet with braided eco leather cord and wing pendant. This bracelet was made with two lines of eco leather cord - black color and red color.  The length of this bracelet is about 7.09 inches (18 cm). The width of this beacelet is about 0.39 inches (1 cm) The length of wing pendant is about 1.18 inches (3 cm) 2) braided from seed beads bracelet with small flower tracery. The length of this bracelet is about 6.9 inches (17,5 cm).  ***** Colors may vary based upon your screen resolution and other computer settings outside of our control. The photo may differ from the actual item due to limitations of viewing photos at different resolutions, hue, brightness, contrast, and other screen variations.   Orders can be shipped in 2 to 3 days. ***** Did you ever have any questions about the product, please contact me and I'll get answer to you as soon as possible!   Thank you for visiting Anne Sola's store!
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Blue Agate Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Stone diameter 6mm Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Separators Hematite Silver-colored jewelry cut Stones' amount 30 pcs Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Jasper Unakit Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Stone diameter 6mm Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Separators Hematite Silver-colored jewelry cut Stones' amount 25-30 pcs Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Own production Handmade Gender Unisex Pendants Metal Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Country of Manufacture Ukraine Style Macrame Color Red Material Silk Features Adjustable Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Black Onyx Secondary Stone Cacholong Gender Unisex Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Separators Hematite Silver-colored jewelry cut Stone diameter 6 mm Stones' amount 25-30 pcs (depending on the size of the arm) Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Black Onyx Secondary Stone Cornelian Gender Unisex Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Separators Metal elements Stone diameter 6 mm Stones' amount 30 pcs (depending on the size of the arm) Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Black Agate Secondary Stone Yellow Onyx Gender Unisex Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Separators Metal elements Stone diameter 6 mm Stones' amount 25-30 pcs (depending on the size of the arm) Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Black A gate Secondary Stone Green Onyx Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Stone diameter 6mm Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Separators Metal elements Stones' amount 25- 30 pcs Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Bracelet with flowers. Blue yellow bracelet. Handmade.
Hand Made Bracelets With Heard
Expressive and thin bracelet made of genuine black and brown leather with a fox cutout. A playful little face will decorate your wrist and will put a smile on a bypasser’s expression. Our bohemian jewelry made of a smooth tactile Italian leather has a minimalist design and will please little girls and beautiful ladies. Looks great if accompanied by numerous wrap string bracelets. Fits unisex, soft punk, casual and goth outfit. In a standard way, we make a strap for women 9.44”(24 cm) long with three press studs which allow adjusting the length significantly. When fastened on the third press stud, it fits the 6.29”(16 cm) hand circumference, adjustable from 5.11” (13cm) to 7.87”( 20 cm). Then it is a matter of taste, you like it tight or loosened, on a sleeve of a sweatshirt or on bare skin. In a couple of years, the bracelet will stretch a little and you will be able to clasp it very tightly. When ordering, please, specify your hand circumference and we will select the optimal size and this wristband will be made to order. Length: adjustable Material: genuine leather, metal press studs For the leather item’s long service as provided, please, do not allow contact with water. All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). If you are interested in more leather products from my shop, please, follow the links. Items on sale: Notebooks and Insert Refills: Leather Bags: Accessories: Leather Jewelry: My shop: Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
Delicate and thin bracelet made of genuine matte black leather. A cute butterfly hovers on a wristband of a smooth tactile Italian leather. Our minimalist jewelry has a simple basic design and will please little girls and beautiful ladies. Fits soft punk, casual and goth outfit. Also will make a touching memorial gift for a friend on the pet loss occasion. In a standard way, we make a strap for women 9.44”(24 cm) long with three press studs which allow adjusting the length significantly. When fastened on the third press stud, it fits the 6.29”(16 cm) hand circumference, adjustable from 5.11” (13cm) to 7.87”( 20 cm). Then it is a matter of taste, you like it tight or loosened, on a sleeve of a sweatshirt or on bare skin. In a couple of years, the bracelet will stretch a little and you will be able to clasp it very tightly. When ordering, please, specify your hand circumference and we will select the optimal size and this wristband will be made to order. Length: 9.44”/24 cm Width: 0.39”/ 1 cm Material: genuine leather, metal press studs For the leather item’s long service as provided, please, do not allow contact with water. All jewelry is made in accordance with European Standard EN 1811:2011, prohibiting nickel in jewelry and limiting its usage in items of daily usage, such as buttons, zippers, fasteners, etc.). If you are interested in more leather products from my shop, please, follow the links. Items on sale: Notebooks and Insert Refills: Leather Bags: Accessories: Leather Jewelry: My shop: Please, note that due to the lighting effects, monitor's brightness, contrast, and other settings, the actual color of the item may appear slightly different from the web site's photo. Should you have any questions about my products, designs and bulk orders, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to my shop
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Carnelian dark Clasp Type Adjustable Gender Boy Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone w hite Agate Clasp Type Adjustable Gender Girl Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Style Bracelet Shamballa Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Black Onyx Secondary Stone Pomegranate Gender Unisex Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Separators Metal elements Stone diameter 6 mm Stones' amount 25-30 pcs (depending on the size of the arm) Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Main Stone Creation Natural Own production Handmade Country of Manufacture Ukraine Main Stone Black Onyx Secondary Stone Olivin Basis Stretch, durable, multi-layered elastic band Stone diameter 6mm Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Separators Metal elements Stones' amount 25- 30 pcs Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us:
Only after your choice we start our work at the item. Handling time 3 business days and economy shipping from outside US (14 to 21 business days). You know, real creativity can't stand any trash.That is why we always check our base material by ourselves.We choose only the best and the most beautiful stones, concomitant materials and fittings are of the highest quality. This guarantees that the jewellery will be not only the most beautiful but also longevous, and will make you feel happy, our dear customers. If there are some changes in our items, we'll send you new photos and discuss all the changes till the order is delivered. Item specifics: Gift Leather bracelet. Black agate Gift Friends C oral B racelet Gift Genuine Leather. Friends Aventurine Gender Unisex Individually When ordering, indicate the size of the wrist Features Adjustable Style Shamballa Material Genuine leather Country of Manufacture Ukraine Own production Handmade Metal bead H ypoallergenic alloy Bracelet width 10mm Leather thickness 2mm Certificate of examination of stone attached. Haven't chosen what you've been looking for? Write to us. We can make what you want on your own design.Send us your photo or a picture or just the description to our mail.You can even give us any photos or pictures from the Internet and ask us if we can do the same thing. Just give us the appropriate link. And we'll answer. More ideas: Have a great shopping and a nice day. Contact us: