Sports and Fishing Goods

Ready for an adventure? Get some sporting and fishing goods from our vendors and enjoy your journey into the neature!

Poleaxe ver.1 x 1PSc Butt spike ver.1 x 1 PSc Javelin ver.1 x 2 PSc
SV1117_1a1_o MegaBass DarkSleeper 3.8" aluminum, 1 cavity - $60.42 Dark Sleeper Lead 12-18g 3-cav: 12-15-18g ID L1356 - $38.42 total price - $98.84 shipping - $26.20
Vendor: Bugmolds
B191_20a1 - $52.46 B111_10a1 - $40.51 B49_10a1 - $51.95 total price - $144.92 25% discount - $108.69 shipping payment when order is ready and packed
Vendor: Bugmolds
Blunt faced jigheads as in drawing  13-18-23-23g p2191 - $33.90 18-23-28g p2489 - $39.15 total price - $73.02 20% off - $58.44 payment for shipping when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
P2662+V719, in one mold, aluminum, 2 separate cavity price is $165,90 5% off - $157,60 shipping is $51,00
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom jig head, shaped with handles. 3/7/10g, two cavities of each weight - $124.09 14/21/28g, two cavities of each weight - $145.11 total price - $269.20. shipping - $79.82.
Vendor: Bugmolds
Smiling Bill Jig Heads (L1191) 1 oz - 1.25 oz Two cavities of each weight. price - $68,06 5% off - $64,65 shipping - $28,86
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom P984_CD_Decathlon_Pieza_60-80g_ALUM15 - $41.98 custom P985_CD_Decathlon_Pieza_100-120g_ALUM20 - $49.81 total price - $91.79 shipping - $39.87
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom P984_CD_Decathlon_Pieza_60-80g_ALUM15 - $41.98 custom P985_CD_Decathlon_Pieza_100-120g_ALUM20 - $49.81 total price - $91.79 shipping - $39.87
Vendor: Bugmolds
45x30x21cm 10,500kg shipping price - $135,60
Vendor: Bugmolds
CD_WavePilker (P2581) 100/130g price - $69,66 5% discount - $66,17 shipping - $29,99
Vendor: Bugmolds
hemp leaf mold, for lead filling 2" , 1 cavity price - $56.21 shipping - $23.33
Vendor: Bugmolds
62.5mm_CD_BugShad2.5_SPEC_SEPARATE_3pcs_ALUM10 (P2569, lure 2.5 in.) aluminum, 3 separate cavities price - $101,09 10% discount - $90,98 shipping - $33,59
Vendor: Bugmolds
35x34x16cm 15,500kg shipping price - $189,83
Vendor: Bugmolds
18x16x9cm 1.020kg delivery price - $30.64
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom V1235 - version #1 aluminum, 6 separate cavities price - $76,52 custom V1235 - version #2 aluminum, 6 separate cavities price - $84,11 total price - $160.63 shipping - $45.95
Vendor: Bugmolds
CD_FacetVob_120mm_SPEC_ALUM15(P2567) - $91,88 2pcs - $183,76 30% discount - $128.63 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
Hellgrammite 0.8 inch (B193) aluminum, 20 cavities, 1 port price - $81.05. BearBug 1 inch (B64), 20 cavities, 1 port aluminum - $142.87 total price - $223.92 5% off - $212.92 shipping - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
1/8 - 1/4 - 3/8 - 1/2 ounces, two cells of each weight, shape without handles Mustad 32786 1/8:3/0,4/0 1/4: 4/0-6/0 3/8: 4/0-6/0  1/2: 6/0-8/0 mold price - $79.11  shipping - $36.31
Vendor: Bugmolds
SV995_114mm_GaryYamamoto_HeartTail4,5_Offset_SPEC_ALUM15   - $97.77 2pcs - $195.54 P2056_119mm_CD_HeartTail4,7_Offset_SPEC_ALUM15   - $97.77 2pcs - $195.54 total price - $391.08 5% discount - $372.51 delivery - $62.38
Vendor: Bugmolds
KiXter L 3.8 ", stone, 1 cavity - $38.88 shipping is $27.63.
Vendor: Bugmolds
P2055_72mm_CD_RigiShad2,8" aluminum, 10 separate cavities - $297.82  shipping - $52.92.
Vendor: Bugmolds
пількер№2 - 1,3,5,7 грам  - $23,32 знижка 5% - $23,22 доставка - $15,24
Vendor: Bugmolds
20x18x6cm 0.770kg shipping price - $31.90 previous shipment - $69.96 total price - $101.86
Vendor: Bugmolds
25x17x12cm 2.760kg shipping price - $49,11 cavity payment 25g - $13,80 total price - $62,91
Vendor: Bugmolds
22x17x13cm 1,700kg shipping price - $31.48
Vendor: Bugmolds
Twinteez Pelagic V-Tail 18cm, stone. (body mold, tail mold, fin mold) price - $113.33 jig head 70g price - $34.96 total price - $148.29 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packed
Vendor: Bugmolds
TTLures Headlock ZHD 14.2-21.2-28.3-42.5-56.7 (L1141) - $73.16 shipping - $57,12
Vendor: Bugmolds
W158_50a1 AngryBaits SpinyWorm 1" price - $163.75 Handle for Injector 45ml d25mm  price - $17.78 total price - $181.53 5% off - $172.45 shipping - $54.81
Vendor: Bugmolds
Poleaxe ver.1 x 1PSc Butt spike ver.1 x 2 PSc
custom L721(21.3g), mould with handles, 7 cavities, slot for plastic eyes - $191.11 shipping is $51.69.
Vendor: Bugmolds
26x26x17cm 11,500kg shipping price - $189,81
Vendor: Bugmolds
Custom cancer 1.88", aluminium, 10 cavities, 1 port price - $155.86 5% discount - $148.86 shipping - $34.74
Vendor: Bugmolds
jig head in pill form 1/16oz , 1/8 oz and 1/4 oz two cavities of each weight price - $48.84 shipping - $28.86
Vendor: Bugmolds
2.2" custom lure. aluminum, 12 cavities, 1 port $277.40. 15% off $235,79 payment for shipping when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
W486_26a1 - $100,92 the difference in shipping costs- $5.69.
Vendor: Bugmolds
17x17x15cm 2.710kg shipping price - $59,48
Vendor: Bugmolds
Bobs jig Spitfire 1,5" , 6 cavities, 1 port, stone - $53.79 shipping - $28.86.
Vendor: Bugmolds
P1690_150mm_CD_BattleShad6(1)_Offset_SPEC_ALUM20 - $156.37 2pcs - $312.74 5% discount - $297.10 shipping price - $51.00
Vendor: Bugmolds
5mm_CD_SalmonEgg0,2_SPEC_50pcs_ALUM12(P1662) - $71.87 2pcs - $143.74 80mm_CD_CD_ClacGrubBody3,2(1)_SPEC_4pcs_ALUM10 (P1604) - $155.16 total price - $298.90 20% off - $239.12 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
Magnificent Sky Blue color 0.8mm 60ml / 2oz ID G042 - $2.11 delivery paid
Vendor: Bugmolds
BM_BigEyeHead_3,5-7-28-70g (L1385) price - $62.74 discount 25% + 5% - 43.91 shipping is $36.86
Vendor: Bugmolds
P1530 - 20grams, 3 cavities price - $53,33 dragon fish - 60grams, 3 cavities price - $88,58 total price - $141,91 shipping - $48,22
Vendor: Bugmolds
W866_20a1 - $96.93 tail for W866_20a1 - $58.46. total price - $155,39 shipping - $51,00
Vendor: Bugmolds
SmokinDadCraw камень, 1 приманка на размер 2.75" - $18,11 3.5" - $23,05 4.25" - $27,98 общая цена - $69,14 доставка в Канаду  - $33,59
Vendor: Bugmolds
jig head 3.5g, 7 cavities each weight jig head 3g, 7 cavities each weight price - $79.18 shipping - $33.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
360gt head in 50/100/150/200/250/300 grams - $189.86 L1021 - $36.36 L847 - $23.81 L586 - $20.34 total price - $270.37 shipping payment when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
pike bait mould, aluminium , 1 cavity 16cm - $145.69 Dual Injector 115+115ml - $124.85 designer's work - $20.00 total price - $290.54 shipping - $48.92
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom Guppy Head underspin 8.86 grams 10.63 grams 14.18 grams  price - $49.19 Spring Neko Weight 3.5g 6-cav (L1127) price - $21.06 total price - $70.25 7.5% discount - $64.98 shipping - $28.86
Vendor: Bugmolds
Mokhnatka 2.4 inch - 60mm (W638) aluminum, 6 cavities, 1 port - $147.10 shipping, $41.31
Vendor: Bugmolds
80-100-130-150-180-220g (P2236) - $188.66 5% off - $187.53 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
P2400_135mm_CD_LongBullShad5,3_SPEC_SEPARATE_5pcs_ALUM12 - $195.42 Dual Injector 175+175ml - $139.79 G020 - $1.44 G047 - $2.11 G037 - $1.44 G007 - $2.54 G040 - $2.11 G038 - $1.44 total price - $346.29 5% discount - $328.97 shipping - $62.98
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom Tungsten Casting Jig Model 12-14g 4-cav: 12-12-14-14g ID L361 price - $47.16 shipping is $28.86.
Vendor: Bugmolds
SpironTwinCreature 3.75inch (C609) aluminum, 6 cavities, 1 port price - $280.92 5% discount - $266.87 delivery - $56,69
Vendor: Bugmolds
CutRWorm 5 inch (T389). aluminium, 7 cavities, 1 port price - $417,13 shipping - $78,92
Vendor: Bugmolds
Shrimp 2.2 inch aluminium, 4 cavities , 1 port price - $145.47. 5% discount - $138.19 shipping - $36.85
Vendor: Bugmolds
2,5" - 6 cavities 2" - 6 cavities aluminum, 1 port price - $428,45 P1285 2,5" - 12 cavities aluminum, 1 port price - $476.05 total price - $904,05 discount 15% - $768,82 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packed
Vendor: Bugmolds
Montessori Climbing Kids set or Climbing Ramp is a great thing! STANDART SIZE RAMP : Height: 80 cm / 31.4 inches Width: 32 cm/ 12.5 inches
Montessori Climbing Kids Set is a wonderful toy and a great gift for your child. CLIMBING ARCH SIZE : Height: 36 cm / 14 Inches Width: 63 cm / 24.8 inches Length steps: 46 cm/ 18.1inches Maximum users weight: 50kg / 110lbs
P2309 aluminium, 1 cavity 2" - $33,10 3" - $49.66 4" - $56.75 6" - $127.68 6.8" - $144.71 P2304 aluminium, 1 cavity 2" - $33,10 3" - $49.66 4" - $56.75 6" - $127.68 6.8" - $144.71 total price - $823.70 5% discount - $782.51 payment for shipping when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
пількер 2, 3, 4, 5гр  - $20,32 знижка 5% - $19,30 доставка - $15,24
Vendor: Bugmolds
30x20x11cm 4.240kg shipping price - $77.26
Vendor: Bugmolds
TUBE 4 - #2 5", aluminum, 1 cavity price - $70.82 20% off - $56.65 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
jig head 6 cavities, 3 grams - $43.36. Head 1.5-3g 4-cav: 1.5-2-2.5-3g ID L980 - $23.06 total price - $66.42 5% off - $63.09 shipping - $36.31
Vendor: Bugmolds
aluminum, 8 cavities, 3 inches mold price - $289.46 Dual Injector 115+115ml - $124.85 total price - $414.13 shipping - $54.18
Vendor: Bugmolds
Custom jig head , 1/4oz and 1/8oz, 3 cavity of each weight,  price - $87,29 jig head football , 1/4oz and 1/8oz, 3 cavity of each weight price - $59,65 total price - $146,94 shipping - $51,00
Vendor: Bugmolds
Dear buyers, I want to offer for you an original experimental speargun that was produced on the plant “Electropribor” in Kharkov city/Ukraine in circa 1990s. It has simple spring loaded system with lever arm. This speargun was used. The condition is average. The spring and trigger mechanism are working. But it is no guarantee that speargun can work properly. It is selling for collection as not working in general. The spear shaft is without tip. This speargun can be original present as a souvenir or part of collection. Condition: used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Material is stainless steel. Weight: approx. 1.7 kg. Lengths 56cm
Vendor: deliveryboy
BATON WORM 4,6" aluminium, 6 cavities, 1 port - $281.94 5% off  - $267.84 shipping is $.56.69
Vendor: Bugmolds
5/16 - 3/8 - 1/2 ounces, 2 cavities of each weight price - $80.13 7.5% discount - $74.12 delivery - $33.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
StoneFly 1 inch model ID B51, 3D model lure - $46.69
Vendor: Bugmolds
SwimSenko 5.5 inch (V469) aluminum, 5 cavities, 1 port price - $316.04 delivery - $56.69
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom Round Shape 3-18g 7-cav: 3-5-7-9-11-13-13-15-18g ID L1347 (hook 90 degrees , hook slot diameter 1.5mm) price - $51.16 discount - $28.11 total price - $23.05 shipping - $34.74.
Vendor: Bugmolds
Blood Minnow Offshore 40 / 60 gr, two cavities of each weight - $72.12 Nitro Shad 60 / 80 gr, one cavity of each weight - $58.48 total price - $130.66 5% discount - $124.12 shipping - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
Ship head#1  - 0,3 / 0,4гр , по три позиціі кожної ваги, для гачків №6,8  - $16,68 знижка 5% - $15,84 доставка оплачена
Vendor: Bugmolds
Custom crayfish 4 " aluminium, 4 cavities, 1 port price - $ 257.86 discount 5% - $ 244.96 shipping - $ 51.00
Vendor: Bugmolds
Driftfry 3" aluminium, 6 separate cavities - $214.53 shipping - $51.00.
Vendor: Bugmolds
WackOjig 1/16oz. - 1/8oz., 5 cavities of each weight price - $76.02 shipping - $33.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom P2094, 1 cavity (12cm) mold price - $94.62 15% discount - $80.42 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packed
Vendor: Bugmolds
LureJunks Finisher 4" stone, 1 cavity - $42.08. fins 1 pair, stone - $20.86 110mm_CD_OpenSwimmer4,4_Open_Offset (P2213) stone, 1 cavity , open type - $42,55 V662 Fish BloodMinnow 3.25" stone, 1 cavity - $19.46 V572 Fish BloodMinnow 2.7" stone, 1 cavity - $16.16 total price - $141.11 5% discount - $134.05 shipping - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
джиг головка №1 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 гр. ціна - $15,18 джиг головка №2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 гр. ціна - $15,18 разом - $30,36 знижка 5% - $28,84 повільна доставка - $11,05
Vendor: Bugmolds
RoundBait Keeper (HL445) moulds with handles One moulds for: 10-14-18-22-26 for hooks 3/0 and 4/0 - $107,43 One for: 28-32-36-40-44 for hooks 4/0 and 5/0 - $149,40 One for: 48-52-56-60-64 for hooks 5/0 - $162,40 total price - $419,23 shipping - $61,77
Vendor: Bugmolds
Mann's flipping waggler 5" aluminium  2 separate cavities - $148.98. shipping - $51,00
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom W573 aluminium, 1 cavity, 3" the price of the mould is $48.29 shipping is $27.69.
Vendor: Bugmolds
Handle for Injector 175ml adjustable pipe , 3 pieces - $24.51 W422 , aluminium, 1 cavity, 2 pieces - $114.94  custom PopShadz 4 inch model ID W567, aluminium, 5 separate cavities - $229.85  total price - $369.30  shipping - $63.98
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom PerchFish 5 inch aluminium 1 cavity - $106.36 custom Roach 5 inch aluminium 1 cavity - $106.36 total price - $212.72 5% discount - $202.08 shipping - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
Custom CD_JigHeadUpFix (P2495)  all 8/0 hook moulds Mold 1:1/8 1/6 1/4  - $25,99 Mold 2: 3/8 1/2 3/4  - $34,44 Mold 3: 1oz 1.5oz and 2oz - $40,95 Mold 4:3oz , 4oz Loop - $53,60 total price - $154,98 discount 5% - $147,23 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
jig head, custom shrimp tail 1/16 oz - hook 2 1/8 oz - hook 2 1/4 oz - 1/0 hook 3/8 oz - 2/0 hook 1/2 oz - 2/0 hook 3/4 oz - 3/0 hook 1 oz - 4/0 hook price - $96.82 stone material W636_20s1 - $35.11 total price - $131.93 delivery - $56.14
Vendor: Bugmolds
Round Head Jig 5g 7g 10g 12g 15g 20g - #1 -- 4/0 hooks price - $73.83 EasyShiner 4 inch model ID V22, aluminum, 1 cavity price - $56.76 Dual Injector 115+115ml price - $124,85 total price - $255,44 delivery - $48,52
Vendor: Bugmolds
TUBE 4 5", aluminum, 1 cavity price - $78.82 20% off - $63.05 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
SV1117_1s1_o MegaBass DarkSleeper 3.8" stone, 4 separate cavities price - $99.82 shipping - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
YamamotoNekoFatWorm 5". aluminium, 3 cavities, 1 port price - $181.96 2pcs - $363.92 shipping - $62.38
Vendor: Bugmolds
28х25х11см 4,920кг цена доставки - $72.72
Vendor: Bugmolds
Mad shad flat 9.8cm aluminum, 5 separate cavities price - $389.05 delivery 46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
no air passages and no filling ports W150 3"Senko Stone 20 cavity - $95.10 2 piece mold. - $190.20 B170 3.75" Hellgremite stone 12 cavity - $104.22 2 pieces - $208.44 total price - $398.64 15% off - $338.84 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
Eagle Molds: 6 Cavity with hinge and handles 2.65 g (3/32 oz) - $79.15 6 Cavity with hinge and handles  3.54 g (1/8 oz.) - $89.12 6 Cavity with hinge and handles 5.3 g (3/16 oz) - $104.04 total price - $272.31 5% off - $258.69 delivery - $79.76
Vendor: Bugmolds
3/8 oz, 5 cavities - $29.04 5% discount - $27.61 shipping difference - $8.02
Vendor: Bugmolds
Skirt, at the end of the rays there are balls 4 separate cavities diameter 5cm aluminum - $97.04 25% off - $72.78 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
aluminum molds with one port. Pic 1 grub 2" 3" 4" - $122,86 Pic 2 Pitchfork 2" 3" 4" - $122,86 Pic 3 swimbait 2" 3" 4" 5" - $289,39 Pic 4 and 5 jig head mold 1/4 ounce 3/8 1/2 and 3/4 - $58,89 total price - $693,97 5% discount - $659,27 delivery - $98,26
Vendor: Bugmolds
stone, 1 cavity bait 1 - $28.17 bait 2 - $28.17 bait 3 - $31.46 bait 4 - $28.17 total price - $115.97 shipping - $34.74
Vendor: Bugmolds
BM_JigHeadSupport_7,1g_6pcs_ALUM10(P2554) price - $61.79 5% discount - $58.70 delivery difference - $11.05
Vendor: Bugmolds
Nitro Shad (L1011) 6 cav: 10gr/ 14gr/ 21gr/ 24gr/ 28gr/ 35gr. price - $56.84 Cylinder 5-20g 4-cav: 5-10-15-20g ID L1298 price - $37.36 total price - $94.20 delivery to France - $39.81
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom XMove 3.2 inch (C379) stone, 6 cavities, 1 port price - $121.15 shipping to Brazil - $68.70
Vendor: Bugmolds
Machete Minnow 4.25 inch (W916) aluminum, 2 separate cavities price - $118.05 delivery - $41,05
Vendor: Bugmolds
CADDIS FLY LARVA 1.3" aluminum, 20 cavities, 1 port price - $112.05 5% discount - $106.44 delivery - $49.21
Vendor: Bugmolds
2.8" 10 cavities, 1 port, aluminum price - $174.06 25% off - $130.54 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
Drop Shot Long Drop 2x20.2x30.2x40.1x50 and 1x60.g ID (HL1090) - $117.01 delivery - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 g mold with handles price - $121.15 3pcs - $363.45 5% discount - $345.27 shipping - $68.73
Vendor: Bugmolds
FishUp Tanta 0.8" aluminum, 20 cavities, 1 port price - $69.21 BearBug 1 inch (B64), 20 cavities, 1 port stone - $65.12 Bleak 1 inch (V1165), 20 cavities, 1 port stone - $76.12 total price - $210.45 shipping - $45.90
Vendor: Bugmolds
MightyBug 4.5 inch (C361) 5 individual cavities, aluminum price - $284,43 delivery - $53,84
Vendor: Bugmolds
L564 - $44,62 L233 - $21,48 L184 - $23,23 total price - $89,33 delivery - $34,74
Vendor: Bugmolds
P2471_122mm_CD_PlasticCrappieTail4,8_4pcs price - $170.62 30% off - $119.43 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packed
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom - Round Shape 3gr, 5gr, 7gr, 10gr, 12gr, 14gr, 16gr, 18gr, 21gr, 25gr, 30gr. price - $103,89 delivery - $46,59
Vendor: Bugmolds
mold with handles, 6 cavities Walleye (L1264) 21.26g (3/4 oz) - $91.27 Walleye (L1264) 28.3g (1 oz) - $120.55 total price - $211.88 5% off - $201.28 delivery - $69.25
Vendor: Bugmolds
21 - 25 - 29 - 33 - 37 - 41g, hook size 6/0 - 8/0 price - $72,11 delivery - $34,74
Vendor: Bugmolds
centrifugal discs 24 bait of "Lure 2" - $563.43 centrifugal discs 24 bait of "Lure 4" - $563.43 centrifugal discs 24 bait of "Lure 5" - $563.43 1 classical injection mold of 15 separate bait of "Lure 3" - $268,25 total price - $1958,54 10% off - $1762,68 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
P2567_CD_FacetVob_135mm_SPEC_ALUM15 - $103.36 custom CD_FacetVob_105mm_SPEC_ALUM15 (eye in the middle) - $80.39 total price - $183.75 15% off - $156.18 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
BobbyGarland BabyShad 1.5"(W486) aluminum, 10 cavities, 1 port (body rotated 90 degrees) price - $65.07 360 GT 3.5-10.6g 3-cav: 3.5-7.1-10.6g ID L661 price - $26.29 Hellgrammite 1.5 inch model ID W807 aluminum, 1 cavities price - $19.15 ShadImpact 2.5 inch model ID W533 aluminum, 1 cavities price - $31.92 ShadImpact 5 inch model ID W792 aluminum, 1 cavities price - $63.85 total price - $206,28 5% discount - $195,96 delivery - $46.59
Vendor: Bugmolds
21x17x7cm 1,290kg delivery price - $35.18
Vendor: Bugmolds
Mold Angling Ai G4  4" - aluminum, 1 cavity with offset, open type, eye size 6mm  - $91,76 delivery - $29,99
Vendor: Bugmolds
P2559_75mm_CD_Li'lCritterCraw3_SPEC_5pcs_ALUM10 price - $$137.06 5% discount - $130.20 shipping difference - $19.91
Vendor: Bugmolds
Round Shape 1-10g 10-cav: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10g ID L182, hook size: 5/0-6/0 hook - $54.12 14# 300 pieces - $6.36 16# 300 pieces - $6.36 18# 300 pieces - $0.00 (gift) total price - $66.84 5% discount - $63.49 shipping - $34.74
Vendor: Bugmolds
джиг головка №1 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 гр. ціна - $15,18 джиг головка №2 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,2 гр ціна - $9,82 разом - $25,00 знижка 5% - $23,75 повільна доставка - $9,62
Vendor: Bugmolds
180mm_CD_ScalesBlackMinnow7,2_Open_ALUM20(P2490, hook slot) - $125.41 5pcs - $627.05 200mm_CD_ScalesBlackMinnow8_Open_ALUM20(P2490, hook slot) - $139.35 5pcs - $696.75 CD_BlackMinnowDeep_40-60-80-100-120gr (P2546) - $98.80 4pcs - $395.20 total price - $1719.00 30% discount - $1203,30 payment for delivery when the order is ready and packaged
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom MebaruBushi 65mm, aluminum, 4 cavities, 1 port - $134,16 delivery - $39,81
Vendor: Bugmolds
VJerk 3", stone, 1 cavity - $24.24 delivery paid
Vendor: Bugmolds
Eagle Lead 6x 1.3g + 6x 1.8g (L1207) - $57.10 Eagle Lead 6x 2.4g + 6x 3.5g (L1207) - $98.45 total price - $155.55 shipping - $68.70
Vendor: Bugmolds
custom crayfish 2.8", 1 cavity aluminum - $51.68 delivery - $29,99
Vendor: Bugmolds
Westin Westin Magic Minnow Jig  4.4", aluminum, 1 cavity - $73.51 jig head  10 12 15 18 22 grams - $47.74 total price - $121.25 5% off - $115.18 shipping - $37.89
Vendor: Bugmolds