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Part 1 - Crochet Lace Gowns

by Lavky Admin

Part 1 - Crochet Lace Craft

The modern art of true crochet.

Crochet designed handmade gowns, hand clutches or wedding veils are all unique and made with great deal of love and attention to details. But how and when did style of crocheting all start and when?

According to American crochet expert and world traveller Annie Potter, "The modern art of true crochet as we know it today was developed during the 16th century. It became known as 'crochet lace' in France and 'chain lace' in England."

Vintage Lace in its full beauty

Historically, crochet was probably one of the first examples of textile craft. Historical figures such as Queen Victoria, not only set a trend for white wedding dresses, but she also requested a handmade lace-trimmed wedding gown for her wedding to Prince Albert of Germany in 1840.

White Wedding gowns become a trend

It is so important to keep bride's gown flawless through the wedding day. Being aware that wedding guests would track dirt from the unpaved roads into the church, back in 18 century, an usher would roll out a crochet runner once all were seated to ensure that the bride's gown remained impeccable on her walk down the aisle. Obviously somebody back then was thinking outside the box.

White Wedding gowns in our modern world

That’s how handmade lace crochet found its way to be part of all sorts of wedding staples such as veils, corsets, handkerchiefs, aisle runners, invitations, décor, and lingerie.

In my next Blog I’ll talk about all the other crochet handmade artistic creations that found a unique place in our modern times such as crochet beachwear, mobile phone clutches or handbags you simple can’t live without. Just keep reading my blog articles. What ever your style, we are sure you will find your dream crochet lace wedding dress and crochet accessories at