Spirituality & Religion

Настінна люстра (БРА) з латуні
Панихида о упокоении будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре. Стоимость указана за 15 имен. Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм. По православной традиции панихиду заказывают сразу после смерти, на 3, 9 и 40 дни после кончины, а также на годовщины кончины, именин или дней рождения, на Радоницу – в особый день поминовения усопших, во вторник второй недели после Пасхи, в Родительские субботы. Если вы хотите заказывать службы в другие даты, никто не воспрещает это делать. Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области. Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской. На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей.
Церковная служба Неусыпаемая Псалтирь будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре. Стоимость указана за одно имя. Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм. Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области. Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской. На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Неусыпаемая Псалтирь - это особая молитва. Молитва, которая имеет выдающуюся чудотворную силу. Такое название эта молитва получила потому что, чтение неусыпаемой псалтыри длится круглосуточно и без какого-либо перерыва. Многие, к сожалению, прибывают в неведении, и задают вопросы священнослужителям - можно ли неусыпаемую псалтирь о здравии заказать. Очень хорошо заказывать неусыпаемую псалтирь за близких и за самого себя. Заказав неусыпаемую псалтирь за свое здравие, вы сразу почувствуете помощь высших сил. Хотя неусыпаемая псалтирь считается самою дорогой церковной требой, но поверьте, потраченные деньги воздадутся вам сторицей. Поминовение совершается братией Лавры во время чтения Неусыпаемой Псалтири. Не читается Псалтирь только во время совершения богослужения или монашеского правила. Это сугубо монастырская молитва. Сменяя друг друга, братия Лавры круглосуточно читают эту священную книгу. Псалтирь, состоящий из 150 псалмов, разбивается на двадцать отделений – кафизм. Каждая кафизма в свою очередь делится на три «славы». Связано это с тем, что по прочтению каждой «славы» читается обычная молитва – славословие Господу: «Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу…». Таким образом, о человеке, имя которого указано в записке на Неусыпаемую Псалтирь, в монастыре идет молитва днем и ночью. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
Церковная служба Литургия будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре.  Стоимость указана за одно имя.  Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм.  Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области.  Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской.  На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Поминовение совершается священником в алтаре с выниманием частиц из просфоры за каждое имя во время Божественной литургии. Литургия — важнейшая христианская служба, во время которой хлеб и вино становятся Истинным Телом и Истинной Кровью Христовыми. Святые отцы называют этот процесс преложением или претворением Святых Даров. Во время первой части литургии (проскомидии) священник читает заказные записки и вынимает из просфор частички о здравии и о упокоении, по одной частичке за каждое имя. Во второй части литургии (литургии оглашенных) священник или диакон молятся о здравии и о упокоении православных христиан, записанных в заказных записках. Во время третьей части службы (литургии верных) к запискам обращаются дважды. Вначале имена положено поминать после пресуществления Святых Даров, когда на престоле перед священником находятся Тело и Кровь Христовы. «Великая честь — помянуть чье-либо имя в час, когда совершается воспоминание Страшной Жертвы, Страшных Таинств и присутствует Сам Владыка Христос», — говорит святитель Иоанн Златоуст. И ещё раз совершается молитва о живых и усопших в самом конце службы, когда после причащения мирян священник погружает в чашу с Кровью Христовой те частички, которые были вынуты на проскомидии и находились потом на Престоле. При этом священник говорит такие слова: «Омый, Господи, грехи поминавшихся зде Кровию Своею честною, молитвами святых Твоих». Таким образом, душам поминаемых людей даруется особая благодать. Вот почему так важно заказывать прежде всего литургию, а потом уже все остальные службы. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
фігурки висотою 8-9см.
Церковная служба братская молитва будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре. Стоимость указана за одно имя. Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм. Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области. Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской. На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Поминовение совершается братией Лавры во время утреннего правила. Молебен — краткое богослужение просительного или благодарственного характера с молитвенным обращением к Богу, Богородице или святым. В отличие от литургии, которую, как правило, совершают только в храмах, молебны можно служить в любом месте: в домах прихожан, на предприятиях, во время общественных мероприятий. На молебнах не вынимают частички из просфор. Поэтому, если делать выбор между литургией или молебном, нужно отдать предпочтение литургии, а уже потом заказывать молебен. Молебны совершаются с чтением акафиста или без него. Также молебны могут совершаться с освящением воды. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
Керамическая алтарная чаша ручной работы с 4 символами Valknut, расположенными на четырех сторонах чаши. Изготовлен из натуральных материалов, поэтому подходит для различных видов предложений. Абсолютно удобен как для горячих, так и для холодных блюд или напитков. Это изделие абсолютно ручной работы и изготовлено на традиционном гончарном круге. Внутри он покрыт красной глазурью, которая по структуре и цвету имитирует кровь. Эта чаша может стать лучшим подарком для тех, кто восхищается эпохой викингов, языческой или скандинавской культурой. Также может быть использован для вашего личного алтаря Асатру или поможет вам создать правильный декор в стиле викингов и средневековья в вашем доме! Самый широкий диаметр чаши 14 см \ 5,5 дюйма Высота около 5 см \ 1,9 дюйма Поскольку все наши изделия изготавливаются вручную, изделия могут незначительно отличаться друг от друга. После покупки ваш товар будет тщательно упакован и отправлен вам с номером отслеживания.
► Wheel of the Year with Yggdrasil - Wiccan calendar Celtic tree of life. Blessed Be! Wheel of the Year - altar decor, beautiful coaster for the interior. Also you can use item as a photo background for small things or under hotter. We make various designs and sizes. You can put it on a altar, shelf or we'll producing wall hanger (just choose "Wall hanger needed" in the options). ► Material: plywood (birch). Laser engraved. ► Diameter: - 7,8 inches - 20 cm.
world map of caps beer
Vendor: BoardCaps
Wooden wall cross, Wood crucifix wall. Unfinished wooden cross 40 pieces ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days (approximately) We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 1.5cm(0.59”) Linden material. Wax coating. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wooden wall cross, Wood cross signs We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions : Height 25cm(9.84”) Width 17cm(6.69”) Depth 2cm(0.78”) We can also make other sizes 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. Collar black, red, brown, yellow. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wooden wall cross, Hand carved cross. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions : Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 1.5cm(0.59”) We can also make other sizes 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. Collar black, red, brown, clear. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
The wooden smoking pipe is made of environmentally friendly wood and painted by hand with paints and covered with several layers of protective varnish. The pipe has a metal coating inside to protect the wood when smoking. I covered the main part of the pipe with varnish to ensure a long service life and never paint the paint. I left the oak mouthpiece intact, to ensure you comfortable smoking. The pipe is completely suitable for relaxing smoking. Also it can be a perfect gift or just a decoration for your home. the length of the tube is 22 cm (8.6 ") the diameter of the opening for pouring tobacco is 1.9 cm (0.8 inches) The product is made with love! If you have any questions, please contact me, I will be happy to answer them!
Save 30%
Wooden runes card. Vegvisir compass, Elder Futhark runes, Divination cards. Wooden rune cards of 24 + 1 Blank card is included Rune decks are sets of oracle cards based on Futhark runes and runic system. ☀ Wood(eco veneer, (0.058 inch thick) ☀ Dimensions: 63.5mmX88.9mm , 2.5" x 3.5" (poker cards size) ☀Packed in a wooden box The material is made by our workshop from an Italian eco-friendly veneer. Sanded, varnished. The runes and card backs are laser engraved. **** DO NOT PRINT!*** If you have any questions, write to us!
$125.00 $88.00
Save 48%
Rune deck. Wooden runes cards. Rune decks are sets of oracle cards based on Futhark runes and runic system. ☀ 24 Card Deck + 1 card blank ☀ Wood(eco veneer, 0.058 inch thick) ☀ Dimensions: 63.5mmX88.9mm , 2.5" x 3.5" (poker cards size) ☀Packed in a wooden box The material is made by our workshop from an Italian eco-friendly veneer. Sanded, varnished. The front side is a natural veneer color. The back of the card is a painted eco veneer.
$170.00 $89.00
Wooden nativity set. Nativity figurines. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We always do this work with pleasure:) One of our favorite works. It consists of 11 figures+star barn. Height of a figure is 12 cm (4.72") Jesus, Mary, Joseph, three kings, a donkey, a bull, a shepherd and two sheep. The proportions are preserved on each figure. The contours and features of the face are clearly visible. A star barn is also included. Its height is 15 cm(5.9”) Width 15 cm(5.9”) Stars-diameter 5 cm(1.96”) We make: 8 cm figures(3.14”) or 12cm(4.72”) This set will be a great gift for family and friends. Family kit that can be passed down from generation to generation)) Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren A product that will please you for many years:) Write, we will be glad to do this work for you. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wooden nativity set, Nativity Bethlehem We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. This work is done entirely by hand. You can use it as home decor. Or it will be a great gift for your family and loved ones. Ecologically pure materials - a tree are used. It consists of 11 figures. Height of a figure is 8 cm (3.14 ") Jesus, Mary, Joseph, three kings, a donkey, a bull, a shepherd and two sheep. The proportions are preserved on each figure. The contours and features of the face are clearly visible. A star barn is also included. Its height is 15 cm(5.9”) Width 15 cm(5.9”) Stars-diameter 5 cm(1.96”) The main thing! Each product is made entirely by hand, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order I choose the tree that most resembles the original. Thank you for following our work! We hope you enjoyed everything)) See our other products. Large range for every taste))
Wooden nativity set, Nativity angel ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. This work is done entirely by hand. You can use it as home decor. Or it will be a great gift for your family and loved ones. Ecologically pure materials - a tree are used. Painted with stain of different colors. The set includes a Christmas set + two figures of angels. Dimension set: Height 24 cm (9.44 inches) Width 36 cm (14.17 inches) Depth 6 cm (2.36 inches) Dimension Angel: Height 12 cm (4.72”) Width 7 cm (2.75”) Depth 2 cm (0.78”) Used brown, yellow, silver colors. The main thing! Each product is made entirely by hand, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order I choose the tree that most resembles the original. Thank you for following our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wooden Nativity Set. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 4-7 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. Wooden hand-carved nativity scene. We always do this work with pleasure)) One of our favorite works. It consists of 11 figures. Height of a figure is 8 cm (3.14 ") Jesus, Mary, Joseph, three kings, a donkey, a bull, a shepherd and two sheep. The proportions are preserved on each figure. The contours and features of the face are clearly visible. A star barn is also included. Its Height is 15 cm(5.9”) Width 15 cm(5.9”) Stars-diameter 5 cm(1.96”) We make two other sizes: 8cm figures (3.14”) 12cm figures(4.72”) ✅We also make extra large 16 cm (6.29 ”)!! To order this size write to us. Production time 10-12 days???? This set will be a great gift for family and friends. Family kit that can be passed down from generation to generation)) Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Linden material. A product that will please you for many years)) Write, we will be glad to do this work for you. The main thing! Each product is made entirely by hand, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don’t worry: for each order I choose the tree most similar to the original. Thank you for watching our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wall crucifix wood, Wooden carved cross. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Crucifix wall art. Dimensions : Height 22cm(8.66”) Width 15cm(5.9”) Depth 2cm(0.78”) We can also make other sizes 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. Colour black+yellow, yellow+brown, red+yellow, brown+yellow. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is Wooden Carved Cross made from alder\bitch wood with great attention to details. It's carved from solid wood. This realistic wall crucifix wood carving is breathtaking and is a rustic wooden crucifix perfect for hanging in any room in your home or church. It is an ideal Christian gift, Baptismal Gift or a very special upcoming Christian Wedding or religious gift-giving occasion. You can ask any size from 2" up to 35" Material : Alder\birch wood Coverage: lacquer tint Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Shipping - priority mail international with fully tracking information. If you have any questions - just message me. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
Wooden crucifix, Cross wall hanging We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. Dimensions : Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 3 cm(1.18”) We can also make other sizes: 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) 40 cm(15.74”) Linden material. Collar brown, purple We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:)
Wooden cross wall, Wooden crucifix We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. ✅Note that in the photo and video, the cross measures 15.74 inches Dimensions : Height 40 cm(15.74”) Width 25 cm(9.84”) Depth 3 cm(1.18”) We can also make other sizes 15cm(5.9”) 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) Linden material. Collar green. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:)
Wooden cross wall, Wood cross wall art We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 4-7 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions : Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 1.5cm(0.59”) We can also make other sizes 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. Collar gold, silver, clear. Or you can suggest your color, and we will paint it to your liking. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wooden cross wall, Large wood cross. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions : Height 20 cm(7.87”) Width 13 cm(5.11”) Depth 2 cm(0.78”) We can also make other sizes 15 cm(5.9”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Color black red brown and dark brown. Linden material. Wax coating. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is Wooden Carved Neck Cross Bog Oak 2000-5000years wood Description: Size 90mmx45mm(3.6"x1.8") Material : Rare(2000-5000years) Bog oak Coverage: Natural wax Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
Wooden carved cross, Wooden easter cross. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 4-7 days. Delivery time 14-21 days (approximately) We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. In the photo and video the size of the cross is 9.84 ”!!! The size of the smallest cross: Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 1.5cm(0.59”) We can also make other sizes 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. Collar black, red, brown, deep brown. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. A wonderful gift for Easter, Birthday, March 8, Mother's Day. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything)) See our other products. Large range for every taste))
Wooden carved cross, Heart wall cross We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 4-7 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions : Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 1.5cm(0.59”) We can also make other sizes 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. Collar brown, red, black. We have a large selection of wooden crosses. You can choose any of them. This work will be a good gift for your family and friends. Perfect as a wall decor for a child's room. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:)
Wooden carved cross. Crucifix Wall Cross. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 1-3 days. Delivery time 14-28 days. We have a small family workshop. And here we would like to present our products. Our team is a master and helpers (members of our family) We have a wide range of handmade wooden products. One of them you see in the photo. This is a carved wooden cross. Dimensions : Length 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Height 1.5cm(0.59”) We can also make other sizes 20cm(7.87”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) Linden material. Wax coating. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wooden carved cross. We will be grateful if you place an order with us to support our store at this difficult time for us????????♥️???????? ✅ We work on a regular schedule???? Processing time 4-7 days. Delivery time 14-28 days (approximately) Cross figurine carved out of linden wood. Made in our small workshop. Also, we can personalize this cross. Write to me and I will cut on it your name, or the name of your friend:) We make cross of different colors and sizes. In the photo you see three colors - yellow, red and brown. Would make a great gift for someone you love. In the photo handmade carved Cross 3d : Dimension : Height 15cm(5.9”) Width 10cm(3.93”) Depth 1.5cm(0.59”) We can also make other sizes 20cm(7.87”) 25cm(9.84”) 30cm(11.81”) 40cm(15.74”) In the photo you can see the smallest and largest dimension of this product. We have a large selection of colors and shades. The main thing! Each product is made entirely by hand, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don’t worry: for each order I choose the tree most similar to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:)
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is Wooden Carved Cross Bog Oak 2000-5000years wood, very rare wood! Description: Material : Rare(2000-5000years) Bog oak Coverage: Natural wax Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me.
Vendor: CarvedHome
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is Wooden Carved Cross made from alder wood with great attention to details and covered antique gold painting. I made it by myself, so if you need different colour or finish coat - just message me. It can be easily hooked on the wall. Material: birch wood Coverage: antique gold paint. Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Usually I ship this item in 3-9 days after payment received. Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
Tarot deck box - Wild Magic. Of course, you can use it for any other purposes:) Magic place for your favorite deck, for storing crystals, stones, or jewellery. This box opens in a very original way with the help of gears. Size of box: 8х15х6 sm/ 3.1x5.9x2.3 in. Fits cards not more than 6.9х13,4 sm -2.7x5.2 in. Material: birch. !You buy only box, not tarot deck - its for decor on photos. !On the photo is prototype, the ready item can be a little differ from the photo (it's depends on the wood structure and hand work). You can like also: ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
Easter tomb. Easter wooden handmade set. That will be a great addition to your interior. You can give this set to your family and friends. This gift will be heartfelt. Suitable for holidays such as Easter, Birthday, Mother’s Day:) This Easter set consists of a wooden tomb and 3 figures. The figure of an angel, two figures of women. Dimension tomb: Height 20 cm(7.87”) Length 35 cm(13.77”) Depth 10cm(3.93”) Dimensions of figures: 14 cm(5.51”), 12 cm(4.72”), 9 cm(3.54”) Perfectly chosen colors. We use water-based acrylic paints. And paint each part of the set by hand. Linden material. The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Wood Easter set, Hand carved nativity Home decor that will be a great addition to your interior. You can give this set to your family and friends. This gift will be heartfelt. Suitable for holidays such as Easter, Birthday, Mather’s day???? Dimension: Height 20 cm(7.87”) Length 35 cm(13.77”) Depth 10cm(3.93”) Dimensions of figures 14 cm(5.51”) 12 cm(4.72”) 9 cm(3.54”) Jesus 14cm(5.51”) Made of spruce. We hope you enjoyed everything:) The main thing! Each product is completely handmade, so there may be slight differences from what you see in the photo. These differences do not affect the functionality of the product. But don't worry: for each order, I choose the most similar tree to the original. Thank you for looking at our work! We hope you enjoyed everything:) See our other products. Large range for every taste:)
Obverse: the Mother of God surrounded by eleven Old Testament prophets with the symbols of the Mother of God. At the top - Savior Emmanuel. Back side: Calvary cross with the text of the last canon of the canon to the Honest Life-giving Cross of Gregory the Sinait. Opened view: two plots from the akathist to the Mother of God: All singing is conquered ... (kontakion 11) and the Light-receiving light ... (ikos 11) with lyrics in Church Slavonic. Size: 51x33mm / 2.00x1.30in Thickness: ~ 8.8mm / 0.31in ******************************* In the presence of the second version of the cross, you can see by clicking on the link.
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DEMONIC ALTER YOUR BODY SPELL | BIGGER BREASTS SPELL | DREAM BODY SPELL Do you want to look like those women on TV? Have you done all the recommended exercises but to no avail? Are just wanting to feel sexier, more desirable and happier in your own body? Then this extremely powerful demonic alter your body spell might be just the right thing for you! Please let me know what you would like to have altered and I can arrange that for you within limits (1-2 cup sizes up is realistic for example). I can also help you to expand your bum, your hips and if you wish become more muscular as well. In case you select more then one option please state which two or three you like to choose. For weight loss please see the 'Extremely Powerful Demonic Weight Loss Spell' I have on offer. This spell is targeted for women, however if you have been assigned male at birth and wish to become more feminine then you can as well benefit from this powerful spell! DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report I come from a family of sorcerers that practices magick since the 14th century and specializes in working with demons. Through this long time we have established strong bonds and relationships with most demons and therefore communication and petitions can be conducted easily and safely for you. I only work with adults. You must be 18+ years old. Legal Disclaimer: No physical item will be shipped. This is NOT a physical delivery, the delivery will be digital via messages and emails after the spell ends. Since magic is not something that is permitted in today's world and age, I must state that this is not financial, business, or personal advice. This and all services offered by us are for entertainment purposes only. Due to the nature of my services, refunds and exchanges are not possibl You can also join us on  YouTube  and  Telegram
$60.00 $49.75
Witches Bells with bells and charms. Witches bells are hung to guard your space from bad & evil intent, banish negativity and provide protection. Bells also by their vibrations clear out negative energies and resets the environment they are in, allowing positive energies to enter. Witches Bells can be hung on a door, window, over a car mirror, bed, wardrobe or anywhere you want protection – from blocking & clearing negative energies to protecting the space and all those who reside within.
Witches Bells with bells and charms. Witches bells are hung to guard your space from bad & evil intent, banish negativity and provide protection. Bells also by their vibrations clear out negative energies and resets the environment they are in, allowing positive energies to enter. Witches Bells can be hung on a door, window, over a car mirror, bed, wardrobe or anywhere you want protection – from blocking & clearing negative energies to protecting the space and all those who reside within.
Lilith is the primary feminine aspect of dark sexuality. Receive the all-encompassing blessing of Lilith, seduce people and achieve sexual contact with anyone. The demoness will require you to use this gift as often as possible - she prefers to be content with the passion and lust that fill her followers. With the help of this ritual, you will be able to strengthen your passion and fill your love relationship with trust. If you are single, this demonic magic can bring you new love. If you believe in kindred spirits, this ritual is for you. If you saw this offer, then it's not just like that - there are no accidents. This only says that the Goddess Lilith is ready to help you. Trust me when I say that this magic can bring you great relief, excitement and the joy of love. Is demonic love magic safe? If you've used magic before, you probably know that magic is a choice. You choose the reality you want instead of leaving it all to the chaos of everyday life. Magic can restore order and grant wishes through the power of demons. Demons are forced to help us when we ask. When you know this and work with these rituals, you will find that the universe responds to your desires. Lilith is the universal mother, the one who takes care of everyone, and therefore she enhances the feminine aspects of women. It helps women to become more independent, feminine, more attractive, more determined, provides an increase in intuition, enhances sexuality, attractiveness, seduction and care. She does not like being ordered or scheduled, as she is the embodiment of female independence. As for men, Lilith enhances the soft aspects of the owner. It increases sensitivity, understanding, intuition, sexuality, but it can also be used to summon a succubus. ⚜️You will receive the amulet already activated and consecrated (you do not need to do anything else with it). On an energetic level amulets and talismans, can assist a person. If you want anything that is more than just a decoration, you should only buy and charge it from skilled witches and magicians. Then they are the most effective and powerful. Amulets are made to protect their owners from failure and evil that cannot be seen. Talismans are made to attract specific events. Shape, substance, and sacred design all matter while making an amulet. Certain prayers, or spells, are read during the creation. Following the creation of the amulet, I perform particular rituals to "revive," or magically set up the amulet for the owner. A ritual is also performed to prepare the amulet for the task (to attract love, to financial well-being, to family happiness, etc.). Similar rituals are performed in places of "power". "Place of power" - an area with energy fields, including the energy of the earth and the energy of space. Simply put, this is a place with a huge energy potential, which contributes to the good work of the amulet and accelerates the manifestation of what you want. I charge them in three different "places of power" of different power. This is a powerful spell with high results. This ritual affects both men and women. Regardless of which magical amulet or talisman you decide to purchase, you should know some rules about the manufacturing process: 1. During the manufacture of the amulet, the master must be alone. 2. The best time to create a protective amulet is midnight. 3. To create a particular amulet or talisman, there must be an appropriate phase of the moon. 4. During manufacture, certain prayers, or spells, are read. 5. When making, you need to take into account the elements. All things on earth are made up of four elements: water, fire, air, earth. Talismans, consisting of combinations of these elements, have a special power. 6. Only natural materials are used for manufacturing (leather, wood, metal, bone, stone, clay) 7. The drawing that is applied refers to sacred symbols that have great power. 8. The amulet is created for protection or for the sake of success in only one area. It can be a talisman that attracts money or an amulet that protects against injury. 9. Form is also important. The circle is ideal for establishing harmony and well-being. The oval gives purposefulness, perseverance and flexibility, the ability to cope with everyday troubles. The quadrilateral symbolizes the elements of air, fire, earth and water and gives them strength. 10. The choice of material for the amulet should be approached no less seriously. For example, a tree accumulates information. Silver, lead and tin are the guardians of female energy, while brass, gold, copper and bronze are masculine. 11. The product should be as smooth and pleasant to the touch as possible. 12. This thing cannot be transferred to others even for a short period of time, even one touch to it is undesirable. An exception is the inheritance of children and grandchildren: male amulets for boys of the family, female amulets for girls. In no case do not treat your talisman carelessly! You can’t throw it on the table, put it in a common jewelry box and store it anywhere! After the amulet is made, the magician (witch) performs special rituals for "revival", i.e. magically attune the amulet to the wearer. A ritual is also carried out that charges the object to solve a specific problem (to attract love, to financial well-being, to family happiness, etc.). Such rituals are carried out in places of power. The place of power is a small area that has energy fields, the energies of the earth and the energy of space. Simply put, this is a place in which there is a very huge potential of energy, which contributes to the positive work of the subject and accelerates the manifestation of the desired. We charge them in 3 different places of power. Question: If the talisman or amulet is not charged, will it work? Answer: No. Will not be! AMULET (TALISMAN) DOES NOT WORK INSTEAD OF YOU! THE AMULET (TALISMAN) WORKS THROUGH YOU AND TOGETHER WITH YOU! ⚜️⚜⚜️ Almost all demons require that a person, when interacting with a demon, has a special amulet - Lamen. The artifact must be in the form of a Demon Seal worn around the neck and made of metal. I will summon the dark goddess and use her to perform the ritual for you. This is a spell service - I perform the ritual for you. In addition, the Amulet of the Goddess Lilith will be sent to you. Upgraded Lilith's power amulet to imbue yourself with the powers of Lilith. Lilith's power amulet is designed for both men and women. All demons love offerings. Remember, the inhabitant of hell needs to be appeased, and if you make an offering to him, he will be more loyal and more willing to fulfill the request. Lilith left a huge mark on the history and traditions of many peoples, and her power is capable of much if you are willing to pay the appropriate price. Lilith is the progenitor and patroness of succubi - the first woman created by God from clay and later became a demoness, personifying depravity, lust and animal sexuality. You have to pay for everything, and this is true - everywhere and everywhere, in order to get something, you need to give something. You cannot buy bread, medicines, an apartment and a car just for "thank you". It is the same in magic - you kind of conclude an agreement, an agreement with the forces that will contribute to the fulfillment of your will. It goes without saying that for "thank you" these forces will not work. They need their own "food" in the form of energy, which you must give them, because. you want something to change in your life. By making an offering, you just give the same energy impulse that starts a complex chain reaction of energy-information processes that ultimately lead to the realization of your intention. ⚜️⚜️⚜️ In variations, you can choose the offering that your heart tells you. It is very important that you send me the information I need exactly as I ask for it. It is also important that you provide me with the correct information. If the information is incorrect, the spells will not work. This is for you, not for me. I will cast the spell the day you buy it. If you have any other questions, write me a message, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. ---------------------------------------- Terms / Disclaimer: In accordance with policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only. - You must be over 18 years old - Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information. The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions that the buyer/client decides to take or take based on his/her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU BUY!
Material: Birch plywood Colour: Wenge Engraving on wood Hand-painted Surface: Matte Dimensions: 35cm*25cm*19cm -length: 13" inch -width: 10" inch -height: 4.3" inch Product weight without package: 2.6 kg Ready to ship in 1-3 business days The average international Delivery time is 1-2 Weeks! If you have any questions, please ask me.
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The magical energy of the witch's pouch "Sexuality" is aimed at a surge of energy, improving well-being, strengthening the reproductive system. Activates the forces of the body, strengthens the sexual energy of a person Witch's pouch "Sexuality" has a huge energy potential. Works at full capacity and is suitable for:      - sexual energies      - reproduction systems      - Increase temptation      - Increasing erotic attraction      - arouse interest and passion    The magical actions of this pouch are very unique. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. You can ask me a question in private messages. I'll be happy to answer them
$55.00 $35.00
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It seems to you that the Witch's Bag is a powerful tool for removing negative energies, black magic and voodoo magic. It was created to protect and cleanse your home and your life from harmful influences. Each Witch Bag is made with love and care for your well-being. Many years of wisdom and knowledge of the witch are invested in it to provide you with reliable protection from negative energies. The bag contains a mixture of herbs and other magical ingredients that have been carefully selected and charged with positive energies. Using the Witch's Bag is simple. Simply place it in the desired location where you wish to remove negative energies. It will begin to act, attracting positive forces and reflecting negative influences. You will feel how your home and your surroundings are filled with purity, light and harmony. This Witch Bag can also be your faithful travel companion. Just put it in your bag or pocket to be protected from the negative energies you may encounter while traveling. Let the Witch's Bag become your reliable ally in the fight against dark forces. Clear your space of negative energies and create a harmonious and safe environment for yourself and your loved ones with this magical artifact.
$55.00 $35.00
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The magical energy of the witch's pouch "Immunity" is aimed at strengthening the immune system, strengthening the body, strengthening the nervous system. Activates the body's forces, increases the body's resistance, strengthens the walls of blood vessels The magical actions of this pouch are very unique. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. You can ask me a question in private messages. I'll be happy to answer them
$55.00 $35.00
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The magical energy of the witch's pouch "Health" is aimed at restoring strength, a surge of energy, improving well-being, strengthening the energy body. Activates the body's defenses, strengthens the human energy field, promotes health.  Assistances to cope with the disease.  Witch's pouch "Health" has a huge energy potential. It works at full capacity and is suitable for:    - for cognitive function    - for the central nervous system    - inner harmony    - relieves feelings of anxiety    The magical actions of this pouch are very unique. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. You can ask me a question via private messages. I'll be happy to answer them
$55.00 $35.00
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Your protection from the evil eye is in this Witchy Pouch for protection. It was created in order to provide you with reliable protection from the negative impact and envy of others. The witch's sack to protect against the evil eye is made using ancient knowledge and magical rituals. It contains herbs that have been carefully selected and charged with positive energy. The simple use of the Witch's Bag makes it the perfect defensive tool. Just carry it with you or place it in your home or work space. The bag will create a powerful protective field around you, reflecting negative influences and preventing the evil eye. The witch bag will also assistence you strengthen your energy aura and increase your self-confidence. You will feel empowered and confident knowing that you are protected from harmful energies and influences. Let the Witch's Bag be your ally in the fight against envy and negative influences. Find inner harmony and peace, knowing that you are protected from the evil eye and negative forces.
$55.00 $35.00
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The best gift for a witch! The set consists of a black box for Tarot cards, stones or witch things. This original black box with a gold pattern on the lid is the perfect place to store your tarot cards. Size: 5.5" х 3.5" х 2.25", Inner: 6.1" х 4.13" х 2.63" ( 15.5cm x 10.5 cm x 6.7 cm) And a fortune telling board. The same image "Sun and Moon" is inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. The fortune telling board is a great gift for the Scarlet Witch. The size: 8 inches in diameter (20cm) 1/18" (3mm) thick plywood. The middle part (1/18 inch thick circle) is superimposed on top with metal rivets. Painted in red and black. You can choose a set: set 1 or set 2
$70.00 $45.00
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The best gift for a witch! The set consists of a black box for Tarot cards, stones or witch things. This original black box with a gold pattern on the lid Witch Hat is the perfect place to store your tarot cards. Size: 5.5" х 3.5" х 2.25", Inner: 6.1" х 4.13" х 2.63" ( 15.5cm x 10.5 cm x 6.7 cm) On the box the witch's hat is decorated with Swarovski crystals And a fortune telling board. The same image "Witch Hat" is inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. The fortune telling board is a great gift for the Witch. The size: 8 inches in diameter (20cm) 1/18" (3mm) thick plywood. The middle part (1/18 inch thick circle) is superimposed on top with metal rivets. Painted in red and black. You can choose a set: set 1 or set 2
$70.00 $45.00