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DEMONIC GET YOUR EX BACK SPELL | YOUR EX WILL RETURN TO YOU SPELL Do you miss him/her so much? You just don't want to imagine being without them? For some reason your relationship just didn't seem to work out? Don't worry! With the help of demonic entities I am able to return your ex to you! All I need is your true will for them to come back, your full name and date of birth and your exes full name and date of birth. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. I come from a family of sorcerers that practices magick since the 14th century and specializes in working with demons. Through this long time we have established strong bonds and relationships with most demons and therefore communication and petitions can be conducted easily and safely for you. I only work with adults. You must be 18+ years old. Legal Disclaimer: No physical item will be shipped. This is NOT a physical delivery, the delivery will be digital via messages and emails after the spell ends. Since magic is not something that is permitted in today's world and age, I must state that this is not financial, business, or personal advice. This and all services offered by us are for entertainment purposes only. Due to the nature of my services, refunds and exchanges are not possible You can also join us on  YouTube  and  Telegram
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⛧ PACT WITH KING BAEL ⛧ King Bael is a demon that can grant humans invisibility. Not only that, but he also has a great amount of knowledge he is willing to share with anyone that seals a pact with him. A pact is a continuous bond with the demon you choose, you will have a unique identification number that will grant you access to summon Bael, communicate with him and receive his powers. Do not worry, you are fully protected through this entire process! Upon spell/pact completion I will let you know what your unique identification number with King Bael is. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. I come from a family of sorcerers that practices magick since the 14th century and specializes in working with demons. Through this long time we have established strong bonds and relationships with most demons and therefore communication and petitions can be conducted easily and safely for you. I only work with adults. You must be 18+ years old. Legal Disclaimer: No physical item will be shipped. This is NOT a physical delivery, the delivery will be digital via messages and emails after the spell ends. Since magic is not something that is permitted in today's world and age, I must state that this is not financial, business, or personal advice. This and all services offered by us are for entertainment purposes only. Due to the nature of my services, refunds and exchanges are not possible. You can also join us on  YouTube  and  Telegram
$100.00 $87.39
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⛧ PACT WITH LILITH / PACT WITH THE QUEEN OF HELL ⛧ Lilith is the most powerful female demon there is! She rules as the Queen of Hell. Sensuality, seduction, passion, lust, fertility and all reproductive aspects are her main qualities that she is known for. She can help you with any of the above, make you confident, desirable and passionate. Unfortunately a lot of people view her in a bad light, but what they don't realize is that she really has been the first feminist there was! Not only does he possesses power over above mentioned characteristics but she is also highly intelligent and likes to spread equality to humankind. A pact is a continuous bond with the demon you choose, you will have a unique identification number that will grant you access to summon Queen Lilith, communicate with her and receive her powers. Do not worry, you are fully protected through this entire process! Upon spell/pact completion I will let you know what your unique identification number with Lilith is. DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. I come from a family of sorcerers that practices magick since the 14th century and specializes in working with demons. Through this long time we have established strong bonds and relationships with most demons and therefore communication and petitions can be conducted easily and safely for you. I only work with adults. You must be 18+ years old. Legal Disclaimer: No physical item will be shipped. This is NOT a physical delivery, the delivery will be digital via messages and emails after the spell ends. Since magic is not something that is permitted in today's world and age, I must state that this is not financial, business, or personal advice. This and all services offered by us are for entertainment purposes only. Due to the nature of my services, refunds and exchanges are not possible. You can also join us on  YouTube  and  Telegram
$300.00 $235.29
Save 14%
Are you in search of the most powerful protection spells for loved ones? Need simple but very effective protection spells Wicca? Or looking for instant protection spells for home and family? Then I must say you are in the very right place. Most of the time you don’t even know that who is holding the negative intentions against you. Sadly, most people do not even believe that black magic can destroy them until it actually does and their lives start going downhill. To all those people, powerful protection spells for a friend work like a miracle, it will keep you safe from all kind of negative energies which can create hurdles in your life I will protect you and your family from negative people. I won’t let anyone harm you. I promise. Binding spells for protection: These are the most powerful and strong protection spell which is used to get protected from black magic and bind your enemy so to reverse the negative effect of black magic from you or your loved ones. After purchase I will need from you; - Your full name and birth date. - Full names of any other people involved in the spell (family members, friends, relatives, etc) - A brief history of your situation. HOW THIS WORKS • In the personalization box, please fill out the required information • Within 48 hours, I will start casting your spell and provide you with an update that your spell has been cast (I will send you a photo as proof) The spell is karma-friendly and it will not bounce back to you or your family/friends Important message: This spell will cast by me and I will not ship anything through Post. You can also join us on  YouTube  and  Telegram DIGITAL PRODUCT: All orders are delivered to you digitally via messages and / or email. No physical items will be mailed. You will receive a report If you have any other questions, write to me, I will be happy to help you with everything you need. I only work with adults. You must be 18+ years old. Legal Disclaimer: No physical item will be shipped. This is NOT a physical delivery, the delivery will be digital via messages and emails after the spell ends. Since magic is not something that is permitted in today's world and age, I must state that this is not financial, business, or personal advice. This and all services offered by us are for entertainment purposes only. Due to the nature of my services, refunds and exchanges are not possible.
$65.00 $55.76
Surfboard-shape wall led light with ocean wave
    Легкая компактная и просто незаменимая в условиях ограниченного количества дров и времени!             Благодаря блоку нагнетания воздуха горелка дает мощный нагрев даже при использовании сырых дров и очень быстро доводит до кипения емкость с водой. Время закипания 1 литра воды составляет от 5 минут, в зависимости от качества топлива и условий окружающей среды.             Горелка имеет КПД сгорания топлива до 80% в отличии от 5-7% КПД обычного костра. Это связано с тем, что в дыму от дров находится около 90% не сгоревших от недостатка кислорода частиц. При нагнетании свежего воздуха в определенные места камеры сгорания горелки – эти мелкие частицы сгорают. На таком принципе и построена данная горелка: холодный воздух из блока нагнетания попадает в боковое отверстие нижней части наружной стенки корпуса горелки. Под действием вентилятора одна часть воздуха нагнетается в отверстия дна и нижней части камеры сгорания, а другая устремляется вверх - между стенками камеры сгорания и корпуса, где прогреваясь, выходит через специальные отверстия и попадает в верхнюю часть камеры сгорания, обеспечивая воспламенение древесного газа. Там, где выходит воздух, образуются языки интенсивного пламени, вследствие обогащения кислородом.               На горелке без труда можно приготовить пищу (суп, каша, чай и тп.) объемом до 3х-4х литров.               В качестве топлива используются ветки, щепки, хворост и любое другое подручное твердое топливо. Блок нагнетания воздуха (поддув) в камеру сгорания оборудован трехпозиционным переключателем со следующими режимами: 1) Среднее положение – "Выключено" (печка работает в режиме естественной тяги с отсоединенным блоком нагнетания); 2) Верхнее положение - "Высокие обороты" (~ 3000 об/мин) - для моментального разжига и чтобы быстро вскипятить воду; 3) Нижнее положение - "Малые обороты" (~2000 об/мин) - для поддержания высокотемпературного пламени.           Блок нагнетания воздуха , которым комплектуется данная модель горелки, универсален в выборе источника питания : это могут быть две батарейки размера АА или две батарейки размера ААА (подключение через переходники для батареек c размера AAA на АА, переходники заказываются отдельно) или любоq другой источник питания с напряжением 5 Вольт постоянного тока, имеющий на выходе разъем (гнездо) USB или DC-штекер размера 5.5mm x 2.1mm. К примеру, это может быть Power Bank, солнечная панель со встроенным аккумулятором или смартфон, подключенный через кабель OTG. При подключении внешнего источника питания в разъем (гнездо) DC блока нагнетания (через входящий в комплект поставки кабель "USB-DC") отсек с батареями в блоке нагнетания отключается автоматически. Время непрерывной работы блока от батарей AA "GP Super": • в режиме "Высокие обороты": ~30 часов; • в режиме "Малые обороты": ~50 часов; Ток, потребляемый блоком нагнетания (в зависимости от источника питания): • в режиме "Высокие обороты": 70-100мА; • в режиме "Малые обороты": 30-50мА;           В блоке нагнетания воздуха установлен двигатель с экранированием от теплового излучения и пыле-влагоизоляцией на уровне класса защиты IP55. Данное усовершенствование позволяет владельцу горелки пользоваться им в условиях повышенной влажности или запыленности (тропики, дождь, пустыня, пляж и т.п.) без опасений, что двигатель заклинит в самый неподходящий момент.              Горелка комплектуется обновленной версией раскладной подставки для посуды. Данный аксессуар имеет повышенную жаростойкость и специально разработан для более устойчивого размещения на горелке круглых котелков (кастрюль) с широким дном. Подставка понравится и любителям утреннего кофе на природе, приготовленной в турке (посуда с дном маленького диаметра).         Благодаря откидным лапкам, на раскладной подставке будет "удобно", как посуде с диаметром дна 5 см, так и посуде с диаметром дна 25 см! После раскрывания лапки фиксируются под определенным углом к горизонту, обеспечивая таким положением надежный захват дна посуды, а при увеличении нагрузки лапки принимают горизонтальное положение, при этом верхняя часть полотна подставки по всему кругу немного расходится наружу, увеличивая жесткость подставки и устойчивость посуды.         Новая подставка отличается от предыдущей версии еще и наличием вентиляционных отверстий в виде названия бренда производителя. Это изменение уменьшило суммарную площадь вентиляционных отверстий на полотне подставки, что позволило улучшить ветрозащитные характеристики подставки и увеличить мощность горелки. Кроме того, надпись на подставке позволяет сразу отличить оригинальный продукт от копии. Также была уменьшена высота полотна подставки, что увеличило жесткость конструкции и улучшило нагрев дна посуды.           Новая камера сгорания, установленная в горелке, существенно отличается от старой версии: изменены количество, диаметр и конфигурация отверстий впрыска воздуха. Эти изменения были внесены для повышения качества горения дров в нижней части камеры. Удалось устранить забивание (засорение) камеры тлеющим углем, а также улучшить горение сырых дров и тем самым максимально адаптировать горелку к настоящим походным условиям, где сухие дрова – редкость. Кроме того, в новой версии камеры происходит стабильное горение топлива в режиме естественной тяги (с отсоединенным от горелки блоком нагнетания) – эта возможность очень важна для приготовления блюд, не требующих интенсивного пламени.        Наружный кожух (корпус) твердотопливной горелки "Airwood UP-h BM" имеет закрытое днище, благодаря которому образуется замкнутое пространство между двумя стенками горелки (между камерой сгорания и корпусом), то есть весь воздух из блока нагнетания (поддува) гарантированно подается в камеру сгорания. Таким образом, нет необходимости в поиске плоской площадки для размещения горелки, так как в таком варианте выполнения горелку можно использовать даже в подвешенном состоянии! Еще одним плюсом горелки с закрытым днищем корпуса является то, что после её использования на земле не остаются ожоги, как после костра.         В данной модели горелки корпус оснащен съемной ручкой-держателем, что позволяет изменить положение (поправить) или перенести горелку во время ее работы (горения). Такая возможность пригодится в случае внезапного изменения погоды – можно быстро и безопасно перенести горелку в более защищенное место в случае внезапного дождя или порывов ветра. Характеристики: Материал металла: нержавеющая сталь разных марок и толщины (0,3 мм-0,8 мм); Камера сгорания: ресурс : от 300 до 800 и более часов работы горелки в зависимости от условий хранения и эксплуатации; объем: 690мл; Габаритные размеры: в упакованном состоянии: высота 12см, диаметр 12см; при использовании: высота 16см, диаметр от 12см до 16см; Суммарный вес горелки вместе с чехлом, батарейками, кабелем USB-DC и ручкой-держателем – 500 грамм. Комплектация: корпус горелки в сборе с камерой сгорания и днищем; усиленная жаропрочная раскладная подставка для посуды; блок нагнетания воздуха под две батарейки размера АА; два переходника для батарейки c размера AAA на АА;; кабель USB-DC; съемная ручка-держатель горелки; чехол из прочной водонепроницаемой ткани "Оксфорд"; рекомендации по использованию горелки.
Vendor: BM Easy hike
Funny Bunny series Oracle cards deck. The cards help you to understand the past or predict the future. Each card has its own mood for intuitive reading. You do not have to remember every card meanings, just trust your senses when you take some card. The cards also have the key meanings for easier reading. The cards are printed in typography so the images are bright and colorful with high quality print. Each card is laminated to ensure a long term use and protect it against splashes, dirt, abrasions. What's Included? • 52 cards 60x90 mm - 2.4x3.5 inches • a bag • a box
Vendor: Denise
We accept and send orders ???????? Unique design and style. Built for comfort and quality built to last. Go out to the yard, sit back and relax in this sturdy hand crafted chair! . Other colors of our chairs§ion_id=36266116 Handcrafted by Ukrainen craftsmen. **************************** DIMENSIONS: ★ Height: 90 cm, 36 inch ★ Width: 60cm, 24 inch ★ Weight 8 kg, 17lb MATERIAL & FINISHING ★ Wood: pine or alder tree ★ Finishing: natural Oiled in nut ★ Fastening: natural rope **************************** Why choose our accent chairs? ★ STRONG & DURABLE Handcrafted from tree, treated with natural black oil for superior look, feel and durability. They can easily withstand the wear and tear of daily use and are sure to remain functional for a very long period of time. ★ COMFORTABLE Lounge back, relax and live the moment. Or adjust the chair in more straight position for reading, typing on your notebook or conversations with friends. ★ FOLDABLE Easy to fold away when not in use or bring out at a moment’s notice. Folding chairs are easily moved around giving you the ability to design your space. **************************** ★ PRODUCTION TIME Our typical production time is 1-3 working days, depending on the order quantity. We will confirm estimated ship date with order confirmation.
Vendor: MohoWoodKids
Vintage Soviet Table Lamp - Carbolite Industrial Lamp - NKVD KGB Cabinet Lamp. In good vintage condition. Tested working! Manufacturer at the plant "Karbolit" Orekhovo-Zuevo city, in the 60s of the last century. Powered from network 220 volts! Light bulb is not included on listing! This Carbolite lamp was very popular among the employees of the secret service of the KGB of the USSR, the police, engineers and architects for its simplicity and adjustability. The KGB thought that it was very convenient to use this lamp to shine light into faces during interrogations. That's why it was popularly nicknamed the "KGB" lamp (NKVD lamp). A great vintage gift for fans of vintage! See real photos for details. You receive exactly what you see. The photographs are part of the description so please look at them all and see details below. Real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display, as it depends on your monitor settings and is not under my control. So if you have any question & if you need more photos - just contact me - BEFORE you place a buy ATTENTION: The lamp is powered from network 220 volts! Specific feature: limited edition (see video) Color: brown, black Country/Region of Manufacture: USSR (Soviet Union) Brand: plant "Karbolit" Orekhovo-Zuevo city Material: carbolite body, metal button, (carbolite original plug for 220 volt power supply) Character Family: Vintage Soviet carbolite lamp in industrial style Required number of light bulbs - 1. Light bulb is not included on listing! Original voltage 220V Condition - USED! Up & running! An items that has been used previously. The items may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. Defects: Have cosmetic defects - marks of time (see photos & video) Approximate measures: height - 16,93"(43cm), base length - 8,27" (21cm), base width - 6,3"(16cm), plafond diameter - 6,3"(16cm) I've added a short video clip to show the working: As for the video please note, that in case you try to open it via the smartphone, you should copy the URL link and paste it in the search string of any relevant browser (safari, google, etc.). Unfortunately, for uncertain reasons, doesnt allow to watсh the video on the link directly via the smartphone - you may also try to go on the link via computer. If it doesnt work, I will download the new video accordingly. ATTENTION: The description contains reference to video clip and 10 photographs. Please, look carefully and decide that you are happy with everyone. Condition: Used! An items that has been used previously. The items may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. Have cosmetic defects. Therefore they are Sold “with all faults” or “AS IS” - no refunds and no claims! NO WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Items that are supposed to be operational according to the description in the listing can be returned if they are D.O.D. Items that are untested or are sold ‘AS IS’ can not be returned. The lot is sold ONLY "AS IS". No refunds or claims! I guarantee, that the image on the photos and video clip shows the real state of the Carbolite Industrial Lamp in realy live. Whenever I make a delivery, I make a video from the post office and give you a link. You can always see what I am sending to you. So, if you received a Carbolite Industrial Lamp in a condition that is not what I sent to you - I ask you to do the same, to do video from the post office or by the courier who will deliver the parcel to you. Since a third party is involved in the transaction - in this case the postal service is the third party - only if there are such arguments (video and photos), if this suddenly happens, we will consider further arrangements. Don't hesitate to contact me in case of questions. I will be happy to answer you. Attention: I can combine items in one package, so you can save on shipping. Delivery is realized through AIR MAIL. Usually it takes within 15-25 business days for AIR MAIL arriving to your destination. All directions - free. I send each item with tracking number. All items will be carefully packaged and sent within 1-2 business days after payment is received! Please note, that I'm in Ukraine, Europe and airmail delivery for countries outside Europe can take between from 2 to 3 weeks, even longer at busier times. Please note, due to the Covid -19 pandemic, transit time may be extended. For example: North America: 4-6 business weeks Europe: 3-5 business weeks Italy: 6-8 business weeks United Kingdom: 6-8 business weeks Australia, New Zealand: 6-8 business weeks Canada: 6-8 business weeks In case you wish to receive your order faster is possible Express shipping via EMS is available upon request. Please contact me if you need it BEFORE placing an order, so we can adjust shipping prices. Exceptions may apply. Payment via PayPal only. Custom Fees and Duties • Customers are responsible for any fees, taxes, and duties associated with shipping & purchasing to their respective countries. Packaging: • Your order will come in safe cardboard box All packages are sent via international registered airmail from Kiev, Ukraine. It includes tracking number (it will be sent in e-mail notification). Each package has delivery confirmation. Please note: some local postal services do not provide on-line tracking for international registered airmail. Such as: USA, Germany, UK, France, Chile, Italy, Australian post, Canada, ect. So I can track your package only while it's in Ukraine. If you need more photos, contact me before you place a buy. Thanks for looking and for your interest in this vintage item. Please look other cool items in my shop:
Save 27%
We bring to your attention a wooden carved icon "Jesus Christ". Many in need resorted to this shrine, and after the ascension of prayer on it, various miracles were performed. The grace of Jesus strengthens faith and gives willpower, helps to resist sinful temptations, protects from evil and powerful satanic power. There is also evidence that he has repeatedly contributed to solving real estate issues and in many, many other matters, the main thing is faith. At the same time, your thoughts must be clean, and your actions must comply with legal and moral standards. The icon is carved from wood. Self made Due to holidays and heavy workload of mail, the delivery time may change, but I promise to do my best to shorten it. Yours, Alex.
$233.32 $169.99
Handmade wreaths of birch branches are a great idea to start your home decor. You can add various decorative elements to this wreath, or you can use it as an independent product looks very great. The branches for the wreath are collected in the forests of Ukraine, knitted by hand and dried. 100% organic decor you can also see similar items:
The folder is made of high-grade plywood 4 mm thick and coated with wood impregnation. Engraving is included in the price, the location of the engraving is discussed. The format of folders can be for menus of A5 and A4 format, or individual sizes. Color of impregnation can be chosen from our palette The size of the tablet is 23x32 cm. /9х12.6 inch FREE PERSONALIZATION
Vendor: KyivWorkshop
The folder is made of high-grade plywood 4 mm thick and coated with wood impregnation. Engraving is included in the price, the location of the engraving is discussed. The format of folders can be for menus of A5 and A4 format, or individual sizes. Color of impregnation can be chosen from our palette The size of the tablet is 23x38 cm. /9х15 inch FREE PERSONALIZATION
Vendor: KyivWorkshop
Such a wooden counter is an inconspicuous, but very important detail for a pub, cafe, restaurant and even a night club. High-quality and original wood product. You definitely need such a branded product, because they: -durable -have a presentable appearance; -look solid; -have an affordable price. Free personalization! Measurements: - Length: 18 cm (7") - Width: 10 cm (4")
Vendor: KyivWorkshop
4 Lamps + shipping
Vendor: BeRetroUA
Carved wolf picture in a frame Size: 30 cm x 23 cm
Vendor: GiftsSouls
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : Hello dear buyer! This is Carved Wooden Corbels made from birch wood. This lot contain 2 corbels(1xPair) This items are ready to ship around the world in 2-5 days after payment received. Size : H-136(5.4") x W-152mm(6") x top D-59mm(2.3") bot D-27mm(1.1") Material: Birch wood Coverage: without any coverage. If you need more than 2 pcs - just contact me! Please check my other corbels:§ion_id=34636031 Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me or check my other items. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is Wooden Carved Cross made from wood with great attention to details. I made it by myself, so if you need different color or finish coat - just message me. It's carved from solid wood. This realistic wall crucifix wood carving is breathtaking and is a rustic wooden crucifix perfect for hanging in any room in your home or church. It is an ideal Christian gift, Baptismal Gift or a very special upcoming Christian Wedding or religious gift-giving occasion. You can ask any size from 2" up to 35" Description: Material: Birch wood/Alder wood Coverage: antique paint + lacquer tint. Processing time - 2-9 days. Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Also other sizes available(see pictures). If you have any questions - just message me. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is Wooden Carved Neck Cross made from alder wood with great detalisation of elements. Description: Size 100mmx55mm(4"x2.2") Material : Alder wood Coverage: alder laquer tint Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
-----Update 02.24.2022----- 20% of any order will be donated to assist victims from Russian aggression against Ukraine, they really need help this time Also you can help my friends in Ukraine : This is carved picture "Kolovrat (Коловрат)" The wood is beautifully carved (see in pictures) in relief with great attention to details. This item is ready to ship around the world in 3-9 days! Check my other statues\pictures of Slavic God's\Goddess:§ion_id=34006155 Material: Birch/Alder wood Coverage: Walnut paint + lacquer Payment: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, if you have a problem with payment - just me know and I'll find a solution for you. Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me or check my other items. Standart producing time - 5-9 days for one pcs, but sometimes can take up to 14days(depend of size). Standart shipping time - 15-35 days to USA, Canada, Australia. 10-21 to EU Important information: All packages securely packed and insured from lost\stolen\damaged - full refund will be applied, so buy with confidence. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
Vendor: CarvedHome
This is unique carved wall Shield "St Michael the Archangel" Carved religious gift The wood is beautifully carved (see in pictures) in relief with great attention to details. The item will ready to ship around the world in 2-5 days. Archangel Michael is the Mighty Angel of Strength, Courage and Protection whose name means ' He who is like God'. One of the seven more recognized Archangels he is a warrior. Known as the Prince of the Archangels he is the one that all other Archangels defer to. Michael has millions of legions of angels at his command. He appears dressed in brilliant armor, surrounded by electric white light which flash in his aura looking alike to lightning. If you ever feel afraid or in danger, call on this Mighty Archangel for he will always be at you side. Michael will protect not only people, or animals, he is also very pleased to be called for any sort of assistance. The Angels know that our lives on earth can be quite demanding and stressful at times, they offer their help to ease the bumpy ride for us, but again we must ask. Invoke Archangel Michael to protect your property, call on him to look after your home when you are away. Ask him to stand guard at the four corners of your home and he will be delighted to oblige. You can ask him to protect loved ones, or for him to place his cloak around them so all negative energy will simply slide away. Through unwavering dedication this beautiful angel defends our souls and cares deeply for us. When Archangel Michael throws his power of protection around you, you are literally a force field of pure love that nothing can touch; he is truly an awesome Angel! Also you can check the other Archangel Michael carvings here:§ion_id=34691120 Material: alder wood\birch wood Coverage: painting + lacquer tint. We will provide the hanging materials. Payment: PayPal, Visa, Mastercard Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me or check my other items.
Vendor: CarvedHome
This is unique carved wall picture\cross "St Michael the Archangel" Carved religious gift The wood is beautifully carved (see in pictures) in relief with great attention to details. The item will ready to ship around the world in 2-5 days. Archangel Michael is the Mighty Angel of Strength, Courage and Protection whose name means ' He who is like God'. One of the seven more recognized Archangels he is a warrior. Known as the Prince of the Archangels he is the one that all other Archangels defer to. Michael has millions of legions of angels at his command. He appears dressed in brilliant armor, surrounded by electric white light which flash in his aura looking alike to lightning. If you ever feel afraid or in danger, call on this Mighty Archangel for he will always be at you side. Michael will protect not only people, or animals, he is also very pleased to be called for any sort of assistance. The Angels know that our lives on earth can be quite demanding and stressful at times, they offer their help to ease the bumpy ride for us, but again we must ask. Invoke Archangel Michael to protect your property, call on him to look after your home when you are away. Ask him to stand guard at the four corners of your home and he will be delighted to oblige. You can ask him to protect loved ones, or for him to place his cloak around them so all negative energy will simply slide away. Through unwavering dedication this beautiful angel defends our souls and cares deeply for us. When Archangel Michael throws his power of protection around you, you are literally a force field of pure love that nothing can touch; he is truly an awesome Angel! Also you can check the other Archangel Michael carvings here:§ion_id=34691120 Material: alder wood\birch wood Coverage: painting + lacquer tint. We will provide the hanging materials. Payment: PayPal, Visa, Mastercard Also other sizes available. If you have any questions - just message me or check my other items.
Vendor: CarvedHome
Flowers and Leaves / decal design / vinyl showcase window display / business sticker / pink and white decal, business vinyl decal design, business sticker, home decor, cutter file, vector file, instant download / PDF EPS Cut File This is NOT a physical product. This is a DIGITAL download. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer you! Due to the nature of digital files, refunds are not accepted. Please make sure this is the type of file you need for your machine before you purchase. The vector files with FLOWERS ELEMENTS for print and plotter cutting. Format files: *.JPG - JPG preview *cdr - for CorelDRAW v.17.0 and higher. *eps - for Corel / Adobe Illustrator *pdf - for Corel / Adobe Illustrator The sign is in a vector format so you can scale it (increase or decrease as you need). If you need the gold color of this sticker you should cut it from gold vinyl film. No attribution is needed however tags and shout outs are always appreciated. Positive reviews are always helpful and I would love to see your finished version of this file, so please share! :) By purchasing a digital file, you agree to the terms as outlined above. Please, send me an email where it would be convenient for you to receive the files. I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Our vector art is ready to cut by vinyl cutters/plotter machines! You are able to resize or change design at your desire. By changing the layout of the elements and their size, you can create YOUR OWN UNIQUE SHOWCASE DESIGN. ***Please be sure to have the correct software for opening and using these file types*** You "are" allowed to use this work for private use. Commercial use is prohibited: you can't sell it in difital form. ***Due to the fact that digital files cannot physically be returned or exchanged we do NOT offer Refunds or exchanges.*** If any problem will occur don't hesitate to contact me.
Gold tarot cloth for spread
Vendor: DarkForest