
Shirt 4935. A very beautiful and delicate white on white shirt. It can be for a wedding, it can be for a presentation, in any case, this is one of those beauties that you can wear to a solemn event. Very thin and refined, delicate cotton. The dress is delicate, elegant and very refined in every way. Without defects. Length 100, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 72, chest, waist and hips 144, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 39, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4935。 とても美しく繊細な白地に白のシャツ。 結婚式でも、プレゼンテーションでもかまいません。いずれにせよ、これは厳粛なイベントに着ることができる美しさの1つです。 極薄で上品なデリケートコットン。 ドレスは繊細でエレガントで、あらゆる点で非常に洗練されています. 欠陥なし。 着丈100、首から袖65、身幅(半身)72、胸囲144、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Shirt 4934. Beautiful vintage blouse with rare and indescribably beautiful embroidery! It combines several archaic techniques that are rarely found in one product, as well as a rare combination of colors! A very beautiful collectible blouse to wear right now! Length 70, sleeve from neck 72, width (half girth) 62, chest, waist and hips 124, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 24, volume on the chest, waist and hips 48, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4934。 希少で何とも美しい刺繍が美しいヴィンテージブラウス! 1つの製品ではめったに見られないいくつかの古風な技法と、珍しい色の組み合わせを組み合わせています! 今すぐ着られるとても美しい収集価値のあるブラウスです! 着丈70、首から袖72、身幅(半身)62、胸囲124、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。
Shirt 4933. An old shirt from the Chernihiv region, from the Cossack Novgorod-Siversky district. It is sewn from ancient home-spun linen, which is fundamentally different from the "younger" canvases of the 20th century. You can feel the energy of antiquity right in your hands. However, the dress is very well preserved and completely wearable. Length 108, sleeve from neck 62, width (half girth) 68, chest, waist and hips 136, armhole depth 34, armhole circumference 68 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4933。 コサック・ノヴゴロド・シヴェルスキー地区のチェルニーヒウ地方の古いシャツ。 それは、20世紀の「より若い」キャンバスとは根本的に異なる、古代の家庭で紡がれたリネンから縫製されています. 古代のエネルギーを手に取ることができます。 しかし、ドレスは非常によく保存されており、完全に着用できます. 着丈108、首から袖62、身幅(半身)68、胸囲136、袖ぐり深さ34、袖ぐり周り68cm。
Shirt 4932. A very rare and beautiful shirt from the Zhytomyr region. Dense home-woven hemp fabric is decorated with a very beautiful and expressive embroidery cut. Very beautiful, rare, collectible shirt! Length 109, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 58, chest, waist and hips 116, armhole depth 28, armhole circumference 56 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 23, volume on the chest, waist and hips 46, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4932。 ジトームィル地方の非常に希少で美しいシャツ。 密度の高い自家製麻生地に、表情豊かなカット刺繍がとても美しく施されています。 非常に美しい、希少な、収集価値のあるシャツ! 着丈109、首から袖65、身幅(半身)58、胸囲116、袖ぐり深さ28、袖ぐり周り56cm。
Shirt 4931. Ultra rare old dress from Zhytomyr region. Very fine and bleached home-spun linen. Beautiful white-on-white embroidery in pure tradition, and in perfect condition. Length 123, sleeve from neck 62, width (half girth) 52, chest, waist and hips 104, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 48, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 20, volume on the chest, waist and hips 40, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4931。 ジトームィル地方の超レア古着。 非常に上質で漂白されたホームスパンリネン。 純粋な伝統と完璧な状態の美しい白地に白の刺繍。 着丈123、首から袖62、身幅(半身)52、胸囲104、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周り66cm。
Shirt 4925. A very beautiful Romanian blouse made of thick, very high-quality home-spun linen. This fabric holds its shape perfectly, and decorated with a delicate lace collar and the same embroidery on the sleeves, it looks especially refined. Small size blouse. on a very slim figure. Length 66 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 55, chest, waist and hips 110, armhole depth 19, armhole circumference 38 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 26, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 22, volume on the chest, waist and hips 44, armhole depth 7 inches, armhole circumference 14 inches. Size international XXS - XS - S シャツ 4925。 厚みのある非常に高品質の自家製リネンで作られた、非常に美しいルーマニアのブラウス。 この生地は形を完璧に保ち、繊細なレースの襟と袖の同じ刺繍で装飾され、特に洗練されています. 小さめサイズのブラウス。 非常にスリムな体型に。 着丈66cm、首から袖65、身幅(半身)55、胸囲110、袖ぐり深さ19、袖ぐり周り38cm。
Shirt 4924. Traditional Romanian shirt in excellent condition. Sewn from home-spun linen and decorated with net embroidery. Ready to wear. Length 66 cm, sleeve from neck 59, width (half girth) 54, chest, waist and hips 108, armhole depth 19, armhole circumference 38 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 26, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 21, volume on the chest, waist and hips 42, armhole depth 7 inches, armhole circumference 14 inches. Small size XXS - XS - S シャツ 4924。 優れた状態の伝統的なルーマニアのシャツ。 手紡ぎのリネンから縫製され、ネット刺繍で飾られています。 着用する準備ができて。 着丈66cm、首から袖59、身幅(半身)54、胸囲108、袖ぐり深さ19、袖ぐり周り38cm。
Shirt 2141. Rare embroidery with flowers, which in Ukraine are called "eye pansies". Bleached, delicate, exceptionally beautiful hemp canvas! A chic shirt to wear. Without defects. Length 129 cm, sleeve from neck 69, width (half girth) 68, chest, waist and hips 136, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 51, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2141。 ウクライナでは「アイパンジー」と呼ばれる珍しい花の刺繍。 漂白された繊細で非常に美しいヘンプキャンバス! シックに着こなせるシャツ。 欠陥なし。 着丈129cm、首から袖69、身幅(半身)68、胸囲136、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。
Shirt 2140. Vintage hemp dress without defects. It was sewn and embroidered in the 1930s, so it is about 100 years old. However, well preserved due to careful preservation in good conditions. It will serve its new owner for a long time! Length 117 cm, sleeve from neck 62, width (half girth) 73, chest, waist and hips 146, armhole depth 34, armhole circumference 68 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2140。 欠陥のないビンテージ麻ドレス。 1930年代に縫製、刺繍されたものですので、約100年前のものです。 しかし、保存状態は良好で大切に保管されていました。 新しいオーナー様に長くご愛用いただけます! 着丈117cm、首から袖62、身幅(半身)73、胸囲146、袖ぐり深さ34、袖ぐり周り68cm。
Shirt 2138. Rarely beautifully embroidered roses in bright rich colors. Both the pattern itself and its harmonious arrangement on moderately lush sleeves are very beautiful. Home-woven hemp cloth is moderately dense, not rough, the dress holds its shape perfectly when worn, fits the figure as you need, and is easily formed. Length 115 cm, sleeve from neck 64, width (half girth) 72, chest, waist and hips 144, armhole depth 26, armhole circumference 52 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2138。 明るく豊かな色でバラを美しく刺繍することはめったにありません。 柄そのものも、適度に青々とした袖に調和のとれた配置もとても美しいです。 麻の生地は適度に密度が高くざらつきがなく、着ても形が崩れず、体型に合わせて形を整えやすいドレスです。 着丈115cm、首から袖64、身幅(半身)72、胸囲144、袖ぐり深さ26、袖ぐり周り52cm。
Shirt 2137. Large embroidered flowers and very white, organic cotton fabric. A beautiful vintage blouse for modern wear. Perfectly combined with modern clothes. Light and comfortable. Can be put on and worn right now. Length 72 cm, sleeve from the neck 63, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 47, armhole circumference 94 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 19 inches, armhole circumference 38 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2137。 大きな花の刺繍と真っ白なオーガニックコットン生地。 モダンに着こなせる美しいヴィンテージブラウス。 モダンな洋服との相性抜群。 軽くて快適。 すぐに着て着られます。 着丈72cm、首から袖63、身幅(半身)76、胸囲152、袖ぐり深さ47、袖ぐり周り94cm。
Shirt 2135. A beautiful vintage shirt made of perfectly even hemp canvas. Very beautiful and delicate embroidered flowers. Magnificent sleeves!!! The shirt is ready to wear! Length 70 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width (half girth) 72, chest, waist and hips 144, armhole depth 28, armhole circumference 56 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2135。 ムラのない麻キャンバスを使用した美しいヴィンテージシャツ。 とても美しく繊細なお花の刺繍です。 素晴らしい袖!!! シャツは着る準備ができています! 着丈120cm、首から袖69、身幅(半身)72、胸囲144、袖ぐり深さ28、袖ぐり周り56cm。
Shirt 4462. A fantastically beautiful shirt from Ukrainian Polissia! One of the best representatives of this region, with rich embroidery and a very restrained, fitted cut. Home-woven linen fabric is of the highest quality, soft and strong at the same time. A very beautiful shirt that can easily be combined with modern clothes. Length 60 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 65, volume at chest, waist and hips 130, armhole depth 40, armhole circumference 80 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 23.5, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 25.5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 51, armhole depth 15.5 inches, armhole circumference 31 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4462。 ウクライナのポリシアからの素晴らしく美しいシャツ! この地域の最高の代表の 1 つで、豊かな刺繍と非常に控えめでフィット感のあるカットが特徴です。 家庭で織られたリネン生地は最高品質で、柔らかくて丈夫です。 モダンな洋服にも合わせやすいとても綺麗なシャツです。 着丈60cm、首から袖63、身幅(半身)65、胸・腰・ヒップのボリューム130、袖ぐり深さ40、袖ぐり周り80cm。
Shirt 4457. An unusual, rare and exquisite shirt for true connoisseurs of beauty. Very beautiful embroidery! A beautifully formed mitten, due to the folds of the fabric, made entirely by hand. The folds are very successfully emphasized by embroidery, which gently borders their entire contour. Beauty!! Divinely soft vintage linen fabric. Length 113 cm, sleeve from neck 71, width (half girth) 67, volume at chest, waist and hips 134, armhole depth 32, armhole circumference 64 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 44,5, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 12.5 inches, armhole circumference 25 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4457。 美しさの真の愛好家のための珍しい、希少で絶妙なシャツ。 とても綺麗な刺繍です! 生地の折り目が美しいフォルムのミトンは、すべて手作業で作られています。 折り目は、輪郭全体を優しく縁取る刺繍によって非常にうまく強調されています。 美しさ!! 程よい柔らかさのヴィンテージリネン生地。 着丈113cm、首から袖丈71、身幅(半身)67、胸・腰・ヒップのボリューム134、袖ぐり深さ32、袖ぐり周り64cm。
Shirt 2048. A very beautiful and rare dress made of home-spun hemp cloth. Interesting embroidery and its location - absolutely something non-standard, interesting and very beautiful! In good condition, ready to wear. Length 115 cm, sleeve from the neck 62, width (half girth) 66, chest, waist and hips 112, armhole depth 36, armhole circumference 72 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international S - M シャツ 2048。 麻の手紡ぎ生地を使用した大変美しく希少なドレスです。 興味深い刺繍とその場所 - 絶対に非標準的で、興味深く、非常に美しいものです! 良好な状態で、すぐに着用できます。 着丈115cm、首から袖62、身幅(半身)66、胸囲112、袖ぐり深さ36、袖ぐり周り72cm。
Shirt 4449. An interesting home-woven dress made of natural linen, which imitates weaving on the sleeves, although it is a real hand embroidery, done extremely skillfully! The dress is interesting in that it has a successfully combined geometric and floral ornament, which is rare, but extremely beautiful. Home-made linen is soft, not rough at all, of a pleasant gray-beige color. The shirt is perfectly preserved, ready to wear! Length 105 cm, sleeve from neck 66, width (half girth) 65, chest, waist and hips 130, armhole depth 36, armhole circumference 72 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 41, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4449。 本物の手刺繍ですが、袖の織り方を真似た天然リネンで作られた面白い手織りのドレスで、非常に巧みです! このドレスは、幾何学的な装飾と花の装飾がうまく組み合わされているという点で興味深いですが、これはまれですが、非常に美しいものです。 手作りのリネンは柔らかく、ざらつきがなく、心地よいグレーベージュ色です。 シャツは完全に保存されており、すぐに着用できます。 着丈105cm、首から袖66、身幅(半身)65、胸囲130、袖ぐり深さ36、袖ぐり周り72cm。
Corset 668. Very beautiful ancient Myrhorod corset. This type of corset is exceptionally beautifully decorated with handmade fabric appliqué. The appliqué is made of antique black velvet. In some places, the velvet is frayed (everything is in the photo!), otherwise the corset is very well preserved, without defects. Length 68 cm, volume 90 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27 inches, volume 35 inches. Size international S - M コルセット668。 非常に美しい古代ミルホロドのコルセット。 このタイプのコルセットは、手作りの布地のアップリケで非常に美しく装飾されています。 アップリケはアンティークブラックベルベットで作られています。 場所によっては、ベルベットがほつれています(すべて写真に写っています!)が、その他の点では、コルセットは欠陥がなく、非常によく保存されています。 長さ68cm、ボリューム90cm。
Shirt M-181. White delicate net in a clear black frame of embroidery. Very spectacular, beautiful work! Ready to wear! Length 61 cm, sleeve from the neck 68, width (half girth) 71, volume on the chest, waist and hips 142 cm, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 24, sleeve from the neck 26.5, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 13.5 inches, armhole circumference 27 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツM-181。 刺繡の透明な黒いフレームの白い繊細なネット。とても壮観で美しい作品です!着用する準備ができて! 長さ61cm、首から袖68、幅(半身)71、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム142cm、アームホールの深さ35、アームホールの周囲70cm
Shirt 2104. Very light and casual vintage shirt made of light cotton fabric. Delicate embroidery in soft colors that will decorate any suit in any color scheme. A mid-size shirt, ready to wear right now! Length 63 cm, sleeve from neck 58, width 63, volume at chest level 126, armhole depth 31 cm, armhole volume 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 25, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 25, volume on the chest, waist and hips 50, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 2104。 薄手のコットン生地を使用した、とても軽くカジュアルなヴィンテージシャツ。 どんな配色のスーツにも似合う柔らかな色合いの繊細な刺繍。 今すぐ着られるミッドサイズシャツ! 着丈63cm、首から袖58、幅63、胸高126、アームホール深さ31cm、アームホールボリューム62cm。
Shirt 2130. Beautiful vintage dress shirt made of very nice vintage cotton. Cute, cute floral embroidery and very high quality fabric! The shirt seems to have been sewn yesterday, it looks very fresh, despite its respectable age. Length 102 cm, sleeve from neck 61, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 25, armhole circumference 50 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 40, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2130。 とても素敵なヴィンテージコットンを使用した美しいヴィンテージドレスシャツ。 キュートでキュートな花柄の刺繍ととても上質な生地! シャツは昨日縫われたようで、かなりの年齢にもかかわらず、とても新鮮に見えます. 着丈102cm、首から袖61、身幅(半身)76、胸囲152、袖ぐり深さ25、袖ぐり周り50cm。
Shirt 2128. Beautiful vintage shirt in very white cotton fabric with very black beautiful embroidery. Very nice and effective contrast! Big size! Length 104 cm, sleeve from the neck 60, width (half girth) 61, chest, waist and hips 122, armhole depth 38, armhole circumference 76 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 41, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 24, volume on the chest, waist and hips 48, armhole depth 15 inches, armhole circumference 30 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2128。 非常に白いコットン生地に非常に黒い美しい刺繍が施された美しいヴィンテージシャツ。 とても素敵で効果的なコントラスト! ビッグサイズ! 着丈104cm、首から袖60、身幅(半身)61、胸囲122、袖ぐり深さ38、袖ぐり周り76cm。
Shirt 4450. A very beautiful old shirt, embroidered with a very small cross. The drawing is so precise and picturesque that only upon very close examination can it be seen that it is a cross. The white cotton fabric is light and strong. The year of manufacture of the shirt is embroidered on the shirt - 1955. Without defects. Length 147 cm, sleeve from neck 74, width (half girth) 79, volume at chest, waist and hips 158, armhole depth 43, armhole circumference 86 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 58, sleeve from the neck 29, width from side to side 32, volume on the chest, waist and hips 64, armhole depth 17 inches, armhole circumference 34 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4450。 非常に小さな十字架が刺繍された、非常に美しい古いシャツ。 絵は非常に精密で絵のように美しいので、非常によく調べて初めて十字架であることがわかります。 白いコットン生地は軽くて丈夫です。 シャツの製造年はシャツに刺繍されています - 1955. 欠陥なし。 着丈147cm、首から袖丈74、身幅(半身)79、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム158、袖ぐり深さ43、袖ぐり周り86cm。
Shirt 4730. Archaic hemp shirt with a rare pattern of peach embroidery. A very pleasant gentle color adds tenderness to the strict geometry, which translates the purely ancient sacred symbols of culture. The fabric is soft, not rough. The state of preservation is exceptionally good. --- Length 115 cm, sleeve from the neck 66, width 75, volume on the chest, waist and hips 150 cm, armhole depth 33 cm. --- Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 --- !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4730。 珍しい桃の刺繡柄の古風な麻シャツ。非常に心地よい優しい色が厳格な幾何学に優しさを加え、それは純粋に古代の神聖な文化の象徴を翻訳しています。生地は柔らかく、ざらざらしていません。保存状態は非常に良好です。 長さ115cm、首から袖66、幅75、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム150cm、アームホールの深さ33cm
Men's shirt 45. Ancient LINEN men's shirt in excellent condition! White thin fabric, "breathable", light, very good quality linen! Length 80 cm, shoulders 52, sleeve from shoulder 48, chest width 59 cm, collar 37 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 31 inches, shoulders 20.4 inches, sleeve from shouler 18.9, chest width 23, collar 14.5 inches.
SHIRT MEN 32. White dense cotton. A shirt without defects, ready to wear, will last for many years. Length 81 cm, sleeve from the neck 79, width on the chest level 63 cm, neck 40 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 31.8, sleeve from the neck 31 inches, width on the chest level 24.8, neck 15.7 inches.
Shirt 2063. Long and very beautiful vintage dress made of soft hemp fabric. Very beautiful and gentle, very noble and refined, without unnecessary details and decoration - everything is perfectly balanced and harmonious. Without defects!!! Length 123 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 69, chest, waist and hips 138, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm.\ Measurements in INCHES: Length 48, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2063。 柔らかなヘンプ生地を使用したロング丈でとても綺麗なヴィンテージドレス。 非常に美しく穏やかで、非常に高貴で洗練されており、不必要なディテールや装飾がなく、すべてが完璧にバランスが取れており、調和しています。 欠陥なし!!! 着丈123cm、首から袖65、身幅(半身)69、胸囲138、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周り66cm。
Shirt T-059. Saturated sky-blue vestibule! Interesting, non-standard, original shirt from Hadiach district! Expressive tenderness, in which there is everything - and original beauty, and character, and juicy mood! Excellent condition, no defects! Length 115, sleeve from the neck 61, width 75, armhole 30 cm シャツT-059。 飽和した空色の前庭!ハディアック地区からの興味深い、非標準のオリジナルシャツ!表現力豊かな優しさ、すべてがあり、オリジナルの美しさ、個性、そしてジューシーなムード!良好な状態、欠陥なし! 着丈115、首から袖先61、胴囲75、袖ぐり30cm
Shirt 2036. A very beautiful and delicate vintage blouse with luxurious spectacular embroidery. The embroidered flowers are very clear and expressive, and the home-woven fabric is very delicate, bleached, extremely pleasant. Perfect preservation. Length 70 cm, sleeve from the neck 70, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2036。 豪華で華やかな刺繍が施された、とても美しく繊細なヴィンテージブラウス。 刺繍された花は非常に鮮明で表情豊かで、家で織られた生地は非常に繊細で漂白されており、非常に快適です. 完璧な保存。 着丈70cm、首から袖70、身幅(半身)76、胸囲152、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Shirt 2204. A very beautiful vintage shirt of quite large size. Photographed on a girl in universal size M, but this gorgeous dress will also fit larger sizes. Luxurious embroidery. All organic white cotton fabric.The dress is in excellent condition, ready to wear. Length 121 cm, sleeve from neck 66, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 40, arm circumference 80 cm, neck girth 54 cm, cuff 24 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 48, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 16 inches, armhole circumference 32 inches. neck girth 21 inches, cuff 9 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ2204。 かなり大きなサイズの非常に美しいヴィンテージシャツです。 写真はユニバーサルサイズMの女の子ですが、このゴージャスなドレスは大きいサイズにもフィットします。 豪華な刺繍。 すべてオーガニックの白いコットン生地です。ドレスは素晴らしい状態で、すぐに着用できます。 着丈121cm、首からの袖丈66、身幅(半周)75、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ150、アームホール深さ40、腕周り80cm、首周り54cm、袖口24cm。
Corset 621. A beautiful red corset with a very good cut and decoration. It sits perfectly on the figure. The fabric is very pleasant, extremely comfortable, and it is pleasant to wear and take care of it. Absolutely without defects. Length 64 cm, volume up to 100 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 25 inches. volume up to 39 icnhes. Size international M - L コルセット621。 カットと装飾がとても良い美しい赤いコルセット。 フィギュアにぴったりとはまります。 生地はとても快適で、非常に快適で、着用して手入れするのが楽しいです. 絶対に欠陥なし。 長さ64cm、ボリューム最大100cm。
Shirt 2107. Very beautiful, fantastic vintage shirt with incredible embroidery. An interesting detail is a one-piece neckline without a cut, as well as luxurious embroidery on the front. Without defects! Length 114 cm, sleeve from neck 73, width 73, volume at chest level 146, armhole depth 31 cm, armhole volume 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45, sleeve from the neck 29, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2107。 信じられないほどの刺繍が施された、とても美しく幻想的なヴィンテージシャツ。 興味深いディテールは、カットのないワンピースのネックラインと、フロントの豪華な刺繍です。 欠陥なし! 着丈114cm、袖丈73、身幅73、胸高146、袖ぐり深さ31cm、袖ぐり62cm。
Shirt 4923. Vintage hemp blouse with a delicate white-on-white pattern. Very beautiful geometric ornament without sharp corners and shapes. With rounding, smooth lines, it looks very gentle and attractive. Hemp cloth is soft, not rough. Without defects. Length 69 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 71, chest, waist and hips 142, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international S - M シャツ 4923。 白地に白地の繊細な柄がポイントのヴィンテージ麻ブラウス。 尖った角や形のない、とても美しい幾何学模様のオーナメントです。 丸みのある滑らかなラインで、とても優しく魅力的に見えます。 麻布はざらざらではなく、やわらかい生地です。 欠陥なし。 着丈69cm、首から袖63、身幅(半身)71、胸囲142、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。
Shirt 2168. Very thin cotton fabric, which is ideal for sensitive skin, as well as for the hot summer season. Delicate picturesque embroidery. The shirt will give an ideal feeling of comfort and lightness. Without defects! Length 86 cm, sleeve from neck 60, width (half girth) 53, chest, waist and hips 106, armhole depth 29, armhole circumference 58 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 34, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 21, volume on the chest, waist and hips 42, armhole depth 11.5 inches, armhole circumference 23 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ2168。 非常に薄手のコットン生地なので、敏感肌の方や暑い夏にも最適です。 繊細で絵のような刺繍。 理想的な着心地と軽さを実現するシャツです。 欠陥なし! 着丈86cm、首からの袖丈60、身幅(半周)53、胸囲・ウエスト・ヒップ106、アームホール深さ29、アームホール周囲58cm。
Shirt 2034. A small and very neat blouse for a slim, petite figure. Also suitable for a teenage girl. Very beautiful, luxurious, original embroidery that will never be repeated on another shirt! It looks very elegant, and without unnecessary pomp. Length 57 cm, sleeve from neck 62, width (half girth) 64, chest, waist and hips 128, armhole depth 32, armhole circumference 64 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 22, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 25, volume on the chest, waist and hips 50, armhole depth 12.5 inches, armhole circumference 25 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 2034。 スリムで小柄な体型のための小さくて非常にきれいなブラウス. 10代の女の子にも適しています。 とても美しく豪華なオリジナルの刺繍は他のシャツでは二度と繰り返されません! それは非常にエレガントに見え、不必要な華やかさはありません。 着丈57cm、首から袖62、身幅(半身)64、胸囲128、袖ぐり深さ32、袖ぐり周り64cm。
Shirt M-187. Interesting vintage shirt with peacocks embroidered in netting. These beautiful birds are sometimes depicted in authentic embroidery, and are very rare in shirt embroidery, as are birds in general. The embroidery is very delicate, filigree and very high-quality, dense! The hemp fabric of the shirt is soft and delicate, very pleasant. Length 117 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 70, chest, waist and hips 140, armhole depth 28, armhole circumference 56 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ M-187。 ネットに孔雀の刺繍が入った面白いヴィンテージシャツ。 これらの美しい鳥は、本物の刺繍で描かれることもあり、一般的な鳥と同様に、シャツの刺繍では非常にまれです。 刺繍は非常に繊細で繊細で、非常に高品質で緻密です! シャツの麻生地は柔らかく繊細でとても気持ちがいいです。 着丈117cm、首から袖65、身幅(半身)70、胸囲140、袖ぐり深さ28、袖ぐり周り56cm。
Shirt M-186. A luxurious vintage shirt with an incredibly large area of net embroidery. The sleeves are simply divine. Thin and white cotton vintage fabric. Excellent condition, can be safely worn. Length 63 cm, sleeve from neck 61, width (half girth) 78, chest, waist and hips 156, armhole depth 32, armhole circumference 64 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 25, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ M-186。 とてつもなく広い面積のネット刺繍が施された贅沢なヴィンテージシャツ。 袖は単に神です。 薄手で白のコットンヴィンテージ生地。 状態良好、安心してご着用いただけます。 着丈63cm、首から袖61、身幅(半身)78、胸囲156、袖ぐり深さ32、袖ぐり周り64cm。
Shirt 2199. A very beautiful, luxuriously embroidered old shirt from the Poltava region. The white cotton fabric is completely organic and very well preserved. Bright embroidery, lush sleeves - this is a real authentic beauty that will enrich your wardrobe, give joy and perfect comfort. Ready to wear! Length 99 cm, sleeve from neck 58, width (half girth) 78, chest, waist and hips 156, armhole depth 37, arm circumference 64 cm, neck girth 42 cm, cuff 20 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 39, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 15 inches, armhole circumference 30 inches, neck girth 17 inches, cuff 8 inches . Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ2199。 ポルタヴァ地方のとても美しく、豪華な刺繍が施された古いシャツです。 白い綿生地は完全にオーガニックで、保存状態も非常に良好です。 鮮やかな刺繍、豊かな袖 - これはあなたのワードローブを豊かにし、喜びと完璧な快適さを与える真の本物の美しさです。 着用する準備ができて! 着丈99cm、首から袖丈58、身幅(半周)78、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ156、アームホール深さ37、腕周り64cm、首周り42cm、袖口20cm。
Shirt 2030. Vintage dress with exclusive bird embroidery. A very beautiful cotton dress, incredibly beautifully decorated with embroidery! In excellent condition, can be worn as a dress, or in a traditional suit, or combined with modern things. Length 132 cm, sleeve from the neck 78, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 52, sleeve from the neck 31, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 2030. 限定のバード刺繍をあしらったヴィンテージドレス。 とても美しいコットンドレスで、信じられないほど美しく刺繍が施されています。 綺麗な状態で、ドレスとしてはもちろん、トラディショナルなスーツにも、モダンなコーディネートにも合わせて頂けます。 着丈132cm、首から袖78、身幅(半身)76、胸囲152、袖ぐり深さ30、袖ぐり周り60cm。
Shirt M-184. A beautiful, delicate shirt in white on white, combined with a net. Very beautiful embroidery with white stars that gently decorate the white cotton gloves. A luxurious net is located in the upper part of the sleeves, crowning a star scatter from below. Extremely beautiful and rare shirt! Length 71 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 78, chest, waist and hips 156, armhole depth 31, armhole circumference 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ M-184。 白地に白地の美しい繊細なシャツにネットを合わせました。 白い綿の手袋をやさしく飾る白い星の刺繍がとても美しいです。 豪華なネットが袖の上部にあり、下から星の散りばめられています。 非常に美しく希少なシャツ! 着丈71cm、首から袖63、身幅(半身)78、胸囲156、袖ぐり深さ31、袖ぐり周り62cm。
Corset 564. Luxurious antique corset made of dark red velvet !!! Created by caring hands with masterful execution of every detail! Once upon a time, an expensive and exquisite thing that has been perfectly preserved to the delight of modern generations! It will perfectly fit into a modern wardrobe, and will make a traditional costume truly festive and elegant! Length 72 cm, chest volume up to 100 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28 inches, chest volume up to 39 inches. Size international S - M コルセット564。 濃い赤のベルベットで作られた豪華なアンティークコルセット!!!細部にまでこだわった手入れの行き届いた手作業で作成!昔々、現代の世代の喜びのために完全に保存されている高価で絶妙なもの!それは現代のワードローブに完全にフィットし、伝統的な衣装を本当にお祭りでエレガントにします! 長さ72cm、胸囲100cmまで。
Shirt 4822. Super bleached, soft and gentle hemp home-woven fabric. Embroidery is a unique work of art, where carving combines incredibly well with color embroidery. The dress is long, aristocratically elegant, in excellent condition. Length 124 cm, sleeve from the neck 64, width (half girth) 73, chest volume 146 cm, armhole depth 34, armhole circumference 68 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 48,5, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 28,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 57, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4822。 スーパーブリーチ、柔らかく優しい麻の手織り生地。刺繡はユニークな芸術作品であり、彫刻と色の刺繡が非常によく組み合わされています。ドレスは長く、貴族的にエレガントで、素晴らしい状態です。 長さ124cm、首から袖64、幅(ハーフガース)73、胸囲146cm、アームホールの深さ34、アームホールの円周68cm
Skirt 311. Vintage skirt of an interesting blue color, more like the color of the sea. Cotton Ready to wear. Waist 73 cm, length 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Waist up to 29 inches, length 24 inches. スカート 311. 海の色に似た、面白いブルーのヴィンテージスカート。 コットン 着用する準備ができて。 ウエスト73cm、着丈62cm。
Skirt 313. Vintage skirt the color of green grass. Cotton. Ready to wear. Waist 91 cm, length 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Waist up to 36 inches, length 24 inches. スカート 313. 緑の草の色のビンテージスカート。 コットン。 着用する準備ができて。 ウエスト91cm、着丈62cm。
Corset 670. A unique vintage corset made of extremely rare vintage fabric. Unique structure and color. Extremely good looking. Corset trimmed with antique black velvet and a full set of antique mother-of-pearl buttons. Length 72 cm, volume 90 cm, arm circumference 46 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 28 inches, volume 35 inches, armhole girth 18 inches. Size international S - M コルセット670。 非常に希少なヴィンテージ生地を使用した個性的なヴィンテージコルセット。 独特の構造と色。 非常に見栄えが良い。 アンティークブラックベルベットでトリミングされたコルセットとアンティークマザーオブパールボタンのフルセット。 長さ72cm、ボリューム90cm、腕周り46cm。
Shirt 4491. A very rare and very valuable authentic shirt from Putila. It is not only unique in its collectability, but also indescribably beautiful, embroidered with a rare technique in perfectly selected colors. This beauty is really unlike anything else, so the thing will become a real decoration of the collection and a source of inspiration! Home-woven linen cloth. Very small neat size. Length 57 cm, sleeve from neck 68, width (half girth) 48, chest, waist and hip circumference 96, armhole depth 25, armhole circumference 50 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 23, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 19, volume on the chest, waist and hips 38, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ 4491。 プティラの大変希少価値の高いオーセンティックシャツです。 収集価値が高いだけでなく、厳選された色に珍しい技法で刺繍が施され、言葉では言い表せないほど美しいです。 この美しさは他に類を見ないので、コレクションの真の装飾とインスピレーションの源になります! 自家製リネン生地。 非常に小さいきちんとしたサイズ。 着丈57cm、首から袖68、身幅(半身)48、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ周り96、アームホール深さ25、アームホール周囲50cm。
Shirt 4367. Vintage dress made of soft white cotton. Gentle grape pattern in moderately bright colors. A very gentle, atmospheric thing that will create a mood in any weather. Length 125 cm, sleeve from neck 72, width (half girth) 73, chest, waist and hips 146, armhole depth 31, armhole circumference 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 49, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 28,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 57, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4367。 柔らかな白い綿で作られたヴィンテージドレス。 適度に明るい色の優しいブドウの模様。 どんな天候でもムードを演出する、とても優しい雰囲気のあるもの。 長さ125cm、首から袖72、幅(ハーフガース)73、胸、ウエスト、ヒップ146、アームホールの深さ31、アームホールの円周62cm。
Shirt 4793. The rarest and most complex embroidery technique in the world !!! These small holes of perfectly round shape, made of home-spun hemp thread, are called in Ukraine piercing. Soft hemp home-woven fabric. Ready to wear :) Length 121 cm, sleeve from the neck 66, width (half girth) 66, volume on the chest, waist and hips 132 cm, armhole depth 32, armhole circumference 64 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 12.5 inches, armhole circumference 25 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4793。 世界で最も希少で最も複雑な刺繡技法!!!自家製の麻糸で作られた完全に丸い形のこれらの小さな穴は、ウクライナのピアスと呼ばれています。やわらかい麻の手織り生地。着用する準備ができて :) 長さ121cm、首から袖66、幅(ハーフガース)66、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム132 cm、アームホールの深さ32、アームホールの円周64 cm
Shirt 4505. Beautiful cotton vintage dress with delicate artistic embroidery. A rather lush cut that allows you to wear any size! Very good condition of preservation! Length 109 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 75, chest, waist and hips 150, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4505。 繊細でアーティスティックな刺繍が美しいコットンヴィンテージドレス。 サイズ問わず着て頂けるゆったりとしたカットソーです! 非常に保存状態が良いです! 着丈109cm、首から袖63、身幅(半身)75、胸囲150、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Skirt 130. Interesting vintage skirt decorated with flowers. The color is orange, but without excessive brightness, similar to a ripe velvety peach. Excellent condition, no defects. Waist 72 cm, length 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Waist 28 inches, lenth 24.4 inches. スカート130。 花で飾られた面白いヴィンテージスカート。色はオレンジ色ですが、熟したビロードのような桃のように、過度の明るさはありません。良好な状態、欠陥なし。 ウエスト72cm、長さ62cm。
Shirt 4336. Unfortunately, photos do not convey all the tenderness of this unique thing. The only thing in the collection with a degree of uniquely gentle and white home-woven fabric at the highest level!!! Touching this fabric is simply divine pleasure! The same delicate white embroidery neatly decorates the product. An absolutely perfect shirt from Bukovyna, without defects! Length 113 cm, sleeve from neck 75, width (half girth) 63 cm, chest, waist and hips 126, armhole depth 35 cm, arm circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 44,5, sleeve from the neck 29.5, width from side to side 25, volume on the chest, waist and hips 50, armhole depth 13.5 inches, armhole circumference 27 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4336。 残念ながら、写真ではこのユニークなもののすべての優しさを伝えることはできません. コレクションの中でも唯一無二の優しい白地織の生地を最高レベルで! この生地に触れることは、まさに神の喜びです! 同じ繊細な白い刺繍が製品をきれいに飾ります。 ブコビナの完全に完璧なシャツで、欠陥はありません! 着丈113cm、首から袖75、身幅(半身)63cm、胸囲126cm、アームホール深さ35cm、腕周り70cm。
Shirt 4091. Cute shirt with an interesting embroidery pattern. Against most floral shirts, this dress looks very special. Delicate flower, tilted to the side, as if swaying in the wind. Very delicate hemp home-woven fabric is especially atmospheric: it has a pleasant gray color mixed with beige, looks original and very old. The excellent condition of the shirt allows you to wear it right now! Length 118 cm, sleeve from the neck 67, width (half girth) 71, volume on the chest, waist and hips 142 cm, armhole depth 30, armhole circumference 60 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 46, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. シャツ4091。 刺繡柄がおもしろいキュートなシャツ。ほとんどの花柄のシャツに対して、このドレスは非常に特別に見えます。風に揺れるように横に傾いた繊細な花。非常に繊細な麻の手織り生地は特に雰囲気があります。ベージュが混ざった心地よいグレーの色で、オリジナルでとても古く見えます。シャツのコンディションも良く、今すぐ着ていただけます! 長さ118cm、首から袖67、幅(半身)71、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム142cm、アームホールの深さ30、アームホールの周囲60cm
Shirt 3887. A very beautiful cotton vintage shirt with rich full-sleeve embroidery. Pleasant to wear, very comfortable and cute, easily combined with any modern clothes. Length 68, sleeve from neck 59, width (half girth) 62, chest, waist and hips 124, armhole depth 32, armhole circumference 64 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 24, volume on the chest, waist and hips 48, armhole depth 12.5 inches, armhole circumference 25 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 3887。 豊かなフルスリーブ刺繍がとても美しいコットンヴィンテージシャツ。 着心地が良く、とても快適でキュートで、どんなモダンな服にも簡単に合わせられます。 着丈68、首から袖59、身幅(半身)62、胸囲124、袖ぐり深さ32、袖ぐり周り64cm。
Corset 669. Very beautiful vintage corset made of rare vintage smooth black velvet. Very beautiful, fitted cut, also decorated with machine embroidery and a full set of vintage buttons. Length 62 cm, volume 88 cm, armhole girth 44 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 24 inches, volume 35 inches, armhole girth 17 inches. Size international XS - S コルセット669。 希少なヴィンテージの滑らかなブラックベルベットで作られた非常に美しいヴィンテージコルセット。 非常に美しく、ぴったりとしたカットで、ミシン刺繍とヴィンテージボタンのフルセットも装飾されています。 着丈62cm、ボリューム88cm、アームホール周囲44cm。
Shirt 4906. Beautiful hemp shirt, embroidered with hemp thread. Archaic geometric embroidery creates an atmosphere of magic and naturalness. The shirt itself has some kind of invisible power that can be felt even through the photo. In excellent condition. Length 122 cm, sleeve from neck 66, width (half girth) 66, chest, waist and hip circumference 132, armhole depth 33, armhole circumference 66 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 48, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches. Size international S - M シャツ 4906。 麻糸の刺繍が美しい麻シャツ。 古風な幾何学模様の刺繍が魔法のような自然な雰囲気を作り出します。 シャツ自体には、写真からも感じられる見えない力があります。 優れた状態。 着丈122cm、首から袖66、身幅(半身)66、胸囲132、袖ぐり深さ33、袖ぐり周囲66cm。
Shirt 4843. Embroidery created with hemp home-spun thread is usually dyed brown (oak) or indigo. Red embroidery of this type is extremely rare !! Extremely beautiful archaic composition, and the shade of red - extremely pleasant, matte and rich. Linen home-woven fabric - soft and gentle. The shirt is rare, for true connoisseurs. Length 135 cm, sleeve from the neck 74, width (half girth) 70, volume on the chest, waist and hips 140, armhole depth 31, armhole circumference 62 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 53, sleeve from the neck 29, width from side to side 27,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 55, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4843。 麻の手紡ぎ糸で作られた刺繡は、通常、茶色(オーク)または藍に染められています。このタイプの赤い刺繡は非常にまれです!非常に美しい古風な構図と赤の色合い-非常に心地よく、マットで豊かです。リネンの手織り生地-柔らかくて優しい。真の愛好家にとって、このシャツは珍しいものです。 長さ135cm、首から袖74、幅(半分の胴回り)70、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム140、アームホールの深さ31、アームホールの円周62 cm
T-shirt knitted with openwork pattern. Knitted Blouse, beautiful openwork leaves pattern size S-M If you need a custom size and length write us about it. composition: cotton 52%, bamboo 48 %
Summer breathable T-shirt knitted and crocheted size M composition: cotton 100%
Shirt 2295. An ancient Ukrainian shirt with a special beauty in decoration. Very old Cossack embroidery, which can be found only in museums. here it is presented with luxurious flowers on lush sleeves. The dress is made of white vintage cotton. Absolutely beautifully preserved, ready to wear. Length 114 cm, sleeve from neck 63, width (half girth) 71, chest, waist and hips 142, armhole depth 38, arm circumference 76 cm, neck girth 44 cm, cuff 22 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 28, volume on the chest, waist and hips 56, armhole depth 15 inches, armhole circumference 30 inches, neck girth 17 inches, cuff 9 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 2291. Very beautiful antique vintage blouse with rich strawberry embroidery. Extremely delicate, soft linen fabric. Strong, very well preserved, this blouse will last another 100 years! Ready to wear! Length 65 cm, sleeve from neck 64, width (half girth) 68, chest, waist and hips 136, armhole depth 35, arm circumference 70 cm, neck girth 32 cm, cuff 21 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 26, sleeve from the neck 25, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 13 inches, cuff 8 inches. Size international S - M
Shirt 2289. Extremely gentle, pleasant shirt blouse with hand embroidery. A great vintage item that can easily be combined with modern clothes! Soft white cotton will provide perfect comfort. The most delicate strawberry embroidery will give you a light, relaxed mood and real summer warmth. Very nice pastel colors. The blouse is ready to wear. Length 69 cm, sleeve from neck 68, width (half girth) 80, chest, waist and hips 160, armhole depth 34, arm circumference 68 cm, neck girth 48 cm, cuff 24 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 31, volume on the chest, waist and hips 62, armhole depth 13 inches, armhole circumference 26 inches, neck girth 19 inches, cuff 9 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 2288. Very delicate feminine vintage dress, made of white soft vintage cotton. Excellently preserved, very beautiful, picturesque, with the smell of summer and freshness. Ready to wear. Length 93 cm, sleeve from neck 60, width (half girth) 74, chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 35, arm circumference 70 cm, neck girth 41 cm, cuff 20 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 37, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 16 inches, cuff 8 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 3329. Soft hemp cloth! Perfectly smooth home-woven fabric! And such a rare and extremely beautiful embroidery in flowers on a broken tree of the genus! A unique shirt that causes admiration! Perfect condition! Length 69, sleeve from the neck 66, width 73, armhole 31 cm シャツ3329。 柔らかな麻生地!完璧に滑らかな手織り生地!そして、このような珍しくて非常に美しい刺繍は、属の壊れた木の花にあります!憧れの個性的なシャツ!完璧な状態! 着丈69、袖丈66、身幅73、袖ぐり31cm
Shirt 4674. Linen vintage beauty with natural color embroidery. The thread, dyed brown at home, has a really nice shade and powerful energy. Jewelry work speaks for itself! Size XS - S - M Length 119 cm, sleeve from the neck 66, width 70, armhole 41 cm シャツ4674。 自然な色の刺繍が施されたリネンのヴィンテージの美しさ。家で茶色に染められた糸は、本当に素敵な色合いと強力なエネルギーを持っています。ジュエリーの仕事はそれ自体を物語っています!サイズXS-S-M 長さ119cm、首から袖66、幅70、アームホール41cm
Shirt 4532. Delicate dress from authentic Ukraine. Delicate embroidery and very light, weightless cotton fabric. The dress fits any size, from small to large! Excellently preserved, despite the age of about 100 years! Length 121 cm, sleeve from neck 69, width (half girth) 85, volume at chest, waist and hips 170, armhole depth 31 cm, arm circumference 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 47, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 33, volume on the chest, waist and hips 66, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4532。 本場ウクライナの繊細なドレス。 繊細な刺繍と非常に軽くて重さのないコットン生地。 小さいサイズから大きいサイズまで、どんなサイズにも合うドレスです! 約100年経ったにも関わらず保存状態抜群! 着丈121cm、首から袖69、身幅(半身)85、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ170、アームホール深さ31cm、腕周り62cm。
Shirt 4769. Gentle gray color, like smoke from a fire. Perfectly made embroidery with hemp thread! Hemp fabric is soft, not rough, very docile, which is especially appreciated in the modern world. Universal size! Length 61 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width (half girth) 74, volume at the chest and waist 148 cm, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 24, sleeve from the neck 15, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 13.5 inches, armhole circumference 27 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U SA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country.
Shirt 4470. Very soft vintage cotton. And the old embroidery in delicate pastel colors is perfectly matched to this fabric. Femininity is present in all vintage shirts, but in some it is especially refined and delicate, as in this case. The shirt is ready to wear! Length 123 cm, sleeve from neck 59, width (half girth) 74, chest, waist and hips 148, armhole depth 31, armhole circumference 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 48,5, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 29, volume on the chest, waist and hips 58, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4470。 とても柔らかなヴィンテージコットン。 そして、繊細なパステルカラーの古い刺繍がこの生地に完璧にマッチしています。 女性らしさはすべてのヴィンテージ シャツに見られますが、この場合のように、特に洗練された繊細なものもあります。 シャツは着る準備ができています! 着丈123cm、首から袖59、身幅(半身)74、胸囲148、袖ぐり深さ31、袖ぐり周り62cm。
Shirt 4580. Vintage cotton shirt, carefully decorated with a rare embroidery technique in a soft blue color. Very good condition, very delicate white fabric. Fits any size! Length 108 cm, sleeve from neck 72, width (half girth) 76, chest, waist and hips 152, armhole depth 35, armhole circumference 70 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 28, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches. Size international S – M – L – XL, European 36 – 50, UK 8 – 20, U USA 4 – 20 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4580。 柔らかなブルーに珍しい刺繍技法を丁寧に施したヴィンテージコットンシャツ。 非常に状態の良い、非常にデリケートな白い生地です。 どんなサイズにもフィット! 着丈108cm、首から袖72、身幅(半身)76、胸囲152、袖ぐり深さ35、袖ぐり周り70cm。
Corset 484. Cute vintage corset made of extremely rare, fantastically beautiful, noble old red velvet! Deep burgundy red is just incredible beauty! Length 59 cm, volume 90 cm.
Corset 481. Ancient Ukrainian corset vest made of black vintage velvet. Decorated with hand embroidery with ancient sequins. A cute thing to wear in today's world. Length 60 cm, volume 90 cm. コルセット481。 黒のヴィンテージベルベットで作られた古代ウクライナのコルセットベスト。古代のスパンコールを使った手刺繡で飾られています。今日の世界で着るかわいいもの。 長さ60cm、ボリューム90cm。
Shirt 4883. Unsurpassed beauty, original authentic shirt over 100 years old. A real museum exhibit! Length 121 cm, sleeve from the neck 69, width (half girth) 67, volume on the chest, waist and hips 134 cm, armhole depth 48, armhole circumference 96 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 47,5, sleeve from the neck 27, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 18 inches, armhole circumference 36 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4883。 比類のない美しさ、100年以上前のオリジナルの本物のシャツ。本物の美術館展示! 長さ121cm、首から袖69、幅(半身)67、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム134cm、アームホールの深さ48、アームホールの周囲96cm
Shirt 4469. A shirt with a cheerful mood and a good color scheme. White, very white cotton, 100% organic, soft and pleasant to the body. Delicate flowers neatly decorate the sleeves, and delicate colored embroidery curls around the neck, hem and cuffs. The apotheosis of accuracy and restraint, at the same time a frank demonstration of unrestrained beauty!! Length 107 cm, sleeve from neck 68, width (half girth) 77, chest, waist and hips 154, armhole depth 29, armhole circumference 58 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 42, sleeve from the neck 26.5, width from side to side 30, volume on the chest, waist and hips 60, armhole depth 11.5 inches, armhole circumference 23 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4469。 明るいムードと配色の良いシャツ。 白い、とても白いコットン、100% オーガニック、ソフトで体に心地よい。 繊細な花が袖をきれいに飾り、繊細な色の刺繍が首元、裾、袖口にカールしています。 正確さと抑制の神格化と同時に、抑制されない美しさを率直に示しています!! 着丈107cm、首から袖68、身幅(半身)77、胸囲154、袖ぐり深さ29、袖ぐり周り58cm。
Shirt 4537. Very neat, small, beautiful dress from authentic Romania. Sew it from home-spun white linen - home-made fabric, bleached, extremely strong and pleasant to the touch! Beautiful rich embroidery, and as always - virtuosic finishing of details, including hem and cuffs. Perfect condition of preservation! Length 115 cm, sleeve from the neck 65, width at the waist (half girth) 45, volume at the waist level 90, width at the chest 60 cm, volume at the level of the chest 120 cm, armhole depth 24 cm, armhole circumference 48 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 45 cm, sleeve from the neck 26, width at the waist (half girth) 18, volume at the waist level 36, width at the chest 24 cm, volume at the level of the chest 48 cm, armhole depth 10 cm, armhole circumference 20 cm. Size internaitonal S - M シャツ 4537。 本物のルーマニアからの非常にきちんとした、小さくて美しいドレス。 家庭で紡がれた白いリネンからそれを縫います - 自家製の生地、漂白された、非常に強くて手触りがいいです! 美しい豊かな刺繍、そしていつものように、裾や袖口を含む細部の巧妙な仕上げ。 保存状態バッチリ! 着丈115cm、首下袖65、腰幅(半身)45、腰高90、胸幅60cm、胸高120cm、袖ぐり深さ24cm、袖ぐり周囲48センチ。
Shirt 4912. Beautiful and delicate old authentic dress made of hemp cloth. Embroidered using the traditional "white on white" technique, when the embroidery thread and the canvas itself have a similar shade of color, but the shades are still different, thanks to which the embroidery pattern is "readable" by the eyes, is expressive and at the same time very delicate. A very old embroidery pattern, where both geometric and plant elements are visible. Length 100 cm, sleeve from neck 58, width (half girth) 67, chest, waist and hips 134, armhole depth 31, armhole circumference 62 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 39, sleeve from the neck 23, width from side to side 26, volume on the chest, waist and hips 52, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ 4912。 麻布を使用した美しく繊細なオールドオーセンティックドレス。 刺繍糸とキャンバス自体の色の色合いが似ている場合、伝統的な「白地に白」技法を使用して刺繍されますが、刺繍パターンが目で「読み取れる」おかげで、色合いは異なります。同時に非常に繊細です。 幾何学的要素と植物要素の両方が見える非常に古い刺繍パターン。 着丈100cm、首から袖58、身幅(半身)67、胸囲134、袖ぐり深さ31、袖ぐり周り62cm。
Shirt 2245. A very rare and extremely beautiful, perfectly preserved authentic shirt from Volyn. Interesting weaving on the sleeves and front, soft and light home-spun linen, the shirt is light, very soft in composition, despite the brightness of the look. One sleeve has barely noticeable paint marks from the shoulder, not critical. Length 82 cm, sleeve from neck 65, width (half girth) 59, chest, waist and hips 118, armhole depth 31, arm circumference 62 cm, neck girth 36 cm, cuff 18 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 32, sleeve from the neck 26, width from side to side 23, volume on the chest, waist and hips 46, armhole depth 12 inches, armhole circumference 24 inches, neck girth 14 inches, cuff 7 inches. シャツ2245。 非常に希少で非常に美しく、完全に保存された Volyn の本物のシャツです。 袖と前面に興味深い織りが施され、柔らかくて軽いホームスパンリネンを使用したシャツは、見た目の明るさにもかかわらず、軽くて非常に柔らかい構成になっています。 片方の袖には肩からかろうじて目立つペイント跡がありますが、致命的ではありません。 着丈82cm、首からの袖丈65、身幅(半周)59、胸囲、ウエスト、ヒップ118、アームホール深さ31、腕周り62cm、首周り36cm、袖口18cm。
Sarafan 77. This soft and delicate sundress is made of wind flannel. It sits softly on the figure, is very comfortable to wear, very well preserved, without defects. Length 95 cm, volume up to 90 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 37 inches, volume up to 35 inches. Size international S - M サラファン77。 この柔らかく繊細なサンドレスはウィンドフランネルで作られています。 フィギュアに柔らかくフィットし、非常に快適に着用でき、欠陥もなく非常によく保存されています。 長さ95cm、ボリューム最大90cm。
Shirt 2275. An interesting vintage shirt blouse with a rare embroidery technique. A good selection of colors in the style of indigo. White cotton, 100% organic pure fabric. The shirt is perfectly preserved! Ready to wear! Length 74 cm, sleeve from neck 62, width (half girth) 69, full volume on chest, waist and hips 138, armhole depth 35, arm circumference 70 cm, neck girth 30 cm, cuff 16 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 29, sleeve from the neck 24, width from side to side 27, volume on the chest, waist and hips 54 , armhole depth 14 inches, armhole circumference 28 inches, neck girth 12 inches, cuff 6 inches. Size international XS - S - M
Shirt 4797. Beautiful embossed, three-dimensional, delicate and ancient embroidery with a geometric pattern. Against the background of light beige hemp canvas looks just incredible! Defective shirt! Length 127 cm, sleeve from the neck 63, width (half girth) 68, volume on the chest, waist and hips 136 cm, armhole depth 28, armhole circumference 56 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 50, sleeve from the neck 24.5, width from side to side 26,5, volume on the chest, waist and hips 53, armhole depth 11 inches, armhole circumference 22 inches. Size international XS - S – M – L, European 34 – 44, UK 6 – 16, USA 2 – 14 !!! The size grid is indicated as accurately as possible; additional measurements are also given in centimeters. If you have doubts about the size, please write in private messages, or check the size chart for your country. シャツ4797。 幾何学模様の美しいエンボス加工、立体的、繊細で古代の刺繡。ライトベージュの麻の帆布を背景に、すごいですね!シャツの不良! 長さ127cm、首から袖63、幅(半身)68、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム136cm、アームホールの深さ28、アームホールの円周56cm
Shirt 4117. Vintage shirt made of very thin, almost weightless cotton. Moderate hand embroidery adorns this cute red with dignity. The shirt is tailored without excessive splendor, very well suited to pants or jeans, extremely comfortable, especially in the summer heat. Length 69 cm, sleeve from the neck 48, width (half girth) 48, chest volume 96 cm, armhole depth 26, armhole circumference 52 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 27, sleeve from the neck 19, width from side to side 19, volume on the chest, waist and hips 38, armhole depth 10 inches, armhole circumference 20 inches. Size international S - XS - M シャツ4117。 非常に薄く、ほとんど無重力の綿で作られたヴィンテージシャツ。適度な手刺繡がこのキュートな赤を威厳をもって飾っています。シャツは過度の素晴らしさなしに仕立てられており、パンツやジーンズに非常によく適しており、特に夏の暑さの中で非常に快適です。 長さ69cm、首から袖48、幅(半身)48、胸囲96cm、アームホール深さ26、アームホール周囲52cm
Sundress 94. A very beautiful old sundress of a pleasant blue color. Slightly longer than most vintage sundresses, the fabric is completely organic and beautifully preserved. Length 110 cm, volume 90 cm. Measurements in INCHES: Length 43 inches, volume 35 inches. Size international S - M サンドレス94。 心地よい青色のとても美しい古いサンドレス。 ほとんどのヴィンテージのサンドレスよりも少し長めの生地は、完全にオーガニックで美しく保存されています。 長さ110cm、体積90cm。
Children's shirt 6. Ancient hemp shirt. Nice home-woven fabric, very useful for the child's body and health. Suitable for walks in nature, for folklore festivals, for sleeping. No defects! Length 92 cm, sleeve from the neck 53, width 67, armhole 25 cm.
Shirt 4248. Luxurious Bukovinian shirt made of white home-woven linen! It is decorated with beaded embroidery, as well as yellow silk embroidery in a very delicate lace technique. In perfect condition! Length 110 cm, sleeve from the neck 65, width (half girth) 53, volume on the chest, waist and hips 106 cm, armhole depth 22, armhole circumference 44 cm Measurements in INCHES: Length 43, sleeve from the neck 25.5, width from side to side 21, volume on the chest, waist and hips 42, armhole depth 8.5 inches, armhole circumference 17 inches. Size international XS - S - M シャツ4248。 白い手織りのリネンで作られた豪華なブコビニアンシャツ!ビーズの刺繡と、非常に繊細なレース技法の黄色い絹の刺繡で飾られています。完璧な状態で! 長さ110cm、 首から袖65、幅(ハーフガース)53、胸、ウエスト、ヒップのボリューム106 cm、アームホールの深さ22、アームホールの円周44 cm
Set of 2 bridal gowns and 1 chocker
Vendor: Loffect
Set of 1 bridal gown, 1 bolero, 1 skirt
Vendor: Loffect
Light and expressive. Such epithets come to mind when you admire a delicate women's pastel-colored embroidered shirt with expressive embroidered ornaments???? Embroidery in the technique of machine cross decorates the sleeves in front of shirts. Also without decoration did not leave a women's embroidered shirt near the neck) The product is made of natural canvas, which creates a favorable contrast with embroidery. Here you can buy an embroidered shirt for every taste - any ornaments and styles are possible. All embroideries are made to order: it will take up to 10-14 working days from the date of payment. In case you wish other colors or if your order is urgent - please contact us before you buy! Material: natural canvas
This training set includes 9 pieces of dancewear. This clothing is not intended for competition use. The set includes 4 skirts, 3 dresses, 1 blouse and 1 trousers. All clothing is black and size 2X. The clothes are made of elastic materials, so you will be comfortable in active dance movements
To simulate colour of the body must use : : beige mesh 1 layer Add sleeves : No changes, like the original. Add leggings : No changes, like the original. Includes fabric, sewing, author painting on fabric, applique, rhinestones 100 pieces size ss16 or 10 middle rhinestones (depends on leotard model) and scrunchie.
To simulate colour of the body must use : : beige mesh 1 layer Add sleeves : No changes, like the original. Add leggings : No changes, like the original. Includes fabric, sewing, author painting on fabric, applique, rhinestones 100 pieces size ss16 or 10 middle rhinestones (depends on leotard model) and scrunchie.
This is a beautiful linen woven embroidered authentic shirt. This is a handmade Ukrainian dress. The pattern on the sleeves and on the hem is embroidered with a cross. The color of the embroidery became slightly lighter. Fabric is hand-woven linen canvas. soft thin Strong Pleasant for the body. Organic linen. Length - 118 cm Sleeve length from collar - l 62 cm. Bust volume - 148 cm. This rural ethnic outfit was in use. Well preserved. Despite the state of war in our country, l will send the purchased item immefiately. There is a main post office in my region. Please do not forget about the taxes that the buyer has to pay if there are any in your country. Please do not forget about the taxes that the buyer has to pay if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you for purchasing !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
I offer to your attention an authentic Ukrainian embroidered shirt. A pattern skillfully embroidered with a small cross adorns the wide sleeves of the dress. Gentle flowers fascinate. Color of the threads is of different shades, because they are dyed with a natural dye. The top of the ancient outfit is cotton fabric. The bottom of the garment is hand-woven linen canvas. thin Strong Pleasant for the body. Length - 106 cm. Sleeve length from collar - 55 cm. Bust volume - 126 cm National size - L, M, XL. This traditional clothing was created in Poltava Oblast. Dresses were previously used. Well preserved. Please do not forget that this store sells things and garments that were made several decades or a hundred years ago. Therefore, they may show signs of use, some damage is possible. And, please, don't forget about the customs duties paid by the buyer, if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting! Thank you very much for your purchase !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
I offer to your attention an authentic Ukrainian linen embroidered shirt. A voluminous pattern embroidered with a small cross decorates the sleeves. Color of the threads is dyed with natural dyes, so they can have different shades . Fabric - hand-woven linen cloth. thin soft Pleasant for the body. Length - 128 cm. Sleeve length from collar - 67 cm. Bust volume - 133 cm. International Size - L, M, XL. This traditional clothing was created in Poltava Oblast. It was used before. It is sewn in the front and on the sleeve. Please do not forget that this store sells things and garments that were made several decades or a hundred years ago. Therefore, they may show signs of use, some damage is possible. And, please, don't forget about the customs duties paid by the buyer, if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you very much for your purchase !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
This is a berry embroidered Ukrainian vintage shirt. An interesting original pattern adorns the sleeves and hem of this traditional garment. Color of the embroidery is bright and clear. The fabric is hand-woven linen canvas. Only the sleeves are sewn from cotton material. The canvas is strong. Length - 105 cm. Sleeve length from collar - 67cm. Bust volume - 134 cm. The length of the opening - 28 cm. International Size - L, M, XL. This authentic outfit was created in the Poltava region. It was used before. Well preserved. Please do not forget that this store sells things and garments that were made several decades or a hundred years ago. Therefore, they may show signs of use, some damage is pissible. And, please, don't forget about the customs duties paid by the buyer, if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you very much for your purchase !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
This is a beautiful linen embroidered Ukrainian vintage shirt. What a masterful handiwork! The pattern on the sleeves and hem is embroidered with a small cross. Color of the embroidery is clear. Fabric is hand-woven linen. Strong thin Pleasant for the body. Length - 127 cm Sleeve length from collar - 58 cm. Bust volume - 137 cm. Armhole length - 29 cm International Size - L, M, XL . This festive traditional outfit was created by craftsmen from the Poltava region. Carefully used. Well preserved. But there is a stain from rust. Please do not forget that this store sells things and garments that were made several decades or a hundred years ago. Therefore, they may show signs of use, some damage is possible. And, please, don't forget about the customs duties paid by the buyer, if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you very much for your purchase !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
This is a wonderful embroidered linen Ukrainian vintage shirt. This linen woven dress was created in Poltava Oblast. Fabric is hand-woven linen canvas. Strong. thin. Pleasant for the body. The pattern on the sleeves and hem is embroidered with a cross. Color of the embroidery is bright and clear. Such beautiful bunches of grapes! Length - 122 cm Sleeve length from collar - 64 cm. Volume bust - 147 cm The length of the opening on the chest - 30 cm. International Size - XL , M, L. This festive authentic outfit was previously used. Well preserved. Please do not forget that this store sells things and clothes thay were made several decades or a hundred years ago. Therefore, they may show signs of use, some damage is pissible. And, please, don't forget about the customs duties paid by the buyer, if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you very much for your purchase !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
I offer to your attention a beautiful Ukrainian embroidered old shirt. This festive outfit was created in Poltava Oblast. A voluminous pattern embroidered with a small cross decorates the sleeves of this dress. Fabric is cotton. strong. Length - 91 cm. Bust volume - 124 cm. Sleeve length from collar - 70 cm. This authentic garment has been used. Well preserved. Please do not forget that this store sells things and garments that were made several decades or a hundred years ago. Therefore, they may show signs of use, some damage is possible. And, please, don't forget about the customs duties paid by the buyer, if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting! Thank you very much for your purchase !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
This is an authentic embroidered linen Ukrainian shirt. Woven antique dress was created in Poltava Oblast, in the center of Ukraine. The pattern on the sleeves and hem is embroidered with a small cross. There are places where the color of the embroidery has become a little lighter. Fabric is hand-woven linen canvas. thin Strong soft Pleasant for the body. Organic linen. Length -. 116 cm. Sleeve length from collar - 68 cm. Bust volume - 148 cm. This rural festive ancient outfit was used. Well preserved. Despite the state of war in our country, l will send the purchased item immefiately. There is a main post office in my region. Please do not forget about the taxes that the buyer has to pay if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you for purchasing !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
Contact us for a price
This is a beautiful floral embroidered authentic Ukrainian shirt. Festive country dress of masterly and neat work. The three-dimensional pattern is embroidered with a small cross. There are places where the color of the embroidery has become lighter. Fabric is cotton. thin strong. Length -. 115 cm. Sleeve length from collar - 65 cm. Bust volume - 160 cm. This ancient outfit was created in the Poltava region, which is in the center of Ukraine. The dress was used. Well preserved. Despite the state of war in our country, l will send the purchased item immediately. There is a main pist office in my region. Please do not forget about the taxes that the buyer has to pay if there are any in your country. Thank you for visiting ! Thank you for purchasing !
Vendor: EkoTreasures
Contact us for a price