Home & Outdoor

The size of the sign is 24x24 inches Colors: soccer ball - blue basketball and football - orange baseball and name - white
Mini greenhouse with grow light for indoor plant care Broody Sezam L Sezam L is a mini greenhouse for the home. It consists of a phyto-light, a durable aluminum frame and a transparent PVC cover of 250 micron film. Mini-greenhouse Broody New Sezam L is designed for growing house plants, seedlings, flowers in a city apartment. Original Broody ™ luminaires Full spectrum Samsung LEDs are used- the best on the market for Phyto light today. The advantage of such LEDs is the full solar spectrum, which makes it possible for the plant to receive light for development, similar to natural. Best light for microgreen, seed, home flower The integrated Phyto-light system is designed to increase the lighting intensity of plants in conditions of insufficient light solar, such as a shady room, northern latitudes of the globe, winter season, etc. Phyto lamp Sezam can be used both for growing microgreens and seedlings, and for the care of adult plants. The Sezam L lamp is powered by 12V, which makes the system safe for people and pets. Mini greenhouse Sezam L has a dismountable structure consisting of an aluminum frame and the external cover from the silicone film “flexible glass“. The outer transparent cover is designed to create a microclimate inside the system, and also protects houseplants from bad weather, cold, wind, rapid loss of temperature moisture. How it works Potted plants are placed inside the greenhouse. The integrated Phyto-light increases the luminous flux intensity and favorably affects the development of plants The outer transparent cover protects plants from wind and drafts. The greenhouse creates a stable microclimate that promotes healthy plant growth. Mini-greenhouse Sezam New L is designed for installation on balconies, loggias, terraces, as well as inside residential premises. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Mains voltage 110-220 v Supply voltage lamps 12 v Lamp power 6.9W Luminaire spectrum Full Spectrum Number of LEDs (Samsung LM301B) 20 Number of additional LEDs (optional) 4 Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) 106 µMol/m2/s Illuminance 1512 Lx 7188 Lx luminous flux (v) 1517 Lm Luminous performance 220 Lm/W Infrared rejection (IRR) 22,57 W/m2 Color rendering index CRI (Ra) 85,66% Correlated color temperature (CCT) 3317 К Box size assembled 650 x 600 x 400 mm Packing size 730 x 110 x 110 mm Weight of packing 1.5 kg
Vendor: Metaplant
Plant lighting system Metaflex TwiLight for home decor and special lamps for grow and plant care )) Metaflex TwiLight is a transformable frame system designed to illuminate flowers, seedlings, microgreens and other plants at home. Twin Light can also be used to illuminate aquariums. Two LED lamps with a total PAR value of 41.26 µMol / m2 / s provide plants with a similar light to the sun. Samsung LEDs with a luminous flux of 38.8 lm have the highest luminous efficacy of 220 lm / W.( one of the best grow lights on the market ) The "solar spectrum" of LEDs makes it possible to grow almost all types of houseplants, seedlings and microgreens under such light. The system of movable hinges makes it possible to quickly transform the structure and change the direction of light over a wide range. The luminaires have a 360 ° rotation angle. The hinges of the supports have the same angle of rotation. The system is maximally adapted for placement on a windowsill, and is available for installation even on the narrowest surfaces - 20 cm wide. Convenient lamp height adjustment allows you to set the required distance to the top leaves of plants as they grow, up to a maximum height of 112 cm. Due to the low supply voltage of 12V lamps, the system is safe for people and pets. The frame of the device consists of thin-walled metal tubes Ø12mm coated with polymer paint using powder technology. Simplicity and ease of assembly allows you to assemble (disassemble) the system within 2-3 minutes. Metaflex TwiLight Package A set of tubes for assembling the frame - 7 pcs A set of additional tubes to increase the height of the luminaire - 2 pcs. Led lamps - 2 pieces Set of plastic connectors - 10 pcs Power adapter 110-220v / 5v - 1 pc USB / 2pin power cord, 1m - 1 pc
Vendor: Metaplant
These fittings are ideal for edge, corner and center connections! Note: Inner diameter: 12mm. Fit for out diameter 12mm PVC pipe or metal pipe. • Perfect to provide a brace on any structure, and to create a frame. • Inner diameter: 12mm. Fit for out diameter 12mm PVC pipe or metal pipe. • Ideal for display items such as greenhouse, frame, furniture, shelves, and so much more. • They are designed to withstand impacts, won't suffer any cracks or breakage. • Include 10 pcs
Vendor: Metaplant
Церковная служба братская молитва будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре. Стоимость указана за одно имя. Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм. Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области. Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской. На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Поминовение совершается братией Лавры во время утреннего правила. Молебен — краткое богослужение просительного или благодарственного характера с молитвенным обращением к Богу, Богородице или святым. В отличие от литургии, которую, как правило, совершают только в храмах, молебны можно служить в любом месте: в домах прихожан, на предприятиях, во время общественных мероприятий. На молебнах не вынимают частички из просфор. Поэтому, если делать выбор между литургией или молебном, нужно отдать предпочтение литургии, а уже потом заказывать молебен. Молебны совершаются с чтением акафиста или без него. Также молебны могут совершаться с освящением воды. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
Церковная служба Литургия будет заказывается в Свято-Успенской Святогорской Лавре.  Стоимость указана за одно имя.  Стоимость требы обусловлена затратами на заказ службы и пожертвованием на храм.  Свято-Успенская Святогорская Лавра — одна из трех важнейших православных святынь Украины в городе Святогорске Донецкой области.  Лавры – это самые большие и значимые православные мужские обители, имеющие особенное духовное и историческое значение. В переводе с греческого слово «лавра» означает: часть города, населенная местность, обнесенная стеной или оградой. Это название стали применять к многолюдным и важным монастырям. В Украине насчитывается наибольшее количество действующих лавр в мире – три православных и две греко-католических. Многие из нас не видят особой разницы между монастырем и лаврой. На самом деле это совершенно разные монашеские поселения. Монастыри бывают мужские и женские. Эти религиозные общины имеют свой устав, уклад и правила, единый комплекс богослужебных и жилых помещений. Лавра – это разновидность монастыря, но с более обширной территорией и большим количеством монахов, со своей особой и древней историей, а также непосредственным подчинением патриарху. Лавра может быть только мужской.  На живописных склонах реки Северский Донец расположилась Свято-Успенская Святогорская лавра, одна из главных святынь востока Украины. Святая обитель, возрожденная после десятилетий советского атеизма, вновь возвышается в окружении национального парка «Святые горы». Первые документальные упоминания о Святых горах датируются 1526 годом. Но многие историки сходятся во мнении, что монастырь появился на склонах меловых гор еще до крещения Киевской Руси. Не исключено, что первыми поселенцами были монахи из Византии, спасавшиеся от гонений за поклонение святым иконам. О том, что в этих местах были христианские поселения, свидетельствует также Ипатьевская летопись. В 1111 году местные христиане встречали здесь князя Владимира Мономаха. На протяжении многих веков монастырские пещеры были пристанищем для многих благочестивых иноков во время гонений. Святогорский монастырь постигла одновременно как счастливая, так и печальная судьба. Худшие годы для обители пришлись на советский период – она была разграблена, осквернена и разрушена. Возрождение монастыря началось в 1992 году, когда священникам вернули соборный храм Успения Божьей Матери. Сейчас в монастырском комплексе восстановлены церкви, дом настоятеля, кельи, кузница, мастерские, гостиные дворы. Священный Синод Украинской православной церкви 9 марта 2004 года предоставил Свято-Успенскому Святогорскому мужскому монастырю статус лавры, приняв во внимание давность святыни и ее историческую роль в становлении христианства. Это самая молодая лавра с очень древней историей. Поминовение совершается священником в алтаре с выниманием частиц из просфоры за каждое имя во время Божественной литургии. Литургия — важнейшая христианская служба, во время которой хлеб и вино становятся Истинным Телом и Истинной Кровью Христовыми. Святые отцы называют этот процесс преложением или претворением Святых Даров. Во время первой части литургии (проскомидии) священник читает заказные записки и вынимает из просфор частички о здравии и о упокоении, по одной частичке за каждое имя. Во второй части литургии (литургии оглашенных) священник или диакон молятся о здравии и о упокоении православных христиан, записанных в заказных записках. Во время третьей части службы (литургии верных) к запискам обращаются дважды. Вначале имена положено поминать после пресуществления Святых Даров, когда на престоле перед священником находятся Тело и Кровь Христовы. «Великая честь — помянуть чье-либо имя в час, когда совершается воспоминание Страшной Жертвы, Страшных Таинств и присутствует Сам Владыка Христос», — говорит святитель Иоанн Златоуст. И ещё раз совершается молитва о живых и усопших в самом конце службы, когда после причащения мирян священник погружает в чашу с Кровью Христовой те частички, которые были вынуты на проскомидии и находились потом на Престоле. При этом священник говорит такие слова: «Омый, Господи, грехи поминавшихся зде Кровию Своею честною, молитвами святых Твоих». Таким образом, душам поминаемых людей даруется особая благодать. Вот почему так важно заказывать прежде всего литургию, а потом уже все остальные службы. Молиться можно, как и о наших близких, которые ныне живут, но страдают от болезни, так и об упокоении тех, кто уже перешел в мир иной.
Set of three panels in size 36x72 inches + expedite shipping by DHL Express
Cross stitch pattern Japanese food - digital bookmark with sushi cross stitch. This bookmark pattern is simple and modern. Simple cross stitch and small cross stitch suitable for embroidery beginners. Handmade bookmark - a great book lover gift. The diagrams embroidery bookmark are prepared for instant download PDF. Fabric: 16 count White Aida Stitches: 28 x 112 Size: 1.75 x 7.00 inches or 4.45 x 17.78 cm Colours: 13 (DMC) This digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in black and white symbol without backstitch on 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols without backstitch on 2 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
ross stitch pattern - mountain landscape with camping on the background of a starry night sky. The mountain embroidery is modern and simple. Ideal for beginners embroidery. Great DIY nature lover gift. The diagrams nature landscape are prepared for instant download PDF. Fabric: 16 count White Aida Stitches: 112 x 112 Size: 7.00 x 7.00 inches or 17.78 x 17.78 cm Colours: 18 (DMC) This PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1, 2 and 4 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
Set of decorative figurines
Vendor: Blagowood
Cross stitch pattern - Wizarding world as a wizard school in owl silhouette. The barn owl pattern is modern and simple. Magic cross stitch is great gift for Harry fans. Movie cross stitch suitable as halloween pattern. The diagrams for owl cross stitch are prepared for instant download in PDF format. Fabric: 16 count Black Aida Stitches: 89 x 124 Size: 5.56 x 7.75 inches or 14.13 x 19.68 cm Colours: 9 (DMC) This digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 and 4 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1, 2 and 4 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
???? Write me, I can customize this sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Our signs are made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Amber ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize this sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Our signs are made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Amber ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize this sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Our signs are made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Amber ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize Eric name neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text to custom name neon sign or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗️ You can choose an additional neon figure for your name neon lights: heart ???? flower ???? crown ???? bow ???? moon ???? cloud ⛅️ unicorn ???? ball ⚽️ rocket ???? car ???? planet ???? dumbbell ????️‍♀️ The cost of one additional figure is $30. ✅ You can specify the selected figure when ordering or we will write to you and specify what you would like to add. ❗️ Kids name neon sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any colors that we have or several at once ! ) ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of light up name sign. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔️???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the baby name neon sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign baby shower neon includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the baby crib name sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the crib name neon sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your neon name sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗️ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗️ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize Gary name neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text to custom name neon sign or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗️ You can choose an additional neon figure for your name neon lights: heart ???? flower ???? crown ???? bow ???? moon ???? cloud ⛅️ unicorn ???? ball ⚽️ rocket ???? car ???? planet ???? dumbbell ????️‍♀️ The cost of one additional figure is $30. ✅ You can specify the selected figure when ordering or we will write to you and specify what you would like to add. ❗️ Kids name neon sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any colors that we have or several at once ! ) ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of light up name sign. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔️???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the baby name neon sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign baby shower neon includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the baby crib name sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the crib name neon sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your neon name sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗️ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗️ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize hello there hell here neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Hell here neon sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once for hello there neon led sign: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Purple ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of hello there led sign. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the hello there neon is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The neon hello there sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the hell here led light with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the hell here sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your hello there light sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize this sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Our signs are made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Amber ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize Deborah name neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text to custom name neon sign or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗️ You can choose an additional neon figure for your name neon lights: heart ???? flower ???? crown ???? bow ???? moon ???? cloud ⛅️ unicorn ???? ball ⚽️ rocket ???? car ???? planet ???? dumbbell ????️‍♀️ The cost of one additional figure is $30. ✅ You can specify the selected figure when ordering or we will write to you and specify what you would like to add. ❗️ Kids name neon sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any colors that we have or several at once ! ) ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of light up name sign. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔️???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the baby name neon sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign baby shower neon includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the baby crib name sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the crib name neon sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your neon name sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗️ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗️ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize crown neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Our signs are made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize this sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Our signs are made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Amber ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize Barbara name neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text to custom name neon sign or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗️ You can choose an additional neon figure for your name neon lights: heart ???? flower ???? crown ???? bow ???? moon ???? cloud ⛅️ unicorn ???? ball ⚽️ rocket ???? car ???? planet ???? dumbbell ????️‍♀️ The cost of one additional figure is $30. ✅ You can specify the selected figure when ordering or we will write to you and specify what you would like to add. ❗️ Kids name neon sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any colors that we have or several at once ! ) ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of light up name sign. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔️???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the baby name neon sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The sign baby shower neon includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the baby crib name sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the crib name neon sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your neon name sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗️ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗️ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize barbershop neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ Barber shop led sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once for barber neon sign: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of barber decor. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the barbershop led sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The barbershop led light includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the custom barber shop neon sign with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the hairdresser neon sign is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your barber shop decor sign. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.
???? Write me, I can customize I love you neon sign for you???? Change the color, add text or make a completely new sign from your logo or picture. I can also give you an example with the appearance of the inscription in different fonts from my catalog to make your choice easier. ❗ I love you led sign is made by the best technology. All lines are straight and smooth as possible. Such signs are also ideal for placement not only at home, but also in offices and shops. After all, behind the signs we don’t stick a bunch of wires. It is beautiful not only in front but also behind. ???????? ???? You can choose any of the following colors or several at once for i love you led neon: ➤ Cold white ➤ Warm white ➤ Red ➤ Blue ➤ Green ➤ Pink ➤ Yellow ➤ Turquoise ➤ Orange ???????????? ➤ Safe ✅ low voltage 12V, transformer compatible according to the country of your choice (110V/220V) ➤ Power cord length: 6’7 ”= 200 cm of clear cord / 9’9” = 300 cm power cord ➤ Plug US UK EU is selected and completed for you automatically 100% of our customers are satisfied with our service and quality of love neon sign. If they have questions, we always answer quickly and solve all problems. ✔???? ❤️ The standard warranty on the i love you sign is 1 year (although in fact our signs have been working for 5 years and will continue to work). By the way, to make the sign cheap or high quality, we decided to make it in the middle price range and excellent quality. The i love you led includes wall mounts. If you need, I will additionally put mounts for hanging the sign. And a great bonus is a dimmer with a remote control with which you can change the brightness of your sign, adjust the flashing mode or turn them off completely. So your sign will be 100% functional and it will be so easy to manage that even a child can do it. ???????? Also for our customers we offer special smart Wi-Fi dimmers that can help you control the neon sign love you with the Internet from anywhere in the world, set an automatic schedule on and off the sign. And all this in your smartphone in a few clicks. ???? ✅ ???????? ???? The speed of making the i love you light up is from 1 to 5 working days. If you have an urgent order, just write me and I will help you realize it as soon as possible. We can also add gift wrapping to your love you neon light. And put in the parcel greetings on your behalf. ???????? We use the best express services for delivery. Thus, worldwide delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days (if your order is urgent, write me and I will help you with the fastest delivery ????). Our signs are packed in special boxes. They are very reliable, so the signs come without any damage. However, even if your sign passes the tank during delivery and it cracks, write me and I will send you a new one. ❗ Also, I am always happy to cooperate constantly and provide discounts on repeat orders. If you want to order several signs at once, I am ready to give you a discount immediately. ✅ US customers don`t have customs duties when passing a sign through customs. ???????? If you are a member of the European Union, I have a way to make the duty on a sign of any size not more than 10-15 euros. For that just write me and I will help you in 2 minutes to make the duty minimal. ???? ❗ **Price on the site listed does not include customs fees and/or taxes/tariffs. They will be collected locally by the shipping carrier prior to delivery. But we always try to bring fees to zero by correctly indicating the price and type of cargo in the customs declaration.