Ukrainian Collectibles

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Адель Фейбер зі своїм братом живуть у невеликому містечку Шу. Колись давно їхніх батьків забрала Тиша — жахливий та мерзенний туман, якого бояться всі мешканці Сонячного Королівства. Щоб вирватися з бідності та здобути шанс на краще життя, Адель вирішила написати сенсаційну статтю, варту першої шпальти «Оріону», найпопулярнішої газети королівства. У пошуках цікавого матеріалу для газети, завзята журналістка Адель та її брат Яґо, зустрінуться сам на сам із Тишею. Вони вирішують залишитися вночі на вулиці, де не буде жодної живої душі.    Один вечір докорінно змінить її життя. Вона зустріне сміливих Пекельних Джентльменів, які полюють на Пожирачів Тиші та хочуть дізнатися більше про її появу. Але як приєднатися до Клубу Пекельних Джентльменів, якщо ти дівчина? Адель доведеться віднайти сміливість і непокірність, змінити зовнішній вигляд та нарешті дізнатися всю правду, яку від неї так довго приховували… Aвтор Лебовскі Редгрейн Видавництво Nebo Booklab Publishing Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 320  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 14 +, 16 +  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Чорно-білі  Папір Офсетний  Рік видання 2021  Розмір товару 170 х 245 х 25 мм  Вага 600 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$24.00 $20.25
100% Original ! Komsomol Set №1
Vendor: saketti
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Ведмежа Паддінгтон не припиняє дивувати родину Браунів. Одного дня він продав свої картини невідомому покупцеві, другого – змайстрував на стелі коллаж, а третього взагалі проти правил зоопарку нагодував пінгвінів бутербродами з джемом. Усьго в книзі є шість чудово проілюстрованих оповідань, рекомендованих до читання дітям віком від 3 років. Aвтор Бонд Майкл Видавництво Ранок Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 120  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 3-6, 6-10  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Крейдований  Рік видання 2018  Розмір товару 260 x 300 мм  Вага 700 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$27.00 $24.00
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«У місті Стокгольмі…» — з цієї фрази розпочинається одна неймовірна повість. Так от, живе в цьому цілком звичайному місті звичайнісінький хлопчик — Малий. А на даху його будинку мешкає аж ніяк не звичайний чоловічок з моторчиком на спині — Карлсон. Він вміє літати і придумує безліч витівок і жартів. Юний читачу, долучайся і ти до веселої компанії шанувальників Карлсона й Малого — героїв улюбленої в усьому світі повісті Астрід Ліндґрен — і поринь у дивовижні пригоди! Aвтор Ліндгрен А. Видавництво Рідна Мова Обкладинка тверда ISBN 978-966-917-599-1 Кількість сторінок 144 Мова Українська Вік дитини 3-6, 6-10 Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик Ілюстрації Кольорові Папір Офсетний Рік видання 2020 Розмір товару 165 х 210 мм Вага 340 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$17.00 $15.75
Backpack for plate carrier is designed taking into account the needs of the military, police and operators of special units. This bag model is designed to carry a small set of extras, extra BC, water, etc. The main compartment of the bag opens completely and has an internal organizer system. It also has a separate pocket that allows you to conveniently separate things from other gear. On the front of the backpack there is a flat pocket with a vertical loading for the hydraulic system to the full height of the bag. There is also a Velcro panel for placing IDs and other accessories. The functional front part is equipped with a MOLLE panel for additional summaries. The Assault Pack can be attached to any MOLLE compatible gear such as plate carriers, backpacks, etc. For this, there are four MOLLE straps on the back of the bag. This design ensures the maximum fit of the bottom to the back and does not increase the silhouette.
Vendor: ukraine-shop
OV_Old Toy_020  - it's machine embroidery design  of series "Old Toy" made by Oksana Vushkan. This embroidery is well suited for children's products  Please note: This is digital file for embroidery machine. You must have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file.This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used. This design is not suitable for very stretch materials. The design contains a kind of backing (fixing layer). This design is multi-layered, the stitches have different directions and also stretch the material in different directions, so you need to fix the fabric well so that the embroidery outline is embroidered correctly.  Embroidery design is available in two sizes: (two sizes for the price of one)  1. OV_Old Toy_020_Sm Sizes: 84,5 x 98,0 mm (3,33 x 3,86") Stitches : 10878 Colors: 8\9 ------------------------------------------------ 2. OV_Old Toy_020_L Sizes: 112,2 x 130,3 mm (4,42 x 5,13") Stitches : 15721 Colors: 8\9  You can download your zipped file containing following formats: DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP.   You should be able to unpack the zip archive.   - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need.   - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter. Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way.   The collection "Old Toy" will grow! - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale. I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments. - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product. Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties. I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs. Thanks for visiting my shop
"Hunter cat"  - it's machine embroidery design made by Oksana Vushkan.   This cute cat otlichnoe look great on your products.  The best effect of embroidery is achieved on white and pastel materials.     Please note: This is digital file for embroidery machine. You must have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used. Design in three sizes for the price of one  The design parameters: 1. Hoops  130 x 180 mm, 140 х 140 мм, 150 х 150 мм and more OV_Hunter cat_125 Size: 125,0 x 122,4 mm (4,92 x 4,82") ( this is the minimum allowed size for this design ) Stitches: 12145 Colors: 4 ------------------------------------------------- 2. Hoops 180 x 160 mm, 200 х 180 мм, 200 х 200 мм and more OV_Hunter cat_155 Size: 155,0 x 151,6 mm (6.10 x 5.97") Stitches: 15937 Colors: 4 ----------------------------------------------- 3. Hoops  200 x 200 mm, 200 х 240 мм, 200 х 300 мм and more OV_Hunter cat_185 Size: 185,0 x 181,0 mm (7,28 x 7,13") Stitches: 20368 Colors: 4 You can download your zipped file containing following formats: DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP. You must be able to unpack the archive.  - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need.  - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter.  - Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way.  - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale.  I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments. - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product.  Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties.  I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs.    Thanks for visiting my shop.
an additional payment of USD 75 USD as a result of raising prices by the producer for these two products Favorite Synapse BFS SYSBF-662L 1.98m 3-10g Mod.Fast and Favorite Synapse Twitching SYST-662L 1.98m 3-12g Moderate
Ukrainian pair vyshyvanka
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Пан Будяк, досвідчений мандрівник, вирушив у чергову подорож. Він побачить дивовижний край, у якому живуть птахофони й риби-дирижаблі, знайде нових друзів і вкотре пересвідчиться: якщо ти допомагаєш іншим і простягаєш рятівну руку, то й тобі прийдуть на порятунок. Ця добра історія розповідає про те, як важливо допомагати одне одному, бути доброзичливим і не втрачати бадьорого настрою, хай би які перешкоди трапилися на вашому шляху. Видавництво Vivat Обкладинка тверда Кількість сторінок 48  Мова Українська  Вік дитини 6-10  Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик  Ілюстрації Кольорові  Папір Крейдований  Рік видання 2021  Розмір товару 220 х 290 мм  Вага 450 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$17.00 $14.50
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Яскраві казки з чудовими малюнками допоможуть дитині легко, граючись, навчитись читати, рахувати, думати та міркувати. До цієї збірки увійшли найкращі казки, а також завдання для малюків, які допоможуть розвинути увагу, кмітливість та уяву. Aвтор Збірник Видавництво Глорія Обкладинка тверда ISBN 978-617-536-412-3 Кількість сторінок 224 Мова Українська Вік дитини 3-6, 6-10 Стать дитини Дівчинка, Хлопчик Ілюстрації Кольорові Папір Крейдований Рік видання 2015 Розмір товару 200 x 265 мм Вага 755 г
Vendor: WB Books UA
$22.50 $20.25
Cross stitch pattern cat bookmark - bookmark set with cat silhouette and nature cross stitch. The bookmark pattern with cat cross stitch is simple and modern, even a novice embroiderer can handle it. Handmade bookmark - a great book lover gift, as well as nature and cat lovers. The diagrams embroidery bookmark are prepared for instant download PDF and archived with a ZIP archiver. If you have any difficulties with extracting files from the ZIP archive, write me your email and I will send you all the diagrams without the archive General information for each bookmark from the set: Fabric: 16 count White Aida Stitches: 27 x 112 Size: 1.69 x 7.00 inches or 4.29 x 17.78 cm Digital PDF pattern Includes: - Pattern in black and white symbol on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols on 1 and 2 pages, - Pattern in color blocks and symbols without backstitch on 2 pages, - List of DMC colors you will need and thread length. The number of thread colors for each bookmark is different, namely: Bookmark №1 - 22 Colours DMC Bookmark №2 - 15 Colours DMC Bookmark №3 - 20 Colours DMC Bookmark №4 - 16 Colours DMC Bookmark №5 - 9 Colours DMC ATTENTION! For personal use only! All my patterns are not for commercial using. You may not resold files as is, or with minor changes. The product may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. Also the representation on any free web resource is prohibited. Please understand me as the owner. Please note this is a PDF PATTERN ONLY! No fabric, floss, or other materials are included in the listing. If you have any questions about the purchased product, individual order of cross-stitch patterns, downloading files in PDF format and ZIP-arhiv - write to me in a private message. If you need to know the size of the fabric when using: Aida 6, Aida 11, Aida 14, Aida 16, Aida 18, Aida 22, Aida 25, Aida 28, Aida 32 - try visiting the special "Fabric Size Calculator" at: ♥ LINK TO SIMILAR DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS ♥ I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order. Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you enjoyed it here :) I wish you easy embroidery!
Fox is the cutest animal for embroidery. Create your own sleeping fox in a summer wreath with this digital PDF instruction. Please note that this is a DIGITAL PURCHASE ONLY, no physical item will be shipped.  NOTE: Advanced Level!! Includes 31 page of a very detailed step-by-step instruction, 25 pages with pictures.  26 DMC colors This pattern is designed for more advanced embroiderers, but anyone can try it! The pattern is designed for a 20cm (or 7.84") hoop but can be resized for different hoop sizes. Please note: You will need a PDF reader to access this file on your computer. If you do not have one, you can get a free PDF reader here: When printing the pattern, ensure your printer is set to print to "Actual Size". This pattern is intended for personal use only and should not be reproduced, replicated, or commercially distributed. Copyright KolomanKnitShop. Your pattern will be available to download from your Etsy account as soon as your order is complete.
"Spring flowers 1" - it's machine embroidery designs made by Oksana Vushkan. Please note: This is digital file for embroidery machine. You must have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used.  The design is delicate, not very dense. Suitable for decorating clothing, interior, haberdashery.   The design is whole and divided into parts,  fits hoops 130 x 180 mm (5 x 7") and larger their.    I emphasize that experience is needed to assemble a design from parts, but I also believe that beginners who want to learn how to assemble large designs from parts should try and gain experience in practice. There is no need to be afraid, you need to learn. Design parameters (whole for large hoop): OV_Spring flowers_1_z Size: 210.2 x 317.0 mm (8.28 x 12.48") Stitches: 76724 Colors: 20/23 The design is divided into two versions: into 2 parts and into 5 parts. The dimensions of each part and assembly diagram are shown in the photo. Assembly instructions are also in the photo. Be sure to read it before purchasing. After payment you can download your zipped file containing following:  machine formats - DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP, assembly instructions in English, assembly diagrams, files with design parameters and color palette, photos, as well as templates for printing on a printer. You should be able to unpack the zip archive.   - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need.   - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter. Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way.  - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale. I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments.  - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product.  Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties. I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs. Thanks for visiting my shop
Favorite Arena Rod ARN 662SUL has all the characteristics that a sophisticated tool for trout fishing should possess. Sensitive form allows you to feel the full control of the bait even on the line and react in time to a careful bite. The average "trout" system will provide productive survival with a minimum number of gatherings on beardless hooks. A small total weight of the rod will contribute to making complex animations of baits. Vibrating spoon-baiters, turntables, light trout wobblers, micro and nano jigs, with all this Arena arsenal excellent. The rod is equipped with rings arranged along the KR-concept, which adds additional meters to the casting range. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Arena Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.04 Test, g: 1.5-5 Test, lb: 2.5-5 Weight, g: 78 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 105 Story: Moderate Slow Handle (material): Cork Rings (material): Fuji KR-series Spinning class: Ultra-Light
Favorite Arena ARN-682UL 2.04m 1.5-5g 2.5-5lb M-Slow Description Now actively catching pond trout fishing - the so-called area-fishing. Specially for this kind of catching, we developed a new series of Arena rods. But in addition to catching pond trout, it is perfectly suited for catching silicone baits on minimal loads (the so-called nano-jig), as well as for catching various predatory and semi-predatory fish on the rivers with turntables, wobbles and miniature crooks.The sensitive blank allows full control of the lure even on the line and in time to react to a cautious bite. The average "trout" system will provide productive survival with a minimum number of gatherings on beardless hooks. A small total weight of the rod will contribute to the performance of complex animations of baits. The rod is equipped with rings arranged along the KR-concept, which adds additional meters to the casting distance. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Arena Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.04 Test, g: 1.5-5 Weight, g: 78 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 105 Story: Moderate Slow Test, lb: 2.5-5 Handle (material): Cork Spinning class: Ultra-Light Rings (material): Fuji KR-series Favorite Professional NEW PRF-732ML 2.20m 4-15g Description Spinning Favorite Professional NEW - universal rod in an updated design. Now one of the most popular models of Favorite has received a new more modern look and a new form. The geometry of the form and the structure remained the same, but it became a little more sonorous due to the use of more modern materials. The main changes have touched the fittings - access rings and reel seat. Rods are equipped with modern anti-oxidation rings, arranged according to the KR-concept. They use a thin, light and smooth insert - analogue Torzite from Fuji. The basic concept of the pen remained the same, which remained the same ergonomic and comfortable. Spinning Favorite Professional copes well with the widest range of baits and, most importantly, has a huge margin of safety. His form forgives a lot and allows you to catch equally well as a hawk on a small forest river or pike and perch on the lake, and a variety of exotic fish on the reefs of remote islands. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Professional NEW Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.20 Test, g: 4-15 Weight, g: 119 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 114 Story: Moderate Fast Test, lb: 4-10 Handle (Material): EVA Spinning class: Medium-Light Rings (material): K-Series Korea Favorite Professional NEW PRF-732UL 2.20m 2-8g Description Spinning Favorite Professional NEW - universal rod in an updated design. Now one of the most popular models of Favorite has received a new more modern look and a new form. The geometry of the form and the structure remained the same, but it became a little more sonorous due to the use of more modern materials. The main changes have touched the fittings - access rings and reel seat. Rods are equipped with modern anti-oxidation rings, arranged according to the KR-concept. They use a thin, light and smooth insert - analogue Torzite from Fuji. The basic concept of the pen remained the same, which remained the same ergonomic and comfortable. Spinning Favorite Professional copes well with the widest range of baits and, most importantly, has a huge margin of safety. His form forgives a lot and allows you to catch equally well as a hawk on a small forest river or pike and perch on the lake, and a variety of exotic fish on the reefs of remote islands. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Professional NEW Rod type: Spinning Length, m: 2.20 Test, g: 2-8 Weight, g: 113 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 114 Story: Moderate Fast Test, lb: 3-6 Handle (Material): EVA Spinning class: Ultra-Light Rings (material): K-Series Korea
Pay attention! The production time of the clock is about 10 business days. Because it is a manual work. Thanks for understanding . After the purchase, write to me what color of the lamps you want, available colors - Yellow, blue, red, green, white Great gift and creative thing for yourself loved one!) Warm desk clock, manual assembly. Be sure to decorate any interior. Be sure to attract the attention of any of your guests and will delight the host for a long time! The clock has a thermometer, an alarm clock, a colored backlight, it can be turned off. Modes of operation: - display only time (hours / minutes / seconds) - time and date periodically - time and temperature - time, temperature and date Power supply:EU 100- 250V from 7-18 V 500 mA Dimensions: 175x50x80mm
God bless America for laser engraving(wooden inlay). Vector File. (AI, EPS, SVG, DFX, JPG) You will Immediately receive AI file after buy,  if you need other formats write me, I will send you it  in email) If you need modifications, or add your text or your graphic elements or something else contact me. it is no problem
This is a stunning rose with a hint of pastel pink on the petals. This perfectly shaped rose has a clip on the back. Easy to wear and yet adds so much beauty.  Perfect for Photoshoots, weddings, bridesmaids, bachelorette looks, girls night out, prom, any special occasion or daily outing that you want that extra touch to accentuate your beauty! Dimensions: • rose diameter – 2.36 - 2.6" (6.5-7 cm); • the total height – 1.18" (3.5 cm); • the length of a metal clip for hair – 2.17" (5.5 cm). The flowers and leaves are handmade from a foam material. Foam"s structure is reminiscent of suede. Lightweight, durable, not afraid of water. Each detail is made by hand. After that included in a beautiful poppies flower. Buds made from hot glue, painted acrylic. Please, don't hesitate to ask any additional information. Thank you for spending time in my FlowerGirlStories Store.
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This wooden bookmark with an engraved inspirational quote from Confucius (Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated) serves as a thoughtful and practical gift for a friend, bookworm gifts, loved one, or simply as a treat for yourself. Made of eco veneer and laser engraved, this handmade bookmark is available in red or teak wood finishes with a tassel included for easy page marking. Measuring at 5.7" x 1.4" (14.6 cm*3.5 cm) and with a thickness of 0.05 inch(1.5mm), this bookmark is just the right size and weight to keep your place in your favorite book without without deforming it Highlights: - Handmade item - Laser engraved for precision - Comes with tassel for easy page marking - Perfect thickness of 0.05 inch Not only does this bookmark serve as a functional accessory for your reading pleasure, but it also provides motivation and inspiration through the engraved quote from Confucius The eco-friendly materials used in creating these bookmarks make them an environmentally conscious choice for consumers. This bookmark can be used for personal or gift-giving purposes. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it's Christmas, a birthday, or just a small gesture to show that you care. It can also be used for promotional or corporate gifts, as a clever way to promote your business or event. Our bookmarks are made with great attention to detail and quality materials. We take pride in our handmade products and strive to ensure that each bookmark is made to the highest standards of quality. Add this Confucius quote engraved wooden bookmark to your collection or give it as a gift to someone special. Get yours today and elevate your reading experience!
$14.00 $12.90
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Star of Chaos with 8 rays. Sphere of Chaos pendant for the real magician. Witch Pendant. Occult jewelry. Star of Chaos with 8 rays. The rule of Chaos Magic is no rules! The personal experience of the Mage comes to the fore! The main symbol of Chaos Magic is the Chaos Sphere! The point at which the Mage begins his journey. The 8 arrows are the 8 paths he can take. Chaos Magic is a philosophy! Chaos cannot be controlled, you can only swim in the direction of its flow. The 8 arrows symbolize Infinity, it has two beginnings - Chaos and Order! Chaos is the principle of the Universe. Magic is Chaos! Our new product is a wooden bookmark for your favorite book! Made of eco veneer. Carefully sanded and coated with water-soluble lacquer Leaf maple inlaid with gold metallized cardboard Size: Length 14.8 cm(5.8"), Width 3.6 cm(1.47" - the widest part of the bookmark ) Perfect Thickness: Many years of hard work and experience in woodworking and listening to our customers have enabled us to make our bookmarks the perfect thickness (0.05 inch). Book lovers can use and enjoy their bookmarks without harming their favorite books.
$16.00 $13.90
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Wooden bookmark with a quote about how beautiful life is! Its a wonderful life quote bookmark This wooden bookmark with an engraved quote "Life is beautiful. Enjoy the ride" serves a practical gift for a friend, bookworm gifts, loved one, or simply as a treat for yourself. Made of eco veneer and laser engraved, this handmade bookmark is available in red or teak wood finishes with a tassel included for easy page marking. The Letters are inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. Measuring at 5.7" x 1.4" (14.6 cm*3.5 cm) and with a thickness of 0.05 inch(1.5mm), this bookmark is just the right size and weight to keep your place in your favorite book without without deforming it Highlights: - Handmade item - Laser engraved for precision - Inlay gold metallized cardboard. - Comes with tassel for easy page marking - Perfect thickness of 0.05 inch Not only does this bookmark serve as a functional accessory for your reading pleasure, but Bookmark for for life-lovers. The eco-friendly materials used in creating these bookmarks make them an environmentally conscious choice for consumers. This bookmark can be used for personal or gift-giving purposes. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it's Christmas, a birthday, or just a small gesture to show that you care. It can also be used for promotional or corporate gifts, as a clever way to promote your business or event. Our bookmarks are made with great attention to detail and quality materials. We take pride in our handmade products and strive to ensure that each bookmark is made to the highest standards of quality. Add this wooden bookmark with an engraved quote about the beauty of life. Add to your collection or give it as a gift to someone special. Purchase it today and enhance your reading experience!
$17.00 $13.00
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Wooden bookmark with quote about the perfection of cats. This wooden bookmark with an engraved quote from Leonardo da Vinci( The smallest feline is a masterpiece) serves a practical gift for a friend, bookworm gifts, loved one, or simply as a treat for yourself, 6 month anniversary gift for girlfriend Made of eco veneer and laser engraved, this handmade bookmark is available in red or teak wood finishes with a tassel included for easy page marking. The Letters are inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. Measuring at 5.7" x 1.4" (14.6 cm*3.5 cm) and with a thickness of 0.05 inch(1.5mm), this bookmark is just the right size and weight to keep your place in your favorite book without without deforming it Highlights: - Handmade item - Laser engraved for precision - Inlay gold metallized cardboard. - Comes with tassel for easy page marking - Perfect thickness of 0.05 inch Not only does this bookmark serve as a functional accessory for your reading pleasure, but Bookmark for cat lovers. The eco-friendly materials used in creating these bookmarks make them an environmentally conscious choice for consumers. This bookmark can be used for personal or gift-giving purposes. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it's Christmas, a birthday, or just a small gesture to show that you care. It can also be used for promotional or corporate gifts, as a clever way to promote your business or event. Our bookmarks are made with great attention to detail and quality materials. We take pride in our handmade products and strive to ensure that each bookmark is made to the highest standards of quality. Add this Leonardo da Vinci quote engraved wooden bookmark to your collection or give it as a gift to someone special. Get yours today and elevate your reading experience!
$17.00 $13.00
"Little lamb" - it's machine embroidery design made by Oksana Vushkan. This cute angel perfectly look great on your products. Please note: This is digital file for embroidery machine. You must have an embroidery machine and the software needed to transfer it from your computer to the machine to use this file. This design is manually digitized by myself. No auto digitizing software is used. Design in two sizes for the price of one: 1. OV_little lamb_94 Size: 73,2 x 94,0 mm (2,88 x 3,70") Stitches: 13660 Colors: 8 ------------------------------------- 2. OV_little lamb_120 Size: 92,8 x 119,4 mm (3,65 x 4,70") Stitches: 18346 Colors: 8 You can download your zipped file containing following formats: DST, XXX, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, VIP, VP3, EXP. You must be able to unpack the archive.  - It is your responsibility to observe the sizing of designs to insure compatibility with your machine. Even if the design is offered in your Format it is not a guarantee that the designs will be size compatible. You should know the size of the embroidery field of your embroidery machine (not to be confused with the size of the hoops ). The size of the field is the maximum size of the embroidery that can be embroidered on Your embroidery machine. If you have any questions about the size of the design before you make a purchase, it is better to specify whether the design will fit into Your hoops or not. To do this, you need to tell the size of Your hoops and the format you need.  - I never give away or sell EMB working files for any money, only machine formats are sold. If your format is not in the list of suggested ones, I will try to convert the design into the desired one, provided that I have such a converter.  - Resizing or editing of the designs is not recommended and I can not guarantee the quality of the designs if you alter them in any way.  - All my designs are tested on embroidery machines before going on sale. I do not specifically create designs for leather and stretch materials and do not test them. Samples are embroidered on cotton fabrics, sometimes on fabrics with slight stretch, such as gabardine. Everyone's experience with embroidery is different. I focus on myself. If I achieved the desired result in the sample - the design is not pulled together, the fabric is not unraveling, there are no breaks in it, the outline is in its place, then you should have the same result. Failures may be due to a lack of experience in embroidery, improper stabilization, inappropriate material for a given design, or incorrectly adjusted technique.  - I recommend making a sample on the same or similar material before embroidering a design on a product. There are materials that can behave unpredictably in embroidery. From practice, I know that several materials from the same manufacturer, with the same price, and the same name may differ in quality. One material is more elastic, the other is flabby, loose, and of course they will behave differently in embroidery. Embroidering samples will save you from many problems and disappointments. - What is zip files, how to open an embroidery file on your computer, how to embroider complex designs. The answers to these questions, see the additional photos to this product.  Purchased designs can be embroidered on items for personal use or for small commercial purposes, provided that the source is indicated as "Embroidery Design by "Embroidery Studio ONA". You may not redistribute this electronic product free of charge or resell it to third parties.  I hope You enjoy my design. I would be glad to receive your feedback on my designs.  Thanks for visiting my shop.

Traditional Ukrainian Gifts And Collectibles For You, Your Friends And Loved Ones

Looking for presents that reflect the best of the traditions of the hospitable country in Eastern Europe called Ukraine? There is no need to cross thousands of kilometers to acquire them, dear reader. We offer you collectibles that are made with passion according to all the Ukrainian traditions even in the tiniest details and are available for shipment all over the world in a fast modern fashion.

Top 4 Vintage Items Available At Our Ukrainian Collectibles Store

#1. Towels & Table Runners

The tradition of cross-stitching towels and table runners is one of the core Ukrainian traditions that is still preserved in the rural area of Ukraine. There is a special name for Ukrainian embroidered towels – ryshnyk. The fabric of the ryshnyk used to be made by women of the family, they also embroidered it with different patterns. Historically, every region has their own distinguishable patterns where each element has a precise symbolic meaning. Ryshnyk used to be a family treasure passed from one generation to another for centuries.

#2. Pysanka Egg Shells & Wraps

Pysanka is a traditional Ukrainian Easter egg that is decorated with patterns of different hidden meanings. The traditional method for decorating the Easter eggs is wax-resist (also known as batik). This is one of the most famous Ukrainian collectibles known worldwide. The patterns of pysanky are studied by ethnographers all over the world.

#3. Embroidery

Ukrainian cross stitch embroidery is used in a variety of ways – in towels, traditional clothes (shirts and dresses), as well as to create amazing pictures. The last one is still quite popular among Ukrainians, although the pictures do not have any hidden meaning anymore. They often use bead embroidery kits to learn how to create pictures with a needle and threads.

#4. Ukrainian traditional/national clothing

A Ukrainian traditional embroidered shirt, called vyshyvanka, is a part of Ukrainian national costume. The embroidered patterns vary in their form, color and meaning depending on the geographic origins. Traditionally, vyshyvanka had two purposes – to protect the one wearing it from unfortunate events and evil spirits and to tell that person’s story.

Apart from the items above, make sure you check out our offers on Ukrainian military items, traditional and contemporary books, music and movies, and sports collectibles!