Toys & Games

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Crochet Pattern: "Elf Zlatoust" Part 1 (Doll)  Unleash Your Creative Magic! ✨ Attention! Attention! This is Part 1: doll ✨ Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of crochet and create your own magical fairy-tale companion? Introducing the captivating Crochet Pattern "Elf Zlatoust (doll)" , designed for all those who are passionate about turning yarn into whimsical wonders. ✨ Embark on the Magical Journey ✨ In this Crochet Pattern, I'll be your guide, taking you step-by-step through the creation of a magical Elf. Dedicated to those who are ready to embrace the world of magic and beauty, this pattern is an invitation to create your own enchanting elf companion. CONTENTS: Doll - 122 sheets and 523 high-quality photos! The complexity of the master class is above average. The elf's height according to the description: 40 cm. ( The height of the toy depends on the materials used ) The link to the pattern will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster. Knitting instructions are presented in Russian (with the ability to copy the text and translate using Google Translate). Unleash your creativity and embark on the enchanting journey of crafting your very own Elf Zlatoust!  Attention! The link will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster.  Click here. Don't forget to watch the second part "Elf Zlatoust (Clothing)"
$22.00 $17.99
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Attention! this instruction is only for knitting a doll without clothes, a PDF file is sent by email. Master - Class on knitting the magic girl Gnome Koudelka (part 1: doll). MK consists of 100 sheets and 360 high quality photographs. The complexity of the master class is average. Buy 2 part MK Gnomochka Kudelka (clothes) In this MK, I show you how to create a magical image of a fairy-tale Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in the village of gnomes, called Habalon. MK is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) Внимание!   это инструкция только по вязанию куклы без одежды,  файл PDF высылается на email.   Мастер - Класс по вязанию волшебной Гномочки Кудельки (1 часть: кукла). МК состоит из 100 листов и 360 фотографий высокого качества. Сложность мастер–класса средняя.  Купить 2 часть МК Гномочка Куделька (одежда) В этом МК, я Вам показываю как создать волшебный образ сказочной Гномочки, одного из персонажей целого народа, живущего в деревне гномов, под названием Хабалон. МК посвящается всем тем, кто готов окружить себя миром магии и красоты , а так же создать волшебный образ гномочки. !!! PDF файл с выкройкой отправляю на Ваш email в течении 30 минут. (макс 3 часа)
$22.00 $17.99
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Attention! PDF file is sent by email.  Подробный мастер–класс по вязанию мягкой игрушки "Радужные ангелочки" от Наталии Павловой состоит из 60 листов и 198 фотографий высокого качества. Представлен в формате PDF. Доступен для скачивания на русском языке после оплаты. Сложность данного мастер–класса – средняя. МК рассчитан на людей, хорошо владеющих крючком, и не содержит материалов, обучающих вязанию. При использовании указанных материалов, высота игрушки 35 см. Рекомендуемый список материалов: – пряжа акриловая YarnArt Baby 150 м. / 50 г., трех цветов: телесный немного меньше 100г.(для одной куклы), голубой для распашонки мальчика 50 г., розовый для распашонки девочки 50 г. – вискоза голубого цвета для обвязки края распашонки мальчика, – вискоза розового цвета для обвязки края распашонки девочки, – вискоза золотого цвета для пояска -10 м., – пряжа ангора RAM белого цвета для крыльев, – крючок 1,5 мм. для основного вязания, – крючок 1,25 мм. для вязания пальчиков, ладошек и крыльев, – спицы №2 для вязания распашонки, – лак для волос, – сухая пастель для тонировки игрушки, – инструмент: плоскогубцы, наждачная бумага, – шерсть для валяния желтого и персикового цвета для волос по 30 г., – розовая лента, две полубусины и две латексные резиночки для косичек, – шерсть для валяния белого цвета для внутренней части крыльев, – иглы для валяния №36 или №38 – глазки рыбки большого размера, – запекаемая полимерная глина белого цвета, – синтепон или холлофайбер для набивки, – проволока без изоляции диам. 1мм. 5 отрезков по 40 см. (1 для основного каркаса, 2 для ножек и 2 для суставов крыльев) - это набор для одной куклы, – проволока тонкая мягкая диам 0,5 мм. 2 отрезка по 40 см. для ручек - это набор для одной куклы, – проволока бисерная для крыльев, – клеевый пистолет + пару стержней.
$20.00 $14.99
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Box for playing cards . You are tired of loosing your playing cards? The carton box is constantly broken? Playing card storage box to keep your deck safe and sound. . Surprise other players with how unique you are. Size is appropriate to the classic size of playing cards. Unique, stylish present for playing game lovers. It is a wooden handmade item. Best quality will surprise you! Box doesn't contain  cards. Inner size: 5,5сm x 7сm x 10сm (1.98 "x 2.75" x 3.93 ") Materials: birch plywood, sapele veneer, wide Italian elastic band, wax thread. The lid is hand-sewn with waxed thread. The letters are sewn to the elastic with waxed thread. On the back of the box there are anti-slip silicone feet.
$45.00 $30.00
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Crochet Pattern:  Gnome Frodo (Part 1: doll). Attention! This is Part 1: doll . Crochet Pattern Gnome Frodo dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers. CONTENTS:   - Materials - Pattern  Doll  Attention! this instruction is only for knitting a doll without clothes, a PDF file is sent by email. - 109 pages of detailed descriptions! - 415 high quality photos! - Complexity of Сrochet Pattern: above average Buy part 2 Crochet Pattern Gnome Frodo (clothes) In this Crochet Pattern, I show you how to create a magical image of a fairy-tale Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in the village of gnomes, called Habalon. Crochet Pattern is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours)
$22.00 $17.99
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Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya. Attention! This is the first part (doll). Crochet Pattern Witch Yaginya-Bereginya dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers. In this project, we will create with you Yaginya-Bereginya, who is not only a fairy-tale hero, but also she is called the keeper of the hearth. Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya: first part (doll) - consists of 131 sheets and 458 photographs. The complexity of the master class is average. Crochet Pattern consists of two parts: Part 1 - Yaginya DOLL: with a detailed, step-by-step description and photo. Part 2 - Yaginya CLOTHING: tights, pantaloons, T-shirt, petticoat, ugg boots, dress, apron, shower jacket, horned kick, broom, basket. Detailed description with lots of high quality photos. !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator)   МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини. Внимание! Это Первая часть (кукла). МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини посвящается всем, кто любит создавать сказку своими руками. Кому по душе мир фэнтези и приключений, мир волшебников и чародеев. В этом проекте мы создадим с вами Ягиню-Берегиню, которая является не только сказочным героем, а так же её называют хранительницей домашнего очага. МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини - Первая часть (кукла) - состоит из 131 листов и 458 фотографий. Сложность мастер–класса средняя. Общий МК состоит из двух частей: 1 часть - КУКЛА ЯГИНЯ: с подробным, пошаговым описанием и фото. 2 часть - ОДЕЖДА ЯГИНИ: колготки, панталоны, майка, подъюбник, угги, платье, фартук, душегрейка, кика рогатая, метла, корзина. Подробное описание с большим количеством качественных фото. !!! PDF файл с выкройкой отправляю на Ваш email в течении 30 минут. (макс 3 часа)
$22.00 $17.99
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Внимание! PDF-файл отправляется по электронной почте.  Подробный мастер-класс по вязанию мягкой игрушки "Весёлый гномик" состоит из 31 листа и 82 качественных фотографий. Представлен в формате PDF. Доступно для скачивания на английском и русском языках после оплаты. Сложность этого мастер-класса средняя. МК рассчитан на людей, хорошо умеющих вязать крючком, и не содержит материалов, обучающих вязанию спицами. При использовании этих материалов высота игрушки составляет 26 см. Подробный мастер–класс по вязанию мягких игрушек "Весёлый гномик" состоит из 31 листа и 82 фотографий высокого качества. Представление в формате PDF. Доступен для скачивания на английском и русском языках после оплаты. Сложность данного мастер–класса – средняя. МК рассчитан на людей, хорошо владеющих крючками, и не содержит материалов, обучающих вязанию. Прикрепленные материалы, высота игрушки 26 см. Рекомендуемый список материалов: Пряжа акриловая YarnArt Baby 150 м. / 50 г., разных цветов не менее 4–х для одежды и обуви, на Ваше усмотрение (если у Вас есть небольшие остатки ниток их можно применить для вязания мелких элементов). – темно–коричневая пряжа для ботинок и фонарика, – светло–коричневая для штанишек, – темно–бирюзовая для камзола, – светло–бирюзовая для рукавов и воротника, – желтая для колпака и фонарика, – телесного цвета, для вывязывания частей тела, – крючок под нитки 1,5 мм. и 1,25 мм., – спицы 2,5 мм. для вязания колпака, – вискоза для обвязки краев, – немного шерсти для валяния белого цвета, для волос и бороды, – игла для валяния, – глазки рыбки сред. размера, запекаемая полимерная глина белого цвета, – узкая полоска черного или коричневого фетра для пояса, – красивая пуговица для пряжки, – плотный картон для стелек, – проволока для каркаса ручек и ножек, 4 куска по 30 см. – синтепон или холлофайбер для набивки, – бубенчик, разноцветные полу бусины и божья коровка для оформления, – сухая пастель для тонировки игрушки, – клей «Момент», – клеевый пистолет + пару стержней.
$20.00 $12.99
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Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya (forest rags) . Attention! This is the 3 part (clothing - forest rags). Crochet Pattern Witch Yaginya-Bereginya dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers. In this project, we will create with you Yaginya-Bereginya, who is not only a fairy-tale hero, but also she is called the keeper of the hearth. Crochet Pattern: Witch Yaginya-Bereginya: 3 part (clothing) - consists of 145 sheets and 462 photographs. CONTENTS MK Yaginya-Bereginya (part 3): - Materials - Symbols - Tights - Pantaloons - T-shirt - Uggs - Petticoat - Blouse - Skirt - Raven Shawl - Broom - Cart The complexity of the master class is average. Crochet Pattern consists of two parts: Part 1 - Yaginya DOLL: with a detailed, step-by-step description and photo. Part 2 - Yaginya CLOTHING: detailed description with lots of high quality photos.  ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини. Внимание! Это 3 часть (одежда - лесные лохмотья). МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини посвящается всем, кто любит создавать сказку своими руками. Кому по душе мир фэнтези и приключений, мир волшебников и чародеев. В этом проекте мы создадим с вами Ягиню-Берегиню, которая является не только сказочным героем, а так же её называют хранительницей домашнего очага.  МК по вязанию сказочной Ягини-Берегини - (одежда) - состоит из 145 листов и 462 фотографий. Сложность мастер–класса средняя. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МК Ягиня-Берегиня (3 часть): - Материалы - Условные обозначения - Колготки - Панталоны - Майка - Угги - Подъюбник - Кацавейка - Юбка - Платок "Ворон" - Метла - Корзина -   Мастер-класс состоит из двух частей: 1 часть - КУКЛА ЯГИНЯ: с подробным, пошаговым описанием и фото. 2 часть - ОДЕЖДА ЯГИНИ: подробное описание с большим количеством качественных фото. !!! PDF файл с выкройкой отправляю на Ваш email в течении 30 минут. (макс 3 часа)
$22.00 $19.99
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It is a sample of the toy i can make from drawing.   I will create a soft toy from plush, from hypoallergenic materials. Mooncake is 10 inch (25-27 cm).  If necessary, the height may be greater. The toy is made of plush material. Filler hollafiber.  The size of the toy is 10-12 inches (25-30sm) long side, if necessary, the height can be larger.. I want to draw your attention to the details. Most of the work is done by hand, for this reason the elements of the toy differ slightly from the original photo. Shades of fabric may also vary slightly if there are no materials on sale as on the sample. The price is given for the toy on the listing's picture. Each drawing is estimated and has a different price! I will turn your child's drawing (or any drawing) into a plushie. All our items are made to order and we don't have them ready to ship. Work execution: *** If you have an individual order, please send me a photo or drawing, as well as accurately describe all the wishes that you would like to be applied in the work. Then an individual listing will be created. *** All orders are executed only in order of priority after payment. *** The duration of the work on average varies from 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes it can take longer. It depends on the: 1. Queue of orders. 2. The availability of materials. 3. The complexity of the work. Write to me and we will know exactly how long it will take for the toy to be with you. VERY IMPORTANT! Delivery from Ukraine abroad is carried out within 3-6 weeks. We do not take orders to be delivered before a stated date. Please order, only if you are happy to receive the toy even if it arrives later. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not order. Taking care of a toy: * Suitable for dry cleaning only. * Wash the product can not, because it can be deformed.. November and December time, before Christmas time - shipping time is not guaranteed, timing is up to the international Delivery. No comments or refunds for late delivery. Please order in advance. Instagram:
Vendor: ThePlushToy
$31.00 $26.00
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Crochet Pattern: Сlothes for gnome Bilbo  Unleash Your Creative Magic! ✨ Gnome Bilbo's Wardrobe - Enchantment in Every Stitch! ✨ Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of crochet and create your own magical fairy-tale companion? Introducing the captivating Crochet Pattern: "Сlothes for gnome Bilbo " , designed for all those who are passionate about turning yarn into whimsical wonders. ✨ Embark on the Magical Journey ✨ In this Crochet Pattern, I'll be your guide, taking you step-by-step through the creation of a magical Elf. Dedicated to those who are ready to embrace the world of magic and beauty, this pattern is an invitation to create your own enchanting elf companion. CONTENTS: 143 pages and 328 high-quality photos. Hat, Tights and Frill, Shirt, Pants, Vest, Boots, Camisole. The complexity of the master class is above average. The elf's height according to the description: 38 cm. ( The height of the toy depends on the materials used ) ✨ !!! The link to the pattern will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster !!! ***  Knitting instructions are presented in Russian (with the ability to copy the text and translate using Google Translate). Unleash your creativity and embark on the enchanting journey of crafting Сlothes for gnome Bilbo !  ✨ What's Included ✨ Detailed crochet patterns for elf clothing and accessories. Step-by-step instructions to guide you through the crafting process. Elevate your crochet skills and create a magical wardrobe for your fantasy elf. ✨ Crafting Elegance ✨  Transform yarn into a tapestry of elven elegance and bring your fairy-tale characters to life. Elevate your crochet game and embark on a journey of whimsy and style. ✨ Start Crafting Your Elf's Enchanted Wardrobe Now! ✨
$22.00 $15.99
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Crochet Pattern:  Gnome Frodo (Part 2: clothes).   Attention! This is Part 2: clothes . Crochet Pattern Gnome Frodo dedicated to everyone who loves to create a fairy tale with their own hands. Who likes the world of fantasy and adventure, the world of wizards and sorcerers.  CONTENTS:   - Materials - Knee Highs  - Underwear - Pants - Shirt - Collar - Moccasins - Cloak - Hat - Flashlight Attention! this instruction is only for knitting a clothes without doll, a PDF file is sent by email. - 136 pages of detailed descriptions! - 329 high quality photos! - Complexity of Сrochet Pattern: above average Buy part 1 Crochet Pattern "Gnome Frodo" (doll) In this Crochet Pattern, I show you how to create a magical image of a fairy-tale Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in the village of gnomes, called Habalon. Crochet Pattern is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours)
$22.00 $19.99
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Attention! PDF file is sent by email.  Master - Class on knitting the magic girl Gnome Koudelka (part 2: clothes). MK consists of 106 sheets and 403 high quality photographs. The complexity of the master class is average. Buy 1 part MK Gnomochka Koudelka (doll) In this MK, I show you how to create bright magical clothes and complete the image of a fabulous Gnome, one of the characters of a whole people living in a village of gnomes called Habalon. MK is dedicated to all those who are ready to surround themselves with the world of magic and beauty, and also create a magical image of a gnome. ***Knitting instructions are presented in Russian in PDF format (with the ability to copy the text and translate using a google translator) !!! I will send the PDF file with the pattern to your email within 30 minutes. (max 3 hours) Внимание! этот мастер класс только по вязанию одежды для куклы,  файл PDF высылается на email.  Мастер - Класс по вязанию волшебной Гномочки Кудельки (2 часть: одежда). МК состоит из 106 листов и 403 фотографий высокого качества. Сложность мастер–класса средняя. Купить 1 часть МК Гномочка Куделька (кукла) В этом МК, я Вам показываю как создать яркую волшебную одежду и завершить образ сказочной Гномочки, одного из персонажей целого народа, живущего в деревне гномов, под названием Хабалон. МК посвящается всем тем, кто готов окружить себя миром магии и красоты , а так же создать волшебный образ гномочки.
$22.00 $19.99
miniature plush toys in cases
Vendor: Bluemary
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Axolotl minecraft toy is available in 4 color variations: pink, white, blue, yellow, lilac. Models do not contain solid parts. Axolotls are soft and pleasant to the touch. A nice detail is the presence of pixel blocks, which are inherent in computer axolotls. This soft toy in the shape of an axolotl from Minecraft is a wonderful gift for a gamer. It will decorate the interior of the children's room, distract the child from playing at the computer. SIZE length - 15 inches (37 cm) See more my products: COLORS Screen colors may vary slightly from actual colors. GOOD TO KNOW All toys are made by hand with great care and love! I hope you enjoy our plush toys! ***NOT OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG This product is based on ideas from License - Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License 3.0
$58.32 $34.99
Retro industrial lamp, Industrial bulb light, Vintage metal lights, Retro light bulb lamp, Table lamps for sale, Industrial pipe table lamp Table lamp "Sunlight Flare" vendor code 01-27 Height: 35 cm (1ft 1.78in) Weight: 10 kg (22lb 0.740oz). Frame diameter: 18 cm (7.09in). Standards for bulb: E12, E14, E17, E26, E27. Wire length: 70 cm (2ft 3.56in). Switch: on the wire, at a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Switch is put on the wire, at the customer's order at any distance from the lamp. A light bulb is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and meets all electrical standards. Materials: cast iron, steel, bronze Fireproof rubber plug. At a distance of 15-30 cm (5.91 - 11.8in) from the lamp. Paint (lacquer): American Accents. As the bottom of the lamp has a soft pad, it can be placed on any surface. Copies of the item can be produced within 5 days after order. They might have slight differences in a few details, however, the general concept of the original shall be preserved. Every lamp will be equipped with a plug of your country. The lamp can be operated at any temperature and humidity, in any room and withstands any fluctuations in the voltage of the electrical network. The table lamp is suitable for operation in any electrical network. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● If you have purchased one product, then for each additional 10% discount. * For purchase and delivery overseas please contact us via skype (bayarddd) or email (
Antique wooden Mongolian chess .carved.hand painted,there are minor defects,they can be seen in the photo,without restoration,full set.
Vendor: White Rook
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5 decks, cartes Gwynt, 536 cartes - TOUTES les cartes ! ---> Langue : _FRANÇAIS ! -30% DE RÉDUCTION ! +4 GEMMES DE VIE EN CADEAU (regardez la dernière photo) +Guide de jeu ver. 2.0 en allemand en cadeau ! 5 ponts comprend : -Deck Scoia'tael en français (108 cartes) -Jeu Skellige en français (105 cartes) -Jeu Nilfgaard en français (106 cartes) -Deck de monstres en français (108 cartes) -Jeu de Temeria en français (109 cartes) Cartes officielles taille 59*113 mm (2,3*4,5 pouces). Les cartes sont PROFESSIONNELLEMENT fabriquées par une société de cartes de poker en mai 2021. EXTRA-Papier photo finlandais laminé épais de haute qualité (papier glacé 320 g/m2, ). La plastification double face donne un peu de brillance et protège la carte des dommages et de la contamination. ----- Attention, s'il vous plaît! D'autres vendeurs annoncent que leurs ensembles sont complets, contenant toutes les cartes GWINT. Ce n'est tout simplement pas vrai. La plupart des vendeurs d'ensembles en ligne n'incluent pas l'extension Alternate Art "Ballad Heroes", les 3e exemplaires de certaines "cartes spéciales" et les dernières CARTES BLOOD AND WINE, HEARTS OF STONE et THRONE BREAKER. ----- TOUTES LES 536 CARTES INCLUSES : -les cartes habituelles ; -les cartes de chef ; -cartes neutres ; -cartes spéciales ; -Cartes Ballad Heroes ; +CARTES MALADIE CRIMSON +CARTES SANG ET VIN +CARTES COEURS DE PIERRE +CARTES BRISEUR DE TRNE _______________ -30% DE REMISE! +4 GEMMES DE VIE EN CADEAU (regardez la dernière photo) +2 Guides de jeu Gwynt ver. 2.0 en cadeau ! *Toutes les cartes sont prêtes à être envoyées - vous n'avez pas besoin d'attendre la production. *Nous envoyons tous nos colis par avion (inclus dans le prix). Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter via le système de messagerie. Bonne chance dans le jeu et bonne journée!
$100.00 $69.90
Длина корпуса мотра: 30 mm Диаметр корпуса 28 мм Диаметр вала: 4 mm. Вес мотора: 83 грамма. Тип магнитов ротора: неодим/железо/бор 150о Максимальная мощность мотора: 500 Watt Четыре посадочных отверствия с резьбой М3
On it, I won everything that could be won. Boat length 570 mm. Hull, with pasted partition. The whole central part of the bottom is lined with carbon fir boats for armor-piercing! Hull weight 178 - 185 grams. Ecomaster Cup 2013 - 2nd place in the class ECO standard.  Ukrainian Championship 2011 ECO Standard. Ukrainian Championship 2007 ECO Standard, Expert, Team.  Belarus Championships 2007 ECO standard. Russian Championship 2007 in ECO Standard, Expert. This hull - our "attack aircraft carrier" ... :)
Save 39%
Axolotl Minecraft toy is now available in 4 colors: pink, white, blue, yellow, lilac. These amazing Axolotl creatures are made of materials that are soft and pleasant to the touch. The similarity to computer axolotls is the presence of pixel blocks. This soft toy in the shape of an axolotl from Minecraft is a wonderful gift for a growing gamer. SIZE length - 15 inches (37 cm) See more my products: COLORS Screen colors may vary slightly from actual colors. GOOD TO KNOW All toys are made by hand with great care and love! I hope you enjoy our plush toys! ***NOT OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG This product is based on ideas from License - Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License 3.0
$57.60 $34.99
Original Minsk Belarus USSR plastic chess set. Beautiful vintage soviet chess. Board is 42 cm. King is 6 cm. Pawn is 5 cm. Figurines in great condition,board with signs of wear.seen in the photo.
Vendor: White Rook
6 of books soft binding A.Liliental V.Mikenas S.Furman A.Konstantinopolskiy V,Panov A.Zaytsev publishing house Moskov"physical culture and sport" 1985-1989, In books 159-190 pages.
Vendor: White Rook
Materials: plywood, leather The surface is processed with water-based environmentally friendly paint. Zebra's head is painted by hand. We use a genuine leather for saddle and bridle. Size: length 93 cm, height 53 cm, width 33 The rocking horse made by hand using traditional English technology. The youngest riders from the age of one can safely swing on a horse because it’s well-balanced and has a comfortable backing. This toy can be a perfect Christmas or Birthday present for your baby and can became a treasured family possession for many years You are welcome to visit our store: , where you can see all assortments of Veslo Company
It’s widely believed nowadays that the games should help to learn, even when it comes to really little kids and even babies. So let us introduce a mix of practicality, education and fun. It is sooo exciting playing that adults do it with their children! A personalized name puzzle is a great way to make children feel special and loved and help them learn their own names at the same time. We have found an ideal size and got it. Now there are light, lasting and easy usable for 0-3 year kids! This simple and nice toy helps them to develop many skills - motor skills, colour & shape recognition, helps them to learn to read and to know how to spell their names, it is breathtaking for a little developer. We provide: - a wide range of colours (there are 18 colour schemes - 23 colours in a palette to create your on scheme) - designs (there are 22 extra elements that you can add before or after the text, and if you want to add a different element, we will do it for you) - sizes for you to choose from, so that the puzzle could perfectly match a child’s room design and work not only as a toy, but also as a beautiful decoration, if you want, you can attach it to the wall and all visitors will admire it! Beside that, there are extra options: - to colour background under the text, - to engrave something on the other side of the puzzle, - to order a stand for your puzzle, - to use Greek, Arabic, German letters or make an accent to one letter, - to wrap it into gorgeous gift paper. We added a lots variations for uniqueness of your puzzle! All the details you can see on the photos. Puzzle length varies from 8 to 24 inches, depending on the number of letters. Puzzle width is 3,35 inches. It was made for best matching for your requests. Besides, we use birch plywood and water-based ink to craft the puzzles. Your design + various size + comfortable puzzle details - ecology harm = ideal present for your family and close people. Self-designed puzzle can decorate every room! If you have a question, write feedback, we will help you as soon as possible! ‼️TERMS and CONDITIONS for SAFE USE‼️ 1. Do NOT LEAVE the child alone while he/she is playing the puzzle. 2. Ensure that the child does not take small parts for him.
Vendor: BusyPuzzle
New version, ECO expert, from Ecomaster. Boat that goes directly *from the table*   Over the past two racing seasons, we have found the ideal position inserts all internally in the boat. Motorholder, propeller shaft line, steering ruder . This is essential for fast and high-quality drive this boat. Win Poland Tenshock Cup2016 in class ECO Expert. Win Baltic Cup 2016 in class ECO Expert. Win Swiss Cup 2017 in class ECO Expert. Win Belgian Cup 2017 in class ECO Expert. Win Spain championship 2017 in class ECO Expert Win Ukrainian Championship 2017 in class ECO Expert. Win Ecomaster Cup 2017 in class ECO Expert. Win Swiss Cup 2018 in class ECO Expert. Win Ukrainian Championship 2018 in class ECO Expert. Win Ecomaster Cup 2018 in class ECO Expert. Win Swiss Cup 2019 in class ECO Expert. Win Ukrainian Championship 2019 in class ECO Expert. Win Ecomaster Cup 2019 in class ECO Expert.   * Bottom of the boat is made from carbon kevlaf fiber - for greater strength of hull. * Boat glued to the inside of all the necessary installation electronics.   Compelct of delivery:   Was glued: * Steering column has ruder and all co-parts. * Mounting servos * Motorholder * Propeller shaft line. * Have the propeller shaft of the wire 2 mm, with the adapter under 3 mm, for mounting the propeller. * Coupling 2.00 x 4.00 mm. for connecting the motor shaft and propeller shaft - in complect. * Shortstop power circuits (emergency stop) - the requirement of the rules. * Paste the power wires from the emergency switch on the controller and the battery. * Set the suction hose and tubes for water cooling of motor and ESC. * In hull, cut holes for the intake and take out of water in case of hull revolution.   In boat installed:   * Brushless electric motor Tenshock Viper 1530 3100KV wish wathercooling, coupling connecting it to the propeller shaft. * Sharpened and precision balanced propeller for this boat. From stainless steel. 30 mm diameter. * Electric speed controller ZTW 80A,wish wathercooling, and fully water protection. * Servo Corona 268. Metal gear. * LiPo Battery for limiter: 3S1P 5800 mAh And yet ... In the battle ....   Boat is almost no need to set up on the water ..
Full complet of competition level race boat  HYDRO  1 class. Complet: Hull: TYP Exe 2,5 Carbon/kevlar fiber. Motor: Tenshock Viper 1530/8/3480KV with Tenshock watercooling. ESC: 100A watercooling, and full waterproofing. LiPo: 3S1P 5800 mAh Limiter pack. Servo: 30×15×30 metal gear, BB. Prop: Tenshock CNC 36 mm, 2 Blades.   Full assembled and ready to go complet
New shaftline for ECO class. Steinless steel tube 3×2 mm. Shaft 1,5×3.0 mm, with chrome coating. Bronze bearing. Adapter: for installation propeller DD 3mm  This shaftline made for installation in all eco/fsre boats. Maximum possible diameter of propeller: 33 mm. Shaftline made for best competition level results!
Our most successful for today boat is available in very limited quantities. Many time, this hull in full, 6 participants race, have 50+ laps results . Colors of hull: red, yellow, white, green. Complete of delivery: Was glued: * Rudder holder, rudder, wish all needed parts.  * Servo mounting. (for servo TYP Hitec 81)  * Motor mount for 28/29 mm motor diameter. * Shaft line with 1,5 mm shaft. * Have propeller shaft of the wire 1,5 mm, with adapter M4/3mmDD for screwing propeller. Coupling 1.50 x 4.00 mm. for connecting motor shaft and propeller shaft - complete. * Shortstop power circuits (emergency stop) - the requirement of the rules. * Paste the power wires from the emergency switch on the controller and battery. * Installed ingouing and utgouing wayer pipes, for motor/esc watercooling. * In hull, cut hole for intake and outgoing of water, for hull coup system.   You need to install: * Propeller * Servo for rudder * Motor Controller
Fox wood plate, pyramid stacker toy, lacing toy and hopping bunny
Vendor: WanderwoodCo
miniature plush toy
Vendor: Bluemary
Dodo bird with pink collar
Vendor: Bluemary
Let me introduce your attention to the incredible Bone Carved Miniature of Madonna and Child, Handmade Carved Icon of Virgin Mary and Child Jesus, 7*6*2.5 cm, 87 g. It is made from bone (e l k  h o r n). Handmade item.
Gloomstalker's Character Dashboard
Vendor: TowerRex
Custom plush toy. Custom doll  . starecrown Plush. starecrown Toy. CherryCoolToys 
brawl stars squeak plush toy 
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Crochet Pattern: "Elf Zlatoust" Part 2  (Clothes + Accessory) Dive into the Elf Fashion World! ✨  Attention! This is only Part 2: CLOTHES  ✨ Crochet Pattern "Elf Zlatoust (clothes)" is a magical journey into the world of fantasy and adventure, designed for those who love to create their own fairy tale. This pattern, specifically focusing on clothing and accessories, allows you to bring the enchanting Elf Zlatoust to life with your own hands.   ✨  Get Ready for the Adventure ✨ Part 2 - CLOTHING includes detailed descriptions, step-by-step photos, and 2 training videos. Consisting of 232 sheets and 521 photos, you'll learn the art of crafting the perfect wardrobe for your fairy-tale Elf, with a height of 40 cm. (***the height of the toy depends on the materials used). Dedicated to those who are ready to embrace the world of magic and beauty, this pattern is an invitation to create your own enchanting elf companion. Immerse yourself in the intricate world of elf fashion with this Crochet Pattern. From charming outfits to delightful accessories, you'll learn the art of crafting the perfect wardrobe for your fairy-tale Elf. ✨  "The link to the pattern will be emailed to you within 3 hours of payment, usually faster  ✨ Knitting instructions are presented in Russian (with the ability to copy the text and translate using Google Translate). Unleash your creativity and embark on the enchanting journey of crafting your very own Elf Zlatoust!  Click here. Don't forget to watch the first part of "Elf Zlatoust (Doll)"
$22.00 $19.99
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Handmade toy which is based on Hollow Knight (Unofficial) The toy is made of safe and high-quality textiles. We remind you: toy is a wonderful gift for any holiday! SIZE height - 8 inches (21 cm) COLORS Screen colors may vary slightly from actual colors. GOOD TO KNOW All toys are made by hand with great care and love! I hope you enjoy our plush toys!
$57.99 $34.79
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Plim Plim Clown plush toy (Unofficial) The toy is made of safe and high-quality textiles. We remind you: toy is a wonderful gift for any holiday! SIZE height - 11,8 inches (30 cm) See more my products: COLORS Screen colors may vary slightly from actual colors. GOOD TO KNOW All toys are made by hand with great care and love! I hope you enjoy our plush toys!
$72.00 $43.19
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Original knitting patterns - We knit a toy Pony Mang 8 inches high based on BT21/ Knitting pattern for beginners is offered in PDF format, including 6 pages. The knitting pattern in English is clear and easy to read. In any case, as a result of this knitted project, you will get a good result and pleasant emotions. This is my own pattern. It is copyrighted and intended for personal use only. Pattern will be posted immediately. I suggest you look at my other knitting patterns! Thank you for your interest in my toys and knitting patterns!
$4.99 $3.00
Materials: solid walnut wood The surface of our product is processed with beeswax-based linseed. We use a genuine leather for saddle and bridle. The backing is decorated of sharpened balusters. Size: length 93 cm, height 53 cm, width 33 The youngest riders from the age of one can safely swing on a horse because it’s well-balanced and has a comfortable backing. The rocking horse can be a perfect present to the first birthday of your baby and became a treasured family possession for many years. Please email us, if you would like to make a custom order. > you can choose color for the saddle and bridle (red / pink / mint / grey / violet) > it can be used vegan leather for harness > we can carve the name of your child on the wooden horse. Please write to us in conversations if you would like to order the horse with vegan leather OR change the color of saddle and bridle (it can be red/cherry/light brown/dark brown/black) The rocking horse made by hand in Ukraine using traditional English technology. You are welcome to visit our store: , where you can see all assortments of Veslo Company.