Outdoor & Gardening

    Легкая компактная и просто незаменимая в условиях ограниченного количества дров и времени!             Благодаря блоку нагнетания воздуха горелка дает мощный нагрев даже при использовании сырых дров и очень быстро доводит до кипения емкость с водой. Время закипания 1 литра воды составляет от 5 минут, в зависимости от качества топлива и условий окружающей среды.             Горелка имеет КПД сгорания топлива до 80% в отличии от 5-7% КПД обычного костра. Это связано с тем, что в дыму от дров находится около 90% не сгоревших от недостатка кислорода частиц. При нагнетании свежего воздуха в определенные места камеры сгорания горелки – эти мелкие частицы сгорают. На таком принципе и построена данная горелка: холодный воздух из блока нагнетания попадает в боковое отверстие нижней части наружной стенки корпуса горелки. Под действием вентилятора одна часть воздуха нагнетается в отверстия дна и нижней части камеры сгорания, а другая устремляется вверх - между стенками камеры сгорания и корпуса, где прогреваясь, выходит через специальные отверстия и попадает в верхнюю часть камеры сгорания, обеспечивая воспламенение древесного газа. Там, где выходит воздух, образуются языки интенсивного пламени, вследствие обогащения кислородом.               На горелке без труда можно приготовить пищу (суп, каша, чай и тп.) объемом до 3х-4х литров.               В качестве топлива используются ветки, щепки, хворост и любое другое подручное твердое топливо. Блок нагнетания воздуха (поддув) в камеру сгорания оборудован трехпозиционным переключателем со следующими режимами: 1) Среднее положение – "Выключено" (печка работает в режиме естественной тяги с отсоединенным блоком нагнетания); 2) Верхнее положение - "Высокие обороты" (~ 3000 об/мин) - для моментального разжига и чтобы быстро вскипятить воду; 3) Нижнее положение - "Малые обороты" (~2000 об/мин) - для поддержания высокотемпературного пламени.           Блок нагнетания воздуха , которым комплектуется данная модель горелки, универсален в выборе источника питания : это могут быть две батарейки размера АА или две батарейки размера ААА (подключение через переходники для батареек c размера AAA на АА, переходники заказываются отдельно) или любоq другой источник питания с напряжением 5 Вольт постоянного тока, имеющий на выходе разъем (гнездо) USB или DC-штекер размера 5.5mm x 2.1mm. К примеру, это может быть Power Bank, солнечная панель со встроенным аккумулятором или смартфон, подключенный через кабель OTG. При подключении внешнего источника питания в разъем (гнездо) DC блока нагнетания (через входящий в комплект поставки кабель "USB-DC") отсек с батареями в блоке нагнетания отключается автоматически. Время непрерывной работы блока от батарей AA "GP Super": • в режиме "Высокие обороты": ~30 часов; • в режиме "Малые обороты": ~50 часов; Ток, потребляемый блоком нагнетания (в зависимости от источника питания): • в режиме "Высокие обороты": 70-100мА; • в режиме "Малые обороты": 30-50мА;           В блоке нагнетания воздуха установлен двигатель с экранированием от теплового излучения и пыле-влагоизоляцией на уровне класса защиты IP55. Данное усовершенствование позволяет владельцу горелки пользоваться им в условиях повышенной влажности или запыленности (тропики, дождь, пустыня, пляж и т.п.) без опасений, что двигатель заклинит в самый неподходящий момент.              Горелка комплектуется обновленной версией раскладной подставки для посуды. Данный аксессуар имеет повышенную жаростойкость и специально разработан для более устойчивого размещения на горелке круглых котелков (кастрюль) с широким дном. Подставка понравится и любителям утреннего кофе на природе, приготовленной в турке (посуда с дном маленького диаметра).         Благодаря откидным лапкам, на раскладной подставке будет "удобно", как посуде с диаметром дна 5 см, так и посуде с диаметром дна 25 см! После раскрывания лапки фиксируются под определенным углом к горизонту, обеспечивая таким положением надежный захват дна посуды, а при увеличении нагрузки лапки принимают горизонтальное положение, при этом верхняя часть полотна подставки по всему кругу немного расходится наружу, увеличивая жесткость подставки и устойчивость посуды.         Новая подставка отличается от предыдущей версии еще и наличием вентиляционных отверстий в виде названия бренда производителя. Это изменение уменьшило суммарную площадь вентиляционных отверстий на полотне подставки, что позволило улучшить ветрозащитные характеристики подставки и увеличить мощность горелки. Кроме того, надпись на подставке позволяет сразу отличить оригинальный продукт от копии. Также была уменьшена высота полотна подставки, что увеличило жесткость конструкции и улучшило нагрев дна посуды.           Новая камера сгорания, установленная в горелке, существенно отличается от старой версии: изменены количество, диаметр и конфигурация отверстий впрыска воздуха. Эти изменения были внесены для повышения качества горения дров в нижней части камеры. Удалось устранить забивание (засорение) камеры тлеющим углем, а также улучшить горение сырых дров и тем самым максимально адаптировать горелку к настоящим походным условиям, где сухие дрова – редкость. Кроме того, в новой версии камеры происходит стабильное горение топлива в режиме естественной тяги (с отсоединенным от горелки блоком нагнетания) – эта возможность очень важна для приготовления блюд, не требующих интенсивного пламени.        Наружный кожух (корпус) твердотопливной горелки "Airwood UP-h BM" имеет закрытое днище, благодаря которому образуется замкнутое пространство между двумя стенками горелки (между камерой сгорания и корпусом), то есть весь воздух из блока нагнетания (поддува) гарантированно подается в камеру сгорания. Таким образом, нет необходимости в поиске плоской площадки для размещения горелки, так как в таком варианте выполнения горелку можно использовать даже в подвешенном состоянии! Еще одним плюсом горелки с закрытым днищем корпуса является то, что после её использования на земле не остаются ожоги, как после костра.         В данной модели горелки корпус оснащен съемной ручкой-держателем, что позволяет изменить положение (поправить) или перенести горелку во время ее работы (горения). Такая возможность пригодится в случае внезапного изменения погоды – можно быстро и безопасно перенести горелку в более защищенное место в случае внезапного дождя или порывов ветра. Характеристики: Материал металла: нержавеющая сталь разных марок и толщины (0,3 мм-0,8 мм); Камера сгорания: ресурс : от 300 до 800 и более часов работы горелки в зависимости от условий хранения и эксплуатации; объем: 690мл; Габаритные размеры: в упакованном состоянии: высота 12см, диаметр 12см; при использовании: высота 16см, диаметр от 12см до 16см; Суммарный вес горелки вместе с чехлом, батарейками, кабелем USB-DC и ручкой-держателем – 500 грамм. Комплектация: корпус горелки в сборе с камерой сгорания и днищем; усиленная жаропрочная раскладная подставка для посуды; блок нагнетания воздуха под две батарейки размера АА; два переходника для батарейки c размера AAA на АА;; кабель USB-DC; съемная ручка-держатель горелки; чехол из прочной водонепроницаемой ткани "Оксфорд"; рекомендации по использованию горелки.
Vendor: BM Easy hike
These fittings are ideal for edge, corner and center connections! Note: Inner diameter: 12mm. Fit for out diameter 12mm PVC pipe or metal pipe. • Perfect to provide a brace on any structure, and to create a frame. • Inner diameter: 12mm. Fit for out diameter 12mm PVC pipe or metal pipe. • Ideal for display items such as greenhouse, frame, furniture, shelves, and so much more. • They are designed to withstand impacts, won't suffer any cracks or breakage. • Include 10 pcs
Vendor: Metaplant
These fittings are ideal for edge, corner and center connections! Note: Inner diameter: 12mm. Fit for out diameter 12mm PVC pipe or metal pipe. • Perfect to provide a brace on any structure, and to create a frame. • Inner diameter: 12mm. Fit for out diameter 12mm PVC pipe or metal pipe. • Ideal for display items such as greenhouse, frame, furniture, shelves, and so much more. • They are designed to withstand impacts, won't suffer any cracks or breakage. • Include 10 pcs
Vendor: Metaplant
Save 9%
Metal Backdrop for any weddings, birthdays, bridal showers, photo booth, cake smash decor, and much more. The arch is easy to collect within 5-10 minutes.This will be a great addition to your wedding. This arch is VERY stable and can hold a lot of decoration! It's not CHINA product. Metal frame measurements (diameter): The biggest one is 2,5 m/ 98" ( passable arch H~2.2 m/ 86.6", between legs ~ 1,7 m/ 67") Please check the size and color carefully before you buy it.Thank you. Due to manual measurement, there is a certain error ( about 1-3cm ). Different monitors or the intensity of the light, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Material: metal This lot included only metal arch without decorations. the photos shown are just examples. You can hang flowers, LED lights, sheer curtains, or greenery! The options are limitless. If you have any questions write me and i will answer quickly.
Vendor: SacuraShop
$440.00 $400.00
ECOTOUGE Glass Fire Pit Rocks (0.9”, 10lb) for Propane Fire Pit, High Luster Reflective Fire Glass Beads, Safe Gas Fire Pit Glass Rocks for Natural (Pure) Description Features: ECO-Material:Glass beads are made of tempered glass, which can be used for a long time, will not degrade, also has strong corrosion resistance, heat resistance, faded resistant and insulation function, give us a safe dazzling visual feast. Reliable QualityReflective glass beads can be burned in the fire, and its combustion temperature is as high as 3000F and the burning glass bead is shining as diamonds, does not melt or degrade, burns cleanly, ashless, smokeless, does not produce toxic gases and dust. Easy to Clean:Glass beads is smooth and mellow, easy to clean and don't worry to hurt your hands when cleaning, occasionally with water and vinegar to leave them sparkling like new. Widely Application:Suitable for fire pit table, fireproof glass of propane gas, natural gas, decorating indoor fireplaces, outdoor fire bowls and fish tanks. And also be used for vase filling, aisles, water features, replaces existing gas logs & lava rocks. The Service You Want:We can provide everything you want, 24-hour online customer service, free to answer any questions for you, if you have any dissatisfied with us, please feel free to contact us, we will eventually supply you a perfect solution. Product Details: Package Dimensions: 10.04 x 6.26 x 6.26 inches Item Weight: 10.52 pounds Manufacturer: ECOTOUGE Handling We will ship all orders within 3 business days of payment. Delivery We do not ship outside of the Continental US. Feedback We take our reputation seriously, we buy and sell online, so we understand the value of trust. If you are unsatisfied with your order, please contact us and we will work with you to resolve it to your satisfaction.
Lifyzoon Swivel Bird Feeder Hanger Hook: Swivel Hanging Plant Bracket Outdoor - Wall Mount Swivel Hanging Hook for Bird Feeder 12-Inch Description Features: Swivel Plant Bracket: 16" curved hanging plant bracket, equipped with 8 gear rotary fixation. Rotate the swivel plant hook up to 180 degrees depending on the position. Hand-forged Plant Bracket: The swivel plant bracket is hand-forged from solid iron by an experienced ironsmith. The black matte powder-coated finish guarantees plant hanger waterproof, rust-proof, and sun-proof. Great Weight Capacity: The swivel hook is sturdy and stable for hanging up to 35lbs of plants, flower baskets, bird feeders, lanterns, bells, and windchimes. The 8 gear rotary fixation strengthens the stability of the bird feed hanger and prevents it from random swaying in bad weather. Bird Feeder for Outside: The swivel bird feeder bracket works well indoors or outdoors and can be mounted on deck, wall, wood, fences. Easy Wall Mounted: All corresponding screws and expansion screws are included. First fix the base on the wall with screws, and then insert the bracket to complete the installation. Product Details: Color: ‎Black Brand: ‎Lifyzoon Material: ‎Wood, Iron Finish Type: ‎Matte Mounting Type: ‎Wall Mount Style: ‎Decorative Weight Limit: ‎35 Pounds Special Feature: ‎Heavy Duty, Rust Resistant Minimum Weight Capacity: ‎35 Pounds Maximum Weight Recommendation: ‎35 Pounds Manufacturer: ‎JIESHUO ART Item Weight: ‎14.4 ounces Package Dimensions: ‎14.1 x 5.7 x 1.5 inches Size: ‎12 Inch Finish: ‎Matte Maximum Weight Capacity: ‎35 Pounds Special Features: ‎Heavy Duty, Rust Resistant Batteries Included?: ‎No Batteries Required?: ‎No Date First Available: August 4, 2020 Handling We will ship all orders within 3 business days of payment. Delivery We do not ship outside of the Continental US. Feedback We take our reputation seriously, we buy and sell online, so we understand the value of trust. If you are unsatisfied with your order, please contact us and we will work with you to resolve it to your satisfaction.
Save 10%
Metal Backdrop for any weddings, birthdays, bridal showers, photo booth, cake smash decor, and much more. The arch is easy to collect within 5-10 minutes.This will be a great addition to your wedding. This arch is VERY stable and can hold a lot of decoration! It's not CHINA product. Metal frame measurements (diameter): 2,25 m/ 90" ( passable arch H~2.0 m/ 80", between legs ~ 1,55 m/ 61") Please check the size and color carefully before you buy it.Thank you. Due to manual measurement, there is a certain error ( about 1-3cm ). Different monitors or the intensity of the light, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Material: metal This lot included only metal arch without decorations. the photos shown are just examples. You can hang flowers, LED lights, sheer curtains, or greenery! The options are limitless. If you have any questions write me and i will answer quickly.
Vendor: SacuraShop
$400.00 $360.00
We can make a sculpture within two weeks. Sculpture for landscape design, artificial tree, modern the sculpture does not need maintenance We make any sculptures of different sizes on request. The price of the figure is $ 2600 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 121 lbs. abstraction (spiral) 78,7 (200 cm) inches high, 21,7 (55 cm) inches in diameter in life is much more beautiful !! The sculpture is made of materials that can not be destroyed under the influence of weather conditions. The sculpture made of artificial grass is unique in its kind and requires absolutely no care. A great option for decorating the courtyard and landscaping. tel.+38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram), write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Label: Funeral Industries Released: 2020 Official product Size: 72cm X 100cm
Vendor: Musical Hall
Label: Funeral Industries Released: 2020 Official product Size: 68cm X 96cm
Vendor: Musical Hall
This piece of art is an original vintage ceramic planter in the shape of the head of an African leader. This unique African king was handcrafted in Ukraine in the 1990s from ceramic, coated with colored glaze, and fired in a high-temperature kiln. The photos are part of the description. This planter will serve as an ideal interior decoration for your home or office window sill, work desk, shelf, bedroom, kitchen, or winter garden. It can be used as a vase for flowers, a planter for real or artificial plants, flowers, and succulents. Please note that there is no drainage hole at the bottom to remove excess moisture. ******The set measures****** height - 15" (37 cm) width - 10,63" (27 cm) volume - 67 fl oz (2000ml) ********** Please note ********** ~~~ Please, consider the fact that the color and shade may a little vary from the finished product that you see on the monitor, because monitor color settings are different ~~~ All photos are real ~~~ All vintage and antique items are sold as they are. ~~~ If the item has been repaired or restored, then this information is reflected in the product description. ~~~ Your order will be carefully packaged for delivery. Please ask all questions and whatever you want to ask before buying. I will be happy to answer all your questions. Happy shopping!
Label: Weltenfeind Productions Released: 2020 Official product Size: 90  centimeter  on 90  centimeter
Vendor: Musical Hall
Floor sculptures, large, can be placed indoors, landscape design. Everything is in stock, we sell both together and separately. Deer composition, unique sculptures made of artificial grass that do not require maintenance. We make any sculptures of different sizes on request. The price of a small deer is $ 1800 and a middle deer is $ 2150, and a big deer is $ 3990 with delivery to the customer's door. Price per composition $ 7940 with home delivery Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) weight of the whole composition 298 lbs. big deer106.3 (270см) inches high, 63 (160см) inches long and 35.4 (90см) inches deep. middle deer 55.1(140см) inches high, 47.2(120см) inches long and 21.6 (55см) inches deep. small deer 39.4(100см) inches high, 55.1(140см) inches long and 11.8 (30м) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The composition is made of materials that can not be destroyed under the influence of weather conditions. The sculpture made of artificial grass is unique in its kind and requires absolutely no care. A great option for decorating the courtyard and landscaping. tel.38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram), write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Artificial Grass Sculpture Dog The sculpture is available. sculpture does not require maintenance On request, we make any sculptures of different sizes. The cost of the figure is $ 1,700 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Its weight is 65.2 pounds. The dog is 39.4 (100cm) high, 47.2 (120cm) long and 13.8 (35cm) deep. The sculpture is made of materials that cannot be destroyed by weather conditions. The artificial grass sculpture is unique and requires absolutely no maintenance. A great option for decorating the yard and landscaping. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. we will make this sculpture for you in 3 weeks The price of the figure is $ 4150 with home delivery. Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 132.2 lbs. Size 55.1 (140см) inches high, 114.2 (290см) inches long and 23.6 (60см) inches deep. much more beautiful than the picture! Topiary figures made by me do not require absolutely no care and will delight you even in winter. All the materials from which the sculptures are made are not susceptible to moisture, cold and sun and will delight you for more than a dozen years.
Vendor: TeamArt
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. we will make this sculpture for you in 2 weeks The price of the figure is $ 3240 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. She weighs 121.3 lbs. Size: 43.3 (110 cm) high, 94.5 (240 cm) long and 19.7 (50 cm) deep. Leopard topiary figurine with artificial turf for decorating territories for various purposes. An excellent solution for creating unusual landscape design and attracting the attention of passers-by. The figurine has excellent resistance to weather conditions - thanks to the use of special materials, the topiary looks new for many years. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
SPECIAL PROMOTION !!! - if you buy 3 barrels, 1 barrel as a gift - if you buy 5 barrels, 2 barrels as a gift - if you buy 7 barrels, 3 barrels as a gift Round, wooden oak flowerpot made in the form of a barrel for flowers, plants and succulents. Flower pots can be used outdoors or indoors. Height - 8 cm; Internal diameter - 7 cm; The outer diameter is 10 cm Weight - 0.2 kg Material - oak tree The volume of the barrel is 0.27 liters!
Half a century of excellence! For over 50 years Barenthal has been designating and handcrafting fine cutlery and tableware to the highest standard of quality. Here you have very elegant beaker that is allowing you to brew fresh tea or coffee. It can be used to brew fresh medium to coarse ground coffee. Hot, but not boiling, water could be poured into the pot. With the spout turned away from you, slowly push the plunger down while holding the handle firmly. This glass beaker and filter assembly parts are dishwasher safe, however, its recommended to clean the assembly parts by hand in warm water and rinsed thoroughly.
Vendor: Ron Shop
Basket and grates for pellet burner
Vendor: Campfire
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. we will make this sculpture for you in 3 weeks The price of the figure is $ 4430 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. She weighs 176.4 lbs. Size: 86.7 (210 cm) high, 43.3 (110 cm) wide and 31.5 (80 cm) deep. Figurine of bear topiary with artificial turf for decorating territories for various purposes. An excellent solution for creating unusual landscape design and attracting the attention of passers-by. The figurine has excellent resistance to weather conditions - thanks to the use of special materials, the topiary looks new for many years. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Beautiful flowers in the soil
Vendor: Ron Shop
Bedroom lamps for nightstands, Contemporary table lamps, Industrial style lamps, Light bulb vintage, Industrial retro lighting, Retro lamp Table lamp "Useful find" vendor code 01-12 Height: 36 cm (1ft 2.17in) Weight: 8.7 kg (19lb 2.88oz). Frame diameter: 22 cm (8.66in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. he lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. A lot of things are amazingly skillful. They are complete pieces of art combining a unique exterior as well as grand technique and artistry. Steampunk may be called “technoart” and it is another paradox. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Bedroom night table lamps, Bedside table lights, Edison industrial lighting, Lamps for living room, Designer table lamps online, Steampunk Table lamp "Coryphaeus of circus" vendor code 01-15 Height: 43 cm (1ft 4.93in) Weight: 9.5 kg (0lb 15.1oz). Frame diameter: 22 cm (8.66in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 7.50in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. The Victorian style of steampunk is very eclectic and has involved a lot of elements of historical styles as well as forms and materials which were state-of-the-art for that time. Interior history books call the late Victorian period “brown decades” while a peculiar atmosphere “like in Sherlock Holmes’ flat” has been associated with the English style in general. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Bedside lights Table light Living room lamps Vintage industrial table lamps Filament light bulbs Industrial looking lamps Rustic light SALES OFF 15% DISCOUNT FOR EVERY SECOND PRODUCT ! Table lamp "Fertile soil" vendor code 01-51 Height: 38 cm (1ft 2.96in). Weight: 8 kg (18lb 8.30oz). Frame diameter: 18 cm (7.09in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. Lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. Table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Save 10%
Crochet Cupcake with Bee wings and fruit, pattern PDF. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! A very quick and easy crochet project! These lovely Bee cupcake will be a cute Bee patty decor, Baby shower, Decor for your home, a great handmade gift for kids. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Size approx. 3 1/5" (8 cm.). You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), 4ply. - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - needle, scissors Happy crocheting! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$3.50 $3.15
What do you give the wine lover in your life who has everything? How about one of these up-cycled wine cork key chains! The perfect accessory for any wine enthusiast! Each one of these cork key chains would be a great gift for any traveler as well, full of intrigue and possibilities of wineries yet to be discovered. These cork key chains also are great for everyday use, because the shape of a keychain is a cylinder, it helps you to find your keys in a bottomless purse or stuffed backpack. All the corks are very light weight, and in fact, they also float so they are great for boating, sailing and pool house keys! These cork keychains are a great stocking stuffer or party favor for occasions such as housewarmings, birthdays, weddings bridal showers, wine tasting parties, pool party, etc! The keychains come with a ribbon and a clear bag. Let me your preferred ribbon color and I'll do my best to match it for you!
Vendor: Ron Shop
Handmade from Ukraine The sculpture is maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. we will make this figure in three weeks The price of the figure is $ 3990 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 143,3 lbs. Size 94.5 (240см) inches high, 82.7 (210см) inches long and 31.5 (80см) inches deep this taking into account the horn, the width of the body is 17.7 (45см) inches. much more beautiful than the picture! telephone for communication 380688561591 (WhatsApp, Viber.Telegram)
Vendor: TeamArt
Handmade from Ukraine The sculpture is maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. The price of the figure is $ 3990 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.7 (45 mm) inches (Belgium) Its weight is 143.3 lbs. large deer: 106.3 (270cm) inches high, 63 (160cm) inches long and 35.4 (90cm) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The sculpture is made of materials that cannot be destroyed by weather conditions. The artificial grass sculpture is unique and requires absolutely no maintenance. A great option for decorating the yard and landscaping. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. we will make this sculpture for you in 3 weeks The price of the figure is $ 4150 with home delivery. Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 132.2 lbs. Size 55.1 (140см) inches high, 114.2 (290см) inches long and 23.6 (60см) inches deep. much more beautiful than the picture! Topiary figures made by me do not require absolutely no care and will delight you even in winter. All the materials from which the sculptures are made are not susceptible to moisture, cold and sun and will delight you for more than a dozen years.
Vendor: TeamArt
Handmade from Ukraine The figurines are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. we will make this sculpture for you in 2 weeks The price of the figure is $ 2980 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.7 (45 mm) inches (Belgium) sculpture weight 99,2 lbs. Wolf size 55.1 (140см) inches high, 55.1 (140см) inches long and 15.7 (40см) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The composition is made of materials that can not be destroyed under the influence of weather conditions. The sculpture made of artificial grass is unique in its kind and requires absolutely no care. A great option for decorating the courtyard and landscaping. tel.38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram), write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. Sculpture in stock The price of the figure is 1800 dollars with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) It weighs 55.1 lbs. The dog is 23.6 (60 cm) inches high, 25.6 (65 cm) inches long and 16.5 (42 cm) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The sculpture is made of materials that cannot be destroyed by weather conditions. The artificial grass sculpture is unique in its kind and requires absolutely no maintenance. A great option for decorating the yard and landscaping. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram), write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Hanging bird feeder - perfect gardening accessory for your garden. It will attract the attention of many small birdies. It is really beautiful, elegantly crafted. It is easily assembling - all parts are clicked together, no glue is needed. All you need to do - find some cozy and nice place where to hang it for birdies to gather. The bird feeder is sturdy enough - you will like its quality and how it will bring more life to your garden! Perfect housewarming gift! I am also attaching a rope for easier hanging, as a gift. DETAILS: . 9 "(23.5 cm) wide, 7" (17 cm) high, 4.3 "(11 cm) deep. • ECO friendly, long-lasting garden/patio bird feeder • Natural color will fit perfectly between branched of any tree • Birdfeeder will become an activity and gathering center of your local birdies • Elegantly crafted • No need to glue, easy assembly - just click in all details together (instruction included) • Rope comes as a gift, to hang a bird feeder to a tree or patio ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
Hanging bird feeder - perfect gardening accessory for your garden. It will attract the attention of many small birdies. It is really beautiful, elegantly crafted. It is easily assembling - all parts are clicked together, no glue is needed. All you need to do - find some cozy and nice place where to hang it for birdies to gather. The bird feeder is sturdy enough - you will like its quality and how it will bring more life to your garden! Perfect housewarming gift! I am also attaching a rope for easier hanging, as a gift. DETAILS: . 9 "(23.5 cm) wide, 7" (17 cm) high, 4.3 "(11 cm) deep. • ECO friendly, long-lasting garden/patio bird feeder • Birdfeeder will become an activity and gathering center of your local birdies • Elegantly crafted • No need to glue, easy assembly - just click in all details together (instruction included) • Rope comes as a gift, to hang a bird feeder to a tree or patio ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
Bird feeder window. Beautiful print! Bird feeder with the cardinal. Height 7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm). The feeder is sold in the form of parts, it is easy to assemble according to the instructions. No glue or nails. Fastens securely to the window! You will always enjoy birds and listen to their chirps! ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
Feeder on the window. Beautiful print! Height 7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm). The feeder is sold in the form of parts, it is easy to assemble according to the instructions. No glue or nails. Fastens securely to the window! You will always enjoy birds and listen to their chirps!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Bird feeder on the window with a table for birds. Made of high-quality plywood. The instruction is attached. Fastened to the window. Attaches very firmly. Length 9 "(23.5 cm), Height 5" (13.5 cm), Depth 4.5 "(11.5 cm). You will watch birds from home. You'll like it! They are very funny!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Feeder on the window. Beautiful print! Height 7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm). The feeder is sold in the form of parts, it is easy to assemble according to the instructions. No glue or nails. Fastens securely to the window! You will always enjoy birds and listen to their chirps! ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
Bird feeder with print looks like knitted. Made from durable plywood Height7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm). The bird feeder is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Bird feeder to be mounted on the window Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. It is durable. This bird feeder will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift! ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
Bird Feeder on a window. Beautiful US national flag print! Is a great way to bird watching. The feeder is sold in the form of parts, it is easy to assemble according to the instructions. No glue or nails. Securely and easily attaches on a window with the quality double-sided tape for outdoor use. Height 7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm)..
Vendor: HouseChirp
This feeder on a window will be great fun for any bird lover! Attaches easily and securely to any glass with double-sided outdoor adhesive tape. A slanted slat roof helps protect the seed in the tray from rain and has a feeder rail for the birds to perch on so they don't have to stand in the seed. Crafted from quality plywood. Length 9 "(23.5 cm), Height 6.7" (17cm), Depth 4.5 "(11.5 cm).
Vendor: HouseChirp
Feeder on the window. Beautiful print! Height 7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm). The feeder is sold in the form of parts, it is easy to assemble according to the instructions. No glue or nails. Fastens securely to the window! You will always enjoy birds and listen to their chirps!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Feeder on the window with a table for birds. Made of high-quality plywood.Self-assembly kit that is easy to assemble according to the instructions. The instruction is attached. Attaches easily and securely to any glass with double-sided outdoor adhesive tape. Attaches very firmly. Length 9 "(23.5 cm), Height 6.7" (17.5 cm), Depth 4.5 "(11.5 cm). You will watch birds from home. You'll like it! They are very funny!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Bird feeder on a window. Beautiful print! Height 7.5 inches (19.5 cm), width 6 inches (15 cm), depth 4.7 inches (12 cm). The feeder is sold in the form of parts, it is easy to assemble according to the instructions. No glue or nails. Fastens securely to the window! You will always enjoy birds and listen to their chirps!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Birdhouse is made of durable plywood. Main parts printed with ink. Height 9 "(22 cm), width 8 inch (21 cm),depth 5.5 inch(14 cm) The birdhouse is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. It is durable. This birdhouse will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift!
Vendor: HouseChirp
The birdhouse is made of durable plywood. Height 9 "(22 cm), width 6" (15 cm). The birdhouse is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. It is durable. This birdhouse will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift!
Vendor: HouseChirp
The birdhouse with the feeder is made of durable plywood. Height 8 inch (20 cm), width 8 inch (21 cm),depth 5.5 inch(14 cm) . The birdhouse is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. It is durable. This birdhouse will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Birdhouse DIY made of quality plywood. Beautifully printed circuit board! Assembled without glue or nails. It is easy to do with, following instructions. The instructions are attached. 6 "(14cm) wide, 8" (20cm) high, 6 "(14cm) deep. Packaged in a box. Suitable as a gift for a friend, adult, child, housewarming, and a gift for your garden! ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
The birdhouse is made of durable plywood. Height 8 inch (20 cm), width 8 inch (21 cm),depth 5.5 inch(14 cm) . The birdhouse is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. This birdhouse will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift! ----> Please check MORE BIRD HOUSES here:
Vendor: HouseChirp
The birdhouse is made of durable plywood. Height 9 "(22 cm), width 6" (15 cm). The birdhouse is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. It is durable. This birdhouse will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift!
Vendor: HouseChirp
Birdhouse DIY made of quality plywood. Assembled without glue or nails. It is easy to do with the following instructions. The instructions are attached. 6 "(14cm) wide, 8" (20cm) high, 6 "(14cm) deep. Packaged in a box. Suitable as a gift for a friend, adult, child, housewarming, and a gift for your garden!
Vendor: HouseChirp
The birdhouse is made of plywood. Disassembled in a box. Easy to assemble according to instructions. Assembled without nails and glue. Children really enjoy participating in the assembly process. The finished birdhouse measures 10 inches (25.5 cm) high, 6.5 inches (16.6 cm) wide, 5.6 inches (14 cm) deep. Such a gift will please both mom and child and friend! Bird watching is very interesting! good for birds and looks beautiful! Give good emotions and be closer to nature! We will help you with this!
Vendor: HouseChirp
The birdhouse with the feeder is made of durable plywood. Height 8 inch (20 cm), width 8 inch (21 cm),depth 5.5 inch(14 cm) . The birdhouse is disassembled, all parts are folded in a box, instructions are in the box. Very easy to fold without glue or nails. Our first birdhouse has been hanging on the window for 4 years. It is durable. This birdhouse will decorate your window. You will love bird watching. You will be closer to nature. Give your loved ones the same opportunity. They will appreciate this gift!
Vendor: HouseChirp
This cute worm is ready to wish you a Happy Birthday. Write the color of the hat and balloon in the comments . Size 2 inches (10 cm.) Handmade from cotton yarn and filled with hypoallergenic filling. Thanks for you purchase! I will come to you from Ukraine.
Vendor: WormBuddies
My color is Blue and Yellow. I am strong and free like my people. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes! Size 2 inches (10 cm.) Handmade from cotton yarn and filled with hypoallergenic filling. Thanks for you purchase! I will come to you from Ukraine. You will receive Cute blue and yellow worm with Trident magnet.
Vendor: WormBuddies
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Crochet Cupcake with bunny ears, pattern PDF. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! A very quick and easy Easter Project! These lovely Easter cupcake will be a cute Easter, Baby shower, Bunny patty decor for your home, a great handmade gift for kids. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Size approx. 3 1/5" (8 cm.). You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), 4ply. - hook B (2 mm.) - polyester fiberfill - needle, scissors Happy crocheting! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$3.50 $3.15
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. we will make this sculpture for you in 2 weeks The price of the figure is $ 2950 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Delivery time from 10-20 days This item is in stock Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 110 lbs. Size 47.2 (120см) inches high, 63 (160см) inches long and 23.6 (60см) inches deep. much more beautiful than the picture! Topiary moose (small) life-size from artificial grass. Looks better in combination with a large elk figure. Created using 3D modeling technology, which allows you to achieve high-precision repetition of real forms of a living animal. The figure has an anti-vandal frame and high-quality coating, which retains its original appearance for many years. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
100% natural organic handmade product. Sizes - large, medium, small. Brown rectangular rug for the home. Used in the bedroom, kitchen, dining room, nursery. Will decorate any home.☝ Carpet hemp shape provides the comfort, protection and warmth to the floor with a complex surface finish, such as floors made of ceramic tile, stone, laminate or wood. ☝ Knitted Mat of hemp twine. Pattern with knobs, they give massage effect and peeling. This rug safe for children and people who are allergic, because hemp is anti-allergenic.☝ Hemp twine has antimicrobial properties, it does not allow microorganisms to develop, which means that your bathroom will be protected.☝ The carpet prevents the spread of moisture.☝ Hemp has the power, but becomes softer when used. The advantages of twine made from natural fibers in addition to strength, the use of the hemp twine is a environmentally friendly products that are safe for human health, which is very important in today's world, where there are harmful environmental factors. They do not require special treatment. Care: machine wash in 30 degrees Celsius.
Vendor: BereginaUA
Crochet Cat coaster pattern digital download. This is a PDF CROCHET PATTERN only! Create an original decoration for Halloween or any other celebration. You can make in a different color. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the chain, crochet in rounds, double crochet. Pattern is in standard US terms. Approximately 3” (8cm.) wide. You will need: - cotton blend yarn Green, Light green, Orange ( YarnArt Jeans) - hook B (2 mm.) The pdf file contains a step-by-step description, lots of photos and crocheting pattern. Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a pumpkin. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! Kind regards, Tanya.
Vendor: tappleta
Introducing our exquisite ceramic flower pot - the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Crafted with precision and care, this flower pot is designed to enhance the beauty of your indoor or outdoor space while providing a nurturing environment for your favorite plants. Crafted from high-quality ceramic, the pot has a smooth glazed finish that not only adds a touch of sophistication, but also ensures durability and resistance to the elements. Its elegant, timeless design blends perfectly with any decor style, making it a versatile choice for your home, office or garden. The flower pot is medium in size: height 7.08 inches, diameter 5.9 inches. Equipped with a suitable drainage hole, the flower pot promotes optimal plant health by preventing soil over-wetting. This thoughtful feature ensures that your plants receive the right amount of moisture, contributing to a thriving and vibrant garden. Bring nature indoors or create an inviting outdoor oasis with a flower pot – where functionality meets elegance and your botanical aspirations come to life in style.
Vendor: Firaworkshop
A "Lady" planter. Handmade ceramic flowerpot for your favorite plants. This one is made in retro style. You can change the "headdress" in the pot as often as you want to. An exclusive gift for any occasion. It can be also used for candies, nuts, jewelry or whatever you like)) It could perfectly complete a home interior or an office table. lt is glazed and fired at high temperature 2 times. High 12 (4,7) cm. The diameter is 6 cm. Exact repetition is impossible! If you order this item you'll get exactly the same planter which you see on the photos. Down you can see an autograph and a year of creating. Colour may vary from screen to screen. All our planters are totally handmade, we do not use any forms.
Hand sculptured planter for your favorite plants! You can change the hairdo as often as you like. A unique gift for any occasion. Also can be used as a multipurpose bowl, for candies, nuts, jewelry, make-up accessories, or whatever you like)) It's all about your fantasy! It could perfectly complete home interior or an office table. lt is glazed and fired at high temperature 2 times. High 12 cm (4,7 inches). The diameter is 6 cm (2,4 inches). Exact repetition is impossible! Colour may vary from screen to screen. I always try to make pictures holding the item in my hand, so you can better imagine the size. Please, look at the pictures attentively, they are an essential part of the description. If you order this item you'll get exactly the same planter which you see in the pictures. Down you'll see an autograph and a year of creating. All our planters are totally hand sculptured, we do not use any forms.
Our new planters "Ladies with their Pets"!) Hand sculptured ceramic face planter for your favorite plants! You can change the hairdo as often as you like. Also can be used as a multipurpose bowl, for brushes, for candies, for make-up accessories, and so on)) It's all about your fantasy! Can be also used as a flower vase. Unique housewarming gift for home decor, or your office desk! lt is glazed and fired at high temperature 2 times. High 16 cm (6,2 inches). The diameter is 8 cm (3,15 inches) Exact repetition is impossible! Colour may vary from screen to screen. Down on the inner side you can see an autograph and a year of creating. All our planters are totally hand sculptured, we do not use any forms.
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Crochet mini Chef hat and knife pattern. Crochet Pattern PDF. Crochet mini hat for dolls, amigurumis, aplique, scrapbooking etc Size approx. Hat 1 ½” (4 cm.) tall and 2” (5 cm.) in diametr, Knife 1 ½”(4 cm.) This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. This PDF file has 3 pages with with descriptions and pictures of a chef hat and two knives (one color and two colors). It also has Crochet Techniques of Triple invisible decrease and Invisible join. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), any yarn 4ply - hook B (2 mm.) - scissors, needle Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a cowboy hat. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! Kind regards, @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.10 $1.89
CLAY POT For Flowers USSR, Flower Pot, Vintage Clay Pot, Soviet Pot, Clay Pot Material: CLAY Condition and defects: scuffs, stains, scratches, small chips and cracks top diameter 19.3 cm Height 17.5 cm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Complete set of goods as in the photo, you buy what you see in the photo. Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. (O)
A modern style clothes rack will be a real decoration for any corner of your home. Coat rack is perfect for the hallway, living room, bedroom, it can even be hung outdoors, as it is made of stainless steel and painted with high-quality powder paint. In the center of the hanger there are butterflies, which are also hooks. This very durable metal hanger can be used for both accessories and outerwear. The coat rack attaches to the wall at a distance of 1 cm without taking up much space, and the hooks are branched at different angles, which allows you to arrange things conveniently on each hook. The coat rack is made to order. The time for making an order is 1-5 days. Price for 1 coat rack. Mounting accessories included. Size: Width: 19 cm (7.5 in) Height: 40 cm (16 in) Depth: 9 cm ( 3.5 in) Material: Metal ( Stainless steel ) Colors: gold Hangers are handmade, there may be slight size difference. ***********************Warning! ***************************** The coat rack is made to order. The time for making an order is 1-5 days. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on the website caused by many factors such as the brightness of your monitor and light brightness. And also the paint manufacturer the same color in different batches of paint may also be slightly different. If you want to verify the chosen color, write to me, I will send a video of the selected product to your email for a better understanding of the color. ******************Shipping details************************** >> If you plan to order two or more items, please contact me, I will recalculate the shipping cost as much as possible, depending on the weight and size of the order. :) Please feel free to contact me with questions . >> All the orders will be shipped to the shipping address supplied through your Order. Please check the accuracy of the address before your order finalization. >> By purchasing you agree that WonderDesign is not responsible for any damage to walls, drywall or items due to improper use or installation. We always recommend consulting a professional installer if you are unsure how to mount them or if they are installed correctly.
Vendor: WonderDesign
Ideal for succulent planter, candle holder, air plant or simply as home decor from Concrete. Type 1: Size: W5.8cm х H5.4cm(W2.3in х H2.1in) Inner size: 4cm х H4cm(1.6in х H1.6in) Type 2: Size: W7.3cm х H4.3cm(W2.8in х H1.7in) Inner size: W4.7cm х H2.8cm(W1.9in х H1.1in) Preserved Reindeer Moss Reindeer Moss has a fresh, soft and spongy feel. This moss adapts to the surrounding humidity : like a sponge. Below a certain humidity level, the lichen becomes dry and brittle. As soon as the humidity level will rise, it will absorb some humidity and recover its flexibility. This doesn’t affect nor its shape nor its color nor its life expectancy. In the respect of the terms of use , the moss will retain its shape, texture and color indefinitely. All products are unique and handmade. Small varation in color and surface is a natural and unique characteristic of the object. Decoration is not included.
Contemporary home lighting, Industrial loft lighting, Old industrial lighting for sale, Lighting industrial design, Steampunk pipe lamp Table lamp "Circus Stuntman" vendor code 01-25 Height: 38 cm (1ft 2.96in) Weight: 10 kg (22lb 0.740oz). Frame diameter: 18 cm (7.09in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. The lighting is done with the help of an Edison lamp with big and elaborately wound filaments as well as any other devices decorated with such lamps. Devices with gas-discharge and plasma lamps – clocks, power converters, astronomic models, spheres. Plasma spheres are splendid – you can watch electric discharges which look like small lightning. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Crochet Pumpkin pattern digital download. This is a PDF CROCHET PATTERN only! Create an original decoration for Halloween or any other celebration. You can make in a different color. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the chain, crochet in rounds, double crochet. Pattern is in standard US terms. Approximately 2 3/4” (7cm.) and 3 1/2" (9 cm.) wide. You will need: - cotton blend yarn Green, Light green, Orange ( YarnArt Jeans) - hook C (2 mm.) The pdf file contains a step-by-step description, lots of photos and crocheting pattern. Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a pumpkin. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! Kind regards, Tanya.
Vendor: tappleta
Crochet Pumpkin pattern digital download. This is a PDF CROCHET PATTERN only! Create an original decoration for Halloween or any other celebration. You can make in a different color. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the chain, crochet in rounds, double crochet. Pattern is in standard US terms. Approximately 2 3/4” (7cm.) wide. You will need: - cotton blend yarn Green, Light green, Orange ( YarnArt Jeans) - hook C (2 mm.) The pdf file contains a step-by-step description, lots of photos and crocheting pattern. Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a pumpkin. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! Kind regards, Tanya.
Vendor: tappleta
Crocheted Ukraine Heart Keychain Ukrainian Flag Blue and Yellow, Crochet Pattern PDF. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Happy crocheting!!! Kind regards, Tanya
Vendor: tappleta
Condition:   brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging. READY FOR THE END!    One of the main advantages of this model is its universal design, due to which it is possible to achieve the most correct, high-quality and fast speed of soil preparation. Strong steel base frame accommodates special units, the main purpose of which is to carry out certain technological operations. The cultivator form of the manual model presented fully takes into account all the most necessary physiological characteristics of the plants to be processed, as well as the features of the worker. Due to the presence of a large and convenient support wheel in the device, it is quite easy to achieve a certain and constant depth of cultivation, which prevents damage to the roots of plants. Such a device is very easy to learn, it does not require much physical effort and does not take up much space in the room. The product successfully works both in reverse and in forward motion, which adds even more convenience when using. It is important for every customer to also know that during operation this type of cultivator is capable of self-cleaning. Together with the device, the manufacturing company supplies 3 working bodies to it, which differ in widths of 12.22 and 25 centimeters. The optimal daily load per working person is no more than 0.5 hectares (during the processing of row-spacing in the fields). Light weight and dimensions of the model. The cultivator wheel KR-1 is flat, without devormations, of the correct form. Not subject to deformation. It rotates very easily. Strong basic frame that has a special design. The osprey can be moved on the frame and fixed in two positions. Large jockey wheel for added ease of use High maneuverability of the device. Ruccias are rubberized and do not leave corns during long work. Maximum strength of constituent elements Only metal FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Condition:   brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging. READY FOR THE END!    One of the main advantages of this model is its universal design, due to which it is possible to achieve the most correct, high-quality and fast speed of soil preparation. Strong steel base frame accommodates special units, the main purpose of which is to carry out certain technological operations. The cultivator form of the manual model presented fully takes into account all the most necessary physiological characteristics of the plants to be processed, as well as the features of the worker. Due to the presence of a large and convenient support wheel in the device, it is quite easy to achieve a certain and constant depth of cultivation, which prevents damage to the roots of plants. Such a device is very easy to learn, it does not require much physical effort and does not take up much space in the room. The product successfully works both in reverse and in forward motion, which adds even more convenience when using. It is important for every customer to also know that during operation this type of cultivator is capable of self-cleaning. Together with the device, the manufacturing company supplies 3 working bodies to it, which differ in widths of 12.22 and 25 centimeters. The optimal daily load per working person is no more than 0.5 hectares (during the processing of row-spacing in the fields). Light weight and dimensions of the model. The cultivator wheel KR-1 is flat, without devormations, of the correct form. Not subject to deformation. It rotates very easily. Strong basic frame that has a special design. The osprey can be moved on the frame and fixed in two positions. Large jockey wheel for added ease of use High maneuverability of the device. Ruccias are rubberized and do not leave corns during long work. Maximum strength of constituent elements Only metal FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Condition:   brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging. READY FOR THE END!    Description Forte MKB-25 Lux If you are a farmer or just the owner of a small summer cottage, the Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator will become your indispensable assistant in the reliable preparation of the soil for sowing. Cultivation and high-quality cultivation occurs thanks to the built-in proprietary soil cutters. Forte MKB-25 Lux saves fuel and is virtually silent in operation. In this model, unlike the ICD-25, there is an improved air purifier. Appointment The main purpose of the model is the processing of row spacing, in other words, mechanized weeding. This is a cultivator in everyday life, consumers are often called propolnik. Features of the Forte MKB-25 Lux model: Two stroke engine The Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator is equipped with a powerful two-stroke single-cylinder engine. Volume - 51.7 cm3. Power - 2.5 horsepower. An advanced cooling system prevents the engine from overheating and significantly increases the duration of the work. The engine uses a mixture of oil and gasoline. Comfortable grip For the most convenient control, Forte developers installed all the controls on the handles. Even an inexperienced person can control the unit. Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator arms are collapsible. Due to this, the cultivator can be easily transported in the trunk. Robust housing Wear-resistant materials and high-quality plastic, significantly extend the life of this unit. Forte MKB-25 Lux is reliably protected from direct sunshine and excessive humidity. The frame is made of stainless steel. Despite its compactness, this unit withstands collisions with heavy objects. Passable wheels Convenient wheels are built into the Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator for easy transport. If necessary, the wheels can be easily lifted. Thanks to the high-quality design and reliable mounting of these wheels, maneuverability will be at the highest level. Characteristics Manufacturer - Forte Country of Origin - China Weight - 15 kg Number of gears - 1 forward Condition - New Warranty period - 12 months Type - Petrol Engine Type - 2-stroke Power -2.5 l. with. Maximum processing width -30 cm Maximum processing depth -15 cm Cultivator - yes The volume of the fuel tank is 3.6 l FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Condition:   brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging. READY FOR THE END!    Description Forte MKB-25 Lux If you are a farmer or just the owner of a small summer cottage, the Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator will become your indispensable assistant in the reliable preparation of the soil for sowing. Cultivation and high-quality cultivation occurs thanks to the built-in proprietary soil cutters. Forte MKB-25 Lux saves fuel and is virtually silent in operation. In this model, unlike the ICD-25, there is an improved air purifier. Appointment The main purpose of the model is the processing of row spacing, in other words, mechanized weeding. This is a cultivator in everyday life, consumers are often called propolnik. Features of the Forte MKB-25 Lux model: Two stroke engine The Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator is equipped with a powerful two-stroke single-cylinder engine. Volume - 51.7 cm3. Power - 2.5 horsepower. An advanced cooling system prevents the engine from overheating and significantly increases the duration of the work. The engine uses a mixture of oil and gasoline. Comfortable grip For the most convenient control, Forte developers installed all the controls on the handles. Even an inexperienced person can control the unit. Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator arms are collapsible. Due to this, the cultivator can be easily transported in the trunk. Robust housing Wear-resistant materials and high-quality plastic, significantly extend the life of this unit. Forte MKB-25 Lux is reliably protected from direct sunshine and excessive humidity. The frame is made of stainless steel. Despite its compactness, this unit withstands collisions with heavy objects. Passable wheels Convenient wheels are built into the Forte MKB-25 Lux cultivator for easy transport. If necessary, the wheels can be easily lifted. Thanks to the high-quality design and reliable mounting of these wheels, maneuverability will be at the highest level. Characteristics Manufacturer - Forte Country of Origin - China Weight - 15 kg Number of gears - 1 forward Condition - New Warranty period - 12 months Type - Petrol Engine Type - 2-stroke Power -2.5 l. with. Maximum processing width -30 cm Maximum processing depth -15 cm Cultivator - yes The volume of the fuel tank is 3.6 l FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Cutter Head for Wood Jointer Planer . D=295mm B=80mm Made in Ukraine. It is a newer design that uses the concept of carbide insert tooling rather than traditional straight knives installed in the cutter head. Body material - aluminum alloy. Outer Diameter (Body Dia) - 295 mm Cutting Length - 80 mm Bore - 80 mm We can produce a shaper cutter head of any size and any diameter of the hole for your orders. Do not hesitate to ask questions and make requests..
Vendor: Lugmik
Save 10%
Crochet Daisy flowers 2 sizes, pattern PDF. These lovely crochet daisy flowers perfect for home decoration all year round, it can be used in a baby room, living room, or fireplace, as a garland on the wall, as outside decoration in the garden. It can be used for baby showers, wedding decor or party decor. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description. Approximately sizes of flowers 2 1/3” (6 cm.) and 1 3/4" (4,5 cm.) in diameter. You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), 4ply. - hook B (2 mm.) - needle, scissors You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$2.90 $2.61
Deer sculpture made of artificial grass The sculpture is available. the sculpture does not need maintenance We make any sculptures of different sizes on request. The price of the figure is $ 2150 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Its weight is 88.2 lbs. deer 55.1 (140cm) high, 47.2 (120cm) long and 21.7 (55cm) deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The sculpture is made of materials that cannot be destroyed by weather conditions. The artificial grass sculpture is unique and requires absolutely no maintenance. A great option for decorating the yard and landscaping. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Artificial Grass Fawn Sculpture The sculpture is available. sculpture does not require maintenance On request, we make any sculptures of different sizes. The cost of the figure is $ 1800 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Its weight is 75.2 lbs. small deer 39.4(100см) inches high, 55.1(140см) inches long and 11.8 (30см) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The sculpture is made of materials that cannot be destroyed by weather conditions. The artificial grass sculpture is unique and requires absolutely no maintenance. A great option for decorating the yard and landscaping. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Outdoor sculptures, large, can be placed indoors, landscape design, in stock, we can do something else on order The composition is in stock, we sell both together and separately. Composition of deer, unique sculptures of artificial grass, maintenance-free The price of a deer is $ 1800 and a deer is $ 2150 with delivery to the customer's door. Price per composition $ 3950 with home delivery Delivery: There will be air. Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.7 (45 mm) inches (Belgium) weight of the whole composition 165,3 lbs. middle deer 55.1(140см) inches high, 47.2(120см) inches long and 21.6 (55см) inches deep. small deer 39.4(100см) inches high, 55.1(140см) inches long and 11.8 (30м) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The composition is made of materials that can not be destroyed under the influence of weather conditions. The sculpture made of artificial grass is unique in its kind and requires absolutely no care. A great option for decorating the courtyard and landscaping. tel.38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram), write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Designer bedside table lamps, Table lights for bedroom, Modern nightstand lamps, Retro industrial lighting, Designer table lamps living room Table lamp "General of comfort" vendor code 01-06 Height: 35 cm (1ft 1.78in) Weight: 8.4 kg (18lb 8.30oz). Frame diameter: 19 cm (7.48in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze, fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Desk lamp industrial, Vintage edison light bulbs, Industrial look lighting, Industrial style bedside lamps, Edison style light bulbs Table lamp "Professor" vendor code 01-20 Height: 38 cm (1ft 2.96in) Weight: 10 kg (22lb 0.740oz). Frame diameter: 20 cm (7.87in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze. Fireproof rubber plug. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Lying Deckchair, camping chair
Vendor: CNCDicioni
Digital. Many beautiful flowers and trees.
Vendor: Ron Shop
Label: Funeral Industries Released: 2020 Official product Size: 91cm X 152cm
Vendor: Musical Hall
Electrical cord for greenhouse
Vendor: Metaplant
Handmade from Ukraine The figures are maintenance-free, moisture and UV resistant. We can custom-make absolutely any sculpture made of artificial grass and with metal inserts. This figure is made from 2 - 3 weeks. The price of the figure is $ 5250 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 176,37 lbs. Size 86.6 (220см) inches high, 114.2 (290см) inches long and 39.4 (100см) inches deep. with horns, body width 27.6 (70см) inches. much more beautiful than the picture! Life-size moose topiary made of artificial grass. Created using 3D modeling technology, which allows you to achieve high-precision repetition of real forms of a living animal. Handmade Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Nowadays, more and more people would choose some flower plants as home decoration in living room, balcony, bedroom or small corners, presenting a different style to home and making the home vibrant & charming. The Bashta L can be used as a plant stand, bookcase, bathroom cabinet, storage organizer in your living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, office, corridor or any other space. Bashta L is a kind of flower stand with a relatively new material. Bamboo products are more durable than ordinary materials and have a unique design. Nowadays, people are advocating green life, and the bamboo floor stand is a good interpretation of the concept of green life. Grow lamp; Headlamps original structure made of aluminum tubes having excellent performance on heat removal. The use of full spectrum LM301B LEDs, specially developed by Samsung for plants. Low voltage 12V power supply ensures safe operation of the system for people and pets. Features: 1, Shelves Made of natural bamboo, it is of good quality. 2, Excellent design in saving space and good display. 3, Eco-friendly paint, non-toxic and odor-free, harmless to human body. Dimensions: Height:144cm (56.69”) Length:33cm (13”) Width:33cm (13”)
Vendor: Metaplant
I am a beautiful flower. Right ? Size 2 inches (10 cm.) Handmade from cotton yarn and filled with hypoallergenic filling. Thanks for you purchase! I will come to you from Ukraine.
Vendor: WormBuddies
Folding Garden Knife USSR Vintage Soviet Original Collectible Knive Rare Old, Folding Garden Knife, Garden Knife, USSR Knife, Knive Material: metal plastic etc.. Condition and defects: there are scuffs, scratches, stains, traces of time, rust Folded length 11cm Unfolded length 18 cm For a better assessment, see the photo, consider your choice before buying, write for more information, I will be glad to answer Please note: - All vintage items sold in As-Is condition. - All vintage items sold in an unmodified form, we do not decorate or remodel items. - We try to make the most truthful photos, but real colors may slightly differ from their appearance on your display. - All photos are real - Your order will be packaged carefully to ensure it gets to you in perfect condition. - Usually shipping out from Ukraine takes 10-35 days. Our store works and complies with all the guarantees and rules of this trading platform. You can find and see many rare, vintage and antique items in our store. follow the link, we are always glad to see you. [O]
Introducing the Bashta XL plant stand, a stylish and practical way to display your favorite plants in any room of your home. Made with high-quality materials, this plant stand is designed to hold large and heavy pots up to 20 inches in diameter. It becomes more and more important nowadays to keep in touch with nature. Floristic accents in your home make the entire interior more cozy, comfortable and warm. Whether you have a big green monstera or a collection of dozen cute succulents in tiny pretty pots, the Bashta XL can be used as a plant stand, bookcase, bathroom cabinet, storage organizer in your living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, office, corridor or any other space. Crafted from durable steel with a sleek black powder-coated finish, the Bashta XL plant stand has a modern and minimalist look that will complement any decor style. The stand features four legs with adjustable feet, ensuring that it will remain stable on any surface, whether you place it on a carpeted floor or a hardwood surface. Bashta XL is a kind of flower stand with a relatively new material. Bamboo products are more durable than ordinary materials and have a unique design. Nowadays, people are advocating green life, and the bamboo floor stand is a good interpretation of the concept of green life. Assembly is quick and easy, with no tools required. The Bashta XL plant stand comes in a compact package and can be assembled in just a few minutes. Once assembled, it measures 15 inches tall, making it the perfect height for showcasing your plants in a prominent location. The shelves are made of natural bamboo, which is of good quality and provides an excellent design for saving space and good display. The eco-friendly paint is non-toxic and odor-free, harmless to the human body. Looking for a plant care solution that goes beyond just a stand? Bashta XL is the perfect choice. With the option to add a grow lamp, you can turn your plant stand into a plants grow light for your indoor planter. The headlamps original structure is made of aluminum tubes, which have excellent performance in heat removal. The use of full spectrum LM301B LEDs, specially developed by Samsung for plants, ensures healthy plant growth. The low voltage 12V power supply ensures safe operation of the system for people and pets. Looking for a portable shelves solution? The Bashta XL plant stand is the ideal choice. With dimensions of Height:142cm (55.9”), Length per shelf:38cm (14”), Width per shelf:62cm (24.4”), and Depth per shelf:33cm (13”), you can easily move it from room to room or even take it with you on the go. So why not add a touch of greenery to your home with the Bashta XL plant stand? It's a great way to bring the outdoors inside and create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in any room. Order yours today and enjoy the beauty of your plants in a stylish and practical way!
Vendor: Metaplant
Plant lighting system Metaflex TwiLight for home decor and special lamps for grow and plant care )) Metaflex TwiLight is a transformable frame system designed to illuminate flowers, seedlings, microgreens and other plants at home. Twin Light can also be used to illuminate aquariums. Two LED lamps with a total PAR value of 41.26 µMol / m2 / s provide plants with a similar light to the sun. Samsung LEDs with a luminous flux of 38.8 lm have the highest luminous efficacy of 220 lm / W.( one of the best grow lights on the market ) The "solar spectrum" of LEDs makes it possible to grow almost all types of houseplants, seedlings and microgreens under such light. The system of movable hinges makes it possible to quickly transform the structure and change the direction of light over a wide range. The luminaires have a 360 ° rotation angle. The hinges of the supports have the same angle of rotation. The system is maximally adapted for placement on a windowsill, and is available for installation even on the narrowest surfaces - 20 cm wide. Convenient lamp height adjustment allows you to set the required distance to the top leaves of plants as they grow, up to a maximum height of 112 cm. Due to the low supply voltage of 12V lamps, the system is safe for people and pets. The frame of the device consists of thin-walled metal tubes Ø12mm coated with polymer paint using powder technology. Simplicity and ease of assembly allows you to assemble (disassemble) the system within 2-3 minutes. Metaflex TwiLight Package A set of tubes for assembling the frame - 7 pcs A set of additional tubes to increase the height of the luminaire - 2 pcs. Led lamps - 2 pieces Set of plastic connectors - 10 pcs Power adapter 110-220v / 5v - 1 pc USB / 2pin power cord, 1m - 1 pc
Vendor: Metaplant
Indoor Grow Light Greenhouse for Succulent and Cactus Care - Mini Greenhouse with Sezam XL Grow Light Looking for a way to care for your succulents and cacti year-round? Look no further than our Indoor Grow Light Greenhouse for Succulent and Cactus Care! This mini greenhouse with grow lights is perfect for creating an ideal environment for your plants to thrive indoors. Equipped with a Sezam XL grow light, this indoor greenhouse kit with grow light provides your plants with the perfect amount of light to grow and flourish. The small portable greenhouse design allows you to move it easily from room to room, ensuring your plants get the light they need no matter where you are. Our greenhouse shelves are perfect for displaying your succulent and cactus planters, creating a beautiful green space inside your home. The succulent frame adds a decorative touch, making it a beautiful addition to any room. This small greenhouse is made from high-quality materials, ensuring it will last for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, our indoor plant greenhouse is the perfect addition to your home for succulent and cactus care. Don't let limited space or bad weather prevent you from enjoying the beauty of plants - order your Indoor Grow Light Greenhouse for Succulent and Cactus Care today and create a beautiful indoor garden! *Succulent and Cactus models provide your plants with exactly required amount of sunlight without any risk of damage as it can be with natural lighting. ! Succulent addition equipped with 4 lamps ! Cactus addition equipped with 8 lamps Do not use cactus addition for soft succulents as there is a possible risk of damage. ⚠ Before putting the cover on be sure that you connected all details properly! Put the greenhouse on the floor and push on every connection. If everything connected as it is supposed to, cover will fit the frame perfectly. Afterwards, turn on the light and don’t close zipper for 12 hours, it will make the cover soft and greenhouse will work for you much longer.
Vendor: Metaplant
Micro greenhouse with grow light for indoor plant care Broody Sezam L Get your indoor plant growing started with our Mini Greenhouse Sezam L With Grow Light! This portable greenhouse is the perfect solution for growing seedlings, microgreens, and small plants indoors. Equipped with a powerful grow light, this mini greenhouse with grow light provides your plants with the light they need to grow and thrive. The small greenhouse design is perfect for those with limited space, while the humidity trays and tent provide the perfect growing environment for your indoor plants. Our greenhouse terrarium is perfect for creating a beautiful indoor garden, and our microgreens growing kit makes it easy to get started. The microgreens kit includes everything you need to start growing microgreens at home, including seeds and instructions. This small greenhouse is made from high-quality materials, ensuring it will last for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, our indoor planter kit with grow lights is the perfect addition to your home for growing microgreens, seedlings, and small plants. Don't let limited space or bad weather prevent you from enjoying the beauty of plants - order your Mini Greenhouse Sezam L With Grow Light today and start growing your indoor garden! TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Mains voltage 110-220 v Supply voltage lamps 12 v Lamp power 6.9W Luminaire spectrum Full Spectrum Number of LEDs (Samsung LM301B) 20 Number of additional LEDs (optional) 4 Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) 106 µMol/m2/s Illuminance 1512 Lx 7188 Lx luminous flux (v) 1517 Lm Luminous performance 220 Lm/W Infrared rejection (IRR) 22,57 W/m2 Color rendering index CRI (Ra) 85,66% Correlated color temperature (CCT) 3317 К Box size assembled 650 x 600 x 400 mm Packing size 730 x 110 x 110 mm Weight of packing 1.5 kg
Vendor: Metaplant
It becomes more and more important nowadays to keep in touch with nature. Floristic accents in your home make the entire interior more cozy, comfortable warm. No matter if it is a big green monstera or a collection of dozen cute succulents in tiny pretty pots. Bashta XL can be used as a plant stand, bookcase, bathroom cabinet, storage organizer in your living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, office, corridor or any other space. Bashta XL is a kind of flower stand with a relatively new material. Bamboo products are more durable than ordinary materials and have a unique design. Nowadays, people are advocating green life, and the bamboo floor stand is a good interpretation of the concept of green life. Grow lamp; Headlamps original structure made of aluminum tubes having excellent performance on heat removal. The use of full spectrum LM301B LEDs, specially developed by Samsung for plants. Low voltage 12V power supply ensures safe operation of the system for people and pets. Features: 1, Shelves Made of natural bamboo, it is of good quality. 2, Excellent design in saving space and good display. 3, Eco-friendly paint, non-toxic and odor-free, harmless to human body. Dimensions: Height:142cm (55.9”) Length per shelf:38cm (14”) Width per shelf:62cm (24.4”) Depth per shelf:33cm (13”)
Vendor: Metaplant
Plant lighting system Metaflex TwiLight for home decor and special lamps for grow and plant care )) Metaflex TwiLight is a transformable frame system designed to illuminate flowers, seedlings, microgreens and other plants at home. Twin Light can also be used to illuminate aquariums. Two LED lamps with a total PAR value of 41.26 µMol / m2 / s provide plants with a similar light to the sun. Samsung LEDs with a luminous flux of 38.8 lm have the highest luminous efficacy of 220 lm / W.( one of the best grow lights on the market ) The "solar spectrum" of LEDs makes it possible to grow almost all types of houseplants, seedlings and microgreens under such light. The system of movable hinges makes it possible to quickly transform the structure and change the direction of light over a wide range. The luminaires have a 360 ° rotation angle. The hinges of the supports have the same angle of rotation. The system is maximally adapted for placement on a windowsill, and is available for installation even on the narrowest surfaces - 20 cm wide. Convenient lamp height adjustment allows you to set the required distance to the top leaves of plants as they grow, up to a maximum height of 112 cm. Due to the low supply voltage of 12V lamps, the system is safe for people and pets. The frame of the device consists of thin-walled metal tubes Ø12mm coated with polymer paint using powder technology. Simplicity and ease of assembly allows you to assemble (disassemble) the system within 2-3 minutes. Metaflex TwiLight Package A set of tubes for assembling the frame - 7 pcs A set of additional tubes to increase the height of the luminaire - 2 pcs. Led lamps - 2 pieces Set of plastic connectors - 10 pcs Power adapter 110-220v / 5v - 1 pc USB / 2pin power cord, 1m - 1 pc
Vendor: Metaplant
Mini greenhouse with grow light for indoor plant care Broody Sezam L Sezam L is a mini greenhouse for the home. It consists of a phyto-light, a durable aluminum frame and a transparent PVC cover of 250 micron film. Mini-greenhouse Broody New Sezam L is designed for growing house plants, seedlings, flowers in a city apartment. Original Broody ™ luminaires Full spectrum Samsung LEDs are used- the best on the market for Phyto light today. The advantage of such LEDs is the full solar spectrum, which makes it possible for the plant to receive light for development, similar to natural. Best light for microgreen, seed, home flower The integrated Phyto-light system is designed to increase the lighting intensity of plants in conditions of insufficient light solar, such as a shady room, northern latitudes of the globe, winter season, etc. Phyto lamp Sezam can be used both for growing microgreens and seedlings, and for the care of adult plants. The Sezam L lamp is powered by 12V, which makes the system safe for people and pets. Mini greenhouse Sezam L has a dismountable structure consisting of an aluminum frame and the external cover from the silicone film “flexible glass“. The outer transparent cover is designed to create a microclimate inside the system, and also protects houseplants from bad weather, cold, wind, rapid loss of temperature moisture. How it works Potted plants are placed inside the greenhouse. The integrated Phyto-light increases the luminous flux intensity and favorably affects the development of plants The outer transparent cover protects plants from wind and drafts. The greenhouse creates a stable microclimate that promotes healthy plant growth. Mini-greenhouse Sezam New L is designed for installation on balconies, loggias, terraces, as well as inside residential premises. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Mains voltage 110-220 v Supply voltage lamps 12 v Lamp power 6.9W Luminaire spectrum Full Spectrum Number of LEDs (Samsung LM301B) 20 Number of additional LEDs (optional) 4 Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) 106 µMol/m2/s Illuminance 1512 Lx 7188 Lx luminous flux (v) 1517 Lm Luminous performance 220 Lm/W Infrared rejection (IRR) 22,57 W/m2 Color rendering index CRI (Ra) 85,66% Correlated color temperature (CCT) 3317 К Box size assembled 650 x 600 x 400 mm Packing size 730 x 110 x 110 mm Weight of packing 1.5 kg
Vendor: Metaplant
Mini-greenhouse SEZAM XL for indoor plant care and interior design (apartment, balcony, terrace...) Provides optimal conditions for seed development and plant growth. Designed for growing seedlings, ornamental plants, flowers, succulents, micro-greens, bonsai. A transparent cover made of a 300 micron thick silicone film reliably protects plants from sudden changes in temperature and frosts, wind, and insects. The special transparency of this type of film (“flexible glass”) creates an excellent overview of the vegetation in the greenhouse. The collapsible frame structure consists of durable aluminum tubes with a diameter of 12 mm and can withstand a total load of 20 kg. The multi-story device makes it possible to compactly and conveniently place a mini-greenhouse in limited conditions of a balcony, loggia, apartment. Sezam XL takes up little space – an area of only 0.2 m2. If necessary, the cover can be removed and use the design as a light rack (plant shelf, plant stand) for home plants. The transparent cover is provided with a folding canopy-door with a zipper, providing easy access to plants for watering and care. Creating an optimal microclimate for plants in the mini-greenhouse Sezam XL allows you to quickly get excellent results. I)Model Sezam XL Lamp • Original Metaplant ™ luminaires use Full spectrum Samsung LEDs - the best on the market for Phyto light today. The PPF and PPF / W (PAR and PAR / W) of full spectrum LEDs significantly accelerate plant growth compared to narrow spectrum LEDs. In other words, you can grow plants in a completely dark room. II)TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: *Package size: 470x760x100 Dimensions: 24,8"x13,38"x56,30" Weight (gross, packaging): 13lb Number of tiers: – 3 Maximum load: – upper shelf: 11lb – middle shelf: 11lb – lower shelves: 22lb Manufacturer: Ukraine, Metaplant ™ Warranty 12 months ⚠ Before putting the cover on be sure that you connected all details properly! Put the greenhouse on the floor and push on every connection. If everything connected as it is supposed to, cover will fit the frame perfectly. Afterwards, turn on the light and don’t close zipper for 12 hours, it will make the cover soft and greenhouse will work for you much longer.
Vendor: Metaplant
Forged brazier is made of steel 3 mm. The legs are removable, the brazier is collapsible, it is assembled as a suitcase. Made by hot forging by hand. In a set: a brazier, a poker, a scoop, a cover. Dimensions: - Width - 450mm - Length - 300mm - Height - 510mm Usually the product is in stock. But if there is a need, please wait 20-30 days for me to do it. My works are handmade, so they may differ slightly from the photo, but will be as close as possible to them. I can send to any country. The actual color of the product may vary slightly from the photos shown on the website due to many factors such as the brightness of your monitor and the brightness of the light. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VISITING MY STORES:
Forged lamp, lighting, decor, cosiness, shine, owl, viking sconce, outdoor sculpture Wrought iron lanterns will give your home and garden an amazing atmosphere. They can be made in different shapes and designs depending on the style of your home. Install a few lanterns in your garden, you will forget forever about the unpleasant feeling of the dark night. Your attention we offer such a lantern format.It is possible to manufacture according to your sketch in the style of artistic forging. Lantern sizes: height -26 cm (10.25"), width - 18 cm (7.09") length 18 cm (7.09"). Branch length-82 cm (32.3") Height of the owl -34 cm (13") Color: metal-black with bronze and silver patina. I do not keep it usually available. Please allow 20-30 days for its making The owl comes off (for a purpose of safety transportation) and it is fixed with two screws through a branch. The screw-nuts below a branch are covered by a flexiable leaf to hide them. It will give you a possiblity to fix an owl either on one side of a branch or on the other side of a branch. The owl can differ each time from that which is on listing photos. You will not have a wall sconce on the listing but you will have a very close copy of it due to a hand work. I can send it to any country. It can be shipped in several parcels (with several tracking numbers) due to size/weight/value restrictions. We embody the most daring ideas of clients in the field of art forging. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness. MANY THANKS FOR VISITING MY SHOP:
forged lantern, sconce, chandelier, owl, sculpture, forged lamp theme, forged bird, exclusive gift Illumination of the courtyard and the adjacent territory is one of the most important elements of equipping the site. Not only your safety and the design of the yard, but also the comfort of your evening rest will depend on the successful location of the light sources. Today, forged lanterns for outdoor use have become very popular. Their exquisite design will leave no one indifferent. In addition to aesthetics, the value of forged street lamps lies in the fact that they are an investment in the future, because such lamps are durable: they are not afraid of atmospheric phenomena or vandals. I do not keep it usually available. Please allow 20-30 days for its making You will not have a wall sconce on the listing but you will have a very close copy of it due to a hand work. I can send it to any country. It can be shipped in several parcels (with several tracking numbers) due to size/weight/value restrictions. We embody the most daring ideas of clients in the field of art forging. The master with understand relate to the customer's desire to receive an elegant and individual masterpiece. It can forge almost any product. The products decorate the interior and exterior of many satisfied customers. In addition, we offer designs made by hot forging. The master will always be able to find the optimal solution, depending on the taste and wishes I keep a close eye on the goods to keep them in stock. If the product is sold out, I can usually replenish it in a few days. If any of the items you see need modification to better suit your specific needs, feel free to contact me and I will try to help you! . MANY THANKS FOR VISITING MY SHOP:
forged sculpture, forged owl, bird, hand sculpture, metal sculpture, iron bird Today, hand-made forged sculptures have become very popular. Your attention is provided with a sculpture of an owl, which is made according to the author's design and will be a wonderful decoration for your home or garden. An owl is a symbol of wisdom, so it is the perfect gift for a person in which you want to emphasize these qualities. Usually the product is in stock. But if there is a need, please wait 20-30 days for me to do it. My works are handmade, so they may differ slightly from the photo, but will be as close as possible to them. I can send to any country. The actual color of the product may vary slightly from the photos shown on the website due to many factors such as the brightness of your monitor and the brightness of the light. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VISITING MY STORES:
We accept and send orders ???????? Unique design and style. Built for comfort and quality built to last. Go out to the yard, sit back and relax in this sturdy hand crafted chair! . Other colors of our chairs§ion_id=36266116 Handcrafted by Ukrainen craftsmen. **************************** DIMENSIONS: ★ Height: 90 cm, 36 inch ★ Width: 60cm, 24 inch ★ Weight 8 kg, 17lb MATERIAL & FINISHING ★ Wood: pine or alder tree ★ Finishing: natural Oiled in nut ★ Fastening: natural rope **************************** Why choose our accent chairs? ★ STRONG & DURABLE Handcrafted from tree, treated with natural black oil for superior look, feel and durability. They can easily withstand the wear and tear of daily use and are sure to remain functional for a very long period of time. ★ COMFORTABLE Lounge back, relax and live the moment. Or adjust the chair in more straight position for reading, typing on your notebook or conversations with friends. ★ FOLDABLE Easy to fold away when not in use or bring out at a moment’s notice. Folding chairs are easily moved around giving you the ability to design your space. **************************** ★ PRODUCTION TIME Our typical production time is 1-3 working days, depending on the order quantity. We will confirm estimated ship date with order confirmation.
Vendor: MohoWoodKids
We accept and send orders ???????? Unique design and style. Built for comfort and quality built to last. Go out to the yard, sit back and relax in this sturdy hand crafted chair! . Other colors of our chairs§ion_id=36266116 Handcrafted by Ukrainen craftsmen. **************************** DIMENSIONS: ★ Height: 90 cm, 36 inch ★ Width: 60cm, 24 inch ★ Weight 8 kg, 17lb MATERIAL & FINISHING ★ Wood: pine or alder tree ★ Finishing: natural Oiled in oak ★ Fastening: natural rope **************************** Why choose our accent chairs? ★ STRONG & DURABLE Handcrafted from tree, treated with natural black oil for superior look, feel and durability. They can easily withstand the wear and tear of daily use and are sure to remain functional for a very long period of time. ★ COMFORTABLE Lounge back, relax and live the moment. Or adjust the chair in more straight position for reading, typing on your notebook or conversations with friends. ★ FOLDABLE Easy to fold away when not in use or bring out at a moment’s notice. Folding chairs are easily moved around giving you the ability to design your space. **************************** ★ PRODUCTION TIME Our typical production time is 1-3 working days, depending on the order quantity. We will confirm estimated ship date with order confirmation.
Vendor: MohoWoodKids
Crochet Frog coaster/aplique pattern digital download. This is a PDF CROCHET PATTERN only! Create an original decoration for Halloween or any other celebration. You can make in a different color. This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the chain, crochet in rounds, double crochet. Pattern is in standard US terms. Approximately 3” (8cm.) wide. You will need: - cotton blend yarn Green ( Alize Cotton Gold) - hook B (2 mm.) The pdf file contains a step-by-step description, lots of photos and crocheting pattern. Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a frog. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! Kind regards, Tanya.
Vendor: tappleta
Application of the SMK-1 model Manual seeder SMK-1 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 1 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Packing size Weight - 2kg Height - 120 mm Width - 80 mm Length - 130 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision Seeder Vegetable 1 Row Manual Planter sowing small seeds Complete with 2 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 2-piece bushings for $ 5.99. A precision precision seeder helps you to easily and conveniently sow a lot of grain and vegetable crops. This seeder is small, lightweight, which greatly facilitates its transportation and operation. In addition, with this seeder you will save on seed by not consuming it, as is the case with precise sowing. A distinctive feature of this seeder is its simple design and easy maintenance, and the use of a special design seed drill prevents seed damage. The seeder consists of a metering unit housing on which a seed hopper is fixed, a shaft with a metering sleeve and drive wheels. The sowing bushes have recesses made in a circle with different pitch and different depths for different types of seeds. A limiter brush is located in the hopper, which leaves one or more seeds in the recesses of the metering sleeve, depending on their size. The brush should be adjusted so that its bristles touch the surface of the metering sleeve. The volume of the seed tank is 0.17 liters. Specifications Manufacturer - LAN Country of production - Ukraine Condition - New The number of sowing rows -1.0 The number of bins -1 pcs. Hopper volume -0.75 cu dm Length -230.0 mm Width -310.0 mm Height -160.0 mm Weight -1.6 kg FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Application of the SMK-1 model Manual seeder SMK-1 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 1 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Packing size Weight - 2kg Height - 120 mm Width - 80 mm Length - 130 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision Seeder Vegetable 1 Row Manual Planter sowing small seeds Complete with 2 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 2-piece bushings for $ 5.99. A precision precision seeder helps you to easily and conveniently sow a lot of grain and vegetable crops. This seeder is small, lightweight, which greatly facilitates its transportation and operation. In addition, with this seeder you will save on seed by not consuming it, as is the case with precise sowing. A distinctive feature of this seeder is its simple design and easy maintenance, and the use of a special design seed drill prevents seed damage. The seeder consists of a metering unit housing on which a seed hopper is fixed, a shaft with a metering sleeve and drive wheels. The sowing bushes have recesses made in a circle with different pitch and different depths for different types of seeds. A limiter brush is located in the hopper, which leaves one or more seeds in the recesses of the metering sleeve, depending on their size. The brush should be adjusted so that its bristles touch the surface of the metering sleeve. The volume of the seed tank is 0.17 liters. Specifications Manufacturer - LAN Country of production - Ukraine Condition - New The number of sowing rows -1.0 The number of bins -1 pcs. Hopper volume -0.75 cu dm Length -230.0 mm Width -310.0 mm Height -160.0 mm Weight -1.6 kg FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Complete with 2 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 2-piece bushings for $ 6.99. Application of the SMK-2 model Manual seeder SMK-2 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 2 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 3 Type of the sowing device - VPS27 Row spacing - 60-240mm Packing size Weight - 2kg Height - 230 mm Width - 360 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Complete with 4 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 4-piece bushings for $ 12. Application of the SMK-4 model Manual seeder SMK-4 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 4 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Type of the sowing device - VPS27 Row spacing - 60-120mm Packing size Weight - 3 kg Height - 230 mm Width - 360 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Complete with 4 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 4-piece bushings for $ 12. Application of the SMK-4 model Manual seeder SMK-4 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows - 4 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Type of the sowing device - VPS27 Row spacing - 60-120mm Packing size Weight - 3 kg Height - 230 mm Width - 360 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Complete with 5 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 5-piece bushings for $ 15. Application of the SMK-5 model Manual seeder SMK-5 VPS27 / 1-10 / 4 - a device that is used in agriculture for manual row sowing of various small-seeded crops both in greenhouses and on open soil cover. Thanks to the use of such a manual seeder, it turns out to carry out fast and accurate sowing of crops such as: Tomatoes cucumbers carrot; radish; bow; beet; parsley and others. Such products for sowing are distinguished by a special five sectional design with one row in the section, and the basis of such a product is a robust housing of the sowing mechanism, equipped with a special hopper for the fastest loading of seeds. The housing is also equipped with a reliable restrictive brush, and in the inner part of the shaft are interchangeable sowing sleeves, which can be quite easily actuated using the drive wheel. The principle of operation of this model is completely identical to the mechanism of operation of the SMK - 1 seeder. In order to establish the necessary seed uniformity as correctly as possible, careful adjustment of each apparatus for sowing crops is important. The special sleeve-sowing device has a special passive ejector, the diameter of the sleeve of which is 27 millimeters, and the width of the groove for the ejector is 1 millimeter. This model of seeders can be additionally equipped with VPS27 / 1-10 / 3 with a ejector, a thickness of 0.7 millimeters. The length of the wheel rim of such a device is 500 millimeters. The whole design of the product does not take up much space, is compact, in addition, it does not have a lot of weight, which makes it easy to use. It can be used by one person who can quickly and independently adjust the required distance between the seeds, primarily depending on the type of seeds and the correct adjustment of the brush limiter. Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - vegetable View - Manual Sowing method - ordinary Operating principle - mechanical Opener Type - Disc Type of seeding - accurate Number of rows -5 Seeding depth - 10-30mm The number of sections in a row - 1 Type of the sowing device - VPS27 Row spacing - 60-80mm Packing size Weight - 3 kg Height - 230 mm Width - 360 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision Seeder Vegetable 7 Row Manual Planter sowing small seeds Complete with 7 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 1-piece bushings for $ 1.99. Modular manual seeder for sowing small-seeded vegetables (carrots, + + radishes, + + parsley, + + cherries, + + cabbage, + + beets, + + peas, + + soy, + + salads, + + flower seeds, + + green manure, + + lawn grasses, + + vegetable seeds, + +), + + and other crops close to those listed by seed size and seeding rate. (cell size for seeds 3 mm, + ++ 4, + +5 mm, + + + 9 mm) (One to seven rows can be assembled from a seed seeder) 3 Seeder specifications: The seeder is a collapsible design. The number of rows sown simultaneously - 1 - 7. The row spacing is 60 mm. The seeder is 600 mm wide. Operating principle The principle of the seeder is based on the rotation of the sleeve of the sowing apparatus, + + into the calibrated recesses (3 mm, + ++ 4, + +5 mm, + + + 9 mm)) of which the seeds of the sowing culture get. The rubber limiter leaves one or more seeds in each recess of the sowing sleeve (depending on its adjustment), + + which are discharged into the furrow by an original design ejector. The sowing density depends on the pitch of the recesses in the sowing sleeve and the adjustment of the limiter. Sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil in an ordinary way with row spacing + + corresponding to the technology of sowing individual crops. After sowing, the soil is rolled up and, + + if necessary, + + mulch and water. After work, clear the drill from the ground and seed residue. Seeder device The seeder device consists of sowing units with seeder bins, + + planted on a common shaft. The seeder bushings of the seeder have a similar design and purpose, + + but are not interchangeable due to the different pitch of the recesses for the seeds. Each sowing unit is equipped with one sowing sleeve for sowing radish seeds, + + carrots, + + parsley and is fixed on the transverse draft of the seeder with the ability to adjust the row spacing. To ensure the reliability of the seeder and the accuracy of sowing, the seeder is equipped with a brush limiter and seed ejector. To establish the uniformity of sowing, careful adjustment of each sowing apparatus is necessary. Preparing the drill for work Set the required sowing rate, + + by installing the desired sowing sleeve on the shaft. Adjust the position of the brush seeding limiter to the desired number of seeds. Check and, if necessary, adjust the seeding rate by rolling the seeder with seeds on a flat surface. Sowing: Before sowing, pre-mark the bed. Sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil in an ordinary way with row spacing + + corresponding to the technology of sowing individual crops. After sowing, the soil is rolled up and, + + if necessary, + + mulch and water. After work, clear the drill from the ground and seed residue. Country of manufacture - Ukraine Opener Type - Keeled Type of the sowing device - Disk Aisle Width -60.0 (mm) Seeding Depth -40.0 (mm) The number of bins -7 pcs. Condition- New dimensions Length -650.0 (mm) Width -250.0 (mm) Height -250.0 (mm) Weight -4.5 (kg) FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision Seeder Vegetable 7 Row Manual Planter sowing small seeds Complete with 7 bushings, they will need to make slots for the seeds you plan to sow. The standard diameter of the slots in the bushings 3-4mm this size is suitable for seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, dill. For example, if you want to sow peas, you need to make a hole in the sleeve of a 7-9mm. The window in the seed sleeve is made with a drill. You can also buy one more set of 1-piece bushings for $ 1.99. Modular manual seeder for sowing small-seeded vegetables (carrots, + + radishes, + + parsley, + + cherries, + + cabbage, + + beets, + + peas, + + soy, + + salads, + + flower seeds, + + green manure, + + lawn grasses, + + vegetable seeds, + +), + + and other crops close to those listed by seed size and seeding rate. (cell size for seeds 3 mm, + ++ 4, + +5 mm, + + + 9 mm) (One to seven rows can be assembled from a seed seeder) 3 Seeder specifications: The seeder is a collapsible design. The number of rows sown simultaneously - 1 - 7. The row spacing is 60 mm. The seeder is 600 mm wide. Operating principle The principle of the seeder is based on the rotation of the sleeve of the sowing apparatus, + + into the calibrated recesses (3 mm, + ++ 4, + +5 mm, + + + 9 mm)) of which the seeds of the sowing culture get. The rubber limiter leaves one or more seeds in each recess of the sowing sleeve (depending on its adjustment), + + which are discharged into the furrow by an original design ejector. The sowing density depends on the pitch of the recesses in the sowing sleeve and the adjustment of the limiter. Sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil in an ordinary way with row spacing + + corresponding to the technology of sowing individual crops. After sowing, the soil is rolled up and, + + if necessary, + + mulch and water. After work, clear the drill from the ground and seed residue. Seeder device The seeder device consists of sowing units with seeder bins, + + planted on a common shaft. The seeder bushings of the seeder have a similar design and purpose, + + but are not interchangeable due to the different pitch of the recesses for the seeds. Each sowing unit is equipped with one sowing sleeve for sowing radish seeds, + + carrots, + + parsley and is fixed on the transverse draft of the seeder with the ability to adjust the row spacing. To ensure the reliability of the seeder and the accuracy of sowing, the seeder is equipped with a brush limiter and seed ejector. To establish the uniformity of sowing, careful adjustment of each sowing apparatus is necessary. Preparing the drill for work Set the required sowing rate, + + by installing the desired sowing sleeve on the shaft. Adjust the position of the brush seeding limiter to the desired number of seeds. Check and, if necessary, adjust the seeding rate by rolling the seeder with seeds on a flat surface. Sowing: Before sowing, pre-mark the bed. Sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil in an ordinary way with row spacing + + corresponding to the technology of sowing individual crops. After sowing, the soil is rolled up and, + + if necessary, + + mulch and water. After work, clear the drill from the ground and seed residue. Country of manufacture - Ukraine Opener Type - Keeled Type of the sowing device - Disk Aisle Width -60.0 (mm) Seeding Depth -40.0 (mm) The number of bins -7 pcs. Condition- New dimensions Length -650.0 (mm) Width -250.0 (mm) Height -250.0 (mm) Weight -4.5 (kg) FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision SKK large-seeder seeder Vegetable Manual Planter  With the advent of spring, you should think about preparing and sowing (planting) crops for a new crop. The times of manual tillage are long gone and mechanized devices and devices such as a seeder for large-seeded crops SKK are relevant. Easy to use CCM will significantly reduce the landing time and make this process more comfortable. Appointment The seeder model being manufactured in Ukraine is used for the nesting method of sowing vegetable crops with large seeds. The invention is also applicable to the planting of seed with sprouted sprouts. Under this criterion fall vegetables and fruits (seeds) of trees. Description The total height of the CCM is about 97 cm, the device is only 17 cm long and 6 cm wide. By - block composition of the structure includes: Pipe for landing made of steel; Valve equipped with a spring to return to its initial position; Hopper for receiving planting material. Design and functional features The sevalk is easy to assemble according to the complete drawing. A specially designed device makes sowing immediately under the film mulch feasible. This feature is very conducive to sowing pre-germinated seed of watermelon crops. The design of the CCM is designed for piece planting of seed. The reliability of the sevalka is ensured by the manufacture of its frame from profiled steel rolling. It is possible to regulate the nesting depth during planting. Sevalka principle of operation The result of the use of the device is the formation of a recess (nest) for planting seeds, and the supply of planting material to a preformed hole using a manual drive of the CCM. To achieve this goal, using a planting tube with a valve installed on it, a deepening in the soil is done separately for each seed taken. In this process of formation of the hole, the depth of penetration can be adjusted using a specialized stop located at the end of the pipe for landing. Then, with the help of a manual drive mechanism, the planting material is fed into a specifically selected recess. Actions to seal the recess-nests are put on the CCM operator or his assistant. Organization of the sowing process In advance of sowing, the sowing area should be marked. Sowing must be done, having prepared the soil well, with the formation of indentation, which corresponds to the technological principle of sowing individual crops. At the end of all processes, the sevalka is cleaned of contaminants produced by contact with the soil and seed. Specifications Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - special purpose (forest, meadow, greenhouse) View - Manual Sowing method - nesting Operating principle - mechanical Type of seeding - not exact Number of rows - 1 The number of sections in a row - 1 Packing size Weight - 1.9 kg Height - 970 mm Width - 60 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
Garden Metal Precision SKK large-seeder seeder Vegetable Manual Planter  With the advent of spring, you should think about preparing and sowing (planting) crops for a new crop. The times of manual tillage are long gone and mechanized devices and devices such as a seeder for large-seeded crops SKK are relevant. Easy to use CCM will significantly reduce the landing time and make this process more comfortable. Appointment The seeder model being manufactured in Ukraine is used for the nesting method of sowing vegetable crops with large seeds. The invention is also applicable to the planting of seed with sprouted sprouts. Under this criterion fall vegetables and fruits (seeds) of trees. Description The total height of the CCM is about 97 cm, the device is only 17 cm long and 6 cm wide. By - block composition of the structure includes: Pipe for landing made of steel; Valve equipped with a spring to return to its initial position; Hopper for receiving planting material. Design and functional features The sevalk is easy to assemble according to the complete drawing. A specially designed device makes sowing immediately under the film mulch feasible. This feature is very conducive to sowing pre-germinated seed of watermelon crops. The design of the CCM is designed for piece planting of seed. The reliability of the sevalka is ensured by the manufacture of its frame from profiled steel rolling. It is possible to regulate the nesting depth during planting. Sevalka principle of operation The result of the use of the device is the formation of a recess (nest) for planting seeds, and the supply of planting material to a preformed hole using a manual drive of the CCM. To achieve this goal, using a planting tube with a valve installed on it, a deepening in the soil is done separately for each seed taken. In this process of formation of the hole, the depth of penetration can be adjusted using a specialized stop located at the end of the pipe for landing. Then, with the help of a manual drive mechanism, the planting material is fed into a specifically selected recess. Actions to seal the recess-nests are put on the CCM operator or his assistant. Organization of the sowing process In advance of sowing, the sowing area should be marked. Sowing must be done, having prepared the soil well, with the formation of indentation, which corresponds to the technological principle of sowing individual crops. At the end of all processes, the sevalka is cleaned of contaminants produced by contact with the soil and seed. Specifications Manufacturer - Rosta Ukraine Country of origin - Ukraine Condition - New Appointment - special purpose (forest, meadow, greenhouse) View - Manual Sowing method - nesting Operating principle - mechanical Type of seeding - not exact Number of rows - 1 The number of sections in a row - 1 Packing size Weight - 1.9 kg Height - 970 mm Width - 60 mm Length - 170 mm FREE priority airmail shipping with tracking number Payment: We are accepting PAYPAL   We are accepting payments in the USA via Western Bid. Inc Payment must be made within 3 days  . Shipping: We send worldwide. We are shipping via registered airmail(UkrPoshta with tracking number) during 2-3 working days after payment is received. Usually it takes about 10-14 days for a package to arrive to Europe. 14 days to USA, Canada and Asia. 14-21 days to Australia. Delivery to Italy may take from 14 days up to 1 months. Returns:  14 days money back, buyer pays return shipping. If you have any question or problem, please kindly contact me before you leave negative feedback. I'll try our best to resolve the problems and I will service every customer as well as I can.
We accept and send orders ???????? Unique design and style. Built for comfort and quality built to last. Go out to the yard, sit back and relax in this sturdy hand crafted chair! . Other colors of our chairs§ion_id=36266116 Handcrafted by Ukrainen craftsmen. **************************** DIMENSIONS: ★ Height: 90 cm, 36 inch ★ Width: 60cm, 24 inch ★ Weight 8 kg, 17lb MATERIAL & FINISHING ★ Wood: pine or alder tree ★ Finishing: natural Oiled in nut ★ Fastening: natural rope **************************** Why choose our accent chairs? ★ STRONG & DURABLE Handcrafted from tree, treated with natural black oil for superior look, feel and durability. They can easily withstand the wear and tear of daily use and are sure to remain functional for a very long period of time. ★ COMFORTABLE Lounge back, relax and live the moment. Or adjust the chair in more straight position for reading, typing on your notebook or conversations with friends. ★ FOLDABLE Easy to fold away when not in use or bring out at a moment’s notice. Folding chairs are easily moved around giving you the ability to design your space. **************************** ★ PRODUCTION TIME Our typical production time is 1-3 working days, depending on the order quantity. We will confirm estimated ship date with order confirmation.
Vendor: MohoWoodKids
Artificial Grass Sculpture Dog The sculpture is available. sculpture does not require maintenance On request, we make any sculptures of different sizes. The cost of the figure is $ 1,700 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. Delivery time from 10-20 days Material: metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Its weight is 65.2 pounds. The dog is 39.4 (100cm) high, 47.2 (120cm) long and 13.8 (35cm) deep. The sculpture is made of materials that cannot be destroyed by weather conditions. The artificial grass sculpture is unique and requires absolutely no maintenance. A great option for decorating the yard and landscaping. Tel. 38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
Oh, this one is very very special! It was made based on the sketch of my 9-year old daughter) I'm really so excited!!! Hand sculptured planter for your favorite plants! You can change the hairdo as often as you like. A unique gift for any occasion. Also can be used as a multipurpose bowl, for candies, nuts, jewelry, make-up accessories, or whatever you like)) It's all about your fantasy! It could perfectly complete home interior or an office table. lt is glazed and fired at high temperature 2 times. High 12 cm (4,7 inches). The diameter is 6 cm (2,4 inches). Exact repetition is impossible! Colour may vary from screen to screen. If you order this item you'll get exactly the same planter which you see in the pictures. Down you can see an autograph and a year of creating. All our planters are totally hand-sculptured, we do not use any forms.
turkey sculpture. Create your landscape design original and unique We will make this sculpture in two weeks. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) Her weight is 143,3 lbs. Size 59 (150см) inches high, 51.2 (130см) inches long and 27.5 (70см) inches deep. The price of the figure is $ 3140 with delivery to the customer's door. Delivery: There will be air. we also combine artificial grass with metal, it looks very cool. Artificial grass is very soft, safe, does not stink, does not fade in the sun. the real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness. much more beautiful than the picture!
Vendor: TeamArt
Floor sculptures, large, can be placed indoors, landscape design. Everything is in stock, we sell both together and separately. Deer composition, unique sculptures made of artificial grass that do not require maintenance. We make any sculptures of different sizes on request. The price of a small deer is $ 1800 and a middle deer is $ 2150, and a big deer is $ 3990 with delivery to the customer's door. Price per composition $ 7940 with home delivery Delivery: There will be air. Material: Metal Fiberglass Artificial grass 1.4 (35 mm) inches (Belgium) weight of the whole composition 298 lbs. big deer106.3 (270см) inches high, 63 (160см) inches long and 35.4 (90см) inches deep. middle deer 55.1(140см) inches high, 47.2(120см) inches long and 21.6 (55см) inches deep. small deer 39.4(100см) inches high, 55.1(140см) inches long and 11.8 (30м) inches deep. in life is much more beautiful !! The composition is made of materials that can not be destroyed under the influence of weather conditions. The sculpture made of artificial grass is unique in its kind and requires absolutely no care. A great option for decorating the courtyard and landscaping. tel.38068 856 15 91 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram), write with pleasure I will answer
Vendor: TeamArt
graduation cap crochet pattern,mini graduation hat,small hat for amigurimi doll,crochet pattern pdf,no sew pattern, graduation small gift, graduation party decor, high school hat crochet,graduation hat charm, graduation cap keychain,Congrats end of school celebration, party favor
Save 10%
Crochet mini Graduation cap. Crochet Pattern PDF. No sew pattern begginer friendly. A very quick and easy project! You can make this mini Graduation cap for gift for graduation, Congrats end of school celebration, graduation party decoration or favor, keychain for memory about graduation, mini crochet hat accessory for amigurimi. Size 1 1/2 x 1 1/2” (4 x 4 cm.). Skill Level - Easy – Beginner Friendly This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for beginners and know the magic ring, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, increase. Pattern is in standard American terms. You can use the same pattern to make larger or smaller by using finer or bulkier yarn. You will need: - cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans), any yarn 4ply - hook B (2 mm.) - scissors, needle Disclaimer: This is PDF Crochet Pattern to make a cowboy hat. NOT the actual finished item. There will be no refunds for failure to read the listing description, this listing is clearly for a crochet pattern. Happy crocheting! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$1.90 $1.71
The Sezam home greenhouse protective cover is made of ultra-transparent silicone PVC film (250 microns thick), has no folds and allows you to observe the plants, at the same time being a protection for them. The detachable connection of the cover is made with a zipper-type fastener and allows you to have quick access to the plants for grooming or airing. The system of ventilation holes in the cover allows the air exchange with the outside environment necessary for the plants (houseplants). A humidity and temperature sensor built into the cover helps to control the climate inside the greenhouse.
Vendor: Metaplant
BBQ, mangal, hibachi grill 
Vendor: Campfire
В наличии 1 гирлянда из 6 разных фигур, остальные под заказ. Срок изготовления до 7 дней. Эта жуткая гирлянда на Хэллоуин была спроектирована и изготовлена вручную. Эта гирлянда станет отличным дополнением вашего дома на Хэллоуин, особенно для вечеринки. Идеально подходит для украшения любой комнаты или в качестве фона / реквизита для фотографий. Можно повесить на крючки (обвязанные петлями из мешковины) или на присосках на окнах, дверях, патио, зеркале в холле и т. Д. Длина гирлянды составляет 88 см (35 дюймов). В состав гирлянды входят: джутовый шнур длиной 35 сантиметров; 3 силиконовые присоски (легко снимаются), 6 фигурок из фетра на тему Хэллоуина, 6 деревянных мини-прищепок (+2 запасных). Весит 100 г (0,22 фунта). Фигурки: Красный Призрак имеет размеры 12 см в высоту, 10 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (5x4x0,8 дюйма) Зеленая летучая мышь-вампир имеет размеры 10 см в высоту, 9 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (4x3,5x0,8 дюйма) . Хеллоуинский гном с зеленым носом и шляпой летучей мыши имеет размеры 25 см в высоту, 11 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (10x4x0,8 дюйма) . Коричневый имбирный пряник. человек имеет размеры 10 см в высоту, 7,5 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (4x3x0,8 дюйма) . Белый призрак с надписью имеет размеры 9 см в высоту, 11 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (3,5x4x0,8 дюйма). Размер желтого призрака составляет 12 см в высоту и 10 см в ширину. x 2 см толщиной, (5x4x0,8 дюйма) Каждая фигурка сшита из цветного фетра, прошита нитками мулине, наполнена синтетическим пухом, украшена пуговицей, знаменем-надписью. К каждой фигурке привязана нить мулине, поэтому их можно отрегулировать по длине и расположить по мере необходимости или вообще удалить по мере необходимости. К каждой фигурке прикреплена деревянная мини-прищепка. Обратите внимание, это не игрушка и предназначена для декоративных целей. Все изделия вырезаны и сшиты вручную. Вы можете заказать гирлянду из тех фигурок, которые вам действительно нравятся. Только привидения или только мыши - вампиры, только гномы. Смотрите, выбирайте и заказывайте. Если у вас есть особые пожелания по размеру или какие-либо изменения в цвете предметов, количестве фигур на гирлянде, длине гирлянды, выберите индивидуальный заказ или сообщите мне, и я буду рад оформить заказ для вас. Обратите внимание, что гирлянды могут незначительно отличаться от изображения, так как каждая гирлянда уникально скроена и сшита вручную.
Vendor: Tashamarket
Save 16%
Hanging felt decoration on the theme of Halloween. Halloween decoration. This garland of cute felt pumpkins, bats and rainbows is perfect for adding to spooky shelves and hooks, as a gift in a BOO basket, or to hang from branches, cobwebs. use as Halloween props for seasonal photo shoots. Great decor for garden and home. (Designed for decorative use, NOT a TOY. Please hang it out of the reach of small children.) The original decoration is made of felt, carefully hand-sewn and/or embroidered. Halloween props are 100% handmade. The garland includes: 2 pumpkins 2 bats 1 rainbow This item is not a toy, please keep it out of the reach of small children. To clean, simply wipe with a cloth and cold water. Not suitable for washing machine or dryer This item is handcrafted so color and finish may vary from images above. The products are manufactured in a smoke-free home. Items are subject to sentiment, please deal with me directly on all matters. Thank you for taking the time to visit my store.
$45.00 $37.99
Handmade fastening set
Vendor: VikingShield