Ukraine, Lutsk

spinning rods and rules

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Спиннинг Favorite Blue Bird NEW создан для того, чтобы всегда идти в ногу со временем и оставаться одним из самых популярных микроджиговых удилищ на Украине. Удилище получило новый современный дизайн. Бланк из материала Carbon 30T c оплёткой SkyFlex – это сочетание лёгкости и упругости, залог комфорта на рыбалке и уверенности в своей снасти. Новая эргономичная разнесённая рукоятка с обтекаемым катушкодержателем, который удобно размещается в руке. Пропускные кольца, выполненные по современной концепции, позволяют добиться дальнего заброса, исключая возможные перехлёсты шнура. Также для удобства перемещения по водоёму был добавлен современный «хук кипер», на котором можно закрепить приманку и она не будет мешать во время движения. Особый строй удилища с тонкой чувствительной вершинкой, позволяет контролировать всё, что происходит на другом конце лески. 6 моделей с различными длинами и тестами помогут подобрать необходимое удилище для ваших условий ловли. 4 модели с монолитными вершинками, отлично работающие с классическим джигом на близких и средних дистанциях. Две модели с полыми (тубулярными) вершинками для дальнего заброса, идеально подходящие для ловли не только джигом, но и разнесёнными оснастками. Новый Favorite Blue Bird NEW – это сочетание, чувствительности и дальнобойности, гибкости и мощности, цены и качества. Производитель: Favorite Модель: Blue Bird NEW Тип удилища: Спиннинговое Длина, м: 2.30 Тест, lb: 4-6 Тест, г: 1.5-8 Вес, г: 112 Строй: Ex-Fast Количество секций: 2 Рукоять (материал): EVA Транспортировочная длина, см: 117 Класс спиннинга: Ultra-Light Кольца (материал): L-TI GUIGES
an additional payment of USD 75 USD as a result of raising prices by the producer for these two products Favorite Synapse BFS SYSBF-662L 1.98m 3-10g Mod.Fast and Favorite Synapse Twitching SYST-662L 1.98m 3-12g Moderate
Favorite Arena ARN-682UL 2.04m 1.5-5g 2.5-5lb M-Slow Description Now actively catching pond trout fishing - the so-called area-fishing. Specially for this kind of catching, we developed a new series of Arena rods. But in addition to catching pond trout, it is perfectly suited for catching silicone baits on minimal loads (the so-called nano-jig), as well as for catching various predatory and semi-predatory fish on the rivers with turntables, wobbles and miniature crooks.The sensitive blank allows full control of the lure even on the line and in time to react to a cautious bite. The average "trout" system will provide productive survival with a minimum number of gatherings on beardless hooks. A small total weight of the rod will contribute to the performance of complex animations of baits. The rod is equipped with rings arranged along the KR-concept, which adds additional meters to the casting distance. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Arena Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.04 Test, g: 1.5-5 Weight, g: 78 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 105 Story: Moderate Slow Test, lb: 2.5-5 Handle (material): Cork Spinning class: Ultra-Light Rings (material): Fuji KR-series Favorite Professional NEW PRF-732ML 2.20m 4-15g Description Spinning Favorite Professional NEW - universal rod in an updated design. Now one of the most popular models of Favorite has received a new more modern look and a new form. The geometry of the form and the structure remained the same, but it became a little more sonorous due to the use of more modern materials. The main changes have touched the fittings - access rings and reel seat. Rods are equipped with modern anti-oxidation rings, arranged according to the KR-concept. They use a thin, light and smooth insert - analogue Torzite from Fuji. The basic concept of the pen remained the same, which remained the same ergonomic and comfortable. Spinning Favorite Professional copes well with the widest range of baits and, most importantly, has a huge margin of safety. His form forgives a lot and allows you to catch equally well as a hawk on a small forest river or pike and perch on the lake, and a variety of exotic fish on the reefs of remote islands. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Professional NEW Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.20 Test, g: 4-15 Weight, g: 119 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 114 Story: Moderate Fast Test, lb: 4-10 Handle (Material): EVA Spinning class: Medium-Light Rings (material): K-Series Korea Favorite Professional NEW PRF-732UL 2.20m 2-8g Description Spinning Favorite Professional NEW - universal rod in an updated design. Now one of the most popular models of Favorite has received a new more modern look and a new form. The geometry of the form and the structure remained the same, but it became a little more sonorous due to the use of more modern materials. The main changes have touched the fittings - access rings and reel seat. Rods are equipped with modern anti-oxidation rings, arranged according to the KR-concept. They use a thin, light and smooth insert - analogue Torzite from Fuji. The basic concept of the pen remained the same, which remained the same ergonomic and comfortable. Spinning Favorite Professional copes well with the widest range of baits and, most importantly, has a huge margin of safety. His form forgives a lot and allows you to catch equally well as a hawk on a small forest river or pike and perch on the lake, and a variety of exotic fish on the reefs of remote islands. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Professional NEW Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.20 Test, g: 2-8 Weight, g: 113 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 114 Story: Moderate Fast Test, lb: 3-6 Handle (Material): EVA Spinning class: Ultra-Light Rings (material): K-Series Korea
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Favorite Arena ARN-682UL 2.04m 1.5-5g 2.5-5lb M-Slow Description Now actively catching pond trout fishing - the so-called area-fishing. Specially for this kind of catching, we developed a new series of Arena rods. But in addition to catching pond trout, it is perfectly suited for catching silicone baits on minimal loads (the so-called nano-jig), as well as for catching various predatory and semi-predatory fish on the rivers with turntables, wobbles and miniature crooks.The sensitive blank allows full control of the lure even on the line and in time to react to a cautious bite. The average "trout" system will provide productive survival with a minimum number of gatherings on beardless hooks. A small total weight of the rod will contribute to the performance of complex animations of baits. The rod is equipped with rings arranged along the KR-concept, which adds additional meters to the casting distance. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Arena Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.04 Test, g: 1.5-5 Weight, g: 78 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 105 Story: Moderate Slow Test, lb: 2.5-5 Handle (material): Cork Spinning class: Ultra-Light Rings (material): Fuji KR-series Favorite Professional NEW PRF-732ML 2.20m 4-15g Description Spinning Favorite Professional NEW - universal rod in an updated design. Now one of the most popular models of Favorite has received a new more modern look and a new form. The geometry of the form and the structure remained the same, but it became a little more sonorous due to the use of more modern materials. The main changes have touched the fittings - access rings and reel seat. Rods are equipped with modern anti-oxidation rings, arranged according to the KR-concept. They use a thin, light and smooth insert - analogue Torzite from Fuji. The basic concept of the pen remained the same, which remained the same ergonomic and comfortable. Spinning Favorite Professional copes well with the widest range of baits and, most importantly, has a huge margin of safety. His form forgives a lot and allows you to catch equally well as a hawk on a small forest river or pike and perch on the lake, and a variety of exotic fish on the reefs of remote islands. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Professional NEW Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.20 Test, g: 4-15 Weight, g: 119 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 114 Story: Moderate Fast Test, lb: 4-10 Handle (Material): EVA Spinning class: Medium-Light Rings (material): K-Series Korea Favorite Professional NEW PRF-732UL 2.20m 2-8g Description Spinning Favorite Professional NEW - universal rod in an updated design. Now one of the most popular models of Favorite has received a new more modern look and a new form. The geometry of the form and the structure remained the same, but it became a little more sonorous due to the use of more modern materials. The main changes have touched the fittings - access rings and reel seat. Rods are equipped with modern anti-oxidation rings, arranged according to the KR-concept. They use a thin, light and smooth insert - analogue Torzite from Fuji. The basic concept of the pen remained the same, which remained the same ergonomic and comfortable. Spinning Favorite Professional copes well with the widest range of baits and, most importantly, has a huge margin of safety. His form forgives a lot and allows you to catch equally well as a hawk on a small forest river or pike and perch on the lake, and a variety of exotic fish on the reefs of remote islands. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Professional NEW Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.20 Test, g: 2-8 Weight, g: 113 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 114 Story: Moderate Fast Test, lb: 3-6 Handle (Material): EVA Spinning class: Ultra-Light Rings (material): K-Series Korea

spinning rods and rules