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he book of the famous Soviet writer A.Vinogradov (1888-1946) includes the historical story "The Black Consul" (1933), telling about the leader of the famous Negro uprising on the island of Haiti - Toussaint Louverture, and "The Tale of the Turgenev Brothers" (1932), raising one from the bright and unexplored pages of the revolutionary past of Russia. Year - 1986 Authors - Anatoly Vinogradov Edition format - 130x200 mm Number of pages - 688 Circulation - 500,000 Publishing - Pravda Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Historical adventure novel Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
$60.00 $55.00
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he book includes works by the Russian writer (1813-1882), in which the author realistically depicts reality, describing the life and customs of his era, creating artistically authentic images of aristocrats and peasants, officials and actors, merchants and musicians. Year - 1989 Authors - Vladimir Sollogub Edition format - 130x207 mm Number of pages - 455 Circulation - 100,000 Publishing - Dnipro Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Stories Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
$55.00 $40.00
Year - 1982 Authors - Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko Edition format - 130x200 mm Number of pages - 336 Circulation - 400,000 Publishing - Soviet Russia Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Stories and essays The book by the remarkable Russian writer Vladimir Galakionovich Korolenko (1853–1921) included the well-known stories “Son Makar”, “In a Bad Society”, “The Forest Rumbles”, “At-Davan” and others, as well as selected essays by the writer Sokolynets, "Acceptance" and a poem in the prose "Lights".. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
Year - 1991 Authors - O.F. Kabardin Edition format - 150x200 mm Number of pages - 368 Circulation - 2 0 00,000 Publishing - Education Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Physics The book provides a brief summary of the main sections of the school course in physics: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, oscillatory and wave processes, and quantum physics. The book is designed to assist in the systematization and synthesis of knowledge in the course of physics. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
axim Gorky - one of the key figures of Soviet literature, the founder of the method of socialist realism. He went from a novice author of romantic works to a world-famous writer. “In fame with Gorky, none of the Russian writers whom I had to meet could compare,” wrote V. Khodasevich. The present edition includes works by M. Gorky of different years: "Makar Chudra", "Old Isergil", "Chelkash", the immortal "Song of the Falcon" and "Song of the Petrel". Year - 19 73 Authors - Maxim Gorky Edition format - 107x165 mm Number of pages - 448 Circulation - 1 8 00,000 Publishing - Fiction Format - Paperback Type of publication - Stories Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
В настоящее издание вошли избранные сочинения А.И.Куприна. Богатые жизненные впечатления явились основой для произведений писателя, тема творчества которого - человеческие взаимоотношения, интимный мир личности. Четыре непростых шедевра Куприна: Последний дебют Молох Гранатовый браслет Яма Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
Year - 19 73 Authors - Eva Curie Edition format - 130x200 mm (medium format) Number of pages - 352 Publishing - Atomizdat Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Biography Marie Curie’s biography is written by her youngest daughter, Eva, a journalist by profession. The book was published in French in 1937 and has stood in France more than a hundred editions. In addition, it is translated into twenty-five languages and sometimes translated in ten-twelve editions in one language. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
Year - 1963 Authors - Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov (Andrei Pechersky) Edition format - 130x200 mm (medium format) Number of pages - 336 Publishing - Pravda Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Realism The ethnographer-fiction writer Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov-Pechersky, better known as Andrei Pechersky, belongs to a pleiud of prominent Russian writers of the mid-19th century. Original creative individuality, keen observation, knowledge of folk life and folklore, excellent knowledge of folk speech put forward him to a number of significant writers at a time when such important figures of critical realism as A.Tolstoy, N.Nekrasov, M.Saltykov-Shchedrin shone in literature , F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev, A. Ostrovsky, I. Goncharov. Thanks to a very special talent, a peculiar worldview, he managed to display in his works that which escaped the views of these and many other artists of the word. Creativity of the writer is so vivid and distinctive that it worries today, makes you think, opens to the reader the unknown facets of Russian life of the nineteenth century, shows the peculiarity of the characters of our compatriots. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
ear - 1981 Authors - Henri Marie Beyle Stendhal Edition format - 145x215 mm (medium format) Number of pages - 432 Circulation - 500,000 Publishing - Pravda Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Historical novel In his historical novel Parma Convent, the great French writer Henri Beyle (Frederick Stendhal) recreates a generalized picture of a despotic state — the Italian principality of Parma and the uprising that broke out there in the first third of the XIX century. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
Year - 1982 Authors - Nikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin Edition format - 130x200 mm (medium format) Number of pages - 608 Circulation - 300,000 Publishing - Pravda Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Travel, Stories The publication includes one of the best works of Russian writer N. M. Karamzin, Letters of a Russian Traveler (1790–1799), as well as his novels Poor Liza (1792) and Bourngolme Island (1793). The engravings published in this edition are reproduced from the book: N.M. Karamzin "Letters of a Russian Traveler". SPB., 1887. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
Year - 1992 Authors - Stefan Zweig Edition format - 130x200 mm (medium format) Number of pages - 336 Circulation - 200,000 Publishing - Prapor Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Biography The most famous of the biographies written by Stefan Zweig. This is the story of the beautiful Queen of Scotland, daring to enter: in a deadly confrontation with Elizabeth of England - one of the most powerful and influential women in history. Fate made Maria Stewart put on the map not only the throne, the dynastic interests and destinies of Europe. Love, fatal and merciless, snatched the victory out of the hands of a too romantic and inexperienced queen, but did not rob her of greatness and courage. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
Издание разносторонне представляет творческое наследие И.А.Бунина и включает в себя избранные повести и рассказы, среди которых шедевры зрелой прозы писателя: "Господин из Сан-Франциско", "Антоновские яблоки", "Руся", "Деревня", "Суходол", "Темные аллеи" и другие. Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
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The book includes both original and translated works by V.A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852) of different genres - lyrical poems, ballads, fairy tales, poems, novels in verses, critical articles, letters to the great Russian writer Gogol, the poet Pushkin, Turgenev, even the famous chief of gendarmes Emperor Nicholas I. Year - 1986 Authors - Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich Edition format - 130x200 mm (medium format) Number of pages - 560 Circulation - 500,000 Publishing - Pravda Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Poetry Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
$50.00 $40.00
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The book by Alexander Lapin "Photography as ..." is devoted to the theory of black and white reportage photography. First of all, the problems of photographic composition, or rather the role of composition in the work of the photographer. In this regard, the book deals with the issues of the psychology of visual perception, including eye movement in the perception of a flat image. We consider the specificity of photography, the relationship of documentary and artistic photography, the construction of the language of the image. A classification of types of reportage photography is proposed, as well as principles for the assessment and analysis of photographic works. The book "Photography as ..." is addressed to students of photography: journalists, psychologists, art historians, designers and editors, as well as trained amateur photographers and creative photographers - everyone who loves photographic art. The most demanded of all written and published in Russian book on the theory of photography! Year - 2013 Authors - Lapin Alexander Iosifovich Edition format - 215x215 mm (large format) Number of pages - 306 Circulation - 3 ,000 Publishing - Trimedia Content Format - Hardcover Type of publication - Art and culture Shipping Item will be shipped within 1-3 business days after payment is received. We ship the item(s) by international registered airmail to any country. (WORLDWIDE ) USA and WORLDWIDE 10-30 days. All packages are packed very carefully, be sure, the item will not be damaged by the way! Payment We accept payments through PayPal. We are not responsible for any customs tax that can be charged in a country of delivery. If you have any problems with delivery or the item, please let me know so we can talk and solve the problem together. Have a nice day!
Vendor: antikcentre
$359.00 $225.00
Before buying, specify which model you want to buy Spinning Reel Favorite Arena/ YAMPA RIVER 1500S 5,2:1 10+1 Spinning Reel Favorite Arena/ YAMPA RIVER C2500S 5,2:1 10+1 The Favorite Arena is designed for ultralight fishing, so it works perfectly with thin lines and cords. Soft and smooth running of the coil, smooth and dense laying of the cord allows you to easily and without delay produce long and accurate casts of light baits and carry out delicate, including jerky wiring. Thanks to the use of modern lightweight carbon material, Air Lite managed to achieve a very low weight, which will create a balanced tackle with the majority of the rods of this class. In the Favorite Arena, the backstop stop switch is absolutely missing. This is done in order to exclude some details, making the mechanism more practical and reliable. - 10 ball bearings; - Instant reverse stop; - Lightweight carbon housing and Air Lite rotor; - the roller of the woodcutter, which prevents twisting and jamming of the cord; - metal handle, screwed directly into the axis of the drive gear; - Ergonomic knob from the cork tree. Spinning Reel Favorite Arena 1500S 5,2:1 10+1 Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Arena Reel Coil Type: Spinning Sizes: 1500 Number of bearings: 10 + 1 Friction: Front Gear Ratio: 5.2: 1 Spare spool: No Weight, g: 160 Forestry capacity: PE # 0.3 - 200m, # 0.4 - 150m, Nylon 0.128mm - 150m, 0.148mm - 100m Additional information: The maximum load on the friction 9 lb Spinning Reel Favorite Arena C2500S 5,2:1 10+1 Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Arena Reel Coil Type: Spinning Sizes: 2500 Number of bearings: 10 + 1 Friction: Front Gear Ratio: 5.2: 1 Weight, g: 220 Forestry capacity: PE # 0.6 - 250m, # 0.8 - 150m Nylon 0.165mm - 170m, 0.185mm - 130m Country of origin: East Asia Additional information: The maximum load on the friction 15 lb
In the presence there are such models. Before buying, specify which model you want to buy Favorite Blue Bird NEW BB-632L-S 1.92m 3-12g SPINNING ROD Favorite Blue Bird NEW BB-682UL-S 2.04m 1-7g SPINNING ROD DESIGNED & ENGINEERED IN UKRAINE Spinning Favorite Blue Bird 2016 was created in order to always keep pace with the times and remain one of the most popular micro-jet fishing rods in Ukraine. The rod has received a new modern design. The form of the material Carbon 30T with a braid of SkyFlex is a combination of lightness and elasticity, a pledge of comfort on fishing and confidence in its gear. A new ergonomic spaced handle with a streamlined reel seat that fits comfortably in your hand. Passing rings, made according to the modern concept, allow to achieve long casting, except for possible overlapping of the cord. Also, for the convenience of moving along the reservoir, a modern "keeper kick" was added, on which it is possible to fasten the bait and it will not interfere with movement. A special rod system with a thin sensitive tip allows you to control everything that happens at the other end of the line. Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Blue Bird Rod type: Spinning Weight, g: 90 Length, m: 1.92 Test, g: 1-7 Number of sections: 2 Transport length, cm: 100 Story: Ex-Fast Handle (Material): EVA Test, lb: 4-6 Rings (material): Korea Sic
Dear buyers, I want to offer for you a vintage small chess set for kids that was produced in Georgia USSR in circa 1980s. The board is pasteboard and chessman are plastic. The board and chessman are without damages. The set is really small. This is a beautiful and vintage chess set in good condition, like on a real photo. In general the chess set is completely suitable for use according to its purpose or can be excellent part of your collection because of uncommon exemplar. Condition: like new. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Box measurements approx: 16.5x9x2.5cm / 6.3х3.5x0.8 inch. Board: 15.5x15.5cm / 5.9х5.9 inch. Chessman: from 2.5 to 3.5 cm / 0.8 to 1.2 inch. Weight: 108 g.
Vendor: deliveryboy
Favorite Impulse NEW IMP-792L-T 2.36m 2-10g light spinning rod DESIGNED & ENGINEERED IN UKRAINE In the light came a simplified and more budgetary version of the Ultralight spinning rod Favorite Impulse. From its "top" model, the Favorite Impulse NEW features more simple rings and handle material. The form is made of the same carbon prepreg produced by the Japanese corporation "Toray" modularity of 46 tons, but with the use of another winding in the base section. A sensitive carbon blanket for the rapid construction of the brand-new Impulse NEW is equipped with Fuji Alconite anti-frost rings arranged in a KR-concept, as well as a comfortable reel seat with a lower carbon nut. Favorite Impulse NEW has the same performance characteristics - range at casting, "viscosity" on vyvazhivanii, sensitivity of gear during wiring. The spaced handle of the rod made of EVA and carbon is quite minimal, so it is conveniently placed in the hand. For better visualization and control of the tops during wiring, the winding on several rannings and tulips is made in white. In general, the Favorite Impulse NEW has a strict and stylish design. The main purpose of the new Impulse NEW is to catch a predator from a long distance in the conditions of coastal fishing. In addition to the basic micro-burning focus of the new rod, it can catch on a tiny vibrating and spinning spoon, as well as twitching small wobblers with minimal drag. Model: Impulse NEW Rod Type: Spinning Length, m: 2.36 Test, g: 2-10 Test, lb: 2-5 Weight, g: 96 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 122 Story: Fast Handle (material): EVA Rings (material): Fuji Alconite Spinning class: Light
Favorite Impulse NEW IMP-792L-T 2.36m 2-10g light spinning rod DESIGNED & ENGINEERED IN UKRAINE MADE IN KOREA In the light came a simplified and more budgetary version of the Ultralight spinning rod Favorite Impulse. From its "top" model, the Favorite Impulse NEW features more simple rings and handle material. The form is made of the same carbon prepreg produced by the Japanese corporation "Toray" modularity of 46 tons, but with the use of another winding in the base section. A sensitive carbon blanket for the rapid construction of the brand-new Impulse NEW is equipped with Fuji Alconite anti-frost rings arranged in a KR-concept, as well as a comfortable reel seat with a lower carbon nut. Favorite Impulse NEW has the same performance characteristics - range at casting, "viscosity" on vyvazhivanii, sensitivity of gear during wiring. The spaced handle of the rod made of EVA and carbon is quite minimal, so it is conveniently placed in the hand. For better visualization and control of the tops during wiring, the winding on several rannings and tulips is made in white. In general, the Favorite Impulse NEW has a strict and stylish design. The main purpose of the new Impulse NEW is to catch a predator from a long distance in the conditions of coastal fishing. In addition to the basic micro-burning focus of the new rod, it can catch on a tiny vibrating and spinning spoon, as well as twitching small wobblers with minimal drag. Model: Impulse NEW Rod Type: Spinning Length, m: 2.36 Test, g: 2-10 Test, lb: 2-5 Weight, g: 96 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 122 Story: Fast Handle (material): EVA Rings (material): Fuji Alconite Spinning class: Light
Article: SYS702ML Warranty: 12 months Manufacturer: Favorite Model: Synapse Rod Type: Spinning Length, m: 2.13 Test, 4-16 Test, lb: 6-10 Weight g: 87 Number of sections: 2 Shipping length, cm: 108 Story: Moderate Fast Handle (material): EVA Rings (material): Fuji Titanium Spinning class: Medium-Light
Pay attention! The production time of the clock is about 10 business days. Because it is a manual work. Thanks for understanding . After the purchase, write to me what color of the lamps you want, available colors Yellow, blue, red, green, white Great gift and creative thing for yourself loved one!) Warm desk clock, manual assembly. Be sure to decorate any interior. Be sure to attract the attention of any of your guests and will delight the host for a long time! The clock has a thermometer, an alarm clock, a colored backlight, it can be turned off. Modes of operation: - display only time (hours / minutes / seconds) - time and date periodically - time and temperature - time, temperature and date Power supply: EU - 100-250V from 7-18 V 500 mA Instructions for setting the clock There are three buttons at the back and the menu button is responsible for switching modes from 1 to 4; the first mode shows only time, 2 mode shows time and date, the third mode shows time and temperature, 4 mode shows time, date and temperature. It is the 4th mode that goes through all the numbers most often, namely every 2 minutes, which helps to save all the cathodes without poisoning. With a long press on the menu button, we enter the clock and date setting mode. In-4 in1 and in-14 hours have an alarm clock when you press the button down, we turn the alarm off, the seconds hands show zero or one where zero is off and the unit is on alarm. Setting the alarm is done with the button up if you hold it down. Everywhere, everything switches the menu button.
Needle felted dog Henry. Height 5.9" (15 cm). Needle felted of 100% wool. Glass eyes. Single copy. Created in a smoke free home with love. Henry is for the adult collector and not suitable for little children!
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100 MAGIC CIGARETTE STICKS BLOWS SMOKE RINGS FOR FIGURINE SMOKING SMOKER You are bidding on a complete set of 100 magic sticks for figurine smoker. The smoker starts up a smoke beautiful rings from these sticks. However the figurine-smoker is not present at this complete set , you can buy figurines from us also if it is necessary. These sticks also can "smoke" popular in 1950-60 in the USA an vintage SMOKING MONKEY TOY !!! These sticks for figurines were very popular during Soviet Union, however now it is rather rare copy !!! 1. You put the sticks in the toys mouth. 2. Light it and blow out the flame. 3. Admire - he "smokes" and even blows beautiful smoke rings! It will be an excellent souvenir and a good entertainment ! Cost of delivery of additional complete sets of magic sticks it will be FREE at sending together with figurines of smokers!!! PAYMENT: Payment must be sent within 5 business days in one of the following forms: I can accept PayPal. Terms of Shipping: These items will be packed and shipped from Ukraine. Term of delivery Worldwide - 2-3 weeks. USA - 7-9 days.
Vendor: FromUkraine
$29.95 $24.95
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new motanka doll Ukraine height 33santimetr
Vendor: NevStar
$40.00 $29.00