Outdoor & Gardening

Beautiful flowers in the soil
Vendor: Ron Shop
Garden Metal Precision Seeder Vegetable 7 Row Manual Planter sowing small seeds Complete with 7 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 1-piece bushings for $ 1.99. Modular manual seeder for sowing small-seeded vegetables (carrots, + + radishes, + + parsley, + + cherries, + + cabbage, + + beets, + + peas, + + soy, + + salads, + + flower seeds, + + green manure, + + lawn grasses, + + vegetable seeds, + +), + + and other crops close to those listed by seed size and seeding rate. (cell size for seeds 3 mm, + ++ 4, + +5 mm, + + + 9 mm) (One to seven rows can be assembled from a seed seeder) 3 Seeder specifications: The seeder is a collapsible design. The number of rows sown simultaneously - 1 - 7. The row spacing is 60 mm. The seeder is 600 mm wide. Operating principle The principle of the seeder is based on the rotation of the sleeve of the sowing apparatus, + + into the calibrated recesses (3 mm, + ++ 4, + +5 mm, + + + 9 mm)) of which the seeds of the sowing culture get. The rubber limiter leaves one or more seeds in each recess of the sowing sleeve (depending on its adjustment), + + which are discharged into the furrow by an original design ejector. The sowing density depends on the pitch of the recesses in the sowing sleeve and the adjustment of the limiter. Sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil in an ordinary way with row spacing + + corresponding to the technology of sowing individual crops. After sowing, the soil is rolled up and, + + if necessary, + + mulch and water. After work, clear the drill from the ground and seed residue. Seeder device The seeder device consists of sowing units with seeder bins, + + planted on a common shaft. The seeder bushings of the seeder have a similar design and purpose, + + but are not interchangeable due to the different pitch of the recesses for the seeds. Each sowing unit is equipped with one sowing sleeve for sowing radish seeds, + + carrots, + + parsley and is fixed on the transverse draft of the seeder with the ability to adjust the row spacing. To ensure the reliability of the seeder and the accuracy of sowing, the seeder is equipped with a brush limiter and seed ejector. To establish the uniformity of sowing, careful adjustment of each sowing apparatus is necessary. Preparing the drill for work Set the required sowing rate, + + by installing the desired sowing sleeve on the shaft. Adjust the position of the brush seeding limiter to the desired number of seeds. Check and, if necessary, adjust the seeding rate by rolling the seeder with seeds on a flat surface. Sowing: Before sowing, pre-mark the bed. Sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil in an ordinary way with row spacing + + corresponding to the technology of sowing individual crops. After sowing, the soil is rolled up and, + + if necessary, + + mulch and water. After work, clear the drill from the ground and seed residue. Country of manufacture - Ukraine Opener Type - Keeled Type of the sowing device - Disk Aisle Width -60.0 (mm) Seeding Depth -40.0 (mm) The number of bins -7 pcs. Condition- New dimensions Length -650.0 (mm) Width -250.0 (mm) Height -250.0 (mm) Weight -4.5 (kg) FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
      Легкая компактная и просто незаменимая в условиях ограниченного количества дров и времени!        Благодаря блоку нагнетания воздуха горелка дает мощный нагрев даже при использовании сырых дров и очень быстро доводит до кипения емкость с водой. Время закипания 1 литра воды составляет от 5 минут, в зависимости от качества топлива и условий окружающей среды.       Горелка имеет КПД сгорания топлива до 80% в отличии от 5-7% КПД обычного костра. Это связано с тем, что в дыму от дров находится около 90% не сгоревших от недостатка кислорода частиц. При нагнетании свежего воздуха в определенные места камеры сгорания горелки – эти мелкие частицы сгорают. На таком принципе и построена данная горелка: холодный воздух из блока нагнетания попадает в боковое отверстие нижней части наружной стенки корпуса горелки. Под действием вентилятора одна часть воздуха нагнетается в отверстия дна и нижней части камеры сгорания, а другая устремляется вверх - между стенками камеры сгорания и корпуса, где прогреваясь, выходит через специальные отверстия и попадает в верхнюю часть камеры сгорания, обеспечивая воспламенение древесного газа. Там, где выходит воздух, образуются языки интенсивного пламени, вследствие обогащения кислородом.       На горелке без труда можно приготовить пищу (суп, каша, чай и тп.) объемом до 3х-4х литров.      В качестве топлива используются ветки, щепки, хворост и любое другое подручное твердое топливо.       Блок нагнетания воздуха (поддув) в камеру сгорания оборудован трехпозиционным переключателем со следующими режимами: 1) Среднее положение – "Выключено" (печка работает в режиме естественной тяги с отсоединенным блоком нагнетания); 2) Верхнее положение - "Высокие обороты" (~ 3000 об/мин) - для моментального разжига и чтобы быстро вскипятить воду; 3) Нижнее положение - "Малые обороты" (~2000 об/мин) - для поддержания высокотемпературного пламени.       Вентилятор блока питается от 2х батареек размера АА (пальчик) напряжением 3В. Время непрерывной работы блока от батарей AA "GP Super": в режиме "Высокие обороты": ~30 часов; в режиме "Малые обороты": ~50 часов;       В блоке нагнетания воздуха установлен двигатель с экранированием от теплового излучения и пыле-влагоизоляцией на уровне класса защиты IP55. Данное усовершенствование позволяет владельцу горелки пользоваться им в условиях повышенной влажности или запыленности (тропики, дождь, пустыня, пляж и т.п.) без опасений, что двигатель заклинит в самый неподходящий момент.       Горелка комплектуется обновленной версией раскладной подставки для посуды. Данный аксессуар имеет повышенную жаростойкость и специально разработан для более устойчивого размещения на горелке круглых котелков (кастрюль) с широким дном. Подставка понравится и любителям утреннего кофе на природе, приготовленной в турке (посуда с дном маленького диаметра).       Благодаря откидным лапкам, на раскладной подставке будет "удобно", как посуде с диаметром дна 5 см, так и посуде с диаметром дна 25 см! После раскрывания лапки фиксируются под определенным углом к горизонту, обеспечивая таким положением надежный захват дна посуды, а при увеличении нагрузки лапки принимают горизонтальное положение, при этом верхняя часть полотна подставки по всему кругу немного расходится наружу, увеличивая жесткость подставки и устойчивость посуды.      Новая подставка отличается от предыдущей версии еще и наличием вентиляционных отверстий в виде названия бренда производителя. Это изменение уменьшило суммарную площадь вентиляционных отверстий на полотне подставки, что позволило улучшить ветрозащитные характеристики подставки и увеличить мощность горелки. Кроме того, надпись на подставке позволяет сразу отличить оригинальный продукт от копии. Также была уменьшена высота полотна подставки, что увеличило жесткость конструкции и улучшило нагрев дна посуды.        Новая камера сгорания, установленная в горелке, существенно отличается от старой версии: изменены количество, диаметр и конфигурация отверстий впрыска воздуха. Эти изменения были внесены для повышения качества горения дров в нижней части камеры. Удалось устранить забивание (засорение) камеры тлеющим углем, а также улучшить горение сырых дров и тем самым максимально адаптировать горелку к настоящим походным условиям, где сухие дрова – редкость. Кроме того, в новой версии камеры происходит стабильное горение топлива в режиме естественной тяги (с отсоединенным от горелки блоком нагнетания) – эта возможность очень важна для приготовления блюд, не требующих интенсивного пламени.     Наружный кожух (корпус) твердотопливной горелки "Airwood Euro-h BM" имеет закрытое днище, благодаря которому образуется замкнутое пространство между двумя стенками горелки (между камерой сгорания и корпусом), то есть весь воздух из блока нагнетания (поддува) гарантированно подается в камеру сгорания. Таким образом, нет необходимости в поиске плоской площадки для размещения горелки, так как в таком варианте выполнения горелку можно использовать даже в подвешенном состоянии! Еще одним плюсом горелки с закрытым днищем корпуса является то, что после её использования на земле не остаются ожоги, как после костра.     В данной модели горелки корпус оснащен съемной ручкой-держателем, что позволяет изменить положение (поправить) или перенести горелку во время ее работы (горения). Такая возможность пригодится в случае внезапного изменения погоды – можно быстро и безопасно перенести горелку в более защищенное место в случае внезапного дождя или порывов ветра. Характеристики: Материал металла: нержавеющая сталь разных марок и толщины (0,3 мм-0,8 мм); Камера сгорания: ресурс : от 300 до 800 и более часов работы горелки в зависимости от условий хранения и эксплуатации; объем: 690мл; Габаритные размеры: в упакованном состоянии: высота 12см, диаметр 12см; при использовании: высота 16см, диаметр от 12см до 16см; Суммарный вес горелки вместе с чехлом, батарейками и ручкой-держателем: 480 грамм. Комплектация:   1. корпус горелки в сборе с камерой сгорания и днищем;   2. усиленная жаропрочная раскладная подставка для посуды;   3. блок нагнетания воздуха под две батарейки размера АА;   4. два переходника для батарейки c размера AAA на АА;  5. съемная ручка-держатель горелки;   6. чехол из прочной водонепроницаемой ткани "Оксфорд";   7. рекомендации по использованию горелки.
Vendor: BM Easy hike
What do you give the wine lover in your life who has everything? How about one of these up-cycled wine cork key chains! The perfect accessory for any wine enthusiast! Each one of these cork key chains would be a great gift for any traveler as well, full of intrigue and possibilities of wineries yet to be discovered. These cork key chains also are great for everyday use, because the shape of a keychain is a cylinder, it helps you to find your keys in a bottomless purse or stuffed backpack. All the corks are very light weight, and in fact, they also float so they are great for boating, sailing and pool house keys! These cork keychains are a great stocking stuffer or party favor for occasions such as housewarmings, birthdays, weddings bridal showers, wine tasting parties, pool party, etc! The keychains come with a ribbon and a clear bag. Let me your preferred ribbon color and I'll do my best to match it for you!
Vendor: Ron Shop
Vintage collection fashion lighting, Industrial lights vintage, Rustic style lighting, Industrial pipe table lamp, Pipe lamps for sale Table lamp "Disco dancer" vendor code 01-09 Height: 44 cm (1ft 5.32in) Weight: 9.9 kg (21lb 13.2oz). Frame diameter: 20 cm (7.87in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Industrial vintage lighting, Industrial home lighting, Designer lamps, Rustic table lamps, Steampunk industrial lamp, Industrial pipe lamp Table lamp "Bright sunset" vendor code 01-11 Height: 42 cm (1ft 4.54in) Weight: 10 kg (22lb 0.740oz). Frame diameter: 16 cm (6.30in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 90 cm (2ft 11.4in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze. Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Digital. Many beautiful flowers and trees.
Vendor: Ron Shop
A sleeping Beauty))) Hand sculptured planter for your favorite plants! You can change the hairdo as often as you like. A unique gift for any occasion. Also can be used as a multipurpose bowl, for candies, nuts, jewelry, make-up accessories, or whatever you like)) It's all about your fantasy! It could perfectly complete home interior or an office table. lt is glazed and fired at high temperature 2 times. High 12 cm (4,7 inches). The diameter is 6 cm (2,4 inches). Exact repetition is impossible! Colour may vary from screen to screen. If you order this item you'll get exactly the same planter which you see in the pictures. Down you can see an autograph and a year of creating. All our planters are totally hand-sculptured, we do not use any forms.
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. Sculpture of an Elk of real sizes made of artificial grass. This figure is made from 2 - 3 weeks. The price of the figure is $ 5250 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.8 (45 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 176,37 lbs. Size 102 (260см) inches high, 98 (250см) inches long and 35 (90см) inches deep. much more beautiful than the picture! Life-size moose topiary made of artificial grass. Created using 3D modeling technology, which allows you to achieve high-precision repetition of real forms of a living animal. Handmade Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Save 10%
Lilly of the valley car accessory. Crochet white lilly of the valley. Crochet plants, White flowers handmade decoration. Use as car mirror hanging, bag / backpack charm, home or outdoor decor. He is the perfect car accessory gift for Birhday, Valentines day, Easter, Christmas or any occations. Lilly of the valley charm size approx. 9 1/2" (24 cm.) Item made with cotton yarn. Hand made with love.
Vendor: tappleta
$7.00 $6.30
This piece of art is an original vintage ceramic planter in the shape of the head of an African leader. This unique African king was handcrafted in Ukraine in the 1990s from ceramic, coated with colored glaze, and fired in a high-temperature kiln. The photos are part of the description. This planter will serve as an ideal interior decoration for your home or office window sill, work desk, shelf, bedroom, kitchen, or winter garden. It can be used as a vase for flowers, a planter for real or artificial plants, flowers, and succulents. Please note that there is no drainage hole at the bottom to remove excess moisture. ******The set measures****** height - 15" (37 cm) width - 10,63" (27 cm) volume - 67 fl oz (2000ml) ********** Please note ********** ~~~ Please, consider the fact that the color and shade may a little vary from the finished product that you see on the monitor, because monitor color settings are different ~~~ All photos are real ~~~ All vintage and antique items are sold as they are. ~~~ If the item has been repaired or restored, then this information is reflected in the product description. ~~~ Your order will be carefully packaged for delivery. Please ask all questions and whatever you want to ask before buying. I will be happy to answer all your questions. Happy shopping!
Half a century of excellence! For over 50 years Barenthal has been designating and handcrafting fine cutlery and tableware to the highest standard of quality. Here you have very elegant beaker that is allowing you to brew fresh tea or coffee. It can be used to brew fresh medium to coarse ground coffee. Hot, but not boiling, water could be poured into the pot. With the spout turned away from you, slowly push the plunger down while holding the handle firmly. This glass beaker and filter assembly parts are dishwasher safe, however, its recommended to clean the assembly parts by hand in warm water and rinsed thoroughly.
Vendor: Ron Shop
Designer bedside table lamps, Table lights for bedroom, Modern nightstand lamps, Retro industrial lighting, Designer table lamps living room Table lamp "General of comfort" vendor code 01-06 Height: 35 cm (1ft 1.78in) Weight: 8.4 kg (18lb 8.30oz). Frame diameter: 19 cm (7.48in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze, fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Side table lamps for bedroom, Decorative table lamps, Retro industrial lighting, Edison table lamp, Lighting industrial, Vintage table lamps Table lamp "Minstrel" vendor code 01-10 Height: 50 cm (1ft 7.69in) Weight: 7.5 kg (16lb 8.55oz). Frame diameter: 18 cm (7.09in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Bedroom night table lamps, Bedside table lights, Edison industrial lighting, Lamps for living room, Designer table lamps online, Steampunk Table lamp "Coryphaeus of circus" vendor code 01-15 Height: 43 cm (1ft 4.93in) Weight: 9.5 kg (0lb 15.1oz). Frame diameter: 22 cm (8.66in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 7.50in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. The Victorian style of steampunk is very eclectic and has involved a lot of elements of historical styles as well as forms and materials which were state-of-the-art for that time. Interior history books call the late Victorian period “brown decades” while a peculiar atmosphere “like in Sherlock Holmes’ flat” has been associated with the English style in general. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Ideal for succulent planter, candle holder, air plant or simply as home decor from Concrete. Type 1: Size: W5.8cm х H5.4cm(W2.3in х H2.1in) Inner size: 4cm х H4cm(1.6in х H1.6in) Type 2: Size: W7.3cm х H4.3cm(W2.8in х H1.7in) Inner size: W4.7cm х H2.8cm(W1.9in х H1.1in) Preserved Reindeer Moss Reindeer Moss has a fresh, soft and spongy feel. This moss adapts to the surrounding humidity : like a sponge. Below a certain humidity level, the lichen becomes dry and brittle. As soon as the humidity level will rise, it will absorb some humidity and recover its flexibility. This doesn’t affect nor its shape nor its color nor its life expectancy. In the respect of the terms of use , the moss will retain its shape, texture and color indefinitely. All products are unique and handmade. Small varation in color and surface is a natural and unique characteristic of the object. Decoration is not included.
Vintage soviet mailbox was made in 1970s in the USSR. A large vintage mailbox has a vintage condition, has been cleaned and repainted blue. It can be attached to the wall, to the fence or to the door, for this there are three holes in the back of the box. Old post box is opened and locked with a key. The mailbox is heavy and powerful, made of durable thick metal. You can use the antique mailbox for its intended purpose, or as an amazing decor in the house, in the garden, on the farm, or as a safe or mini-bar. Dimensions: - 1 key, - height 15,74 inches ( 40 cm), - width 10,62 inches ( 27 cm), - depth 8.66 inches ( 22 cm). - weight 11,46 Lb (5200 gr.) The mailbox is heavy, so the delivery is expensive, write to me before the purchase, maybe the delivery to your country will not be so expensive. Please note: -All photo are real. -Real colors may vary slightly from their appearance on the screen. All goods will be packed and shipped by international airmail with tracking number for 1 - 3 days. Delivery usually takes about 1-3 weeks. The buyer pays the customs duties and taxes associated with the delivery to his country. If you buy 2 or more items, this will allow you to save on shipping, but the exact price is unknown, so before buying 2 or more items, contact me. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for visiting my store, I wish you a pleasant day!
Vendor: EraUSSRUA
Can be in any colore
Save 16%
Metall Backdrop for any weddings, birthdays, bridal showers, photo booth, cake smash decor, and much more. The arch is very easy to collect within 3-5 minutes.This will be a great addition to your wedding. Package include 1 pcs iron stand (without flowers). This arch is stable and can hold up to 30-40 kg of decoration! It's not CHINA product. Arch measurements: - height is 2.0 m / 78.74" - width is 2.0 m / 78.74" Please check the size and color carefully before you buy it. Thank you. Due to manual measurement, there is a certain error ( about 1-3cm ). Different monitors or the intensity of the light, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Material: metal This lot included only metal arch without decorations. You can hang flowers, LED lights, sheer curtains, or greenery! The options are limitless. If you have any questions write me and i will answer quickly.
Vendor: SacuraShop
$310.00 $261.00
Creative male head planter "Nature". Planter size: 16.5cm x 13cm x 16.5cm ( 6.5" x 5.2" х 6.5") He is very cool and handmade with love. Each planter is unique and has its own "flaws", which give it a real charm. The planter was cast using very hard, fine plaster. "Nature" - The planter has a natural color and covered with a protective varnish . "Velvet" - The planter is coated with a decorative velvet-like surface texture with an original metallic and pearlescent effect. "Silver" - The planter is coated with a decorative silver mirror effect paint. "Pebble" - The planter is covered with a "pebble stone" coating. It has a rough surface imitating natural stone. Tile planter may have a hook for wall hanging or could be displayed on a table/shelf. It is coated on the inside with a waterproofing compound and therefore can be used as a vase. All my head planters can be seen here http://WallDecorArtShop.etsy.c... Made with love for you. It is ideal for a gift to loved ones.
This house numbers which are sure to add the perfect touch for anyone finishing off their designer home . They have two mounting holes at both the top and bottom. Attaches with nail or screw (See options) Numbers are available in approx 5 inch tall , thickness 2mm. A nice inexpensive way to spruce up an apartment door as well!
Vendor: magicidea
Application of the SMK-1 model Manual seeder SMK-1 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 1 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Packing size Weight - 2kg Height - 120 mm Width - 80 mm Length - 130 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision Seeder Vegetable 1 Row Manual Planter sowing small seeds Complete with 2 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 2-piece bushings for $ 5.99. A precision precision seeder helps you to easily and conveniently sow a lot of grain and vegetable crops. This seeder is small, lightweight, which greatly facilitates its transportation and operation. In addition, with this seeder you will save on seed by not consuming it, as is the case with precise sowing. A distinctive feature of this seeder is its simple design and easy maintenance, and the use of a special design seed drill prevents seed damage. The seeder consists of a metering unit housing on which a seed hopper is fixed, a shaft with a metering sleeve and drive wheels. The sowing bushes have recesses made in a circle with different pitch and different depths for different types of seeds. A limiter brush is located in the hopper, which leaves one or more seeds in the recesses of the metering sleeve, depending on their size. The brush should be adjusted so that its bristles touch the surface of the metering sleeve. The volume of the seed tank is 0.17 liters. Specifications Manufacturer - LAN Country of production - Ukraine Condition - New The number of sowing rows -1.0 The number of bins -1 pcs. Hopper volume -0.75 cu dm Length -230.0 mm Width -310.0 mm Height -160.0 mm Weight -1.6 kg FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Complete with 4 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 4-piece bushings for $ 12. Application of the SMK-4 model Manual seeder SMK-4 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 4 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Type of the sowing device - VPS27 Row spacing - 60-120mm Packing size Weight - 3 kg Height - 230 mm Width - 360 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.