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Apparatus of magnetoimpulse therapy AMIT with: diseases of the joints and spine


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Apparatus of magnetoimpulse therapy AMIT with: diseases of the joints and spine diseases of the cardiovascular system fractures of the bones of joint injuries

1. Treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases. The device has a therapeutic and recovery effect when:

Diseases of the joints and spine

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Bone fractures

Injuries of the joints

Damage to muscles and ligaments

Dermatological diseases

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of female genital organs

Diseases of the venous system, varicose veins.

2. The use of the device can significantly reduce or completely abandon the use of medicines. What is very important in the treatment of chronic diseases and for people who have allergic reactions.

3. Designed specifically for home use. Eliminates the need to visit medical institutions in order to obtain physical procedures. That is especially important for children and weakened patients, as well as in the period of epidemics.

The use of a low-frequency magnetic field contributes to:

The intensification of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, and the removal of irritability.

Improvement of general condition, sleep;

Improvement of blood circulation in tissues;

Acceleration of tissue regeneration and wound healing;

Treatment of edema and resorption of hematomas;

Elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

Indications for use:

Diseases of the joints and spine

1.1. Deforming arthrosis of the hip joint

1.2. Periarthrosis of the shoulder joint

1.3. Osteocondritis of the spine

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

2.1. Hypertensive disease of I-II degree

2.2. Vegetosovascular dystonia in hypertensive type

2.3. Ischemic heart disease with stable angina pectoris

2.4. Endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities

Dermatological diseases

4.1. Itching dermatoses

4.2. Conditions after skin plastic surgery

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases

5.1. Chronical bronchitis

5.2. Chronic pneumonia

5.3 Bronchial asthma

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

6.1. Pancreatitis in subacute and chronic stage

6.2. Biliary dyskinesia

6.3. Chronic gastritis

6.4. Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Diseases of female genital organs

7.1. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages during the acute process

7.2. Diseases due to ovarian hypofunction

7.3. Cesarean condition

Diseases of the venous system of the upper and lower extremities

8.1. Thigh-deep vein thrombosis

8.2. Chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders

8.3. Varicose disease


9.1. Fractures of bones

9.2. Injuries to the joints

Section 9.3. Damage to muscles and ligaments

Principle of influence:

The device of magnetic pulse therapy creates on each of its remote inductors a pulsed magnetic field with an amplitude value of at least 20 mT.

Under its influence microcirculation of blood and lymph is improved. This leads to the activation of local blood flow and increased blood circulation, which causes the restoration of damaged tissues, an anesthetic effect, inflammation subsides, edema decreases, metabolism becomes active, and recovery occurs.

Аппарат магнитоимпульсной терапии АМИТ

1. Лечение широкого спектра хронических заболеваний. Прибор оказывает лечебно- восстановительный эффект при:

заболеваниях суставов и позвоночника

заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы

переломах костей

травмах суставов

повреждениях мышц и связок

дерматологических заболеваниях

хронических неспецифических заболеваниях легких

заболеваниях желудочно-кишечного тракта

заболеваниях женских половых органов

заболеваниях венозной системы, варикозном расширении вен.

2. Применение прибора позволяет существенно сократить или полностью отказаться от применения лекарственных средств. Что очень актуально при лечении хронических заболеваний и для лиц, имеющих аллергические реакции.

3. Разработан специально для домашнего применения. Избавляет от необходимости посещения лечебных учреждений с целью получения физиопроцедур. Что особенно актуально для детей и ослабленных больных, а также в период эпидемий.

Применение низкочастотного магнитного поля способствует:

усилению тормозных процессов в центральной нервной системе, снятию раздражительности.

улучшению общего состояния, сна;

улучшению кровообращения в тканях;

ускорению регенерации тканей и заживления ран;

лечению отеков и рассасыванию гематом;

выведению токсинов и шлаков из организма.


Показания к применению:

Заболевания суставов и позвоночника

1.1. Деформирующий артроз тазобедренного сустава

1.2. Периартроз плечевого сустава

1.3. Остеохондроз позвоночника

Заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы

2.1. Гипертоническая болезнь I-II степени

2.2. Вегетососудистая дистония по гипертоническому типу

2.3. Ишемическая болезнь сердца со стабильной стенокардией напряжения

2.4. Эндартериит сосудов нижних конечностей

Дерматологические заболевания

4.1. Зудящие дерматозы

4.2. Состояния после кожных пластических операций

Хронические неспецифические заболевания лёгких

5.1. Хронический бронхит

5.2. Хроническая пневмония

5.3 Бронхиальная астма

Заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта

6.1. Панкреатит в подострой и хронической стадии

6.2. Дискинезия желчевыводящих путей

6.3. Хронический гастрит

6.4. Язвенная болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки

Заболевания женских половых органов

7.1. Воспалительные заболевания матки и придатков в период стихания острого процесса

7.2. Заболевания, обусловленные гипофункцией яичников

7.3. Состояние после кесарева сечения

Заболевания венозной системы верхних и нижних конечностей

8.1. Тромбоз глубоких вен голени

8.2. Хронический тромбофлебит в стадии трофических расстройств

8.3. Варикозная болезнь


9.1. Переломы костей

9.2. Травмы суставов

9.3. Повреждения мышц и связок

Принцип воздействия:

Аппарат магнитноимпульсной терапии создает на каждом своём выносном индукторе импульсное магнитное поле с амплитудным значением не менее 20 мТл.

Под его воздействием улучшается микроциркуляция крови и лимфы. Это приводит к активации локального кровотока и усилению кровообращения, за счет чего происходит восстановление поврежденных тканей, развивается обезболивающий эффект, стихают воспалительные процессы, уменьшаются отёки, активизируется обмен веществ и наступает выздоровление.


The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail.

Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe).

If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.

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 We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products.

If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.
 We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A.
Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.


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UHF-60R device for UHF-therapy   UHF-therapy - a method of electrotherapy, which is carried out when the impact  of a high electric field (27.12 MHz) and ultra high frequency (40.68 MHz) supplied  to the tissues via the capacitor plates (applicators) on the human body. In structures having relatively high conductivity (blood, lymph,  urine and tissue having good blood supply), the charged particles oscillate  with the oscillation frequency of the field.  At the same time in these structures the conduction current is generated.  The fluctuation of the particles takes place in a viscous medium, so there is  energy absorption associated with overcoming the resistance of the medium. UHF-therapy has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing properties,  stimulates the immune response, improves trophic tissues and their regeneration. UHF anti-inflammatory effect by improving blood and lymph circulation, tissue dehydration  and reduce exudation, activates the function of the connective tissue, stimulates cell proliferation processes,  which makes it possible to limit the inflammatory focus of dense connective tissue capsule. UHF has antispastic effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder , accelerates the regeneration of nerve tissue, enhances conduction of impulses along the nerve fiber,  decreases the sensitivity of the nerve terminal receptors, ie, It promotes pain relief,  reduces the tone of capillaries, arterioles, lowers blood pressure, causes bradycardia. During UHF-therapy with physiotherapy unit produces an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency.  Therefore, the patient feels warm and the energy absorbed by body tissues, improves microcirculation in the place of impact. This method of treatment has anti-inflammatory and analgesic influence, eliminates hypersensitivity,  whereby: It improves the condition of the nervous system and the endocrine glands; It stimulates blood and lymph circulation; accelerates metabolism; reduced vital functions of pathogenic bacteria; It slows down the absorption of toxic substances from the source of the inflammation. The mechanism of action of UHF The positive effect of the UHF unit on the human body is explained as follows:  the electric field of ultra-high frequency creates a thermal effect in tissues, bones, tendons.  Due to such effects occur in them chemical and biochemical changes. Thus, UHF affects the biophysical and biochemical processes in the body.  Under understood biophysical processes increase the permeability of the vessel walls,  thereby reducing swelling. Microbes and toxins with vessels do not pass,  which promotes detoxification. Under the biochemical processes meant acidification pH of the medium, which helps  to increase the number of white blood cells and strengthen the body's defenses. Due to the impact of local inflammation around UHF formed a kind of barrier,  allowing the disease process to separate from the healthy cells.  This is particularly important when the barrier suppurative inflammatory process. Action UHF during physiotherapy: regenerating; anti-inflammatory; antispasmodic; anesthetic. Indications: inflammation, including acute processes of different localization  (furuncle, carbuncle, abscess, phlegmon, panaritiums et al.), acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of various internal organs  (lung, stomach, liver, urogenital organs) injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system, frostbite, phantom pain, causalgia and other peripheral vascular diseases of the extremities, diseases that occur with severe allergic component  (asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis) vegetovascular dysfunction hypertension stage I-II. Contraindications: aortic aneurysm, hypotension, cardiac ischemia, exertional angina FC III, the presence of an artificial pacemaker in the field of impact decorated festering hotbed of inflammation, purulent sinusitis, vascular lesions of the brain, pregnant with the 3rd month. The device is intended to treat a variety of acute and chronic inflammation of internal organs,  musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract, peripheral nervous system,  female genital system, degenerative processes and acute suppurations by local therapeutic effects of the electric field frequency of 27.12 MHz. The device is recommended for use in clinics, therapeutic,  neurological, surgical, psychiatric, obstetric and gynecological,  children, sanatorium and other medical institutions. Distinctive features: continuous and pulsed modes of operation; adjustable duration and pulse repetition frequency; automatic adjustment in response; smooth speed and power adjustment before and during the procedure; flexible fixed by holders applicators; easy intuitive menu; ergonomic design; option - Set the menu language - Russian / Ukrainian. Contents of delivery: electronic unit - 1 pcs .; flexible applicators holders - 2 pcs .; applicators Ø 110 mm - 2 pcs .; applicators Ø 80 mm - 2 pcs .; applicators Ø 45 mm - 2 pcs .; availability indicator fields UHF - 1 pc. The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Vendor: a-store
One or more 6C4P-EV (EZ90 6X4 6Z31) double kenotron Black anode NEW! NOS! NIB! VINTAGE RUSSIAN Tube  MILITARY  Lot of 4 FREE SHIPPING   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. D e s c r i p t i o n One or more 6C4P-EV (EZ90 6X4 6Z31) double kenotron Black anode NEW! NOS! NIB! 6C4P-EV tubes are equivalent to EZ90 and 6X4, but have pinout different. Made in Soviet Union, Saratov city, "Reflector" plant, 1980's Excellent and a direct replacement for the Chinese 6Z4   High quality, "EV" version, "OTK", military rhombus! New, unused, from old stock, in original box Fast shipping Worldwide by airmail! Sealed box with datasheet! Actual photos   This never been used, from the old stock.     Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.    
Vendor: a-store
  Payment Details:    We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.     Shipping Details: Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome! The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON Guarantee of qualitative packing       D e s c r i p t i o n   5 new relay RES54 XP4 500 010 01 made the Soviet Union with free delivery RARE! OLD! Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
      Payment Details:    We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.     Shipping Details: Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome! The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FAST SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON Guarantee of qualitative packing     IV-21 VFD NIXIE TUBE MULTISEGMENT NEW NOS  NUMITRON VFD TUBE DIGIT DISPLAY RARE TUBE made in USSR. FREE SHIPPING New, old stock.  Lot of 1 NOS NEW D e s c r i p t i o n Nixies is made in USSR. New, old stock. Rare, not produce now IV21 Russian Nixie VFD Tube. Lot of 2 (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) Use it to make your own clock, timer, counter or whatever requires digit indicators This tube has 8 seven segment numericals with decimal point. It displays numbers from 0 to 9. The very first segment has a thick dot on top of the '-' sign. Tube size: 15 x 60 mm (0.6”x 2.4”) Digit height: 5.5 mm (0.22”) Brightness: 600 kd/ m2 Main electrical parameters: Supply Voltage 9-12V Total current consumption: (30–40) mA Rated voltage glow: 2.4 V Rated current glow: 35 mA Grid Current (for one digit): (1.7-3.5) mA Anode segment current (for one digit): 0.7 mA     Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck!  
Vendor: a-store
REMOTE SHUNGITE ELECTRODES STICKS PLUG FOR NEW/OLD SCENAR, DENAS, COSMODIC They can be used with SCENAR, DENAS, COSMODIC TENS and other devices. An important feature of shungit. Shungit conducts current. As a result, many studies have established that the stone structures the molecules of water environment. For this reason, SCENAR signal when exposed to the human body is much softer and the "depth" and "wider". Electrodes Shungite allow to reach very soft deep impact. They are very convenient for processing large surfaces (back, legs) and surfaces with a complex "relief" (face, neck, joints, fingers). You Can choose a port for your device. JUST LET US KNOW WHICH ONE YOU NEED TO SEND YOU RIGHT PLUG FOR YOUR DEVICE Given that the Karelian healing stone shungite is conductive electrodes of it can be used effectively with a variety of physical therapy , cosmetology and massage appliances. Need them only connect the appropriate connector for interfacing with your machine . Shungit - a unique natural mineral , environmentally friendly, containing more than 20 beneficial to the human body trace elements , including silicon and carbon in the active globular form with a sorption , catalytic and antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect , treats skin and joint disease. We have a new exciting addition to our array of remote SCENAR and COSMODIC attachments – remote electrodes made out of SHUNGITE, a Russian miracle stone. Shungite is a natural mineral of unusual composition and structure, an ancient rock formation that is said to be 2 billion years old. It is extracted only in Russian region of Karelia and has unique healing and purifying properties. “Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a miracle!” From the book by A. Doronina “Shungite – the stone-savior” Shungite receives its healing power from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of several dozens of carbon atoms. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant. When fullerenes were discovered in shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware only of three modifications of carbon – diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new molecule shows amazing healing properties. It slows down the growth of cancer cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996. Shungite is: shungite spheres on the facea natural antioxidant that can increase human immunity many folds and suppress the development of many allergic diseases; a sorbent, purifying air and water from many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals; a catalyst, which ensures decomposition of organic substances and restoration of the sorption properties; a carrier of wide range of microelements and biologically active substances; a material actively interacting with electromagnetic fields of harmful nature (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact; and on top of that, despite the fact that it is a stone, shungite is extremely electro-conductive! Remote shungite electrodes specifically designed for SCENAR and COSMODIC devices are now being manufactured in Europe with patented proprietary technology. Unfortunately, shungite is a really difficult stone to work with, due to its fragility. The manufacturing process results in a lot of wasted material (see the picture on the left). As a result of that (and of the uniqueness of the stone as such), the electrodes turn out pretty pricy – but THEY ARE WORTH IT! Why are the shungite electrodes so expensive? There are several reasons. First of all, because shungite is a rare mineral. Second of all, because it is very fragile and a lot of material is wasted before one electrode is made. And third, only the quality shungite is high-priced. Let me explain the last sentence. The unique qualities of shungite depend on the concentration of fullerines in it, and this varies quite a bit. The higher the concentration the more “healing” is shungite, the more fragile, and the more expensive. The highest quality shungite is called “elite”, and it is very rare, because the natural resources of it are practically depleted. Keep the above in mind when you are weighing pros and cons of buying cheaper vs more expensive shungite electrodes. The good deal here may not be the cheap one. The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome! The shipping is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee: We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective. We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. Thanks and good luck! 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Vendor: a-store
Vest made of genuine sheepskin wool! We meet autumn and winter cold in the warmth! Bologna sheepskin vests An elegant vest with a top made of Bologna waterproof fabric and an interior made of natural sheep’s wool warms in cool weather and protects from wind, snow, rain. The vest is fastened with a zipper, has two patchpockets, roomy pockets. It is convenient and comfortable to spend time in the fresh air, it does not constrain movements, reliably retains heat. Advantages of a bologna sheepskin vest:     aesthetic;     light     warm     universal;     wearproof; Warm sheepskin vests The sheepskin vest keeps heat well and becomes indispensable not only at home, but also on the street. Before ordering a product and choosing a size, please take measurements of your chest and hips! Thank.
Vendor: a-store


I am very satisfied with this seller. He had patience with me and patiently answered all my questions. Everything was done to the max and the delivery to Europe was very fast.
Excellent product, good communications, fast shipment! thank you, will buy again
Order was in good shape when it came in. Included paper manual is in Russian but electronic version is in English and unit was programmed to English. Attachments were as ordered and were in good shape. It took just over 5 weeks from ordering to arrival, but given the significant challenges the country is in, this is realistic. Seller was responsive to questions. Had to pay extra shipping here given the current challengs.
The Seller was friendly and cooperative and my order eventually made it through. Shipping for the order leaving the Ukraine was substantially delayed, probably due to the war. Ordered 22 Apr; shipped Apr 26, processed April 29, finally processed by mail destination in Kiev May 27, finally received June 9. The order was as expected other than the add saying it would include an English manual and Practical Guide and that was not what arrived, and I was not notified of the change. Hence the 4 star rather than 5 star rating. The manual that was received is in Russian not English, and no practical guide was included. I suspect that the seller is doing his best under extremely challenging circumstances and shipping delays due to the postal service are outside his control.
pretty good and excellent considering the circumstances.
may we all live in uninteresting times

go well
Great fast service!
Everything was OK, thank you!
great service, they went out of their way to expedite shipping to me. Highly recommended group of people to deal with. A++

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