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Healing Spell and Slavic amulet Alatyr - Protect Yourself From Illness. Health Same Day Spell

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The Slavic amulet Alatyr is an ancient symbol that personifies the eternal cycle of life and the unity of three worlds - the highest world of the gods (Rule), the world of the living, human (Reveal), and the world of the dead (Navi). Otherwise, it is called the Eye of the Rod.

This list is for a healing spell that will protect you during bouts of illness, allergy seasons, and other bodily ailments. It will assistances you recover, feel refreshed and rejuvenated. This spell will also assistances you overcome existing diseases.

This spell can be used in different ways. You can use it to heal your body, mind, and soul. It can assistances with pain, illness, or other health problems.

I will cast one HEALTH spell for you! This spell will strengthen your body, organs, and immune system to protect you from various ailments and diseases.

This is a powerful spell with high results.


This spell does NOT replace a visit to the doctor. As with all spells, you must assistances him in non-magical ways. If we tackle the problem from BOTH directions, magical and nonmagical, you will see better results.

An ancient legend tells of events that took place at a time when there was nothing on our land except water and a single island, the exact location of which is unknown. Once a large stone Alatyr fell on this island, in which an unprecedented power was concentrated. On this stone, the gods made a place for themselves to rest. God Rod, who is considered the main creator, made three worlds - for the gods, the living and the dead. And then he created Svarog - the god-blacksmith, who was supposed to complete the creation of the world. He hit the stone Alatyr with his hammer, and sparks flew in different directions, from which other deities were born. The Slavic legend about the creation of the world says that Alatyr is the link between the god Rod and Svarog. According to legend, the Eye of Rod was in the stone itself. Alatyr is called the Svarog cross because the sacred symbol really consists of 2 crosses (oblique female and straight male) superimposed on each other.

Many wanted to find the stone and touch it in order to gain the greatest knowledge, purify the soul and be healed.

It was believed that the laws of the universe were carved on the stone, the tree of life was growing, an eternal fire was burning, and living water was flowing from under it. Legend has it that the life of a person who has been able to read the inscriptions on the stone and unravel them will never be the same.

The Alatyr symbol is an eight-pointed star, the rays of which are connected at one point. One of the meanings of the Slavic amulet Alatyr says that the center of the star is the center of the universe, the Eye of God Rod. The number of rays has a special interpretation. So, in ancient sanctuaries, 8 lights were always lit along the perimeter, and the ninth was located in the center.

Eight has a sacred meaning
8 spiritual initiations;
8 major holidays;
8 lights at the altar;
nine is God himself.
The symbol Star Alatyr symbolizes the infinity of the Universe, harmony, unity, and opposition between the two principles.

The Slavs believed that the symbol assistances to protect themselves from diseases, achieve justice, find oneself, and learn secret knowledge. The owner of the amulet is improving he becomes wiser, fairer, and more reveals his inner potential.

Everyone can wear a talisman the amulet is equally suitable for women and men, children, and people of venerable age. This versatility is due to the combination of masculine and feminine principles in it.

The Slavic amulet that preserves health has enormous energy potential. The amulet will work at full capacity and will allow you to find
- good health
- protection from the evil eye
- inner harmony
- strengthens the immune system
- relieves feelings of anxiety
- cleansing the aura
- release of energy channels
- acceleration of wound healing
- elimination of damage, evil eye
- relief from serious illnesses
- protection against damage to the body, spirit
- life extension

The magical actions of this amulet are very unique. It pacifies the nervous system, clears the mind of evil thoughts and the evil eye, and strengthens the immune system. In his power is the healing of the body, soul, the ability to free oneself from any negativity prevailing over a person, to start a new page in his life, without having the burden of past problems behind him. The talisman is considered to be very strong, effective, its effectiveness has been tested over time.

The talisman has soft energy, so it can be worn by pregnant women and children. By the way, the Slavic symbol will save the child from bad influence, addictions, and also assistances to find a hobby that will eventually become the work of a lifetime.
He assistances adults, children, men, women. There are no restrictions. Each person can use it for personal needs or to assistances others.

The ancient Slavic sign adapts to its owner, enhances positive qualities, and smoothes out negative manifestations of character. It is believed that the heavenly patron will assistances the owner of such an amulet to get rid of karmic knots. As a result, life will noticeably improve, grace will spread even to future generations. The positive impact is noticeable not only in global changes. Talisman - has a complex healing meaning. The first effect is noticeable immediately, it manifests itself in the normalization of sleep. A person gets the opportunity to fully rest, gets rid of insomnia, nightmares.

The main effect of the amulet is the ability to endow the owner with a sense of the joy of life. The talisman attracts to the owner the ability to enjoy every day lived, to look optimistically at changing circumstances, to calmly perceive difficulties. An optimistic view of the world leads to a renewal of the body at the physical level. Having got rid of the negative, the owner of the talisman becomes independent of grief, troubles, followed by an increase in the body's energy supply.

Talk to the talisman more often, thank him, ask for advice or the right direction. Try to listen to your intuition more often and pay attention to the signs.

????From customer experience, I can say that the spell + amulet works much better and faster than a separate spell or a separate amulet.

The amulet can be recited in the name of the owner.
Amulet - protects its owner from dark forces, magical influences, necrotic entities, and evil spirits.

I recommend wearing this amulet close to the body or holding it in your hand when praying or addressing otherworldly forces. The amulet does not need recharging. It will serve you for years with intelligent use.

Get ready for extreme and complete results.

⚜️ On the energetic level, amulets, talismans, and amulets can assistances a person. If you want something more than just decoration, you should only buy and charge it from experienced witches and wizards.
Then they are the most effective and powerful.

Amulets are designed to protect their owners from failure and invisible evil.
Talismans are created to attract certain events.

Form, content, and sacred design all play a role in the creation of an amulet. During creation, certain prayers or spells are recited.

After the creation of the amulet, we perform certain rituals to revive or magically fix the amulet for the owner.
A ritual is also held to prepare the amulet for the task (to attract love, to financial well-being, to family happiness, etc.).

Similar rituals are performed in places of power. Place of power - an area with energy fields, including the energy of the earth and the energy of space.

Simply put, this is a place with a huge energy potential, which contributes to the good work of the amulet and accelerates the manifestation of what you want.
We charge them in three different places of power of different power.

???? This is a powerful spell with high results.
This ritual affects both men and women.

It is very important that you send me the information I need exactly as I ask for it. It is also important that you provide me with the correct information. If the information is incorrect, the spells will not work. This is for you, not for me.

I will cast the spell the day you buy it.

If you have any other questions, write me a message, I will be happy to assistances you with everything you need.

Terms Disclaimer
In accordance with policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only.

- You must be over 15 years old
- Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information.

The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and /or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions that the buyer /client decides to take or take based on his /her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.

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Every person has a hater that negatively affects the aura. In every reading I see images with negative energy. For my clients, I draw and describe a person who will positively influence their life and destiny. But the other side is the Hater. Interacting with this person will negatively affect your aura and energy, causing you discomfort or even health problems. This person can also affect your energy and become an obstacle to your happiness. Unfortunately, these may be your work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, etc. They may not even suspect. Very often I am asked questions. That is why I decided to make a unique service. I will draw and show you an image of a person who can negatively affect you and your life. I will also give you a short description of this person. Don't be surprised if you get any drawings from me. Since sometimes I see several images and will provide you with drawings of these people. I want to add value to my clients and offer a unique opportunity. In addition to drawing and reading, I will perform a special energy blocking ritual between you and your Hater. This will keep you protected. Important! I highly recommend that you take advantage of this service. This will assistance you avoid future unexplained problems and understand their source. The read will be sent as a digital download to your email / Reply will be sent within 24 hours of purchase.
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Your beloved will dream of being by your side|ex back spell. THIS IS A SPELL CASTING SERVICE! I DO THE SPELL FOR YOU. Need to make a love spell? It is possible to return a husband, boyfriend, wife, girlfriend. I will help you solve your difficult situation. Many years experience. I help people every day. He / She will return to you and will be dedicated only to you. Only you will be in his heart. This spell has an incredibly powerful effect and is aimed at returning a loved one; this is your second chance to start over. This spell is able to restore even the most stubborn target. Imagine how good it would be if you woke up next to your ex every morning, realizing that in this whole world he does not need anyone but you. Think for a second about what you would be willing to go for this feeling? What would you be willing to do to turn this dream into reality? And if you, like other visitors to this site, want more than anything else in the world to return your boyfriend or husband (even if he is now on a different one), then just read on. Warning: magic is not a joke; I don't play games. I know how to handle this situation and get my ex back! The method works for all 100 - Proven method. The ex will return himself. Act before it's too late. ❤ The spell won't work if you don't want to work on yourself. I can only give you an extra boost, but if you don’t do anything, the spell will not help. I cannot force you to leave the house, play sports, go to a disco, etc. So do not order this spell if you are not ready to do something for your own happiness. This is a powerful spell with high results. The longest duration has the greatest impact. This ritual affects both men and women. Buy an upgrade to shorten the time it takes to get results. It is very important that you send me the info I need exactly as I ask for it. It’s also important for you to get me the right info. If the info isn’t correct the spells won’t work. That’s on you, not me. I will make your loved one fall in love with you again, even if he ignores you now, even if he swears that he will never be with you, and even if he is very proud and you think that nothing can influence him. He will feel an irresistible desire to call you, write to you and be close to you. At the same time, he will consider that it was he who decided to return you to his life. And all you have to do in order to feel how he hugs you tightly is to accept his apology and agree to give him another chance. The chance that you and your loved one are using correctly from the very beginning. A chance in which there will be no quarrels, jealousy and anger that destroyed your past relationship. A chance that will give you the opportunity to build strong and reliable relationships full of love and tenderness. All this may seem unreal to you now, but I promise you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the only thought in your loved one’s head will be the thought of being with you. And he will whisper in your ear the words that you may not even dream of now: "I miss you ... I need you ... I cannot live without you ...". It doesn't matter what exactly happened in your relationship or how you broke up, but I think it was something akin to a girl's story (it was the first girl I helped). At the beginning of the relationship, everything was just great, and she was very happy with her beloved. She thought she had met the perfect man and the father of her children. The one and only. Someone they dream about, but whom almost no one can find. Everything was wonderful for a while and it seemed to her that from day to day he would propose to her. But at some point, she noticed that he no longer looked at her the way he had before. That he kisses her less. That he is increasingly looking at her with a cold and indifferent look. After some time, he offered to leave, without really explaining anything. At that moment, all dreams and all hopes were shattered into smithereens. For a while it seemed that this was just such a joke and soon everything would fall into place, because he loved her so much all this time. But nothing came back. His gaze remained the same cold and detached, and inside my friend gradually there was an overwhelming feeling of nagging anxiety and abandonment. The whole world fell apart, the best years of her life were devalued, and instead of happiness and joy, which, like sand through her fingers, left her without a trace, panic and pain settled in her chest. And, despite the fact that she understood that girls do not do this, she tried to persuade him to give her another chance. She promised that everything would change, and she apologized for some unknown reason. But it didn't help a bit. He moved further away from her and began to ignore. She could not fall asleep normally, because besides anxiety and pain in her soul, the question settled in her head: "What exactly did I do wrong, and what did I need to do or say differently to keep the relationship?" And another much more important question: "Maybe he left me because I am not beautiful enough?" In the evenings, when she was at home alone, she imagined how her beloved would give a lift to some long-legged beauty home from work, and she would invite him for tea. At such moments, everything inside her shrank and a feeling of helplessness appeared, and an unpleasant sensation of bitterness appeared in her mouth. She always put the phone next to her, because she hoped at some point to see a message from him or a call, each time shuddering and upset when she saw that it was not him. And at such a moment, any girl will think about what actually happened, why did the beloved man stop loving and, most importantly, how to return his love back? I will help get rid of negative memories in the head of your loved one associated with your relationship. Which will help to replace this negative with the desire to spend all your free time with you again, the desire to call you or write as soon as a free minute appears, the desire to hug you and give you a feeling of warmth and security with their arms. All this may look fantastic to you, based on your previous experience and your previous attempts, but be honest with yourself: If you understood how the male brain works, then you would not be on this page right now, but would be in the arms of your beloved! And since you are not yet with him, it means that you are doing something wrong (even if it seems to you that everything is logical and should work). So just trust me. All this happens on a subconscious level and it is impossible to do anything with logic with these emotions (and that is why it does not matter at all what he said during the breakup, and how convincingly he said that he could never love you again). You and I only need to use those buttons that are already embedded in the head of your beloved and which will force his brain to turn on the production of certain hormones responsible for love and feelings. In this case, even if the rational part of the brain says that “I have already made a decision and will not give up on it,” his emotions and desires will force him to do exactly what you need. It is very important that you send me the information I need exactly as I ask for it. It is also important that you provide me with the correct information. If the information is incorrect, the spells will not work. This is for you, not for me. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. ---------------------------------------- Terms / Disclaimer: In accordance with Etsy's policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only. - You must be over 18 years old - Within 24 hours of ordering, you need to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that I can contact you. - Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information. The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and / or responsibility for any actions and / or decisions that the buyer / client decides to take or take based on his / her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU BUY!
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THIS IS A SPELL CASTING SERVICE! I DO THE SPELL FOR YOU. The magic of the ritual of possession and domination is for anyone who wants this effect and power over someone. In this spell, he figuratively blinds the person you want to tame. The effect of the ritual will be about the same as that of a theatrical actor controlling a doll. So you completely subjugate the will of the desired person. The peculiarity of this spell is that, having performed it, you subjugate him or her to yourself and your spells. Even when the spell ends, the will of your puppet will obey you, but to a lesser extent. If you want your loved one to be unable to eat, breathe and live without thinking about you, then this is exactly what you need. This person's heart and mind will desire you like a drug. Your lover will be your slave, he will live for you. He will do whatever you want just to see your smile. You should be careful with this spell if you are not sure what you want this person. It is possible to break the enchantment, but it is very difficult. This spell is for lovers, bosses, enemies, neighbors, or really anyone you want to influence, control, or just listen to you! This spell is traditionally designed to: - give you control over the relationship - make the target more attentive to your needs - make it give away preference for you in group / competitive situations - increase your influence on the goal This powerful spell (Ritual) will make HIM / HIM completely obey you. You will have complete control over HIM / HER! HE / SHE will become your puppet. You will have complete control over HER / HER! Demons will make her / him a toy for you. The black magic of the ritual of possession and domination is intended for anyone who wants this effect and power over someone. Trust, and you will be given the will of this person. Remember that this is black magic to be worked on, you should be grateful and respectful to it. This spell is for lovers, bosses, enemies, neighbors, or really anyone you want to influence, control, or just listen to! Do you want to completely dominate your sexual partner during your frantic lovemaking? You may be usually the submissive type, but you want to change that by using your sensuous animal instinct. Or, you already dominate the bedroom, but you just need some extra sexual advantage. Whatever it is ... it's time to turn the magic into where the MAGIC REALLY HAPPENS! All you need to do is just contact me and tell me what your problems are, and I will definitely solve your problem for you. Regardless of your gender, it's time to discover a whole new world of PLEASURE that you never knew existed! ???? IMPORTANT !!! This ritual and spell is performed with absolute protection of your karma for your peace of mind. I perform all dark rituals on my behalf, and demons work for you at my request. Be sure - you and your soul are completely safe! ???? The spell won't work if you don't want to work on yourself. I can only give you an extra boost, but if you don’t do anything, the spell will not help. I cannot force you to leave the house, play sports, go to a disco, etc. So do not order this spell if you are not ready to do something for your own happiness. This is a powerful spell with high results. The longest duration has the greatest impact. This ritual affects both men and women. Buy a speedup to shorten the time it takes to get results. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. ---------------------------------------- Terms / Disclaimer: In accordance with Etsy's policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only. - You must be over 18 years old - Within 24 hours of ordering, you need to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that I can contact you. - Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information. The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and / or responsibility for any actions and / or decisions that the buyer / client decides to take or take based on his / her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU BUY!
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Your new life without cigarettes. You can easily get rid of smoking addiction and cravings of the Stop Smoking spell. This is a powerful addiction and craving spell used you break free of the tobacco addiction you have. Are you struggling to fight your cravings? Are you or a loved one suffering from a life-destroying addiction? Are you struggling with withdrawal symptoms? If the answer to any of them is yes, then this spell is perfect for you! The process of this spell is to use the energy currents associated with the treatment of addiction and the use of white magic, then they are redirected to you or the target of the spell so that you can be released from your addictions and desires. Often you may find that after this spell, you will notice an energy shift and feel more refreshed and energized. Have you tried everything to quit smoking? You were successful for a while, but then you started again because the pull was too strong? Note: This spell is extremely powerful. We encourage open-mindedness, faith and receptivity to achieve maximum results. This spell will give you the opportunity to achieve what you want without much effort. Patience is part of the journey... anyone who trades moments remotely is not a true practitioner of the Craft. Our passion is REAL MAGIC. This spell is all you need. This spell is all you need. DIGITAL PRODUCT: You will receive all orders digitally via messaging and/or email. There will be no tangible objects mailed. Do you want to be the first to know about new products, receive discount coupons and take part in promotions? —————————————————- Terms and Conditions / Disclaimer: I must declare that my services are solely for entertainment purposes, in compliance with Etsy's policies and any applicable regulations. - You must be over the age of eighteen. - You must refrain from negative thoughts and emotions for 24 hours after placing your order in order for me to contact you. The material in this document is not intended to replace the counsel of a competent and certified professional. I do not assume any responsibility or liability for any actions or decisions that the customer / client decides to take or not take as a result of my advice. You acknowledge that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions by placing an order.
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Make a great dad memorial gift for men. We have the best gifts for him dad. Loss of father gift for son, sympathy gift loss of parents, Loss of a sister memorial gift. You can buy a loss of husband memorial gift in our store I will create a unique and sincere custom portrait that will remind you of a person who is always there for you. I will make a portrait from photos you provide. Family portrait is an excellent memorial gift, a sympathy gift in loving memory loss of father, Loss of Mother. Remembrance gifts such as a memorial portrait, Grief gift, condolence gift - this is a very good grieving friend gift. Sometimes people leave us too soon. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to bring them back, but we can cherish their memory and remind ourselves and others how lucky we are to have that person in our lives. It has been scientifically shown that even looking at photos of loved ones can reduce feelings of grief and loss. memory table sign ???? loss of parents gift ???? miscarriage gift ???? infant loss ???? memorial favors Personalized custom portrait with photos for family, wedding, baby, baby or lover, portrait, dog or cat. Wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, engagement, wedding, anniversary, father's day, mother's day, housewarming, wedding events, birthday or just for yourself -I create a montage by combining photos that have been sent. You can get very better results. Appreciate exceptional moments of awareness of emotions and pleasant hugs with a beautiful portrait - thematic commemorative painting. Give unforgettable memories of mom with a warm gift of love. In variations, you can choose the style that you like the most. -This is a digital file only. No physical products will be shipped with the purchase. Lightning-fast delivery of digital drawings within 48 hours You will receive files of problems in good quality, so that you can print them at home or in any printing house without any problems. You can also print on canvas, mugs, cushions, especially, etc. Enjoy the shopping :) Digital drawings are sent in 48 hours or less.
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Have you ever made a psychic drawing of your soulmate or twin flame? I will draw your twin flame and soulmate same day psychic love reading, twin flame sketch. Draw my soulmate psychic reading artistic reading. I will draw your future husband, boyfriend, soulmate, intimate partner - real psychic reading same day. You will get the best mental lover drawing Same Day Psychic Tarot Reading. As you know, I started out as an intuitive coach and “psychic” for Twin Flames, and gained the unique skill of helping Gemini by working individually with their feelings and thoughts about their soulmates, who could be “runaway” or “sleeping” Gemini, and deliver them messages from the spiritual (intuitive) plane from their Twin Souls. The power of intuition - find out what message from the Higher Spheres awaits you. A completely new method to help you harness the potential of your heart's inner Twin Flame Guide ... The Twin Flame connection is not a connection that can be simply severed between things. Energy is always within you. It exists on a level that cannot be influenced by any methods. Is there something called a soul mate? A soul mate is someone who exists to make our life complete and absolutely perfect. Unlike a soul mate, a twin flame is a person who is the perfect mirror image of ourselves. And the typical twin flame symptoms are very different from their counterparts, and can sometimes be much more problematic. Soul mates should be ideal for us, as if special forces created one soul and divided them into parts to seek each other forever. Having found a kindred spirit, we will feel whole again. However, the twin is the perfect mirror image of ourselves. He is the one who shows us who we are, inspires us, challenges us and knows us like no one else. Twin flames tend to be much more violent, unpredictable and give us much less feelings of integrity and a much more intense feeling of love and hate combined. When you meet your twin flame, there are signs that cannot be denied. Being our mirror image gives a strange feeling, as if you have met before. This usually happens because you have met every day of your life looking at your reflection. Shortly about myself: Hi, my name is Emily Belinda Amarantha. I am a psychic, medium, clairvoyant and psychic. I am very fortunate to be born with this special gift of an artistic psychic. I use tarot card reading, astrology, palmistry, birth chart reading, natal chart reading to predict psychic reading. I hope my knowledge and skills will help you meet your soul mate in the crowd when your paths cross. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. ----------------------------------- Terms / Disclaimer: In accordance with policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only. - You must be over 18 years old - Within 24 hours of ordering, you need to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that I can contact you. - Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information. The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and / or responsibility for any actions and / or decisions that the buyer / client decides to take or take based on his / her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.
$22.00 $9.00


Emily is very professional and a pleasure to work with. She has spent time explaining the process of how my purchases work and the benefits. She gives clear instructions and responds to all my.questions
Emily is amazing and her work is great! She is very responsive and kind. I definitely recommend her.
Emily is a great psychic!! She helped me beat Isshin in the videogame Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and now my father loves me again!!!! Very recommended!!!!
Everything I have ordered from Emily is amazing!
I have know Emily for more than 2 years now from another site because she was too ... good and so i followed her to this site where is now at. The very first time i met her, she zeroed in to my problem with so much ease and accuracy and that is why i will only need her and no one else. She is sharp and as long as you follow her advise, there will be no worries. She has turned around the lives of many people and i am one of them and i am ever so grateful.

I very highly recommend her services to anyone of you in need. Once you get hold of her services, there is no looking back and your life will only go forward for the best. She is one Awesome Lady.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Emily dear, you are a true Blessing to my life. May God Bless You and Family Emily. Stay Cool & Safe.
Great reading! Genuine psychic for sure! Very satisfied!
Emily invests alot into her customers. She is the type of person who takes alot of interest in the problem of her customers life and comes up with very powerful solutions. To date I have seen results after results from her assistance and care. I highly recommend her work. She is an absolutely amazing amazing woman and she is always so helpful and informative. I actually have a personal respect for emily because she treats me like someone she knows. Im extremely greatful for her to answer all my questions and doubts and help me with my personal circumstance and challenges. Thank you Emily.
Beaucoup de promesse mais aucun résultat , c'est pour cela que cette personne ne peut plus travailler avec Etsy a évité
Great readings! I strongly recommend her, she is a true psychic!

Excellent service. Calm and pleasant composure in handling situations and give a detail analysis of the problem. Very gifted person and really look into the clients problem to solve the issues at hand. Very highly recommended, you do not need 2nd thoughts about this person, plus she has other services that will help you as well. I am fully satisfied 100%. I want to give 10 stars but only allowed 5 stars. So i give 10 here ⭐️ ???? ⭐️ ???? ⭐️ ???? ⭐️ ???? ⭐️ ????

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Delivery method

We ship all the parcels from Ukraine (from our logistics centers in Kyiv and Chernivtsi) via international services (FedEx, UPS) in two stages. 

First a parcel is sent by express delivery service to Europe, and then, it is shipped by air mail to the United States, Canada or Europe. 

You can see the movement of the parcel by a tracking number only in the second stage - 4-6 days after sending your order from our center. We estimate the delivery time to 12-18 days.

Express delivery is available only on individual request. Please contact us if you need Express delivery before placing an order so we can update shipping options.

Customs duties and taxes

Customers are responsible for any fees, taxes and duties related to delivery and ordering products to their country of destination.


Your order will arrive in a safe cardboard box, with due packaging and protection from damage.

Refunds and Exchanges

I want my clients to be happy, so let me know if you have any problems.

If you are not satisfied with your items / service for any reason, please contact me with the problem before leaving a feedback.