
Shirt 2280. A very high quality vintage shirt, made from amazingly white, extremely pleasant homespun linen. Romania, as always, is unsurpassed in the processing of details, decoration of collars, cuffs and hem, and the swastika embroidery itself is simply luxurious. Shirt without defects. Length 116 cm, sleeve from neck 82, width (half girth) 74, chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 30, arm circumference 60 cm, neck girth 39 cm, cuff 21 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 32, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches, neck girth 15 inches, cuff 8 inches.
Shirt 4890. A beautiful old shirt made of hemp home-spun cloth. Restrained, refined, feminine and self-sufficient. Narrow strips of netting create a pleasant atmosphere, and decorative collections under the shoulders fantastically complement the embroidered composition. Excellent condition of preservation! Length 111 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 78, chest, waist and hips 156, armhole depth 29, armhole circumference 58 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 44, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4890。 麻の手紡ぎ生地を使用した美しい古着です。 控えめで洗練されたフェミニンで自給自足。 幅の狭いネットが心地よい雰囲気を醸し出し、肩の下の装飾的なコレクションが刺繍の構図を見事に引き立てています。 保存状態抜群! 着丈111cm、首から袖65、身幅(半身)78、胸囲156、袖ぐり深さ29、袖ぐり周り58cm。
Shirt 2203. Beautiful vintage shirt with rich floral embroidery. Cotton fabric. Beautiful delicate flowers. Very beautiful hand-made cuffs and bottom of the dress. Ready to wear! Length 103 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 34, arm circumference 68 cm, neck girth 44 cm, cuff 20 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 41, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches, neck girth 17 inches, cuff 8 inches . Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ2203。 豊かな花柄の刺繍が美しいヴィンテージシャツ。 綿織物。 美しい繊細な花。 ドレスの袖口と裾が手作りでとても美しいです。 着用する準備ができて! 着丈103cm、首からの袖丈63、身幅(半周)75、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ150、アームホール深さ34、腕周り68cm、首周り44cm、袖口20cm。
Shirt 4882. This shirt is truly unique. A rare white beauty, embroidered with the most complex embroidery technique in the world! Small holes are cut with scissors, and then tightly hemmed by hand with hemp home-spun thread. Perfect job! Luxurious mesh on the hem! Such dresses were festive - for a big church holiday or for a wedding. Real authentic beauty! Length 135 cm, sleeve from neck 67, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4882。 このシャツは本当にユニークです。 世界で最も複雑な刺繍技法で刺繍された稀代の白の美女! ハサミで小さな穴を開け、麻の地糸で手でしっかりと縁取りをします。 完璧な仕事! 裾には贅沢なメッシュ! そのようなドレスはお祝いでした-大きな教会の休日や結婚式のために。 本物の本物の美しさ! 着丈135cm、首から袖67、身幅(半身)75、胸囲150、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周り66cm。
Shirt 4563. Beautifully embroidered ancient Polish dress. The linen is thin and delicate, it is hard to believe that it is home-made, but it really is. The shirt is extremely pleasant to wear! Very well preserved, without defects. Due to the moderate magnificence, it feels very comfortable under outerwear. Length 93 cm, sleeve from neck 70, width (half girth) 66, chest, waist and hips 132, armhole depth 33, arm circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 37, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4563。 美しい刺繍が施された古代ポーランドのドレス。 リネンは自家製とは思えないほど薄くデリケートな生地ですが、自家製とは思えないほどです。 シャツは着心地がとてもいいです! 非常に保存状態が良く、欠品はありません。 適度な厚みがあるので、アウターの下に着ても快適です。 着丈93cm、首から袖70、身幅(半身)66、胸囲132、袖ぐり深さ33、腕周り66cm。
Shirt 4560. Very beautiful vintage shirt with luxurious flower embroidery. This is a very large scope, while maintaining tenderness, femininity and exactly that atmosphere that never gets boring, and which you want more and more! A very beautiful detail - yellow lacing on the sleeve! White cotton fabric. Long sleeve to the wrist! The dress is ready to wear right now! Length 107 cm, sleeve from the neck 70, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 32, armhole circumference 64 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 42, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4560。 豪華なフラワー刺繍がとても美しいヴィンテージシャツ。 これは、優しさ、女性らしさ、そして決して飽きることのない雰囲気を維持しながら、非常に大きな範囲であり、ますます欲しくなります! 非常に美しいディテール - 袖の黄色のレース! ホワイトコットン生地. 手首までのロングスリーブ! ドレスは今着る準備ができています! 着丈107cm、首から袖70、身幅(半身)75、胸囲150、袖ぐり深さ32、袖ぐり周り64cm。
Shirt 4558. A rare and very beautiful shirt! Luxurious geometric ornament in black color. And the bottom is embroidered with indigo thread using an ancient cutting technique. Very nice, high-quality home-spun hemp cloth! Someone will be lucky to have such a rarity in their collection! Length 129 cm, sleeve from neck 68, width (half girth) 71, chest, waist and hips 142, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 51, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4558。 希少でとても綺麗なシャツです! 黒い色の豪華な幾何学的な飾り。 そして底は古来の裁断技法を用いた藍糸で刺繍されています。 とても上質な手紡ぎ麻布です! 誰かがコレクションにそのような希少性を持っていることは幸運です! 着丈129cm、首から袖68、身幅(半身)71、胸囲142、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Shirt 4557. An old Bukovyna shirt made of home-spun linen. Luxuriously embroidered with flowers using the Bukovyna embroidery technique. Which is not found anywhere else in Ukraine. Length 116 cm, sleeve from neck 52, width (half girth) 58, chest, waist and hips 116, armhole depth 24, armhole circumference 48 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 20, width from side to side 23, volume on the chest, waist and hips 46, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4557。 手紡ぎのリネンで作られたブコビナの古いシャツ。 ブコビナ刺繍技法で花を贅沢に刺繍。 これはウクライナの他の場所では見られません。 着丈116cm、首から袖52、身幅(半身)58、胸囲116、袖ぐり深さ24、袖ぐり周り48cm。
Shirt 4555. Very beautiful vintage shirt with luxurious floral embroidery. The emphasis is on the green color, the whole composition looks very fresh, warm in the summer. Ready to wear! Length 70 cm, sleeve from neck 67, width (half girth) 74, chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4555。 豪華な花柄刺繍がとても美しいヴィンテージシャツ。 緑色が強調され、全体の構成は非常に新鮮で、夏には暖かく見えます。 着用する準備ができて! 着丈70cm、首から袖67、身幅(半身)74、胸囲148、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。
Shirt 4554. Beautiful and delicate strawberry shirt blouse made of cotton light vintage fabric. Fits any size! Ready to wear! Length 75 cm, sleeve from neck 67, width (half girth) 66, chest, waist and hips 132, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 30, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4554。 コットンの薄手のヴィンテージ生地を使用した、美しく繊細なストロベリーシャツブラウス。 どんなサイズにもフィット! 着用する準備ができて! 着丈75cm、首から袖67、身幅(半身)66、胸囲132、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Shirt 4553. Very interesting and rare embroidery in a rare color. Meanders are traditionally associated with Greece, although there were a huge number of such undulating ornaments in Ukrainian culture since the time of Trypilly. The shirt is rare and very beautiful. Ready to wear! Length 116 cm, sleeve from neck 72, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 2242. This is a fantastically beautiful shirt like no other! A unique beauty in an absolutely perfect state of preservation. Length 117 cm, sleeve from neck 66, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 35, arm circumference 70 cm, neck girth 45 cm, cuff 18 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 18 inches, cuff 7 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ2242。 他にはない素晴らしく美しいシャツです! 完璧な保存状態にある独特の美しさ。 着丈117cm、首からの袖丈66、身幅(半周)76、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ152、アームホール深さ35、腕周り70cm、首周り45cm、袖口18cm。
Shirt 4549. A cute and very pleasant tunic shirt with very delicate embroidery in soft colors. White cotton fabric. The length is a short mini dress or tunic. Ready to wear! Length 89 cm, sleeve from neck 69, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 35, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4549。 柔らかな色合いに繊細な刺繍がとてもキュートで着心地の良いチュニックシャツです。 ホワイトコットン生地. 着丈は短めのミニワンピやチュニック。 着用する準備ができて! 着丈89cm、首から袖69、身幅(半身)76、胸囲152、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周り66cm。
Shirt 4547. This is a very beautiful blouse with very beautiful embroidery in rich, beautiful colors. The flowers are simply incredible. The cotton fabric is white and light. Excellent condition, ready to wear. Length 69 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 71, chest, waist and hips 142, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches.\ Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4547。 綺麗な色味に刺繍がとても綺麗なブラウスです。 花は単に信じられないほどです。 コットン生地は白くて軽いです。 すぐに着用できる優れた状態。 着丈69cm、首から袖65、身幅(半身)71、胸囲142、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Corset 671. An extremely beautiful vintage corset with a wonderful finish and cut. It sits exactly on the figure, the fabric perfectly keeps its shape, the luxurious velvet decoration adds special value and charm to the corset! Very good state of preservation. Length 54 cm, volume 90 cm, armhole 46 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 21 inches, volume 35 inches, armhole girth 18 inches. Size international S - M コルセット671。 素晴らしい仕上げとカットを備えた非常に美しいヴィンテージコルセット。 体型に正確にフィットし、生地はその形状を完璧に保ち、豪華なベルベットの装飾がコルセットに特別な価値と魅力を加えます。 保存状態は非常に良好です。 着丈54cm、ボリューム90cm、アームホール46cm。
Corset 329. Extremely rare, unique, beautiful Cherkasy corset! Fantastically beautiful saturated green, so rare for corsets, as well as contrasting red and pink trims for pockets and edges! Very rare to date, a unique thing, in a perfectly preserved condition, without flaws! Length is 60 cm, volume is 90 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 26 inches, volume 35 inches. Size international S - M - L コルセット329。 非常に珍しい、ユニークで美しいチェルカースィコルセット!幻想的に美しい飽和緑、コルセットでは珍しい、ポケットとエッジの赤とピンクのコントラストが対照的!これまで非常にまれで、完全に保存された状態で、欠陥のないユニークなものです! 長さは60 cm、容積は90 cmです。
Skirt 310. Vintage skirt made of soft cotton fabric. Dark brown in color, the color is deep and very rare for authenticity. The skirt is ready to wear. Waist 77 cm, length 61 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Waist up to 30 inches, length 24 inches. スカート 310. 柔らかなコットン生地を使用したヴィンテージスカート。 色はダークブラウンで、色は深みがあり、真正品としては非常に希少です。 スカートはすぐに着用できます。 ウエスト77cm、着丈61cm。
Shirt 2205. Very beautiful and interesting old embroidered dress. The luxuriously embroidered sleeves and the embroidered bottom are simply something incredible. A unique shirt with an interesting arrangement of all embroidered elements. Sewn from home-spun hemp cloth. Very beautiful, well preserved, ready to wear. Length 109 cm, sleeve from neck 62, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 35, arm circumference 70 cm, neck girth 45 cm, cuff 20 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 18 inches, cuff 8 inches . Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ2205。 とても美しくて興味深い古い刺繍のドレス。 贅沢に施された袖や裾の刺繍も圧巻です。 すべての刺繍要素を興味深い配置で仕上げたユニークなシャツ。 ホームスパンの麻布を縫製しました。 非常に美しく、保存状態も良く、すぐに着用できます。 着丈109cm、首からの袖丈62、身幅(半周)75、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ150、アームホール深さ35、腕周り70cm、首周り45cm、袖口20cm。
Shirt 2015. A beautiful shirt made of ancient snow-white divine linen. Combines several types of embroidery: cut-out, net and cross. Extremely beautiful, enchantingly beautiful and rare! Kyiv region!!! Perfect condition! Length 120 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 77, chest, waist and hips 154, armhole depth 36, armhole circumference 72 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2015. 古代の純白の神聖なリネンで作られた美しいシャツ。 カットアウト、ネット、クロスなど、数種類の刺繍を組み合わせています。 非常に美しく、うっとりするほど美しく、珍しい! キエフ地方!!! 完璧な状態! 着丈120cm、首から袖65、身幅(半身)77、胸囲154、袖ぐり深さ36、袖ぐり周り72cm。
Shirt M-133. An original, wonderful hemp cloth, on which a delicate net is made. Sophisticated technique, which is very difficult to master and repeat, looks surprisingly beautiful! The sleeve has a very nice shape with tidies. Completely handmade! Very neat, virtuoso tailoring! Length 107, sleeve from the neck 64, width 74, armhole 26 cm Size international S - M シャツM-133。 繊細なネットが張られたオリジナルの素敵な麻布。習得も再現も非常に難しい高度な技術は、驚くほど美しく見えます!袖は整頓されたとても素敵な形をしています。完全手作り!とてもきちんとした、名手仕立て! 長さ107、首から袖64、幅74、アームホール26cm
Shirt 4877. This beautiful authentic dress with perfectly smooth hemp fabric and exquisite geometric pattern will decorate any collection or modern wardrobe. It is very comfortable to wear in different seasons and combine with various boho or vintage elements, or even modern wardrobe items. PERFECT CONDITION!!! Length 96 cm, sleeve from neck 68, width (half girth) 66, chest, waist and hip circumference 132, armhole depth 33, arm circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 37,5, sleeve from the neck 26.5, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4877。 完全に滑らかなヘンプ生地と絶妙な幾何学模様を備えたこの美しい本格的なドレスは、コレクションやモダンなワードローブを飾ります。 季節を問わず快適に着用でき、ボヘミアンやヴィンテージ、さらにはモダンなワードローブのさまざまな要素と組み合わせることができます。 着丈96cm、首から袖68、身幅(半身)66、胸囲132、袖ぐり深さ33、腕周り66cm。
Shirt 4347. Luxury flowers on the lush sleeves of an old shirt. Beautiful colors! Excellent fabric condition! Very beautiful romer that will suit any figure! Length 70 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width (half girth) 72, volume on the chest, waist and hips 144, armhole depth 46, armhole circumference 92 cm Measurements in INCHES Length 27,5, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 18 inches, armhole circumference 36 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 4386. A wonderful hemp shirt embroidered with black thread. It looks very effective and expressive. The fabric is soft, not rough. A long, ankle-length shirt that can be worn as a dress. Very comfortable, perfectly suitable for different types of figures, without restrictions. Ready to wear right now. Length 119 cm, sleeve from neck 69, width (half girth) 74, chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4386。 黒い糸で刺繍された素敵な麻シャツ。 それは非常に効果的で表現力豊かに見えます。 生地はざらざらではなく柔らかめ。 ワンピースとしても着られるくるぶし丈のロングシャツ。 非常に快適で、制限なく、さまざまなタイプのフィギュアに完全に適しています。 すぐに着用できます。 着丈119cm、首から袖69、身幅(半身)74、胸囲148、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周り66cm。
Skirt 316. Ancient Ukrainian skirt made of very dense cotton. The fabric perfectly holds its shape, besides, it is very beautifully decorated with black velvet ribbons. Waist 71 cm, length 57 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Waist up to 28 inches, length 22 inches. スカート 316. 非常に密度の高い綿で作られた古代ウクライナのスカート。 布はその形を完璧に保ち、黒いベルベットのリボンでとても美しく装飾されています。 ウエスト71cm、着丈57cm。
Shirt 4094. Delicate neat flowers on the gloves and a real archaic, embroidered with hemp thread with natural dyeing, hem! An interesting shirt, which combines the archaic of the 19th century and the lightness of the early 20th century. Absolutely perfect, without defects! Ready to wear in today's world! Length 146 cm, sleeve from the neck 63, width (half girth) 70, volume on the chest, waist and hips 140 cm, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 57, sleeve from the neck 24.5, width from side to side 27,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 55, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4094。 手袋の繊細なきちんとした花と本物の古風な、自然な染色、裾の麻糸で刺繍! 19世紀の古風さと20世紀初頭の軽さを兼ね備えたおもしろいシャツ。完璧で、欠陥はありません!今日の世界で着る準備ができました! 長さ146cm、首から袖63、幅(半身)70、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム140cm、アームホールの深さ30、アームホールの周囲60cm
Shirt 2243. A very beautiful vintage shirt made of wonderful soft home-spun linen with bright red embroidery. Please pay attention to the availability of skirts and belts from this region in our store! The shirt is perfectly preserved, without defects! Length 95 cm, sleeve from neck 70, width (half girth) 56, chest, waist and hips 112, armhole depth 36, arm circumference 72 cm, neck girth 33 cm, cuff 16 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 37, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 22, volume on the chest, waist and hips 44, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 13 inches, cuff 6 inches. Size international S - M シャツ2243。 素晴らしい柔らかいホームスパンリネンで作られた非常に美しいヴィンテージシャツに、鮮やかな赤い刺繍が施されています。 当店ではこの地域のスカートやベルトも取り揃えておりますので、ぜひご注目ください! シャツは完璧に保存されており、欠陥はありません。 着丈95cm、首からの袖丈70、身幅(半周)56、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ112、アームホール深さ36、腕周り72cm、首周り33cm、袖口16cm。
Shirt 3776. This dress is amazingly beautiful and extremely rare. Traditional, very old red with white. Probably echoes the Buddhist knowledge of red and white energies that must be combined in the body of a spiritually advanced person. Extremely complex and beautiful embroidery techniques. The network is combined with surface techniques. Very soft gentle hemp cloth !!! Beauty!!! Length 120 cm, sleeve from the neck 67, width (half girth) 69, volume on the chest, waist and hips 138 cm, armhole depth 31, armhole depth 62 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 24.5, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ3776。 このドレスは驚くほど美しく、非常に珍しいです。伝統的な、非常に古い赤と白。おそらく、精神的に進んだ人の体の中で組み合わされなければならない赤と白のエネルギーに関する仏教の知識を反映しています。非常に複雑で美しい刺繡技法。ネットワークは表面技術と組み合わされています。とても柔らかく優しい麻布!!!美しさ!!! 長さ120cm、首から袖67、幅(半身)69、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム138cm、アームホールの深さ31、アームホールの深さ62cm
Shirt 4381. A soft, delicate vintage dress with hand embroidery. Sewn from soft home-spun linen. Very delicate, pleasant embroidery, both in patterns and colors. Everything is very delicate, refined. Small and medium size. Length 120 cm, sleeve from neck 68, width (half girth) 50, chest, waist and hips 100, armhole depth 25, armhole circumference 50 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 26.5, width from side to side 19,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 39, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4381。 手刺繍が施された、柔らかく繊細なヴィンテージドレス。 柔らかな手紡ぎのリネンを使用。 柄も色もとても繊細で気持ちの良い刺繍です。 すべてがとても繊細で洗練されています。 中小サイズ。 着丈120cm、首から袖68、身幅(半身)50、胸囲100、袖ぐり深さ25、袖ぐり周り50cm。
Corset 672. Minimalist vintage corset in good condition. Organic cotton fabric, fitted cut, very neatly sewn. Length 58 cm, volume 90 cm, armhole 45 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 23 inches, volume 35 inches, armhole girth 13 inches. Size international XS - S コルセット672。 状態の良いミニマリストのヴィンテージコルセット。 オーガニックコットン生地、フィットしたカット、非常に丁寧に縫製されています。 着丈58cm、ボリューム90cm、アームホール45cm。
Shirt 4133. Very high quality bleached, delicate, soft hemp home-woven fabric! This shirt should be worn only for the sake of fabric! Well, embroidered flowers - bright and delicate at the same time, beautiful, unique - are really worthy to be depicted on such a beautiful canvas. No defects! Length 70 cm, sleeve from the neck 63, width (half girth) 72, volume on the chest, waist and hips 144 cm, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 27,5, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4133。 非常に高品質の漂白された、繊細で柔らかい麻の自家製生地!このシャツは生地のためだけに着用する必要があります!さて、刺繍された花-明るく繊細であると同時に、美しく、ユニーク-は、このような美しい帆布に描かれるのに本当に価値があります。欠陥なし! 長さ70cm、首から袖63、幅(ハーフガース)72、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム144 cm、アームホールの深さ30、アームホールの周囲60 cm
Shirt 4892. A very delicate and pleasant vintage shirt from the end of the 19th century. A real museum shirt for connoisseurs! Luxurious white embroidery with ancient techniques, very bleached, almost white hemp homespun fabric, thin and delicate, made like for a goddess!! A fantastically beautiful and rare shirt in excellent condition. Length 119 cm, sleeve from neck 69, width (half girth) 65, chest, waist and hips 130, armhole depth 28, armhole circumference 56 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4892。 19世紀末のとても繊細で気持ちの良いヴィンテージシャツです。 愛好家のための本物のミュージアムシャツ! 古代の技法による豪華な白い刺繍、非常に漂白された、ほとんど白い麻の手織り生地、薄くて繊細、まるで女神のように作られています!! 非常に美しく、素晴らしい状態の希少なシャツです。 着丈119cm、首から袖69、身幅(半身)65、胸囲130、袖ぐり深さ28、袖ぐり周り56cm。
Shirt 2206. Very beautiful vintage dress made of soft hemp fabric. Refined, very beautiful, it will bring real pleasure if you are looking for something special expressive, hempy and not too lush. It has a long sleeve to the wrist. In most shirts, the length of the sleeve reaches 2/3 or 3/4, so a long sleeve is a value. Excellent condition! The dress is ready to wear. Length 113 cm, sleeve from neck 70, width (half girth) 71, chest, waist and hips 142, armhole depth 30, arm circumference 60 cm, neck girth 44 cm, cuff 18 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 44, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches, neck girth 17 inches, cuff 7 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ2206。 柔らかい麻生地で作られたとても美しいヴィンテージドレス。 洗練されていてとても美しく、特別な表現力があり、麻のように豪華すぎないものをお探しなら、本当に喜ばれるでしょう。 手首まである長めの袖です。 ほとんどのシャツは袖の長さが2/3か3/4に達するので、長袖が価値があります。 非常に良い状態! ドレスはすぐに着用できます。 着丈113cm、首からの袖丈70、身幅(半周)71、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ142、アームホール深さ30、腕周り60cm、首周り44cm、袖口18cm。
Shirt 4941. Exquisite full-sleeved vintage embroidery on white thin linen. This is a real elite vintage shirt, created at the very beginning of the 20th century. Ancient patterns and very rare embroidery techniques. Condition without defects. Length 68 cm, sleeve from neck 64, width (half girth) 74, chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 47, armhole circumference 54 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 18.5 inches, armhole circumference 37 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4941。 白い薄手のリネンに、絶妙なフルスリーブのヴィンテージ刺繍が施された、20世紀初頭に作られた本物のエリートヴィンテージシャツです。 古代の模様と非常に珍しい刺繍技術。 欠陥のない状態。 着丈68cm、首元からの袖丈64、身幅(半周)74、胸囲・ウエスト・ヒップ148、アームホール深さ47、アームホール周囲54cm。
Shirt 3836. Antique vintage linen shirt with very interesting embroidery in an incredibly rare combination of red, white and black! The soft vintage linen is very pleasant to the body and absolutely 100% natural. A comfortable shirt that can be safely worn in the modern world !! Length 69 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width 75, armhole 30 cm シャツ3836。 赤、白、黒の非常に珍しい組み合わせで非常に興味深い刺繍が施されたアンティークのヴィンテージリネンシャツ!柔らかなヴィンテージのリネンは体にとても心地よく、100%自然です。現代の世界で安心して着られる着心地の良いシャツ!! 長さ69cm、首から袖69、幅75、アームホール30cm
Shirt 3829. Unrealistically beautiful dress with a uniquely rare embroidery, which happens in 5% of cases. Surface embroidery, which very successfully mimics weaving - an older art form and method of creating clothes. The flowers are large, moderately bright, solemn. Hemp cloth is very, very soft !!! Size S - L Length 110 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width 79, armhole 30 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ3829。 5%のケースで発生する、独特の珍しい刺繡を備えた非現実的な美しいドレス。表面の刺繡は、織りを非常にうまく模倣しています。これは、古い芸術形式と衣服の作成方法です。花は大きく、適度に明るく、厳粛です。麻布はとてもとても柔らかいです!!!サイズS-L 長さ110cm、首から袖69、幅79、アームホール30cm。
Shirt 3828. Very beautiful dress without a cut on the chest, with a full neck. Luxuriously embroidered sleeves in large colors! Incredibly beautiful, archaic hem! A dress that combines two eras, a later floral, and an older geometric, with embroidery of hemp thread and natural colors. Beauty! Length 113 cm, sleeve from the neck 68, width 70, armhole 30 cm. シャツ3828。 胸元にカットのない、首全体のとても美しいドレス。大きく刺繍された袖を贅沢に!信じられないほど美しい、古風な裾!麻糸と自然な色の刺繡で、後のフローラルと古い幾何学の2つの時代を組み合わせたドレス。美しさ! 長さ113cm、首から袖68、幅70、アームホール30cm
Shirt 3822. This shirt is unsurpassed. It has no equal. Fantastic beauty !! Snow-white vintage cotton. No defects. absolutely perfect condition. Size S - M - L - XL Length 72 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width 70, armhole 33 cm シャツ3822。 このシャツは最高です。同等のものはありません。幻想的な美しさ!白雪姫のヴィンテージコットン。欠陥はありません。絶対に完璧な状態。サイズS-M-L-XL 長さ72cm、首から袖69、幅70、アームホール33cm
Shirt 2054. A beautiful old shirt with a plant-geometric ornament. The flowers are interestingly laid out in an ideal geometric shape - the pattern is quite traditional, but rare, especially on hemp canvas. The shirt is comfortable, not rough, organic, will go well with modern clothes! Length 63 cm, sleeve from neck 61, width (half girth) 72, chest, waist and hips 144, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 25, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2054。 植物の幾何学的な装飾が施された美しい古いシャツ。 花は興味深いことに、理想的な幾何学的な形に配置されています。パターンは非常に伝統的ですが、特に麻のキャンバスでは珍しいものです。 シャツは着心地が良く、ラフではなく、オーガニックで、現代の服によく合います! 着丈63cm、首から袖61、身幅(半身)72、胸囲144、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周り66cm。
Shirt 2055. Vintage shirt made of fine vintage cotton. The fabric is thin and very light, ideal for hot summers and for sensitive skin. Completely organic, it will provide perfect comfort and ease of wear. The embroidery is made in very gentle, pleasant colors. The shirt is atmospheric, with its special charm, can be worn as a tunic, combined with modern clothes in a wide variety of forms. Length 86 cm, sleeve from neck 60, width (half girth) 57, chest, waist and hips 114, armhole depth 36, armhole circumference 72 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 34, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 22, volume on the chest, waist and hips 44, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 2055。 上質なヴィンテージコットンを使用したヴィンテージシャツ。 生地は薄くてとても軽く、暑い夏や敏感肌に最適です。 完全にオーガニックで、完璧な快適さと着やすさを提供します。 とても優しい優しい色合いの刺繍です。 雰囲気のあるシャツは独特の魅力があり、チュニックとしても着用でき、さまざまな形のモダンな服と組み合わせることができます。 着丈86cm、首から袖60、身幅(半身)57、胸囲114、袖ぐり深さ36、袖ぐり周り72cm。
Shirt 4917. A wonderful old Chernihiv shirt with rare white and red embroidery. Very beautiful ancient geometry, worthy of the attention of collectors, as well as lovers of interesting and high-quality authenticity. Home-woven linen cloth. Excellent condition. Length 107 cm, sleeve from neck 61, width (half girth) 68, chest, waist and hips 136, armhole depth 31, armhole circumference 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 42, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international S - M シャツ 4917。 珍しい白と赤の刺繍が素敵なオールドチェルニーヒウシャツ。 コレクターの注目に値する非常に美しい古代の幾何学だけでなく、興味深い高品質の信憑性を愛する人もいます。 自家製リネン生地。 非常に良い状態。 着丈107cm、首から袖61、身幅(半身)68、胸囲136、袖ぐり深さ31、袖ぐり周り62cm。
Shirt 2069. Vintage Ukrainian shirt with beautiful net embroidery. Very neat jewelry embroidery, taken in a delicate red frame, looks incredibly beautiful and atmospheric. A shirt made of soft hemp fabric of excellent quality. In excellent condition, ready to wear! Length 94 cm, sleeve from neck 59, width (half girth) 77, chest, waist and hips 154, armhole depth 25, armhole circumference 50 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 37, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2069。 ネット刺繍が美しいヴィンテージのウクライナシャツ。 繊細な赤いフレームで撮影された非常にきちんとしたジュエリーの刺繍は、信じられないほど美しく雰囲気があります。 肌触りの良い上質なヘンプ生地を使用したシャツ。 綺麗な状態で、すぐに着用できます! 着丈94cm、首から袖59、身幅(半身)77、胸囲154、袖ぐり深さ25、袖ぐり周り50cm。
Shirt 2000. A very beautiful vintage shirt blouse, quite restrained size, very easily combined with any clothes. Denim. It is easy to wear and very much decorated with beautiful geometric ornaments. Length 60 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width 55, armhole 20 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 24, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 52, volume on the chest, waist and hips 104, armhole depth 12.5 inches, armhole circumference 25 inches. Size international XS - S シャツ2000。 非常に美しいヴィンテージのシャツブラウスで、かなり控えめなサイズで、どんな服にも合わせやすいです。 デニム。 身に着けやすく、美しい幾何学的な装飾が施されています。 着丈60cm、首から袖65、身幅55、アームホール20cm。
Shirt 4306. Very interesting and rare shirt, decorated with embroidered "corners" in front and back. Unusual special decoration perfectly complements the luxurious floral embroidery in rich colors. Snow-white cotton fabric. No defects! Length 93 cm, sleeve from the throat 60, width (half girth) 61, volume on the chest, waist and hips 122, armhole depth 28, armhole circumference 56 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 36,5, sleeve from the neck 23.5, width from side to side 24, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S シャツ4306。 前後に刺繡の「コーナー」が施された、とても面白くて珍しいシャツ。珍しい特別な装飾は、豊かな色の豪華な花の刺繡を完璧に補完します。白雪姫の綿生地。欠陥なし! 長さ93cm、喉からの袖60、幅(半分の胴回り)61、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム122、アームホールの深さ28、アームホールの周囲長56 cm
Shirt 4957. A very delicate vintage shirt blouse with archaic white-on-white embroidery. Soft, delicate hemp fabric. Very delicate hemp fabric. A purely traditional shirt with a purely preserved tradition of embroidery and cut, in very good condition, ready to wear. Length 70 cm, sleeve from neck 60, width (half girth) 72, full volume on chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 35, arm circumference 70 cm, neck girth 41 cm, cuff 24 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 16 inches, cuff 9 inches. Size international S - M
Shirt 4956. A luxurious vintage shirt with a full-sleeve neckline. A festive, probably wedding shirt, made of hemp home-spun cloth. Ancient, real archaic pattern of embroidery. A collectible luxury dress, ready to wear right now. Length 122 cm, sleeve from neck 67, width (half girth) 74, full volume across chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 30, arm circumference 60 cm, neck girth 50 cm, cuff 21 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 48, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches, neck girth 20 inches, cuff 8 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 3344. Fantastically beautiful Chernihiv hemp shirt with Assisi embroidery, in which the unsewn area of ​​fabric forms a wonderful pattern. Saturated black embroidery thread! Colorful ornament! Soft gentle canvas! Length 66, sleeve from the neck 60, width 76, armhole 39 cm Size international S - M - L シャツ3344。 アッシジの刺繍が施された素晴らしく美しいチェルニーヒウの麻シャツ。生地の縫い付けられていない領域が素晴らしいパターンを形成しています。刺繍された黒の刺繍糸!カラフルなオーナメント!やわらかな優しいキャンバス! 着丈66、袖丈60、身幅76、袖ぐり39cm
Shirt 3816. Vintage cotton shirt made of incredibly light, completely organic material. Beautiful embroidery of delicate cornflower color is quite rare as an authenticity, where there are more strict or classic red colors. Very good size that will fit any figure, from XS to XL. Length 107 cm, sleeve from the neck 63, width 73, armhole 35 cm. シャツ3816。 信じられないほど軽く、完全に有機的な素材で作られたヴィンテージのコットンシャツ。繊細なコーンフラワー色の美しい刺繡は、より厳格なまたは古典的な赤い色がある本物としては非常にまれです。 XSからXLまでどんなフィギュアにも合うとても良いサイズ。 長さ107cm、首から袖63、幅73、アームホール35cm。
Shirt 4909. Beautiful tunic dress from authentic Ukraine. Very white and very soft cotton - perfectly preserved, without any defects!! The sleeves are decorated with delicate lace. The size of the tunic is small, for a thin figure. The shirt is very light and delicate, extremely convenient and comfortable to wear, easily combined with other modern and traditional clothes. Length 88 cm, sleeve from neck 58, width (half girth) 69, chest, waist and hips 138, armhole depth 25, armhole circumference 50 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 35, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4909。 本場ウクライナの美しいチュニックドレス。 非常に白くて非常に柔らかい綿 - 完璧に保存されており、欠陥はありません!! 袖には繊細なレースがあしらわれています。 チュニックのサイズは小さめで、痩せ型です。 このシャツは非常に軽くてデリケートで、非常に便利で着心地がよく、他のモダンな服や伝統的な服と簡単に組み合わせることができます. 着丈88cm、首から袖58、身幅(半身)69、胸囲138、袖ぐり深さ25、袖ぐり周り50cm。
Shirt M-124. Network beauty! Framed net tiers of embroidery on soft hemp cloth! A charming shirt worthy of being included in the collection of rare authenticity! Length 67, sleeve from the neck 58, width 70, armhole 29 cm シャツM-124。 ネットワークの美しさ!柔らかな麻布に刺繍の額入りネットティア!希少品のコレクションに含まれるにふさわしいチャーミングなシャツ! 着丈67、袖丈58、身幅70、袖ぐり29cm
Shirt 4254. Beautiful women's shirt, extremely pleasant for the body and skin. Beautiful, neat and restrained, with a wonderful glove jewelry. In perfect condition! Length 116 cm, sleeve from the neck 72, width (half girth) 73, volume on the chest, waist and hips 146 cm, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 45,5, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 28,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 57, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4254。 体と肌にとても心地よい美しい女性用シャツ。美しく、きちんとしていて、控えめで、素晴らしいグローブジュエリーがあります。完璧な状態で! 長さ116cm、首から袖72、幅(ハーフガース)73、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム146cm、アームホールの深さ30、アームホールの円周60cm
Skirt 408. A very beautiful old skirt of dark rich green color. Decorated with decorative black ribbons made of antique velvet. Very beautiful, lush, in excellent condition! Waist up to 74 cm, length 61 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Waist up to 29 inches, length 24 inches. スカート408。 深く濃い緑色のとても美しい古いスカート。 アンティークベルベット製の装飾的な黒いリボンで飾られています。 とても美しく、青々としていて、素晴らしい状態です! ウエスト最大74cm、丈61cm。
Shirt 2072. Very beautiful flowers, the very femininity and mystery, tenderness and uniqueness. A very high-quality old shirt, which has been perfectly preserved in all respects, both fabric and embroidery. Rare, suitable for replenishing the collection of rare vintage clothes. Length 69 cm, sleeve from neck 67, width (half girth) 62, chest, waist and hips 124, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 24, volume on the chest, waist and hips 48, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2072。 とても美しい花、女性らしさと神秘性、優しさと独自性。 生地や刺繍など、あらゆる面で完璧に保存されている非常に高品質の古いシャツです。 レア、レアな古着コレクションの補充に適しています。 着丈69cm、首から袖67、身幅(半身)62、胸囲124、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。
Shirt 4888. Thin off-white cotton vintage fabric. And the exquisite Richelieu embroidery that goes incredibly well with this fabric. This technique came to Ukraine from Europe and was not widely distributed. But those craftsmen who mastered this technique embodied it very successfully and incredibly beautifully. Refined and elegant tunic shirt that can be worn as a tunic or as a short dress. In excellent condition! Length 90 cm, sleeve from the neck 62, width (half girth) 73, chest, waist and hips 146, armhole depth 30, armhole width 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 38, sleeve from the neck 24.5, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 12.5 inches, armhole circumference 25 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4888。 薄いオフホワイトのコットンヴィンテージ生地。 そして、この生地との相性が抜群のリシュリュー刺繍。 この技術はヨーロッパからウクライナに伝わり、広く普及していませんでした。 しかし、この技術を習得した職人は、それを非常にうまく、信じられないほど美しく具現化しました。 チュニックとしても、ショートドレスとしても着回せる上品で上品なチュニックシャツ。 絶好調! 着丈90cm、首から袖62、身幅(半身)73、胸囲146、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり幅60cm。
Shirt 4683. This is a mega rare collectible home-made shirt dress from Rivne Polissia. For sale in perfect condition. Real authentic embroidery, made at the highest level of craftsmanship. Home-woven linen cloth. Length 98 cm, sleeve from neck 67, width (half girth) 64, chest, waist and hips 128, armhole depth 33, arm circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 39, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 25, volume on the chest, waist and hips 50, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4683。 これは、Rivne Polissia のメガ レア コレクション 自家製 シャツ ドレスです。 完璧な状態で販売されています。 最高レベルの職人技で作られた本物の本物の刺繍。 自家製リネン生地。 着丈98cm、首から袖67、身幅(半身)64、胸囲128、袖ぐり深さ33、腕周り66cm。
Skirt 272. Antique woolen skirt with luxurious decoration of antique silk ribbons and a wide strip of antique black velvet at the bottom. In perfect condition! Waist up to 79 cm, length 66 cm. スカート272。 アンティークのシルクリボンの豪華な装飾が施されたアンティークのウールのスカートと、下部にあるアンティークの黒いベルベットの幅広のストリップ。完璧な状態で! ウエスト79cm、長さ66cm。
Shirt 4945. An undeniably exquisite and rare collectible blouse shirt. Its main advantages are real bleached, elite, almost white home-made fabric of incredible delicacy and full-sleeved, rare embroidery with cutouts. In excellent condition, without defects. Length 70 cm, sleeve from the neck 75, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 39, armhole circumference 78 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 30, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 15 inches, armhole circumference 30 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4945。 間違いなく絶妙で希少なコレクション用ブラウスシャツです。 その主な利点は、信じられないほどの繊細さを備えた本物の漂白されたエリートの、ほとんど白い自家製キャンバスと、カットアウト付きのフルスリーブの珍しい刺繍です。 欠陥のない良好な状態。 着丈70cm、首からの袖丈75、身幅(半周)75、胸囲・ウエスト・ヒップ150、アームホール深さ39、アームホール周囲78cm。
Shirt 4446. A fantastically beautiful cotton dress with delicate spring embroidery. The first violets - what could be more joyful for the soul after a long winter! Such a mood is conveyed by this rich, delicate embroidery, preserved in perfect condition! A dress from the Myrhorod district of the Poltava region, described in many works of classical writers. The dress is ready to wear!! Length 112 cm, sleeve from neck 73, width (half girth) 79, chest, waist and hips 158, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 44, sleeve from the neck 29, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4446。 繊細な春の刺繍が幻想的に美しいコットンワンピース。 最初のスミレ - 長い冬の後、魂にとってもっと楽しいものは何でしょう! 完璧な状態で保存されたこの豊かで繊細な刺繍は、そのようなムードを伝えます! 古典作家の多くの作品に描かれている、ポルタヴァ地方ミュロロド地方のドレス。 ドレスは着る準備ができています!! 着丈112cm、首から袖73、身幅(半身)79、胸囲158、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。embroidery dress
Shirt 4811. Very smooth delicate hemp home-woven fabric. Embroidery with hemp thread, greased in hemp oil, has a smooth structure and is very pleasant to the touch. Very old embroidery from 19th century models. No defects !!! Length 104 cm, sleeve from the neck 72, width (half girth) 68, volume on the chest, waist and hips 136 cm, armhole depth 22, armhole circumference 44 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 41, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 26,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 53, armhole depth 8.5 inches, armhole circumference 17 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4811。 非常に滑らかで繊細な麻の手織り生地。ヘンプオイルを塗ったヘンプ糸の刺繡は、滑らかな構造で、手触りがとても快適です。 19世紀のモデルからの非常に古い刺繡。欠陥なし!!! 長さ104cm、首から袖72、幅(半分の胴回り)68、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム136 cm、アームホールの深さ22、アームホールの円周44 cm
Shirt 2266. This is a super-gentle, absolutely special vintage shirt-dress, to which the craftswoman tried to give as much tenderness, sophistication and feminine atmosphere as possible. Very delicate, but absolutely not dull colors of embroidery. Fantastically delicate embroidery pattern, like the whole composition in general. The shirt is sewn from the same delicate cotton fabric that gently envelops the body, but at the same time the fabric is very strong and reliable, perfectly preserved! The dress is ready to wear! Length 115 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 75, full volume on chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 37, arm circumference 74 cm, neck girth 44 cm, cuff 22 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 15 inches, armhole circumference 30 inches, neck girth 17 inches, cuff 9 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 2261. A fantastically beautiful dress with incredible embroidery that combines both flowers and berries, and incredibly beautiful detailing too! The case when everything is perfectly executed, perfectly harmonious, balanced, and perfectly combined with each other. Completely handmade, all seams, embroidery, all details! Length 100 cm, sleeve from neck 66, width (half girth) 67, full volume across chest, waist and hips 134, armhole depth 28, arm circumference 56 cm, neck girth 47 cm, cuff 24 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 39, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches, neck girth 19 inches, cuff 9 inches. Size international XS - S - M !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 3791. A wonderful antique shirt with natural dye embroidery. A nice black thread combined with milky white - fantastically beautiful, elegant, restrained, refined! Soft hemp cloth. Size S - M - L Length 123 cm, sleeve from the neck 68, width 71, armhole 29 cm. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ3791。 天然染料の刺繡が施された素敵なアンティークシャツ。ミルキーホワイトと組み合わせた素敵な黒い糸-素晴らしく美しく、エレガントで、抑制され、洗練されています!柔らかい麻布。サイズS-M-L 長さ123cm、首から袖68、幅71、アームホール29cm。
Dress for connoisseurs of Titanic movie costumes. The dress is made of light milk silk crepe de chine, light milk macrame lace, and yellow jacquard satin ( materials in photo №3). A dress with a viscose lining and a small train that is fastened with buttons. Photo of the dress of my work: After placing an order, I will send you a list of the necessary additional measures for a dress. Be attentive, the color of the item on the photo may differ from the real color. It is possible because of the camera's or PC's settings. Tailoring to order takes 10-14 weeks.
Vendor: Dress Roses
The blue and milk suit ensemble is a re-creation of the traveling suit worn by Rose. The ensemble includes a milk blazer and matching skirt with black pinstripes woven into the fabric and dark navy fabric buttons. The collar and belt are made of dark navy velvet. You also have the opportunity to order this suit with a collar, belt, and buttons made of dark purple velvet or black. The velvet trim can be black, dark purple, or dark blue. Specify the desired color of velvet in the comments to the order. Attention for customers from the European Union countries: all parcels are insured, so carefully consider the cost of customs and taxes in your countries. After placing an order, I will send you a list of the necessary additional measures for a suit. Be attentive, the color of the item on the photo can differ from the real color. It is possible because of the camera's or PC's settings. Used fabrics: - striped suit fabric -97% Polyester, 3% Elastane; - lining fabric - 100% viscose; - Velvet - 96% Polyester, 43% Elastane. This is dry-clean only. Tailoring to order takes 3-6 weeks
Vendor: Dress Roses
Titanic swim dress made of chiffon different shades. The Titanic dress movie made according to the original version, great for Titanic cosplay costume. The Edwardian dress is made with different shades of chiffon ( polyester ), lace and beads. The Rose swim dress can be customized as needed - tell me your wishes and I will try to help you. After placing an order, I will send you a list of the necessary additional measures for a dress. Specify any color changes you would like and I will do my best to accommodate. Be attentive, the color of the item on the photo can differ from the real color. It is possible because of the camera's or PC's settings. Tailoring to order takes 8-10 weeks. ! Attention for customers from the European Union countries: all parcels are insured, so carefully consider the cost of customs and taxes in your countries.
Vendor: Dress Roses
Bridal gown in coral color
Vendor: Loffect
The Figur Skating Dress “ Tango Solo”  FSD_202310  for Competition | for rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics, acrobatics, Rock’n’Roll, Twirling Baton Dance, Artistic Roller skating, figure skating, aerial acrobatics, circus shows and other.
Vendor: sportleotard
set of household items
Vendor: Mydice
Set of 2 bridal dresses
Vendor: Loffect
4pcs sets of womens underwear 
1pcs sexy black womens bodysuit 
Historical theater dress in lavander colour
Custom cotton shirt for Jennifer 
Vendor: GameFanCraft
T-shirt of Ukranian metal band Lethargy UA FB community Instagram community
Vendor: Lethargy UA
Light green embroidered with viburnum - dress is a work of art that combines deep Ukrainian traditions and modern style. This dress is designed for those who want to emphasize their Ukrainian nationality, expressing tenderness and strength at the same time. The base of the dress is made in light green color, which symbolizes freshness, youth and natural beauty. The viburnum that adorns this dress is one of the most recognizable symbols of Ukrainian culture. She embodies strength and vital energy, and also symbolizes the generosity of nature and the well-being of the family. Apart from viburnum, the light green embroidered dress also has embroidered birds, which gives it even more beauty and symbolic meaning. Bird embroidery on the dress adds an element of lightness and freedom to its design. We sew all dress by your own sizes. All embroideries are made to order: it will take up to 10-14 working days from the date of payment. In case you wish other colors or if your order is urgent - please contact us before you buy!
Warm knitted beanie hat with 2x2 rubber band. size: 55-56 cm composition: wool, acrylic.
Synthetic fabric historical costume for theater
Sets of womens panties
Elevate your military-inspired wardrobe with our 'Heroes Don't Die' T-shirt in olive drab—a monochrome masterpiece designed for enthusiasts of military and tactical style. This T-shirt features a resilient print that withstands detergents and UV-rays, ensuring a lasting and vibrant appearance. Whether you're out for a casual stroll, spending time with family, or seeking comfortable wear under your uniform, P1G's printed T-shirt blends style and durability seamlessly. The elastic neckline, non-greenhouse effect print, and stretch-resistant material make it an ideal choice for various occasions. Crafted from 95% cotton and 5% elastane, this T-shirt combines comfort and style effortlessly.
Vendor: ukraine-shop
4 pockets mesh lining zipper pullers quick-drying material backtacks in stress area central double sided zipper equivalent of LEVEL 5 jacket elbow grooves allow freedom of movement hook-and-loop panels for attaching identification marks central zipper with integrated chin protection and internal wind and water resistant flap material - 90% Nylon, 10% Lycra The VENTUS (LEVEL 5) windbreaker jacket is designed to be an indispensable and reliable companion in any season. Thanks to the cut and choice of materials, this jacket provides maximum comfort during active activities. This jacket is great for the military, law enforcement officers and outdoor lifestyle lovers. The design of the VENTUS jacket includes four zippered pockets: two upper pockets in the chest area and two lower pockets. The upper pockets can be accessed even with the plate carrier on, which greatly enhances their functionality. The central two-way zipper has a built-in chin protection and internal storm flap for protection from precipitation and wind. The cuffs have a sewn-in elastic band for a better fit, and the hood and bottom of the jacket are equipped with a cord with a stopper. This model is made of high quality material, namely a combination of nylon and lycra. This fabric is perfectly ventilated during the summer heat and at the same time protects from a little rain and wind. Thanks to its characteristics, the VENTUS jacket can be used as a fifth layer of clothing (LEVEL 5). Also, because of the properties of Lycra the product is elastic, which provides freedom of movement during active activities. To increase the durability of the jacket, a mesh lining is placed inside.
Vendor: ukraine-shop
Ukrainian Special Purpose Tactical Pants Mabuta Mk-2 Camouflage VARAN Varan Camo these are multispectral tactical pants Summer Field Pants Mabuta Mk-2 (Hot Weather Field Pants) Mabuta Mk-2 summer trousers have a wide and rigid belt with an internal damper insert, which provides a snug fit to the body, good comfort and compensates for the load when wearing heavy equipment on the belt. The volume of the belt is adjustable with a fastener - Velcro Velcro. This form of the fastener allows you to perfectly adjust the volume of the belt to the waist, depending on the personal size, or dressed layers of clothing. A trouser belt or a discharge belt is attached to trousers with the help of five wide belt vents, which allow the use of belts up to 5.5 cm wide. In the lower part of the four waist vents are plastic Y-KK D-rings, which can be used to fix and fasten equipment, pistol safety cords, etc. An elastic nylon insert is located in the back of the lumbar, which, while simultaneously firmly fixing the belt, ensures the mobility of the entire upper part of the trousers. On the back upper part of the trousers, under the elastic insert, there are two internal pockets, which are closed with protective flaps with a fastener - Velcro. There are two inside pockets at the front in the upper part of the trousers. The neck of the pockets, for carrying equipment with fastening of the clip (folding knives, multitools, tactical lights, etc.) is reinforced with a second layer of fabric to prevent the abrasion of the pockets. Inside these pockets is a special sling with an adjustable buckle YKK, which serves to adjust the vertical position of the protective kneecaps. With the help of this sling and fixing buckle you can ideally adjust the vertical position of the knee pads relative to the height and features of the figure. On the frontal femur of the trousers there are two external pockets of medium size, which are closed with safety flaps with an English button fastener. Buttons of this model have an elastic Pasik of fastening to fabric that allows to open and close them in gloves. Also, this button design prevents the buttons from breaking off in the case of a hook, since the button has the ability to move along the fixing wheel, which dampens the load on it. The folds of the pockets are made in such a way that the empty pocket folds naturally and fits snugly to the main surface of the pants. When filling pockets with equipment and things, the pocket unfolds only enough to accommodate what is needed. In the lower part of the pockets there are grommets for water flow. On the back of the femur of the trousers there are two external pockets of a large size, which are closed with safety flaps with an English button fastener. Buttons of this model have an elastic Pasik of fastening to fabric that allows to open and close them in gloves. Also, this button design prevents the buttons from breaking off in the case of a hook, since the button has the ability to move along the fixing wheel, which dampens the load on it. The folds of the pockets are made in such a way that the empty pocket folds naturally and fits snugly to the main surface of the pants. When filling pockets with equipment and things, the pocket unfolds only enough to accommodate what is needed. The neck of the pockets is provided with an elastic tie with an adjustable YKK buckle. This utyazhka provides reliable closure of the neck of the cartridge pouch, which prevents the contents from falling out even with the protective flap of the pocket open. With the help of an adjustable drawdown and with a valve tucked inside, these pockets can be used as cartridge pouches for emptying magazines for short-barreled and long-barreled personal weapons. In the lower part of the pockets there are grommets for water flow. The location of the volume hip pockets in Mabuta Mk-2 trousers is chosen in such a way that these pockets are always available for use, without interfering with and not clinging to surrounding objects. In the area of the knees is an insert of elastic nylon, which provides the elasticity of the knee zone and does not prevent bending in any position. The knee joints are protected by plastic covers with additional internal dampers. This system completely eliminates the need to use, in field and tactical conditions, additional means of protecting the knee joints. The protective system is removable, which makes it convenient to wash and maintain trousers. Under the knee is an elastic utyazhka with adjustable buckle YKK. With this brace, the kneecap is adjusted in the horizontal plane to the size and structure of the user's body. Elastic utyazhka provides a soft but reliable fixation of the knee across the entire plane of the leg and prevents the "knee" of the knee to the side with active motor loads. In the lower part of the pant legs, on the inside, in the places of greatest abrasion, additional linings are located. The size of cuffs of pant legs is regulated by means of a valve with Velcro Velcro. With the help of adjusting velcro, trousers can be fixed over field shoes, which prevents sand and dirt from getting inside the shoes and trousers.
Vendor: ukraine-shop
Oversized sweater model with a straight shape, aran patterns on the front, a smooth face on the back and sleeves, at the neck, and an elastic collar with a double lapel. To make a sweater you will need the following: TOOLS knitting needles No. 4.5 straight, 34 cm long or circular on a long fishing line 80-100 cm knitting needles #2 (three needles per set) or double needles knitting needles No. 4.5 round, 40 cm long, for tying the neckline with an elastic band; knitting needles No. 2, round, 80-100 cm long, for crocheting the bottom of the product with an elastic band. No3.5 for connecting the front and back parts and closing the loops measuring tape scissors YARN row counters Alize Wooltime Turkish yarn (100 g/200 m) Composition: 75% wool, 25% polyamide size M requires 600 g = 6 skeins You can choose any yarn for knitting, which will be the same size 100g/200m. Merino yarn in skeins is good for hand knitting. The description of knitting is presented in three languages: English, Ukrainian, and Russian.
Add a touch to your wardrobe with this jacket. The round neckline and regular size fit make it a great addition to any woman's clothing collection. Made from 100% cotton, this jacket is not only stylish but also comfortable to wear. Perfect for any casual occasion, whether it's a coffee date with friends or a day out shopping. Get your hands on this medium size jacket and enjoy the comfort it provides.
Elevate your wardrobe with this handmade wool vest for women. Crafted with care and attention to detail, this vest features a flattering V-neckline and comes in a stylish beige colour that complements any skin tone. The vest is made of high-quality wool material that feels soft and comfortable against the skin, keeping you warm during the colder months. Perfect for those who appreciate unique, one-of-a-kind pieces, this vest is ideal for casual wear or dressed up with your favourite accessories. The size is a regular fit, perfect for medium-sized women. Add this sweater to your collection today and enjoy the timeless style and warmth it provides.
This cardigan is a beautiful addition to any wardrobe. The wool material makes it warm and comfortable, perfect for chilly days. The red color adds a pop of brightness to any outfit, while the cardigan style is versatile and can be dressed up or down. The size type is regular and the size is S, making it a great fit for most women. The sweater type is a cardigan, perfect for layering over a blouse or top. This item is sure to become a staple in your closet, and its classic style will never go out of fashion.
An exquisite delicate cardigan is made of knitting needles with lurex yarn, a relief pattern on the back and sleeves. It's a great addition to any wardrobe, with a loose cut that's perfect for layering. With regular and medium sizes, this sweater is designed to fit most women. Its style and material make it a versatile choice that can be worn for any occasion. Don't miss out on this essential cardigan for women.
Stay cozy and stylish in this lovely blue cardigan sweater! Made of high-quality wool, this sweater is perfect for any occasion. The v-neckline adds a touch of elegance to the overall design, while the regular size makes it a versatile piece that can be worn by most women. Whether you're dressing up for a night out or just looking for a comfortable sweater to wear at home, this cardigan is an excellent choice. Its timeless style and superior quality make it a must-have for any wardrobe. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to add a beautiful cardigan sweater to your collection!
This stylish gray cardigan sweater is the perfect addition to any wardrobe. Made with a blend of wool and acrylic, it is both cozy and comfortable. The sweater is designed with a regular fit and is available in size small, making it a great choice for any woman. The sweater has a classic cardigan style, featuring a button-up front and long sleeves. It is versatile enough to wear with jeans or dress pants, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. This new item is sure to become a favorite in your closet.
This cape-tunic cardigan is a must-have for any stylish woman's wardrobe. Made with 100% cotton, this beige cardigan features a flattering v-neckline and comfortable regular size fit. Its unique style combines elements of a cardigan and tunic, making it perfect for layering over any outfit. The mesh detail adds a touch of intrigue to this versatile sweater, making it perfect for both casual and dressy occasions. It's the perfect addition to any fashion-forward woman's wardrobe.
Introducing a stunning Cardigan cape-tunic code: 1011, perfect for fashion-forward women who want to stay cozy yet stylish. Made of 100% Cotton, this sweater comes in a beautiful shade of Yellow with a chic V-Neckline. The Size Type is Regular and the Size is Medium, making it a comfortable fit for most body types. This Cardigan cape-tunic can effortlessly elevate your wardrobe, no matter the occasion. The Style is a Cardigan, making it perfect for layering over your favorite outfits. It's a versatile piece that can be dressed up or down depending on your mood. So why wait? Add this must-have sweater to your collection today!
Elevate your wardrobe with this stunning openwork blouse with lurex, code 4022. Perfect for women who want to add a touch of elegance to their style, this tunic-style top features a round neckline and comes in a beautiful gray color. Made from a blend of wool and acrylic, it promises to keep you warm and comfortable all day long. This blouse is designed for regular sizes and is categorized under women's clothing. Ideal for any occasion, it's a versatile and stylish addition to your wardrobe. Don't miss out on this must-have piece!
This stunning mink fur coat jacket in a beautiful pale blue color is a must-have for any fashion-forward woman. Made from high-quality materials and expertly handmade, this coat is a true one-of-a-kind piece. The long sleeves and silk lining provide warmth and comfort, while the medium size and regular size type make it a versatile addition to any wardrobe. The fur outer shell material and unique style make this coat a statement piece, perfect for any occasion. The blue character and amazing quality of this coat are sure to turn heads and make you stand out in any crowd. Don't miss out on the chance to own this amazing coat. The coat is in new condition, worn 2-3 times. The coat was sewn in a private atelier and cost much more. The collar and pockets are fastened with magnets. Shipping time to USA about 10 business days Secure delivery with signature required Check out my other items!
Look dapper and stylish in this authentic Versace Medusa men's red button-up shirt jacket. Made of 90% wool and 10% poliamid, this designer piece exudes quality and sophistication. The closure is a simple button-up, adding to the classic and timeless feel of this coat. The jacket is a size 48 and is perfect for men who want to make a statement with their outfit. The red color is eye-catching, and the jacket is branded with the iconic Versace Medusa logo buttons. Don't miss the chance to add this designer piece to your wardrobe. The jacket is sample from the Versace 2020 fashion show. Was worn by the model at the show (see the photos). Never worn more. An amazing and unique item in which you will not go unnoticed. Shipping time worldwide about 10 business days. Check out my other items!
This Versace bomber in size 48, is the perfect addition to any designer clothing collection. Made with high-quality leather and a classic zip closure, this jacket is perfect for any occasion. The black color and short length make it suitable for a variety of outfits, while the designer logo zipper adds a touch of luxury. Whether you're looking for a new addition to your wardrobe, this Versace jacket is sure to impress. With its versatile style and high-quality materials, it's the perfect choice for anyone who wants to look stylish and feel comfortable. The jacket is sample from the Versace 2020 fashion show. Without inner labels. Was worn by the model at the show (see the photos). Never worn more, but there is some discoloration on the hardware. An amazing and unique item in which you will not go unnoticed. Shipping time worldwide about 10 business days. Check out my other items!
Elevate your wardrobe with this stunning crochet tunic, code 1020. This tunic features a flattering V-neckline and beautiful brown colour that perfectly complements any skin tone. Made with 100% cotton, this tunic is not only stylish but also comfortable to wear all day long. Perfect for plus-sized women, this button-up tunic is a must-have addition to any wardrobe. Show off your unique sense of style with this gorgeous tunic, perfect for any occasion.
This crocheted tank top is a stylish addition to any wardrobe. The black color and ringer style give it a versatile look that can be dressed up or down. Made with a combination of polyamide and cotton, it is both comfortable and durable. The round neckline and regular size make it a great fit for women of all shapes and sizes. Perfect for any occasion, this top is a must-have for any fashion-savvy individual.