Ukraine, Pavlograd

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Vest made of genuine sheepskin wool! We meet autumn and winter cold in the warmth! Bologna sheepskin vests An elegant vest with a top made of Bologna waterproof fabric and an interior made of natural sheep’s wool warms in cool weather and protects from wind, snow, rain. The vest is fastened with a zipper, has two patchpockets, roomy pockets. It is convenient and comfortable to spend time in the fresh air, it does not constrain movements, reliably retains heat. Advantages of a bologna sheepskin vest:     aesthetic;     light     warm     universal;     wearproof; Warm sheepskin vests The sheepskin vest keeps heat well and becomes indispensable not only at home, but also on the street. Before ordering a product and choosing a size, please take measurements of your chest and hips! Thank.
Vendor: a-store
The device of complex therapy EL The device of complex therapy ELITON Description ELITON has a tremendous treatment potential. We present to your attention an effective remedy to combat a wide range of  diseases, modern physiotherapy device ELITON, designed specifically for self-use  in the home. Due to its device, the medical device ELITON has the widest  treatment possibilities, since it is able to exert a complex effect on the human  body. Our online store presents you with robust, comfortable and compact ELITON  devices, whose spectrum of action includes the generation of several types of  radiation at once, which have a diverse effect on the state of organs and  tissues of the human body, including: Low frequency pulse current Pulsed electromagnetic oscillations of low intensity Infrared radiation Ultraviolet radiation Mechanical sound wave oscillations All this provides ample opportunities for the treatment of  various diseases, while the control of the ELITON device allows ordinary users,  without special medical education, to customize the device independently. In  addition to alleviating the condition in various diseases, the ELITON device can  be used as a prophylactic agent for improving body resistance, as well as for  acupressure on biologically active points - electroacupuncture reflexotherapy,  using special electrodes that are included in the product package. In our store  you can at an affordable price buy original ELITON devices with the capabilities  of quantum, vibro-acoustic, electro-puncture, electromagnetic effects on the  body, the use of which will allow you to cure the widest range of diseases at  home, as well as provide invaluable support to your immunity.   ** Effective in treatment: ** - hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure. - chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma. - obesity, headache, neurosis, encephalopathy, Raynaud's syndrome. - gastritis, ulcers, intestinal dyskinesia. - cystitis, pyelonephritis. - dermatitis, urticaria. - osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis. - post-traumatic syndromes, after fractures, complex operations related to  trauma. How to treat? Affects the skin with light and vibrational vibrations. The treatment involves low-frequency currents (as in the offices of  electrotherapy clinics), thermal effects, electromagnetic oscillations. The impact of the device on the nerve endings of skin cells and acupuncture  points. According to eastern medicine, each acupuncture point has its own organ. What result? Among 147 patients who used the device, 85% had a cardiac spasm and a heaviness  in the heart. With daily use, 71% of patients got rid of insomnia, 78% had a general  irritability. The device increases the body's defenses, is relevant during recovery and during  off-season periods. With daily use, relieves pain in muscles and joints, eliminates hemorrhage,  swelling. Restores the lumen of blood vessels in otosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Regulates and normalizes metabolic processes in the body, eliminates the effects  of obesity, which leads to natural healing. Relieves spasms of different origin: intestinal colic, recurrent pain in women,  headache and toothache, thereby reducing the negative impact on the body of  traditional medicines ... Relieves spasms during an attack of bronchial asthma. Stimulates cleansing of the skin, liver and bile ducts. Regulates the liver and  biliary tract. Normalizes blood pressure. "Eliton" is used to enhance the effect in the treatment of traditional methods. Contraindications - Oncological diseases - Pulmonary tuberculosis (active form) - Myocardial infarction (acute period) - Cyst (to affect the area of ​​cyst formation) - Pregnancy - The presence of an implanted pacemaker - Severe renal failure FREE SHIPPING  WORLDWIDE  Thanks and good  luck!
Vendor: a-store
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Denas Cardio-3 generation SPECIA Denas   Cardio-3 generation SPECIALIZED UNIT FOR CORRECTION OF BLOOD PRESSURE DENAS SCENAR technology   The device DENAS-Cardio is  designed for therapeutic non-invasive (without breaking the skin) exchange rate  effects on biologically active zones - dynamic electric in order to correct the  blood pressure (BP) and the normalization of the general state of the organism.  The device is shown to persons older than 14 years with a labile form of  arterial hypertension and patients with persistent high blood pressure (hypertension)  as an additional impact on the background of drugs taken. Electrical apparatus  DENAS Cardio helps to normalize the tone of the vascular wall, the expansion of  capillaries, improve hemodynamics in the microcirculation system. In this way: -  stabilizes blood pressure to an acceptable level for the patient; - Improves  overall health; - Improve the psycho-emotional state; - Increased efficiency; -  Reduced risk of developing complications of hypertensive disease; - Improving  the quality of life of the patient. Denas Cardio device is designed for a course  of treatment of patients with hypertension as a complementary treatment to the  background of the basic drug therapy. In exchange application Denas Cardio  device stabilizes blood pressure, improves overall health, which leads to lower  drug load. In addition, regular use of the machine - is prevention of  hypertensive crises, life-threatening complications and the possibility of  extending the lives of patients. The device is very easy to use, it is equipped  with an informative display with large icons, a wide and soft collar for fixing  the wrist and shin, a case for storage and transportation. application Denas Cardio has two automated treatment programs that are intended to affect  the area of ​​biologically active points on the forearm (program number 1) and  the tibia (program number 2). According to the program number 1 is carried out on the impact of biologically  active point-guan it on the inner surface of the wrist (3 cm from the  radiocarpal fold). Stimulation of her weak-guan pulse current, which produces  Denas Cardio, has sedative, anti-stress effect, by which normal blood pressure.  Before a session in the program number 2 device DENAS-Cardio is put on the foot.  On the inside of the lower leg is biologically active point-san yin jiao, which  adjusts the stimulation of blood pressure due to the normalization of renal  blood flow. One program perfectly complements the other, so to obtain a greater  effect on the session, it is recommended to treat first the program number 1,  then - in the program number 2. To conduct this session you need to change the  location of the unit (with wrist shin) and manually change the treatment program  - with first to second - via the front panel buttons. Programs Denas Cardio can  be used not only together, but separately. Recommendations for use in the course  of exposure: spend 1-2 sessions a day for 10-15 days regardless of blood  pressure before treatment indicators. When a stable form of hypertension repeat  courses monthly. There are contraindications. For proper devices DENS procedures,  as well as to determine the optimum combination with other treatments is  required to read the instructions for use and consult with a specialist. DENAS-Cardio. application   Characteristics The kit includes: - Apparatus DENAS-Cardio, - manual, - Plastic case, - Elements LR6 / AA batteries. Specifications: Power supply: 1.5 V LR6 / AA (2 pcs.) Weight: 0.35 kg Dimensions: 120 × 110 × 110 mm The programs Denas Cardio device used frequency of 9.2; 8.1; 3.3; 77; 20; 10 Hz,  which is traditionally recommended for the treatment of hypertension, blood  pressure correction and obtain general sedative, calming effect.    
Vendor: a-store
Products section
2019 Zahnärztliche Sonde DENTAL  SHUNGITE ELECTRODE FÜR DOVE  DENAS COSMODIC Sie können mit , DENAS, COSMODIC verwendet werden und andere Geräte. Sie können einen Port im Menü auswählen.  In unserem Shop finden Sie die größte Auswahl an DENAS-Fernsonden REMOTE PROBES hat viele Vorteile. Sie können sie verwenden, um bestimmte Zonen oder Körperstellen zu bedrohen. Sie können Heilung auf praktisch bequeme Weise anwenden. Sie machen die Behandlung von der Arbeit zur Ruhe.      Großhandelskunden sind herzlich willkommen! Wir haben großhandel menge dieser artikel für sie   Ein wichtiges Merkmal von Shungit. Shungit leitet Strom. Viele Studien haben ergeben, dass der Stein die Moleküle der Wasserumgebung strukturiert. Aus diesem Grund ist das SCENAR-Signal beim Aussetzen an den menschlichen Körper viel weicher und die "Tiefe" und "weiter". Elektroden Shungite erlauben, sehr weiche tiefe Auswirkung zu erreichen. Sie eignen sich sehr gut zur Bearbeitung großer Flächen (Rücken, Beine) und Flächen mit einem komplexen "Relief" (Gesicht, Hals, Gelenke, Finger).   Angesichts der Tatsache, dass der karelische Heilstein Schungit leitende Elektroden ist, kann er effektiv mit einer Vielzahl von Physiotherapie-, Kosmetik- und Massagegeräten verwendet werden. Sie müssen nur den entsprechenden Stecker für die Verbindung mit Ihrer Maschine anschließen. Shungit - ein einzigartiges natürliches Mineral, umweltfreundlich, mit mehr als 20 für den menschlichen Körper nützlichen Spurenelementen, einschließlich Silizium und Kohlenstoff in der aktiven kugelförmigen Form mit sorptions-, katalytischen und antibakteriellen Eigenschaften, entzündungshemmender, analgetischer Wirkung, behandelt Haut und Gelenkerkrankung. Wir haben eine neue aufregende Ergänzung zu unserer Reihe von Remote-SCENAR- und COSMODIC-Aufsätzen - Remote-Elektroden aus SHUNGITE, einem russischen Wunderstein. Schungit ist ein natürliches Mineral von ungewöhnlicher Zusammensetzung und Struktur, eine alte Felsformation, die 2 Milliarden Jahre alt sein soll. Es wird nur in der russischen Region Karelien gewonnen und hat einzigartige heilende und reinigende Eigenschaften. „Shungite heilt, rettet, reinigt, heilt, schützt, normalisiert, stellt das Wachstum wieder her und stimuliert es sogar. Erstaunlicher Fels: Er tötet und verschlingt alles, was Menschen und anderen Lebewesen schadet, und konzentriert und restauriert alles, was gut ist. Die Gelehrten, die mit einer Stimme Schungit studiert haben, erklären, es sei ein Wunder! “Aus dem Buch von A. Doronina„ Schungit - der Steinretter “ Schungit erhält seine Heilkraft von einem seiner Elemente, Fullerenen - einem kugelförmigen Hohlmolekül, das aus mehreren Dutzend Kohlenstoffatomen besteht. Fullerene, die in unseren Körper gelangen, wirken als das stärkste und am längsten wirkende Antioxidans. Als vor einigen Jahrzehnten Fullerene in Schungit entdeckt wurden, wurde dies zu einer Sensation. Die Bedeutung dieser Entdeckung ist, dass die Wissenschaftler bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur drei Modifikationen von Kohlenstoff - Diamant, Graphit und Carbin - kannten. Das neue Molekül zeigt erstaunliche heilende Eigenschaften. Es verlangsamt das Wachstum von Krebszellen und Substanzen aus Fullerenen können die Aktivität des AIDS-Virus verlangsamen. Die Entdeckung des Fullerens war ein echter Durchbruch in der Nanotechnologie und wurde zur Sensation des 20. Jahrhunderts erklärt. Die Wissenschaftler, die es geschafft haben, erhielten 1996 den Nobelpreis für Chemie. Schungit ist: shungite Kugeln auf dem facea natürlichen Antioxidans, das menschliche Immunität viele Falten erhöhen und die Entwicklung vieler allergischer Krankheiten unterdrücken kann; ein Sorptionsmittel, das Luft und Wasser von vielen organischen und anorganischen Verbindungen und von einem Überschuss an freien Radikalen reinigt; ein Katalysator, der den Abbau organischer Substanzen und die Wiederherstellung der Sorptionseigenschaften sicherstellt; ein Träger mit einer Vielzahl von Mikroelementen und biologisch aktiven Substanzen; ein Material, das aktiv mit elektromagnetischen Feldern schädlicher Natur (anthropogene Hochfrequenz-, Sonnen-, geopathogene, Biofelder) interagiert und deren negative Auswirkungen neutralisiert; und obendrein ist Schungit trotz der Tatsache, dass es sich um einen Stein handelt, extrem elektrisch leitend! Remote-Shungite-Elektroden, die speziell für SCENAR- und COSMODIC-Geräte entwickelt wurden, werden jetzt in Europa mit patentierter geschützter Technologie hergestellt. Leider ist Shungit aufgrund seiner Zerbrechlichkeit ein sehr schwieriger Stein. Bei der Herstellung wird viel Material verschwendet (siehe Abbildung links). Infolgedessen (und aufgrund der Einzigartigkeit des Steins als solchem) fallen die Elektroden ziemlich teuer aus - aber SIE SIND ES WERT! Warum sind die Schungitelektroden so teuer? Es gibt verschiedene Gründe. Erstens, weil Schungit ein seltenes Mineral ist. Zweitens, weil es sehr zerbrechlich ist und viel Material verschwendet wird, bevor eine Elektrode hergestellt wird. Und drittens ist nur der hochwertige Shungit hochpreisig.
Vendor: a-store
YD63-02 0,5W 8ohm SPEAKER New in box Lot of 2 Russian   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. D e s c r i p t i o n Electrical parameters Parameter     Power Watt 0.5 electrical resistance, Om                                 8 Sensitivity Level  dB 90 frequency level Hz 315-5000 Dimentions mm 63x 22                 Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Items comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.    
Vendor: a-store
YD63-02 0,5W 8ohm SPEAKER New in box Lot of 10 Russian   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. D e s c r i p t i o n Electrical parameters Parameter     Power Watt 0.5 electrical resistance, Om                                 8 Sensitivity Level  dB 90 frequency level Hz 315-5000 Dimentions mm 63x 22                 Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Items comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: FREE SHIPPING WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.    
Vendor: a-store
Woolen socks teenage (in assortment) Children's woolen socks are not only a “warm” accessory, but also a worthy replacement for familiar socks. Such products protect not only the foot, but also the bootleg from the cold. Advantages of golf made of wool:     wool reliably retains heat, creates the so-called "layer";     practicality of the product due to easy washing;     high operational features;     You can choose the color and model of golf. Long children's woolen knee socks are a great alternative to short socks. When you need even warmer and more reliable protection for the legs, it is best to prefer them. Soft wool will warm comfortably, protecting the child from cold and damp. Advantages of choosing golf:     The length of the product makes it possible to cover both the feet and lower legs;     Reinforced toe and heel will prevent quick rubbing;     A soft elastic band firmly holds them on the leg, preventing them from slipping;     The coat does not cause allergies and is easy to care for;     Bright stylish prints blend perfectly with a variety of shoes and clothes. A beautiful and warm accessory for the cold season. It will be very interesting for each child to put on painted children's woolen knee-high socks, and parents will be calm for the warmth of the child's legs. Socks perfectly warm both feet and lower leg. In the process of wearing, they do not slip and do not squeeze the leg. Children's woolen socks have a number of healing and positive properties: • improve blood flow and perfectly warm; • have a massage effect; • wool fibers are hypoallergenic; • the material is natural and environmentally friendly; • convenient to use, do not slip during vigorous activity. Socks are sent in color in stock at the warehouse, if desired, write the picture, which is in the photo.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden key holder, handmade. Wooden key holder decorated with hand-carved wood. This is the author’s work of the master, which will become not only a useful accessory in the house, but also a very stylish and beautiful element of decor.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden cradle !!! Smoking pipe, author's work of Carpathian masters. What is the difference between an author's smoking pipe from factory and small-scale samples? Quality, artistic value, and the presence of the soul. Made of natural wood.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden cradle Smiley tubes !!! Smoking pipe, author's work of Carpathian masters. What is the difference between an author's smoking pipe from factory and small-scale samples? Quality, artistic value, and the presence of the soul. Made of natural wood.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden cradle Smiley tubes !!! Smoking pipe, author's work of Carpathian masters. What is the difference between an author's smoking pipe from factory and small-scale samples? Quality, artistic value, and the presence of the soul. Made of natural wood.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden cradle 26 cm. Smoking pipe, author's work of Carpathian masters. Made of natural wood. The whole direction of arts and crafts is associated with the decoration of pipes. The variety in the decor of smoking pipes causes admiration and delight. Such a pipe is a worthy gift for a man.
Vendor: a-store
Wooden cradle 26 cm. Smoking pipe, author's work of Carpathian masters. Made of natural wood. The whole direction of arts and crafts is associated with the decoration of pipes. The variety in the decor of smoking pipes causes admiration and delight. Such a pipe is a worthy gift for a man.
Vendor: a-store
   Hardened wood splitter! We make every  hole!  Screw Splitter !!!   Payment Details:     We accept  the following payment methods: Visa/MasterCards/EuroCards via PayPal. We offer seasoned firewood for  domestic and industrial use We produce professional equipment  for processing wood for more than four years Lot includes one new wood splitter  hardened produced from high-quality steel divider is made of 45 steel with a thick tempered and correctly made the tip  which allows you to work for many years without breaking   Default splitter comes with a  left-hand thread if necessary can be supplied with right-hand thread +10$. Two bolts included. Diameter 80 [mm] Overall length 280 [mm] Working length 200 [mm] Diameter bore  28mm  32mm 38mm or yours can be performed any under the  contract. Mounting Type - Counterpressure screw (2 pieces) Steel grade standart-C45 After purchase, please let us know the hole diameter in  millimeters, and depth in millimeters. We make a screws with different diametres and length. Be free to ask.          Check out our other items! Thanks and good luck! Shipping Details:   Items comes well packed (box package). The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail. Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe). If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.The buyer will be provided with the circuit of connection of tubes. ALL international buyers are Welcome!   The payment for shipment is flat for all world: WE WILL COMBINE MULTIPLE WINS TO SAVE ON   Guarantee of qualitative packing   30 days guarantee:   We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Seller-online accept returns in U.S.A. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.  
Vendor: a-store
Hardened wood splitter! We make every  hole!  Screw Splitter !!!   We offer seasoned firewood for  domestic and industrial use We produce professional equipment  for processing wood for more than four years Lot includes one new wood splitter  hardened produced from high-quality steel divider is made of 45 steel with a thick tempered and correctly made the tip  which allows you to work for many years without breaking   Default splitter comes with a  left-hand thread if necessary can be supplied with right-hand thread +10$. Two bolts included. Diameter 70 [mm] Overall length 250 [mm] Working length 180 [mm] Diameter bore  28mm  32mm 38mm or yours can be performed any under the  contract. Mounting Type - Counterpressure screw (2 pieces) Steel grade standart-C45 After purchase, please let us know the hole diameter in  millimeters, and depth in millimeters.  We make a screws with different diametres and length. Be free to ask.          Check out our  other items! Thanks and good luck!
Vendor: a-store
Wood Mace 45 cm A mace as a symbol of masculinity and strength should be in every Ukrainian Cossack. If you are looking for a gift for a chef or employee, the mace will be an original and worthy gift. The souvenir looks presentable thanks to the design created by the master. For the decoration of this product, he successfully used thread, without it the product would not have looked so impressive. Having picked up everything with taste, the master created a wonderful gift and interior item with a Ukrainian spirit.
Vendor: a-store
Wood Mace 45 cm A mace as a symbol of masculinity and strength should be in every Ukrainian Cossack. If you are looking for a gift for a chef or employee, the mace will be an original and worthy gift. The souvenir looks presentable thanks to the design created by the master. For the decoration of this product, he successfully used thread, without it the product would not have looked so impressive. Having picked up everything with taste, the master created a wonderful gift and interior item with a Ukrainian spirit.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag TALISMAN The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag ROSEMAY The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag MODERN The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag MALVA The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag LARK The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag KVITKA The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store
» A-Store « » Seller Profile « » Feedback profile « » Send us a message « Women's Yellow HANDMADE embossed LEATHER bag lady's Handbag KVITKA The best handmade leather goods of various shades and textures first hand from the manufacturer. Here are the original products made of genuine leather. There are many models, among which it is easy to choose the right one. ATTENTION!!! Color tones may differ from the photo on the screen of devices depending on the type of screen and color reproduction. In any case, we try to do our job as best we can, and if you like our products in the photo, then with a high degree of probability you will like them in reality. We offer exclusive items of a higher quality level than a mass product. This is due to the fact that manual work implies strict control at all stages of production and an individual approach. It is thanks to this approach that " things with a soul " come out of the hands of our masters, which will serve their owner for more than one year. SHIPPING RETURN POLICY 30 DAYS GUARANTEE! We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products. If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective, I will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one. Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted. DO NOT ship the item back to us without contacting us first. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer. FEEDBACK Please leave 5 Star positive feedback when you receive your order. Your 5 Star positive feedback is very IMPORTANT to me which makes me keep improving. Before leaving any neutral or negative feedback, please contact me and give me the opportunity to resolve your problem and MAKE YOU A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
Vendor: a-store

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