Spirituality & Religion

SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Ring Band US size 6.5 Russian Cyrillic Prayer Inscription Blessing Text God Lord Save Protect Filigree Pattern Christian Church Fine and Faith Jewelry 1141 The inscription says "Господи, спаси и сохрани мя" that stands for "God, save and protect me". Weight - 1.68 grams. Metal and stamp - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring size - 6.5. Russian / Ukrainian ring size - 17.0. Item code Ko-1141. Band width - 5.1 mm or 0.20" inch. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - THAT MEANS THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURES Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. But it depends on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Ring Band US Size 7.75 Cyrillic Russian Inscription Blessing Text Prayer God Lord Save Protect Oxidized Old Believers Cross Christian Church Faith Jewelry Fine Jewellery 971 The inscription says "God, save and protect me". Weight - 2.32 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring size - 7.75. Ukrainian / Russian ring size - 18.0. Item code - Ko-971. Band width - 5.3 mm. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - THAT MEANS THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURES Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. The delivery terms depend on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
NEW SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Signet Ring Band US size 6.0 Cyrillic Russian Inscription Text Prayer to Life-Giving Cross Oxidized Filigree Pattern Hearts Christian Church Fine and Faith Jewelry 1136 The inscription is the prayer to the life-giving cross "Спаси, Господи, люди Твоя" that means "God, save your people". Weight - 3.12 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring size - 6.0. Ukrainian / Russian ring size - 16.5. Item code - Ko-1136. Face ring width - 10.6 mm or 0.42" inch. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - YOU WILL RECEIVE THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURES Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. The delivery terms depend on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
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Love compatibility same day psychic reading and drawing of your future boyfriend/girlfriend. Ask a psychic what your future soul mate or twin flame will look like. Love psychic reading same day. Draw the psychic expert of my dream husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend - best psychic reading Are you interested to know what your future boyfriend will be like? I invite you to take a peek at your destiny by working with me. I will draw what your future lover looks like and will note all information about him that comes to me during this experience. This can include everything from his personality traits, background, life experiences, passions, hobbies to more specific and practical information about meeting him. Each reading can give me different type of information based on your energy at that moment. How to meet your soul mate? Are you asking yourself: what will my future wife or my future boyfriend look like? Ready to meet your soul mate? Yes, I want to draw my soul mate! You will receive a hand-drawn drawing with perfect details, as well as a detailed description of the personality. This is a beautiful detailed drawing and description of what your future partner will look like. To get started, I only need your full name and date of birth! Please, when placing an order, indicate all the necessary data in the personalization field. Next, I will use my special technique to look into the future. I always strive to get the most accurate results possible, so this can take several hours. I will use my psychic abilities to draw your soul mate. I describe and paint the look and feel of your twin flame or significant other. You will receive a beautiful and realistic drawing of your husband (or a sketch of a guy) along with a detailed description of his personality. Reading will be sent as a digital download to your email/Etsy. The reply will be sent within 24 hours of purchase. Shortly about myself: Hi, my name is Emily Belinda Amarantha. I am a psychic, medium, clairvoyant and psychic. I am very fortunate to be born with this special gift of an artistic psychic. I use tarot card reading, astrology, palmistry, birth chart reading, natal chart reading to predict psychic reading. I hope my knowledge and skills will help you meet your soul mate in the crowd when your paths cross. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. ----------------------------------- Terms / Disclaimer: In accordance with Etsy's policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only. - You must be over 18 years old - Within 24 hours of ordering, you need to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that I can contact you. - Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information. The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and / or responsibility for any actions and / or decisions that the buyer / client decides to take or take based on his / her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.
$12.00 $9.00
Psychic Readings,Relationship Reading,Same Day Reading,Fortune Telling,Best Psychic,Fortune Teller,Psychic Predictions,Does He Like Me,Will He Come Back,Future Tarot Reading,Reading In Love,Ex Relationship,Tarot Psychic Magic, Tarot Reading
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Tarot Reading Will Things Get Better Between Us can provide insights into the current state of a relationship and offer guidance on how to improve it. Tarot cards can reveal patterns, blockages, and potential opportunities in the relationship, to identify areas that may need attention and offering suggestions for moving forward. It can be a useful tool for those seeking clarity and direction in their relationship. Are you seeking guidance on matters of the heart or curious about what the future holds? I am specialize in relationship readings, providing insight into the dynamics between you and your partner or potential love interest. With my same day readings, you can receive immediate clarity and answers to burning questions about your love life, including "Does he like me?" and "Will he come back?" I am fortune tellers and best psychics offer psychic predictions for your future, using their psychic abilities and the ancient art of tarot to uncover what lies ahead. Whether you're looking for a future tarot reading or a reading in love, we have the tools to assistance guide you on your journey. If you're struggling with an ex relationship, our psychic readings can assistance you gain closure and move forward. Our tarot psychic magic can provide insight into your past, present, and future, assistance you to find peace and understanding. Trust our experts to provide you with the best psychic experience and fortune telling services available.
$45.20 $28.88
Церковная служба Неусыпаемая Псалтирь будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре. Стоимость указана за одно имя. Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм. Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области. Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской. На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Неусыпаемая Псалтирь - это особая молитва. Молитва, которая имеет выдающуюся чудотворную силу. Такое название эта молитва получила потому что, чтение неусыпаемой псалтыри длится круглосуточно и без какого-либо перерыва. Многие, к сожалению, прибывают в неведении, и задают вопросы священнослужителям - можно ли неусыпаемую псалтирь о здравии заказать. Очень хорошо заказывать неусыпаемую псалтирь за близких и за самого себя. Заказав неусыпаемую псалтирь за свое здравие, вы сразу почувствуете помощь высших сил. Хотя неусыпаемая псалтирь считается самою дорогой церковной требой, но поверьте, потраченные деньги воздадутся вам сторицей. Поминовение совершается братией Лавры во время чтения Неусыпаемой Псалтири. Не читается Псалтирь только во время совершения богослужения или монашеского правила. Это сугубо монастырская молитва. Сменяя друг друга, братия Лавры круглосуточно читают эту священную книгу. Псалтирь, состоящий из 150 псалмов, разбивается на двадцать отделений – кафизм. Каждая кафизма в свою очередь делится на три «славы». Связано это с тем, что по прочтению каждой «славы» читается обычная молитва – славословие Господу: «Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу…». Таким образом, о человеке, имя которого указано в записке на Неусыпаемую Псалтирь, в монастыре идет молитва днем и ночью. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
Tarot card reading,love reading tarot,Emotional Connection,tarot love,easy love reading,psychic reader,love psychic reading,Ex-Lover Tarot,ex lover psychic,psychic reading love,same hour tarot love,psychic love reading,tarot spreads
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Learn, if there is something deeper between you, and how your friendship will end, but also what you can do to improve yourself and foster a deeper, more meaningful connection with the other person through this divination. In addition, divination can shed light on how you and your partner can strengthen your bond through the choices you make and the paths you take. If you want your relationships to be even more fruitful and successful in the future, you can use this divination to see what challenges lie ahead and how to surmount them. Whether it's the individual you're currently with or the man you hope to spend the rest of your life with, this is a tried-and-true method for assessing compatibility. And you can do this divination on the relationship as a whole, not just the guy, to see what needs to be altered to make it stronger and last longer. Do you fit each other? Divination can assistance you and your partner or potential partner learn more about each other and grow closer together. How do you match each other? How much do you burden your loved one with your problems, thoughts, actions ... How does he really feel about your family and friends? What is your relationship with his relatives? Who will be the leader in your relationship? Are you able to take leadership into your own hands? How much does your partner show love for children? What is the likely future of your relationship? Experience the power of Tarot card reading as it delves into the realm of love. Discover the Emotional Connection and insights you seek through a personalized love reading tarot session. Our skilled psychic reader will guide you on a journey of understanding, providing an easy love reading experience. Explore the depths of your heart with a love psychic reading that focuses on your Ex-Lover Tarot, uncovering hidden truths and offering guidance for your future. With same hour tarot love sessions, our psychic love reading will provide clarity and answers to your burning questions. Unlock the secrets of love with our wide range of tarot spreads designed to illuminate your path.
$55.00 $30.88
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Money ritual and ancient money spell to attract wealth and prosperity. This is a set of simple instructions to help you complete your own luck and money raising spell! This is a very ancient ritual that has been passed down by the Green Witch in our family from generation to generation. The kitchen witch is perfect for filling your grimoire printable or book of shadows with witchcraft. You can use this spell as many times as you like. You will not have to pay each time to perform the ritual. This money spell starts working very quickly, it is suitable not only for attracting money and prosperity, but also for fulfilling desires, increasing prosperity and for business. This spell can be adapted for luck in job interviews, money, love, social situations... really any circumstance that requires a little "boost" from the universe! You will receive a downloadable files containing all ingredients, steps, and tips to ensure your spell works! If you have questions after downloading or while performing your spell, feel free to message me. *** ATTENTION !!! *** This price for this product will only be for the first 50 copies. Then the price will change IMPORTANT ————————— This listing is for a digital file. NOTHING WILL BE SHIPPED TO YOU For personal use only, so don't resell or alter and resell, post online, or share, but feel free to print as many as you wish for non-commercial purposes. * In spite of my own beliefs, I am required by law to state that this guide is based on cultural texts and is for entertainment purposes only.
$7.00 $4.49
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We bring to your attention a wooden carved icon "The Tenderness of the Mother of God" Many in need resorted to this shrine, and after the ascension of prayer to it, various miracles were performed. The grace of the Mother of God strengthens faith and gives willpower, helps to resist sinful temptations, protects from evil and powerful devilish power. There is also evidence that he has repeatedly contributed to solving real estate issues. Thus, it facilitates the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale or exchange of an apartment, allows you to identify a trick with documents in time and solve problems with inheritance. At the same time, your thoughts must be pure, and your actions must comply with legal and moral standards. The icon is carved from wood. Handmade
$216.00 $169.99
Unisex Slavic rings 925 sterling silver jewelry Greek rite ring Orthodox cross Men's ring Christians Talisman save. ************************************* We produce 14ct gold in white and yellow, brass in yellow and white. ******************************************** Other ring options can be viewed by clicking on the links.,order:ascending,stats:true/733521962,order:ascending,stats:true/733528086 ******************************** If you have any.
SOLID 925 Sterling Silver Ring Band US size 8.25 Cyrillic Inscription Blessing Text Prayer God Lord Save Protect Guardian Patron Protector Old Believers Cross Oxidized Christian Church Fine and Faith Jewelry 967 The inscription says "Господи, спаси и сохрани меня" that stands for "God, save and protect me". Weight - 1.20 grams. Stamp and metal - 925 Sterling Silver (stamped). US ring sizes - 8.25. Ukrainian / Russian ring size - 18.5. Item code - Ko-967. Face ring width - 3.3 mm. THE PHOTOS ARE ACTUAL - YOU WILL RECEIVE EXACTLY THE SAME ITEM YOU SEE ON THE PICTURE Feel free to ask any questions or contact us for more photos. Shipping cost is from $9 to $16 for the first item (depending on the dimensions), each additional item + $1. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for a package to arrive. The delivery terms depend on the season and some other reasons (holidays, customs' check, country laws). As a rule, it's faster in summer. 5 weeks are OK for the winter season during the New Year rush.
Save 33%
Your beloved will dream of being by your side|ex back spell. THIS IS A SPELL CASTING SERVICE! I DO THE SPELL FOR YOU. Need to make a love spell? It is possible to return a husband, boyfriend, wife, girlfriend. I will help you solve your difficult situation. Many years experience. I help people every day. He / She will return to you and will be dedicated only to you. Only you will be in his heart. This spell has an incredibly powerful effect and is aimed at returning a loved one; this is your second chance to start over. This spell is able to restore even the most stubborn target. Imagine how good it would be if you woke up next to your ex every morning, realizing that in this whole world he does not need anyone but you. Think for a second about what you would be willing to go for this feeling? What would you be willing to do to turn this dream into reality? And if you, like other visitors to this site, want more than anything else in the world to return your boyfriend or husband (even if he is now on a different one), then just read on. Warning: magic is not a joke; I don't play games. I know how to handle this situation and get my ex back! The method works for all 100 - Proven method. The ex will return himself. Act before it's too late. ❤ The spell won't work if you don't want to work on yourself. I can only give you an extra boost, but if you don’t do anything, the spell will not help. I cannot force you to leave the house, play sports, go to a disco, etc. So do not order this spell if you are not ready to do something for your own happiness. This is a powerful spell with high results. The longest duration has the greatest impact. This ritual affects both men and women. Buy an upgrade to shorten the time it takes to get results. It is very important that you send me the info I need exactly as I ask for it. It’s also important for you to get me the right info. If the info isn’t correct the spells won’t work. That’s on you, not me. I will make your loved one fall in love with you again, even if he ignores you now, even if he swears that he will never be with you, and even if he is very proud and you think that nothing can influence him. He will feel an irresistible desire to call you, write to you and be close to you. At the same time, he will consider that it was he who decided to return you to his life. And all you have to do in order to feel how he hugs you tightly is to accept his apology and agree to give him another chance. The chance that you and your loved one are using correctly from the very beginning. A chance in which there will be no quarrels, jealousy and anger that destroyed your past relationship. A chance that will give you the opportunity to build strong and reliable relationships full of love and tenderness. All this may seem unreal to you now, but I promise you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly the only thought in your loved one’s head will be the thought of being with you. And he will whisper in your ear the words that you may not even dream of now: "I miss you ... I need you ... I cannot live without you ...". It doesn't matter what exactly happened in your relationship or how you broke up, but I think it was something akin to a girl's story (it was the first girl I helped). At the beginning of the relationship, everything was just great, and she was very happy with her beloved. She thought she had met the perfect man and the father of her children. The one and only. Someone they dream about, but whom almost no one can find. Everything was wonderful for a while and it seemed to her that from day to day he would propose to her. But at some point, she noticed that he no longer looked at her the way he had before. That he kisses her less. That he is increasingly looking at her with a cold and indifferent look. After some time, he offered to leave, without really explaining anything. At that moment, all dreams and all hopes were shattered into smithereens. For a while it seemed that this was just such a joke and soon everything would fall into place, because he loved her so much all this time. But nothing came back. His gaze remained the same cold and detached, and inside my friend gradually there was an overwhelming feeling of nagging anxiety and abandonment. The whole world fell apart, the best years of her life were devalued, and instead of happiness and joy, which, like sand through her fingers, left her without a trace, panic and pain settled in her chest. And, despite the fact that she understood that girls do not do this, she tried to persuade him to give her another chance. She promised that everything would change, and she apologized for some unknown reason. But it didn't help a bit. He moved further away from her and began to ignore. She could not fall asleep normally, because besides anxiety and pain in her soul, the question settled in her head: "What exactly did I do wrong, and what did I need to do or say differently to keep the relationship?" And another much more important question: "Maybe he left me because I am not beautiful enough?" In the evenings, when she was at home alone, she imagined how her beloved would give a lift to some long-legged beauty home from work, and she would invite him for tea. At such moments, everything inside her shrank and a feeling of helplessness appeared, and an unpleasant sensation of bitterness appeared in her mouth. She always put the phone next to her, because she hoped at some point to see a message from him or a call, each time shuddering and upset when she saw that it was not him. And at such a moment, any girl will think about what actually happened, why did the beloved man stop loving and, most importantly, how to return his love back? I will help get rid of negative memories in the head of your loved one associated with your relationship. Which will help to replace this negative with the desire to spend all your free time with you again, the desire to call you or write as soon as a free minute appears, the desire to hug you and give you a feeling of warmth and security with their arms. All this may look fantastic to you, based on your previous experience and your previous attempts, but be honest with yourself: If you understood how the male brain works, then you would not be on this page right now, but would be in the arms of your beloved! And since you are not yet with him, it means that you are doing something wrong (even if it seems to you that everything is logical and should work). So just trust me. All this happens on a subconscious level and it is impossible to do anything with logic with these emotions (and that is why it does not matter at all what he said during the breakup, and how convincingly he said that he could never love you again). You and I only need to use those buttons that are already embedded in the head of your beloved and which will force his brain to turn on the production of certain hormones responsible for love and feelings. In this case, even if the rational part of the brain says that “I have already made a decision and will not give up on it,” his emotions and desires will force him to do exactly what you need. It is very important that you send me the information I need exactly as I ask for it. It is also important that you provide me with the correct information. If the information is incorrect, the spells will not work. This is for you, not for me. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. ---------------------------------------- Terms / Disclaimer: In accordance with Etsy's policies and all laws, I must declare that my services are for entertainment purposes only. - You must be over 18 years old - Within 24 hours of ordering, you need to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that I can contact you. - Do not forget to indicate your full name and date of birth, as well as send your photo, then it will be easier for me to establish energetic contact with you and give you more complete information. The information contained in this document should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified and licensed person. I do not accept any responsibility and / or responsibility for any actions and / or decisions that the buyer / client decides to take or take based on his / her advice. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU BUY!
$30.00 $20.00