Sculpting & Forming

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Attention! PDF file is sent by email.  Подробный мастер–класс по вязанию мягкой игрушки "Радужные ангелочки" от Наталии Павловой состоит из 60 листов и 198 фотографий высокого качества. Представлен в формате PDF. Доступен для скачивания на русском языке после оплаты. Сложность данного мастер–класса – средняя. МК рассчитан на людей, хорошо владеющих крючком, и не содержит материалов, обучающих вязанию. При использовании указанных материалов, высота игрушки 35 см. Рекомендуемый список материалов: – пряжа акриловая YarnArt Baby 150 м. / 50 г., трех цветов: телесный немного меньше 100г.(для одной куклы), голубой для распашонки мальчика 50 г., розовый для распашонки девочки 50 г. – вискоза голубого цвета для обвязки края распашонки мальчика, – вискоза розового цвета для обвязки края распашонки девочки, – вискоза золотого цвета для пояска -10 м., – пряжа ангора RAM белого цвета для крыльев, – крючок 1,5 мм. для основного вязания, – крючок 1,25 мм. для вязания пальчиков, ладошек и крыльев, – спицы №2 для вязания распашонки, – лак для волос, – сухая пастель для тонировки игрушки, – инструмент: плоскогубцы, наждачная бумага, – шерсть для валяния желтого и персикового цвета для волос по 30 г., – розовая лента, две полубусины и две латексные резиночки для косичек, – шерсть для валяния белого цвета для внутренней части крыльев, – иглы для валяния №36 или №38 – глазки рыбки большого размера, – запекаемая полимерная глина белого цвета, – синтепон или холлофайбер для набивки, – проволока без изоляции диам. 1мм. 5 отрезков по 40 см. (1 для основного каркаса, 2 для ножек и 2 для суставов крыльев) - это набор для одной куклы, – проволока тонкая мягкая диам 0,5 мм. 2 отрезка по 40 см. для ручек - это набор для одной куклы, – проволока бисерная для крыльев, – клеевый пистолет + пару стержней.
$20.00 $14.99
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Introducing our stunning handmade Ukrainian dolls, crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, and made in the best traditions of Ukrainian folklore. Our skilled artisans have spent years perfecting their craft to bring you a truly unique and authentic product that you won't find anywhere else. Each doll comes with its own serial number and passport, ensuring that you own a truly one-of-a-kind treasure that will be cherished for years to come. Made only with materials of the highest quality, our dolls "breathe" with the spirit of Ukraine, capturing the essence of the country's rich cultural heritage and the warmth of its people. But that's not all. When you purchase one of our dolls, you'll also receive a bonus product, such as our beautifully scented handmade soaps or intricate handmade beaded necklaces. Each item has been carefully crafted with 100% natural, certified Ukrainian materials, making them the perfect addition to your home and jewelry collection. Imagine being transported to the picturesque fields and charming Carpathian mountains every time you look at your new doll and bonus item. It's the perfect way to add a touch of culture and authenticity to your life, and to share the love and warmth of the Ukrainian people with your family and friends. So why settle for mass-produced items when you can own a truly unique and authentic Ukrainian treasure? Order your handmade doll today and experience the magic of Ukrainian folklore for yourself!
$155.00 $99.70
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Introducing our stunning handmade Ukrainian dolls, crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, and made in the best traditions of Ukrainian folklore. Our skilled artisans have spent years perfecting their craft to bring you a truly unique and authentic product that you won't find anywhere else. Each doll comes with its own serial number and passport, ensuring that you own a truly one-of-a-kind treasure that will be cherished for years to come. Made only with materials of the highest quality, our dolls "breathe" with the spirit of Ukraine, capturing the essence of the country's rich cultural heritage and the warmth of its people. But that's not all. When you purchase one of our dolls, you'll also receive a bonus product, such as our beautifully scented handmade soaps or intricate handmade beaded necklaces. Each item has been carefully crafted with 100% natural, certified Ukrainian materials, making them the perfect addition to your home and jewelry collection. Imagine being transported to the picturesque fields and charming Carpathian mountains every time you look at your new doll and bonus item. It's the perfect way to add a touch of culture and authenticity to your life, and to share the love and warmth of the Ukrainian people with your family and friends. So why settle for mass-produced items when you can own a truly unique and authentic Ukrainian treasure? Order your handmade doll today and experience the magic of Ukrainian folklore for yourself!
$155.00 $99.70
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Attention! this instruction is only for knitting a doll without clothes, a PDF file is sent by email. Master - Class on knitting the magic girl Gnome Koudelka (part 1: doll). MK consists of 100 sheets and 360 high quality photographs. The complexity of the master class is average. Buy 2 part MK Gnomochka Kudelka (clothes) In this MK, I show you how to create a magical image of a fairy-tale Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in the village of gnomes, called Habalon. MK is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) Внимание!   это инструкция только по вязанию куклы без одежды,  файл PDF высылается на email.   Мастер - Класс по вязанию волшебной Гномочки Кудельки (1 часть: кукла). МК состоит из 100 листов и 360 фотографий высокого качества. Сложность мастер–класса средняя.  Купить 2 часть МК Гномочка Куделька (одежда) В этом МК, я Вам показываю как создать волшебный образ сказочной Гномочки, одного из персонажей целого народа, живущего в деревне гномов, под названием Хабалон. МК посвящается всем тем, кто готов окружить себя миром магии и красоты , а так же создать волшебный образ гномочки. !!! PDF файл с выкройкой отправляю на Ваш email в течении 30 минут. (макс 3 часа)
$22.00 $17.99
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Crochet Pattern:  Gnome Frodo (Part 1: doll). Attention! This is Part 1: doll . Crochet Pattern Gnome Frodo dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers. CONTENTS:   - Materials - Pattern  Doll  Attention! this instruction is only for knitting a doll without clothes, a PDF file is sent by email. - 109 pages of detailed descriptions! - 415 high quality photos! - Complexity of Сrochet Pattern: above average Buy part 2 Crochet Pattern Gnome Frodo (clothes) In this Crochet Pattern, I show you how to create a magical image of a fairy-tale Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in the village of gnomes, called Habalon. Crochet Pattern is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours)
$22.00 $17.99
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Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya. Attention! This is the first part (doll). Crochet Pattern Witch Yaginya-Bereginya dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers. In this project, we will create with you Yaginya-Bereginya, who is not only a fairy-tale hero, but also she is called the keeper of the hearth. Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya: first part (doll) - consists of 131 sheets and 458 photographs. The complexity of the master class is average. Crochet Pattern consists of two parts: Part 1 - Yaginya DOLL: with a detailed, step-by-step description and photo. Part 2 - Yaginya CLOTHING: tights, pantaloons, T-shirt, petticoat, ugg boots, dress, apron, shower jacket, horned kick, broom, basket. Detailed description with lots of high quality photos. !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator)   МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини. Внимание! Это Первая часть (кукла). МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини посвящается всем, кто любит создавать сказку своими руками. Кому по душе мир фэнтези и приключений, мир волшебников и чародеев. В этом проекте мы создадим с вами Ягиню-Берегиню, которая является не только сказочным героем, а так же её называют хранительницей домашнего очага. МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини - Первая часть (кукла) - состоит из 131 листов и 458 фотографий. Сложность мастер–класса средняя. Общий МК состоит из двух частей: 1 часть - КУКЛА ЯГИНЯ: с подробным, пошаговым описанием и фото. 2 часть - ОДЕЖДА ЯГИНИ: колготки, панталоны, майка, подъюбник, угги, платье, фартук, душегрейка, кика рогатая, метла, корзина. Подробное описание с большим количеством качественных фото. !!! PDF файл с выкройкой отправляю на Ваш email в течении 30 минут. (макс 3 часа)
$22.00 $17.99
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A set of scluptures from oak for our fulfilment warehouse.
$600.00 $500.00
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Crochet Pattern: "Elf Zlatoust" Part 1 (Doll)  Unleash Your Creative Magic! ✨ Attention! Attention! This is Part 1: doll ✨ Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of crochet and create your own magical fairy-tale companion? Introducing the captivating Crochet Pattern "Elf Zlatoust (doll)" , designed for all those who are passionate about turning yarn into whimsical wonders. ✨ Embark on the Magical Journey ✨ In this Crochet Pattern, I'll be your guide, taking you step-by-step through the creation of a magical Elf. Dedicated to those who are ready to embrace the world of magic and beauty, this pattern is an invitation to create your own enchanting elf companion. CONTENTS: Doll - 122 sheets and 523 high-quality photos! The complexity of the master class is above average. The elf's height according to the description: 40 cm. ( The height of the toy depends on the materials used ) The link to the pattern will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster. Knitting instructions are presented in Russian (with the ability to copy the text and translate using Google Translate). Unleash your creativity and embark on the enchanting journey of crafting your very own Elf Zlatoust!  Attention! The link will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster.  Click here. Don't forget to watch the second part "Elf Zlatoust (Clothing)"
$22.00 $17.99
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Introducing our stunning handmade Ukrainian dolls, crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, and made in the best traditions of Ukrainian folklore. Our skilled artisans have spent years perfecting their craft to bring you a truly unique and authentic product that you won't find anywhere else. Each doll comes with its own serial number and passport, ensuring that you own a truly one-of-a-kind treasure that will be cherished for years to come. Made only with materials of the highest quality, our dolls "breathe" with the spirit of Ukraine, capturing the essence of the country's rich cultural heritage and the warmth of its people. But that's not all. When you purchase one of our dolls, you'll also receive a bonus product, such as our beautifully scented handmade soaps or intricate handmade beaded necklaces. Each item has been carefully crafted with 100% natural, certified Ukrainian materials, making them the perfect addition to your home and jewelry collection. Imagine being transported to the picturesque fields and charming Carpathian mountains every time you look at your new doll and bonus item. It's the perfect way to add a touch of culture and authenticity to your life, and to share the love and warmth of the Ukrainian people with your family and friends. So why settle for mass-produced items when you can own a truly unique and authentic Ukrainian treasure? Order your handmade doll today and experience the magic of Ukrainian folklore for yourself!
$155.00 $99.70
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Castle-candlestick 2. Hendmade, ceramics, double firing. It is used as a decor in the interior and as a candlestick. Height 25 cm. Author - Ruslana Nazarenko.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$140.00 $110.00
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The tower-sub-signs Hendmade, ceramics, double firing. It is used as a decor in the interior and as a candlestick. Height 25 cm. Author - Ruslana Nazarenko.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$145.00 $120.00
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House-candlestick. Hendmade, ceramics, double firing. It is used as a decor in the interior and as a candlestick. Height 25 cm. Author - Ruslana Nazarenko.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$145.00 $120.00
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man candlestick, ceramics, handmade, glaze. 12cm.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$95.00 $80.00
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Crochet Pattern: Сlothes for gnome Bilbo  Unleash Your Creative Magic! ✨ Gnome Bilbo's Wardrobe - Enchantment in Every Stitch! ✨ Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of crochet and create your own magical fairy-tale companion? Introducing the captivating Crochet Pattern: "Сlothes for gnome Bilbo " , designed for all those who are passionate about turning yarn into whimsical wonders. ✨ Embark on the Magical Journey ✨ In this Crochet Pattern, I'll be your guide, taking you step-by-step through the creation of a magical Elf. Dedicated to those who are ready to embrace the world of magic and beauty, this pattern is an invitation to create your own enchanting elf companion. CONTENTS: 143 pages and 328 high-quality photos. Hat, Tights and Frill, Shirt, Pants, Vest, Boots, Camisole. The complexity of the master class is above average. The elf's height according to the description: 38 cm. ( The height of the toy depends on the materials used ) ✨ !!! The link to the pattern will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster !!! ***  Knitting instructions are presented in Russian (with the ability to copy the text and translate using Google Translate). Unleash your creativity and embark on the enchanting journey of crafting Сlothes for gnome Bilbo !  ✨ What's Included ✨ Detailed crochet patterns for elf clothing and accessories. Step-by-step instructions to guide you through the crafting process. Elevate your crochet skills and create a magical wardrobe for your fantasy elf. ✨ Crafting Elegance ✨  Transform yarn into a tapestry of elven elegance and bring your fairy-tale characters to life. Elevate your crochet game and embark on a journey of whimsy and style. ✨ Start Crafting Your Elf's Enchanted Wardrobe Now! ✨
$22.00 $15.99
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A house - sub- outskirt in the Italian style. Hendmade, ceramics, double firing. It is used as a decor in the interior and as a candlestick. Vrekhota 15 cm. Author - Ruslana Nazarenko.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$95.00 $80.00
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Внимание! PDF-файл отправляется по электронной почте.  Подробный мастер-класс по вязанию мягкой игрушки "Весёлый гномик" состоит из 31 листа и 82 качественных фотографий. Представлен в формате PDF. Доступно для скачивания на английском и русском языках после оплаты. Сложность этого мастер-класса средняя. МК рассчитан на людей, хорошо умеющих вязать крючком, и не содержит материалов, обучающих вязанию спицами. При использовании этих материалов высота игрушки составляет 26 см. Подробный мастер–класс по вязанию мягких игрушек "Весёлый гномик" состоит из 31 листа и 82 фотографий высокого качества. Представление в формате PDF. Доступен для скачивания на английском и русском языках после оплаты. Сложность данного мастер–класса – средняя. МК рассчитан на людей, хорошо владеющих крючками, и не содержит материалов, обучающих вязанию. Прикрепленные материалы, высота игрушки 26 см. Рекомендуемый список материалов: Пряжа акриловая YarnArt Baby 150 м. / 50 г., разных цветов не менее 4–х для одежды и обуви, на Ваше усмотрение (если у Вас есть небольшие остатки ниток их можно применить для вязания мелких элементов). – темно–коричневая пряжа для ботинок и фонарика, – светло–коричневая для штанишек, – темно–бирюзовая для камзола, – светло–бирюзовая для рукавов и воротника, – желтая для колпака и фонарика, – телесного цвета, для вывязывания частей тела, – крючок под нитки 1,5 мм. и 1,25 мм., – спицы 2,5 мм. для вязания колпака, – вискоза для обвязки краев, – немного шерсти для валяния белого цвета, для волос и бороды, – игла для валяния, – глазки рыбки сред. размера, запекаемая полимерная глина белого цвета, – узкая полоска черного или коричневого фетра для пояса, – красивая пуговица для пряжки, – плотный картон для стелек, – проволока для каркаса ручек и ножек, 4 куска по 30 см. – синтепон или холлофайбер для набивки, – бубенчик, разноцветные полу бусины и божья коровка для оформления, – сухая пастель для тонировки игрушки, – клей «Момент», – клеевый пистолет + пару стержней.
$20.00 $12.99
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House-candlestick 2. Hendmade, ceramics, double firing. It is used as a decor in the interior and as a candlestick. Height 20 cm. Author - Ruslana Nazarenko.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$95.00 $80.00
Boy height 2.13 in, width 1.50 in. A smiling Chinese boy with a sacred fish in his hands is one of the sweetest sculptures of my creative workshop. In Chinese and Japanese everyday life the figurines of children, especially boys, have a large and pronounced symbolism. Netsuke Karako (a Chinese little boy) is the wish of a male heir who would occupy a high social position and thus will bring prosperity to the family. Karako is considered a benevolent symbol, bringing happiness, luck and well-being. In addition to this, the joyful boy is depicted with the sacred fish Tai, which on its tail brings happiness. The baby and the fish are made of red terracotta clay, covered with black glaze. The glaze did not color the figure but only emphasized the lines. The boy’s robe is covered with bright yellow-orange glaze. In front of you is a very beautiful original product. This figurine will be a beautiful gift with wishes for happiness, harmony, well-being and a speedy replenishment in the family. This is unique lucky tea pet for Gongfu tea, birthday gift. All our products are copyrighted. They are and will be in a single copy. Each product has meaning and philosophy. But if you want, you can give it your own personal history and name. The products are made of Ukrainian clay but using a small amount of Spanish clay. I use engobe and high-quality glaze to finish the figures. Clay is burned twice at 960 and 1080 degrees Celsius in an electric kiln designed for firing ceramic products. Clay and glazes are led free and food safe.  
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A house with two towers in the Italian style. Hendmade, ceramics, double firing. It is used as a decor in the interior and as a candlestick. Vrekhota 25 cm. Author - Ruslana Nazarenko.
Vendor: ClayHorse
$146.00 $120.00
Monk height 2.56 in, width 1.85 in. In this product the features of monastic life are perfectly represented. Great in small. The ability to say as much as possible while showing as little as possible. This is a Buddhist monk in a Zen pose. He is immersed in meditation and nothing can hinder him. In life, there is often not enough silence, tranquility. Looking at the monk, you feel peace and there is no need to rush anywhere. The Monk is suitable for the gift for emotionally balanced person or who aspires to this condition. Will decorate your house giving strength. This is unusual tea pet for your Gongfu tea. The product is made of two types of clay: black and white. The goal was to maximize the monk’s image with natural components. It turned out to be the perfect shape: a detailed face, well-defined folds of the monk's clothes. All our products are copyrighted. They are and will be in a single copy. Each product has meaning and philosophy. But if you want, you can give it your own personal history and name. The products are made of Ukrainian clay but using a small amount of Spanish clay. I use engobe and high-quality glaze to finish the figures. Clay is burned twice at 960 and 1080 degrees Celsius in an electric kiln designed for firing ceramic products. Clay and glazes are led free and food safe.  
The height of the cat 1.97 in, width (front view) 1.46 in, width (side view) 1.26 in. In the workshop Terracotta GRYF, there are mostly serious works. I wanted to create something unusual and fun. And so it turned out to be a cartoon cat. When I look at him, my mood immediately rises. I hope you will have the same reaction when you see this cat. This figurine will look great on a table, on a bookshelf or on a tea tray as a tea figurine. The cat is made of black and white clay, painted with engobe. The coat and details are slightly accentuated with black glaze. Natural and safe materials are used for the figure. When shipped, it will be well packed in a branded box. A little about caring for the product - the cat is fragile, so do not give it to children as a toy. The cat figurine is not afraid of water, but does not need to be washed in the dishwasher. Thanks for your interest in my figurines. And thank you for your purchase (I hope you did it). Nice to see you in the workshop Terracotta GRYF. If you have any questions or suggestions, I will be happy to answer.  
 Hedgehog height 1.38 in, length 1.77 in. Getting into your hands, Hedgehog and his friend Snail only evoke positive emotions! Nice texture not prickly but expressive needles, smiling face, black kind eyes and big ears. Hedgehog is a symbol of self-defense. In Feng shui  the Hedgehog is a symbol of security, openness, friendliness and joy. Prickles pierce the world of darkness and either defeats it or gives it a jolt. Ancient legends say that Hedgehog is wise enough, and even God listened to his advice! In China, such an animal is associated with kindness. Hedgehog brings joy and prosperity to the house. The Snail is a symbol of patience and perseverance because of its slowness. Time (the burden on the shoulders) does not deprive the Snail of the ability to victoriously raise antennae above its head. Due to the horns appearing and disappearing, the Snail is considered a symbol of the cyclic nature of the processes. It is also a symbol of time and evolution. Through the labyrinth of the clam shell spiral, man comprehends the meaning of time. Because the Snail always hides its body in the house, it is a symbol of modesty. This feature reminds about thrift and even greed - «I carry everything with me». I’ve also given this product its own individual meaning. For me, above all, Hedgehog and Snail are a symbol of friendship and alliance between the two personalities. And what he can become for you is for you to decide. In any case, unusual and lovely sculpture. It will please you or it will be a beautiful gift with meaning for your loved ones. It is made of three types of clay. The main one is white, but after two burns it has become a slightly beige (sandy) color. The eyes and nose of the Hedgehog are made of black clay. Its legs and the sink of the snail are made of terracotta clay. To accentuate the texture of the leaf, a glossy black glaze was applied to it, giving the effect of depth. If you look closely, you can see the pores. All our products are copyrighted. They are and will be in a single copy. Each product has meaning and philosophy. But if you want, you can give it your own personal history and name. The products are made of Ukrainian clay but using a small amount of Spanish clay. I use engobe and high-quality glaze to finish the figures. Clay is burned twice at 960 and 1080 degrees Celsius in an electric kiln designed for firing ceramic products. Clay and glazes are led free and food safe.   Thank you for your interest in my figurines and for reading to the end. Have a good mood. See you at the Terracotta GRYF store.
Hare (rabbit) height 1.46 in, length 3.23 in. This ceramic Hare has minimalistic body shape but well- detailed head,  minimum of black glossy ceramic food glaze that highlights only slightly sketched areas of wool. You get a unique product worthy of the most refined taste!  Personally, to me, the Hare is one of the most iconic products. I can stare at it for hours at a tea ceremony. Feeling Hare in your hands, immerse yourself in thoughts. It harmonizes perfectly in any setting. I’d like to give it to person with similar metaphysics. All our products are copyrighted. They are and will be in a single copy. Each product has meaning and philosophy. But if you want, you can give it your own personal history and name. The products are made of Ukrainian clay but using a small amount of Spanish clay. I use angob and high-quality glaze to finish the figures. Clay is burned twice at 960 and 1080 degrees Celsius in an electric kiln designed for firing ceramic products. Clay and glazes are led free and food safe.
Raccoon height 1.57 in, width 1.46 in. The raccoon is an intelligent animal. He knows how to adapt to new situations. Interestingly, this pure creature actually washes its food before eating it. Seeing a raccoon as your spirit animal is a sign that you must adapt in life and pay attention to the bigger picture. The raccoon is a symbol of self-confidence, adaptability and resourcefulness. This is a master of disguise and secrecy. This animal represents intelligence, illusion, self-defense, and courage. If you think that a raccoon is your totem animal, you need to have one at home. It is a wonderful tea pet for the lover of the gongfu tea ceremony. The raccoon is made of white clay with the addition of black. I used some black glaze to bring out the details and the coat. All our products are copyrighted. They are and will be in one copy. Each product has meaning and philosophy. But if you want, you can give it your own personal history and name. The products are made of Ukrainian clay but using a small amount of Spanish clay. I use engobe and high-quality glaze to finish the figures. Clay is burned twice at 960 and 1080 degrees Celsius in a muffle furnace designed for firing ceramic products. Clay and glazes are led free and food safe.