Russian Books, Music & Movies

Guitar 3/4, Shikhovo (Russia), 1933, hand made Guitar after restoration, in good working order, all parts are original.  Native etiquette has been preserved. A unique guitar, very rare work and preservation. Guitar type - Russian seven-string. Working mechanics. The top soundboard is thin-layered Russian spruce. The body and neck of the guitar is maple. The neck of the retarder is attached to the body with a screw. The guitar has rich wood inlay. The guitar sounds great with both metal and nylon strings. The guitar is sleek, compact and comfortable to play. The sound is clear, bright, balanced and quite strong, it has a pleasant noble timbre. The guitar will be of interest to professionals, amateurs and collectors.  This rare instrument can be an adornment for your collection. Sold as is, without a case. Please ask questions.
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 3/4, Shikhovo (Russia), 1948 Guitar for restoration, all parts and varnishing are original.  A good base for restoration. Manufactured guitar, handmade. Guitar type - "Old Russian seven-string". Materials: top deck - fine-layered Russian spruce, body and neck - maple.  The guitar has a working original mechanics - steel + brass. The guitar has an original etiquette indicating the year of manufacture. The guitar is decorated with inlaid wood and tropical mother-of-pearl,  has an original lacquer coating - shellac. Has a rare soulful sound!!! Guitar for lovers of Russian seven-string guitar and collectors. Sold as is, no case. Please ask questions.
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4 Chernigov (Ukraine), 6-string The guitar was made in Ukraine in the 1990s Guitar in working condition,  has traces of cosmetic wear and restoration Materials: upper deck - Spruce,   neck made of solid maple,   body - birch laminate. The neck of the guitar is attached  to the body of the guitar with a screw,  which allows you to adjust the height of the strings to 12 fret. The sound is loud, dense, harmonious. Sold without a case Please ask questions
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4, 6 strings, master Karmanov, 1963 Guitar for restoration or spare parts The guitar was made in the experimental workshop of the Chernigov factory of musical instruments in 1963. Such famous guitar masters as Mochalov and Eshchenko  worked in this workshop. Body guitar and neck guitar - maple Top deck - spruce There is an original mechanic Please ask questions
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4, 6 strings, St. Petersburg, 1959 The guitar is in working condition, after restoration, but requires some adjustments The guitar was made in 1959 in the factory named after Lunacharsky The guitar has a meaningful sound with sufficient strength and a pleasant, noble timbre. Upper deck - small-layer northern Russian spruce Guitar Body - White Maple (Sycamore) Grif Guitar - Maple Body length 48 cm, body depth 9 cm The neck of the guitar is attached to the body with a screw. Original working mechanics Guitar is sold without a case I will answer all questions
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4, Masters of Karmanov, Chernigov (Ukraine), 1972 The guitar sounds, plays, but needs restoration.  Good foundation for restoration. The guitar was made in Chernigov (Ukraine)  by master Karmanov in 1972. Handmade. The upper deck is spruce. The body and neck of the guitar are maple. Around the resonant hole and along the perimeter of the upper deck there is an incrustation made of wood. Despite its small size (47,2 cm ),   guitar has a strong noble sound and a pleasant timbre. Sold as is, without case Please ask questions
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4, Muzima Resonata (Germany), 1962 The guitar is in good working order.  There are some cosmetic wear and tear, no cracks. Manufactured guitar, handmade. Guitar type Classical 6-string. Materials: top - spruce, body - fire maple, guitar neck - mahogany + maple,  fingerboard and bridge - Indian rosewood.  The guitar has a working original mechanics.  The guitar has original etiquette. The guitar is decorated with wood and mustache inlay. Nylon strings. Time-tested German quality! The guitar has a deep meaningful sound, strong velvety bass.  A truly classic guitar, its sound quality matches its beautiful appearance. Guitar for professionals, students, amateurs and collectors. Sold as is, no case. Please ask questions.
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1963. The guitar is in good working condition,  but there are signs of cosmetic wear The guitar was made at the famous  Lunacharsky musical instrument factory,  England bought this guitars in the 60s. Materials: upper deck - Russian northern small-layer spruce  (the density of which approaches hardwood - this gives the sound of the guitar richness and depth) The body is a maple laminate; Neck and bridge - maple. One of the most popular models in Eastern Europe. Sold as is, without case Ask questions please
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 7/8, 6 strings, Petersburg (Russia), 1969 The guitar after restoration, in working order.  There are signs of cosmetic wear. Requires a complete set of strings.  All parts are original. Materials: top deck - fine-layered Russian spruce, body and neck of the guitar - maple.  The guitar has original working mechanics.  The neck of the guitar is attached to the body of the guitar with a screw. The guitar has a dense, bright, accented sound, noble timbre. Guitar for guitar lovers and collectors. Sold as is, no case. Please ask questions.
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 7/8, St. Petersburg, Lunacharsky factory, 1955 The guitar is in working order. The guitar was made at the famous  Lunacharsky musical instrument factory in 1955. This model of guitars was purchased by England in 50-60 years. Materials: top deck - fine-layered Russian spruce, body-nut Decorated with wood inlay around the resonance hole,  covered with original golden orange shellac. The guitar has a strong sound and a unique timbre. Deck length 45.7cm A unique guitar for lovers of seven-string Russian guitar, professionals and collectors! Please ask questions. Sold without a case, but pack perfectly.
Vendor: irina2015
Semi-acoustic guitar 4/4 Muzima Record Germany, 1959 The guitar is an excellent base for restoration.  Equipment required - strings, etc.  Can work as an acoustic guitar as well as an electric guitar (solo, rhythm). This is a unique guitar - violin for a virtuoso! The guitar has a charming timbre. Top deck - Saxon spruce Back - Flame Maple - One piece at the back Guitar Grif - Maple + Ebony The quality of the guitar is not inferior to similar models  of the well-known company Gibson. The guitars of this model were released in small quantities,  they are rare and beautiful - in appearance and sound! The guitar is sold without a case. Sold as is Please ask questions
Vendor: irina2015
Ready-elective (Melodic bass)  Cassotto concert Accordion "Leningrad",  120 bass, Petersburg (Russia) 1993 The accordion is in good working order,  there are traces of cosmetic wear - scuffs, light scratches. The accordion is in good working order,  the fur keeps the air, the tuning is harmonious,  all registers are working properly.  Key - Melodic bass is working properly. Leningrad is the best professional accordion in the USSR. Time-tested quality! The accordion has a rich sound - beautiful and loud noble timbre. Powerful velvet bass, like the accordion Jupiter! Handwork, the circulation of such instruments is very small. The instrument is quite large. Weight 16 kg, in a case 20 kg. The accordion will be of interest to both professionals,  conservatory students and collectors. Sold as-is in its native hard case. Please ask questions.
Vendor: irina2015
Violin 7 \ 8 Germany 1950 It does not work for the restoration and spare parts
Vendor: irina2015
100 уроков борьбы самбо. Редактор Шавердова А. Иллюстратор Галицкий Александр. М. Физкультура и Спорт 1971г. 312 с., илл. Поурочное пособие предназначено для занимающихся борьбой самбо в коллективах физкультуры. Оно содержит материал, соответствующий задачам обучения в первом году занятий в секции борьбы самбо.Материал изложен в виде отдельных уроков. В каждом уроке приводится содержание занятий и даются указания к изучаемым приемам.Пособие может быть использовано инструкторами, а также преподавателями школ, не имеющими специальной спортивной педагогики. Код Д165
Чуб Наталия Чудесная сказка о Ване и доброй Фее. Литературно-художественное издание для чтения взрослыми детям. Серия: Веселая страна. Серія: Весела країна. Аргумент Принт, 2013 г. 16 с. Код Д156
Полупуднев Виталий. У Понта Эвксинского. В 2-х томах. Том 1. Великая Скифия. Том 2. Восстание на Боспоре. Цена за 2 тома. М. Рипол. 1994г. 680с.+720с. Том 1 - Великая Скифия. Том 2 - Восстание на Боспоре: в романе изображается эпоха античного Причерноморья в один из самых драматических ее периодов (конец II века до н.э.). В центре романа восстание рабов, во главе которых становится раб Савмак. После победы восставших его избирают царем. Это интересная страница из истории нашей многонациональной родины, в частности древнего Крыма. Код Д123
Родари Джанни. Приключения Чиполлино. Художник Борис Митин. Перевод З. Потаповой под ред. С. Маршака. М. АСТ. 1993 г. 224 с., илл. Повесть-сказка известного итальянского писателя о приключениях веселого и задорного человечка-луковки - Чиполлино. Код Д129
Фиона Макдональд, Ричард Тэймс. Люди и города. Энциклопедия. Серия: Развитие цивилизации. Научно-познавательная литература для среднего школьного возраста. М. Росмэн. 1999 г. 156 с., илл. Из энциклопедий серии `Развитие цивилизации` вы узнаете о том, как развивалось человечество на протяжении нескольких тысячелетий, как изменялась его материальная и духовная культура. В этом томе вы прочитаете о: древних городах ацтеков и майя; средневековых замках и жилищах кочевников; восточных дворцах и частных домиках Японии; современных небоскребах и городах будущего; национальной кухне разных народов и рецептах блюд; древних виноделах и застольных обычаях.  Код Д139
Волшебный сундучок сказок. Сборник сказок для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Х. Пегас, 2016 г. 64 с., ил. В этом сборнике ваш ребенок с большим удовольствием встретится с любимыми героями сказок, о которых вы уже рассказывали или читали. А если вы еще не успели познакомить с ними своего маленького читателя, тогда скорее вместе открывайте первую страницу книги!  Код Д145
Гауф Вильгельм. Сказки. Для мл. школьного возраста. Худ. Попов Е.В. Симферополь Таврия 1988г. 184 с., илл. В книгу включены сказки Калиф-аист, Маленький Мук, Карлик Нос, Холодное Сердце, Приключения Саида, Спасение Фатимы, Царевич-самозванец. Код Д170
Сказки старой Англии.  Серия Венок сказок. Пер.с англ. Составитель Т.Васильева М. Аргус-Мастер 1992г. 400 с., ил.  Содержание: 1. Р. Киплинг. Сказки Пака. Перевод А. Слобожана, стихи в переводе Г. Гуковой. 2. К. С. Льюис. Племянник чародея. Перевод Н. Трауберг. 3. Дж. Р. Р. Толкин. Фермер Джайлз из Хэма (перевод Г. Усовой). Лист кисти ниггля (перевод М. Каменкович). Черно-белые иллюстрации к Киплингу Г. Миллара и Ч. Брока. Код Д176
ЖЗЛ. Каталог 1933-1973 Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей. Выпуск 8 (546). Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М. Молодая гвардия 1976г. 288 с., ил. В связи с 40-летием серии «ЖЗЛ» редакция выпускает дополненное и исправленное издание каталога книг серии. В каталоге приведены краткие сведения о героях книг серии (первый раздел), вышедшие за 40 лет книги и отзывы на них (второй раздел), краткие биографические справки об авторах книг (третий раздел). Четвертый раздел посвящен кратким сведениям об альманахе «Прометей». В заключении даны алфавитные указатели авторов рецензий и авторов альманаха «прометей». Код Д180
One of the favorite magazines of the Soviet people. Workers and their children read these pages of Crocodile magazine with pleasure. As a child, I was attracted by this Soviet magazine with its pictures, I looked at them with pleasure I do not restore old products I do not make changes to items of the Soviet era All products I sell are original Product photos may differ from the original Any problems with the product (cracks, scuffs, chips), I always publish in the listing. I will be happy to answer your questions regarding my products Feel free to write and ask questions. Thank you for visiting my store !! Worldwide shipment: Transportation is made to these countries: North America: United States, Canada, Mexico South America: Argentina, Brazil Europe: United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Portugal, Iceland, Netherlands Asia: China, Japan, South Korea Australia You can contact us if your country is not on the above list. We will consider possible delivery options for you. From the date of payment sending is carried out within two working days. Expect the arrival of the parcel within approximately 10-30 working days.
Vendor: SoviеtBox
This wooden Diffuser is made of wood of such species ash, oak and maple, cut into pieces upside down. Has dimensions 19.7x19.7x2.5 inch. It is a perfect combination of diffuser and loft-style wood wall panel! Acoustic diffusers (diffusers) are designed to scatter sound waves in all directions. Due to the diffusers a uniform sound field is achieved. When it hits the diffuser, the sound wave breaks into many small reflections, losing its energy. Wooden diffusers are perfect for use in those rooms where you need to achieve the highest possible acoustics in the shortest possible time. For example, in professional recording studios, for home recording, as well as in home theaters 5.1 and 7.1, and will undoubtedly be useful for audiophiles. In the process of making musical instruments, pieces of wood remain that are no longer suitable for production. But throwing them away or burning them is extremely wrong! This produces felling of new trees. And saving as many green brothers as possible on our planet is one of the most urgent tasks for today. That's why we decided to take the path of non-waste production! From wood scraps we make such wonderful diffusers for your music studio. Also, these panels are perfect for decorating your interior of an office, cafe, pub or apartment. Take care of yourself and the world around you! Good to all! Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! An integral part of any office, home, pub or restaurant where people work, relax or just spend time! This loft style decor will complement your interior with warm tones. A great gift for a friend and relatives!
Vendor: Noisy Wood