Clothing & Accessories

At, Clothing, Accessories & Shoes are made with style and fit in mind. Our brands and unique products that are friendly to the budget without dismissing the quality that only adds to your wardrobe.

Sz.38 Very good condition. Hanger is not icluded
Plague doctor hat - Handmade masquerade costume
Vendor: DePoe Crafts
Hand knitted hat and booties for baby girl 0-3 months. Made from the Soft Wool Merino Baby Yarn. Hand knitted. My original design with love for your baby!!! Original gift for the baby. 0-3 Months: booties on foot 3,5 inches (9 cm.) hat on head circumference 14-15 inches (36-38 cm.) Composition: 50% wool merino, 50% acrilic see all my items Please feel free to contact me with any questions and orders. Thank you! Tanya. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TERMS OF SHIPPING All packages are sent via air mail from Ukraine with tracking numbers (please, take in mind, to receive it signature is required). The approximate time of delivery: * USA - Usually 2-4 weeks * Canada: 4 - 8 weeks * Australia: 4 - 10 weeks * Europe: 2 - 4 weeks Other: 4-10 weeks depending on location. ATTENTION! In high holidays season, especially Christmas, could be delays of delivery time or incorrect displaying of tracking information. Express Delivery: - UPS - 3-5 bussines days to USA, Canada, Europe. * Australia, United Kingdom, other countries up to 2 weeks. - USP Mail Innovations - 7-10 bussines days to US only! (plus processing time, preparation time depending of what you chose). Just add this option to your cart. WRITE YOUR PHONE NUMBER in the note to seller for coordinating the delivery to you. IMPORTANT!!! If you are in remote areas / islands ---> Contact me in advance to clarify the time and cost of delivery.
Vendor: tappleta
5 PACK Baby Boy One Piece Outfit made of 100% cotton,soft and cozy, an absolute necessity for keeping your precious little one mobile and comfortable. Sizes: NB, S, M, L. FREE Shipping 30 Day Return with US. Shop Now Baby Boy One Piece Outfit Description    These elite Bambini Short Sleeve One Pieces are made of  100% cotton  rib knit fabric,  baby skin friendly  and  delicate . Soft and cozy, these onesies are an absolute necessity for keeping mommy's precious little one comfortable.    Cute colours  make new Mom's everyday routine brighter  and sweeter.  Good mood and lots of compliments guarantee . They also  look pretty in pictures , especially outdoors, exposed to day light. Indoors, they look perfect in light enviroment, like white or grey bedding and walls.    Each set consists of  5 onesies  of different delicate colours /as shown in the picture/. Baby Boy One Piece Outfit Specifications •  100% Cotton  Rib Knit Material for Comfort and Breathability  •  Expandable Shoulder Neckline  to Pull Garment Over Baby's Head Much More Easily  •  Bottom Snap Closure  Is Conveniently Positioned in the Front for Fast Diaper Check and Change  •  Ribbed Leg Opening  Makes a Perfect Fit  •  Machine Wash /tumble Dry Size Chart  Size Age Weight Newborn 0-6M 7-13 lbs Small 6-12M 14-18 lbs Medium 12-18M 19-26 lbs Large 18-24 27-34 lbs What happens after you buy Baby Boy One Piece Outfit ORDER PROCESSING:  immediately after you place your order, we start processing it. We check your order for quality assurance, pack it, print the shipping labels and forward it to our shipping company for dispatch. Order processing time is between 1-7 business days, but usually it takes a business day or two. DELIVERY :  you can choose between 2 delivery options, FREE and FAST. FAST delivery is 1-7 days within US and costs only $4.99. FREE delivery takes 4-14 days. TRACKING:  Packages are delivered via a trackable method. Once our shipping company forwards the tracking number to us, we will in turn send the tracking number to your email or phone number according to your choice.  IMPORTANT: Due to different light and brightness settings there might be slight color difference between the picture you see in your device's screen and the item you'll receive. Due to manual measurement, please allow 1in/1-3cm difference. CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION IS OUR PRIORITY: Here at the Smart Parents Store you can enjoy a happy and secure shopping. We love our customers and want you to rest assured we'll take care of everything from the moment you Add to Cart till the day you receive your item and tell us you are happy with it. More than that, you have  30 days return guarantee.  So, don't hesitate, go pick your baby size, Place Order and expect to see your baby boy's brand new One Piece Outfit at you porch soon. Quality Guarantee 30 Day Return FREE Delivery Available
Vendor: Ann & Alex
Sets of lingerie
Carnival costumes for the couple - men's breeches, cravat with a pin, cotton shirt, waistcoat; women's synthetic blouse, cotton skirt
Дана модель твердопаливного пальника спеціально створена для тривалої експлуатації в складних умовах навколишнього середовища та універсальна у виборі живлення блоку примусового нагнітання повітря!                                                                                                                                                                Твердопаливний туристичний пальник  “Airwood  Heavy Duty UP-h  BM”  стане надійним супутником для мандрівників, які полюбляють тривалі походи (місяць і більше) в морському, тропічному кліматі або в інших агресивних для виробів з металу умовах. Всі з’єднання деталей підставки для посуду та камери згоряння виконані елементами кріплення з нержавіючої сталі. Всі найбільш вразливі вузли пальника виготовлені з нержавіючої сталі підвищеної корозостійкості! Блок примусового нагнітання повітря пальника  “Airwood  Heavy Duty UP-h  BM”  може живитися як від батарейок так і від Power Bank, сонячної панелі з вбудованим акумулятором або смартфону, підключеного через кабель OTG.      Завдяки блоку нагнітання повітря - пальник дає потужний нагрів навіть при використанні сирих дров і дуже швидко доводить до кипіння ємність з водою. Час закипання 1го літра води становить від 5-ти хвилин, в залежності від якості палива та умов навколишнього середовища.              Пальник має ККД згоряння палива до 80% на відміну від 5-7% ККД звичайного багаття. Це пов'язано з тим, що в диму від дров перебуває близько 90% частинок, що не згоріли від нестачі кисню. При нагнітанні свіжого повітря в певні місця камери згорання пальника, - ці дрібні частинки згорають. На такому принципі і побудовано даний пальник: холодне повітря з блоку нагнітання потрапляє в боковий отвір нижньої частини зовнішньої стінки корпусу пальника. Під дією вентилятора одна частина повітря нагнітається в отвори дна та нижньої частині камери згоряння, а інша спрямовується вгору, - між стінками камери згоряння і корпусу, де прогріваючись виходить через спеціальні отвори і потрапляє у верхню частину камери згоряння забезпечуючи займання деревного газу.    Там де виходить повітря утворюються язики інтенсивного полум'я, внаслідок збагачення киснем.       На пальнику без зусиль можна приготувати їжу (суп, каша, чай і тп.) об'ємом до 3х-4х літрів.     В якості палива використовуються гілки, тріски, хмиз та будь-яке інше підручне тверде паливо.        Блок нагнітання повітря  (піддув) в камеру згоряння обладнаний трипозиційним перемикачем з наступними режимами: 1) Середнє положення - "Виключено" (пічка працює в режимі природної тяги з від'єднаним блоком нагнітання повітря), 2) Верхнє положення - "Високі оберти" (~ 3000 об. / Хв.) - для моментального розпалу й кип'ятіння води, 3) Нижнє положення - "Малі оберти" (~ 2000 об. / Хв.) - для підтримки високотемпературного полум'я.      Блок нагнітання повітря , яким комплектується дана модель пальника,  є універсальним у виборі джерела живлення : це можуть бути дві батарейки розміру АА або дві батарейки розміру ААА (підключення через перехідники для батарейок c розміру AAA на АА, перехідники замовляються окремо), або будь-яке інше джерело живлення з напругою 5 Вольт постійного струму, що має на вихіді роз’єм (гніздо) USB або штекер DC розміру 5.5mm x 2.1mm. Наприклад, це може бути Power Bank, сонячна панель з вбудованим акумулятором або смартфон, підключений через кабель OTG. При підключенні зовнішнього джерела живлення в роз'єм (гніздо) DC блоку нагнітання (через кабель "USB-DC" що входить в комплект поставки), відсік з батареями в блоку нагнітання відключається автоматично. Час безперервної роботи блоку від батарей AA "GP Super": • в режимі "Високі оберти": ~ 30 годин; • в режимі "Малі оберти": ~ 50 годин; Струм, що споживається блоком нагнітання (в залежності від джерела живлення): • в режимі "Високі оберти": 70-100мА; • в режимі "Малі оберти": 30-50мА;         У блок нагнітання повітря встановлений  двигун з екрануванням від теплового випромінювання і пило-вологоізоляцією на рівні класу захисту IP55 . Дане вдосконалення дозволяє власнику пальника користуватися ним в умовах підвищеної вологості або запиленості (тропіки, дощ, пустеля, пляж тощо) без побоювань, що двигун заклинить в самий невідповідний момент.      Пальник комплектується оновленою версією розкладної підставки для посуду. Даний аксесуар має підвищенну жаростійкость і спеціально розроблений для більш стійкого розміщення на пальнику круглих казанків (каструль) з широким дном. Підставка сподобається і любителям ранкової кави на природі, приготованої в турці (посуд з дном маленького діаметру).    Завдяки відкидним лапкам, на розкладний підставці буде "зручно", як посуді з діаметром дна 5 см, так і посуді з діаметром дна 25 см! Після розкривання лапки фіксуються під певним кутом до горизонту забезпечуючи цим надійне захоплення дна посуду, а при збільшенні навантаження лапки приймають горизонтальне положення, при цьому верхня частина полотна підставки по всьому колу трохи розходиться назовні, збільшуючи жорсткість підставки і стійкість посуду.    Нова підставка відрізняється від попередньої версії ще й наявністю вентиляційних отворів у вигляді назви бренду виробника. Ця зміна зменшила сумарну площу вентиляційних отворів на полотні підставки, що дозволило поліпшити вітрозахисні характеристики підставки та збільшити потужність пальника. Крім того напис на підставці дозволяє відразу відрізнити оригінальний продукт від копії. Також була зменшена висота полотна підставки, це збільшило жорсткість конструкції та покращило нагрів дна посуду.      Нова камера згорання, що встановлена у пальнику, суттєво відрізняється від старої версії: змінені кількість, діаметр та конфігурація отворів вприску повітря. Ці зміни були внесені для підвищення якості горіння дров в нижній частині камери. Вдалося усунути забивання (засмічення) камери тліючим вугіллям, а також поліпшити горіння сирих дров і таким чином максимально адаптувати пальник до реальних похідних умов, де сухі дрова - рідкість. Крім того в новій версії камери відбувається стабільне горіння палива в режимі природної тяги (з від’єднаним від пальника блоком нагнітання) – ця можливість дуже важлива для приготування страв, які не потребують інтенсивного полум'я.       В даній моделі  пальника  камера згоряння має товстіші стінки та збільшений об’єм  порівняно з камерою класичних турбо-пальників серії "Airwood BM".  Всі елементи камери виготовлені з нержавіючої сталі підвищеної корозостійкості . Камера згоряння виконана в жорсткому зборі (гвинтове з'єднання) з корпусом, котрий має стандартні для турбо-пальників серії "Airwood BM" розміри.   Зовнішній кожух (корпус) пальника "Airwood  Heavy Duty UP-h  BM" має закрите днище, завдяки якому утворюється замкнений простір між двома стінками пальника (між камерою згоряння і корпусом), тобто все повітря з блоку нагнітання (піддуву) гарантовано подається в камеру згоряння. Таким чином, немає необхідності в пошуку плоского майданчика для розміщення пальника, бо в такому варіанті виконання пальник можна використовувати навіть в підвішеному стані! Ще одним плюсом пальника з закритим днищем корпуса є те, що після його використання на землі не залишаються опіки, як після багаття. Днище в даній моделі виготовлене з нержавіючої сталі підвищеної корозостійкості.    В даній моделі пальника  корпус оснащений знімною ручкою-тримачем , що дозволяє змінити положення (поправити) чи перенести пальник під час його роботи (горіння). Така можливість стане в нагоді у випадку раптової зміни погоди — можна швидко та безпечно перенести пальник в більш захищене місце у випадку раптового дощу чи поривів вітру.   Характеристики: Матеріал металу: нержавіюча сталь різних марок та товщини (0,3 мм-0,8 мм); Камера згоряння: ресурс: від 800 годин роботи пальника в залежності від умов зберігання і експлуатації; об'єм 830мл; Габаритні розміри: в упакованому стані: висота 13,5см, діаметр 12см; під час використання: висота 17,5см, діаметр від 12см до 16см; Сумарна вага пальника разом з чохлом, ручкою-тримачем, батарейками та кабелем USB-DC - 620 грам.     Комплектація: корпус пальника в зборі з днищем та з камерою згоряння підвищеної корозостійкості; посилена жаростійка розкладна підставка для посуду; блок нагнітання повітря під дві батарейки розміру АА та роз'ємом DC (5,5мм*2,1мм); знімна ручка-тримач пальника; два перехідники для батарейки з розміру AAA (мініпальчик) на АА (пальчик); кабель USB-DC; чохол з міцної водонепроникної тканини "Оксфорд"; рекомендації по використанню пальника.
Vendor: BM Easy hike
Save 25%
New (1488) leotard for rhythmic gymnastics READY TO SHIP!0 An individual order of this model may differ in price, check with our manager !!! Sizes of leotard: Chest: 62-67 cm. Waist: 55-60 cm. Hip 68-73 cm. Most arc (circumference of the body): 115-125 cm. Crystal DMC: small - 2500 pcs. big - 60 pcs. Alexa Atelier - we deliver all over the world, we cooperate with both individual clients and sports clubs. Over the 10-year history of our Atelier, gymnasts from more than 25 countries have become our clients. !!!SAFETY!!! All parcels sent from our Atelier are insured by the international transport company UPS. All customer payments are insured by PayPal and if for some reason you do not receive an order, you will automatically receive a refund to your account. We provide not only the best service, but also the safest for buyers and customers. Express UPS delivery is available in our Atelier, with which you are guaranteed to receive your order in just 15 days Our Atelier makes exclusive models and copies of any complexity in just 14 days. We create free sketches of new models based on the theme and musical accompaniment. The pricing policy in our Atelier is very flexible and leotard models from the budget segment to the premium segment are available in our portfolio. Alexa Atelier creates Leotards from high quality materials, which allows us to use our leotards for many years. Five different specialists work on each order in our Atelier. This is an order manager, designer, tailor, hand-painted artist, decorator for pasting with crystals. And all these specialists are highly qualified and have extensive experience. Payment and guarantees, available payment methods in our Atelier: - PayPal - Bank transfer - Western Union We look forward to seeing you in our Atelier: Our store at Etsy - E-mail: alexa.atelier.rgl [!at] Facebook: @alexa.atelier Instagram: atelier_alexa YouTube: Alexa Atelier Pinterest: AlexaAtelier  #rhythmic #gymnastics #leotard #acrobatics #体操 #gymnastique #gimnasia #maillot #body #justaucorps #水着
$430.00 $322.00
Save 46%
Now, at the peak of popularity, jewelry in the form of insects, which we see in the collections of famous trendsetters. Therefore, a beautiful accessory embroidered in 3D technique will become your favorite and will decorate both everyday and evening looks, and will also be a great gift for any occasion for beautiful women. It is simply impossible to look away from the Beetle brooch - it glitters and shimmers. Brooches of this type will look great on your favorite clothes, handbag or backpack. You can wear brooches with anything, add originality and exclusivity to your image, because you will not find another such brooch! Hand-embroidered jewelry is incredibly beautiful and very stylish. In the manufacture of the brooch, the following materials were used: • Czech beads Preciosa • Japanese beads Miyuky • Glass rhinestones • Glass beads • Truncal • Italian sequins • The legs are made of metal pins and Czech beads and beads • The back side of the brooch is processed with eco-leather and has a Japanese clasp that will not spoil clothes • The wings are made from a wire frame, allowing the wings to take on a variety of shapes. • Tulle embroidered with metallic threads, sequins and Japanese beads was used for the wings. The product is made in a single copy. The weight of this wonderful decoration is only 10 grams!!! Size: 4.5 cm * 3.5 cm I draw your attention to the fact that each product is unique and it is impossible to repeat it exactly. If the product is sold, I will make the most similar option for you. Production of products by the individual order is possible. DELIVERY WORLDWIDE!!! Not a children's toy, lots of small parts. By purchasing this product, you are definitely buying the product that is shown in the photo and video. Requires careful storage in a separate box. The color may differ from the real one, as it depends on your screen settings.
Vendor: Shine Smile
$90.00 $49.00
Baby dress     
Baby Shoes, Ebooba
Vendor: ebooba
Women's dress "Kaleidoscope" Sizes from S to XL. Fabric: linen. Machine embroidery, satin stitch. The photo shows the model in size S. Model parameters: Hg 84 cm, W 63 cm, O 93 cm. The growth of the model: 173 cm. Beautiful embroidered dress from natural linen fabric. The hem of the dress and the sleeves contain a pattern that symbolizes love, life and women's beauty. The pattern is made with expensive silk threads, thanks to which it looks bright and saturated. The dress perfectly follows your waist, which allows you to always look slim and beautiful. A woman wearing this dress will immediately stand out from the crowd. Anyone who looks at her will immediately realize that she is wearing a really expensive, stylish and unique thing. You can also write your measurements and any details. We will sew the dress according to your wishes. Just write me a message. In our shop you will also find many other dresses and blouses that you will like. If you have any questions - just contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Have a nice shopping.
Women's dress "Parisian bouquet" Sizes from S to XL. Fabric: homespun cloth (100% cotton). Machine embroidery, cross stitch. The photo shows the model in size S. Folk maxi peasant Ukrainian dress with floral embroidered pattern. You will be delighted with this dress in Folk Vyshyvanka style. Dress length : XS/S - 129cm / 50.7" M - 134cm/ 52.7" L - 136cm / 53.5" XL - 140cm / 55.1"
This mini wallet is hand-sewn by me from premium Italian vegetable-tanned leather buttero. Hand-sewn with a saddle stitch with waxed thread. The ends are polished and painted with water-based polyurethane paint to prevent wear on the edge of the wallet. It has: 4 vertical pockets for cards, which, if necessary, will fit 8 pieces, 2 compartments for documents or cash in a bent form and a zipper compartment with expansion on one side. Zipper ykk, if necessary, for an additional fee, I can supply an extra class zipper ykk Excella. Also, in addition to these colors, you can order a wallet in brown, orange, blue, purple and green with various combinations. Buttero leather initially has a beautiful rich color, and when worn it is also polished and takes on a very sophisticated and chic vintage look. Dimentions: 13.5cm ( 5.31") 8.5cm ( 3.35") Since this is genuine leather, there may be minor damage received by the animal during life. And leather is a by-product of the meat processing industry, not mined specifically to work with it. Handmade by leather artisan in Ukraine. If you have any questions about leather wallet, please feel free to send me a message.
The wallet is hand sewn by me from premium Italian vegetable tanned leather buttero in whiskey color. It is also stitched by hand with a saddle stitch without using a machine, which gives the seam strength and durability. The ends are polished and painted with a colorless water-based polyurethane paint, which also gives the edge of the wallet strength and protects against fraying and abrasion. Inside: 6 pockets for cards with locking tapes in the middle, 3 pockets for documents or cash, a zip compartment and two large compartments for phone and cash. It closes with a clasp with a clasp button. Dimentions: 19.5cm ( 7.68") 11cm ( 4.33") 3cm ( 1.18") Since this is genuine leather, there may be minor damage received by the animal during life. And leather is a by-product of the meat processing industry, not mined specifically to work with it. Handmade by leather artisan in Ukraine. If you have any questions about leather wallet, please feel free to send me a message.
We now have the ability to ship physical goods to other countries such as America, Canada and European countries. I would be glad and grateful if you bought one of my works. Leather wallet purse, sewn and hand-painted. In the photo, works that have already been sold are laid out for example. But I will do the same for you. Material: vegetable tanned leather in natural color, brass button "prum", leather paint, waxed threads. Filling: 10 pockets for cards placed horizontally, 2 pockets for documents and one large compartment for banknotes. Dimentions: 13.8cm (5 1/8 ") 11cm (4 3/8") 1cm (3/8 ") Since this is genuine leather, there may be minor damage received by the animal during life. And leather is a by-product of the meat processing industry, not mined specifically to work with it. Handmade by leather artisan in Ukraine. If you have any questions about leather wallet, please feel free to send me a message.
The wallet is made to order from buttero black premium Italian vegetable tanned leather. Hand-sewn with black waxed thread with a saddle stitch. The ends are painted with water-based polyurethane paint to give the edge of the wallet a finished look and protect the ends from abrasion and fraying. The wallet closes with a strap with a prum button covered in leather. Inside: 10 card slots, 2 PE-lined pockets, 4 document compartments, 2 gunmetal ykk zip pockets and one large cash compartment. Dimensions: 16 cm( 6.3") 10 cm( 3.94") You can order a similar wallet with your dimensions, the number and location of pockets you need. Together we can design any model to your taste. Send me a message and we will discuss everything with you. Handmade by leather artisan in Ukraine. If you have any questions about leather wallet, please feel free to send me a message.
Set of two men knitted sweaters. Size: XXL
blazer for man 
Swimsuit for surfing from high quality Italian fabric. It is resistant to chlorine, pilling and abrasion, it also protects against ultraviolet radiation (UPF 50) and has excellent shaping power. Sewing on a special technology - soldered seams in such a way that they do not rub the skin and are very strong. Specially designed patterns, thanks to which the product fits perfectly, emphasizing the courageous figure of athletes. The material stretches in all directions, without restricting movement, while the product retains its shape and color for a long time. Swimsuit with antibacterial lining made in Ukraine, Europe Composition : 87 % POLYESTER 13 % ELASTANE Shipping: usually 5-7 days. We use the Italian certified fabric “Igloo by Carvico” for our watersports garments: This super opaque polyester fabric, ideal for transfer printing, guarantees excellent reproduction of printed colors. Thanks to its innovative construction, Igloo provides a higher degree of protection than traditional polyesters, and also offers an extraordinary white sheen. Resists chlorine, peeling and abrasion, protects against UV rays with a UPF 50+ factor, corrects and models shapes with compression properties. Purpose: SPORTS, LEISURE/FITNESS, Water sports COMPOUND: 87% Polyester 13% Elastane FABRIC FEATURES: Innovative high strength fabric structure; UV protection UPF 50+, Preservation of the form; Ideal for various sports, especially for water sports. Bielastic (extensibility in different directions) Resistant to peeling (protection against erosion and destruction); Description There's nothing worse than sunburn, or bruises ruining a day filled with sports. But that's where this smooth and long-sleeved rash guard comes in play! It's slim-fitted, a bit longer than a casual tee, and tailor-made to protect from the sun, wind, and other elements while doing sports. Not to mention that it yields vibrant prints that'll get noticed. It has a four way stretch to allow the garment to hug and move with the body. It is moisture wicking, breathable and quick drying. Our rashguards are non see through and offer sun protection of 38-40 UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) both UVA and UVB Key Products Features: ✅ SKIN ABRASION AND SUN PROTECTION - Great for protecting against rashes caused by abrasion, or by sunburn from extended exposure to the sun. Our long sleeve rash guard for men are perfect for sports that involve friction (chafing or grazing) like BJJ and surfing. It also offers sun protection for a variety of summer / water sports such as fishing, swimming, wake boarding or paddle boarding. Our rash guard men long sleeve are non see through and sun protection of 38-40 UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor). ✅ HAND-MADE IN THE UKRAINE - All our adult men's rashguard are hand made. We cut, sew and print in-house as we strive for high quality and comfort. Our rash guards are crafted from a fabric blend ( 87% Polyester and 13% Elastan ) making them super smooth, lightweight, durable and comfortable. All designs are in-house providing colorful, unique and vivid graphic designs. No one else will ever have the same outfit as you. ✅ EXCELLENT FIT - Designed to fit tightly to your body, our fabric blend allows you a wide range of motion. With four-way stretch interwoven the fabric allows stretch, flex and recovery both on the cross and lengthwise grains. Nothing but the right level of compression, no restriction on movement. True to size. We also make plus size rash guard shirts. ✅ HIGH PERFORMANCE FABRIC BLEND - Our rash guards are crafted from microfiber yarn that quickly pull sweat away from your body to help you stay cool and dry when hot, yet warm when you're cold. Breathable and light weight material to help ease the unpleasant smell of a hard workout. ✅ SATORI STYLEZ: Browse our different apparel, our long sleeved rashguard are very versatile and are great for any outdoor or indoor activities that involves the gym, surf and sun. Machine wash cold and hang dry to best care for your new swim shirt. FREE SHIPPING! Our adult long sleeves rash guard are perfect for: ▶️ Surfing & Body Boarding ▶️ Wakeboarding, Kite / Wind Surfing and Kayaking ▶️ Stand Up Paddle Boarding ▶️ Diving / Snorkeling ▶️ Fishing ▶️ Hiking ▶️ BJJ (Brazilian Jui Jitsu) & MMA ▶️ Running / Swimming ▶️ Casual Beach Wear. Ready to tackle the sun or the gym. Get yours Today! FREE US Shipping :-) * (Please refer to the last two images for the sizing guide) If you're between sizes we recommend a size up. * WARNING! Contact with rough surfaces and velcro fasteners should be avoided since they can pull out the white fibers in the fabric, damaging the rash guard's appearance. ⚠️ Keep in mind that we print on demand, everything is handmade ( designer color printing, cutting and sewing ) just for you. Therefore, we can take about 2-5 business days ( depending on workload ) to create your new rash guard. ???? ++++++++=======================================++++++===================================++++++++ Hello, I'm Andrey, the owner of the "Windy Wave" brand. ????I have designed clothing for windsurfing and other water sports with a lot of love and understanding of all the quality and comfort requirements of such clothing. ????️‍????️ I got acquainted with windsurfing in Pomorie, Bulgaria, in 2013. I saw how wonderful it is: to fly in the wind under sail, on the sea, on the waves ... Then they didn't let me try, because the equipment was very expensive. I went home with the thought that I needed this obligatory, vital. I arrived and ordered used equipment on the site. Surprisingly, they sent it to me without prepayment. When I looked at the post office, only then did I pay. Then I realized how open people surfers are and how they relate to each other, how much the windsurfer community trusts each other, how close-knit and bright they are. Since then, I have traveled a lot around the world. I've been to many spots. ❣️ Windsurfing has been my passion and love for over 9 years now. For training, I bought windsurf clothes and noticed that they are not always comfortable and usually plain. ???? I wanted to improve its shortcomings, as well as to make sportswear match the colors of sports equipment - sails, boards, etc. We made the first lycra in the colors of the new line of "Neil Pryde" slalom sails. Then I got the idea that there are many of us, we have a lot in common, but nevertheless, each athlete wants to emphasize his individuality. ????Bright and varied prints have become another feature of our brand. ???? All lycra are assembled on special sewing machines, all seams are flat - this provides not only strength, durability, but also comfort when wearing - they do not rub the skin, you do not feel them at all. ????☀️We use special certified high quality fabrics for water sports, UV resistant prints do not fade in the sun and protect the body from UV radiation. ⚡ The advantages of our lycra are also that they do not lose their shape over time and are wear-resistant. ????????With love from Ukraine ???????? CONTACT ME: ???? Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram +380970636095 E-MAIL:
Sweater Snowflake. Ukrainian women sweater with traditional ethnic ornament. Universal size S-XL. Country of manufacture Ukraine Composition - 50% wool, 50% acrylic. Measurements of the item: -Chest width - 62 cm / 24.4 in -Back length - 61 cm / 24 in -The length of the sleeve from the neck is 72 cm / 28.3in CARE Use only hand wash, water temperature should be up to 30° with the use of delicate detergents. I am a seller from Ukraine. I live and work in Kyiv. This city is the heart of Ukraine. If you have any questions please contact me.
Skull cufflinks "Edward" Sterling silver - 925 K. Weight - 11.55 grams. Cuff link dimensions - 16.2 x 12.2 mm. ( 0.63 x 0.47 inches) We need 2 weeks to make a ring with various changes such as: -other ring size -other jewelry stones -and so on Please check all my catalog to choose your favorite All of our items have been designed and produced by ourselves All your feedback is very important for us. Please don't forget to leave us a positive feedback :) I would be happy to answer any questions. Please ask anything you need to know Your order will be shipped with: - reliable and safe box for transportation - branded gift wooden box - branded stylish cotton bag - and of course a bit of brutality and love from Yeti :) All your feedback is very important for us. Please don't forget to leave us a positive feedback :) I would be happy to answer any questions. Please ask anything you need to know. P.S Thank you for looking at my items. Yeti Cufflinks skull, Cufflinks for man, Men's cuff links, Silver Cufflinks, Bikers Cufflinks, Skull cuff links, Skull accessories, Silver skull Cufflinks, Skull Bikers jewelry, Bikers accessories, Gift for him, Gift for bikers, Gift for husband, Maltese cross cuff links, Maltese cross accessories, Men's accessories, Silver accessories, Cufflinks for men, Brutal jewelry, Brutal Cufflinks, Cufflinks accessories - all you can find in our shop- Yeti bikers jewelry!
Vendor: Yeti jewelry
Купальник для художественной гимнастики/ leotard for gymnastics (includes: $227leotard tailoring (fabric, sewing, author painting on fabric, appliqué) Decor: Large 30 stones (premium 30 $) Small premium rhinestones 4500 pcs (225 $) Total price: 227+30+225= 482 $) Н alf shoes for rhythmic gymnastics “Super soft” (the strongest) 3 pieces in size 4  2 pieces for growth in size 5
Women's leather wallet cognac color made of soft Italian leather. The wallet has 8 slots for credit cards, compartment for coins with zipper and two bill compartments. Closes with two metal buttons. Dimensions: length - 7,5 inch / 19cm, width - 3.5 inch / 9 cm, thickness - 0.8 inch / 2cm Maybe you are interested in something else If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will answer with pleasure. ★ Payment I accept only PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, just choose "pay by credit card" on the PayPal page - as on this guide step 2 ★ Shipping If item is ready to ship I will send it within 3-5 business days after payment confirmation. If item is marked as made to order it will take up to 7 days to complete your item. I do not ship on Sundays. I use the Etsy mailing address, please make sure it is correct. I will let you know when your package is on the way. I will also send you a tracking number of your package. Standard international shipping takes up to 20 business days. Normal delivery time out from Ukraine takes about: U.S. - 10-30 days U.K. - 7-20 days Canada - 14-40 days European Union countries - 9-20 days ( excluding Italy - 20-25 days ) Australia - 15-30 days New Zealand - 13-25 days South Africa - 20 days Israel - 10-18 days Japan - 7-12 days Other countries - to 25 days. ATTENTION! Before Christmas the delivery time growing up +10-15 days for all countries, because the post offices are very busy. After December 3 I can not guarantee, that your purchase will be delivered earlier than Christmas. ★ Refunds and Exchanges Item must be returned within 14 DAYS after the buyer receives the item If you are not satisfied with your purchase. All items must be return in original conditions without any physical changes with all of its components. We do not refund payment for delivery, only the cost of the product. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, contact me as soon as possible and we will resolve any problem. If you wish to cancel transaction (before the order was made and sent), please, note, that there is non-refundable 9% and Paypal fees (for USA - 1.9% + $ 0.30, other countries 3.4% + $ 0.30). If you have made payment but decided to cancel the order while it was already sent to you, you will also be refunded a sum, except for above-mentioned commission fee, as the cancellation took place due to no fault of the seller. You will get the money back after the package is returned to the seller. While returning parcel, please give the seller a track number.
Vendor: Sumkins
woman shoe Marchi Ponni
Vendor: LOOKIE
Women's leather folding wallet is made of a pleasant velvety yellow leather with brown trim. It will fit in any bag, light, comfortable. It has two compartments for banknotes (bills folded in half), a pocket for credit cards, a pocket with a button for coins. Closes with a metal button. ****************************************************************** Dimensions: a width 3,54 inch /9 cm, height - 4,33 inch/11cm ************************************************************** Perhaps you wonder something else Ask, happy to answer questions. ★ Payment I accept only PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, just choose "pay by credit card" on the PayPal page - as on this guide step 2 ★ Shipping If item is ready to ship I will send it within 3-5 business days after payment confirmation. If item is marked as made to order it will take up to 7 days to complete your item. I do not ship on Sundays. I use the Etsy mailing address, please make sure it is correct. I will let you know when your package is on the way. I will also send you a tracking number of your package. Standard international shipping takes up to 20 business days. Normal delivery time out from Ukraine takes about: U.S. - 10-30 days U.K. - 7-20 days Canada - 14-40 days European Union countries - 9-20 days ( excluding Italy - 20-25 days ) Australia - 15-30 days New Zealand - 13-25 days South Africa - 20 days Israel - 10-18 days Japan - 7-12 days Other countries - to 25 days. ATTENTION! Before Christmas the delivery time growing up +10-15 days for all countries, because the post offices are very busy. After December 3 I can not guarantee, that your purchase will be delivered earlier than Christmas. ★ Refunds and Exchanges Item must be returned within 14 DAYS after the buyer receives the item If you are not satisfied with your purchase. All items must be return in original conditions without any physical changes with all of its components. We do not refund payment for delivery, only the cost of the product. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, contact me as soon as possible and we will resolve any problem. If you wish to cancel transaction (before the order was made and sent), please, note, that there is non-refundable 9% and PayPal fees (for USA - 1.9% + $ 0.30, other countries 3.4% + $ 0.30). If you have made payment but decided to cancel the order while it was already sent to you, you will also be refunded a sum, except for above-mentioned commission fee, as the cancellation took place due to no fault of the seller. You will get the money back after the package is returned to the seller. While returning parcel, please give the seller a track number.
Vendor: Sumkins
Small black leather men's wallet zipper around. Inside 6 slots for credit cards, one compartment for bills. Dimensions: length - 4.3 inch / 11 cm, Width 4.3 inch / 11 cm If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will answer with pleasure. ★ Payment I accept only PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, just choose "pay by credit card" on the PayPal page - as on this guide step 2 ★ Shipping If item is ready to ship I will send it within 3-5 business days after payment confirmation. If item is marked as made to order it will take up to 7 days to complete your item. I do not ship on Sundays. I use the Etsy mailing address, please make sure it is correct. I will let you know when your package is on the way. I will also send you a tracking number of your package. Standard international shipping takes up to 20 business days. Normal delivery time out from Ukraine takes about: U.S. - 10-30 days U.K. - 7-20 days Canada - 14-40 days European Union countries - 9-20 days ( excluding Italy - 20-25 days ) Australia - 15-30 days New Zealand - 13-25 days South Africa - 20 days Israel - 10-18 days Japan - 7-12 days Other countries - to 25 days. ATTENTION! Before Christmas the delivery time growing up +10-15 days for all countries, because the post offices are very busy. After December 3 I can not guarantee, that your purchase will be delivered earlier than Christmas. ★ Refunds and Exchanges Item must be returned within 14 DAYS after the buyer receives the item If you are not satisfied with your purchase. All items must be return in original conditions without any physical changes with all of its components. We do not refund payment for delivery, only the cost of the product. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, contact me as soon as possible and we will resolve any problem. If you wish to cancel transaction (before the order was made and sent), please, note, that there is non-refundable 9% and PayPal fees (for USA - 1.9% + $ 0.30, other countries 3.4% + $ 0.30). If you have made payment but decided to cancel the order while it was already sent to you, you will also be refunded a sum, except for above-mentioned commission fee, as the cancellation took place due to no fault of the seller. You will get the money back after the package is returned to the seller. While returning parcel, please give the seller a track number.
Vendor: Sumkins
Brown leather long wallet made of distressed leather cognac and brown. Inside the wallet 6 slots for Bank cards, 3 compartments for banknotes and one for coins with zipper. Closes with a metal button. A perfect gift for woman **************************************** Dimensions: length - 7,5 inch /19cm, width - 3.5 inch / 9cm **************************************** Maybe you are interested in something else If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will answer with pleasure. ★ Payment I accept only PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, just choose "pay by credit card" on the PayPal page - as on this guide step 2 ★ Shipping If item is ready to ship I will send it within 3-5 business days after payment confirmation. If item is marked as made to order it will take up to 7 days to complete your item. I do not ship on Sundays. I use the Etsy mailing address, please make sure it is correct. I will let you know when your package is on the way. I will also send you a tracking number of your package. Standard international shipping takes up to 20 business days. Normal delivery time out from Ukraine takes about: U.S. - 10-30 days U.K. - 7-20 days Canada - 14-40 days European Union countries - 9-20 days ( excluding Italy - 20-25 days ) Australia - 15-30 days New Zealand - 13-25 days South Africa - 20 days Israel - 10-18 days Japan - 7-12 days Other countries - to 25 days. ATTENTION! Before Christmas the delivery time growing up +10-15 days for all countries, because the post offices are very busy. After December 3 I can not guarantee, that your purchase will be delivered earlier than Christmas. ★ Refunds and Exchanges Item must be returned within 14 DAYS after the buyer receives the item If you are not satisfied with your purchase. All items must be return in original conditions without any physical changes with all of its components. We do not refund payment for delivery, only the cost of the product. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, contact me as soon as possible and we will resolve any problem. If you wish to cancel transaction (before the order was made and sent), please, note, that there is non-refundable 9% and PayPal fees (for USA - 1.9% + $ 0.30, other countries 3.4% + $ 0.30). If you have made payment but decided to cancel the order while it was already sent to you, you will also be refunded a sum, except for above-mentioned commission fee, as the cancellation took place due to no fault of the seller. You will get the money back after the package is returned to the seller. While returning parcel, please give the seller a track number.
Vendor: Sumkins
Leather keychain made of embossed sea green-colored leather. The keys are attached to the ring and pulled inside with a strap. They are easy to get out and your pockets or the lining of the bag will not be damaged key length is not more 3.1-3.5in / 8-9cm Fits up to 4-8 keys ★ Payment I accept only PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, just choose "pay by credit card" on the PayPal page - as on this guide step 2 ★ Shipping If item is ready to ship I will send it within 3-5 business days after payment confirmation. If item is marked as made to order it will take up to 7 days to complete your item. I do not ship on Sundays. I use the Etsy mailing address, please make sure it is correct. I will let you know when your package is on the way. I will also send you a tracking number of your package. Standard international shipping takes up to 20 business days. Normal delivery time out from Ukraine takes about: U.S. - 10-30 days U.K. - 7-20 days Canada - 14-40 days European Union countries - 9-20 days ( excluding Italy - 20-25 days ) Australia - 15-30 days New Zealand - 13-25 days South Africa - 20 days Israel - 10-18 days Japan - 7-12 days Other countries - to 25 days. ATTENTION! Before Christmas the delivery time growing up +10-15 days for all countries, because the post offices are very busy. After December 3 I can not guarantee, that your purchase will be delivered earlier than Christmas. ★ Refunds and Exchanges Item must be returned within 14 DAYS after the buyer receives the item If you are not satisfied with your purchase. All items must be return in original conditions without any physical changes with all of its components. We do not refund payment for delivery, only the cost of the product. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, contact me as soon as possible and we will resolve any problem. If you wish to cancel transaction (before the order was made and sent), please, note, that there is non-refundable 9% and PayPal fees (for USA - 1.9% + $ 0.30, other countries 3.4% + $ 0.30). If you have made payment but decided to cancel the order while it was already sent to you, you will also be refunded a sum, except for above-mentioned commission fee, as the cancellation took place due to no fault of the seller. You will get the money back after the package is returned to the seller. While returning parcel, please give the seller a track number.
Vendor: Sumkins
Comfort Plus woman shoes
Vendor: LOOKIE
To simulate colour of the body must use : : beige mesh 1 layer Add sleeves : No changes, like the original. Add leggings : No changes, like the original. Includes fabric, sewing, author painting on fabric, applique, rhinestones 100 pieces size ss16 or 10 middle rhinestones (depends on leotard model) and scrunchie.
Large Feather Sterling Silver Chain Blazer Hat Pin Brooch, Grandma Mother Day Gift Brooch, Big Brooch, Clutch Accessory, Armenian Jewelry The brooch is offered in two versions, with and without a chain. The brooch can be attached to both thin and thick fabric. For example, on the collar of a coat. You can also decorate a hat or clutch with this brooch. The brooch is fastened with very reliable buttons, which eliminates the loss of the accessory. Dimensions 75*20 mm. Weight 8 gr.