Sewing & Needlecraft Supplies

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Пивные руны обладают очень мощной защитной силой. Руны пива (или победы) — это рунический посох, который используется для двух целей. Первое – защитить себя от негативного магического воздействия (порчи, сглаза). Второе – одержать победу, одержать победу, получить превосходство над противником. Руна Пива представляет собой последовательность из трех: Уруз-Наутиз-Беркана. Наутиз – направляющая руна. Оно означает строгую дисциплину, необходимые действия в трудных обстоятельствах, нужде. Магическое использование – защита от хаоса. Уруз — это сила в чистом виде, без направления. Магическое применение – получение поддержки для реализации планов, защита. Беркана — женская руна, спокойная и уравновешенная. Магическое применение – защита при воплощении идей в реальность, направление силы хаоса в мирное русло. В Пивной Руне сочетание трех рун создает не только мощную и жесткую защиту, но и благоприятные обстоятельства для реализации задуманного. Руническая форма Пива взаимодействует с энергией Вселенной. Получая его из космоса, затем передает его человеку. Это создает защитный барьер: талисман с руническим рисунком круглосуточно защищает своего владельца от опасностей внешнего мира.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.92
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Easy Pattern ЦИФРОВОЙ Выкройка колец Миюки Пейот для мгновенной загрузки, физический продукт не поставляется. Узор из бисера: Миюки Делика 11/0 / Стежок Пейот / 17 столбиков / 1,8 см / 0,9 дюйма, 49 рядов / 8,6 см / 3,41 дюйма. 5 цветов. Данная схема состоит из: 1)Изображения 2)Легенды из бисера с указанием цвета, количества и количества бисерин. 3) Словарный чат с указанием рядов и порядка работы с бисером. *Вы сможете скачать PDF-файл после подтверждения оплаты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$4.69 $3.05
Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
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Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно скачать. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бусин (нумерации цветов, названия и необходимые количества) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цветов) - Таблица слов Этот шаблон НЕ включает инструкции. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения. ◆ ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ЛИЧНОГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ Эта покупка предназначена только для личного использования. Вы не имеете права перепродавать этот рисунок в цифровой или физической форме. Вы можете продавать созданные вами браслеты.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.02 $3.92
Needlepoint + 3 counting needles, sold as a set.Author's sketch and embroidery, embroidered and assembled by hand.Strawberry needlepoint, Brazilian embroidery, decorated with braid-leaves and rhinestones Swarovski, in a red ceramic base. Needles do not fall through.Counting needles with caps are hand assembled, decorated with pearls and crystal beads, pandora beads. Size 6.5 cm-2.55 inches in diameter, 6.5 cm-2.55 inches high.Counting needles are 5 cm/1.9 inches long without the cap.This cute needlepoint is a great gift for - grandma crafter and quilter mom - creative friend who loves to sew - fellow stitch group - seamstress and crafter - quilt retreat and guild.100% hand made and hand embroidered and sewn by me. Made with love and diligence.
Author's work, create a sketch and embroider myself! Brazilian embroidery on white linen, made in Spain. Natural linen, thread DMC, filled with holofiber, decorated with natural lace and beads - to grandmother handmade and mother quilter - a creative friend who loves to sew - to colleagues from the group stitch - seamstresses and craftsmen - quilt retreats and guilds.Excellent gift for women,Gift of Mother's Day, handmade gift.Size diameter-10 cm / 3.9inch, height 3.5 cm / 1.3.inch.100 % Handmade, hand embroidered and sewn. Made with love and diligence.
Author's work-sketch and embroidery. Hand-made crib, Brazilian embroidery and rococo embroidery. Fabric-natural linen Spain. Finishing with natural lace, beads, beads. Nabita with synthetic winterizer. Size diameter-10 cm/3.9inch , height 2.5 cm/ 1.inch. This cute pincushion is a great gift for - crafter granny and quilter mom - creative friend who loves to sew - colleagues from the stitching group - seamstress and crafter - quilt retreats and guilds -brazilian embroidery
Apple with strawberries, author's needle bed. Embroidered with Brazilian embroidery. The leaves are decorated with Svorovsky crystals. Everything shines, looks great. Height without handle - 2.3.inch. Height with handle - 4.1.inch. Width 2.1.inch. The needle bed will be a wonderful gift for a tailor. Seamstress, needlewoman, mother, grandmother. Can decorate the house as decor. Made with love.
Needle holder + 4 counting needles, sold in a set.Author's sketch and embroidery, embroidered and assembled by hand.Needle holder Roses Brazilian embroidery, decorated with braid leaves and pearls, in a pink ceramic stand. The needles do not fall through.Counting needles with caps assembled by hand, decorated with pearls and crystal beads, pandora beads. Size 6.5 cm-2.55 inches in diameter, 6.5 cm-2.55 inches high.Counting needles are 5 cm/1.9 inches long without cap.This cute needle holder is a great gift for - a crafter grandmother and quilter mom - a creative friend who loves to sew - a fellow stitch group - a seamstress and crafter - a quilt retreat and guild.100% handmade, hand embroidered and hand sewn by me. Made with love and diligen
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Руны. Самый мощный магический талисман, привлекающий удачу и счастье. Привлечь удачу (везение) в определенном деле. Формула успеха. Схема браслета на ткацком станке
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
Первая часть оплаты пакет "Стандарт Эксклюзив" . Для того чтобы оплатить с карты выбирайте "strip"
Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya (forest rags - !!! addition to part 2) . Attention! This is the addition to part 2 (clothing - forest rags - addition). Crochet Pattern Witch Yaginya-Bereginya dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers. In this project, we will create with you Yaginya-Bereginya, who is not only a fairy-tale hero, but also she is called the keeper of the hearth. Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya: (clothing addition to part 2) - consists of 61 sheets and 168 photographs. CONTENTS MK Yaginya-Bereginya (clothing addition to part 2): - Materials - Symbols - Uggs - Blouse - Skirt - Raven Shawl -  The complexity of the master class is average. Crochet Pattern consists of two parts: Part 1 - Yaginya DOLL: with a detailed, step-by-step description and photo. Part 2 - Yaginya CLOTHING: detailed description with lots of high quality photos.  ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини. Внимание! "Лесные лохмотья" Это дополнение ко 2 части (одежда).  МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини посвящается всем, кто любит создавать сказку своими руками. Кому по душе мир фэнтези и приключений, мир волшебников и чародеев. В этом проекте мы создадим с вами Ягиню-Берегиню, которая является не только сказочным героем, а так же её называют хранительницей домашнего очага.  МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини - (одежда) - состоит из 61 листов и 168 фотографий. Сложность мастер–класса средняя. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МК Ягиня-Берегиня ("Лесные лохмотья" дополнение ко 2 части): - Материалы - Условные обозначения - Угги - Кацавейка - Юбка - Платок "Ворон" -   Мастер-класс состоит из двух частей: 1 часть - КУКЛА ЯГИНЯ: с подробным, пошаговым описанием и фото. 2 часть - ОДЕЖДА ЯГИНИ: подробное описание с большим количеством качественных фото. !!! PDF файл с выкройкой отправляю на Ваш email в течении 30 минут. (макс 3 часа)
$15.00 $14.99
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Crochet Pattern:  Gnome Frodo (Part 2: clothes).   Attention! This is Part 2: clothes . Crochet Pattern Gnome Frodo dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers.  CONTENTS:   - Materials - Knee Highs  - Underwear - Pants - Shirt - Collar - Moccasins - Cloak - Hat - Flashlight Attention! this instruction is only for knitting a clothes without doll, a PDF file is sent by email. - 136 pages of detailed descriptions! - 329 high quality photos! - Complexity of Сrochet Pattern: above average Buy part 1 Crochet Pattern "Gnome Frodo" (doll) In this Crochet Pattern, I show you how to create a magical image of a fairy-tale Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in the village of gnomes, called Habalon. Crochet Pattern is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours)
$22.00 $19.99
Cross stitch pattern cat bookmark - bookmark set with cat silhouette and nature cross stitch. The bookmark pattern with cat cross stitch is simple and modern, even a novice embroiderer can handle it. Handmade bookmark - a great book lover gift, as well as nature and cat lovers. The diagrams embroidery bookmark are prepared for instant download PDF and archived with a ZIP archiver. If you have any difficulties with extracting files from the ZIP archive, write me your email and I will send you all the diagrams without the archive General information for each bookmark from the set: Fabric: 16 count White Aida Stitches: 27 x 112 Size: 1.69 x 7.00 inches or 4.29 x 17.78 cm Digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols without backstitch on 2 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. The number of thread colors for each bookmark is different, namely: Bookmark №1 - 22 Colours DMC Bookmark №2 - 15 Colours DMC Bookmark №3 - 20 Colours DMC Bookmark №4 - 16 Colours DMC Bookmark №5 - 9 Colours DMC ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format and ZIP-arhiv - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
Sampler cross stitch pattern - Halloween pattern with moon, pumpkin, castle and black Halloween cat. The Halloween moon is a modern pattern that will be a wonderful decoration for your home and office. The diagrams are prepared for instant download PDF. Fabric: 16 count White Aida Stitches: 198 x 217 Size: 12.38 x 13.56 inches or 31.43 x 34.45 cm Colours: 18 (DMC) This digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 page, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1, 2, 4 and 6 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
Cross stitch pattern Happy easter - floral rainbow with easter eggs as easter wreath. This Easter cross stitch is simple and modern. Rainbow cross stitch and floral cross stitch is great DIY Easter home decor. The diagrams rainbow design are prepared for instant download PDF. Fabric: 16 count White Aida Stitches: 136 x 127 Size: 8.50 x 7.94 inches or 21.59 x 20.16 cm Colours: 14 (DMC) This digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 and 4 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1, 2 and 4 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
Here is a kit for needle felting the "Fisherman cat" toy. The set was developed by Ukrainian masters of wool sculpture, who have many years of experience in conducting master classes in dry felting for children and adults. All tools and materials included in the set are of high quality, the printed instructions contain a template. A set for felting is a great gift for a person who wants to master the art of dry felting and create a toy. In the set: 1. High-quality combed wool for felting. 2. Mat for felting. 3. Needles for felting - 4 pcs. 4. Needle elastic. 5. Detailed instructions with photos and step by step description. 6. A small guide to the basic techniques of dry felting. WARNING! The set contains sharp needles! To avoid injury, please observe the safety measures described in the manual. * The set contains detailed instructions in ENGLISH language, as well as all the necessary materials and tools (wool, felting mat, 4 needles) for learning the basics of dry felting and making the toy shown in the picture. * Difficulty level: for beginners * Recommended age: from 8 years * Recommended for use by children under adult supervision * The set does not include the finished toy shown in the photo, the toy in the photo is an example of what is expected to be obtained using the set. The size of the box is 15x13 cm (6x6") The size of the toy that will be created is approximately 10.5 cm (4") tall *Manufacturer: BerniFelt, Ukraine Delivery of goods: 1-2 working days from the moment of placing the order. This kit can be great gift for a person just starting out in needle felting.
Vendor: BerniFelt
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Схема «Исцеляющие руны» для браслета из бисера Miyuki Delica. Исцеляющие руны — это руны, которые используются для улучшения физического, эмоционального и духовного здоровья. Их можно использовать для лечения физических заболеваний, снятия стресса и беспокойства, а также для духовного исцеления.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Изготовление браслета из бисера Миюки Делика с изображением рунической формулы (Феху-Душа-Одал-Вуньо) Руническая формула для привлечения успеха и процветания.
Vendor: OKomastra
$6.04 $3.91
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Выкройка браслета своими руками RedStars Beaded Pattern Бисер: Miyuki Delica 11/0 / Stitch Loom / 31 столбец / 4 см / 1,65 дюйма, 70 рядов / 12,5 см / 4,82 дюйма. 4 цвета. Это выкройка браслета из бисера Miyuki DIGITAL Loom, которую можно мгновенно загрузить. Никакой физический продукт не будет доставлен. Материалы НЕ включены. ◆ PDF-ФАЙЛЫ включают в себя: - Предварительный просмотр шаблона - Список бисера (нумерация цветов, названия и необходимое количество) - Большой график узоров (как букв, так и цвета) - Таблица слов . Этот шаблон НЕ содержит инструкций. Вы должны быть знакомы с техникой плетения.
Vendor: OKomastra
$7.37 $4.79
An apple with a purple rose, an author's needle bed. The sketch and embroidery are the author's work, invented by me. Embroidered with Brazilian embroidery. The leaves are decorated with Svorovsky crystals. Everything shines and looks great. Height without handle - 2.3 inches. Height with handle - 4.1 inches. Width 2.1 inches. The needle bed will be a wonderful gift for a tailor. A gift for seamstresses, needlewomen, mother, grandmother. You can decorate the house as a decor. Made with love.
Pillow pin-author's sketch, author's embroidery. Needles don't fall through! Embroidered in Brazilian technique on white, natural linen. Decorated with natural lace, micro-natural pearls in white and pink. The needle holder will decorate the workplace of a seamstress, tailor, needlewoman. Great gift for sister, mom, friend. Created by me with love and diligence.
Vintage craft supplies. Beads, fabrics, buttons, lace
Vendor: Maderica
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Bunny and carrot rear view mirror charm crochet pattern PDF. Bunny and carrot keychains crochet. These cute crochet small bunny with carrot will be a cute easter decoration for your car rear view mirror or bag / backpack charm. As garland for home, office, funny keychains for classmatesor, Easter day favors. !!!This listing is for a digital download crochet pattern - NOT a FINISHED ITEM!!! Size – Approximately Bunny – 3 1/5” (8 cm.), Carrot - 2 1/3” (6 cm.). This pattern is suitable for those who have crochet skills for begginer and know the magic ring, single crochet, increase, decrease. Pattern is in standard American terms. The pdf file contains a step-by-step description and pictures. Pattern consists of 3 pages. It also has Crochet Techniques of Invisible decrease. You will need: - cotton or cotton blend yarn ( YarnArt Jeans, Alize Cotton Gold) or any 4ply. - hook B (2 mm.) - eyes 7 mm. - glue - needle, scissors You are free to sell the finished item made from this pattern. PATTERN CAN"T BE SOLD!!! Happy crocheting!!! @tanya_tappleta Lavky shop Etsy Ravelry InspireUplift Lovecrafts
Vendor: tappleta
$3.50 $3.15