Sewing & Needlecraft Supplies

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Пивные руны обладают очень мощной защитной силой. Руны пива (или победы) — это рунический посох, который используется для двух целей. Первое – защитить себя от негативного магического воздействия (порчи, сглаза). Второе – одержать победу, одержать победу, получить превосходство над противником. Руна Пива представляет собой последовательность из трех: Уруз-Наутиз-Беркана. Наутиз – направляющая руна. Оно означает строгую дисциплину, необходимые действия в трудных обстоятельствах, нужде. Магическое использование – защита от хаоса. Уруз — это сила в чистом виде, без направления. Магическое применение – получение поддержки для реализации планов, защита. Беркана — женская руна, спокойная и уравновешенная. Магическое применение – защита при воплощении идей в реальность, направление силы хаоса в мирное русло. В Пивной Руне сочетание трех рун создает не только мощную и жесткую защиту, но и благоприятные обстоятельства для реализации задуманного. Руническая форма Пива взаимодействует с энергией Вселенной. Получая его из космоса, затем передает его человеку. Это создает защитный барьер: талисман с руническим рисунком круглосуточно защищает своего владельца от опасностей внешнего мира.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.92
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
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Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.92
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Выкройка браслета своими руками RedStars Beaded Pattern Бисер: Miyuki Delica 11/0 / Stitch Loom / 31 столбец / 4 см / 1,65 дюйма, 70 рядов / 12,5 см / 4,82 дюйма. 4 цвета. Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно загрузить. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бисера (нумерация цветов, названия и необходимое количество) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цвета) - Таблица слов . Этот шаблон НЕ содержит инструкций. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения.
Vendor: OKomastra
$7.37 $4.79
Author's work-sketch and embroidery. Hand-made crib, Brazilian embroidery and rococo embroidery. Fabric-natural linen Spain. Finishing with natural lace, beads, beads. Nabita with synthetic winterizer. Size diameter-10 cm/3.9inch , height 2.5 cm/ 1.inch. This cute pincushion is a great gift for - crafter granny and quilter mom - creative friend who loves to sew - colleagues from the stitching group - seamstress and crafter - quilt retreats and guilds -brazilian embroidery
Author's work, create a sketch and embroider myself! Brazilian embroidery on white linen, made in Spain. Natural linen, thread DMC, filled with holofiber, decorated with natural lace and beads - to grandmother handmade and mother quilter - a creative friend who loves to sew - to colleagues from the group stitch - seamstresses and craftsmen - quilt retreats and guilds.Excellent gift for women,Gift of Mother's Day, handmade gift.Size diameter-10 cm / 3.9inch, height 3.5 cm / 1.3.inch.100 % Handmade, hand embroidered and sewn. Made with love and diligence.
Needle holder + 4 counting needles, sold in a set.Author's sketch and embroidery, embroidered and assembled by hand.Needle holder Roses Brazilian embroidery, decorated with braid leaves and pearls, in a pink ceramic stand. The needles do not fall through.Counting needles with caps assembled by hand, decorated with pearls and crystal beads, pandora beads. Size 6.5 cm-2.55 inches in diameter, 6.5 cm-2.55 inches high.Counting needles are 5 cm/1.9 inches long without cap.This cute needle holder is a great gift for - a crafter grandmother and quilter mom - a creative friend who loves to sew - a fellow stitch group - a seamstress and crafter - a quilt retreat and guild.100% handmade, hand embroidered and hand sewn by me. Made with love and diligen
Pillow pin-author's sketch, author's embroidery. Needles don't fall through! Embroidered in Brazilian technique on white, natural linen. Decorated with natural lace, micro-natural pearls in white and pink. The needle holder will decorate the workplace of a seamstress, tailor, needlewoman. Great gift for sister, mom, friend. Created by me with love and diligence.
Poppies of Ukraine — cross stitch pattern (K-0001) Simple and easy design of modern Ukrainian embroidery Design size: 62 x 116 stitches; Size for Aida 14: 12х 22 cm 2 colors, DMC Used stitches: cross-stitch, backstitch Skill level: Easy Pattern in PDF includes: black-and-white chart, color chart, list of DMC thread colors, symbols key table.
Machine embroidery Christian cross, Digital embroidery Cross designs, embroidery pattern Baptism cross, Church embroidery. This is an digital embroidery file, NOT a patch. You must have an embroidery machine to use these designs and knows how to transfer to your machine. ★Formats of each size: DST, EXP, PES, HUS, JEF, VIP, VP3, XXX ★5 Desing Size: Size 1 - W 1.93 x H 2.37 inch (49.0 x 60.0 mm)= 5640 stiches Size 2 - W 2.52 x H 2.76 inch (57.2 x 70.1 mm)= 6459 stiches Size 3 - W 2.57 x H 3.15 inch (65.2 x 80.0 mm)= 5686 stiches Size 4 - W 2.89 x H 3.55 inch (73.4 x 90.1 mm)= 6776 stiches Size 5 - W 3.2 x H 3.93 inch (81.2 x 99.8 mm)= 8580 stiches ★Number of colors: 1 ★If you require a different file format, size etc., which is not listed please email me first. Please make sure that your embroidery machine accept folowing formats (see technical information). ★You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item. Also you must have software to extract .ZIP file on your computer. This is NOT an iron on patch. ★Instant Download - embroidery design file (comprises of five .ZIP archive) . Downloading will be able in your personal download file page after payment. You will also receive an email from Etsy letting you know that your order is ready for download. I do not accept refunds on digital files in any way. ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥§ion_id=28346035 Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
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Изготовление браслета из бисера Миюки Делика с изображением рунической формулы (Феху-Душа-Одал-Вуньо) Руническая формула для привлечения успеха и процветания.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Руны. Самый мощный магический талисман, привлекающий удачу и счастье. Привлечь удачу (везение) в определенном деле. Формула успеха. Схема браслета на ткацком станке
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Этот рунический узор для браслета из бисера символизирует обеспечение безопасного путешествия, счастливого пути.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.92
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Схема для вышивания изображений бисером Миюки Делика11/0 Stitch Loom Столбики - 167/23 см./ 8,91 см./ Ряды - 65/11,5 см./ 4,47 см./ Цвета - 10 В данную схему входят: 1. Изображения готовая работа. 2.Легенда из бисера с указанием цвета, количества и количества бисерин. 3. Словарный чат с указанием рядов и порядка работы с бисером.
Vendor: OKomastra
$8.71 $5.66
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Схема изготовления картины «Чакры» из чешского круглого бисера. Сложность: средняя. Узор из бисера Бисер: Preciosa Rocialles 11/0, 19 цветов. Столбцы: 109/5,37, Строки: 67/5,72 дюйма. Данная схема состоит из: 1. Изображения готовой работы. 2.Легенда из бисера с указанием цвета, количества и количества бисерин. 3. Словарный чат с указанием рядов и порядка работы с бисером.
Vendor: OKomastra
$8.71 $5.66
Machine embroidery filigree ornament, Floral border embroidery designs, Trendy embroidery vintage frame. This is an digital embroidery file, NOT a patch. You must have an embroidery machine to use these designs and knows how to transfer to your machine. ★Formats of each size: DST, EXP, PES, HUS, JEF, VIP, VP3, XXX ★3 Desing Size: Size 1 - W 8,06 x H 1,30 inch (204 x 32,9 mm)= 4593 stiches Size 2 - W 5,91 x H 0,94 inch (150 x 24 mm)= 4458 stiches Size 3 - W 4,72 x H 0,76 inch (112,8 x 19,4 mm)= 3761 stiches ★Number of colors: 1 ★If you require a different file format, size etc., which is not listed please email me first. Please make sure that your embroidery machine accept folowing formats (see technical information). ★You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item. Also you must have software to extract .ZIP file on your computer. This is NOT an iron on patch. ★Instant Download - embroidery design file (comprises of three .ZIP archive) . Downloading will be able in your personal download file page after payment. You will also receive an email from Etsy letting you know that your order is ready for download. I do not accept refunds on digital files in any way. ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥§ion_id=28346035 Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
This amazing seed beads embroidery DIY kit is for creating your own hand Christmas tree decoration. The beadwork on a perforated wooden blank is easy enough even for a beginner. Such a Holiday ornament kit can make a perfect Advent calendar filler. The finished Xmas ball would be a perfect own-hand Home decoration for your Festive season. Level of difficulty: Beginner Size: 7.5*9cm Number of colors: 5 Number of beads: 974 pcs Item weight: 0.050 kg Material: plywood, beads   The kit includes: - a plywood perforated blank - quality Czech beads - beadwork thread and needles -  a printed embroidery scheme with the colors and amount of beads used  - instructions for embroidery with beads - felt or foam for backing Please note: this item is shipped from the USA. So your packages will have USA origin and label.
Vendor: Otstudia
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Set of runes made of wood (veneer Makare). The set contains a wooden box, 24 runes + 1 empty, velvet pouch, 1 pendant with a rune in the same style(random choice) Runes size: 2 cm x 3 cm(0.8 inch x 1.18 inch)
$50.00 $35.00
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Схема из бисера для создания изображения маленького желтого дракончика. Узор из бисера Бисер: Preciosa Rocialles 11/0, 19 цветов. Столбцы: 94/4,9. Строки: 79/6,74. Данная схема состоит из: 1. Изображения готовой работы. 2.Легенда из бисера с указанием цвета, количества и количества бисерин. 3. Словарный чат с указанием рядов и порядка работы с бисером.
Vendor: OKomastra
$7.37 $5.66
Sweet Carrots - cross stitch pattern K-0041 Sweet carrots will be perfect for any event: - Valentine's Day  - Healthy food - Symbol of the year of the rabbit - Congratulations to the dentist - Decor for Easter Design size: 63x96 stitches; Size for Aida 14: 12x18 cm 17 colors + 2 blends, DMC Used stitches: cross stitch, backstitch, half cross stitch Skill level: Easy Pattern in PDF includes: black-and-white chart, color chart, list of DMC thread colors, symbols key table.
Vintage Portable Blue Mini Hand Sewing Machine Lugan' Needlework Cordless DIY ♦  Portable solution for making fast on-the-spot mends to fabrics at home or on the road!  The Handheld Sewing Machine is a portable solution for making fast on-the-spot mends to fabrics at home or on the road without the need for a bulky sewing machine.  Its lightweight and powerful design make this hand held sewing machine an ideal accessory to be kept at home or on the go. Good condition. Case little damaged ♦ Please look around my shop to save on postage ;-) Antiques is an excellent financial investment, always raising its value! ♦ Payment: PayPal. ♦ Buyer pays for handling/airmail registered shipping worldwide - $16.50  ♦ Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or wish to combine shipping with other items.  ♦ Please look around my shop to save on postage ;-) Antiques is an excellent financial investment, always raising its value! ♦ Please look carefully through the pictures in order to get better idea of the item. I always sell what is shown in the pictures except when there is more than one from the same item. ♦ Please if you find a mistake in the listing description do not buy or bid the item but write me via email for it.  Thank you in advance.
Vendor: Retrarium
Machine embroidery wildflowers, Floral border embroidery designs, Flower embroidery, Digital embroidery meadow flowers. This is an digital embroidery file, NOT a patch. You must have an embroidery machine to use these designs and knows how to transfer to your machine. ★Formats of each size: DST, EXP, PES, HUS, JEF, VIP, VP3, XXX ★5 Desing Size: Size 1 - W 9.84 x H 6.91 inch (250.0 x 175.6 mm)= 10758 stiches Size 2 - W 7.87 x H 5.53 inch (200.0 x 140.4 mm)= 8780 stiches Size 3 - W 5.90 x H 4.15 inch (150.0 x 105.5 mm)= 6967 stiches Size 4 - W 3.94 x H 2.77 inch (100.0 x 70.3 mm)= 6101 stiches Size 5 - W 2.76 x H 1.94 inch (70.1 x 49.2 mm)= 4320 stiches ★Number of colors: 1 ★If you require a different file format, size etc., which is not listed please email me first. Please make sure that your embroidery machine accept folowing formats (see technical information). ★You MUST have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This listing is for the machine file only - not a finished item. Also you must have software to extract .ZIP file on your computer. This is NOT an iron on patch. ★Instant Download - embroidery design file (comprises of five .ZIP archive) . Downloading will be able in your personal download file page after payment. You will also receive an email from Etsy letting you know that your order is ready for download. I do not accept refunds on digital files in any way. ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥§ion_id=28346035 Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
Large cross stitch pattern - a fantastic school of wizards on the background of the night starry sky. This is a mystical magical kingdom from a popular movie. Great gift for Harry fans. The diagrams are prepared for instant download in PDF format. Fabric: 16 count Aida Stitches: 280 x 240 Size: 17.50 x 15.00 inches or 44.45 x 38.10 cm Colours: 31 (DMC) This digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 2 and 12 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 2, 12 and 15 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
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