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This Blueprints Set will make it easy for you to build your bench!  Here you will find detailed high-resolution drawings of each part of the bench that you can print or view on your phone, tablet, or computer (PDF files will become available for download after payment) Past versions of the drawings were in the metric system, but now the drawings are also available in the inch version . Both versions will be in the set. The set also includes: - .STL file of clamps for 3-d printing  - List of materials  - List of fasteners - List of tools I use - Some tips and tricks Please note, buying the blueprints does not guarantee that you will be able to build the bench yourself. You will need materials, carpentry and other tools, and some carpentry and general experience. In this set, you only get detailed dimensions and recommendations on material selection and fasteners, but there will be no instructions or manuals on making the parts. This set of blueprints has a copyright holder and is for making products for your use only. Contact me for the appropriate license if you wish to make benches for sale or for other commercial purposes. Making benches for commercial purposes will be considered copyright infringement. The publication, distribution, reprinting, or re-sale of any information contained in the set is punishable by law.
Vendor: rope8rose
$320.00 $99.00