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DENAS-PCM 6 Multi language Original + Practical Guide to DENS-therapy ENG


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This DENAS device is FDA APPROVED AS HOME DEVICE UPC# 4607050640888

which NO NEED the prescription




LATEST most advanced model

  XXI  century medicine 


DENAS PCM 6 DiaDENS  PCM 6 - an expert in the field of neurostimulation therapy. 

Novelty advanced design combined with advanced arsenal of treatment options.

12 new treatment MODI 
24 NEW automated program


The new multilingual DENAS PCM 6 Provides another important difference and  advantage.

As the proud owner of MTM PCM 6th generation, you will be able, one of the five  languages ​​to choose from:


The prior art chip inside all the inscriptions and names of programs change your  selected language. PEMA  society further by putting the handset in five languages ​​in the world  technology.


DENAS PCM - an expert in the field of DENS-therapy. Universal  machine is equipped with a range of treatment programs for first-aid treatment  and course of the most common diseases and symptoms. ,  Operations are used the unit for a long time without addiction and reduction of  impact in the treatment of pain, movement disorders, recovery from injury. The  possibility of creation of individual treatment regimens from.


DiaDENS Devices represent the latest in non-invasive, high-performance medical  technology for the implementation of a cutaneous method in electron therapy. Connect  the diagnostic capabilities of the MTM device with full method. The  basis of this therapy, neuro-like, dynamically changed momentum, unique to the  particular state of an organism


In addition to the well-established regime ( "therapy" of 20 to 200 Hz, and the  MED program mode "Screening") amounted to subsonic frequency range of 1 to 10 Hz  and modulated modes "7710" and "77AM". 
This "filling" is of great importance when it comes to long-term care,  rehabilitation and the need for individual recipes to create procedures. 


Treatment programs - 24 express treatment programs most common diseases and  conditions: 
Therapy 1 to 9.9 Hz - subsonic frequencies for individual choice of stimulation  parameters. 
Therapy 10, 20 Hz - universal correction ways mental and emotional state, and  hormonal imbalances. 
Therapy 60, 77, 140 Hz - special arrangements for the pain, swelling and  inflammation, rehabilitation in diseases of the joints and spine. 
Therapy 200 Hz - quick mode of anesthesia. 
THE program - rehabilitation after physical and mental overwork, disease  prevention. 
Therapy 7710 and 77AM - modulated modes with a relaxing and invigorating effect. Modes  added to the model in 2014 
Screening - help you to choose the most appropriate treatment area. 

Menu to a front view and the machine, the treatment as pleasant and effective  for a person of any age. 
The user conducting tests using the DiaDENS PCM has a wide choice with respect  to frequencies, modes and programs.


The two-section electric neuro adaptive stimulator (DENAS  PCM) has been developed as a result of clinical trials and pilot tests in  hospitals of Moscow and Ekaterinburg. Modified  data of the device allow to improve the efficiency of the result and expansion  of after-effect of treatment 

The device can be applied leads to two zones, and acupressure points using a  portable coaxial electrode, the potentiation of the self-regulating responses of  the human body. The  new technological development of the company advantageously differs from its  prototype not only by the design and ergonomic features, but its main difference  is the improved parameters of the electrical signal, the copies of the maximum  endogenous neuron-like pulse with dominance of information component allows an  increase in the effect of anti-stress reactions of training and activation. Device  principle of operations allows the diagnosis of the most efficient treatment  zones, to assist in the location each patient with any disease in any given time  interval (period of treatment is regulated as required by the human body) is the  device. 
Due to the fact that any subsequent pulse have a different effect compared to  the previous one, the non-dependency of the body is on the operation of the  device practically ensured. The  device influences positively to all mechanisms of the development of fears,  ensures positive results in the treatment of numerous diseases and syndromes  without drugs or significantly reduce their height. The  direct influence of the physical and mechanical factors that have damaging a  large reserve of kinetic energy of heat (burns), chemical (burns) and allergic  nature the skin is eliminated. 
The general reaction of the body sanogenetic in three interconnected and  interdependent systems of regulation of the human body - the nervous, endocrine  and immune modulating -Responsible for homeostasis and adaptation. During  the application of the short pulse of high amplitude non-invasive stimulation of  the skin, a local reaction by somatic and autonomic afferents exteroreceptors  (ascending nerve tracts) goes to spinal cord segments (segment-reaction) and to  the segments, the flow of impulses in the central nervous system (master ,  limbic reticular structures, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex of the brain) ..

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Indications are adopted in strict accordance with the International Statistical  Classification of Diseases and Health Problems of the 10th review by the 43rd  World Health Assembly where


• Nervous system disorders 
• Endocrine diseases, more nutritious and metabolic disorders Hypothyroidism 
• Mental and behavioral disorders 
• circulatory diseases 
• respiratory system DISEASES 
• digestive organs DISEASES 
• Skin and subcutaneous fat DISEASES 
• diseases of the bones, muscles and CONNECUTIVE TISSUE 
• diseases of the eye and adnexa 
• diseases of the ear and mastoid 
• Urogenital DISEASES 
• pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum 
• CERTAIN CONDITIONS Published in perinatal 
• Symptoms and ADAPTATION FROM NORM during clinical and laboratory tests FOUND  OUT 
• Injury, poisoning, effects of foreign body penetration, thermal and chemical  burns, frostbite, complications of surgical and therapeutic interventions 
• oncological diseases (symptomatic aid) 
• Diseases of infantile AGE 
• Cosmetic PROBLEMS 
• Sports medicine

   This  is how you have at home own doctor!



1. The power supply: 
2 AA batteries included 2 pieces 
2. Duration of series of pulses, mksec .. 0.3 to 5.5 
3. duration of the pause between series of pulses, sec .. 1.5 0.7 + 
4. frequency of pulses in a row, Hz 
- 10 + -2 for MED and screening 
- 20 + -2 - 20 + -2 - 20 + -2 
- 60 + -2 
- 77 + -2 
- 77 + -2 and 10 + -2 modulated with Frequency2 + -0.1Hz 
- 77 + -2 Amplitude Modulation 
- 140 + -5 
- 200 + -5 
- Constant mode ... 77 + 2 2RANGE

in the "test", "screening" - 10 Hz 
in the "Therapy" - from 1 to 9.9 Hz - 0.1 increments, 20, 60, 77, 7710, 77AM,  140, 200 Hz 
in the "MED" - 10 Hz

5. amplitude of a pulse, V ... not less than 50 
6. Time of continuous work (with a source without recharging), h ... not less  than 400 hours of 
7. Weight of the device kg ... not more than 0.4 
8. With a remote electrode and support ... Not more than 0.7 
9. Dimensions, mm 145x55x55 ...

1.Electrostimulator "DiaDENS PCM". 

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The device of complex therapy EL The device of complex therapy ELITON Description ELITON has a tremendous treatment potential. We present to your attention an effective remedy to combat a wide range of  diseases, modern physiotherapy device ELITON, designed specifically for self-use  in the home. Due to its device, the medical device ELITON has the widest  treatment possibilities, since it is able to exert a complex effect on the human  body. Our online store presents you with robust, comfortable and compact ELITON  devices, whose spectrum of action includes the generation of several types of  radiation at once, which have a diverse effect on the state of organs and  tissues of the human body, including: Low frequency pulse current Pulsed electromagnetic oscillations of low intensity Infrared radiation Ultraviolet radiation Mechanical sound wave oscillations All this provides ample opportunities for the treatment of  various diseases, while the control of the ELITON device allows ordinary users,  without special medical education, to customize the device independently. In  addition to alleviating the condition in various diseases, the ELITON device can  be used as a prophylactic agent for improving body resistance, as well as for  acupressure on biologically active points - electroacupuncture reflexotherapy,  using special electrodes that are included in the product package. In our store  you can at an affordable price buy original ELITON devices with the capabilities  of quantum, vibro-acoustic, electro-puncture, electromagnetic effects on the  body, the use of which will allow you to cure the widest range of diseases at  home, as well as provide invaluable support to your immunity.   ** Effective in treatment: ** - hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure. - chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma. - obesity, headache, neurosis, encephalopathy, Raynaud's syndrome. - gastritis, ulcers, intestinal dyskinesia. - cystitis, pyelonephritis. - dermatitis, urticaria. - osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis. - post-traumatic syndromes, after fractures, complex operations related to  trauma. How to treat? Affects the skin with light and vibrational vibrations. The treatment involves low-frequency currents (as in the offices of  electrotherapy clinics), thermal effects, electromagnetic oscillations. The impact of the device on the nerve endings of skin cells and acupuncture  points. According to eastern medicine, each acupuncture point has its own organ. What result? Among 147 patients who used the device, 85% had a cardiac spasm and a heaviness  in the heart. With daily use, 71% of patients got rid of insomnia, 78% had a general  irritability. The device increases the body's defenses, is relevant during recovery and during  off-season periods. With daily use, relieves pain in muscles and joints, eliminates hemorrhage,  swelling. Restores the lumen of blood vessels in otosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Regulates and normalizes metabolic processes in the body, eliminates the effects  of obesity, which leads to natural healing. Relieves spasms of different origin: intestinal colic, recurrent pain in women,  headache and toothache, thereby reducing the negative impact on the body of  traditional medicines ... Relieves spasms during an attack of bronchial asthma. Stimulates cleansing of the skin, liver and bile ducts. Regulates the liver and  biliary tract. Normalizes blood pressure. "Eliton" is used to enhance the effect in the treatment of traditional methods. Contraindications - Oncological diseases - Pulmonary tuberculosis (active form) - Myocardial infarction (acute period) - Cyst (to affect the area of ​​cyst formation) - Pregnancy - The presence of an implanted pacemaker - Severe renal failure FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good  luck!
Vendor: a-store
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Denas Cardio-3 generation SPECIA Denas   Cardio-3 generation SPECIALIZED UNIT FOR CORRECTION OF BLOOD PRESSURE DENAS SCENAR technology   The device DENAS-Cardio is  designed for therapeutic non-invasive (without breaking the skin) exchange rate  effects on biologically active zones - dynamic electric in order to correct the  blood pressure (BP) and the normalization of the general state of the organism.  The device is shown to persons older than 14 years with a labile form of  arterial hypertension and patients with persistent high blood pressure (hypertension)  as an additional impact on the background of drugs taken. Electrical apparatus  DENAS Cardio helps to normalize the tone of the vascular wall, the expansion of  capillaries, improve hemodynamics in the microcirculation system. In this way: -  stabilizes blood pressure to an acceptable level for the patient; - Improves  overall health; - Improve the psycho-emotional state; - Increased efficiency; -  Reduced risk of developing complications of hypertensive disease; - Improving  the quality of life of the patient. Denas Cardio device is designed for a course  of treatment of patients with hypertension as a complementary treatment to the  background of the basic drug therapy. In exchange application Denas Cardio  device stabilizes blood pressure, improves overall health, which leads to lower  drug load. In addition, regular use of the machine - is prevention of  hypertensive crises, life-threatening complications and the possibility of  extending the lives of patients. The device is very easy to use, it is equipped  with an informative display with large icons, a wide and soft collar for fixing  the wrist and shin, a case for storage and transportation. application Denas Cardio has two automated treatment programs that are intended to affect  the area of ​​biologically active points on the forearm (program number 1) and  the tibia (program number 2). According to the program number 1 is carried out on the impact of biologically  active point-guan it on the inner surface of the wrist (3 cm from the  radiocarpal fold). Stimulation of her weak-guan pulse current, which produces  Denas Cardio, has sedative, anti-stress effect, by which normal blood pressure.  Before a session in the program number 2 device DENAS-Cardio is put on the foot.  On the inside of the lower leg is biologically active point-san yin jiao, which  adjusts the stimulation of blood pressure due to the normalization of renal  blood flow. One program perfectly complements the other, so to obtain a greater  effect on the session, it is recommended to treat first the program number 1,  then - in the program number 2. To conduct this session you need to change the  location of the unit (with wrist shin) and manually change the treatment program  - with first to second - via the front panel buttons. Programs Denas Cardio can  be used not only together, but separately. Recommendations for use in the course  of exposure: spend 1-2 sessions a day for 10-15 days regardless of blood  pressure before treatment indicators. When a stable form of hypertension repeat  courses monthly. There are contraindications. For proper devices DENS procedures,  as well as to determine the optimum combination with other treatments is  required to read the instructions for use and consult with a specialist. DENAS-Cardio. application   Characteristics The kit includes: - Apparatus DENAS-Cardio, - manual, - Plastic case, - Elements LR6 / AA batteries. Specifications: Power supply: 1.5 V LR6 / AA (2 pcs.) Weight: 0.35 kg Dimensions: 120 × 110 × 110 mm The programs Denas Cardio device used frequency of 9.2; 8.1; 3.3; 77; 20; 10 Hz,  which is traditionally recommended for the treatment of hypertension, blood  pressure correction and obtain general sedative, calming effect.    
Vendor: a-store
   Capacitors is made in USSR . NEW, OLD STOCK. LOT OF 10      Payment Details:    We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal.     Shipping Details: Tubes comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome! The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON Guarantee of qualitative packing     D e s c r i p t i o n • The MBM (Metal-Paper-Metal) is a quality Russian's paper capacitor.  • The conductor is made of aluminum foil and the dielectric is waxed paper.  • The body is made of aluminum.   Electrical parameters: Capacitance - 0,01uF ± 10% Voltage - 750V   Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck!   
Vendor: a-store
4pcs x Matrix-VLOK applicators for intravenous irradiation of blood laser therapy "Matrix-VLOK" - the device for intravenous laser irradiation of blood Set "Matrix-VLOK" - is the latest development of the domestic certified Research "Matrix" center in the field of laser therapy.  The very title of the unit laid his appointment - intravenous laser irradiation of blood,  based on photobiological effects on all its elements. In order to understand what is the usefulness of VLOK procedures must first ask the question:  why different types of blood tests are so important in laboratory diagnosis? The fact that any process occurring in the body, one way or another, affect the blood condition.  After all, our blood - a "railroad" the entire body, providing vital functions of each organ.  And if possible reverse process: whether it is possible to influence through the correction  of the composition of human blood on his health and well-being.  Today, the answer is simple - yes! Modern innovative medicine available one of the most effective and easiest ways to hemocorrection - intravenous laser therapy. blood cells What is VLOK? VLOK (intravenous laser irradiation of blood) - is one of the most effective types of modern physiotherapy,  without which today physicians hardly imagine an extensive list of treatments of diseases.  Until recently, this technique is considered experimental,  but the high therapeutic effectiveness VLOK very quickly been recognized by the medical community.  All, without exception, "Matrix" devices have been certified. Thanks to its highly exposed to intravascular laser irradiation of blood on a human life-support system  and internal organs are activated in their work, resulting in a correction of violations that exist in the body.  Used radiation of various wavelengths - from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR).  For this purpose, the apparatus is provided alternately connect emitters with different wavelengths.  This feature significantly improves the efficiency of VLOK procedures, expanding capabilities of the device. How does the unit "Matrix-VLOK"? The superficial cubital vein give birth to a disposable optical fiber and left there for some time.  The clinical effect occurs by the end of the treatment course, consisting of 5 - 10 sessions,  lasting up to 20 - 30 minutes and remains stable for several months.  If necessary, a second course of treatment after 2 - 3 months at considerable severity of the disease.  Already after the first treatment in most cases considerably even a small improvement. The device has an automatic timer and digital display duration of the procedure.  It provides for continuous adjustment and digital control of the radiation power.  During the VLOK procedures are used sterile disposable fibers KIVL-01 with a needle, which are connected to a special terminal emitter. The safety and comfort of laser therapy have an effective impact on the health and human health - soft and delicate.  The therapeutic effect can last from four to six months. The effect VLOK on various organs and systems: Anti-inflammatory - quick and efficient removal of all signs of inflammation (swelling of tissues, pain, etc...),  Significantly higher than for all of the known pharmacological action of drugs. Anti-virus, anti-bacterial - due to the rapid and persistent strengthening of the immune system,  increasing the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, increase tissue resistance to the damaging effects of microorganisms. Increased sensitivity to drugs that can reduce their dosage (antibiotics, hormones, nitrates, psychotropic and so on. d.). Increased blood oxygen capacity and improved oxygenation of organs and tissues. Normalization and stimulation of regenerative and metabolic processes. Stimulation of the regeneration, improving the functional properties of erythrocytes. Anti-allergic. Of detoxification - with considerable severity of the disease. Hormone stimulating - tonic effect on the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, mammary glands (lactation stimulation). Cardiovascular - removal of spasm and dilation of small and medium diameter.  Increased capillary network in the pathological focus. Absorption mikrotrombov.  Reduced blood viscosity. Lowering elevated blood clotting. Stimulation of exchanging and increasing the level of oxygen in the tissues.  Lowering blood cholesterol. Antienzyme - decreased secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas. Pulmonary - improved respiratory function. Bronchodilator effect. The versatility and effectiveness of this treatment contribute VLOK use both alone and in combination with other treatments. Why is it necessary to use invasive (intravenous) method, rather than external radiation, which is easier and cheaper? When passing through the skin are lost important properties of laser radiation. If used fiber length less than 20 cm, the laser beam passes substantially without disrupting their spatio-temporal organization. laser interaction with biological tissues is multifactorial.  These processes affect not only the absorption coefficient and scattering, multipath. All this is considered invasive (iv) exposure. For external radiation exposure method is not only loses its "medicinal" properties, but also scattered in the surrounding tissues completely unpredictable and, therefore, not possible to reliably control the exposure dose. Intravenous laser irradiation of blood Clinic "Neo Vita" is constantly expanding list of innovative therapies.  One of the latest scientific research is an intravenous laser irradiation of blood using the "Matrix" system, has a powerful healing effect on the human body. The essence of this procedure is in the intravascular laser irradiation of blood, which occurs via activation of the internal organs and body systems.  For this purpose the surface is put cubital vein disposable optical fiber through which laser beams in a certain power enter the blood within 20-30 minutes. The clinic «Neo-Vita» intravenous laser irradiation of blood is carried out as an independent and physiotherapy treatment, it comes in a set of procedures for the treatment of various diseases.  The therapy is carried out by qualified professionals who have appropriate qualifications and have been approved to carry out such procedures. In most cases, improvement is felt after the first session.  The duration of treatment and frequency of treatments is determined by a doctor for each patient individually,  usually from 5 to 10 procedures. The results of the therapeutic effect of stored up to 6 months The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE    WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Vendor: a-store
Apparatus for galvanizing and drug electrophoresis "ELFOR-TRAC"   "Elfor-prof" is intended for use in physiotherapy offices clinics, hospitals, health centers,  dental clinics and at home. The electronic current stabilizer (regardless of the patient's skin resistance changes in current intensity remains unchanged) Convenient digital current indicator Infinitely adjustable current, The timer in increments of 5 minutes, Audible alarm and automatic shut-off device at the end of the procedure, Compatible with any electrodes for DC Elfor-prof is designed based on the latest technologies and achievements of digital electronics. Registration certificate № 29/06060701 / 2742-01 Certificate of Conformity № ROSS RU.ME03.VO5877 Power supply unit 220 +/- 20 V The maximum current through the electrodes to 50 mA Current range 0-5 mA Current range 0-50 mA Digital power meter with an accuracy of ± 0,1 mA Electronic stabilization of the operating current of +/- 10% Timer up to 30 minutes in increments of 5 minutes installation Sound indication of the end of the procedure has Overall dimensions of the housing, not more than mm 250h170h100 Weight of the device is not more than 2 kg Package ELFOR prof: Apparatus ELFOR-prof 1 piece. Current lead (two types) Current wires of 2 types. Connectors such as "crocodile" 4 pcs. Connector pin 4 pcs. Reusable of Conductive rubber electrodes (dimensions 50h50mm) 4 pcs. Features of the application ELFOR-prof: e current stabilization system. Regardless of the patient's skin resistance changes in current strength remains unchanged.  The system eliminates the possibility of "crowding" the electrode current during the procedure  and eliminates the need for constant monitoring.  The device of the patient protection from uncomfortable feelings can prevent the occurrence  of uncomfortable sensations in the patient in a short circuit or break moment for the  end of the procedure.  At the same time the unit beeps that helps to effectively carry out the procedure,  even the most restless patients. Infinitely adjustable current,  convenient digital display of current, indications of a large glowing digital display easy to read at a distance.  The timer in increments of 5 minutes, its flashing lights indicate the time remaining before  the end of the procedure. The timer automatically turns off the power supply after a time,  and an alarm sound the end of the procedure. In traumatology Prof. ELFOR used for: fractures, bruises, dislocations and subluxations,  sprains, post-operative problems: joints, spikes, deforming osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis,  inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis).  Analgesic, has vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory action, promotes the resorption of infiltration in chronic  and subacute inflammatory processes,  resorption of scars, adhesions, contractures. In gynecology ELFOR-prof is used for: miscarriage, menstrual irregularities, menstrual  and menopausal syndrome, infertility, toxicosis, genital infantilism, pain, adhesions,  chronic inflammation of the appendages and uterus, postoperative rehabilitation.  Relieves spasms of blood vessels and smooth muscle, which improves blood circulation,  resorption of scars, adhesions, contractures, has analgesic effect. In dentistry ELFOR-TRAC is used for: lesions of the peripheral nervous system  (paresis, paralysis of the facial nerve, neuritis, neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve)  damage tissues of the face and mouth, scar-adhesive processes, muscle contractures,  diseases of periodontal (gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease) ,  non-carious lesions and early forms of dental caries, diseases of the salivary glands.  Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vazodilyatornoe trophic effect,  improves hemodynamics, stimulates metabolism, removal of metabolic products  from the pathological focus, regeneration of damaged bone and nerve tissue. In cosmetology ELFOR-prof is used for: skin diseases, all kinds of seborrhea,  dry and aging skin, oily, acne-prone skin, acne scars, all kinds of alopecia,  rosacea, gynoid lipodystrophy (cellulite).  It improves tissue trophism, removes metabolic products of the lesions,  eliminate infiltration of inflammatory processes, stimulating softening and resorption of scarring,  regeneration of damaged tissues, normalizes impaired function, increases the skin's barrier function, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system by galvanizing  and drug electrophoresis apparatus ELFOR-TRAC. One of the most effective and widely used methods of physical therapy is galvanization  and iontophoresis, at which the impact of a constant electric voltage is created on the medical  electrodes mounted on the patient's body.  This leads to a continuous DC (galvanic) current in the tissue located between the electrodes  (galvanizing procedure).  Constant voltage ELFOR Prof. allows you to enter drugs applied to medical electrodes  to the skin and mucous membranes of the patient (the procedure iontophoresis).  The tissue beneath the positive electrode (the anode) increases the content of negative ions  and molecules and significantly reduced the lung concentrations of sodium  and potassium ions, positively charged and a negative electrode (cathode) increases  the content of positive ions and molecules, particularly light sodium and potassium ions.  As a result of the positive electrode (anode) is lifted or relief of pain,  spasm of blood vessels and internal organs, skeletal muscle.  Under the negative electrode (cathode) greatly enhanced local blood circulation,  develops redness (erythema), there is resorption of scar connective tissue, reducing inflammation.  Therefore galvanizing procedure (GA) is indicated for the provision of analgesic,  anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects biodegradable.  In medical practice often used iontophoresis procedure (PE) ELFOR Prof. which is a combined  effect of galvanic current and drugs administered into the body current. First, the galvanic current when LE has inherent self-healing effect, as described above.  Moreover, it becomes a "carrier" medicines moving in an electric field.  Unlike other methods of administration of drugs (tablets, medicine, an injection, enema)  when they get in LE patient body in "purified" form - in the form of ions and molecules without ballast.  Also, galvanic current drug molecule activates, it enhances their specific effectiveness. As a result of the procedures ELFOR Professor in the patient's skin in the area  of ​​influence there "drug depot", which persists for many days and gradually absorbed by the  drug proceeds in the blood. The medicament of the "depot" exerts local and general effects.  Local effects on the skin, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, joints, bones, mucous membranes,  internal organs most pronounced. The overall effect is provided by long-term preservation  of "supporting" the drug concentration in the blood of patients.  Thus LE can be considered as a method of needleless injection of drugs suitable for treating local lesions  and general diseases of the body.  It applies both to the direct impact on the pathological lesions  (wounds, ulcers, frostbite, pressure ulcers, altered bones and joints, sore muscles, ligaments, spine),  and for the administration to the patient overall impact of therapeutic agents. Despite the fact that the drug in the LE enters the body in small amounts, it is expected positive reaction  and effects. Toxic and allergic side effects of medicines thus practically eliminated. For the GA and LE procedures used physiotherapy apparatus ELFOR-TRAC, ELFOR. Apparatus ELFOR-TRAC is intended for use in the medical and health institutions  (hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, sanatorium). ELFOR - a universal device pocket-sized with an independent electric power supply  (9 V) battery type "Emery" or battery (3rd safety class), which is used in medical institutions of any type  and profile, beauty salons, as well as by patients at home .  The device can be used for self-treatment of diseases of various organs  and body systems and, above all, Oda diseases, consequences of injury or damage.  This significantly reduces the drug therapy, thereby reducing the risk  of side effects and possible health damage as well as reduce pharmacy costs.  PE is one of the preferred methods of treatment for patients who have a drug allergy. Power supply "ELFOR" apparatus is not more than 9, the maximum current flowing through  the device electrodes is not more than 20 mA, body dimensions - 60h120h34 mm,  and weight - no more than 200 g Private methods galvanizing and drug electrophoresis. Specific recommendations on the installation location of the electrodes and the use  of medicinal products for electrophoresis, the patient should contact their physician or physiotherapist,  doctor. 1. Deforming osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthritis.  The most common disease of ODA is deforming osteoarthritis and chronic spondillez,  as well as post-traumatic arthritis and arthrosis, arthritis,  for which the most likely to suffer large joints of the lower extremities (knee, ankle, hip).  When spondilleze affects the joints of the transverse processes of the vertebrae.  Deforming osteoarthritis and chronic spondillez occur after 45-50 years,  and the greatest expression of the people they reach the elderly . The frequency of the disease is 35-40% among people aged over 45 years.  The primary cause of deforming osteoarthritis  and chronic spondilleza is degeneration of the articular cartilage  and the gradual replacement of bone tissue.  This occurs as a result of exposure to the initially healthy cartilage of the joints excessive  patient weight (obesity) or as a consequence of the previously migrated injuries,  diseases or hereditary "insolvency" of cartilage.  Damage to cartilage leads to the periodic emergence of an inflammatory response in the joints,  which manifests itself as a worsening of deforming osteoarthritis.  In the period of acute pain increases sharply, there is a local edema,  increased perimeter joints.  In the long-term steady development of diseases of the joints are deformed,  disfigured, their edges appear multiple bony growths - osteophytes.  Come off necrotic pieces of articular cartilage ( "articular mouse")  cause jamming of the joints. The end result of the disease becomes full disability of patients.  Injuries of joints leads to the development of post-traumatic arthritis,  which are different in character similar, but milder course than deforming osteoarthritis.  When deforming osteoarthritis, chronic spondilleze  and posttraumatic arthrosis of the knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, wrist joint,  the small joints of the hands and feet in the acute phase of PE is used local anesthetics,  analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs (novocaine, dipyrone, baralgina, sodium salicylate).   Outside the period of acute arthrosis patients show PE funds improve the status  and power of the articular cartilage and periarticular tissues,  local blood circulation (sulfur, zinc, lithium, iodine, nicotinic acid, aloe extract, mud or mud-pressed). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The  shipping is flat for all world:   FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON  SHIPPING Guarantee of qualitative packing 30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.  We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.   Thanks and good luck! Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Vendor: a-store
Новая страница 1 5Ц4С (5U4S) 5C4S = 5Z4 = 5Z4G = CV1863 Double-anode rectifier Lot of  4 pc.    rectifier is equal to the western 5Z4G,  the only difference compared to a vintage  Brimar is a slightly higher peak inverse voltage at 1400v  in stead of 1350v for the 5Ц4С.  All tubes are  NOS, SAME DATE, .   Name 5C4S Type double-anode rectifier Application alternative current rectification Cathode type oxide,indirect heating Envelope glass Mass,g 55 Filament voltage,V 5 Filament current,A 1,8-2,2 Anode voltage,V 50 Anode current,A 0,3 Socket type rsh5-1 Max.reverse anode voltage,kV 1,35 D e s c r i p t i o n Nixies   is made in USSR. New, old stock.   Rare, not produce now IV-6 are Russian 7-segment VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) tubes, showing digits 0...9 and a decimal point to the right. The size of digits is approximately 10 mm = 0.39 inch Base: 11-wire.   Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store


I am very satisfied with this seller. He had patience with me and patiently answered all my questions. Everything was done to the max and the delivery to Europe was very fast.
Excellent product, good communications, fast shipment! thank you, will buy again
Order was in good shape when it came in. Included paper manual is in Russian but electronic version is in English and unit was programmed to English. Attachments were as ordered and were in good shape. It took just over 5 weeks from ordering to arrival, but given the significant challenges the country is in, this is realistic. Seller was responsive to questions. Had to pay extra shipping here given the current challengs.
The Seller was friendly and cooperative and my order eventually made it through. Shipping for the order leaving the Ukraine was substantially delayed, probably due to the war. Ordered 22 Apr; shipped Apr 26, processed April 29, finally processed by mail destination in Kiev May 27, finally received June 9. The order was as expected other than the add saying it would include an English manual and Practical Guide and that was not what arrived, and I was not notified of the change. Hence the 4 star rather than 5 star rating. The manual that was received is in Russian not English, and no practical guide was included. I suspect that the seller is doing his best under extremely challenging circumstances and shipping delays due to the postal service are outside his control.
pretty good and excellent considering the circumstances.
may we all live in uninteresting times

go well
Great fast service!
Everything was OK, thank you!
great service, they went out of their way to expedite shipping to me. Highly recommended group of people to deal with. A++

Shipping and Policies


This store is integrated with the Western Bid™ e-commerce platform, and Western Bid, Inc. is the Merchant of Record for all purchases made in this store. Therefore, you will see "WESTERN BID" listed as the payee on your PayPal account and credit card statement.

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Terms of Delivery

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Usually delivery takes between one a half and four weeks.

Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and customs clearance, so we cannot guarantee the exact time of arrival.

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- Europe: 1-2 weeks

- Australia: 2-3 weeks (sometimes longer, depending on Australian customs)

- The rest of the world: 2-3 weeks

Delivery method

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You can see the movement of the parcel by a tracking number only in the second stage - 4-6 days after sending your order from our center. We estimate the delivery time to 12-18 days.

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