
One of the lightest in the latest collection. They combine style and sophistication of lines. Thanks to their minimal weight, you can wear them all day without taking off. The earrings got their name due to the fact that looking at them immediately wants to go to the sea. Where the warm wind brings with it the joy of relaxation and the desire to sunbathe )) Weight: 0,035 oz
Set: Orthodox Prayer Rope Rosary 100 knots  Orthodox Prayer Rope Rosary 100 knots With metal dividers of 10 knots Size: Rosary - 100 knots, knot 8 mm, length 33cm (to the tassel), tassel 10 cm.
Vendor: RosaryShopUA
В наличии 1 гирлянда из 6 разных фигур, остальные под заказ. Срок изготовления до 7 дней. Эта жуткая гирлянда на Хэллоуин была спроектирована и изготовлена вручную. Эта гирлянда станет отличным дополнением вашего дома на Хэллоуин, особенно для вечеринки. Идеально подходит для украшения любой комнаты или в качестве фона / реквизита для фотографий. Можно повесить на крючки (обвязанные петлями из мешковины) или на присосках на окнах, дверях, патио, зеркале в холле и т. Д. Длина гирлянды составляет 88 см (35 дюймов). В состав гирлянды входят: джутовый шнур длиной 35 сантиметров; 3 силиконовые присоски (легко снимаются), 6 фигурок из фетра на тему Хэллоуина, 6 деревянных мини-прищепок (+2 запасных). Весит 100 г (0,22 фунта). Фигурки: Красный Призрак имеет размеры 12 см в высоту, 10 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (5x4x0,8 дюйма) Зеленая летучая мышь-вампир имеет размеры 10 см в высоту, 9 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (4x3,5x0,8 дюйма) . Хеллоуинский гном с зеленым носом и шляпой летучей мыши имеет размеры 25 см в высоту, 11 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (10x4x0,8 дюйма) . Коричневый имбирный пряник. человек имеет размеры 10 см в высоту, 7,5 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (4x3x0,8 дюйма) . Белый призрак с надписью имеет размеры 9 см в высоту, 11 см в ширину и 2 см в толщину (3,5x4x0,8 дюйма). Размер желтого призрака составляет 12 см в высоту и 10 см в ширину. x 2 см толщиной, (5x4x0,8 дюйма) Каждая фигурка сшита из цветного фетра, прошита нитками мулине, наполнена синтетическим пухом, украшена пуговицей, знаменем-надписью. К каждой фигурке привязана нить мулине, поэтому их можно отрегулировать по длине и расположить по мере необходимости или вообще удалить по мере необходимости. К каждой фигурке прикреплена деревянная мини-прищепка. Обратите внимание, это не игрушка и предназначена для декоративных целей. Все изделия вырезаны и сшиты вручную. Вы можете заказать гирлянду из тех фигурок, которые вам действительно нравятся. Только привидения или только мыши - вампиры, только гномы. Смотрите, выбирайте и заказывайте. Если у вас есть особые пожелания по размеру или какие-либо изменения в цвете предметов, количестве фигур на гирлянде, длине гирлянды, выберите индивидуальный заказ или сообщите мне, и я буду рад оформить заказ для вас. Обратите внимание, что гирлянды могут незначительно отличаться от изображения, так как каждая гирлянда уникально скроена и сшита вручную.
Vendor: Tashamarket
В наличии есть 1 штука, если вам нужно больше, напишите мне. Я изготовлю и отправлю вам всех последующих гномов в течение 7 рабочих дней. Этот гном выполнен в очень красивом сочетании оранжевого и черного цветов. Борода гнома сделана из искусственного меха (серый с черным). Тело гнома выполнено из плюшевой ткани нежно-желтого цвета, приятного на ощупь. Шапка и руки гнома выполнены из оранжевого трикотажа, украшены изображениями тыквы и летучих мышей черного цвета. Верх шапки декорирован черными деревянными бусинами, а сверху одна большая бусина оранжевого цвета с отверстием, в которое вставляется красный шнур для подвешивания украшения. Шнур можно снять. В качестве наполнителя используется синтетический пух. В декоре шляпы использована черная роза, которая придает гному гламурный вид. Тапочки гнома пошиты из фетра двух цветов: оранжевый сверху и черный снизу. Все детали сшиты вручную, гипоаллергенны и максимально безвредны для человека и планеты. Гном может висеть или сидеть с опорой. Этот гном станет прекрасным украшением волшебного помещения на Хэллоуин и День Благодарения. НЕ ИГРУШКА. Просто украшение. Вы также можете проверить, выбрать другие варианты гномов и другие предметы ручной работы в моем магазине: https: // ... Ручная работа (моя). Каждый гномик шьется мной лично в моей мастерской в Кривом Роге, Украина. Все части гнома сшиваю вручную. Если вас интересуют какие-либо дополнительные сведения или вы хотите сделать индивидуальный заказ, напишите мне, и я с радостью отвечу на любые ваши вопросы.
Vendor: Tashamarket
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape   The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Save 11%
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 16.54 x 23.23 in (42 x 59 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the package within 5-10 days, because I need to get permission from the Ministry of Culture to ship internationally. To ensure that you receive your package as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
$450.00 $400.00
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11.2 x 15.75 in (28 x 40 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11.2 x 15.75 in (28 x 40 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 11.2 x 15.75 in (28 x 40 cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a design in black and white or grayscale. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions
Rag doll pattern/Doll Sewing Pattern/soft doll pattern/rag doll faces This tutorial includes 1)The pattern of the body of the doll and a tutorial on its creation (PDF format) 2)Doll face painting 3)Making hair for doll Pattern of the body of the pupa 9 inches + photo of the process. The pattern is on A4 sheet of paper. Patterns is in PDF format. Patterns are available for instant download as soon as your payment in processed. If you have any questions, write me about it
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 19 x 14 in (48x 36cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a discreet grayscale design. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Romantic painting / Painting for home / Contemporary painting / Relax landscape / Seascape The graphic work is done in mixed media, ink and watercolor, on special art paper. This is contemporary art for contemporary interiors for those who love minimalism. A laconic, romantic image promotes relaxation and fantasies, cannot get bored or ruin the style of a home or office. Works from this series look good as a diptych and more. The size of the work is 19 x 14 in (48x 36cm). The work is not framed. For an exhibition in the interior, it must be issued in a passport made of art cardboard, frame and glass. You just need to use the services of a framing workshop in your city. I recommend choosing a discreet grayscale design. It will be perfect! DELIVERY: Your work will be professionally packed in a cardboard tube or fiberboard for shipment. Shipping cost does not include taxes or customs related charges. DATE OF SENDING: Please note, I will send the parcel within 5-10 days, because my need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture for international shipment. In order for you to receive your parcel as quickly as possible, I will use the best postal services. Thank you for your love of art! I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Feel the full-range dynamics and control. Specially engineered to deal with most hard to drive headphones on market. Just forget about the problem with difficult loads in terms of impedance or power consumption. A mode with a supply voltage of 80 volts of output stage all that features are providing clean transmission for signal up to 16 Watt on 32 Ohm load of output power.
Vendor: HiFiBoy
"Acrylic painting/Blue night/Stellar/ Mountains/ Moon/ Northern Lights/ Home decor for walls . Canvas on wooden stretcher, no frame, acrylic paints used. The size of the painting is 13x10x1 inches. Wonderful panorama of mountains on a night blue starry sky background. Both the nature of the Earth and the fantastic picture of space are breathtaking. The northern lights, the glitter of the moon make the picture mystical and mysterious. My daughter's work gives a sense of freedom, filled with the air and excitement of youth. In addition, the purchase of her paintings will not be a burden on your wallet at all, and you will support a young contemporary artist. The picture can be hung on the wall or it can be used as a decoration. THESE ARE ORIGINALS, NOT PRINTS! There is no express shipping for this item, only Ukraine state mail. Please ask your questions about the product before you make your purchase. I will be happy to answer them. And please do not forget to look at other products in my store . I will be grateful for feedback and your review.
Vendor: Tashamarket
"Pompom Bear keychain, pendant for bag, backpack, keys. In the presence of 1 piece. if you want to order a larger quantity or another color please contact me, I will make within 3-4 working days. Bear pendant is perfect for hanging from a bag, backpack or for car decor. Can be attached to a keychain. Hand-assembled from pom-poms, which are made of black soft yarn, muzzle made of white yarn. Elements of decoration: coffee bean - spout, movable eyes, ribbon glitter decorative tape. Size 12cm x 8cm (5x3 inches), very light to 50g (0.02 pounds). Tactilely very nice to the touch, you want to squeeze. Antistress decor. Not suitable for children under 6 years old due to the small parts. Also in my store you can see and choose other handmade items: "
Vendor: Tashamarket
Good afternoon, I'd be very happy to offer you beautiful embroidered items in my shop. All images are the cross-stitch embroidery are handmade and done with love The picture will be an excellent gift for any occasion and will bring individuality and sophistication to the interior. This is a wonderful gift for a friend or family member. The love of the artist is embodied in every line of this painting. The picture is embroidered with a cross. Perfect decoration for home, bedroom, living room.   PICTURE WIDTH WITH FRAME 19,68in HEIGHT 24.40in THE PICTURE IS EMBROIDERED WITH THREAD MULENET
WITH DECOR WIDTH 7,08inch HEIGHT 11,4173inch
plate with acrylic painting on glass with rhinestones decor  in one copy
the plate is painted with acrylics on glass with rhinestones decor made by hand with
   Good afternoon, I'd be very happy to offer you  items in my shop. Plate with acrylic painting on glass with rhinestones decor 
Good afternoon, I'd be very happy to offer you beautiful embroidered items in my shop. All images are the cross-stitch embroidery are handmade and done with love." dimensions painting width 19.685 inch height 25.98 inch
Good afternoon, I'd be very happy to offer you beautiful embroidered items in my shop. All images are the cross-stitch embroidery are handmade and done with love The picture will be an excellent gift for any occasion and will bring individuality and sophistication to the interior. This is a wonderful gift for a friend or family member. The love of the artist is embodied in every line of this painting. The picture is embroidered with a cross. Perfect decoration for home, bedroom, living room.   PICTURE WIDTH WITH FRAME 21,65in- HEIGHT 24,40in, THE PICTURE IS EMBROIDERED WITH THREAD MULENET
Good afternoon, I'd be very happy to offer you  items in my shop.  aplate made of paper (decoupage) made by hand will look good at home and in the office