
I really love vintage style and I think vintage embroidery is one of the most cozy home decors. Hoop embroidery with two children carrying a basket of apple  will probably remind you of your childhood days:) Hand embroidery is a reproduction of a vintage children's book illustration. This art makes me think of life in a cottage, with a vegetable garden and orchard, and chickens, and there must be a cat as well:)  Housewarming embroidery is framed and made on a hand dyed canvas. Just a cozy art for vintage lovers:) You can hang this embroidery on the wall, put it on a dresser or on a table against the wall, or decorate your desk space Hoop embroidery MEASUREMENTS: hoop diameter is 7.87" (20cm) MATERIALS: Fabric used for hoop embroidery background is a hand dyed canvas and for embroidery we use dmc threads.