Russian Books, Music & Movies

Малая энциклопедия старинного поваренного искусства. К. Триада. 1991 г. 607 с.   Эта книга станет добрым другом и советчиком для тех, кто любит заниматься стряпней. Она познакомит с рецептами и и способами приготовления большого количества кушаний - холодных и горячих закусок, первых и вторых блюд, изделий из теста, десертов. Большая часть рецептов - блюда старинной русской и украинской кухни. В книге также представлены оригинальные рецепты национального кулинарного искусства - отизысканной французской кухни до экзотической китайской. Код Д169
Сребродольский Б. И. Янтарь. Серия: Человек и окружающая среда. М. Наука. 1984 г. 112 с., с илл. Эта книга о янтаре - удивительном самоцвете, интерес к которому зародился многие тысячелетия назад. В ней рассказывается о том, какими свойствами обладает янтарь, как он образуется, добывается, обрабатывается и используется в народном хозяйстве. Подчеркнуты роль и значение янтаря в истории культуры народов с древнейших времен до наших дней. Ч/б фотографии на отдельных листах. Код Д175
Малофеєва Н. М. Принцеси. Серія: Дитяча енциклопедія ПЕРО. К.: ТОВ Перо, 2012 р. 96 с. Ця чудово ілюстрована та інформативно насичена книга познайомить дитину з найвідомішими та найцікавішими європейськими і російськими принцесами, розповість про їх побут, навчання, розваги, одяг тощо та придворне життя у цілому. Наприкінці книги подано зручний покажчик основних імен та понять.  Код Д142
ЖЗЛ. Каталог 1933-1973 Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей. Выпуск 8 (546). Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М. Молодая гвардия 1976г. 288 с., ил. В связи с 40-летием серии «ЖЗЛ» редакция выпускает дополненное и исправленное издание каталога книг серии. В каталоге приведены краткие сведения о героях книг серии (первый раздел), вышедшие за 40 лет книги и отзывы на них (второй раздел), краткие биографические справки об авторах книг (третий раздел). Четвертый раздел посвящен кратким сведениям об альманахе «Прометей». В заключении даны алфавитные указатели авторов рецензий и авторов альманаха «прометей». Код Д180
One of the favorite magazines of the Soviet people. Workers and their children read these pages of Crocodile magazine with pleasure. As a child, I was attracted by this Soviet magazine with its pictures, I looked at them with pleasure I do not restore old products I do not make changes to items of the Soviet era All products I sell are original Product photos may differ from the original Any problems with the product (cracks, scuffs, chips), I always publish in the listing. I will be happy to answer your questions regarding my products Feel free to write and ask questions. Thank you for visiting my store !! Worldwide shipment: Transportation is made to these countries: North America: United States, Canada, Mexico South America: Argentina, Brazil Europe: United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Portugal, Iceland, Netherlands Asia: China, Japan, South Korea Australia You can contact us if your country is not on the above list. We will consider possible delivery options for you. From the date of payment sending is carried out within two working days. Expect the arrival of the parcel within approximately 10-30 working days.
Vendor: SoviеtBox
This shaker percussion made of an ash-tree array, filled with fine beads, covered with glossy polyurethane varnish and size is 3.8 inch х 1.7 inch and х 1.7 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! On the reverse side of the logo, if necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! As shown in the last photo of this listing. A prerequisite - the inscription or image should be completely black without shades of gray. The shaker has an excellent sound with a relaxing shade, like sand, which warms the bare feet of beauties on the beaches of Jamaica! Very bright embellish your sound. With it, you can play music everywhere and always, great for traveling. When you hold maracas in your hand, then all problems fade and the world becomes beautiful! In the process of creating this musical instrument, we conducted a series of experiments with dimensions, filler and materials. This option is the best of all prototypes! It is just made for your hand!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Almost every musician, while playing an instrument, be it a guitar, a ukulele or a banjo, beats the rhythm with his foot across the floor. Why do it at idle? You can become a human orchestra with an interesting and simple percussion for the feet from Workshop Noisy Wood, which is called the foot stomp box. Also known as mississippi drum machine. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! The body is made of solid ash. Has dimensions: 4x3.5x1 inch. A piezo pickup is installed inside, which allows you to connect the instrument to the amplifier and adjust the sound as you like. The output is a standard guitar jack and volume control on the side of the instrument. If necessary, we can put your name, logo or group name! As shown in the last photo of this listing. A prerequisite - the inscription or image should be completely black without shades of gray. Beat the rhythm, sing and acomponge at the same time!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
Art of the 20th Century, Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, 1979 Krisztina Passuth-Denes Pataky Corvina Kiado, Budapest 1979 Language: Russian 49 pages Size: 208x235 mm Weight: 515 g Искусство ХХ века, Музей изобразительных искусств в Будапеште, 1979 г., редкая книга Кристина Пашшут-Денеш Патаки Издательство Корвина Киадо, Будапешт, 1979 г Язык: Русский 49 страниц Размер: 208x235 мм Отпечатано в Венгрии в типографии им. Кошута, Будапешт Денеш Патаки: Предыстория Отдела современного зарубежного искусства Кристина Пашшут: Собрание ХХ века и подборка репродукций Перечень репродукций: (всего 48 репродукций) 1. Пабло Пикассо "Мать с ребенком" 2. Эгон Шиле "Сидящая женщина" 3. Оскар Кокошка "Вероника" 4. Оскар Кокошка "Проект плаката журнала "Штурм"" 5. Марк Шагал "России, Ослам и Другим" 6. Марк Шагал "Синяя деревня" 7. Янош Маттис-Тойч "Пейзаж" 8. Янош Маттис-Тойч "Стилизованный цветок" 9. Янош Маттис-Тойч "Двухфигурная композиция" 10. Феличе Казорати "Помидоры" 11. Андре Лот "Натюрморт" 12. Йожеф Чаки "Поцелуй" 13. Соня Делоне "Ритм-цвет" 14. Анри Валенси "Лайнер" 15. Ганс Арп "Постепенность" 16. Курт Швиттерс "Композиция" 17. Тео Ван Дусбюрг "Композиция" 18. Фред Форбат "Абстрактная композиция" 19. Фред Форбат "Конструкция" 20. Ласло (Петер) Пери "Пространственная конструкция I-II 21. Йозеф Альберс "Светло-серая стена" 22. Ле Корбюзье "Три женщины" 23. Джино Северини "Натюрморт" 24. Альберто Маньелли "Слияние" 25. Ренато Гуттузо "Захват земли в сицилии" 26. Анри Нуво "Композиция" 27. Анри Нуво "Конструкция III 28. Лансело Ней "Композиция 120" 29. Пьер Корнель "Обнаженные фигуры" 30. Жак Дусе "Композиция" 31. Вера Лендел-Браун "Осень в Эвиле" 32. Люсьен Эрве "Peinture Ecaillee" 33. Эндре Немеш "Государственный муж на коне" 34. Этьен Беоти "Закрученная форма" 35. Этьен Беоти " Композиция" 36. Сигизмонд Колос-Вари "Роскофф" 37. Габор Петерди "Молокаи" 38. Этьен Хайду "Дающий дыхание" 39. Америго Тот "Немыслимый диалог" 40. Рихард Мортенсен "Опус о Тулонском Порте № 3 41. Жан-Жак Дероль "Аркадия" 42. Дёрдь Кепэш "Земля" 43. Виктор Вазарели "Гиксэх" 44. Виктор Вазарели "Марсан" 45. Виктор Вазарели "Хоккайдо" 46. Пьер Секей "Весы" 47. Тибор Фройнд "Композиция" 48. Эрик Хаузер "3/10/7/74"
Vendor: Maxim2003
Initial Leather Bookmark Named Bookmarks Personalized Book Marks Back To School Monogrammed Gift For Teacher Gift Retirement Gift For Woman. DETAILS: ● full-grain leather Dimensions: 1,2 х 5,9 inches / 3 х 15 cm CARE AND USEFUL INFORMATION We use the vintage look of the leather, especially the first varieties, which by its matte texture, has a special pattern (sometimes scars, marks), and tends to be scratched. Scratches can be removed by rubbing the product on a soft, clean, damp cloth. Natural leather colour can be rubbed in some areas, and eventually adopts a more vintage look. Important! Any matte leather can stain light-coloured clothes for two weeks. Leather will not paint clothes after that time. The process of rubbing the skin can be accelerated by rubbing with a clean dry cloth in the places of contact, as well as you can use paint fixers, which are sold in every shoe store.
Vendor: MERE
Initial Leather Bookmark Named Bookmarks Personalized Book Marks Back To School Monogrammed Gift For Teacher Gift Retirement Gift For Woman. DETAILS: ● full-grain leather Dimensions: 3,7 х 1,7 inches / 9,5 х 4,5 cm On the backside of bookmark - MERE logo is being placed. If you want bookmark without MERE logo - just note it when you will be placing order. VIDEO OF THIS ITEM CARE AND USEFUL INFORMATION We use the vintage look of the leather, especially the first varieties, which by its matte texture, has a special pattern (sometimes scars, marks), and tends to be scratched. Scratches can be removed by rubbing the product on a soft, clean, damp cloth. Natural leather colour can be rubbed in some areas, and eventually adopts a more vintage look. Important! Any matte leather can stain light-coloured clothes for two weeks. Leather will not paint clothes after that time. The process of rubbing the skin can be accelerated by rubbing with a clean dry cloth in the places of contact, as well as you can use paint fixers, which are sold in every shoe store.
Vendor: MERE
Leather Bookmark Gift For Dad Wedding Gift For Father Of The Bride And Groom Monogram Book Lovers Personalized Gift For Man. DETAILS: ● full-grain leather Dimensions: 3,7 х 1,7 inches / 9,5 х 4,5 cm On the backside of bookmark - MERE logo is being placed. If you want bookmark without MERE logo - just note it when you will be placing order. VIDEO OF THIS ITEM CARE AND USEFUL INFORMATION We use the vintage look of the leather, especially the first varieties, which by its matte texture, has a special pattern (sometimes scars, marks), and tends to be scratched. Scratches can be removed by rubbing the product on a soft, clean, damp cloth. Natural leather colour can be rubbed in some areas, and eventually adopts a more vintage look. Important! Any matte leather can stain light-coloured clothes for two weeks. Leather will not paint clothes after that time. The process of rubbing the skin can be accelerated by rubbing with a clean dry cloth in the places of contact, as well as you can use paint fixers, which are sold in every shoe store.
Vendor: MERE
I Stand With Ukraine Bookmark DETAILS: ● full-grain leather Dimensions: 1,2 х 5,9 inches / 3 х 15 cm
Vendor: MERE
Ukrainian photo recipe Candy from the matcha tea is an unusual green bomb. It's an interesting sweet with an unusual taste. Simple and healthy! Homemade matcha nut candies are a pure delight from the first bite. Perfect sweets will fill you with energy and surprise your loved ones with an extraordinary taste. There is no sugar, animal fats and heat treatment. Sweets are suitable for healthy, vegetarian, gluten-free, paleo diets. Candies will be appreciated by fasting people, for the raw foodists. This dessert is ideal for a party, a romantic dinner, for the gifts and surprises for your soul mate. If you want a unique recipe for your site, email me.
Petrikovskaya painting or "Petrykivka" - Ukrainian decorative and ornamental art, folk painting, which was formed in the Dnipropetrovsk region in the village of Petrikovka, from where the name of this type of art comes. On December 5, 2013, Petrikovskaya painting was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Author: Belousov Evgeny Vasilievich The book was published in 5,000 copies in hardcover on high quality coated paper. The work opens with a narration about artistic painting in the culture of the peoples of the world and folk decorative painting of Ukraine. A separate chapter is devoted to the founder of the first winter house on the territory of modern Petrikovka - a famous political figure of the late 17th century, a claimant for hetmanship Petrik Ivanenko (Petr Ivanovich Ivanenko). Through the biographies of famous figures of Ukrainian culture, the author shows the steps of the formation of the national painting: Paraska Pavlenko. How the "little boys" saved their lives; * Discoverer of Petrikov painting Dmitry Yavornitsky; * Alexander Stativa and his book "Master of decorative painting Nadezhda Bilokon" and others. Dynamic, short stories are dedicated to contemporary artists who continue the traditions of original art. It is not by chance that Petrikovshchina is called a pearl. Today it is not only the center of a unique national painting. On this ancient land of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, ethnographic museums and Cossack farms have been restored and operate, festivals, holidays and fairs are organized. The final chapters of the book, giving practical advice on mastering the basics of Petrikov painting, will arouse a certain interest of readers. And more than three hundred illustrations presented will show with their own eyes that the unique flower and plant ornament "petrikovka", which has no analogues in world art, deserves to be studied and treated with care. This book will be interesting and useful to everyone who is interested in, loves and respects the past and present of our Ukraine. The difficult history of the Petrykivka region and its talented inhabitants is presented in an accessible, figurative form, leading back centuries, full of numerous legends, extraordinary events. The author skillfully combines archival information about the history of Petrikovka with legends and myths about nature, the first settlers, the participation of Peter Kalnyshevsky in the history of the village and the local region. Figuratively Belousov describes how local masters, draftsmen used natural elements in their work to decorate everyday life, create amulets for their homes, how aesthetic feelings, taste and artistic images of masters have been formed for decades. The biographical information about the founders of the Petrikov painting school Tatyana Pata, Nadezhda Bilokon, Martha Timchenko and others has been recreated. The book by E. Belousov about the masters of Petrykivka painting will be of great educational value for the younger generation of residents of Ukraine. It will be of interest to readers of different ages, people of different professions and lifestyles. The final chapters of the book, giving practical advice on mastering the basics of Petrikov painting, will arouse a certain interest of readers. And more than three hundred illustrations presented will show with their own eyes that the unique flower and plant ornament "petrikovka", which has no analogues in world art, deserves to be studied and treated with care. Printing type - Coated paper Cover type - Hardcover Illustrations - Colored Language - Russian
Книга на русском языке. Хорошая печать. Состояние обложки на тройку. Внутри на четверку. -- Check out my other books, I combine shipping. Посмотрите мои другие книги, я комбинирую доставку.
Vendor: dtmbua
Russian book Novel "Peter the Great" by A.N. Tolstoy 1989. New condition. Read once.
Vendor: Liberta
Released in a deluxe 8-panel Digipak with two clear trays, one on each of the outermost inside panels, a 38-page booklet with silver print, and a 9-panel (single-side) poster. Features embossed silver logo and album title on the front of the Digipak. Only 24 pages of the booklet are attached to the spine of the booklet. The other 14 pages are instead foldout pages each attached to one of the first 14 of the 24 bound pages.
Vendor: Musical Hall
Oriana Music and Musical Hall proudly present the next chapter in series of re-mastered classic Nokturnal Mortum albums. "Lunar Poetry" is a legendary full-length demo record from 1996, which became the triumph of Ukrainian atmospheric pagan black metal. The perfect example of how important the memorable melodies can be in black metal, "Lunar Poetry" will take you on a journey to moonlit winter skies above the snow-covered forests, fields and steppes of the ancient land. Available as regular digibook and as collector’s box edition limited to 222 copies, both released under old Nokturnal Mortum logo. The latter one includes: 1) Exclusive "Lunar Poetry" A-5 digibook with deluxe booklet. Available in collector's box only. 2) Exclusive t-shirt with image of Varggoth with candle from album’s photo session, available in collector's box only. 3) 2-sided poster with album cover motive & image of Varggoth with candle from album’s photo session (93 cm х 63 cm). 4) Triptych backpatch with band name & old symbol. 5) Cardboard box with magnet lock, album cover art motive, silver hot foil old logo and album title. Order your copy to feel the energy of then new-born Ukrainian black metal when it began to become what it is today!
Vendor: Musical Hall
I present to you a traditional Ukrainian porcelain fish whistle. It is enough to blow into the hole and you will hear a beautiful pleasant sound. The roll is completely handmade, never used before. Height 40mm Length 70mm Delivery rules: delivery is carried out within 1-2 days after payment is received, and for Europe it may take 14-21 days, usually it takes up to 10 days (possibly longer). You will receive a tracking number where you can find your letter or package. After payment, confirm the delivery address of the parcel!
Save 22%
Animal wooden bookmarks. Birthday favors for kids. Engraved wooden bookmark. Educational bookmarks for children Wood veneer bookmarks with textured animal skins: fish, turtle, crocodile, python, snake, giraffe, cheetah, tiger and deer Bookmark size 13.5 cm x 3.2 cm (5.3 in. x 1.25 in.), thickness 1.5 mm(0.05 inch) Double sanded veneer, 2 coats of water based lacquer. Animal print is laser cut There is a ribbon hole at the top of the tab Animal name engraved at the bottom of the bookmark
$45.00 $35.00
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Star of Chaos with 8 rays. Sphere of Chaos pendant for the real magician. Witch Pendant. Occult jewelry. Star of Chaos with 8 rays. The rule of Chaos Magic is no rules! The personal experience of the Mage comes to the fore! The main symbol of Chaos Magic is the Chaos Sphere! The point at which the Mage begins his journey. The 8 arrows are the 8 paths he can take. Chaos Magic is a philosophy! Chaos cannot be controlled, you can only swim in the direction of its flow. The 8 arrows symbolize Infinity, it has two beginnings - Chaos and Order! Chaos is the principle of the Universe. Magic is Chaos! Our new product is a wooden bookmark for your favorite book! Made of eco veneer. Carefully sanded and coated with water-soluble lacquer Leaf maple inlaid with gold metallized cardboard Size: Length 14.8 cm(5.8"), Width 3.6 cm(1.47" - the widest part of the bookmark ) Perfect Thickness: Many years of hard work and experience in woodworking and listening to our customers have enabled us to make our bookmarks the perfect thickness (0.05 inch). Book lovers can use and enjoy their bookmarks without harming their favorite books.
$16.00 $13.90
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Wooden bookmark with a quote about how beautiful life is! Its a wonderful life quote bookmark This wooden bookmark with an engraved quote "Life is beautiful. Enjoy the ride" serves a practical gift for a friend, bookworm gifts, loved one, or simply as a treat for yourself. Made of eco veneer and laser engraved, this handmade bookmark is available in red or teak wood finishes with a tassel included for easy page marking. The Letters are inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. Measuring at 5.7" x 1.4" (14.6 cm*3.5 cm) and with a thickness of 0.05 inch(1.5mm), this bookmark is just the right size and weight to keep your place in your favorite book without without deforming it Highlights: - Handmade item - Laser engraved for precision - Inlay gold metallized cardboard. - Comes with tassel for easy page marking - Perfect thickness of 0.05 inch Not only does this bookmark serve as a functional accessory for your reading pleasure, but Bookmark for for life-lovers. The eco-friendly materials used in creating these bookmarks make them an environmentally conscious choice for consumers. This bookmark can be used for personal or gift-giving purposes. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it's Christmas, a birthday, or just a small gesture to show that you care. It can also be used for promotional or corporate gifts, as a clever way to promote your business or event. Our bookmarks are made with great attention to detail and quality materials. We take pride in our handmade products and strive to ensure that each bookmark is made to the highest standards of quality. Add this wooden bookmark with an engraved quote about the beauty of life. Add to your collection or give it as a gift to someone special. Purchase it today and enhance your reading experience!
$17.00 $13.00
Save 24%
Wooden bookmark with quote about the perfection of cats. This wooden bookmark with an engraved quote from Leonardo da Vinci( The smallest feline is a masterpiece) serves a practical gift for a friend, bookworm gifts, loved one, or simply as a treat for yourself, 6 month anniversary gift for girlfriend Made of eco veneer and laser engraved, this handmade bookmark is available in red or teak wood finishes with a tassel included for easy page marking. The Letters are inlaid with gold metallized cardboard. Measuring at 5.7" x 1.4" (14.6 cm*3.5 cm) and with a thickness of 0.05 inch(1.5mm), this bookmark is just the right size and weight to keep your place in your favorite book without without deforming it Highlights: - Handmade item - Laser engraved for precision - Inlay gold metallized cardboard. - Comes with tassel for easy page marking - Perfect thickness of 0.05 inch Not only does this bookmark serve as a functional accessory for your reading pleasure, but Bookmark for cat lovers. The eco-friendly materials used in creating these bookmarks make them an environmentally conscious choice for consumers. This bookmark can be used for personal or gift-giving purposes. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it's Christmas, a birthday, or just a small gesture to show that you care. It can also be used for promotional or corporate gifts, as a clever way to promote your business or event. Our bookmarks are made with great attention to detail and quality materials. We take pride in our handmade products and strive to ensure that each bookmark is made to the highest standards of quality. Add this Leonardo da Vinci quote engraved wooden bookmark to your collection or give it as a gift to someone special. Get yours today and elevate your reading experience!
$17.00 $13.00
The Way Through the Ages is a vintage book of Soviet propaganda, an excellent example of the covert propaganda of the Soviet Union. This book glorifies the Soviet army and the achievements of Soviet generals. The book contains essays, fragments of history, sketches, drawings, memories. The review says this: "A book about the heroic past of our people, about its glorious deeds in the struggle for our Fatherland against foreign invaders and parabatites. The story is centered on the history of the army, the Russian armed forces. But it is shown not only through battles and battles, but also through the actions of people, character outstanding commanders and folk heroes. The book is intended for the general reader." Good vintage condition. =Printed 1988. =Number of pages - 330. =The size of the book is 9.65x6.7х1.18 inches (24.5х17x3 cm) =Text in russian languages with color drawings. Rarity! 100% ORIGINAL. Absolutely authentic, has not undergone restoration and other interventions. Slight scratches, original patina tiny tears along the edges, and slight creasing. There are slight traces of time. All of our items are vintage or antique and are sold as is with their original patina and character. Items are very gently cleaned when appropriate. Please view all photos and read the description as well as ask any questions you may have before purchasing. ********** Please note ********** ~~~ Please, consider the fact that the color and shade may a little vary from the finished product that you see on the monitor, because monitor color settings are different ~~~ All photos are real ~~~ All vintage and antique items are sold as they are. ~~~ If the item has been repaired or restored, then this information is reflected in the product description. ~~~ Your order will be carefully packaged for delivery. Happy shopping!