Soviet Union Collectibles

Ceramic dish, measuring 19 cm in diameter (7.5 inches) with hand-painted ceramic glazes. This plate is a classic size for dinner. A series of ceramic tableware with hand-painted - spring birds design from Jane and Mery pottery and glass.
Vendor: Janeandmery
"He needs only heaven and wind..." Find your inpiration with Pegasu 3DNotebook, made from ecoskin with decor from high-quality jewelry resin with cute pen. It has unique design and elegant color. Journals offer a special and unique connection between your mind and your written words. This beautiful journal will become your constant companion and a prized possession that enriches your life, sparks your creativity, and lets you express your thoughts. Comfortable, practical and longterm. You can use it as a diary or office notebook, for work or leisure, for travelling or home. It can become special gift for your best friend/father/boss/sibling/mom for any holiday and reason. The owner of this set will stand out with creative style of set. We trust that this set will bring success and good ideas. FEATURES: - A5 size 148 x 210 mm (5,70 x 8,26 inches) - Total 250 pages - Hard cover - Weight 350 gm - Pen Please try it and tell us your meaning to make our best for you! Some facts about Pegasus: Pegasus is a winged horse in Greek mythology. Also it is the seventh largest constellation of the 88 known constellations. It takes up about 1200 square degrees in the sky. Closely associated with the Perseus constellation, the Pegasus constellation is quite easy to spot in the night sky due to its symbolic, “the great square”, which is made up of bright stars. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. By other legend it was born from mix of Medusa's blood and Poseidon's sea ​​foam. Athena gave Pegasus to Perseus so that he could free Andromeda from Cetus Another story associated with Pegasus is of Prince Bellerophon (51 Pegasi), who was fascinated by the winged horse, Pegasus. On the advice of a fortune-teller, Bellerophon approached Pegasus at its favorite grazing place and was able to tame it. Bellerophon became very proud on seemingly able to fly like the gods. Bellerophon force him to climb to Olympus, Pegasus did not want to get close to the gods because Zeus could punish him because of Bellerophon, so he let him fall, and thereafter, Bellerophon wandered aimlessly through the world, unable to talk to anyone, rejected by the gods. Since then, Pegasus stayed in the stables of Olympus. It was also said that he was the father of the Centaurs, who were born of a slave, with whom Pegasus and Ixion were related the same night. Then it became the constellation that bears his name with the four bright stars that make up the Pegasus Square. Made by AuroraArtStory Create your story with us!
Accordion "Cantulia" 7/8, 80 bass, Germany, mid 30s Accordion in working condition Rare beautiful antique accordion,  distinguished by a bright dense and strong sound Cantulia accordions compete with Hochner accordions for sound quality. This model is somewhat lighter and lighter compared to a standard 7/8 accordion. Bass buttons decorated with tropical pearl The accordion is light, compact, comfortable to play - however loud and expressive Exclusive accordion is in demand among collectors and lovers! Size in case of 25x22x17 inches, weight 8 kg I will answer all questions
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar "Musima - Resonata", 4/4,  Germany, the end of the 70s Full-size classical guitar The guitar is in good working order. Has abrasions, small scratches, chipped lacquer. Upper deck - fir Case - maple Guitar - mahogany, rosewood Bridge - Rosewood Original Mechanics World famous brand! The guitar has a deep classical sound Sold without a case For sale as is, no refund
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 1/2 (children's or ladies'), 7 strings, Shikhovo (Russia), 1918 The guitar is a good base for restoration. Guitar type - Russian seven-string. The top soundboard is thin-layered Russian spruce. The body and neck of the guitar are maple. The neck of the guitar is attached to the body with a screw. The guitar has a convex back. Around the resonance hole and along the perimeter of the top deck - wood inlay; Around the resonance hole - inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Beautiful, rare, very elegant and unique guitar! Handmade guitar - manufactory. The guitar has a strong enough expressive and noble sound with a pleasant timbre. The guitar sounds great with both metal and nylon strings. The guitar will be of interest to professionals, amateurs and collectors. Sold as is, no case. Please ask questions.
Vendor: irina2015
Guitar 4/4, 7 string, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1970 The guitar is in good working condition.  The guitar after restoration, all parts are original. There is etiquette on the guitar (well preserved). The guitar was made at the famous Lunacharsky musical instrument factory in 1970. In the 60s of the last century, England bought such a model in Russia. There is an original mechanics in working condition.  Around the resonant hole there is a laconic inlay with wood. A beautiful guitar has a strong and bright sound,  a pleasant timbre, sounds good with both nylon strings and metal ones. Upper Deck - northern shallow Russian Spruce Guitar body and bridge - maple Neck - Maple The neck is attached to the body of the guitar with a screw I sell without a case. Please ask questions
Vendor: irina2015
Ceramic plate measuring 17 cm (6.7 inches) in diameter  . Hand-painted with ceramic glazes, resistant to repeated washing, safe to eat. Juniper design - a series of hand-painted by Jane and Mery Pottery and Glass
Vendor: Janeandmery
Сказки далеких островов. Литературно-художественное издание. Сост. Л.Власов. Киев МП Пикуль 1991г. 416 с. Суданские, иранские, о. Борнео, о. Св. Маврикия, Явы, тибетские, марокканские, камерунские, тунисские, полинезийские, индонезийские, тунисские, Мальты, Целебес, Суматры, ливанские, индийские, сирийские, турецкие, египетские, ираккские, конголезские, лаосские, Гаити, кубинские, тайские, бирманские, вьетнамские, кхмерские, корейские... Код Д002
Малая энциклопедия старинного поваренного искусства. К. Триада. 1991 г. 607 с.   Эта книга станет добрым другом и советчиком для тех, кто любит заниматься стряпней. Она познакомит с рецептами и и способами приготовления большого количества кушаний - холодных и горячих закусок, первых и вторых блюд, изделий из теста, десертов. Большая часть рецептов - блюда старинной русской и украинской кухни. В книге также представлены оригинальные рецепты национального кулинарного искусства - отизысканной французской кухни до экзотической китайской. Код Д169
Полупуднев Виталий. У Понта Эвксинского. В 2-х томах. Том 1. Великая Скифия. Том 2. Восстание на Боспоре. Цена за 2 тома. М. Рипол. 1994г. 680с.+720с. Том 1 - Великая Скифия. Том 2 - Восстание на Боспоре: в романе изображается эпоха античного Причерноморья в один из самых драматических ее периодов (конец II века до н.э.). В центре романа восстание рабов, во главе которых становится раб Савмак. После победы восставших его избирают царем. Это интересная страница из истории нашей многонациональной родины, в частности древнего Крыма. Код Д123
This musical finger shaker is made from high-quality solid ash, covered with professional polyurethane varnish and filled with fine beads. Dimensions 2х1,5х1,3 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a link to the sound of this beautiful instrument: The shaker is equipped with a very comfortable elastic for attaching to your fingers! With its not large size, the instrument sounds loud enough. The compact and practical shaker will perfectly complement and diversify your sound with a soft sandy sound, while playing the guitar, cajon, ukulele, banjo, vargan and many other instruments!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
This Wooden Pan Pipe Wind Flute Musical Instrument for meditation relaxation is made from a selected array of maple, covered with natural flax oil. Configured on F major pentatonic. Dimensions 5,3x2,8x0,55 inch. Gift message on a wooden plate as a gift for free! Here is a link to the sound of this beautiful instrument: We can apply a black print according to your wishes! It can be an inscription, a person’s name, the name of your group, or a small picture. Important: The image must be completely black, no shades of gray. We do not apply photos. This musical instrument is very easy to learn to play! And its sound will give you and the surrounding world positive vibrations that relax the mind and body, put your mood and thoughts in order, plunging you into the world of pure nature, where a mountain river runs and nice birds sing) Comfortable and compact flute with a gentle and pleasant sound. It is always and everywhere convenient to carry. Small size, placed in a small pocket!
Vendor: Noisy Wood
СССР Советский России Военный Сборник  Орден Трудового Красного Знамени СССР # 2 винта // 1933-1943  COPY Орден Красного Знамени (русский язык: Орден Красного Знамени) был первой советской военной наградой. Орден учрежден 16 сентября 1918 года во время Гражданской войны в России постановлением ВЦИК. Это была высшая награда Советской России, а затем и Советского Союза, пока в 1930 году не был учрежден орден Ленина. Награды отмечались за выдающийся героизм, самоотверженность и отвагу, проявленные на поле боя. Орден награждали как физические лица, так и воинские части, города, корабли, политические и общественные организации, государственные предприятия. В последующие годы он также был награжден на двадцатую и снова на тридцатую годовщину военной службы, не требуя участия в боевых действиях. КОПИЯ Производство: Р-Знак (Украина) Состояние: Новое. EXC Материал: металл, эманель В комплекте: заказать Уважаемые покупатели, вы получите именно тот товар, который вы видите на фотографиях, а не похожий или другой. Пожалуйста, внимательно прочтите описание и просмотрите фотографии. ПРОДАЕТСЯ КАК ЕСТЬ. ВЫ СМОТРИТЕ ФОТО  Доставка по всему миру через «Укрпочту» авиапочтой.
Vintage Soviet Russia Legendary Cookery Book for Cookers "Kulinariya", 1303 Recipes, USSR, 1960 year Published by "GosTorgIzdat", Moscow, 1960 404 pages Size approx: 210x265 mm Language: Russian Легендарная книга рецептов "Кулинария", 1303 рецепта, СССР Издательство "ГосТоргИздат", Москва, 1960 год 404 страницы Размер: 210x265 мм Язык: Русский Описание : В книге «Кулинария» помещены рецептуры блюд и кулинарных изделий, которые можно приготовить не только в предприятиях общественного питания, но и в домашних условиях. Рецептуры блюд сгруппированы в отдельные разделы: холодные блюда, супы, вторые блюда, сладкие блюда и изделия из теста. Внутри каждого раздела блюда даются по виду продуктов и способу их обработки. Например, во вторых мясных блюдах отдельно приводятся рецептуры блюд из говядины, телятины, баранины, свинины, кроликов, мяса диких животных. Для каждого вида продуктов даны наиболее рациональные способы их приготовления: в отварном, жареном, тушеном или запеченном виде. Набор и количество продуктов на порцию приводятся в граммах весом нетто или в килограммах, либо в штуках. При приготовлении блюд и кулинарных изделий надо проявлять и свой вкус, свое мастерство, так как механическое выполнение той или иной рецептуры не может дать должного эффекта. Качество многих блюд можно значительно улучшить, если при их изготовлении использовать ароматические и вкусовые вещества (специи). В рецептурах блюд настоящей книги предусмотрены специи, но это не значит, что их сочетание и дозировку нельзя изменять. Наоборот, приготовление пищи - творческий процесс, и каждый может внести в него что-то новое, в соответствии со своим вкусом и знаниями. Пища должна быть не только вкусной и питательной, но и красиво оформленной. При оформлении блюд и кулинарных изделий многое также зависит от художественного вкуса мастера, от его изобретательности, умения использовать особенности сырья, ясного понимания значения красивого оформления блюд.
Vendor: Maxim2003
set of elastic band for menu covers
Vendor: menushop
Save 11%
Very good harps. 3 model, tuned. Cedar Altay case. Price same. 1) Samuray - C, Do. 2) Yakut harp - Bb - Si bemol. Lowest sound. 3) Mongol - E, Mi.
Vendor: Ukrainefree
$50.00 $44.50
Collectible bone carved Spoon #2, handmade ornament spoon, inuit art, yupik spoon, Uelen's Gift Idea, folk epic, with patina and incrustation, 14 cm, 5.6 inches, handmade piece of art.
Collectible bone carved Spoon #5, handmade ornament spoon, inuit art, yupik spoon, Uelen's Gift Idea, folk epic, with patina and incrustation, 13 cm, 5.2 inches, handmade piece of art.
video/ sound listen ***DESCRIPTION*** A rain disk is a combination of a rain stick and an ocean drum. With this tool it is convenient to meditate. This is a percussion instrument, in the form of a disk. On one side is a drawing - a hole. With slow rotation, the instrument makes a sound similar to the sound of waves, the sound of leaves in the forest, music of water. This instrument is easy to play. It can everyone. The game on the rein drive relaxes, harmonizes, soothes. As you tilt the instrument and how fast you twist, the sound will change. The larger the instrument, the louder the sound. You can hear a whisper whisper, a fast river, the sound of a wave, the slight rustling of leaves, the surf of a sea wave. Rain disk can be used as a shaker, which is suitable for musicians, sound therapy, sound bath meditation. Great gift for your friend. ***MATERIALS *** RainDisk is made of natural wood - birch plywood, fabric and plastic spiral. Pebbles create music. Pebbles "cling" to the edges of the spiral and create sound. The spiral tongues are similar to the Kalimba tongues. It sounds best upright when spinning RainDisk like a wheel. It is convenient to create a melody to suit the mood. . Handmade. ***SIZE*** diametr 30 cm 12inch RainDisk lightweight weighs 650 grams Please, if you have any questions about the delivery - write to me. I am pleased to answer your questions. Regards, Helga. Rain Disk "FlowerOfLife", 12inch( 30 cm), rainstick, Sound healing Instrument, xmas gift, yoga gift, spiritual gift
Vendor: RainDisk
Save 50%
set table stands 
Vendor: menushop
$10.00 $5.00
Dear buyers, I want to offer for you an original Soviet vinyl records opera by Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila” that was produced in 1961 on the Leningrad vinyl records factory «Akkord» in former Soviet Union. This set includes 5 records and small booklet with short description.  This records are from lasting storage but some of them may have small scratches, the records were not testing. Condition: used (good condition). All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Weight: approx. 1,2 kg.
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer for you metal enameled plate from Soviet period that was located on house where veteran of Great Patriotic War (World War II) was living. The plate is metal that enameled. It was used and has signs of using. Condition: used. All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Dimensions: 25x17 сm Weight approx. 350 g 
Vendor: deliveryboy
Dear buyers, I want to offer for you an original Soviet vinyl records opera by Rimsky Korsakov “Snegurochka” that was produced in 1959 on the Leningrad vinyl records factory «Akkord» in former Soviet Union. This set includes 5 records and small booklet with short description.  This records are from lasting storage but some of them may have small scratches, the records were not testing. Condition: used (good condition). All details (pros and cons) on the photos. Weight: approx. 1,2 kg.
Vendor: deliveryboy
Nesting Doll picture. We can't ship this item. This is a digital product.

Top Vintage Soviet Union Collectibles That Are Priceless

The Soviet Union, as an era, is famous not only for its traditional items, such as matryoshkas and gzhel ceramics but also for the items of the Soviet era among collectors from all over the world. If you want to experience the Soviet atmosphere or possess an item that reflects traditional Russian crafts, make sure to check out our offers. While you’re at it, let’s take a look at the top Russian collectibles that would satisfy any soul.

#1. Medals, Pins, And Ribbons

Even though these items may not be your first pick when browsing through our Soviet Union collectibles, they are definitely worth your attention, especially if you are particularly interested in Soviet-era items. The pins reflect the key accents that were present in Soviet society: the Olympic Games, the space race, and worshipping Vladimir Lenin. The ribbons can strike you with the wide range of them available at our Russian collectibles store – each color scheme has its own meaning in terms of military medals received.

#2. Nesting Dolls

Also known as matryoshka dolls (‘matryoshka’ literally means little matron), these items have proven to be the most popular traditional gifts from the Soviet Union. A set of matryoshka dolls includes a big wooden doll that separates horizontally to reveal a smaller doll of a similar appearance inside, which has another smaller doll inside, and so on.

#3. Military Items

Besides medals and ribbons, there is a wide range of other priceless military items to choose from. If you are interested in vintage military uniforms, Soviet ones will not leave you disappointed. There are both whole uniforms and their separate ammunition available for purchase. Apart from that, you can choose from a spectrum of army items, such as belts, flasks, etc.

#4. Gzhel Ceramics

Another famous kind of Soviet Union-era gift and collectible is often purchased as a souvenir. Gzhel’s geographic origins lie in a small village of the same name that started producing such ceramics in 1802. There is a wide range of Gzhel ceramics available, from clocks to plates and statuettes.

Yet, these 4 picks are only a glimpse into the variety of items we have available, so make sure you won’t miss rare offers of Russian uniforms and badges, lacquer boxes, tableware and kitchenware, prints and photos, books, music and movies, and holiday ornaments.