Art & Collectibles

Sound horn French horn Horn speaker Horn Sound of music Sounds French horn charm French horns Horn charm French horn jewelry French horn gift Bull horn Honey horn. You can listen to the sound by clicking on the link: Original handmade present for men. If you want to impress a man by unusual gift, you should buy this soundhorn made by highly skilled master. The sound horn is made of natural organic material – horn. By its chemical composition it is nothing else than hair and nails in humans. The sound horn is particularly spectacular and attractive with its successfully found harmonious form and vividly revealed natural beauty of the material. All you have to do is take this horn in your hands and begin to blow into and you’ll immediately feel strong hunter’s spirit and inexpugnable desire to win. The surface of the horn is brilliantly polished by complicated handwork and brought to ideal smoothness that is the first indicator of quality. There is a built-in mechanism in the horn emitting a strong sound. Processing of horn by hands requires particular mastery and skills, and the mastery comes with time. The item is not put out in mass circulation; on the contrary it is an exclusive handwork. This unique sound horn is created by hands of a talented master with non-standard thinking and great fantasy. It is true because the form can be repeated while the color palette remains always inimitable. Labor-intensive process requiring great professional skills, rich color palette made it possible to create this sound horn which features new unforgettable and exceptional style, high quality of work, sparkling brilliance, lightness and an individual creative approach.