Home Decor

In Norse mythology, Ægir (Old Norse "sea") is a sea jötunn associated with the ocean. He is also known for being a friend of the gods and hosting elaborate parties for them. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Hand carved handly wooden statuette Heimdallr. In Norse mythology, Heimdallr is a god who possesses the resounding horn Gjallarhorn, owns the golden-maned horse Gulltoppr, has gold teeth, and is the son of Nine Mothers. Heimdallr is attested as possessing foreknowledge, keen eyesight and hearing, is described as "the whitest of the gods" and keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök while drinking fine mead in his dwelling Himinbjörg, located where the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst meets heaven. Heimdallr is said to be the originator of social classes among humanity and once regained Freyja's treasured possession Brísingamen while doing battle in the shape of a seal with Loki. Heimdallr and Loki are foretold to kill one another during the events of Ragnarök. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved handly wooden statuette Perun. Perun is the highest god of the pantheon and the god of thunder and lightning. His other attributes were fire, mountains, wind, the oak, iris, eagle, firmament, horses and carts, weapons and war. He was first associated with weapons made of stone and later with those of metal. Dimensions: 16 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Very beautifull set of 13 Nordic Gods. The statues are hand carwed from the linden wood. It would very nice fit into any home/pub decor! The set include: Odin, Thor, Freyja, Frig, Magni, Tyr, Heimdallr, Hel, Loki, Bragi, Iduna, Freyr, Baldr. It`s very great gift for him or her. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall/statue. Linden with mordant. On the back side is names on the runic language. One of a kind in the world. Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I`m shipping worldwide - 6-12 days shipping. [Please leave your Phone number in the 'notes for seller' for post messaging]
Vendor: Triumpho
Hod is a blind god, the brother of Baldr and a son of Odin and Frigg in Norse mythology. Tricked and guided by Loki, he shot the mistletoe arrow which was to slay the otherwise invulnerable Baldr. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. It`s a great original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Borr (Bor, Bur) is a Creator God and son of the first God Buri. He was the husband of Bestla, and the father of Odin, Vili and Ve, the first gods of Aesir. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. It`s a great original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved handly wooden statuette Týr . Týr is a god of war and will take mead, meat and blood for sacrifice. If a warrior carved the rune Tîwaz on his weapon he would be dedicating it to Týr and strengthen the outcome of a battle to be in his favor. He is the son of god Odin. Associated with law and heroic glory in Norse mythology Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Very detail and quality handcarved handly wooden statuette Morrígan. The Morrígan is a figure from Irish mythology. Morrígan is a goddess associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom and death in battle. She is also associated with sovereignty, the land and livestock. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Angrboða is a Jötunn (giantess), wife of Loki, and mother of Jörmungandr, Fenrir and Hel. She is the mother of monsters. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Bragi is the skaldic god of poetry in Norse mythology. He is the wise and learned bard. Bragi was originally the historical ninth-century bard Bragi Boddason. His poems were so outstandingly artful and moving that subsequent generations imagined that, upon his death, Odin had appointed him the court poet of Valhalla. This statue is amulet giving strength and health. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handmade decorative chess Queen and King figurines. The price is for BOTH - King and Queen chess statuettes. Material: Linden Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. The set of figurines is just a great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved handly wooden statuette Thor. Thor is one of the most prominent figures in Norse mythology. Thor is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility. The Warrior God Par Excellence. This statue is amulet giving strength and health. Dimensions: 20 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Baldr (also Balder, Baldur) is a god in Norse mythology, who is given a central role in the mythology. His precise function is, however, disputed. He is often interpreted as the god of love, peace, forgiveness, justice, light or purity, but he was not directly attested as a god of such. He is the second son of Odin and the goddess Frigg. His twin brother is the blind god Höðr. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved statuette Manannan mac Lir from beautiful Linden wood. Manannan mac Lir is Irish sea god from whom the name of the Isle of Man allegedly derived. Manannán appears also in Scottish and Manx legend, where he is known as Manannan mac y Leir ("little Mannan, son of the sea"). Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide. Shipping terms 5-12 days usually.
Vendor: Triumpho
In Norse mythology, Iðunn is a goddess associated with apples and youth. A number of theories surround Iðunn, including potential links to fertility, and her potential origin in Proto-Indo-European religion. Long the subject of artworks, Iðunn is sometimes referenced in modern popular culture. A number of theories surround Iðunn, including potential links to fertility, and her potential origin in Proto-Indo-European religion. Long the subject of artworks, Iðunn is sometimes referenced in modern popular culture. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
In Norse mythology, Njörðr is a god among the Vanir. Njord was particularly associated with wealth, fertility, the sea, and seafaring in historical Germanic religion. A saying among the Norse peoples held especially wealthy people to be “as rich as Njord.” Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon. Goddess Luna rules over the cycles of life and the tides of the ocean. Her magick powers include instinct, creativity, luck, femininity, water element, and safety in travel. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved handly wooden statuette Vidar. Vidar is one of the younger generation of gods who survive Ragnarok, the cataclysmic end of the cosmos in Norse mythology. This statue is amulet giving strength and health. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Vali is a Norse god whom we know only from a few scattered, passing references in Old Norse literature. He’s the son of the god Odin and the giantess Rindr. When the god Baldr was killed, Vali avenged his death by killing Baldr’s slayer, another obscure divine figure named Hodr The meaning and etymological origins of Vali’s name are unknown. The most convincing theory that has so far been put forth is that the name is derived from the Proto-Germanic word *waihalaR, “The Arguing One,” which connotes disputation and ultimately combat. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Freyr or Frey is one of the most important gods of Norse religion. Freyr was associated with sacral kingship, virility and prosperity, with sunshine and fair weather, and was pictured as a phallic fertility god. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved wooden statuette Odin. Odin is one of the most complex and enigmatic characters in Norse mythology, and perhaps in all of world literature. He’s a relentless seeker after and giver of wisdom, but he has little regard for communal values such as justice, fairness, or respect for law and convention. Dimensions: 20 cm tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved handly wooden statuette Freyja. Freyja is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Hand carved handled wooden statuette Thor. Thor is one of the most prominent figures in Norse mythology. Thor is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility. The Warrior God Par Excellence. This statue is amulet giving strength and health. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho
Handcarved wooden statuette Fenrir. Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology. Fenrir, together with Hel and the World Serpent is a child of Loki and giantess Angrboða. Fenrir has been the subject of artistic depictions, and he appears in literature. In the Prose Edda, additional information is given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr. Dimensions: 13 cmc tall. Handmade. One of a kind in the world. Its great and original gift! Your item will be shipped using a trackable service. A tracking number is available on request. If you need any assistance I am always happy to help with tracking your parcel - just contact me for assistance. I shipping from the Ukraine and i happy to ship worldwide.
Vendor: Triumpho