Home Decor

В наличии 1 гирлянда из 6 разных фигур, остальные под заказ. Срок изготовления до 7 дней. Эта жуткая гирлянда на Хэллоуин была спроектирована и изготовлена вручную. Эта гирлянда станет отличным дополнением вашего дома на Хэллоуин, особенно для вечеринки. Идеально подходит для украшения любой комнаты или в качестве фона / реквизита для фотографий. Можно повесить на крючки (обвязанные петлями из мешковины) или на присосках на окнах, дверях, патио, зеркале в холле и т. Д. Длина гирлянды составляет 88 см (35 дюймов). В состав гирлянды входят: джутовый шнур длиной 35 сантиметров; 3 силиконовые присоски (легко снимаются), 6 фигурок из фетра на тему Хэллоуина, 6 деревянных мини-прищепок (+2 запасных). Весит 100 г (0,22 фунта). Фигурки: Красный Призрак имеет размеры 12 см в высоту, 10 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (5x4x0,8 дюйма) Зеленая летучая мышь-вампир имеет размеры 10 см в высоту, 9 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (4x3,5x0,8 дюйма) . Хеллоуинский гном с зеленым носом и шляпой летучей мыши имеет размеры 25 см в высоту, 11 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (10x4x0,8 дюйма) . Коричневый имбирный пряник. человек имеет размеры 10 см в высоту, 7,5 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (4x3x0,8 дюйма) . Белый призрак с надписью имеет размеры 9 см в высоту, 11 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (3,5x4x0,8 дюйма). Размер желтого призрака составляет 12 см в высоту и 10 см в ширину. x 2 см толщиной, (5x4x0,8 дюйма) Каждая фигурка сшита из цветного фетра, прошита нитками мулине, наполнена синтетическим пухом, украшена пуговицей, знаменем-надписью. К каждой фигурке привязана нить мулине, поэтому их можно отрегулировать по длине и расположить по мере необходимости или вообще удалить по мере необходимости. К каждой фигурке прикреплена деревянная мини-прищепка. Обратите внимание, это не игрушка и предназначена для декоративных целей. Все изделия вырезаны и сшиты вручную. Вы можете заказать гирлянду из тех фигурок, которые вам действительно нравятся. Только привидения или только мыши - вампиры, только гномы. Смотрите, выбирайте и заказывайте. Если у вас есть особые пожелания по размеру или какие-либо изменения в цвете предметов, количестве фигур на гирлянде, длине гирлянды, выберите индивидуальный заказ или сообщите мне, и я буду рад оформить заказ для вас. Обратите внимание, что гирлянды могут незначительно отличаться от изображения, так как каждая гирлянда уникально скроена и сшита вручную.
Vendor: Tashamarket
В наличии есть 1 штука, если вам нужно больше, напишите мне. Я изготовлю и отправлю вам всех последующих гномов в течение 7 рабочих дней. Этот гном выполнен в очень красивом сочетании оранжевого и черного цветов. Борода гнома сделана из искусственного меха (серый с черным). Тело гнома выполнено из плюшевой ткани нежно-желтого цвета, приятного на ощупь. Шапка и руки гнома выполнены из оранжевого трикотажа, украшены изображениями тыквы и летучих мышей черного цвета. Верх шапки декорирован черными деревянными бусинами, а сверху одна большая бусина оранжевого цвета с отверстием, в которое вставляется красный шнур для подвешивания украшения. Шнур можно снять. В качестве наполнителя используется синтетический пух. В декоре шляпы использована черная роза, которая придает гному гламурный вид. Тапочки гнома пошиты из фетра двух цветов: оранжевый сверху и черный снизу. Все детали сшиты вручную, гипоаллергенны и максимально безвредны для человека и планеты. Гном может висеть или сидеть с опорой. Этот гном станет прекрасным украшением волшебного помещения на Хэллоуин и День Благодарения. НЕ ИГРУШКА. Просто украшение. Вы также можете проверить, выбрать другие варианты гномов и другие предметы ручной работы в моем магазине: https: // ... Ручная работа (моя). Каждый гномик шьется мной лично в моей мастерской в Кривом Роге, Украина. Все части гнома сшиваю вручную. Если вас интересуют какие-либо дополнительные сведения или вы хотите сделать индивидуальный заказ, напишите мне, и я с радостью отвечу на любые ваши вопросы.
Vendor: Tashamarket
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape   The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11.2 x 15.75 in (28 x 40 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11.2 x 15.75 in (28 x 40 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11.2 x 15.75 in (28 x 40 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 12.99 x 17.72 in (33x 45cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Save 5%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16 x 23 in (41x 59cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$420.00 $400.00
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape  The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11 x 16 in (28x 39,5cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 8 x 11 in (20 x 29cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 13 x 18 in (33x 45cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 15 x 22 in (37x 57cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a discreet grayscale design. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Save 9%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and scraping, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 15 x 22 in (37 x 57 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$550.00 $500.00
Save 9%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and scraping, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 15 x 22 in (37 x 57 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$550.00 $500.00
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and scraping, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 15 x 22 in (37 x 57 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.