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Part 5 - Stop! 3 more things you should never do with your good knife!

by Lavky Admin

PART 5 – Stop! 3 More things you should never do with your good knife!

As I said before knives are like children, you don’t want them running out loose without your direction and supervision. So set your rules straight and make sure you don't allow yourself to deviate much from them. Play a good role model in your kitchen!

Extended Checklist on what should be avoided when care for a good knife

1. Don’t use a dull knife!

Dull knives like dull people can be painful to be around and frankly are no fun. With all the effort you put into using a dull blade the chances of injuring yourself increases. We’ve all had that thought that “If I’m around this dull person for one more minute I might kill myself.” Same goes for knives! A dull knife takes all the joy out of cooking.

Dull knives are dangerous species in your kitchen.

2. Don’t use your knives to pick up scraps from hot pans or BBQs!

We always tell our kids not to run around with sharp sticks because you might poke an eye out. Well, guess what, sharp sticks do have some value. They are much better for picking up scraps from the grill that a good knife. The heat alone can cause problems with the knife’s blade.

There is no place for a good knife around hot rack.

3. Don’t cut or chop on the kitchen countertop or thin polyethylene cutting boards!

If you are going to do the job right, you need the right tools, and that goes for cutting boards as well.

There is no cutting on the marble or granite kitchen counter.

Hopefully this checklist will give you some ideas on how to keep your knives in good condition by knowing what NOT to do with them. At you can find varies types of knives – hunting, cooking, kitchen and wedding gift sets that include the cake knife and a server. Pick you favorite type at!